Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1908, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN. THE SPORT REVIEW. -- KINGSTON & . PEMBROKE} RAILWAY i} In Connection With i Canadian Pacific Railway. \ i i Leaving Kingston Tuesdays June 9,23; July 7, 21; } $e pr Ea PLE say (om) SoS CE - 4 = pe 25 3 i Interesting News From the Var- CANADK'S MISFORTUNE ... tog Soros Sh HAVING ~EDUCATIONAL| Over two bunied borues have bers SYSTEM RUINED. shipped from Toronto to Montreal for the Blue Boupet s races, which mence Saturday afternoon. What Hon. A. G. MacKay, the] From all Mpuarantes the spring . . meeting of t amiiton Joc ey Club, Liberal Leader, Has to Say--| which opens next Tuesday, will be the The Whitney Party's Fake |p. in the story of the club. Some Action on the Text Book pretty fast horses are expected Matter. i Manager Ke lly is a big disappoint com Special Toronto. The baseball team ment in ale Saturday Morning 8.30 0'clock WHITE MUSLIN BLOUSES Worth up to $2.50 each. FOR 68. EACH. A splendid opportunity to obtain High Class Muslin Blouses at much less than we actually have to pay for the same goods. 420 NEW SUMMER BLOUSES Latest New York Styles, bandsomely embroidered and trimmed. Fully equal to what others are asking. $2.00, 2.50 All sizes. 32 inches to 44 inches. Sl SEE WINDOW DISPLAY R. Waldron. A -- ---- - Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be to your interest and profit to use (especially for preserving fruit the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well- known Redpath's Granulated Sugar is the acme of sugar refining. Ask your Grocer for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A. HENDRY, Local Wholesale Agent, 000% 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 Children's Brown Strap Shoes, sizes 3 to 7, 60c. Children's Brown 3-strap Shoes, 8 to 104, $1. Baby Red Blucher Laced Boots, 3 to 7. $1. Children's White Strap Canvas Shoes, 90c & $1. Women's White Shoes, many styles, $1.25 & $2. Men's Tay Oxfords, $3.50 to 5,00. 5 Silk Shoe Laces, 15c¢., 25¢. 'Bo, ! Grey Canvas Boats, 610.10, 0c 11 to. 13, 66c 1105, 756. D-ODVOCLOVOOLOL: iE IL is the premger's boast that he i "turning the educatiopal system up- side down." It is the country's mis, fortune. t------ Model Schools. immediate abolition of the schools, except as to New On- tario, is a mistake. It will lead toa dearth of teachers. Our schogls are now training teachers for! the "west and the far west, because | they are qualified to go directly there! and teach. At least twenty-five per cent. of the graduates of our normal | schools for the past five years are now! teaching in the west. Not so with the model-frained teacherS. They are al in Ontario. Again, compelling in- tending teachers to leave their own homes and go to one of the cities to attend a normal school for one vear, with the consequent expense, is har on the poor man's son or daughter who intends entering the teaching pro- fession. It is common knowledge that oll over this province, as soon as this regulation was promulgated, many young men and women. unable to hear the expense, quit the idea of attempt ing to enter the teaching profession and took up other work. Two ses sions ago, and last session, upon the floor of the house, 1 entered an em- phatic protest against the abolition of the model schools. The premier, last session, stooped to humbug the people of the province by denying the point flatly. Will the people of the province read the circular ard issued April 30th, stating that model school examinations will be held in the districts only, none in the coun ties of Old Ontario? The premier's contradiction to the contrary, which has never withdrawn, the model schools are beine done awav with, The premier ghould be above such de liberate TE The m« wel nost- he Teachers' Examinations. Another fpol regulation says that at the normal entrance examinations, that the non-professional teachers' ex- aminations, there will be no examina- tion in such important subjects as arithmetic, grammar, ete, but there will be in physics, algebra, geometry and Latin. The head master of the "approved" school may pass all cap- didates in reading, write <pelling, arithmetic, grammar, geography, his- tory, bookkeeping, but he is not al- lowed to pass them in physics, alge. bra, geometry and Latin. These are placed on a higher plane, and the governmeut savs, by its regu- lations, that physics, algebra, geome- try and Latin are more important to public and separate schogl teachers, and, therefore, to the public and... separate... school. pr ge Ahan thorough, accurate, complete and 'methodic work in reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, grammar, ete. say that the boy wha is trained to read intelligently and intelligibly, to write legibly. to figure accurately and rapidly, with a fair knowledge of English and business training, provid- ed he thoroughly masters all work that he wddertakes, will go out into the world more sure-footed, and will make a stronger man mentally and morally than the hoy who has receiv- ed a slipshod training in the ele mentary work, with a subsequent ve- neer of physics, geomeiry, algebra and Latin. Truly. the brilliant education- ists are turning things upeide down! Teachers' Salaries law which said that a teacher's should be gauged not by the not by the ability, not by usefulness of the particular teach hut by the assessment of the par school section he happened to illustration of the brilliant educa things upside boasts that he His responsible The alary sxperience the er, tienlar be in, is marmer in which these tionists are "turning down." The premier ia doing these things minister says to those who object, to the devil and shake vomr selves." It is for the people of this regardless of polities, to say these domineering antocrats shall be left anv longer or not in a position where they mav haughtily both by deed and act, tell the people of this province to "go to the devil and shake themselves." Is it any wonder that Public School Inspector Scott, of Renfrew, in his report to the county council, condemns most ems phatically what the premier pretends to boast about? another "Go provinee, whether ---- Price Of Text Books. The government' s fake action in this matter is now well understood, and the trust respecting it. The consérva- tive campaigners the province over de- cline to discuss the matter. Thev are in this and many other respects abe sofutely as shamed of the misleading campaign document issued by the gov- ernment, Campbell Bros'. To-Morrow. Yor panam, hats from $5 up, James Crugan, brakeman, was kill ed at St. Mary's while shunting. MI-O-NA MEANS STOMACH COMFORT, It's of Special Value to Many Here in Kingston. discovery, and one that in the Mion treatment. preparation works wonders in indigestion or weak stomach. t acts directly upon the walls of the omach and bowels, strengthe 'land stimulating then so that they readily take care of the food that is eaten without distress or suffering. fo positive are the good effects fol- lowing the use of Mi-ona that. the in wold by George W. Mahoed under " absolute guarantee to re fund the cure. he, fi | Five {portion of the | Fresh at * lis losing steadily and the manager has playing poorly himself. "San Mertes bas also been failure. clubs in the Kastern baseball {league are reported to pay over $5, 000 5 month for salaries to players. {Toronto am! Moatreal are of these. Henry Farman, the British aero {naut, has renewed his challenge to the been (do w" normal | | American aeronauts, the Wright broth jers, for a match for $5,000. The Cornwall Lacrosse Club bought a site for their new grounds has lacrosse southwest and including a present grounds for $3,000, under the name of the Corn- wall Athletic Associatiod. The club is seeking incorporation as a joint stock company, and by the sale of stock hopes to raise sufficient funds [to fit up the grounds with a modern istand, etc. i REYNOLDS A WINNER. The liberals have every hope of winning Frontenac with Howard W. Reynolds as their standard-bearer. There is general dissatis- faction with J. S. Gallag- her, who is going to have the fight of his life this time. Mr. Reynolds is stronger than ever, and the people have every confi. dence in him. If the Front- enac liberals werk faithful- ly from now till next Mon- day evening, they can elect Mr. Reynolds. Portland promises to do well for him, and the front of the country is in his favor. Let the Frontenac liberals get to work and secure every possible vote for Mr, Reynolds. FEBZEF ER EF TEREX RTRETEIETH EER 3 FEF ETEFETTHEF FEET EEFTE REFER i THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. Tells About a Lot of Things in Short Metre. See Bibln's Bc. French underwear. The self-sustaining man in many cnses has to also help sustain others "Lime juice," in pints and quarts. Gibson's Bed Cross drug store. The man who owns the pew may be the furthest Lord. ¢ Bibby's for "Rubber rings' ones, at Gibson's store. Try Bibhy's for underwear. So far as their own faults are corned, many men are mighty sighted. See Bibby's $1 blue It is better to say vance than to say "I afterw: rele. . 'Rubber rings for sell se alers."' at Gibson's Red Cross best church from "the Tooke shirts. for seli sealers. Red New Cross drug con near shirts, "look out" thought in ad so' New ones, drug store. The last will and testament may lengthen or shorten our remembrance of the dead. See Bibby's $1 tan shirts. To some people the 'cost doesn't matter, so long as the other fellow pays the bill, See Bibby's 0c. French underwear. Pure gum rubber hot water bottles are sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. Let curiosity run viot and the crop is usually a bateh of offensive med dlors Try Bibby's for Tooke shirts. Charity ceases to be active is satisfied that it is being upon when it imposed Married At Portland. Smith's Falls News. ; At high noon, Wednesday, Em manuel church, Portland, Rey Mr Stanton united in marriage Miss 1B. Helena, the popular daughter of W H. Bolton, of. that village, to Rev John Lyons. Pleyvnag Ont. The edifice was crowded to the doors with vil: lagers and invited guests who had the pleasure of witnessing a pretty fanc tion. Following the ceremony a re céption was held at the home of the bride's parents where congratulations beyond measure were showered upon Mr. and Mrs. Lyons who wete subse quently escorted to the B. W. &IN. W R. tram on whicle they leit en route to Kingston themoe to their home. Cab Case Settled. Late yesterday afterooon, Magis ed the attention of the court the tix gest part of the day. On the evidence submitted, the magistrate found cabman guilty of driving at an im méderate rate and deing damage to the other man's eab, and imposid a fino of $5 and costs, and also called upon him to pay $5 for the damages done the cab, as the result of the collision. . Tipped Out Of Canoe. Nearly 'every day accidents in re ae reported, a the careless. ness on the part of those who use these frail érafts will have serious re- sults if 'more care is not taken. On Thuraday afternoon a young man was 1 out in the vicinity of Cedar 1 There was no one near him at time, and he bad to swim to the shore dragging . canoe wi hit. He was quite exhausted when he arrived at the shore; he could not have held out mach longer. ------------ es Kirby Away From Ottawa. bas received word Ottawa, that the one trate Farrell gaz his decision in the | case of the two eabmen, which oceupi- | "The Spring Bed That Keeps Its Shape" If you have not slept on a "Banner" Spring Bed you don't know what solid comfort is. Guaranteed to please for a lifetime. This trademark on Mattresses, Spring Beds and Pillows guarantees absolute satisfaction. 12 «+ T. F. HARRISON C2 229-237 PRINCESS ST. 9G There is more profit to the wearer in a pair of $5 Shoes. George Westinghouse devel. oped electricity and electrical appliances just as the Slater Shoe Company has improved and developed new shoe standards. q A Slater Shoe at $5 is the cheapest and best shoe for the man who earns his own living and who has to study economy, And every man who would grow rich by his own endeaw our must first buy the good things that last, The Seal on the F. G. LOCKETT, Kingston, Ont. FHEEEESSREPI ASSESSES 04 +4400 084 We Don't Lose Many Customers for Gas Stoves ---- AND ee Refrigerators Which shows that our prices suit all classes. EE THEM. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St FR ABR RRMBIBI Bb 1. AISI MIA 'The health of the Nation will be unproved by the use of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA (Maple Leaf Label) Pure, nutritious and easily digested. THE COWAN CO. Limited. 1 TORONTQ PIG METALS scrogree= Jin, Zme. We are headquarters your inguiries. Canada Metal Co..Ltd.. Siuts ONT [ALLAN se Montreal to Liverpool .~ June 8. July 3, wh = 10, ALLEL EArt Ett assortment and FHP P 203444004014 059 994944494 ras Ett te + 45 Aug, 4, 18; Sept, 1, 15, 998 Round Trip 2nd Class! Tickets to Winnipeg snd principal Northwest points at Very Low Rates! GOOD FOR SIXTY DAYS Counfortable berihs in Tourist end Cars at small extra charge. Ask for Homemekers' Pamphlet and Full particulars at K. & I'. and CO, P R, Ticket Office. Ontario St. 'Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. ass. Agent Pee BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves union station, OnE" street, 4 pan, daily (Sundays excepled for 'Tweed, Sydenhami Napanee, Desers onto, Bannockburn and all points no To secure quick despatch to Ban - burn, Maynooth, and points on Ow Ontario, route your shipments via Bagh of Quinte Railway. For further partion. jars, apply 0 R. W, DICKSON, Agent, 'Phoge, No. 8. SUMMER OUTINGS Lower St. Lawrence . Gaspe Peninsular Maritime Provinces. All reached Ly the INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Dining and equipment). Fishing, Bathing, {Excellent Sleeplog TO SUMMED special rates other pawmnplets Write for HAUNTS," quoting special tours, and scribing territory. "TOURS ------ Montreal City Office, -§ 141 St. James Street. i fh General Passenger Department, MONOTON, NB. 2 Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. ---------- River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw with elecinie wodern oumfor SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS nt i "., 15th and 2h, June, 18th and 47 th July, 10th amd August, 7th and Zist September, wr Pletou, N.S calling at Yuehee, Mal Bay, Porce, Grind River, Summers le, I'.E.l, and Charlottetown, Iron Hgts, 88. "Campana," electric bells and all fo " ~ r ae-- FROM QUEBEC and Halifax salle from Sth and NEW YORK at Uharlottetown Trinidad, 2.600 tons, 11th, and 20th, July August. BERMUDA onlin! LH Quebes 2nd, » RAILWAY EAERE LE ¥ w by the Twin Serew 88 a adian," October Temperature cooled hy tory health ahd comfort J: PP. HANLEY or ( 8. RIRKPATL. . Homeseekers Excursions to Mani and 21st, August 4th and 15th, god athe For Pullman Summer Kxcursions, $40 and + wpwihil 5,500 tons Sailing jortnightlly from New York, from 3nd J une to bingy wea tirsezes seldom rises above 80 degrees The Onest trips of the season ARTHUR AHERN Becretary, Quebel 4 For tickets and "staterooms apply tog RIC K, Tie thet Agents, Kings ton Ont. and the Canadian Northwest and retfis May 26th, June 9th and 28rd, July Tih returning within two mu of got date. 1 of Tourist ear resefvi~ _ tion and any other inforination, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor a and Ontario Sis Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot ef Johnson streets GOING WEST. : lve. Oity Arr. City ------anll B88 am, 1.07 a 10 B express oo 2.85 am 8.17 4.00 11 local 9.18 am, YAT am, . 1 Inter, Lad, 12.25 moon 12.56 p. 7 mall csi... 8.19 pom, 3.5198 15 Jotal ne 7.08 pomy 7:89 P.wtis GOING EAST. Ive. City Arr No. 5 mail Cisy 8 mail 143 ntny 2.17 nam, iy 2 fast expross 2.35 a.m. 3.17 a.m, 14 loon! 5.18 a.m. H.50 sani 12.56 ugly, if m. 1 20 pom, | 7.88 pin +2, 8,4.5,67 and 8 run daliye All other trains daily excert Sanday. For full particulars, spply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, 'Johnson and Ontario Sta. ~12.25 pm. Cor. Lake Ontario & Bay of QuiftdU Steamboat Co, LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS, Str. NORTH KING. Conupencing May Sist, leaves King ston for Thousas Island Paints on Mune days at 10.15 a. i Tn] raing leaves 8 pan. for Chariotts, N. Ry. « Port: Rochester), calling at Bay of ports. Service will be hr 4 sxospt day, commen: June 37th. STR. ALETHA~Leaves dally of Quinte Forts, at pa for Ba 8. br a 4 SBE. SAETARTS ne

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