Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1908, p. 8

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THE DATLY BRITISH WHICG, MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1608. Custom Department All kinds of new fur gar- ments made to special ¥® measure, and we also bave § unsurpassed facilities fcr re- modelling, repairing, and re- fo dying furs at short motice that makes it possible for us to transform your old Furs into new. We guarantees per- fect satisfaction as to fit. Telephone 489. in McKay Fur House, 49-159 Brock St. | WEDDING RINGS We always keep a good selection on hand and make to order any special size or shape. Our gold is rich in eolor and style, and workmanship perfect. Buy {fom the maker and get the advantage in price. Spangenberg JEWELLER, Issuer of Marriage (Licenses. ania Refrigerators © With leas ice than you have ever used he- fore. It is worth your while in thy in- terest of health and economy to have "one of our Refrigerators. We have them from $7.00 up to $42.00. CALVANIZED, ED. "We have WHITE ENAMEL aad GLASS LI P---- = "W. A. Mitchell's Hardware. JAS. MULLEN, Granite and Marble Works 4 1 First-Class Work hal tisfaction Assured. Lettering iy Eamew Semmatirite Neatly and Prompt- 372 Princess St Opposite ¥. M. C. A. Buy Imported 5. When you can get better and per goods from your own , made by the Mattress Co. dered the Cross drug stove. "ago, from all any sent. meeting on T the THES P.M.EDITION THE BRIDES RETURN INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Reporters On Their Rounds. When you need a Ceb Phots 600, nu hot at Gibson's Red good work. ( FO#S dry William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | | received at McAuley's, The Standard Printing. and . ing company, limited, with s of $50 000, has heen "Fresh seidlitz powders son's Red Cross drug store Up id | auntain does | | | l 'Phore Ti8. Publish- gs capital | leorpora bed, i at Gib- Good rubber tired cab always when you 'phone 600, 'A goad tonic' | Pilly. The, genuine are sold {son's Red Cross drug store. A petition was sent to Napdnee Blaud s Iron Tonic at Gib- town | council 'from a large number of young lads, asking the council to ki vide a suitable swimming pi the palace grounds, The co to treat the request. H. Chickering's. Leave Aulev"s book store. "Kando Russian 20. orders silver pol at P hane Gibsor a. 23 packages for. The Late James Landon. At his residence, near North ia, Friday evening, don, away, on after a ¥ at the age soventy-s Doecensed was born and fife in the vicinity of of his death. Farming was |} pation, and being of an in and thrifty disposition, he cess of dt. His wife died seve but a family of two survive, pamely, home: Andrew, Landon," traimed Idaho. Mrs hard, Fairfield East, and Mrs Feritt, Winchester, are a Methodist all bis life, passed ness, of entire Sos daughter, Maniel. at amd Mies siding in was eral, Fermenting Food When the stomach is weak a portion digest food Ours of the ments Palpitation of to result Bav's Dyspepsia Cure relief and restores This preparation has Digest ie and Laxative properties. 1 tle contains sixteen days' tn Far sale only at Wade's Dry edges not and eres the heart or = apt Strike Still On. tinsmiths' strike still reports there is no being made held hut wos The is settlement The tinsmiths Saturday that ther to was stated new in the situation, Naughty Grit Watchers. Dr. Ross, president of the Conserva- tive Association, had a Sabbath. tron Many Liberals, kept ings. It is said that were called in lnst night track of the away the naughty grit watchers. Electian Returns At Bijou. Full returns from the eleetic as obtained given at each performance to-night. For Thirty-First Tim William Robinson, voted first at No. 7, Catara« thirty-first time, Styles Tap Are the hats--Panhma, straw that you buy from Thomas Mills & Co. A Sui---- Memoranda for day : Overh ing tackle. Buy trout flies a ing boots. Every Battle- ship in the world is armored against the wondérful ex- We have the world's greatest experts, the Nobels, makeoursmokeless powders -- Empire for Sové shells and Ballistite Scotland. petition filed, an on Jam spent made a sue Toronto, Gilhe ites fla proper dives visited "his two policemen ex-M. P12. t Satisfy. ndly pro- ee near | wil ~ og | I way} § Cunningham, piano tuner from | ple accordingly met at Me |/ ish," 2's i J enr's ill. ¢ ix, his | 1 the place 1s ofa lustrions r ral vears | and one Messrs. | ¢ arse, ve- |i rt Man- William rs He and a fib 1 « It fer- italence headache tion. ive, Ton. ach bot eatment, iy Store, | and of pre on, wn at another day nothing « i I « e whlesome | office. proceed- t I ( i « to chase m as far e. to-day pat ward, i or felt-- aul fish- | nd wad {ol |WILD SCENES AT REUNION {Robert Flynn of | bouse. $ | that the | ponies armed, both escorts friendly spoiling relieved by the appearance f had now heen satisfied hy given, and bridegroom's house feast. when { height, | the deeply, ed out fes 4 the gives prompt | state forces For Money For Settlement sizes of the Judge took a ward of the J Albert BO. takes action fence 4. home, boy left and produces a receipt, receipt was one made out to be given if Mr. Inmate of asylum, jumpedgsceventy feet over to the whicling pools ten yards below | the by fishermen. injured and may die. sane six months, three times, IN IRELAND. Ballinagleragh Separated From His Bride For Two Months For Getting Mar- ried Before i Registrar. Dublin, June s.--Robert Flynn, of | Ballinagleragh, county Leiteum, and his 'bride, who were boycotted because they were married before a registrar | against the wishes of the priest, have been . reunited after a two months' separation. Alter the marriage on | March 16th, a mob of thirty disgust- ed men broke into Flynn's house and carried away the bride to her father's howe. Since then bride aid bride groom have been kept apart, arme men maintaining a blockade of ¥ lynn' si 'Fath. called on Flynn and toki him ceremony would take Pines next day. The long-separated ¢on- late Friday evening and were united aecording to the rules of the Catholic church. As Flynn's bodyguard there came a mot- ley evowd mounted mountain and armed with every deserip-| tm Thursday the parish priest, r King, the on on tion of farming implement, Another also mounted andy the bride, but were ordered. ta romain | chapel while the on. They leant another and, The escort, accompanied wiiside the was going AINE, on with no apparently tension was eyeing one feelings, for a fight ied couple. Some of the rustic elders lefivered speeches as to the or a cessation of hostilities, church and the people of the necessity as district the penance Cheers were then hands, to the wedding mposed on Flvian, the rival fgetions the guests adjonrned for the shook the was two o'clock in mornine, the merrymaking at a scare of masked men entered house and indalesd in the wildest They kissed the bride, drank and, having practically clear- the place and broke up the lit & huge bonfire «outside tearing down the thatoh of Flynn's house to flames, About its tisplay. vities, house, art of the feed the Flynn accey.is of things, tha victory he arrayed acainst QUESTION OF RECEIPT greater natural of the all as the and seems proud hus gained over him of a Case. Ont, June 9.--~The June as- county court open before MacTavish, on Tuesday. A ase, which will cause a great deal of nterest, is that of Pr. Bamardo's wme and Alfred Bowen, superinten- lent of the corporation for Canada, against Adan J. Halpenny, of the sounty of Carleton. Mr. Halpenny Barnardo home, Joyes, to live with him, and agregd to pay him a cortain sum wr year, increasing it as he grew | sider. He went to live with Halpeuny | n 1904 and left in 190). The society | fnims $110 to be due the boy and | to recover it. The Ue | is that Mr. Halpeony paid to EB. Skene, an inspector from the $150 as settlement when ur. | Ottawa, Mr. Skene denies this and claims that the Halpenny paid the money and lestroyed if he did not. DETERMINED TO DIE. Asylum Rapids. John," N.B.. June "Thomas | Edwards, an inmate ol the provincial a institution, in- Jumps Into | | St. Lifi at the rear of the reversible falls of the St. John river late last night. He was rescued Edwards was terribly He has been in and has tried suicide Locomotive Is Recovered. Sherbrooke, Que. News from Eastman is to the effect that the Canadian Pacific railwa-- enwine which took a headlong lunoe from the East- man trestle, last fall, was successfully raised. Nince the acpident it has Jain in the mud beneath. the surface. A large crowd of de 'gathered to wit- ness the raising of the engine. It was drawn from the mud and water and restored to the rails. Though badly rusted it did not appear to be very badly damaged by its plpage of sisty feet. \ June 8. Out Of Jail. Montreal, June 8.--F. W. Boschen, the stock broker, who has been in jail for the past few days as the re sult of failure to secure bail after ar- rest on a capia¥, nccomnection' with a $25,000 action, has been released as the result of an agreement hotween counsel and the ease will likely he heard this week. Boschen, who failed some time ago, wal, Inet week, ex- pelled from the Consolidated Fx change of New York. i ---- Has Reached Montreal. June S-Reas Admiral 4 oreemony |B their {5 of the mar-1y the |} | possession | on Wednesday, WALLET WITH $576 LOST. Owner Jumped For Tt and Was Almost Drowned. Bancroft, Ont... Jape S--James Moore, of this village, met with a big loss while up fishing af Lake St Poter, a few. days ago Mr. Moore Jud received a small m of money rom a party that morning, and while! out alone in a boat it occurred © to him to place this money in b wallet which be carried in his coat pocket and which contained $576. He placed the wallet on the seat of the boat, and a moment later a gust of wind blew it overboard. Jim" cannot swith 'a stroke, but this fact did not deter him from jumping overhoard af- ter the wallet. His obituary would jikely have been written up by this timg had not a son of M. McLaren no- ticed his predicament and come to bis sone. All efforts to locate the wallet have so far failed. and Mr. Moore is fecling rather blue, amd rightly so over his loss, su FLOODS OF 4BRIBERY. The reports that come to hand this afternoon, in- : dicate that the greatest #1 amount of bribery and cor- #, ruption ever known in {ig} Kingston is in progress by # the Conservative party. They are exposing great piles of cash and are seek- ing in every conceivable manner to corrupt the electorate. Mr. Pense's vic- tory, should it occur, will he the greatest triumph ever secured in a provincial election, over the vilest of corrupt influences. - HEF EE ERR REESE # # TE - A Big Program. ". Biiou theatre offers special tions to-might, The full returns the Ontario elections, =o lar obtained up to the moment, be shown at each performance the Bion theatre to-night All Irishmen will be interested in the tra beauty = spots wd stately of old Treland. A double of moving pictures of- fered, comprifing two melodramas, "The Arabian Dagger the 8 splendid melodrama which we offered on Friday and Saturday. "A French Girl's Romanee,"" or 'Kidnapped by a Nobleman. John Robert Davis sings Tried To Bribe Him. About 10:45 o'clock on Sunday ing an uptown liberal workman was waited upon by one of the tory heel nd tendered an en- con- attrae- of as will in velogue buildings programme = and ame even- his house, a velope, which the tained five dollars, for him to vote and work for Nickle to-day. The workman spurned the offer, and ordered the stranger out of the house. The latter hail many oth er bittle envelopis to leave at houses. 'The tory hribety was certainly smooth. els at . said and said it was visitor Yacht Race On Saturday. On Saturday afterngon, the first of the series of yhoht races for the Bruce Carruthers' trophy wie held, Temd raire, owned hy the Carruthers #yndi- leate, won hy a couple of miles, hat as she had to allow the Kathleen twenty-five minutes, the latter got | first place¥Wgy 1.06 minutes. The Teme- raire was Qpecond, and the Thistle, third. Wants Daughter Back. Uliord endeavoring to get her twelve-vear-old from her by the po She was at the and protested action whieh Mas. is of | de ugchter, taken an Friday night -- statigu, to-day, very strongly about the was taken. The case will no doubt be | decided by the magistrate. Closing Exercises The annual closing exercises of Roval Military Uollege will be jo m the afternpon of Friday, fat 2:15 o'clock, and the June Mth, and ex-eadets need no invitations {either of these functions. the held June 26th, annual ball Graduates to Baseball On Sunday. Eastern League--Jersey City, 9 Providence, 0. Nowark, Baltimore, 3. Montreal, 3; Roch r, Amerjean League Chicago, ington, | {ten innings). St Philadelphia, 0 ¢ > > Louis, J: Detroit, Wash I: 5 Boston, Will Open Tenders. The property committee of the hoard of education will on Wednesday afternoon to open tenders for the al- terations necessary at the schools to comply with the fire by-laws The board will meet on Thursday night. meet Is Doing Nicely. George Coxworthy, who met with an accident at the docometive works, is at the general tol, and report, this afternoon, saveRhat he is getting along nicely, and that his chances are good for recovery. Election Returns At Bijou. Full returns from the election as far as obtained given at each performance to-night. ¢ Miss Mary Joyoe, accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Stoeum, Rochester, N.Y. Weft by sk amer Ridean King to spend the simmer months on the Ri dean, The ease in which a Union strest resident was charged with building a portico on the street line, has been setted out of court. ral. THE NEWS OF WORLD ---- Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, Liberals are working hard in Oua wa to retain the {wo members The Allan steamer Hibernian, from London, arrived at Quebec, on 7th The Allan ~steamer lonian, from Glasgow, arrived atl Quebec on Tth Montreal will give 310.000 towards the purchase of the battlefields of (Quebec, At Mitchell, Thomas Hall, yeurs of age, was drowned in pond. He was in bathing Four bodies were taken irom Mon- treal harbor on Saturday, not one which has yet been identified Ex-Ald, Denia Tansey, one leading Irishmen of Montreal dic d Saturday, aged seventy-five! The remains of Sir Robert Gillespie Reid were removed to Mount Royal cemetery, Montreal, and will begove- mated. The steamer Cornelia, fitted to transporg live salmon from Canada to Britain, has sailed on her maiden voyage. The most elaborate precautions are heing taken to the safety of King Fdward and the czar, when they meet at Reval, Samuel Henry were charged at Toronto with £140 from Daniel A the known liberal worker. The Mexican Light and Power com pany, whose head office is in Mon treal, declared a dividend of one cent. on the common stock. At Detroit, William E. Quinby, for mer United States minister to the Netherlands, and for many vears edi tor of the Detroit Free Press, ia dead. The weather in Montreal is hot and sultry, but jr otherwise favarable for voting purposes, but it is feared that the total polling will be comparative lv snl} Barglars twenty the of of the 0 ingure MeMulion |) tealing well aml James Ross, $ to Ontario ille, last business of the onl broke in the hewspaper office in Yellen night, and ransacked the fice. A few coppers was hooty secured. Richard Mathison, vears old; Bediord, was found unconscious in Detroit a turday afternoon. He was suffering from epileptic fits. John Frigl, highly well-known farmer of Hibbert ship, Ont., was seriously injured, Saturday, by falling off a barn died the same evening At Mucleod, Alta., rain is falling in torrents. THe traflic bridge is report al to have had the northern approach washed out and cannot be reached from that side, In Hamilton a conservative deputy returning officer is accused of seeking Le bunch of ballots to a libe- I scheme "was heing worked to nip the dishonest official. Oliver HH. P. Belmont's death in New York, appears to be anly a ques tion of a few hours. Hel has heen sinking steadily since an oparation for atute appendicitis was performed, At Philadelphia, Gearge FP. Pavone, of the George F. Payne & Co., build: ers of the new state capitol of Har- rishurg, and a defendant in the capi- tol conspiracy cases, aged fifty-five years, Is i I The steamer Lady Aileen, hetween Dalhousie, N.B, bellton under a dominion and pro vincinl subsidy, was wrecked, Satur- day afternoon, on Newport Island and is a total loss. The steamer the rocks below norted to he in 3s up four feet on keeled over. The erew was at the accident. At Hamilton, warranis were issued, this morning, for the arrest of Wil liam Lawson, the conservative deputy returning officer in division 87, and Henry Dillabaugh, the conservative poll clerk in district 42. The charge against Lawson is that he unlawinlly supnlied a packet of ballots to Dilla- haugh twenty-eight Mich. on of respected and town on to se which plies and Camp- City of Montreal, Morrishury, is ree a bad position. She the rocks and has Dannelly wrecking on ---------------- Mountain Streams Cause Floo Lethbridge, Alta., Jum mountain streams are in flood through out Southern Alberta. The Belly is rising five inches per hour, and is now eight feet above the regular high water mark. The St. Marve is many feet higher than usaal Willow, Pincher and Lees Creek, Pot hole and Old Man Fivers are washing away banks and sweeping everything | before their flood there are fears for | the Alberta railway and Irrigation company's line between Cardston and Macleod. 'The Raymond Sugar com: pany's resagvoir broke, carrying away a section of the Alberta Railway and brrigation company's track. The low er part of Cardston has besn abamglon ed. The houses are flooded amd no traing are running. 'The telegraph and telephone service north, south and west in practically useless. Two inches of rain fell in forty-eight bours with no sign of cessation. The crops are um injured, very little being under water, ------ Deporting A Prisoner. This atterpoon Peter Devin, immi gration inspector, hit for Marian, Hl, with a prisongr from the peniten tiary here. The ronviel was found to have been of United States hirth, and an undesirable when convicted, and hence eligible to be deported. we river also while The Shipway company commenced work this morning on the re-arrang- ing of the fire escapes on the schools, asked for ly the school board, to comply with the specifications. next session of the Bay of Quinte Methodist conference will be 3 street chorch, Helle The usual supply of plants wae this morning distriboted the public schools, and the caretakers will now be buky arfanging them. Fire, on Sunday morning, dil dam- age to eatont of ® ue £3,000 and at pardy. 4 ean in SE. Thowe a8" church, ¥ on Sewing: In hivine from ad ta month a mouthiul. you # SPECIAL SALE To-Morrow Morning, 9 O'clock to 12. 550 YARDS WHITE PERSIAN LAWNS A very special purchase will be offered To-morrow Marning at prices that mean a great saving to you. 20c White Persian Lawns for 14c. 35c White Persian Lawns for 18c. 30c White Persian Lawns for 20c. 35c White Persian Lawns for 23c. Stockings For All the Family Women's Fast Black Cotton Stock ings, 10¢, 121c, 15c. Women's Fine Imported Black Stock- ings, . Women's Black Lisle Thread Stock- ings, 35¢, 39¢, 45c and up. Tan Stockings for Women, 25¢ and up. Tan Stockings for Children, both in Cotton and Cashmere. Ladies' White Stockings, in a great variety, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 36c¢ up. Children's White Stockings, sizes and many makes. Boys' Famous Leather Knit Fast Black Cotton. This stocking stands the hardest wear, and now has a great sale, all sizes, 15¢ to 25c. 15¢, 20c¢, all sizes, in all COOL UNDERWEAR FOR MEN AND BOYS Fine make Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, shirts with long or short sleeves, 50c. Very Light Weight Nafural Wool Shirts and Drawers, 3 qualities, 75c, 90¢, 99c. Boys' Balbrigggan Shirts and Draw- ers, all sizes. Prices range from 23¢ up. 1 Underwear for Women and Children Ladies' Thin Summey¢ Undervests, 10¢, 12}e, 15¢, 20, 25¢ up. Some with short sleeves, others no slecves, Drawers to match 25c. Ladies' White English Merino Vests, summer weights, 49¢, 69¢, 75ec. There war no session of the polies art this morning. © a vd The Lockett Shoe Store # The Place 'to Buy Your Shoes. de v This Week we am selling a few splendid Shoes, at Bargain Prices. , brira's Choeolate 1 Strap Slipper, Double Tips, size 8 to 104, ¥ Girls' Chocolate 1 Strap Slipper, 'Double Tips, size, 11 to 2 to 2 $1.25 Ladies' White Canvas Blucher Cut Oxzforlls, nice wading hist some $3.75, $3.50 and $3, Girls' Chocolate Blucher CutOxfords, low heel, size 11 Ladies' Fine Pumps and Oxfords, Shoes, $2.50. A Great rr of Trunks and pt Cases, at Low Prices. Bie Toocett Shoe Store. nH

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