Che Daily British YEAR 78-80. 188 o do next Monday would have a good deal t with the dection of Me. Harty fall. Mr. Mowat concluded By asking the electors to be Joyal to Mr. Pense the man who represented Kingston faithfully and well in the whom, 'he was sure, they were { termined should represent them in the { Ontario house during the 1 {vears. (Applause. ) past, and ext Ovation To Mr. Pense. When ' Mr. Pense arose to speak was greeted with the greatést ovation! ever accorded him since {pOMieal life. He thanked the Inrge - ' BO, de- | issues a ng said GC, riven was + BR, PENSE. the Oe into political history a¢ one of most 'eourageons fights that ever curred in Canada. (Applause.) It was to be hoped that Mr, MacKay's splen dic efforts would meet with measure of success on Monday. a good The Street Railway. made reference the street railway question, in view of the abuse heaped wpon him by the Stan dard. He felt that one ground of the ritivism was that a rival newspaper {proprietor was up for election. In $1905, alter the counsil the [present street railway agreement, Mr Hon said that the late George Rich lardson, My. Pense to passed to {eal circles--like a Jull before a storm. ---- I Monday, It was fitting that his sup Breathing Loyalty to City. | with the registered vote, and believed { ome his canvass, and this was a great session of the Whig hall and ante Monday might be, was the greatest 'of ah i There | during his canvass, ater he had serv? siasm; in Kingston, he Ml} Mr. Pense said that new comers i ; { § RE : n his opening remarks declared that the day in Ontario. The opposition Mr. Po andy y } A 'onse on Monday, He had Wo | bli matters as wat gives by 'W. J.J ton in the Ontario legislature { Froning, likened DYE, [ unto election day. Nothing was so uncer wouldn't mention, hut 'who hast Mr. Pense | asare we ret , . nse would assueedly he 1 turned | legislative debate, A campaign oughly manned' on Monday { Mi ] y * | be admired, My. Pense, it Mowat, Ald. J } J. Hartly, Michael Ms gone on behalf of Mr. Mowat was the next speaker. Hel though there was 'something doing." Monday, (CC heers.) Om that evening citieon or win than Me, Pepse, and' The speaker dealt with Mr, Nickle's were. p have looked bad if W. F. Nickle had {Laughtor.) Continuing, Mr. Mowat to keep his hands on his pockets. hag been before the people for dhe past was: before the legislature on behalf stich a mag as their representative the city's, as Mr. Nickle's do cheering. Hard work alone conld win on Monday was the manning of the the speaker aid, and evervbody knows | whb was a warm personal {friend of ta vote. The work done for Pense a he could. He responded Licht Hats at Campbell Bros' support the street cars loyally and 8.18 p.m. {friendships with other members of the Excursion (0 Toronto, GTR by his (Mr. P 's) political successes. good for four days, $3.35. worth up to dtreet. ratlway sompeny. Not one Wijon Theat * Castles and Stately Homes in Northern | " Tickets are bought res o ohn Robert Davis Sings ¥'. THouses. That is the kind of "knock: 184. "TeNigh, at Waldron's Sale. he is. city for hght anil power, Bnd up to In conclusion My. Pense asked all Evetvone is needed to work, Whether Of the Supporters of Mr. Pense. him, and for gathering for the battle FOR THE MAN WHO HAS BEEN | [0° Jay had been very ealm in politi- FAITHFUL It was fitting that it should be jas a preparation for the battie on T the ~ ° Interests of Kingston--Mr. | | porters should gather together for in- Pense Made a Strong Address | spiratiop. He said he was pleased | That Mr. Pense is the § {he would get the larger portion of is. * ie lavorite in a Av Monday's election Bl a ar a { He had been received kindly through was evidenes ol ide r 5 fast vening, when one { delight. No matter what thé result on of 18 subporters took pos- he would always : th Plea asure the 'kind recep- rooms, 1 some ; recall wi a do ne, oe "uring | ole Sd eid from Uh pool indo pe liaments y ste fact No: such *Vignrons. dition ur od ae Thane parliaments, he trusted paration meeting has ever heen Tu Elme ; 3 | eired a discussion of politics, so that mer Davis oocupied the chair, and | thoy could understand the of the size and the enthusiasm of the aud; i ; i | paper simply discussed Pense and nee ofl fe 7 : fugured well for vietory for | 'Knockgrs," If such a discussion of doubt w b \ would ane he what ns he | Nickle in the city hall, last Monday fl 26 represen ings had been given in the legisl® eautioned hig hearers not to be - | ture, that gentleman would be ory O . confident: and negleet: to work hard on | two members up there whos | names he tain aa a horse zace and an election didn' oudupy . yory high place. He But il evieviody: works | himse st Monday ad dis a verytiody worked faithfully { cussed political questions on the plane at the hestl of the poll. Mr. Davis! ec the 'di . { liti asked that tha subdivisions be thor. | OF, tC Ulcussion of poitied. any political leader of to-day At this jnncture v. Ponse entered | "hould ¢ the hall with i on Ronse outored | hould be Alexander MacKay, who } Sallivan, and o along through the province, Ald. Millan, and was Ie Fy rent | waging a valian¥ battle ovation a or reat sood government, which will go.down declared that the immense gathering before him certainly made it. look as aml that Tromeéthing'" that Mr. Ponse wan going to be elected an the enemy would know it. Mr. Mowat deelared that Bingston had no better the popular feeling in this election was strongly in his favor. (Apolause.) motto, "Bold Enough to Be Honest, and. Honest Enough to be Bold," and the | cationic windows fore "that awful last week" in the legislature, and, of 'course, it would taken down the mottoos afterwards It would © have been a bitter pill. sabd that when a man went about pro- claiming his honesty, he found it well "The feeling all over the ety," said Mr. Mowat, "is with Mr. Penge, who forty years, giving to the city hard, active and "strong service." Me never of a corporation. MH is the business of the people, Mr, Mowat said. to hold and not send to parliament a man whose private interests conflict with The election. he pointed out, could not he won hy sitting down or hy it. Let the eéhwerige be saved for the night of the Sth. What was require polls, Harty and Peife are a good team, where Mr. Harty stands in this elec! Man, and how he wants all his friends his, came to him regarding ON the railway and asked him to aid 1t in any way DAILY MEMORANDA. thy writing an article that very day in Again {the Whig calling upon the people Polling on Monday, 9 a.m. til] 5 pan ensure the success of the line. After, Fiske Stock Co., Grand Opern House, ithe death of Mr. Richardson former Waldron's Sale To-Night, Blouses and j8treet railway company had heen toe: wear, 13fe. led to hate on their part beeouse of Jadies' Ald of . Queen St, Methodist | Church, Friday, July 10th. Tickets | Me Pense declpred that he was the Men's White Night Shirts, ingest cntribiibar in Kingston to the 85, bs Meu i $1.83, for Ge igus, "Romani | membor* of the Whig staff rides free on . Thane (the cars, as do those of the 'other * Picture Drama, A French newspapers, k . Ramance. or * Kidnapped by o'oglarly dn - tensdollarg lots. Theceigre "Swot Sisuwen™ is yearly contributigh to the railway orpet-Uovers and Drawers, fn large. | ? {Langhter). Furthermore, he Whig pays 51,200 , year to the 4% J Ay in da a late date the charge was five times oo for electricity what the railway paid. 3 who eonld to come out on Monday \ and de their level best at the polls, | Lo N the won or lost on Monday this would he his last pohtieal contest. It is ihe fifth he had entered, and ha wish- we are showing some very ju to. close his pafitical carder with Potty designs. Fresh arrivals £815 SETS FOR . four | | | de- | hs | his entry into rr aR iw inate ther brilliant victory. : Mr. Pease fulness he wonld feel to the old Lime may forget the crown Wa: made his yostroen. 1 remewiber thee Glensairm "whether 1 am defeated or whether 1 The correct Sixles at' | Camphel Bros, ida hon oan anoled the touch lines of 4 Seottish poem, as expressing the grate 'stone City, the place of his birth, for all it had dome for him: - monarch t on his head an hour has oD navy rise: the the pride hd mother may forget the child 5 Ba oat ios sae sweetly on her knee ; It AR a that thou hast been Lo we "No matter," said My. Papas, iwin, Kingston will ever be the degrest spot to me, and every dol I can command in this historic "ity, aml not | Lowland F td FARRAR BUC nished fine songs haid and was given by 2010 "by Cayless' store. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, S Do You Endorse These Things? The Whitney povernment made a | Prison Labor contract at 30 'cents | advantages thrown in. | - - - The Whitney government has done nothing for technical educa-| tion, and has given Labor noth- | ing but a faraway promise. or - - { The members of the Whituey | government increased the number of cabinet ministers, and increased their own salaries $2,000 each. > - - In violation of solemn. pledges against 'last hour' legislation, Whitney government within 18 | bours of the closing of paslia- ment brought down, without pre-| vious intimation, a guarantee of $1,500,000 to the Canadian Northern Company, and a vote| of $130,000 to the LaRose Mining | Company. The Whitney government "last awful week" in the {and the La Rese mining deals. > The Whitney government in three-and-a-hali years has increas- ed the expenditure of the province $1 per capita, as great an increase as was made in 33 years of Liber- £1 administration. -> --> > The Whitney government restor- ed the contract system in the Central Prison. - The Whitney -> at governiment, after making a defini'c promise that it would require prison-made goods to be labelled such, has not only failed Yo keep this pledge, but in the binder twine contract has dis- tinctly provided that goods made under this contract are to, bear no distinctive label. A Vote for Pense will mean you do not approve these things. N. whom predicted on Monday. orchestra fur the intervals Messrs. Man- | Arthur Uraag, recitation Mr. Waring, a pictolg Mr. Jackson and gramophong were enjoyed from Stephen instrument. all of Pense Yolson, s for Mr. Horse Artillery music during rendered by C. The were a selections OGDENSBURG MADE HAPPY. Harbor Improvement Plans Will Be Carrizd Out. Oudensbury, N.Y., June 6.--~There is rejulting among marine inter- Congressman Malby received the board of review, on the #ppeal of the committer of this city for a approfriatien fcr widening The original elaborate of the hae- general esis. since a messaze from Washington, at harbor greater and deepen.nyz. s-heme for improvement her is to be out and further appropriation of $187,000 is to be mads next year in addition to the 875,000 now beng spend in ot tering the harbor entranees. The low. er bay channels will be dredged to a depth of mineteen foot and will he 1,400 feet wide, allowing the largest lake boats to enter without difficulty The Chinese: government is engaged n framing a plan for the education of Chinese boys in America. Under it it is proposed 'to pay to American schools and colleges the majority of that portion of the Chinese Boxer in demnity, which was eancelled by the United States and returned to China. The shah, whose unexpected depar- tore from Teheran, ex- citement, leading toda report that he intended to leave the country, hes gonn to a summer palace in the hills in the neighborhood of the eapital. "Rubber rings' for sélf sealers. New at Gibson's Red drug caused rome ones, Cross THE FUTURE hr Leiter of Chicago and Washington. Of "Joe" MISS Miss Juliette JULIETTE WILLIAMS; Williams, daughter Liott.-Col. and Mrs. John R. Wik liams, of the United States army. has been introduced as the future bride of "Joe" Leiter, of Chicago and Wash- ington, who is many times a million aire. Miss Williams twen- ty vears of age and oted for her beauty. She ives with her parents, who are now stationed at Fort Du pont, | Del She is at friend of Mis. (Gen.) Corbin, met her in Manila, where she attrgeted by thie girl's unafie beauty Mrs. Corbin was Miss Williams' spon- sor in Washington army awd diploma- tlie ® of avcely is 1 a gr who was young ted society. ELECTORS SUPPORT PENSE. Because he has served for seven sessions faithfully alike to the city and to provincial inter- ests. " Hig service was credit- able > - > Because he carried a new spirit in- to opposition eriticisnd¥ Twice this year in the House : and twice at banquets Premier Whitney declared that his frank fairness was unpre- cedented in Canadian legisla- tures. \ | | of | FOR FIVE YEARS. Brockville Man Sentenced to Jail ' For Assault. Brockville, "Ont., Jane 6.--James Young was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary for a murderons as sault' on a farmer named ~ Robeet | Stewart, in a field on May 20th. Ad: | ter a three<day chase Young was cap: | tured, at which time he made several 1 threats, one of which was that he would kill the chist of police when freed. In view of His his sentence is' remarkably liht. + DESERVES SUCCESS. Hon. A. G. MacKay has written ¢ "I hope, and have no doubt that in his cam- Paign Mr, Pense will be successful, No wember of the legislature better de- success. Kingston Because he is now next to leader MacKay in position in the op- position, and therefore King. ston has reason to be ashamed its men.ber's standing in the House. no of - o-oo» Because he has never in any re- rresentative capacity had private interests to serve, and has had an unassailable public as well as private life. NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontasie. On May 25th Thomas Thomson died at the "home of his deg in Mason City, Iowa, aged fifty-two years. He was a brother of John Be Thom: {son and Mrs H. Muir, Napa The residence of R. Brown, near Mil: ord, was totally destroyed by fire on Sunday morning, together with nearly all - the contents. Mr. Brows had lighted the coal oii stove and put the kettle on preparatory to making tea for breakfast. He them went outside to attend to the chores, leaving the other members of the family «till ig Before they awoke the house was all in flames and they had to climb out of a window. Mr. Brown's total loss is estimated" at about $2, ~ Children's Hats. The best values at Camphell' Bros') The Servian minister was roculled, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, put through | | nudionee for the reception it has giv cn | 8 day, with all sorts of ine¢idental | the Canadian Northern guarantee 1998. GANANOQUE BUDGET. -- Death of Henry Emberly--diany Weddings. Gananoque, Juse 6.--Henry ley, an oid and highly dent of the residence, streets, at Ember corner - William knd Broek ts an early hour yesterday morning, in the sixtieth year of las age. He was twice married, his first wife dying gome yews ago, and hel having married within the past few months, Mrs. Julia M, Taylor. By his first wife he leaves one 'son a sident in this locality and thyee! ddughters, Mrs. Charles Dustin, Rock- port, NX, Mrs, Redden and Mrs. Samuel Bptiam, Gananojue, 'Ihe fun- eral will take placé on Sunday after- noon, The Clayton-Gananoque steamer | Where Now, took out an excursion party to Clayton last evening. A number from Gananoque [eft by special train yesterday morning to take in the excursion to Mentreal, held under the auspices of Mallory-| town Lodge, No. 245, 1.0.0.F, The town council at their session | this week authorized "Town "Clerk Samue! McCammon to preparé a by- law for raising the sum of £20,000 for the construction concrete walks. dune: wedding have been extremely popular hereabouts so far this month, Lhomas Baker, the popular hack- man, ty and best low. Mrs. garet of at four during the of all there past three days, are more to fol Reed snd daughter, Miss Mar) Reed, of ' Geneva, N.Y3 who nave n spending a few wee ks with | relatives and friends dn town, have returned home. Thomas Meysps, Stone street, is spending a few days in Bos tan Hugh Loney and daughter, | Mrs Wal fie, of spent time during the with former's parents, Mrs. J. Cooke, Rockport. T, nett, Church street, is spending days this week in Toronto. Latimer, Ring street, is spending few this with relatives in Montreal. Miss Latimer left to- day for a few months' visit with her Waster, Mrs. W, J. Deatdie, in Vancou ver, Dr. Frederick J. Donevan, of Ottawa Gene Hospital, is spending short here with his par- My Mrs. James Donevan, Victoria gyvenve, 1 hee Mrs J. some the past week Mr. and a fow week Pearl days 5A ral n vacation ents, and The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. A life-saving service to be lished on Toronto bay Krnest Flagler, who escaped from Belleville jail, in 1905, was arvesied in Toronto. John W, Age, wa Rates, drowned at twentvaawo vears of Sunnyside, To- ronto Fx-Ald. Daniel pointed eurator rounto Nicolle Bros' dred feet of lumber Owen Sound Bishop Brent, of the declined the appointment Washington. The investigation into the of York magistrates stables was concluded Percy Graham and Norman Knight, Barrie, went out in a and are supposed to be, drowned. The revenue for the last fiscal 06.000 000, The surplus for will exceed $19, 000 000 Lamb is to be of Riverdale ~ and two hun at mill were aw burned Philippines, has to the see of accounts county and con M: canoe dominion was the over year year : NO CONFIDENCE IN "EM. Mr. Nickle now appeals to the citizens at large for their confidence. But he had no trust in their 'voice on the street railway agree- ment and would not submit it to a general vote 4 " 4 EXEREE EN w = 4 * it The G.N.W, 1,152 offices in compared with 599 of all raph companies, King Fdward and Queen Alexandra and a distinguished party ~ have left Esigland for Russia to visit the peror Nichola Bocialists who attempted to hold an meeting. in Toronto, were ar two of them being candidates Jegislature Marshall has been appoifited school inspector for of 81.500, to succeed Telegraph company has Ontario and Quebec other tele open-air rested, ar the J. W coungy at a salary H. Ball, inst resigned. Roosevelt, with his Kermit will sail from New York for Cairo in April, 1909, just as soon as the' moves sary arrangements for the departure can be, made after March 4th. « As & means of checking tuberculosis | in: the principal cities of Brazil, the danitar authorities of that country bave titute amiwies involving the expendit of $1,250,000, son, Rev. Dr. Findlay Died Baitie, Ont., June 8.--Rev, br Al tan Fihdlay, the aed Superintendent of New Untario missions for the Pres | byterian ehurch, died suddenly on! Friday. He wis not sick an hour. Re. br. Vindlay leavws 8 widow, five dauy Miers and four sons. He was the father of Private Findlay, the firet Canadian soldier to be shot in the Seath African war. Decoseed wae an early riser, and on Friday morning |B wot up and dressed as usual, but com- rlained of dizeiness. He laid down again, and expived about seven orlock, before a doctor reached the bons: He wok sixty-eight years old. and had res i» Barrie for thirty years, respected resi- town, passed away at his! having ofliciated in that capaci- | Leeds township, | M, Cor} Edward | al PITH OF THE NEWS, k E estab- | Zoo, | = | Em Welland, | Whi LIVELY TALK LAST EDITION ---- Probabilitie® Toronto June 16, 1908, Ottawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence. 10 a.m-- Mad- erae winds, fine and warm to-day and Sunday. {Obztractive Tactics of the Opposition; HANDFUL OF MEN | | E19. ss lA RA [WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO HOLD UP HOUSE. = YO {| There is a Prospect of Parliament | 8 FRIENDS Taking Some Action--The Civil | -- AT -- | 1 Servants Are Being Put toll | Much Trouble Over Absence of § STEACY'S - SATURDAY. Their Pay. | Special to the Whig. June 6.~There was a lively { talk in the House of Commons, tday, over the obstruction tactics the ofipasition, during which Hon 18. FF welding the servatives { plainly that government did {propose to be dictated to by {minority of the house. There people all over the country claims for salaries and other services could not be wmét owing to the op- | position obstruction. In no other ui-| vilized country in the world was there {such a loose and easy-going arrange {ment by which a handful of men were lable to delay the business of the lcountry. it 18 just such another { procelure as that which led the moth | | { Ottawa, yestet tl 3 : | not} | the were | 8 whose told the CL They'll all be there, to see the usual special and alw ays attractive novelties for SAT- URDAY selling. WE OFFER Ladies' Novelty Belts A sample lot Colored Belts at wi of Beautiful No two alike, wholesale prices. Our Kid Belts at 25¢ Are the best to be had. come in Navy, Green, Red, Tan, White, also Black. Other Great Lines, at 35¢. to 75¢. Special Ribbon Bargin Rich, Soft Taffeta Ribbons, 8 inches wide, beautiful color tones in Dresden designs 75¢. was the price Yours While 35e. iN wi GIVE IT THE LIE. 1 FEFXIFTEERIREFEZFERS to Queen's Dairy School, The Opera House, fine monument to the memory of Sir George Kirkpatrick, the encouragement to local athletics by aiding > to establish and maintain good clubs; every project of the Board of Trade, the work of the Humane Society ; devotion to the Kingston Old Boys' Societ. ies everywhere ; the main- tenance of St. George's Society ; twenty years on Educational, or Municipal Boards, All give the lie to Nickle"s organ, The Stand- ard, in calling Pense a "Knocker." The grants College, The Toney | i | | ji {HE 4 | regular Thev Last, at Ladies' Summer Vests From 10c. to $1.50. See the qualities we offer at 15¢. and 20¢. New Long Lace Gloves New Long Silk Gloves New Long Lisle Gloves New Lace Hose New Embroidered Hose * | #4 W | w eo ---------- ter of parliaments to change its rules, fast driving this simi course the and which par ome nt to a Mr Owen y } eld in 1806 when not provided for hundance of money for | hat the was ar "What about hold-up of Mr hour {as ways an a country's needs {tuation now Rose, the liberal Yale-Ce advocated tof rules which would remove Canadian panliament the {which now attached to it er the government reg to carry on the business of the try the better. He advocated closure by the intervention of |apeaker to shorten jon, as we in the British parliament in 18582 r. Owen, of North umberland, minister of for in an ad to the ntiord, | that 1,800 public were kept of obstructive tyetics of leaders The minister of finance, that in what he which Mr {eommittee of supply [pas sed the house { Fielding continued, this house "There the whe an service al- | the | | never public There was 18 not AT Duncan member for | some change from the roproath | I'he its \riboo goon duty | coun the the | wne alized diseus {dor NM conservative, attacked the having said, electors at servants customs dre 88 rn KEANEY 1908, a Mr nd Ie ky in in Canada M their pay hy the the conservative out said justified to passed | however fully The votes d had had not trouble that too je ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess SUMMER DRINKS his colleague w had Owen As said thd but "he "ig h ayvetem street vert Mr the min larity Ive mu rights and a Hained by which Howed to delay {which is not permitted country of the The faance minister, {{ibe from the opposition of house, repeated his declarption eariier in the session that the rights of individuals of in parliament are such as are conced ed them by the majority {i Another opposition "seandal demolished the public lenommitiee vesterdas It was ithat Leslie Macoun, because he was the {son-in-law of Sir Frederick Bordes {had received the contract for the sup- ply of wcales to the Dominion Arse nat iat Quebec, although <ourtenay { Brown were the lowest. Mr. Jars lin settled matters by stating that | thesscales wore not purchased from | Me. Macon, but from Courtenay & iw m main i a extent the opposition is business to an in wo rey sirle Gurd's Gurd' §. Imported Sweet Ginger Ale Ginger Ale Soda Water, Quinine Tonic Caledonia Water any other | STE | | eivilized s in f the | rd"s made only | minorities rd's or In. ported Dry Ginger Ale. Radnor Water. Jas, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Gr ceries. . was in nee at in "Fe or Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. ty, loch Farm Bt "adi ed al i i [ross Thus ended the "seandsl.' Apvly to EWIFT'S REAL ESTATE asd HOW TO VOTE ON "=o te=r , _ TWO BICYCLES MONDAY. 1 Massey Haris Lady's Whee! $15. - [1 Gent's Wheel, $16. 1 oti Trp Dents othet artic Ar * SUE LO men Pense's name is the third: an, As THERES, 208° Prigess : strat, on the Ballot to be used Dyce seb aedh Monday.. Mark your Ballot] , The largest Auortment = thus : hate at plein". Of swnmer tix At meeting of Al i | herta Land company, i METCALFE ¢ iM. Grenfell referring i -------------------- ferisie, said the preatest oredit was | due E. 8. Clouston and the Canadian NICKLE : i Banke. Canada's idly today wae PENSE +) ii hern 5 Friday, A. the financial @ {higher than it had: The attempt on ¢ pn fife of Major Breyton will = hurt the nationalist cause, So says the Fresh repullicag ress,