ey A Pa i YEAR 75. IG CO, a ~~ y 3 TRIER 24 I Tel, J Forme To London, Juse tish exhibition, now in wing, certalnly 5 magnificent weene, or rath er succession of sccues, the og of which has never been seen in the Bri tish capital. The fitst impression of the visitor t, the great Franco Degtish Fxbibition i one of * amazement" pt the § magnificence of the build beauty, variety and extent. the area of the ground it to puss from court to court nae i avenue, and building to building unti the visitor fully realizes th t the exhibition covers of acres and is bigger than anv exhib tion ever seen before gn British soil The splendidly simple the great show onables, the visitor grasp the general idea without fusion * of Wind, Pritering at bridge Yoad he will pass through ei he Franc is ling To nece gange ary Ave nn area to con Ix ht Pred ang Grrws Out -- o-Bri- y their | that | 110 | planning of | great halls, cach seventy feet wide and | four hundred feet long, and will then discover that he has not the prineipal grounds, or even the exteriors of the great bunding which have given to the the name of the Uity of White These palaces are twenty ranging from great doublewinged ma chinery palace, wilh its sight geres of floor he lly to ae delightful pavilion elf an exhib on would" flock il it b whid in a busy thoroughfare In addition 'to these ave smaller build. ings by the score, msdn crected hy the French colonies, others 'hy con vessionaires who will manufacture and sell all manner of useful articles, from glassware to newspapers, ahd ginger beer to cigarettes, Passing from an inspection of thes the visitor will find thee complete vil ages, cach with its complement of M0 to HOB men, women and children Finally 'he will come to the stadimm and discover the greatest Sports grounds in the world, a huge oval surrounded by tier upon tier of se ats, with a cinder path and a eyele tra three laps to the mile, sdats for 000 persons, and standing nearly 40,000 more. In the construction of this city the Insildors used, in Jess than a twelve-month, 75.000 tons of steel, 500 tong a day of Thames bhallnst, 18,000 tons of plaster . and: 60,000 square yards of figeproof slabs. As he tramps from building to building along thi three miles of main road and the thir vet Palaces in number, room for great TWELFTH CENTURY | {The kuiser, who 'by the kaiserig, took inspite of pitiless pageant at the tnpveiling the Hohenzol- F ehich has been em and tric pate! i entered | goon | exhibition | wrden paths and smaller upon one of the 10 000 chyirs and 1,000 garden seats, th jvisitor will gain a further hopression Lof 'the immense labor which has £K k {to the making of the oxKibitioh™ He fwill understand the reason for the is 15,000 workman's passes during every dav of the last husy months Should the of fire mind, be will be comforted b (thought of sixty fire hydrants in buildings and forty in the each with a head of #200 feet of wyter four chemical fire 200 hand-extinguishers and He shonld know also that of wood and every yard ol mu punting in the 400 steel [huildings have heen fivept der of the London cou {the insurance compan f will be by a ¢all for {from four St. John j tions. Water | ht. goons ty miles of avenues, or res {sue ol his ihe the ground wea enter engines, lm concrete by n fed or connet! ang Accident ambul; met ARS ambulance into the enter largely the exhibition and can in length, will lous to flood thew foot in that launches and oarry vigitors tol Honor and the will of nd 1.000 000 depth of three a feet of ton ele twenty swnn boats through the Elite G 1 als, a require order Court wdens. The a ---- CASTLE RESTORED BY" antl their Little army of followers. As S001 a8 + messenger returned | with permis nto enter the pictures: (ue precession fysued from 'the green forest; Bled "his majesty and marched straight into the caxile to Joke up rs positions in the ng ealleries on the Dattlements ary - the empraserce. 37 he mail-clad | nights wore genuine afmor io menat-prms were histarieally care {rect in every ulso were all {ihe weapons Tear E The Smperor himself originalbc Intended to. don anit: [armor and load the, ca¥alende in per- 2. 500.000 h taken peived by a guard of [frim a museunt, while the festiunes of Dorel dnd passed _ < _ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1908. : - pm "SCENES IN GREAT FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION. {tumates | A which will | lagoon in re jure gorgeous rainbow cascade, wi run ten hours a day into a the Court of Honor, will supply of 250,000 gglions every day. : alle the electyi~. dis contributed by 2,000 arc 0,000 incandescent globes, gas lamps for the fulli ng nde eg h + ill (Australi hing) a hour, play. will he lamps and 15 with 7.000 high-pressure the outskirts To light of the rainbow Ase 00 candle Several power lan be shi bitars cri with its rge buil their light nts. The exhibition the the hiights ti Wa on power from tio {the when as t the and refle stan mer are throwing fa the dowmls throug of the the o scare shad yWers nupaings, antry on | TEN O00 O00 i i olo} spent 81.52 23 250 006 naire tak dx 5.000, a oncessi These huge amounts of the cost or value of Ih va hue f the ict hy ¥ France « Sak value of jew ino count ire I in | shaw n annot be { { and obj ry from France _ I ---- THE KAISER. twith uttering pefions, in theie hands, iheavy double-banded swords at their 1 sides, and: gold 'chaing of office round their necks, Their chargers, too. were {heavily armored. Other knights, also felad in steel, followed 'with their Tegitives and pages abd then come a body of 30 yeomen ' armed with pikes. batileaxes gnd swords When the degap hae! sahuted the em. into the dastle the {hair approached the pale and was jreceived. hy Herr Von Bethmann Holl weg. the minister of the interior, who handed him the key of the enstle Ak majestr and the empress were darted through the Imilding, alti Ib] a. Basguet in the Knights' bani <4 tion and 17h Ss. Qittnge 42, Lhe Lxtubnlotny Birdy 2 "View B. nin rach 1s estimated 30,000,000, and includes one $1,200,000 Ii the Kiraliv os one shili 30,000 000 per: sections to : Various 5.000 006 nt exhibit ued at will pay for jt all ? s propitious, Imre an attendance least may at ing head of : Each of these something more toward the the purchase of food and drink, by payment at the entrance gates of the Stadium: and the many exciting and at SONS be expected to pay cost hy | ammsing "sido shows? One of the most interesting features of the exhibition, and one which Ame- ricans are sure to appre is the Irish village. This contai house in which President tors were the having bee, brought over from » north of Jre- land. inate, ns the McKinley's ances barn, gfones PROOF OF MAN'S DESCENT. From in Teeth With. in form number any other organs An elephant, fcr instance, has usually mly four teeth in use besides bis tugks Bait vh to up lack in mibser elophant Apes, Furnished Teeth vary than and more y animal nou they the from they are big what th ent when a in sive Ihe make n Wwibe a ther ol those of fe once re animals the weil is geologist be atures it reconstruct mam- inally ) What ruc and able ntic whose mastodon, mw the ¢ hairy moth, in it ong grew: Tha sharp tusks of the crocodile and flesh-cating lizards need only to 1x identified af fe toothless distinguished ct that the the forme upper jaw, 1 al en be easily reptiles a easily be from the i tevth, while the once to erwards. Some A frog may m toad ter has tooth the As 1 no has in but none lower for according ut of all 1" to monkey i= one mors of the animals vve thir wntists, an from it v-fwo monkeys mel ap teeth, "arranged {to our own, very Penetrates And Heals. When Smith's While Lini- ment' you secure the most penetrating and healing reme on the market for spraink, swelling, gia, inflamma tion, lumbago, and and pains. Fvery drop filled with utmost eurative power the remedy never fails to. cure promptly d thorough Iy. In: hig bottles, at Wade's Drug Store ------------ Often - the, father of a. hyd gives, her away would willing throw in a mother-in-law fof messire Ii you had taken two, of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiting you would not have bad. that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you flor agecasional nse Romance makes a bee lee for - the tall timber when a man begins to re for tg his wife as the "old woman." By Jooking . wise and keeping his mouth shut. many a man has passed through life as the real thing. Some girls cultivate the art of pout ing because they imagioe it makes them look eute. Prescription For Curing Hiccups and Heartburn. Nothing rings sueh magical relief as slowly sipping a few drops of Nee: viline in sweetened water. Nerviline cures the conditions © that tatise the - | hicoups, just a8 it dows all other dis orders of the wiih Shei woe re : For ipa: rp song vou buy neural all aches and nly be, who to good be the sure cure of B similarly | equal cts Rein ! THICK AS SUGAR CANE. Produced to Yield 277 Bushels of Grain to Acre. Wheat with land yielding {nutritious ker to the acre has been produced a result of experi in Idaho by Allen Adams, of Minneapolis The wheat "Alaska," because It is either like sugar bushels stalks cant 7 of highly ments made named hardiness. i spring winter wheat, just as the farmer desires to sow. It 1s so stupdy that storms that ruin other stock afiect its giant stems but little, and the heads remain upright | through ordinary hailstorms { The yield that Adams has been able to obtain an increase of 222 { Hold, One head of the giaat wheat | was planted in the fall of 1964." The | i seeds from that head were planted the inext year and yobtained. This spring of 1906, { pounds were | that fall. In {year he sowe { condit ions | the "blue and stroved, and only | of experimental | turity, vet there has been of or ne w its shows seven soe] the seven pounds of was sown in from the harvested 1,554 pounds the fall of the same d it as winder wheat, but ere Almost all "club" were de- a third of the erop wheat to ma- was of 50.- "000 pounds. A heavy hailstorm in July was the Pause of the ruined wheat Bap, which left scarcely anv of the ordi wheat standing experiments brought forth 77 bushels to an The I Eid ( oles ge of Agriculture has made laboratory test of the wheat and the grain plump and sound it should make better bread ordinary and adv era stem" came a yield acre a reports and that than the wheat TEETH OF FISH, Vary More Greatly Than Other Creatures. teeth of § Any The than tures ish vary oLlhey ari more greatly any wn trea lh canine but those of Their te tnlo mcisars Kno not wd molars, almost divided as every diffe terently-shaped have sen extremely sharp it row behind are anes up more or There is never any difficulty in ilentifving y shadk's tooth Rays with a sort } or snake wave their mouths lined of pavement of bony The wolf front of teeth in | matter, | fish its unmistakable teeth inh the crushing ate has pointed jaws, and strong the roel of the mouth Most fish have a teéth. The dolphin, sessed two hundred great number of for instance, but there are oth like the sturgvon--whish have no teeth at all. Almost all sharks especially--shed their teeth frequently, and grow them pos ore fish new ones to r ace A Gift To The Queen. It is said that Sandringham House is to be bestowed on (Neen Alsgan dra, as a dower house. English peo ple feel that the gift would be moat appropriate, for Sandringham is as sociated with the queen's whole Eng- ish life and with the entire lives of {her children and grandchildren. There i= not a corner of the lovely grounds, not, indeed, a quiet spot anywhere in the neighborhood, unknown to. the queen, and her daughters. They have walked, motored, tidden, driven and cycled for 'miles in otery section around their home, often stopped to take tem at spme wayside ian or cot tage when top far from Sandringham st the howr [when the 'inmer woman calls for + Naturally the queen loves her Norfolk home, and is never #0 happy as when she is there among her flowers, her favorite pete gad the villagers jp whom she takes such a deep interest. All disorders caused bv a Bilioak state of the system can be cured hv uxing Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping or discomfort attending intFiges- | ghar use. Try them, At farts man iost begins to J be ne at twenty, -- a -- _-- ANOTHER AMERICAN CLUB IN LONDON. Guides to Do Shopping and Show the City and Everyone of Its Features. London, Mayfair, est club- will be June 4.--Grosvenor Court, the home of Lomdow's lat the Anglo-American--which opened in a few days by the Countess of Stratiord, Many society themselves with vice presidents is have identified the bst of ig the Mardh- Ava, the Coun Duff Gordon, leaders tie includ ioness of Dullerin and tess of Seafield, Lady Viscountess i Eabbiford, Viscountess Helmsley, Lady Abing and others. A president has not rN been appoint- ed. Receptions will be given Season, "at wil) organized for the members, bridge tournaments will be arranged, while an ipformg tion department and a woman guides bureau have been installed, For th latter 100 guides have bern engaged, and they will assist the itors on their shophing tours and sightseeing expeditions, A number of "army men" will alse act in x similar capacity for the gentlemen members of the club, Suites of rooms will he let to mem bers, who may arrange their own pri vate "at homes," and a fea ture will be the provision of ate syp- pers after the opera and theatres. The information department will under- take the arrangement railways tours, motor river rips, ete, The premises are well reception rooms on the first floor com } lab, \ during the homes" be American vis ol exoursions, up appointed, the COUNTESS OF STRAFFORID pris writing dining floor 200 there are net hat! preside Itawing roo a lounge, and smoking room---which has persons y reading while the the sixth seating accommodation for The bedrc which ninety, are fitted with cabi A distinguished hostoss will at 1 throughout the ms is on ome, of eptions season. A urijue country hor a beautiful hills, grounds the Ashdown Park, Sur attraction pluby's in This is among the extensive go, lawn motor ears residence rev w here mn the members may play temmis, ete. Carri are 0 provi Jumper Gown Of Limen Or Voile: v - als ' The smart the voile or of pale illustration shows a simple and litte lor summer ear, design being suitghle for linen, such {ahries, THe model was bluish gray cotton voile, the panel in Front being cut with the jumper. Oblong medallions of white filet lace, embellished with little hand embroidery in hlack, he tsed on the corsage, and the pand of voile which out-bined the guitijpe and edged the open sleeves gras smbiroider ed in black dots. The jumper was worn over a chemisetty and sho of tucked white hatiste, and the yoke and collar were of dotted filet t gown Ww le none a A ne Notes From: Odessa. Odessn, June 5~The Mos'ow foot: ball team drove to Cdessa on Sator- day afternoon, and layed a» friendly game; A company of twelve men re pairing the Beli telephone. ne are stoprisg at the Dominion Hotel. J A. Timmerman is visiting hie sister, Mrs. I. Derbyshire, at Kingston. T. Aid is heilding a new fense at the front of kis property, as also is John Conk. Mre ymond Gifford, of Den- ver, Col. and Ms Ethel Roblin, of Belleville, are visiting st their uncle's P. A. Mabee's. Rev. J. A. MeCnmus tft Toreday for Lindsey to attend the Mothodiet. conference. ------------------------ The sooner a man makes ap his mind {6 let a woman have the last word the sooner a controversy - will md, ; ob Leki - PAGE 8 TO 14, CURE BY CUTICURA AT CITY MISSION you Woman Found in Awful Con with Scabies--Body a Mass of Sores from Seratching--T ried Many Remedies for Seven Weeks --Result Was Discouraging, But IT CHING TORTURES YIELDED TO CUTICURA -------- "While T was doing missionary ort kh the Lower Potion uf. severs] Cities 4 ft necessary to w a « the of 8 few medicines and after a w. I found that a little knowl. edge of Cutioura was about all 1 needed, One of the very bad cases 1 had to deal with was that of a y woman who come to us not y broken in t- but in a most awful condition ysically, Our doctor examined her _ us that she had scabies (the rheumatism, ete; hor t " from ex effects of her ragged poor body was a mass of sores from seratoling, as asd she was not able to 1etath gol food. We tried many thi od tonic was prescribed and bat the -* h a rubbing of fard and sulphur, We Norked bard for seven weeks you how discoymged we were all that time, we could see so Hits Suproves peit. One day 1 hap- to see a Cuticura advertisement (lie pov a little baby had been bad case of skin eruption, and sithough 1 Rout 4 cents Sout shillings) with me yught a cake ¢ Cuticura Soa, a on a of Cuticura Resolvent, home 1 was like a child with a new toy, and we thathed our patient well and gave her a full dose of the Resolvent. She slept t better then she bad since been with us and the next day the price of 8 bex of Cuticura intment. 1 am pot exaggerating heir § say that in exactly five weeks this youhg woman Was ahle > look for ate enoy; BO We a position, being of a niiher LW we, strong and we fara Fon Bates, 85 Fifth Ave, New York, N. Y., U. 8. A. Mar, 11, 07." Send to nearest depot for free Cuti- curs Bookon w Froaracot of Seip Disoases, Complete External 1 Treat tor Every Humour of 1 ha Cdeen, Sad Ads consists of Cuticura Soap 10 CI or ie uch in utic oor 3 "pila Chocolate A 8 Bes often Ted) to Purify the bs onda, Sold tl . nix, he oti Depa a Pain bth da in Avstratia, R_Towme ydaey. & oem. Corp. oon Srv McBILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL. Session 1908-1909. Arts, ' Chemistry Practice of Hallways, Mechanical Medicine, Courses in (Architecture Theory and I, Eleotrical, Law, Applied Motaliurg ate 4 Mining and Ce Reionce ¥ Civi and Engineering) a mercey Matriculation Examinations June 15Lh for Sec Your September wali COM and September 10th Year kx mence on Examinations ft Third we on and s and Scholarships, ommel 10th Arts ne will Applied and un Sey r 13th Lectures in 21m Med Cowmarwerce, begin aber Law Septegihar in nm Septem in ne on Particulars egarding exami entrance courses of te. t obtained foes, ® ¢ on appl tion to J. A. NICHOLSON, M.A. Rogistrar. Royal Victoria College, Montreal. i for the Gy mms ur Le Seholar awarded annually. all branches Instruétion in the McUill Conwervatc For The Warden, Royal Victoria College, Montreal. PE -- further particulars, address oly, Josh Sos -of oo Peat SE Tar Bove cob eh y oT eiomies uatorel drains or Lhe ae ie @ may curs himself at [reriotion that I ole Te ie Rr & ay ro Prag, COTTAM BIRD SEED Leadol, 52 Rathuset Ble Cale Jie