Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jun 1908, p. 5

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A -------------------------- GIVEN SEVEN YES, 3. E. ANDERSON CONVICTED OF BIGAMY. He Will Be in the Penitentiary This Evening--His Crime Was Scathingly Denounced By the County Crown Attorney. Renfrew, Ont., June 6.--J. A, Aud- esson, bigamist, formerly public school principal here, apd latterly inspector, of schools, at schville, was sen: toned in Kingston penitentiary for Higamy. Constable Lee, Perabroke, accompans ied Anderson to Renfrew and handreds of people gathered at the station get a glimpse of the prisoner. He ap- peared in good health and did not sem to mind very much the close scrutiny of the people. He had to walk two blocks to the office of the chief of police * where he was allowed to change his nttive. He appeared in| court dressed ih a blue suit and ap- mrently composed, although at times wt showed nervousness, Belore Police Magistrate Fady, Renfrew, County Crown Attorney J. RB. Matealf, Pembroke, appearing on behalf of the crown. Anderson having pleaded guilty, no evidence had heen takon, but the crown attorney detail ed the cirowmstances of the case as they had revealed themselves, and in a scathing addréss, pointing out that ther were no extenuating circumstan cos, wrged that the fullest punishment be meted out to the prisoner kked hy the magistrate if he anything to say on his own behall, Avderson said that he had done wrong. that he knew he deserved pun- ishment, but threw himself on the mercy of the court. The police maristrate said that he felt it his duty to impose the severest penalty possible, and sentenced Ander. fon ta seven years in Kingston peni- tontiary. The eourt room was crowded, and thomwrh the public indignation toward Anderson is intense, the sentence was received without demonstration. An hour afterwards Anderson was on his way to Kingston, in charge of Chief MeDermott. 3 br lo seven years tg of had They Are Not The First. he Toronto Mail and Kanpire ro. econtly announced that the Guggen: heim Mining company Ind given posi: tions to six Torgnto practical' science graduates, the: fight Canadians to ens ter their employment as engineers This is not correct. A brilliant Queen's graduate, ih the verson of Frederick J. Pope, M.A. formerly of Kingston, has been with the Guggen- heims for several years as expert. Kingston And Cape Vincent. Change of Timé~Commencing Mon- day, dupe lst, steamer will leave Kingston daily . including Sunday at 500 am. and 2200 pm. returning leave Cape Vincent 10.55 a.m. and 4.30 p.m., making divect connestion to and from all points in New York State. 7 readin 's Graduate Chosen. oh By on < or lap ionto, Board of Fdueat advertiood for five tenchers fdr. Toronto Collegintes, There were 150 gpplicants. Ope of those chosen is a retent Queen's graduate, Migs Mar guerite O'Connell, B.A, a specialist in ode languages, Excursion To Watertown. Going Saturday, 6 a.m. or 2 pm. Sudday, XK am. ov 2 p.m; returning Sundoy or Monday. Only £1.65 re tars,' | Cheap" ER -------- "The man who is continually telling his 'wife what a good cook his mother was, hdtes 15 be reminded that his father always kept the lawn well mowed and the cellar clean. It adds a bit of pleasure to a wo- man's life if one of her windows com- mands a complete view of her neigh- bor's clothesline on wash day. It ie the steamer Wolfe Islander thatl] will run from. the city to Kingston Mills for Rev. Father Kingsley's pio- | Yea¥ nie, on the 24th. Knowledge is indeed power if it is in the hands of your enemy and against vour character. Even a shallow man may get deep in debt. fMinvy in one of the world's greatest troubles, EE -- { THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1008. PERSONAL ar Movements Of The People--Whiat They Are Saying And Doi age: Ldorge Coxworth i the Gienergl Hospitat, Mes. John Co spending a few Mis C. Sharp, Mise Florence pent a couple Woe Left Davey Wiltom, 20 L. Huff Mrs. Ant Fairmount TE NEWS OF WORLD | OCCURRENCES R RECOUNTED | IN BRIEF FORM.! | matters That Interest Everybody] --MNotes From all Over--Little, of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, | The | nounce | bee un mad abe, { ment. | Charles Cartwright, aged four years, | son of William Cherry, Sth concession | (of Wallace, was drowned in a hole in i a small stream. | Earl Grey has received a cable {fying him that Lord. Kitchener ined the Quebec ter-centenary mittee in Londen, Mrs. J. KR. Spell, a Chatham widow, charged with assaulting and doing wos bodily harm to her foster langliter, Evelyn, by severe whipping Sixteen workmen kiled' and se.en- teen others more or. liss seri. | ously injured by an explosion, en Sat of thei i, day, 'in u celluloid factory at O met wifh | arday, a ulol factory at t- a serious accident this morning. He! traking, a sublrh of Vienna, « he Some © 210,000 pounds of American in Lendon, Glasgow was engaged on a scafiold when tored the N ri i h was on Friday, reshipped yy As, god Jit do att | Liverpool = hea severely o { ast io ¥ ow Mrs. Wary Chavoustic, who died in hy fast ame lo New Yoeh, to eed, Waterfown, N.X., on Wednesday last { the continued shortage of meat in ' " A ' rica. wns stepsister of Mrs. F, Folger Aiokién ks 3 v : an Wins Catharine Hon. asd doh we works of the Standard Chemical y ry y 3 s Pe > Pe ter of Michael Ryan, and was not his uy, a JB rab Sue : where sister, as twas mentioned in lad]; mn Ste xl eo ast ehruary, night's: paper by an explosion, were the scene of an Be Pay By C. . Miller. Baiiafe other fatal disaster, to-day, when two 2 i : *{ men Were Killed, N.Y.; Mrs, Thomas Tncker, Syrachse, E Nichol N.Y.; Mrs. Walter Woodame, Roches i solis and othr wem- ee Y . ad Mer Priwic nl herg of, the imperial family, accom. Harry - Tuckson "Buffalo, Ny t wifey Lan'er by the numerous suite, will were ealled to Kingston owing tol the leave Poterhol, Sunday for Reval, death of their sister Elizabet M Where Pay are fo meet and welcome Jackson, have returned to their rg ing Kiward spective homes * n | tawa, to-dav. , Jennie Horton, receivedia severe casti- gation. from the bench for an assault on a ten-vear old boy into chédk' ihe plunged a pair of scissors. i The magistrate declared the woman { dovervad a sentence without a fine, but { eventually fined her. MARINE NOTES. mproving i wily : } days ister, 204 «treet Sha Caletyrogk Win , of of | and othe | Toronto Financial Post that umportant progress in the Steel an- § has Coal settle laughter, Al are Mel's Ge tide, sting her sister, Mrs, . Wise ta Davey, Wilton Florentd 'Shangraw, ole a few dngy répently nt Camden with, Mo i ln Skinner. Arthur eklin, Picton, son and "Mrs. EdWin Macklin, Col was married, on Wednesday, to Maria German, only daughter of aml Mrs. German, Picton, FE. W. Doran, specigl agent Standadd Li Instrance company, | has moved Ris headquarters to Otia wa and will have charge of that glis trict in future, | Harry Healey, an employee Locomotive Works corapany, Miss spend East and rook, noti- hax oaom- of Mr MINTY, Miss Me. | lis the oi [ei were { meat, a woman named WAS A CHAIN-MAKER. whose John Tearse's Good Work While in Brantford Jail. John Tearse, who was hrought the penitentiary, to serve a life ser tence far murder, was a very busy man, while in the jail at Brampton, | according to the story told bv the constable who had him in charg® During his stay in the jail, he made a chain of about four bundred whiclk she presented to the jailer % | danglgter, andl be also made another fmorn ng on the chain of the same length which he the west. gave to the turnkey's wile, This che vip bf Steamer Wahcondah passed down to- sixty-one inghes long, and makes » day on her way from Fort William to very attepetive ornament Montreal, with grain. . Isarned the - 'art from a fellow pris- | The tug Frontenae oner. lat the Kingston & {for the Calvin company, | land. 208% I! Schooner Mary Ann Lydon arrived [from Oswego with coal for Booth's. {schooner Acacia is also unloading coal at Booth's. M. T. Co.: Tug Mary, up, with two harges, " cleared for Montreal, with Ottawa, June 5.--Offered, 183 boxes! three barges; steamer Horne cleared of white and 167 hoxes of colored. {for the upper lakes, There were sold 133 white and 117 eol-| Ag Richardson's : Steambarge Ran- ord, 'at 11 3-166. a 1 {dall is loading wheat, for Washburn; "June 5.--Eight factories steambarge Rober! Mo Bonald, arrived cheese. After the board from (Oswego with coal. oh lots of May, 11F boxes, | Swift's : Steamer Kingstoh, down, S10%c. and three lots of June, and up, to-day; steamer Pelleville, up, to-night; steamer Aletha, from bay 7 boxbs. sold at 11 1- June 5.-- Registered, points; steamer Rideau King, from Ottawa. Kempigille, Bb. 306 The M..T. tug k dhite and 245 colored. Bidding at kl ie. and 112c., at which all cheese yt? which has arrived in Quebec, {Lably be in Kingston on The tug had a fine trip across Atlantic and made the journey fourteen days. A new motor boat made pearance in the harbor to-day. to The Vessels Are Move. SYeamer Alexandria was at Folger's Hast 'night on its up trip. Canachan was here this way from Prescott to Beginning to links, Steamer Pearse is loading withes Pembroke wharf Garden 1s- Cheese Markéts. Napanee, June 5.--Boarded, 284 whité sold at 11et; 1,218 colored, at 11° 7-16e, Pwead, June twenty boxes cheek at 11 1-16c. nk! all sold B.~Five hundred hoarded: cored sold f Bartlett will pro Tuesday. the In Co's new } -------- 'The Tipping System. N.Y, American. "Hat | ean toll vou something youn don't know about the tipping system | in the cloakrooms of some of the| large cafes," remarked a midnight | diner to his wile. "Why, don't the pocket all they get *" inquired she. "Packet. ! Their uniforms are made without the sien of a pocket sp. that) none, of the tips ean find a lodging there. Those boys get nothing put a salary, which is paid 'by the man who | bat purchased jithe chock room privil- oh for as hgh as five thousand a The; Kips are all turned into him. You CAD imagine what the pe- | vilege i= worth When he ean pay down | thint sum for the right.' i its ap- It de- races owned "HA. just (0 record for itself should any : take place this season. It 'by Bembardier Lamoreux, and 15 called "Eva." The water still seems to he rise, A few. of the junder water and it many others The coal wharf of the locomotive works is under water, and the company is losing quite {little fuel as a result The sehooner Clara Youell, vin port, was built in. IN72, at | Burwell, by Youell & Co., and Fthe firm's first vessel built there G tW. Youell and A. Poustic went with {her on her first trip to Chicago, bring. ing back with them a cargo of wheat on which the freight from Chicago to small hove 18 R.( on the local wharvesd are is washing ove a frequent. Port was Spend Sunday In Watertown. Tickets good going Saturday or} Sunday. returning until Monday after- 1 noon. Only $1.65 return. a Te We Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts Me. to Kingston was a bushel gs com: pared with de. He. at the present day. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. When you need a Ceb 'phone 600, The damp ot Barriefield will be hold on August Jlst. Madole, the liberal in Lennox, the favorite in Mondav's election. William Swaine, piano tuner. O received at McAuley's. 'Phone 77 A band concert in Macdonald on & moonlight night next would be snjoyed. The fine weather of this morning at- tracted a large crowd to the market, and there was a good offering in the various lines. One of the belt cars waz off the track at Princess and Bagot streets, i this morning, and it took about tem minutes to replace it. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from A orders at Mo « , and the wded, The 1 timer, ways Ct ' Park week yy . tailway brgught in a Wee crowd, this hit Island boat was ov phone 600. accident averted at the corner bf s narrowly ontreal and A tittle horses. Ouly the prompt ac- the driver of the rie prevented jgreen gy i thoroughly iglad to see {and able { Strange, Mrs {way this week. { Mrs. has & i Mr Gurd, of Montreal, ham street came Montreal. staying with Mrs. street, and will be in town for Toronto on Monday. day, the Mr. from Lyn, she and Canon ville where end with Mrs | veloped unusual speed and will make in expected fram New to Ottawa. 1 mark their ballots for Mr. Pemse. "i the water lot at the foot of O'Kill 1 LATE SOCIAL NOTES. i ---- I from page 7.) harming little al fre rs. Geo. ge King, lasghters ex: , on Puree Marguis as snd lilies of th table, + house pres i the carpet of canopy of trees, we sky, made it chtful., Evervhodv wa Mrs King out-of doors, ter into the enjovment'| after her illness vere : Mrs. Camphell Herbert Rahinson, Mrs , Mrs. Mallia Ferguson, Mrs. Herbert Horsey, Mrs. H. W Richardson, Mrs. W. T. Connell, Mrs, J. tussell Stewart, Miss Julia Lyman, Miss Annie Dale. Miss © May Ford, and Miss Alice Chgwn, - = Mrs. Henry Kavanagh, of Montreal, has heen feted in an informal little | On Monday evening Richard Hooper, Albert street, asked tw or three ladies to meet her and take » hand at bridge. - = = appearance hére, next week, 5. Leslie Carter will be signalized, so they say, by two or three three theatre and subsequent 'supper parties. > - = There was a tennis tournament the Country Club, this afternoon. - -> -> A few of the girls took Miss Portia Mackenzie over ta the Country Club, for luncheon, to-day, but it wasn't a lunch, just an agreement: to lunch there rather than at home. - > - A passible gaicty of the near ture, is a dance at "Underwood," is hospitable chatelaine always being glad of an excuse to entertain young people. {Conti of the which 2 et, and h One ta Pas valley | th Wk id'etre. Tulip made the | danghte ors of {very lov 1 xi, fresh glimpses of Je to + after guest of the JON, Among Bernard Browr 0 of The at fu -- - - Mrs. Richard Hooper, asked about a dozen yesterday afternoon. Tea was pensed on the verandah, and the pres ence of Mrs. Yates, who is a great deal better, made the very enjoy- able. Albert ladies street, to tea, dis- tea hour > Mrs. Montague and Mrs. W St. Pierre Hughes will be the hostesses at Tuesday's ero pe CN - -- - Mrs. ¥, Herbert Pense and baby came down from Toronto, day #nd are with Mrs, Edward J. Pense, King street. Miss Melly Cartwright has been up from Ottawa this week to get "The Maples' in readiness for the arrival of Sir Richard and Lady Cartwright and their family, in about a fort night's time. Mas. Ja L. ow Strange her faurd, and Mrs. "Charles visiting with Mrs, J. 8. Smith, for some days, returned to Montreal, Fo lay. Mus. D. | > > Stewart Robertson, home, Syden- to-day, from Miss Bessie of Toronto. is Hiram Calvig, King about Boyd, week, Mrs. T. G. Marquis' will leave for Mrs. W. R. Givens arrived, on Thurs from Minneapolis and will spend summer at 60 William and Mre. Givens will pot up house here till next year. wwe W.:G. Grout on Wednesday, and Grout leit for they will spend the Henry Carre, Mrs. Hugh Osler and Miss Frances Sullivan will be down from Winnipeg a fortnight's time. Mr: William Harty, was York to-day Jessie Macpherson has returned street, take Mrs. G. came 'home to-day Selle- week- es partly Miss B. Cowan and of Gananoque, for Vancouver, Mrs. J, Miss Louise, ith, en route daughter, left on the B.C, ¥ RIDEAU WARD PEOPLE Haven't Forgotten Loss of Street Car Seivice. At the Whig Hall meeting last even ing, Ald. ow Elliott also paid his compliments Mo W, F. Nickle on the street railway question. He said that if Mr. Nickle had invited a lawyer like J. Mchonald Mowat, to debate the question with Lim last week, there would have bern wis on the geen, and Mr. Nickle would have emerged from the meeting in any thing but a hilarious mood. In his d seussion, however, Mr. Nickle side- stepped the Williamsville branch mat ter, Ald. Elliott said. He why he had deprived Rideau ward of a which they needed so badly. ¢ i off the cars, and allowed the fracks| to be hali buried and to hecome dan- gerons. The Rideau ward electors, Elliott said, wouldn't forget this on election day, Ald Elliott told the electors to pay no more attention to Mr. Nickle's roorbacks that might be issued be tween now amd Monday, or to anv whisperings, either, but to go and | railway seryye, | i i Baseball League Executive. A meeting of the executive of the Kingston Bascball League was held in! the Ramdolph howl, on Friday even-| ing, DPredident McParland presiding. The Mic Macs withdrew irom the leagie. The execitive allowed them t6 withdraw, and also will allow their pavers to join any other team in the The Emeralds were offered the Mie Macs" place "in the] league, The executive deeded to give the Gold: smith ball a trial, snd i it proves satisfactory they will use it for the seafon. MH this ball is used for the Seaton the makers will present a hand some pemnant to the winning team. Granted The Water Lot. Hon. William Harty, MP. has written City Engineer, Uraig enclosing a letter from Sir Fi atten. minister of militia. granting: the city t to Macdomald Park. will be of value to the i iag0 ; i gf ' PAGE FIVE. So Writes Mr. Newhof, of Albany. _ I Took Perna, Hardly Daring to Believe Pelvic Diseases in Men. Many an invalid is dragging out a miserable exis- tence with eatarrh of the kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, or both. There is no disease equal to catarrh of in producing complete wretchedness : despair, haggard misery and stubborn w the bladder , absolute eakness. Ad army of this sorf of victims have one by one lieve such cases. One man tells another man, and in th sted from the thraldom of catarrh of the & course of Peruna. | discovered that Peruna could be relied upon to re- is way the | | mews spreads until in sll parts of the country sre | to be found men who haye been permanently liber- bladder by Many cases of catarrh of the stomach, kidneys and as cared. other abdominal organs have reported themselves We give below two prominent testimonials which Catarrh of Stomach and Kidneys. Mr. H, L. Emory, Vice Chancellor snd Master of Arms, K. Ps, of Omaha, Neb,, writes from 206 North Sixteenth street, the following words of praise for Peruna as a tonic, He says: "It is with pleasure | recommend Peruna as a tonic of unusual merit. A large number of prominent mem- bers of the different orders with which I have been connected have been cured by the use of Peruna in cases of catarrh of the stomach and head; also in kidney complaints and weakness of the pelvic organs. "Peruns tones up the system, aids digestion, induces sleep, and is well worthy the confidence of sufferers of the above complaints." {llustrate the benefit of Peruna in these cases. LAN BY - § (HARLES B. NEWHC Catarrh of the Bladder. Mr. C. B. which would relief that I N.Y, President Montefiore Club, writes: "Since my advanced age I find that I have been Stequensly troubled with wrisery aliments. The that it was catarrh caused by a protracted cold my advanced years, J fook Peruns, to believe that I would be helped, but found to my { graduslly subsided, and the away. for the past seven months. sleep soundly, and am ss well as I was twenty years ago. 1give all praise to Peruna." Newhof, 10 Delaware street, Albany, ed, and my physician said be difficult to overcome on account of hardly daring soon began to mend, The trritation difficulties I have enjoyed excellent health now 1 enjoy my meals, 865 Broadway, Oakland, Cal, writes: "I am an old war veteran. I contract- ed severe bladder and kidney trouble. 1 spent hundreds of dollars and con- sulted a host of doctors, but neither did me any good. "Finally Jome of my comrades who had been cured by Peruana advised me | to try it. I at once bought a bottle, and | found it helped me so much that I kept using it for nearly four months. "Peruna has proven the best medi- cine I ever used. My pains are Fane snd I believe myself Pa be cured. | well, and would not be without a bottle | in time of need for ten times its cost." | Mr. Robert E.*Hanvey, Treasurer Knights of Industrial Freedom, also a | well known writer and lecturer, writes Mr. David L. Jaycox, Chaplain Clar-| from 11 South Nicholas St, Chicago, inds I.0.G.T. snd Chaplain G. A. R.,| Ill, as follows: ol was in good health until about four years ago, when my back became lame and sore, The pains kept increasing, with severe twitches and slow exhsus- tive aches, Urine was highly colored' and passed with great irregularity, I knew this must be lnflsmmation of the bladder. 'Having read of Peruana | decided to fry it. 1 found relief from the pain within ten days. The aches gradually diminished, and it was & blessed reliaf I can assure you, Withinthree 1 was well once more. My returned, nervousness and were things of the past, and for over two years now I have been & healthy man. "I give all thanks to your Perunag! and believe that itis » blessing to mals kipd." tito b. Will You Try An L. C. Smith Typewriter? The Standard Visibl ec Writer We know other typewriters of all kinds 'and we know that the L. C. Smith has every improvement and every feature that any of then has--AND MORE. We want to place an L. C. Smith Bros.' Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX- | PENSE, and have you compare it | part for part, feature for feature, with any other typewriter. We will let the typewriter, speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated by the machine itself more con- vincingly than we could tell it. Then Wwe want to leave the de- cision to you. If YOU want it then we will sell youn one on favor- able TERMS, or if you already ihave a machine we will take that in part payment. THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. This is the way we sell typewrit. ers ; it is a good, fair, honest way. It bas not a link in the chain of fairness. obody dictates the PRICE | tll at or HOW we shall sell. That's: OUR business. and We sell our machine strictly on its merit All the writing on the L. C Smith 4s always in sight, and direct in the line of vision The WRITING LINE IS INDICATED, and the PRINTING POINT IS POINTED OUT so that the L. C. Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM] ~a perfect VISIBLE typewriter The typebar and hanger are the heart of a typewriter, that means they are the weak typebar means a we writer. Show us a typeba ing that is narrow and has wearing surface, and it tells™ that under hard wear such a type- | writer will not retain its align-| ment, and sooner or later will get | out of order. On the L. C. Smith the beating is wide and the bar heavy, and will stand years and years of hard work. no | We do not belong to any trust! manifolding Then again, with the L. C smith one machine is equipped to | do all kinds of work--better writs ling, invoicing, billing, tabulating, figures, stencil cutting, without touching he ribbon and heavy anything that any typewriter can do the L. C. Smith will do--and more. You can lift the platen, or writ- {ing cylinder, right out and put in { another in a second. You ean { write ip two colors, and you do not have to touch yaur ribbon {from the time you put it in the ! machine till it is worn out. i most vital part--a | You can do all these Lhings, and {many more, and « do them better | than you can with any other type | writer. 1 WILL YOU DO THIS? And remember THIS IS the ma- | chine we want to place in your 'op* trial and examination AT OUR EXPENSE. It doesn' lcost you a penny to try.it. a Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines. Typewriters Rented and Repaired--all makes, 0 J. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., LOCAL AGENTS: % 79 Princess st, King ston, *

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