-- i ONE TRIB OFF CHOOSE YOUR: HAT | | Your only trouble will come becanse we offer you so to select from. f <3 wi But---and here's a pleasing thought--THIS INSURES YOUR BEING SUITED-you may examine, compare, apd . try on tltil you find the hat that is most becoming and fs prieed as yell wish It i many : i For street--or very dressy wear, It every mvdfsh shape and coloring. Oone-Third Off All Trimmed Quaint Designs in Muslins ang" Do you wish to see somos musling that are as dainty as those your grandriothers used to wear ? pretty Come and see these--with odd and really Deattiful sprays of little flowers septtered ove a grounhjof showy white. And these--with delicate or prbnounce® striping and spots of the palest Fink and Blue, of Heliotrépé, and' Red, Green, and Navy and Black. and Flere are large patterns, too--essentially WoAisH. And all are guaranteed to wash perfectly, From 10c to 50¢ Yard or CRUMLEY BROS. j EE IES SA S-- : i : : : | : ar Refining Co. Lid mM o ~N T™R EAL Mannfnettrors of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and" Yellows. Made entirely from Cane Sugar. He sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Rystern Ontario. LIGHT SUMMER UNDERVER. This season we have every for in the way of Li ht Underolo Cotton, Lisle, Light Wool Silk in two piece ~ garments or combinations. : pov | nhl 5. aad g you could 'wish |, $1.00 16 sleeves, "Ho Buttons, regplar "Jerse hort Es 75e. garment. - THE TOWN OF NAPANEE MADOLE LIKELY TO WIN ON MONDAY. Death of a Porm; Napanee Resi- dent---The Town's New Band Played in the Harvey Warner Park. Napanee, red at tshawa on Mes. Jo 3. Purdy, wife of a former Lrand lrank agent gt Napanee. le ceased was well and favorably known in Napanee and ber many fpends sympathice with the bereaved hus: band and two. daughters, the cldess thirteen years of age, and thé young: est three, 'Lhe funeral took place on Tuesday last, Har.ey Wamer spent the past week fin Toronto, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Laoag. } . Roy is in To opto, Uns week selecting 4 new aus thamobile, ? The steambarge conf for F. KE. van and the schooner t harley Stevens. Otis Shanuon, son of Me. andl Mrs. L, Shawnon went to Kingston: Jest evenidg to mdergo an operation for aitgleatis.. et town band of Napance played for the first of the scason in the Har- vey: Wangier Park last evening, The eveltng was beantilal and the citizens eo out en masse to listen to the music, Jt is the intention of the band to firmsh the citizens with music wvery! Friday even ng throughout the Aum re Mpyday is deetion day and all the "wike ones" ave predicting the eles tion bf the people s candidate, M. 8. Madole. The only doubt seems tobe the sive of the majority. John Aoery. has sccured the trot of building the new sewer Wedd steect, Wark on, Monday next. Weskrw, <Dafoe and Waller have pur- chagedt the fumber stock and business from M. 8. Madole, and will overhaul the machinery: and equip the planing milk for first class work. M, B. Mills willl linen "his new yacht, 'Dolphin thid gfternoon, Mis. J. G, Pemnell Fokpgto, this week, her father, The death geous- Sunday last, of Jure 6. Waterlily, unloaded Luven this week, Winnie Wing, for con- on will be commenced was éalled tp to the bheddide of who was very ill, and who died on Trewidy Rev. 4. R. Conn wad called Ashton this week to attend the funeral of his aunt. He wil be ahsmt over Sonday. to come before his honor Judge Price at the general session of the county conrt me Laedday next: Jury cases-- Me Veen v8, Joyce, action for damages on 'the sale of a carload of apples. Non jury Schuman ve. Parks, an action broaght by ¥ramk Schuman against BH. I Parks 16 recover possession of Fan, land ia Hay Pay. Masters va. logerd, an adtion for wrongful di: missal brought by William A. Mas terk of Napanee, a_ninst Mr. Rogers, an undertaker, of Ottawa. There he- ing yo criminal cases for the sessions the grand jury have Leen notified by the Sheri not to appear. a -------------------- From Stratton, New ontario. Sulitton, June 3.--The recent elec. trig jrorm did a le damage. Light. ning | struck J. CuiMogham s house, and tore off one of Mr. Cunningham's shos and part of his clothes, gnd snocded him uneonsdions: He came to um Sitio to crawl oat of the house be fore it collapsed. James Garrhe fell off the C, N. IL bridge and was drowned, fe leases a wile aud five children. Un! Friday the sehool picnic was held in Mr. Edmond s grove. Hiram Barker is running the ferfy from Campville to Frontier. The larmers are whistling a merry tune, 'as the crops look fine, since the event storms. Mr, aud Mes, W, W, Pearson, passed through town on a teip from Smith's Falls, Quite a few more townships will 500k be ready for settlers ps the sur- veyors are reported to be at work. The 'water in the Rainy river is very high. Banks are washing away in many places. The wolves aré making great. howling about . as they are yuite plentiful, giving the deer a hard time of it. Quite a number of moose have hoen sven lately. The football team is the day. H. Barker took the team to Boucherville last weak, Not a goal was scored by either team. On re- ftarning his hoat was nearly filled. with water by such tremendous rain. A. Campville , is erecting a new home steml, the topic of The Care Of The Mair. Exery woman and every man do sires beautiful hair And everyony] may have it if they will hut give it proper cave amd attention. The first and all important step toward the pre venlion of baldpess apd gravness and toward promoting a luxuriant growth The following are the cases that will Hmusements. _-- To-Night Last Time THE FISKE STOCK CO. Presen' ing "Shadows of Midnight" Special 10 16-25¢" "pine. Seats now on sale TUESDAY, JUNE 6th, Curtain, at 5 o'clock, MRS. LESLIE CARTER Presents Ber Griatest Success, "DU BARRY" By DAVID DELASCO, With her origin- al production. Prices Ground Flo r, $1, 81.50, First 4 Rows, $2 Belcony, 50c., £1, $1.50, be. Seats now on Sale. p-- " WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10th, The TRIK of All AngricasJIENRY. BB HARRIS Will Agai a went. The Pras matic Success of the Century, THE LION The MOUSE THE By CHAS} KLEIN, The Frofuction in , #1, $1.50; 3c Gallery Tis Entirety Prices, 2 e., Seats on sale THE KING EDWARD This Palace Of Amusement, Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts AT. 7 Boe. Me day FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, P.M "The Legend of a Spinner" Thid 1 beautifully Colored. Don't misg " "The Wheelbarrow" Very Fanny Subjecty Soloists © €. B.S. HERVEY, Basso. TH. J, BRISTOL, Baritong MUS, LIE IPUGCHES, Pianist. CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, " Manager. Sc. Only 'Two Places To"Go Se. Won derland And, Bowe. : Pictores. "Miss Pimpernel's Gown" A Real Comedy: Ramming of the H.M.». Gladiator By the Cruiser St. Paul. An instruc "tive subject, "TERE IS A ROOM IN MY THEART ROHR YOU," sung by Ulare Smith ALL NEXT WEEK. JUGGLING DEIDAS Musical Delovis. Both ares refined acts and. should draw a. good. patponage. 5 . NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEEFNC OF THE Stockholders of the Catépdgui Cemetory Comipany will he held dat the Ofhies of Kirkpatriok, Rogers & Nickie, Ontario St, en SATURDAY, «he 13th day of June, at 4 o'clock Pm. Jor the, election of Difectors and for gefieral porposes ro lating te the management of the Cone pany. GG. W, MAX WE: Lo Juns Ist, 1908, Roller Rink Open Monday, Wednesday. ,and Friday evenings, also every after, noon. Afternoon, 10e. HELD UP THEIR PAY, Evening, 25¢. Nickle's Party Di: to Our Soldiers. Harty was another of citizens who My What Ald. "Jock" Kingston's le ading yout spoke last' evening on behalf of VFense. Cataraqui ward, he said, was going. to stand.by Mr. Perse on Mon- day amd give him & stirfing majority. All along the - lime the reports were most favorghle, All that pow remssin- ed was for Mr. Pense's Works "t6 keep on plodding and to strohghy man the polls on Monday. IF they the victory was theirs. All. Harty, in addressing the winent soldiers, a large vwmber of Yhom were present, pointed out that was My. Nickles party at Ottawa at Had blocked the passing of the ony grants. Mr. Nickles party had dared to hold up the wages of the "Soldiers of the King." a thing mest outrageous. The artillersmen, he said, would not forget thix on Monday. To Be Married In Boston. do so, \ Per- of fit, silken hair is to keep the senlp clean amd . free from: dandrill. There is one safe, sure wav. Harfina Soap, Hafrhealth Harfiun Sonp te sheairtoly the par ext and most satisfactory soap made for every purpose of the bath, toilet, nursev_ 'vomplexion and hair. Jt is Biehl. medicated, deadarizing, anti- and delightinlly "A Breath of Pine. Balsam ke", cleanses the and all irritation. Bostroys all diseases parasites, and i the onlv soap that should be used in comadtion, with. Hav's Hairhealth. | cals, ay Raithenith "Keeps You Look- "Young." It removes dapdeali awd nil' faded hair, no mat- Medicated, and Mav's That is to use | Mrs, Horace Lewis Smith, of Boston, Mass, announces the engagement of ber daughter, Harriet, to W kr nest Playfair, of thet Dos{ol Herald. The wwdding will tak® pinde at the New Church, Buon stheety Boston, on Junk Mth. Rlayiair is a dis tinguished © oh lems. "Fi for some years a wember¥ dit versity, of the class of "0 > was torial departioent of the Moutrend Star, abd has Yenthibuted atlite' ig the Star from all parts of fh 'coun: Miss Smith: heené alsa en 2 ok in literaty pursuits and has con- American periodic ¥ - = | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First fusertion Je. a word. Each com secutive insertion thereafter hall cent a word. Minimum charge for one n- sertion, 25¢. ; three imserulonsy 50cq six, $1 ; one mouth, s FURNISHED, " A | MOLES, FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for murniture, este, McUsan 51 Brock street, COMFORTABLE ssven-room brick house. Apply a « 175 Clergy street. FOR SALR, TOPPEY Appiy to CARRIAGE, TWO MeCann, 51 Brock CANOPY seats. street. NOS. 80 AND TWO GOOD HOUSES : Apply A.B, 6 Wellington Streets Cunningham. WANTED-IALE, A FOR DELIVERY WAG- be ubed to takitig eure of 35 Princess Sy. DRIVER, gon. Must hotse, Apply st . WANTED-FEMALE., KITCHEN GIRLy FOR. THE HOTEL Congress. REFFRENCE 1567 King COOK, Gordon, MRS. W, Pb. t COOK, APPLY IN THE EVENING to Mrs. Walkem, Corner of Beverly and Union streets. TO ASSIST IMMEDIATELY, A MAID at in housework. Apply in evening, Sunnyside," Tinton St, SER. Te AN FPXPERIENCED GENERAL vant. No washing. Heferences guired. Apply 270 Brock street. LADY SEWERS --MAKE SANITARY belts at howe, materials furnished ; $15 per hundred, Rarvculars stamp od enve lope. Pept 58, Dearborn Specialty Co., Ubicago WANTED---GENERAL, UREA, A ROWBOAT. to AP- TO BUY Box ply giving site and. price, T. oS" whic office. T IN BEWING DONE, OF ANY PLAIN Call or write to Mrs. Cayless, 8854 King street, over Armstrong' THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly dose. ¥. J. Birch Electrician, 200 Wellington" syreet. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, on other baggage Prices ri Apply S. carted. General Garter, 35 Main St. Lytle, FURNITURE TO . FINISH OR RE- nish. Prices moderate. Good work uaranteed. W, H, Whittingham, Cor. fagot and Queen Sts. Kilpatrick's Old Stand. DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spifing Suits made at Gallo way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. are making a study of lighting homes and public buildings both with Gas and Electricity, they invite you to comsult them. All advige cheerful- ly given free of charge. Nickel and River Plating. Newman & Spriggs, Hiectric Co., 79 Princess St; "Phone, A441. SITUATION. WANTED. MATE RNITY NURSE wants nursing by week or "month First-class reférences from the best medical doctors. Apply Nurse Atkins, 243 Montreal street. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure ons. WA equip shoph. Con te course. Cata- rite Moler Barber EXPERYENC En » Few Weeks com logus free. College. Toronto. LOST. STRING OF design, Be agot, BEADS Thursday Sts., or please BLUE on J ehnson Will finder DOTURLE forget-me-not on Princess, University return to Whig office CITY OF KINGSTON. THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC is directed to the fact (hat jt iy intend ed to improve the following streets and parts of 'Stroets during the present vear All property owners whose propertics ars not already seryed and are Geuiftus of having Gas, Water or Sewer connections made with Lbeir regpecd © prope rules will Kindly have these connections made forthwith so as to avoid as far as pos =ible further excavations in the streets concerned To Barrie rir Streot From Clarence rock Bagot Barrie cess \ PARTLY FUR- on the Rideau Bl Broek St. BRICK DWELLING nished at Morton, Apply to MeUsnn, 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, modern {mprovements. Possession Apply A. B. Cunningham. NOS. all 1st May, - SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, on St, wrence and Rideau, Apply te Md 51 Brock Street. nm, LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX change Chambers, No, 118 Brock St Apply to Geo, Cliff, Real FEstate] Broker, 95 Clarence street. FURNISHES NO. 180 JOHNSON ST. 2 bathreoms, hot and cold water and gns heating on each fat. For par ticulars, apply on. the premises. CONTAINING 6 the city 183 SUMMER COTTAG rooms, within two miles of completely furnished. Apply to Fagl Sti, between ¥ and' 11 am. TWO WL: Hoe ho QFFICES, ORE furnished 846 King ay iy, ae P. ie Gents' Yr Biaher, Hy ing street. WELL-FURNISHED COTTAGE, ON Tremont Park, opposite ananogqie Wood and ice included, particus lars, address Box "126. Gananoque FINE PRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI ture, goods, etc. Separate rooms and our own lock and W. G. Frost, torage ng and 'arrtage Painter, 200 Queen St. "Phute, baa, AND MEDIUM SEZBED RRIG UT well ventilated rooms, for the toner in The Residence' at section of West Bart, and Sts. SF Earl street. ARCE "i inter Clergy PERSONAL. PULLS. RECEIVED BY A; R rne, Professional Pianist, En ¥ germents wanted for dancing classes private parties, eto: Apply by letter to "A. R. Fi Whig oftice. HAIR, warts, without MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, etc., removed permanently, scar. Twenly years' ence. Dr. Elmer J. eo, Eye, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 288 Bagot street. . PHYSICAL CULTURE asses are University Gymnasium, Specialist an Hemedial Work, also Massage, Fencing, wim ming. Offiee Hours, 11 te 12 4 to 6 and 7 to H.830 pm SCIENTIFIC ftmmer cl in Queen's Prof. Palmer, ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT ete. Anchar Building, Market Square. "Phone, 345 POWER & SONS, ARCHITIOTS, MER. chant's Bank Building, corner Broek and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Entrants on' Bagot street. 'Phone. 608, THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT. Unitarian, RRV, O. W. CASBOm, Unitarian Liberty, the Unitarian thought when he asd, "I community of free the truth. 1 desire the narrow church heaven, in with my the truth Channing, the minister pressed of every Unitari an belong that esenpe to a love from enlar the day, parsaing over winds to 4 of any parti in order to live the full own anil resolutely, how solitary 'or ardusas the™path it leads to. I am not the mouthpiece of a sect; | speak for mysell alone, [ thank God that | live in tines cirenmstances which make it a me to open mv whole soul frank ely bouy under light eyes, open seeing and for lv and unresery Division Priv 4 iliee Bay Clergy lagot Brock Broek Princess Wellingron red Harrie further information apply undersigned H. B, R. CRAIG City Nngineer Broek Clergy Division Montreal Queen Union For the office of the any at June 4th, 1008 " St. James' Church Amual Excursion rTP re OTTAWA Wednesday, June 17th Via G.T.R., Train, st 8. a $1.75; © Wildren A special train will leave Oltawa, st 9.30 pm.. all tickets to return any reguiny train, June 19th. TO CONTRACTORS. SHALED TENDERS WILL. BE RE. cagvedd, by. the undersigned up Lo 4 pus, WEDNESLAY, 10TH INST. for the necessary, ok tn maki 2 Sibdcial Adults, under' 12, ARTILU n rrr. JOHN ACHONK LL rol Education. IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room enstalled. I ean do it in style and ' right price. ve' me a Phone 335 68 Frock tect. ' y Frees. of mittee on ie | Beacon street, Boston, Mass, | literature, The Commodious Str. "Ecelwat" u from the evidence : Shas or Freight alse Address, Rev, C. at 2 | for the | W. Casson, The Montreal Jockey Club, Ltd. SPRING MEETING BLUE BONNETS COURSE JUNE 6th to 20th. flaring and Steeplechasing every dov, ain or Shine. Stake Races, nd Saturday every Tuesday, Thursday Band in Attendance (Including Grand Stand) $1.00. HO, FOR A HOLIDAY! DAILY TO KINGSTON MILLS. RAKE DAILY SRIFS Th XING. experts, Far | being conduct d | am, OF. of | and | ~ TRSHIRE BREED Mrs. Vana JEWELL GAS AN BE, Goon new, Used only hs Apply J. R. C. Dobbs Brock St AS to 1 oy THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND NO. 1 Brick, best quality ; price right. Ap Ply to James Saul, Tamworth, Ont. | HNGLISH HUNTING-SADDLIEE AND | double bridle, nearly sew n perfect condation A bargain Apply GU | Earl St LIFE PRESERVERS, IN FIRST class condition, for launches and skifls. Buy ome for your boy, 256, each. Folger's Ticket Agency, Foot of Brock street. 206 BAGOT STREET, TONVENIENT. ky situated and comfortable solid brick house, eleven rooms, modern Improvements Inspectic wn may ba arfanged for by telephone, J. Massie, "Phone, 177. GASOLINE WE up-to-date plant in the eity lutely accurate measurement; ali and water removed, veyed to your tank through metal hose, High grade gasoline, also greases and lubricating oils Prices the lowest. The Kingston Boat Co, Yadit Club Yard, HAVE THE ONLY atiso dirt and gasoline con Jux® 1 win mesung Stand FOR THE MONTIE OF offer the balance of of Baggies Runabotfis and Business Wags of the regular sel to twenty-five dol to get a good rig BOW IS your hangs { . glock, « want price wa Lotuvoey Nt FIFTY-FOOT CABIN equipped with 40 engine, and Fagherg ation for lighting and cookin. Cabin built of solid mahogany, and thoroughly eytipped and furnished. A delightful eraft for cruiving, I'rice, $4,500 Can be inspected at Kioge ston Foundry Company Kingston Ontario. Address communications te W. C. MeUausland, in care of The British Whig MOTOR HE, 8 BOAT, ey linder Flectric Install- FOR SALE OR zo RENT. ASS BLAU oa lowation, na opposition apply to I', MeAlpin Opt SHOY Flor Marg OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers, Examine them at Jodwin's Tnsurance Fmporium, Mark- ot Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND aLOnR Fire Insurance Company, Available seth $61,187,215. In addition whicl the have security . the unlimit Habitity of ail the stockholtters, Farm snd sity pro- perty Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Sirange, Agents. Phone, BAS, MARRIAGE LICENSES, 8S. KIRKPATRICK, IRNSUER OR Marriage Licetiges, 42 Ularence St. WOOD! "SUMMER FUEL" HARD wooD, SOFT WOOD, SLAB WOOD, MILL WOOL, i CEDAR BLOCKS i i All dry new wood cut And f split to order. [James Swift & Co ! 374 Princes Street. i duty | } i } FENDERS FOR FOG ALARM MACHINERY. ENDERS ADDRESSED undersigned at Ottawa | the envel : Fender { Machinery ds will " TO and endor IST DAY { tor sapplying ihe Dheguert for fog » of one or ree yours the Minister of Marine snd Specifications of the procured at the Depart Agencies of the Depart Quebee, St. John, NB, Charlottetown, PF at the Government and the Prescott Lighthouse Depot Kach tender must be acfompanied by se ! mecepted Bank cheque for the'sum of Five Hundred Daoliars, payable t the order of the Minister of Marine snd Fiske ries The cheque will" be Torisited if the party whose tender is noeepted declines ta poe ter into un comiract to Marnik the chtinedy, or falls to carry out the ¢ tradi. If the tender is not accepted the cheque will be retufned Department does not bind Half Lo accept the lewest or any tender "Newspapers copying this advertisement without aothority from will. not be paid 0. J. DUSBARATS, Agting Deputy Minister of Marts Vishories Department of Marine amd Vidherws Oltawa, Canada, 26th May VOLUNTEER OF the Depertment and = (CONVEYANCES. Those wishing to volugtesr con. veyances for election day, in the Goptain, CFO. HA MMO Fugineer, WH. Jun MOND. Syoniee: - tie 3 paints-on} For furthee { ara oatiey deen Sipe : fone ot Figo Bt gr interests of Mr. Pense rian leave Bamps at the. Committee Rooms 1908, LANA LAS ANL EN iB NRE Rai a PrasLeNl Bp