Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jun 1908, p. 11

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PT ------------re-------- Nothing Did Good Unéil She Tried * Fruit-a-fes " Madame Riotix if the wife of M. Jos. Riodx, a wealthy manufacturer of lumber in St. Moise, Madame Rioux is greatly esteemed in her home town and her téstimomial in favor of "Fruit. a-lives" carries conviction with it, as it 1 have much pleasure in testifying to the marvelous good which I have received frotr thie fe of the famous tablets "Frait-a-tives", 1 was a great sufferer for many years with serious liver disease and severe constipation. I had constant pain in the ght side and in the back and these pains were severe and distressing. My digestion was very bad, with frequent headaches, and I became greatly run down in health. I took many kinds of liver pills and liver medicine without any benefit, and I was treated by peveral doctors but nothing did me any good, bloating continued, As soon as I began to take *'Fruit-a- tives" I began to feel better, the dreadful pains in the right side and back were easier and when I had taken three boxes I was practically well, 150 (8gd) MAapam® JosteH RIOUX. *! Pruit-a-tives "' -- or * Pruit Liver Tablets" are sold by dealers at 50c a box ~6 for §a50---or will be sent on receipt of pride. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ; 10 MISTPAJESTY. THE KINGS Sir John Power & Son ved ESTABLISHED AD. 17017 Famous for over a ry for its delicacy of flavor, Of highest standard of Purity. it is especially recommended! by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiae "DRYNESS" » BEST,' Contes swlem, Soous, me, Pht, ov or ret, E.W.GILLETT 200ram TORONTO. ONT. IT IS FOR LADIES, TOO. They Can 'Sfop Thal Hair Falling Out With Herpicide. Ladies who * have. thin hair and whose hair is falling out, can prevent the haic fallingioids! and thicken the growth, with Newhro's * Herpicide." Besides, Herpicide $5 one of the most agreeable ham dressings there is, Hor- pitide kills the dandruff germ that eats the hair off at the root. After the germ is destroyed, the root will shoot up, amd the air grow long ax ever, Even 'a sample will convince any lady that Newbro's. Herpicide is an indispensable toilet roguisite, Tt containg no oil or grease, it will not stain or dys. Sold by leading drug- gists. Send 10¢, in stampa for sample to The Herpicide Coo, Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, B0c. and #1. G, hood, special avent. FA KILPATRICK Granite W. Ma to ips For | Gbe Farmers ¥ BY UNCLE JOSH. " She recent rains in h specially favored the gros iy grass, It ix the of best growth hve known in many years,' shone fammer. on the market, this dk, when asked about it. 5 ---- fhe May Crop Bulletin, iss the Ontario department of education giges some valuable information Pe-- xl by It is claimed that more barrenness has prevailed amongst eows, and that a Joritr proportion thaw ordinary of those calviyg have died. The general opliion is that fewer cattle than usu sigwill be exported this year Fat k8tk are scarce, and store cattle are nok as pleted «gin more t vests, # vi few correspondents clin to" have the usual supply of stockers on hand. One return is fo the effect that jt will be another year before Ontario cattle conditions will tight themselves, Sheep have done better thaw any animals, and have been most fortu in lambing © Some complants are made of "grab in the head," and} the dog nuisance "ls referred to sev- eral Swage are thin, and are not to be found Zin as large numbers as last year. Sg many brood sows sold just bMore ihe winter, ow- ing to the scarcigy of food, that it js doubtful if the fH delivery of bacon hogs will be anything near the record of more recent yfars. A form of crip pling among swine, atiribated to rheumatisft, is reported in various lo- calities The gad growing weather of the middle of Mav was greatly wel comed by owners of live stock, and many animals wipe then on the grass ---- rece nate tunes were nearly res While correspondents are not ungnimous, the general tenor of pos regarding fall wheat is favor- ab In most cases the crop entored the winter a Little hort in top, but sndw fell early, land lay on the ground nearly all the season, thus af forfling pratection, except on knblls where the' young plants were exposed, and in some of the fence cop- nerd where the frop was smotherdd Farly sown wheat did better than that put in later, anil the crop did best on rolling land. The greatest in jury to the growing wheat was cansed by the ice forming in low places duse- ing the wet and poll dave of the lat ter! part of Marvel and the beginnine of { April, resultibg in a numbee of patchy fields. There will be only a small area plowed up, however, as mot of the thin or Bard spots will be sown to spring geaine, chiefly barley, in order to save the catch of grass, The lesson of the year is the old one of the benefit of dvalunge. as several corresponglents poifig 'out that most of the injury to the crop ocenurred on low-lying nnd undrained land. There is but little difference to note in the vondition of fall wheat in the various districts, although the best Showing must be credited the Lake Trie counties, to All classes of ive 'stock faced the winter with a poor prospect of fodder supply, as hay dnd grain were both | seared and dear, In order to moet the! situation a darge. number of horses, eattls and swine were sold at sacrifice prices, Init even then fears were ex- to the possibility pressex] hy some as animals of bringing the remaining thrgugh in pny form better than that of Mdre sustendnes. 1t is the general opinion that the average condition of live stock is wich better than was expected, and "the, provident handling | of fodder supplies has shown that On- tario farmers®as. a class are well cap. ably of meeting, 'such an emeggency. No gliseass of an epidemic nature has bean. reported amougst live stock, Hotses are described as being rather thin, but they are in fair working condition. Aside from mild forms of distemper and' intligestiom--attributed by some to much chaffy stuff having to be. eaten--they may be counted as | being in good general health. Some | corzespondents complain of too many old? Rorses being kept. Cattle have fared so well as horses, and, asa were quite thin when taeagd on Rome correspondents cpm» ot: straw for bedding ahd cattle beifle af ing of the limbs. no yl the «grass, plain has rv fectdd by BR Ged GD ---- d Produce And Prices. Kingston, Ont., June 6.--Prices were quo to the Whig, today, da fol lows : : Flour and Feed--Flour, baker's ', $2.90 1083; P3158 to $3.30¢ Gat hy 3 $1.40 to 84.50, 10; bran, $26 to » » 20 hs w laid, n. ats, local to $1.06; buckwheat, Sle; 4 rye, Toe. to 80c,; peas, y mixed, T8e "holescorommery, be. farm- » prints, 2e.; packed, 23e.; of, cgicasp, WW .to $10 be, Guts, Souto I7e, 1b.; pork, .5 veal, iby the quarter, Ge. by fe. to 12.; by 6. 40. Bo. 'per Ib. cutlets, Se: "spring lamb, 85 por ean ps, des a lb matton, lie. 5 dd ont, M46. a i dike, 10k alo 0c. per doze Ht Ble; i Chinook A} Gnnan THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, S ATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1908, PE ------ . ---- a lb staelts" 10c., lie. and 20c. _per 1b. kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. a dozen; Atlantic salmon, 36c. lb.; salt eodiish, 7e. to 15c. a lb: halibut, 2c. a lb; fresh haddock, l0e. & lb; bullbeads, 10¢. a Ib.; ved herring, 15¢ 8 box; mackerel, 15. a lb; trout, 12§¢. a lb.; perch, 30c. a doen. frogs legs 10¢c. a ; ciscoes, 15¢. a lb.; oy- sters, 30c., Sle, G60c, per quart: blue fish, 15¢. a 1b.; lake herring, MWe, lb.; baddie, 0c, 12§c. Ib.; red sgappers, 15c, flounders, 10¢.; fresh salt water horrings, 40c, to 60e. doz- en; fresh lobsters, lc. a lb.. sea bass, 124¢. a by smoked salmon, 30e¢. a lb. Poultry--Chickens, 81.25 to $1.50 per pair; turkeys, $1.25 to $1.75. Froit--Malaga grapes, 20e, saimon, Sle. per lhe | lemone, 20¢. per dozen; Valenciane, 10¢, to 20¢.; Mexicans, 200. to 30c.. navels, {25c. to Bei; bananas, 30e. to 4c. per | dozen. Vegetables-- Potatoes, $1.10 per bag; cabbage, Tic, to $1 dozen; celery Oc, a dozen; parsnips, 75¢. a bushel; fornips, 75e, per bag: heots, 3g, per i ions, 5¢. per lb.; green onions, doz.; carrots, e. per bushel, Wool, washed, 15¢. to 16¢. per 1b.; sheep skins, fresh, 75e.: tallow ren- dered, Se, per lb.; deakins, 50c.; veal skins, Te. Per Ib.; hides, No. 1, per ib. hides, No. 2, 3c. per Ib.; wok; of 50 { hides, 82.50 each. other class of farm | Childhood Dangers. No symptom that indicates any of dhe ailments of childhood should be allowed "to pass without prompt at tention. The little ailment may soon begome gu 'serious one, and perhaps a little lite passts out. 1' Baby's Own Tablets are kept in the house minor trgubles ean be promptly cared and serious ailments thus averted, And *the Fablets can be given with equal silety io the new born babe or the well grown child, Mrs. H, Gendron, Martinville, Que., says: "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets and have found then in every. way satisfactory, [al way¥ feel safe When | have them at band." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail pt 25¢. a box from The Dr. Wil- hams? Medicine \Co., Brockville, Ont. NOTED SOCIETY WOMAN. She Reigns in Philadelphia Circles MRS. CHARLES EMORY SMITE Mrs. Charles Emory Smith, widow of the ex-postmaster-general the United States, and flormer owner of the Philadelphia Press, is one of the most noted of society women in the Quaker city, She is very beautiful and exceedingly accomplished, Mrs. Smith was Miss Nettie Nichols, and she and Mr. Smith were married at Elberon, N.J., on October 3rd, 1907. As om of the wealthiest and most) attract; matrimonial possibilities. in Mrs. Smith's movements are watched with curiosity by the leaders of the social. whirl throughout the United States, ol ociety The Crop Situation. Dondan Canada, While all will rejoice to hear that, from all appearances, th: what crop of Western Canada is likely to give a good adcount of itsell this season, it is-early vet 18 be tc The me- mory of the disappointment caused by last year's failure after favorable re ports js so recent that we canmot he nnrestrainedly optimistic. With this warning it mind, we may say that an excellent start has beep made, and if no setbacks pocur, we are told, the harvest of 1903 will far outstrip all previqus records. How much depends on dhe "il'¥' Spring was not parti cularly early, but the grain, almost everywhere, was in three to five weeks ahead of last vear, and in some a fortnight ahead of the average sea- sory (M 'course, the crop at every stage 8 a magnificent gamble, but 'at leagt it may be fairly sald that never before in the history of: the North- West has' wheat been sown in. belter condition. 'It was estimated at heginnifg of "the: marth that ninety per vent, of the wheat-sowing had bee, finished, while many farmers were al really at work on the planting of the coarser 'grains. The total acreage sown in wheat was estimated. at folly twenty-five per cent. mere than in any previous year, though no officials retugns are yet available. Oo sure, cases Salt Rheum Vanishes. Salt Rheum and other itching and) sealy 'eruptions never cure themselves, t tendeney is (6 grow constantly wo Uon't delay treatment or make a mistake in the remedy wend. Wade's Ointment positively egress = Eezema {Salt Rheum), Boils, Pimples, Old Sores, Seald Head, Piles, Dagtruff, and all sealy or itching oruptions of the skin. In big hoxes, 25¢., at Wade's Drug Stare, 3 Lyndhurst Notes. Lyndhorst, June 3.-L¥ndburst Base ball Club played Droekviile on Satur day snd the sgore was Nao 4, favor of Lywedbarst,. A larze number from here attended the nomisation in Delta on Monday, Old Mr. Garrett of of this. plage is very low with very hope of recovery. Born to Mr. - and 8B: "White > daughter. Wil ate bas gone to Gananoqie on for sii FTALRULIR _ ' Remember: One in fare for the round trip -- Tor the messagc and the answer. EA Sn, This point long - distance tele- phoning is worth thinking over! A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. In telephoning there ave three links in the chain that constitutes "good- - ri », Sd . » 3 i . b 3 1 ' sarvice" : 1. The person calling. 2. The operator. 3. The person called. ~ No matter how much any one or any two of these links do to develop good service, the result is determined by the measure of co-operation of the third. x . 1f the person calling fails to consult the directory and gives a wrong num- ber, the operator inevitably repeats the error. If the person called fails to answer promptly, and the caller leaves the telephone, naturally "there is no one on the line." Being human, the operator--the third link--is liable to err oecasionally, but capeful analysis demonstrates that she is not fairly chargeable with many of the difficulties frequently ascribed to her, . 3 , If Link No. 1 gives the right number and calls distinctly, and Link No. 3 answers promptly, the Telephone Company will be responsible for its part'of the chain. if io higher motive actuated it, the motive of economy, or self-interest, would suflice. From anv Pay Station you can If the party you wish to reach speak to anyone in Ontario, has no telephone, you can arrange Quebec or the United States with- to hima called Pay in a radius of a thousand miles. talk to have to a Station to you. PAGE ELEVEN. SPRIND UNDERWEAR pin SN MARK, Son TRADE IMPERIAL Whesi yom buy Underwear ask for the % IMPERIAL CROWN {BRAND Every guarantosd Durshiixy garment comforts EINGSTON 0 Kingstos, Made only HOSIERY CQO. by RTD, | "Ik 'Trunks and Suit | Cases fending going you will need 1 mw 890. ¢ t GS, {1 King St. H. JENNI { Indigo Worsted $19 Trouserings $5 Dewt ship MACKENZIE & SMART Tailors to Men of Fashion 179 Wellington St. REAL ESTATE Regula Workmans Su Wolle Houses and Lot e in the City Fire Insurance J.R.C.Dobbs & Co 109 Brock S Typewriter Headquarters | | 1 ---------- -- - nin s---- 2 Kingston Mi the a week to PivLloyvd's Vig AR / f ' Fd i FA 4 hoe Polish Lovers§ are never fickle. The dealer who attempts to turn the course of true love by offering a substitute for what the r knows to be the Best Polish in the World, richly deserves the fate that is dealt out with a liberal hand to all meddlers. No dealer who values his reputa- tion will offer a substitute. 'At all dealers 10c. and 25c. tins

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