Gone up in G® Smoke We destroy yearl y hundreds of thousands of good primers just to make sure that the others are all perfect, We go through the same thing with powder, pa- per, metal, etc. After these tests the perfect material is made up, and our experts shoot samples of every fot to prove their gnality. We have the most practical and scientific tests gsed in the ammunition world, For all makes of arms. Costs Suespied to one-fifth less than duty paying ammunition. Our guaren- tee puts all risk on the Dominion Cantridge wireal. » { t { i 1 { { § | i { o. lid, Mo DOMINION AMMUNITION | ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Dear Signature of : i ( GURE SICK HEADACHE. SOLD EVERYWHE RE E.W.GILLETT Sora TORONTO, ONT. Stop That Cold Teta to cute it afterwards. To --- jos will etire even & deeply seated col He hey wat the sees stage~--they bi of $ | Yo check sary colds or Grippe with "Preven! ns sure defeat for Fnotmotia. 1 Jo Mop - Preven is safor than to les these early colds, That's surely better, t's why they are enllad Proventies. cfare little Candy Cold Cures. No Quin. no physic, nothing sickening. Nica for ren--snd thoronghly safe too, If you fi , if you sneeze, i yon ache all over, think of ties. Promptness ma: may alo save hal Jour sickness, And don'ts forget your hil is faverighness, nightor day, Herein prob Hea Provintios' greatest efficiency. Sold ia ozs for the pocket, also in 25¢ boxes of 48 losist on your druggists giving you Preventics YALL, DEALERS" | Upon the Civil Servants County i Ropapt, Brawn, Milford, wil sto eo giderable number | vistown have gone to the scene. ------------ HE MADE PROTEST. 'PUGSLEY WRITES ABOUT IMPOSING ASSESSMENT A the | Capital--The City Solicitor | Says the Council's Position is| Legal. Ottawa, June Hon Pugsloy, minister of public written to the against the assessment of fants fof ipeome. He has med that the servants mus statutory declaration. He lous" objection to the city's Meantime the eity solicitor tawa's: position is legal. The question of the jurisdic tion of the railway commissioners is, to-day occupying the supreme court. It is nuestiondd dn regard to its decisions ir the plans' for railway crossings an the appeal is that of the Fssox Ter minal Railway 'company ve. Windsor, | Essex & Lake Shore Railway eom- | pany. The board has settled the mat ters under the Dominion railway act hut it is questioned if they can in this appeal. in i William | orks, has protesting civil 5. Ww TAY OF ger- | been infor t make the takes ser course says (n i BREACH OF PROMISE. Widow Suing Walter R. Ferguson, Recently Married, _ Chatham, Ont., June 5.--Mrs. Anna I. Buller, widow, has issued a Writ for $10,000 for breach of promise through 0. I. Lewis, K.C., Chatham. against Walter R. Ferguson, a wealthy retired farmer, amd a member of one of the oldest and best-known familie: in the county. Plaintiff and defend ant live at Thamesville. Defendant, with his wile, formerly Miss (line, a graduate nurse of St, oph's hospital, here, whom he married last fall, spent the winter in Cali fornia, and just recently returned from the coast. The bride at present is un lerstood to be with people ' in Port Huron. The case will come up | at the next sitting of the assize court, Jean Jas NEW ONTARIO ELECTIONS. A Very Promising Forecast For the Liberals. North Bay, Ont., June 5.~The lowing forecast for New Ontario = at the coming provincial election, now that nominations are all in, will not be amiss: Limoges, liberal, will carry Sturgeon Falls by two hundred majority; Loughrin, liberal, will carry Nipissing by between two and three hundred: McKelvie, liberal, Temiskam ing, will carry' that constituency by over five hundred majority: Johnson, liberal," Parry 'Sound, will win easily; Cochrane will get the fight of his life in Budbury. He has abandoned all his public meetings and has started a per sonal canvass. At the present writ ing it looks as though Price will de feat him, if Price gots ay kind of a vote in Swibury town. oti srovk FmEp mousE. Family Had to Leap From Windows. Pictdn, Ont., June ~The home of whs totally destroyed, yesterday, by a fire which resulted from the explosion of a coal lit by Mr. Brown early in the morning. 'The family awoke to find the house in flames, and had to jump from. upper windows. fol AFTER INSURGENTS. ------ Active Efforts to Stop the Insur- rection. H.~The active movement the insurrection is new Korea. A con Korean police, are participa in Seoul, June to suppress general throughout of under Japanese officers, ting in the gutmpaign against the surgents, Death Of Charles Lawes. Cobourg, Omt., © June 5.---Charles Lawes, one of the best known resi dents of Cobourg, died, yesterday. Mr. Lawes had been in failing health for several years and. had reached the four-seore mark. Some fow years ago be gave Wp his huginess, and from hat time until his health completely failed gave his time patirely to philan- theopie 'work. 4 Not Badly Hurt. Conductor Marsghall, of the street. railwng, had a narrow escape from a severe. pecldent, this morning. He was getting "his: car ready to take out when he made a misstep and fell into one 'of the large concrpte pits, undeg the ears. He did not receive very seriohs injuries andl was able to at- tend 'to his duties. Found Aged Ladv. Jorantt,. June 5.-~Mrs. James 5 age] woman "who wan- dered from her hame, at 495 Ossington avenue, éarly Wednesday morning, and son and his wile intense Wr 'absence; was Toand, etpoon, in the grove at \ SPW Embankment. une 5,~The Latkawan- ga a¥ No. 32, left the Millington, N.C. One coach an cmbankment, and a num- ber. of passengars gwere injured. . train | carried Many wealthy New York uters, js from Mor Sentences Imposed. tried by court-martial. have been pride to terms of various im. i by jof Capt. jing, {lived many THE DAILY BRITISH way G, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1908. BUSY BERLIN BELLES. Through a Disaster on Lawrence River. Morrisburg Ont. steamer (ity of Montreal rar aground | about twelve Morris ! on Vhursdas She v | her. west-bBou | her stearing gear | the current at broadside on the rocks, tons of freight, A: gers were the Busy Belles," a | party of fifteen voung tourists, in charge of the editor of the News Re cord, of Berlin, They had a thrilling experience. The party was transfers red here, launch, and are leaving train, to-day, for the west, The steamer's damage is estimated at from $25,000 to $50,000. She was in tharge R. Chestnut, Rt. Catharines. Were St June of miles below » Bt noon. | trip when the : She bury, on cable of broke. was in the time and #, carrying 600 | sng the passen- went Jertin by {DEATH OF WILLIAM WINDEAT. An Elderly and Eccentric Resident | of Picton. Picton, Ont June Windeat, a rather eccentric a resident of the town for twenty-five VeRrs, away, Tharsday morn- ghtv-seven vears. He was in England, and his work as an artist carried him to Spain, where he vears. ile is believed to worth eonsiderahle money, though little of his inner life is known, he was very reticent. Bearing out a peculiarity of his and fearing to die untler pauperish conditions, ago he made William old man, 5 passed aged a horn have been As some vears full arrangements for burial, and will be laid to rest in the plot he selected and under the stone he paid for. WILL BRING HIM BACK And Will Have Him Tried For Fleecing Italians. Montreal, June 5.~Lugia Sezarasso. who fled to Mexico, alter bail, pending trial on ao charge frauding ltalians, throuoh a banking business, which ducted, is to brought trial. Detective Sloan, city force, for City for release on of de- of con: for of the Mexico means he be back Georg leaves, to-night, that purpose. G. T. DENNISON, Licutennnt- FColofiel and Tolicd Magistrate { 'Toronto. White Lake Waits. ! White Lake, June 3.-The have finished putting in their crops, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis, who have gona to Saskatoon, will be much miss- ed in this vicinity. Miss Bell Conboy is visiting friends herve after spending the past year'in Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis, Mr. and Mrs George Lewis and family spent Sunday at Thomas Johnston's, Mr. and Mrs. R. Armstrong, of Zealand, at Mrs George Conboy's; Miss May Ely, at William | Conboy's; Alfred Lewis purchased 4 valuable team of horses from W Burke, of Uso. CONVICTS SHOT DOWN. farmers ( « le q | |e Fac- Ry Attempted to Escape From tory in Alabama. Birmingham, Ala., June 5.--A des-| perate break for liberty was made at ly the plant the Alabama manufac |; turing company at North Birmingham | by convicts. The fired on the men and the day policemen, of | orth Birmingham joined in the fusil- | ale. Five of the 7 convicts were shot down, two of them being [fatally wounded. Two others were captured, and dogs were put out on the of the other two. « ol nine guards ! fe trail | ON VERGE OF WAR. Relations Between the Country at An End. { Belgrade, Jume ~Diplomatic rela- | tions, to-day, were broken off betwee, i Servia and Montenegro hy the recall of the Servian minister, at Cettinge, The two nations are now on the verge of war. ------------ Contracted The Disease. Montreal," Jung 5i--Dr. James Bar- clay, son' of the © welFknown Presbhy- tern divine, of this city, medical in- spector to the United States immi- gration bureau. is critically ill at Satanae Lake, whether hs went some titre ago for treatment for lang trou- ile is belieerd to have contracted disease while examining immi- grants. a ---- ! Going Rouhd The World, Montreal, Juné * 5---~Marquis Ieba Keike, fifth son of I'r'nee Toga, is hare ott a trip around the world. He is the: guest of Sir William Van Horne whils in this city. i At Father Point, the TEs of of Britain, CIR... line, from Liverpool, Sholea 'where Liverpool, sailed street, | under control the was second and Santeve teen fine. Wales C.P.R. | He spoke of the tyranny of the said they should front | the | ber, promised a great nobleman who, who shot and killed W. Credit, afternoon. changed to imprisonment for life. prisoner has not shown the slightest sign of owtward ieeling since his Factory Town a go. has a good bunch end stands fair win the pennant senior league series. the first of the week for Clayton, begin ber fifty-mile ramble. She has had a new boiler installed and been thoroughly overbmuled this sea- son. THE SICK FARMER 5-Thi | WAS LEFT TO I DIE IN THE," Foul POURING RAIN. For Eighteen Hours He Was Left on Side of Road, While Horses Were Put Under Shelter | --~Had Asked For Doctor. June 4.--The death of in the upper country, investigated, at aboat four his farm with his team Barry's Bay, About Renfrew, Michael might well be On Friday clotk he lef to drive to mules along the road by the name of John Retza. Accordi| ing to Retza's story, 'he was coming home, from work when he met! driving. Sholea as.ed him) oc get a doctor, as hel Shoes, O t live i his he was sek. then passed on to his house, only hundred yards or so from the road After 'dark that night, two men from | Jarry's Bay were driving along the road, when they saw a team of hors- | ew at the side of the road at the! place Retza says he met Sholea. The men wept to Retza's house and Retza returning them, found Sholea with hanging out of the rig, with his head | Ww heels, thought on one of the the rig. They worse of liguor, unconscious for he mumbled something about getting a doctor, so they pick- od him up, and laid him in the Fot- tom of bis riz, and left him there to sober up, as they thought, as they | thought, and his horses were unhitch- ed, and put in Retza's stable. Sholea wad left an the side of the road all night, in a heavy downpour of rain, and with no covering on him, and | and his feet in he was the His | lives a farmer { Retza says he told him, and! al although he was not | | LIBERAL LEADER AT HOME. Reception in Owen Sound--He Has | Made Good. Globe. x Hon, A ag ¢;. Machas 5, elected acer party inthe the people his promotion in which members of J § was, of i=lative Uwen bs When a month { few the | liberal Ie as sembly, of celebrated reception, | political parties proud of the brilliant record he made within an exceptionally , brief | {period, and felt free to Inreshadow | still higher distinction for ther young who was so well known ta 1 joined. townsman, them all If it could have the party managers on both sides, the public would have taken Kindh to an | agreement that both leaders should be since Mae by acclamation, but has been forced on Mr { Kay, he is not the man to shirk tissue, His first meeting in his riding was held on Tuesday evenine and it was, of towrse, yg great The turned out in | mgnse numbers to hear him, and what | they heard was an exceptionally good {fighting speech. At this kind of cam- paigning he an adept, amd he gave | both supporters and opponents a fine lillustration of his style and method. | There is reason to believe that, al- ter the manner of sharpshooters who aim at the officers on the other side, {the conservative leaders havé issued a mandate that Mr. MacKay must be { defeated They affected to despise him { when he was chosen to fill My. Gra. {ham's place, but he soon made him- f self respected on the floor oi the as- | se smbly, and he has during the cam- | paign been winning golden opinions {wherever he has appeared. There is {evidently a great future before him | Any public position is open to a man of his ability, his capacity for work, jre turned i contest electors im- | cess. i } also all Saturday morning. About two! his personal popularity, and his com o'clock that passing found fternoon, some farmer him lying in the rig, and took him home. He was barely Conse Hous, ant was unable to answer any questions but was able to ask for a priest, hut helore one could he he became unconseious, got and remained <o until his death on Sunday. As the nearest doctor lives laloe, none was sent for, and eral was held Tuesday morning with out any examination' or inquest It was found, however, that h's body was covered with severe bruises. His chest and back appeared to have heen injured, but apparently no bones were broken. Bruises were found on his neck and legs. Over thirty dollars was found in his pockets. The. deceased was about forty-two years of age, ; and besides his there survives him five sons and daughters. all but two of whom are at home. E, Sho'ea, a latorer of this is a brother. PITH OF THE NEWS. in Kil- wife, four town, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Allan liner Tunisian, from Liver pool, passed Fame Poiit op June 5th, for to- The Allan steamer Virginian, from Montreal, T fire, on Friday morning, on Main Norfolk, Va., was burning iercely, although it is believed it is Damage between $150 - SOU, th), Oaks was won by Signorinetta, winney of the Derby: Courtesy third. Thir- weather wa the Prince « Christian were 0 and The ran. The « Edward, Pringe horses King and ) pre- ent, Superintendent Hungerford, of the shops, at Winnipeg, gave evi before the board. shop as needing curbing, and often forced the company to lence conciliation ommittees lismiss men in contravention of sgreement which the unions had sign- wd, In Toronto representatives wmber of street railway com nm Friday morning, unanimous lared their opposition to the pro- wosal of the Ontario railway and municipal board that passengers be prohibited riding on the seat of open cars The Berlin Tagelich Rundischan pub itches 5 statement, under preserve, to effect that the inquiry into rongluct of Prince Philippe Zu on perjury charges, has of yanies, i com- til lately, was a high official gt court. The emperor has dismissed this noble man from all his offices and requested { him to leave his official residence. ARRIVED AT THE®PEN. John Tearse Given Life For Crime at Port Credit. John Davis Tearse, the young man Perry, at Port Christmas evening, snd given life in the penitentiary, arrived this High Constable Brodig, was in charge of the pris of Brampton, oner, Tearse was to have been hanged on June 11th, but this sentence was The nr rest, but it is alleged thatihe told one of his jailers that he would pre fer death to life imprisonment. Ra May Win Pennant. The Irishmen are arranging for a game with Gananoque for Saturday afternoott. They have a hye in the city league and would like to give the Tilson to the this year in To Begin Her Rambles. The steamyacht Ramona will leave to has Keep Cool. By wearing one of Thomas Mills & Cas Pandmas or straws, Mise Mas tito and Mrs. J. the fun- the | a | de- | the | Flen- | un- | | parative vouth, and the people of {Owen Sound and North Grey would | ha e the proud satisfaction of having | started him on what 'is hoaumd te be {a distinguished public career. Gown Of Crepe De Chine. mode Old the m The sketch shows a charming for a gown of silk, de chine original, the voile or erepe. was used effective hand work, bold design, used on the bodice {done in silk match. The was long and trailing, and w, ed by a shaped applied fold land undersleeves were of white fon tucked in small squares with Chantilly lace. rose crepe for a fn being skirt « fish The yoke chif inse to and A Palpable Miscepresentation Stratford Beacon There must deal of facts in issues involved week" of slature. Tt will be ramembered that when the Il for the guaranteeing of $2500 000 bonds of { Canadian Northern railway (Mac Ren- & Mann) introduced ir dving hours leg Whitney said "My main guarantee i istration cams mortgage on It did not most valuable trving necessarily be a g od | the the hom: of reiteration to drive with that connection in legi some "awful last the the Mr rie was of the islatuare for giv thia when reason mving min found a defective heeanse ms inte power 1 fle that cover the terminal part of the to make was and a We elves | road | Are now our | more secure." | Now, what are the | matter They are There was morte Whitnev went to | | movernment was def 11905. Mr. Whitns | February 12th, ret drawn until ' | facts about this these al file The when no on Mr « cated me and the mort Julv 32th afterwa¥fs Whitney 1906, sev "0 i} ntsen months when Premier found & mon | defective, he was either suilty | fil misréoresentation or it wa of tania Tis deplorable public man, wi was signed treasurer. Hon said at on fle which we of a rose in vy wil most y and the A especially it sent Matheson. nre J by oi misrepwrezentation. which not only deceived the conservative members, hut the leader and members of the opposition, who had trusted to the honor of the ministry to state the case fairly? Ts there anv parallel for such miscondnet in the hictory of oy ernment in this country ? faced piece Baseball On Thursday. National feague--CUinsinnati, 6; Brooklyn, Pittsburg. 6; Philadel phia, 3. St. Lows, 7; New York, 5. Chicago, 1: Boston, 1, (ealled end seventeenth inning, darkness.) Eastern league--Provi idence, 3. Jer sey City, 1. Newark, Baltimore, 1. Rochester, 2; Yentrenl, 0. Toronto, 2: Bufiglo, 1 Expert In Milliner. The determined suffrage leader off her words in verbal "spikes. "You insignificant men,' she. hissed, "don't know how much we brave wo- men have on our heads." And the great big loafer who had sneaked in to warm his hands, stretihied himself and rhspondesd : "You, we do, lady. De last new hat I piped looked de main circus tent and de animal tent combined." Mankind, ai a rule, remembers ani hit been so arranged hy | al the | owa | Sage. | that! al i What think the electors of this hare Saturday Good News at The Montreal Stock Go, Keep the Savings in Mind Sound | iblic | both | Just Received 200 Yards Unbleached Table Linen Sixty tern, every Ww ashing : price, Special urday Another Lot, Only 75 Yds, Bleached Table Linen dxty-two designs ths quality linen price, prio | bleached. Regul only 8 a 3 in » 4c Only 5 Dozen Beautiful Waists on rich inches, handsome thread cpuakify fe. vard. price Sat only ... pat linen, good Regul lar 23¢ Beautiful Summer Muslins Pest and design, shear, and 2% Regujar price and 20c. On Saturday. ad AE styles, has formed of lace also wh Several Vvoke, Joined, nel, rou and insert semi a7 Nn newest in color Shear and Hd selection, al Ie, sale Clearance of 200 Pairs Stockings and grev, plain, oth wire t fro and insertion on Buttoned back, Re- gular price 32 aod . Om sale Sat 4 embroid Spl do t. with tucks 1.48 ine Only 3 Dozen Nightgowns Going at 49c. Guality tucked eficet cotton, with V shaped Good value | material around neck 23c. "Ts 49c The Right Suits for Men at Bigger Savings Than Kingston Has Ever Known. The best buying chances are still make the most of these, THE BARGAINS Manufacturers' sample , he®t of makes patterns and stylis. Come to-morrow from for yourself, | Good Black, white, lisle thread. ers half lace, ete at 3c. and 40c pair Clearing price § Saturday, tan Some yoke, frill of and sleeves Joe price The. Saturday to for at... { ome to-morr ARE REAL. All and material Newosf § £0 10 86.50 quit § ahead of vou Ww, are, suit Car ol 1 25 Kopdokers-- sizes 20 all-woaol to Pants. Neat Full pair dary assortment On Satu One hundred and fifty pairs Men s fit and finish per $2 and $2.25 wool tweeds, Regular sale only One hundred and seventy-five and 29, Made of dark and neat patterns, Regular prices sizes. price day Hoye Canadian from 96, 2 } many pele 19 The Montreal Stock Co |80 PRINGESS STREET |g Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries, "Phone No. 844. 4 pairs light rar twee we G5e We All to go at one price for Saturday Summer Footwear for Men. Tan Oxfo..s, rubber sole, White Canvas Oxfords, rubber sole, 2.50 White Canvas Boots, rubber sole, 2.50 White Canvas Boots, leather sole, $1.50 to $3 We have a full stock of Running Shoes & Boots in White, Blue and Black. REID & CHARLES, 11 PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON. $3.50 | | - | No stiff -bosomed suiirt, no matter how well it fits, can ever g v the same comfort that a soft bosom does With a Negtige, or Soft-bosom Shirt, there is no binding across the chest nothing stiff or uncomfortable to impede your movements Tooke Neglige Shirts can be had either with plain or pleated bosoms iu a big variety of exclusive designs They are made cither with or without attached cuffs Shirts having attached cuffs are the most popular and most convenient TOOKE BROTHERS, LIMITED | | MONTREAL. | ial} wal i BABY CARRIAGES. Must be cleared out in days. ' Big reductions at RJ REID'S, 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 Ambulance. FINE RIPE STRA WBERRIES PINEAPPLES . All sizes, for preserving. --Order now while prices are right, R.H. TOYE, 302 King St. he or ds oS