YEAR 75--NO. 135. OVER $200,000 Likely the Stealligs of | H. J. McCormick, } } FORMER GLANS KGET fe v mgd. \LARCENIES AND FORGERIES | HIT WIDOWS AND CHILDREN. ---- Mystery As to the Money--Water- town Wonders come . of Jail, Adopts Policy of Silence. Watertown, N.Y., June 9.-That the thelts and forgeries thtyed to Henry J. McCormick, of this tity, will ag- gregate $200,000 is the belief of Su perintendent Christie, of the R., & 0. division of the New York Cen- tral railroad. McCormick, who, until May lst, was claim agent of theNew York Cen tral, was arrested early Friday atter- noon as he was about to leave the city. Superintendent Christie believes he has discovered two instances wherein Hogue | claime against the railros' were settled through MeCarmick, These two claims aggregate 6,000 Efiort on. the part of the railrond has thas far failed to disclose the identity of the persons injured or any one who knew of the alleged acer dents. \ "Out of the twenly cases investiga: gated," daid Mr. Christie, "we have discovered thefts apgregating 29, 000. In but one of the twenty was the transaction not falsified. | have nearly a thousand more elgims to in vestigate. The theft will ymougt to a filth of a million dollars.' In MeCormick's system of transao- tions in which he ix alleged to have defranded the raifrogd and the parties making the claims out of thousands it Is clpimed he forged the name of the persen who should have received the entire amount, then indorsed the check and Presaitod it at the bank He took the kash, reserved part of it for himsell and settied the claim with the remainder. In every instance he was sure to take from the person having the clpim against the railroad a receipt for settlement and release of claim against the railcoad. This paper would he left blank where fig ure should have heen fasted, until siz oi urew of amount of ry trve claitn being then inserted, whop Me Cotmick was alone; and then the pa: per would be Sent to the proper offi cial, of the railroad. The local banks sent the cheeks tothe bank in New Yotk with which the New York Cen tral does business. The widéws und children df men killed hy the raflrond, the maimed and The with whom the railrowl genprous- i | ! they were mottling will wot Jothin more from the company, it id, and they can else themsoly ves in the list of those bhent the party signs the their claim against the com- i at an end. HM they wrote ame to the release when Mc Cormick said the company would give them a thousand dollars rather than have any trouble, when in reality the company was giving more than that, the claimant was simply out the dif ference and must be content with the lous, In connection with this part of the affair there are more pitiful imstanges, There is a widow and three children of 4 man killed in a crossing accident now working in the drudgery of farm life, who was gheated out of nearly three thousand dollars. In Orleans county there is a party now an im- becile over an injury, whom MeCor- mick is alleged to have cheated out of many hondred dollars, A conversation overheard by ong who happened to know the exact settlement in oge onse Jed to Me Cormick's arrest, The overheard worth told the fact that the party had not reedived the amount intended and the matter was at once relefrad to I DAILY MEMORANDA. City Council, 8 p.m. 00. 9 ) sO TApnoNt Ary Concert, Hall, 8 Mrs. Ean artor in "Du Barey,'" Gr Opera House, 815 p.m. the Garden Party $n Ald of the poor, Archbishop's Palusce Grounds, Thi afternoon. and evening, Fan 'ohtison: street. Admission, 10¢. Afternoon Tea, 10¢, ; Supper, 25c. Theatre--Plctures changed toth and to-morrow. To-day. Funny of a "The Lady Er ng draiang Be EN g 1, City tranee 3 {this instance, said Mr Christie, {money lessen our prosecution." What Has Be- nek of him. It--McCormick, in'rome of the best people in a leader in church and fraternal so civty. Ww. [daw n the HE FILGHED THEM pty ; YOUTH STEALS KISSES AND and 'Alvy Provest, twenty years old, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, N-------- ---------------------------------------------- Superintendent wv Christie. The investi . ; 5 gution started. It grew by bhouwls 1 ¥ and the oWicials, "who learned of the : 3 affair, was horrified. What be did with his monsy is ~ a Jutstion, which puzzies every one who {i w Met: ormick. During his life: time he has never spent any money to speak of. From the railroad he $130 ga month. There is plenty of talk that he dabbled in stocks, which js wore of less true. in many in) ftances he bought the stocks outright and on'y the day before his arrest e sald ia. lot of Union Pacific at a Frontenac. There are certain persons who hat Se AENOLDS BAN WELL Superintendent Christie said 4 [this afternoon that it was not the | mony which the cowpany wanted in AND GAVE HIS RIVAL A HOT "Under no ont ns," RACE. "will the return of In Gallagher's Majority in drew Garden Island Caused a Oreat Sensation By Its Vote--Rey- nolds Gained on the Islands-- Did Well in His Short Con- test. J. 8. Gallagher was zpoclected in Frontenac by 125 majority. lhe last time he opposed Mr. Reynolds he won by 818 voles. Un tls occasion, he was made to step a lively gait. 1a fact he was very much frightened that Me. Reynolds was going to capture the oll tory seat of Fromtenae. Mr. Rey- nolds went into the contest with only two weeks preparation, Had he en: tered it six weeks ago, when the lib erals decided to allow. Dr. Spankie %o contest with Mr. Gallagher, he would have assuredly won. The liberals have cause for much rejoicing over Mr. Reynolds' splendid run and will po inte the Dominion gontest with con- fidence, The Garden Island vote cansed a big In elections there fot years, the totel liberal was generally one, and on a couple of occasions two and three [his time Gallagher got twenty-two and Reynolds fifteen here's still hope that Garden Island will yet come round to the liberal side. The three islands Reynolds, giving him sixty majority. At Cataraqui Gallagher's majority was increased, but at Harrowsmith, his own home, and other, places, he lost. The complete returns: ave mot yet WC -------------------- A ---------------------- Mc ormiek has many good people He is connected with town, nnd Every effort will he made in the man's behalf. From mow on Superintendent Chris tie will be actively engaged in tracing details of seitlement. Every ¢laimant against the railroad will be secn., -------- sensation vote did well for Mr. 4. P, WHITNEY Again Jeads ®& fine following. ------------ LURED TO DEATH. Young Trained Nurse Doctor She Accuses. New York, June 9. Sarah Kolen. the young trained narse who lured Dy, Martin VW. Auspitz te a house in Har Jon, lust night, With afalye sick call phone, and shot hith to death} had lain in wait for many hours, declared, today, that she hud no rugret for her act.' "1 Hot him but I did not murder him," she said in a cell in the polive station as she awaited the sommons te appear in court. "1 killed him because he had wronged me and then refused to help me, 1 found myself powerless My father and mother are dead, so | had to protect my honor myself." There sooms little doubt that when the ease against the girl goes to trial a jury once more will have an omnor tunity to pass upon "the unwritten law," or the justification of murder under certain conditions. Sarah Kolen presented a jected appearance, today, when she was arraigned in the police court, quite different from the young woman who surrendered herself fo the pelice last night. She was weeping when she entered the reom in chatge of a court officer, and sobbed incessantly as she stood on the bridge. Bhe was re manded te the jail pending the in quest. As she was being led back to a ecll the girl woke ¢ broke down completely, Killed di 8, UALLAGHER. krfown are as follows Gallagher, Reynolds. Barrieficld . Maj. 6 Sunbury... . .. wi 20 Maj. Battersea... ... D1) 6 Invermey... .. .., ... .. 76 10 VOIOME cas vi iar er ve %® us Ball Rack... i... ... 0 35 Harrowamith ... ... . aq 34 Garden Island... ... .. 2 15 Wolfe feland Cotaragel ... «. we .. 83 No. 5 Kingston ... .. NH Loughboro... .. .. .. Fermoy ... ... 82 Joycoville Fig Brewer's Mills... ... .. Dufferin... .. «. Howe Island Bedford, No. 4 Storrington. a Pittsburg, No. 4 Bedford, No. 2... ... .. 3 Loughboro, No. 2... 35 Portland, No. 3... . ws Wolfe Island, No. 3... a Loughboro, No. 5... 17 Wolle Isiand, No. 1... 20 2 Returning Officer Langwith will make bis official return at the Bar viofield village hall at noon Saturday. ---- Lispute In Lennox. In Lennox the tangle will likely be unravelled by the lawyers, Carscallen, conservative, claims the seat by four. Madole, liberal, also holds that he is elected. There is a dispute over the returns from Stories' Corners. In any case a recount is swre to come. most | de te hand. Those MAY GO TO JAIL. Bold Young Man Fails to Prove Osculation is General Custom Around Chatham, Chatham, Ost, June V4 unique kissing case afiected the risibilitics of the dounty cotrt, ' Saturday moruing, who filched two Risves from Miss Clara' Zachs, 'éighteon years old, while out driving with her last Thurs day evening, will get some 'reason able" punishment meted gut to hin, Monday morning. Hoth yeung people cighth coneession, and on the night in young ewan called wir his lady moa rig. They drove areund the country for. a short period when the {young man's free arm began to en- twinge her shoulder, to which the icon objected, so she stited an . kdcnly the young fellow gave her a rvesoundi kine, a she also another live near the Dover towaship, que pstion ihe love Nickle's Opinion. When interviewed, this morning, Mr. Nickle, the elect for Kingston, a showed that the people were 8 ih he "Whithey govern- ment. Th Joos reviewed the t's work Hite fault fault with it. Jt was only nae g plore, that the government should be retarned to Rv Regard. ing his own Sselion, Nickle said that the people came to the coms that it was better (0 have a t Topresemiative, and acted ateordingly. -- Some Additions. In addition to the list on page sev- of, the fons are an. nouneed * Brant, North--Fishiér, con Huron, South-Filber, con. Moaitoulis--Ne return. ipinsing N pe Surgeon Falls--Auisin 227 colored at | 104e. to said that the result in the provimee | and coubie find |, 18; doubtial, independent, 1; total, 106. Quebeo-- Out of 66 contests were held, the 47, the conservatives 13, and the tionalists 3. seats in na" rennin All Went Consesvative. Kincardine, (nit, Jume ¥.--Ma'ority for Clark is now 335, with one 'poll to heir from which will probably - ia- crease his majority. Durham, Ont., June 9.--Dr. Jamie son 8 majority, will Tall returns, is 263. North Bay, Out., June 9.--Shillin.- ton, consarvative, Haileybury, elected by about 200 majority; Aubin, conser- vative, Sturgeon Falls, elected by 200 majority; Smith, Algoma, conserva- tive, elected hy about 500 majority. All New Ontario clected conservatives. Cornwall, June 9.--Milligan; conser- vati.e, was elected by one majority, GANANOQUE TIDINGS, ------ Winner in County. Gananoque, June 9Returns from the clections in/ South Leeds give the seat to John R. Dargavel, conserva- tive, by 184 majority, as compared with 920 at the last provincial elec- tions. This was made up as folloWs : Majority. Majority. Dargavel. Wilson Dargavel the Leeds Constituency, Gananoque Eacott ...... i. Front Leeds and Lansdowne Rear Leeds Lansdowne Jastard and Burgess North Croshy South Crosby Yonge and 376 192 Majority for Dargavel, 184 Janet Darling, wife of John Darl ing, of Leeds township, passed away, at Kingston General Hospital, vester day. She leaves, besides her husband, two sons by a former marriage, John G. Haig, leeds township, and David Haig, Lansdowne, and twe daughters, Mrs. Herbert Waldie, Gananoque, and Mrs. © George Gilbert, Kingston, and George Darling, at home. The funeral will take place on Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Lewis, Church street, who has been spending some time with her parents, Sir 8S. and Ladv Dawson, has returned home. J. M. Walker,' spend- ing some time with relatives in Perth, has veturned to town. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dustin, of Brockport, N.Y. are spending a short time in with relatives, having come over to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dustin's father, the Inte Henry Emberly. Mr. and Mrs, - A. sMeMechan, of Halifax, are in town, to spend the summer with the latter's mother, Mrs. 'D. € Cowan, Arthur street. Miss Margaret Becrman, Garden street, who has been spending a few weeks with friends in Brockville, has returned home. Mrs. Thomas Megee, Stone street, spent the past week in Deseronto, the guest of her dauchter, Mrs. C. J. Wilson. Mrs. Eli Tenant, Caintown, spent the past few davs in town, the gnest of her sister, Mrs. William E. Meggs, Garden street, Broke Leg Playing Football. Peterboro,Ont., Juwe 9.--While prae ticins football on Saturday evening with a number of young men, Robert Lockie, fourteen-year-old sen of Rob- ert Lockie, Springville village, had his leg broken in two places below the | knee and near the ankle. He was chas- ing after the ball and became sand-| wiched betwen two large players, with the result that ho was knocked down trampedd on by them. Besides and . he received internal breaking his leg, injuries, Cheese Markets June 6.--Sales, 23] 30 colored at 11 11e. June 6.--ODfferedq 3.25 227 colored; 1,199 white Hie. and 1,638 white and 11 1-16e. Watertown, N.X., June 6-- thie. Canton, N.Y., June 6. of twin cheese at 10jc. A LIVELY EPISODE CHEMICAL FIRE . ENGINE BLEW UP ON STREET. GANA color 1-16¢ London, ed, at lle, 160 white ut Belleville, white and sold for 2,100 boxes ed, and Another Man Was Seriously Injured. Hamiota, Man., June 9.--One of the worst acoidents. in the history of the [are town ocemered on Monday morning, when Lotne Haker lost his Life, and Arthur Hinterman, with several others Darrow serious imjury. An old b i whith had beet placed which liberals won| town. . i marriage of the R900 at i The Engineer Was Instantly Kill-| 1908. ROYAL HEADS -- Shange Cowl Courtesles. TALK OF MACEDON HOW THE PRESS REGARDS THE MEETING. Very Active to Watch and Guard the Royal Personages-- The Fishermen Ame Annoyed As They Cannot Go Outside. New York, June 9A enble to the New York Herald, from Berlin, pays : From what 1 hear, King Edward sent a letter to the kaiser, appropos of the Reval journey, in which he says the only question of any political im- portanee which will be spoken about at the meeting with the emperor of Ruscin, will be Macedonin, which ev- eryone knows is one in which Ger: many takes a purely platonic inter est. Meanwhile the press pursues more than an ordinary active ganda which is evidently inspired in the Wilhelmstrasse. The Norddeu- stche Zeitung says the Anglo-Russian entente cannot harm thd old friendly feeling between Russia and her neigh bors. The Tageblatt says: "We be on the alert. Since the gether of England and Russian press has taken on an anti German tone, but we how to weather the Rundschau, in an editorial, openly last week, discussed the possibility of war with Germany, ventilated in the English and French press and in une limited German hatred which appears in the Rpssian newspapers. The pa- per adds © "We understand fully that the " Anglo-Russian entente is aimed against Germany King Edward is purpuing a puicy of straiming our HENRI BOURASSA One of the conspicuous men goRig in to make it Mvely for, the Gouin Govern- ment in Quebec, \ which, unbearable, and the will follow when the of an imaginary realized, will end in bitterness, which will lead to a fight for life or death. The European hate 1 for Germany has become : According to a report, | St Petersburg, the Anglo-Russian al liance will be further camented hy the Grand Dake brother of the emperor, and Princess | Patricia, the pretty daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Commaught | relations, become which tension deception { brotherhood is a scandal -- Left St. Petersburg. | St. Petersburg, June 9.-The ear, {the czarina and their children started by train, last eveming, for Reval, where they are due to arrive early this morwng. The cancellation of the sep trip is ascribed to the ezarioe's re fusal to have the children minke the Voyage in rough weather, This has now moderated. Guarding All Points. Reval, June 3.--~The imperial yacht Standart, Pole Star and the "sare vena, with their attendant warships, have arrived and anchored In reads ness for the arrival of the czar, from Petethof, and the King and quien of England from London. Torpedo bouts guarding the yachts and patrolling he bay, every vessel in which has been searched No vessel is allowed to leave its moofings The fishermen are vainly. grumbling about the interfer ener with their mesus earning a livelihood. Preparations have been made for the imperial party to embark fmm diately the trgin from Peterhol reaches the' quay. The railrosd throughout fis Jeng th, from Parechof, & to Reval, .is guarded hy) troops. ing Edward » tand Queen Alexandr hy ar ed] te arrive g few hours 4 the char ang czating. Russian torpeio bonis have gone to meet the royal yacht Vie toria and also the ome om. whith they are travelling. and the fullness of his * fae | trestored. Physichns declare the most remarkable known To Meet at Reval and Ex-| The Military Forces of Russia Are | propa- | coming to- | Russia, the | will show - her i storm." The | Teongress, DEAD MAN. in the long tha, will | LAST EDITION Probabilities Toronto June 9. 1908, Ottawa Valley and Up~ per St. Lawrence, 10 a.m.-- Fresh southwest to northwest winds, fair and warm with local thunderstorms. Wed- nesday, fresh northwest winds, fair and much cooler. | A MINISTER'S THREAT. : Will Leave if "Ph.D." Degree Not Granted. say, Ont., June 9--The Bay and conference has concluded j twenty- first session after six days constant work, At the final session the cougmittee in respect to degrees reported as hav. | ing considered the application of Rev, id. B, Moore, of Little Britain, to use | ithe letters "I'h.D." alter his name. {The committee made no recommenda- {tion whatghur, Rev. . Lewis, Trenton, said the conference was not very strict in this regard, whereat up spoke Rev. Mr, pore : "I object. to this invidious distinction. li you do mot grant my request now you will never have an- other opportunity, I will never ape pear before vou again, I will leave this conference." 5 TEMPORARY (HAIRMAN. 2 At the Coming Republican Nation. al Convention. ! i must | You owe it to yoursel! to take a look at our Wash g Dress Goods, before the best of them are gone. Our stock, both by reason of imelusive- i ness and exclugiveness is jj something we can stand by, and is complete with all the latest ideas. } JULIUS © Julius C. Burrows, United senator from Michigan, leeted for what is in many the most important position in cons nection with the republican national | convention, that of tempor ary chairman. The selection of Sena |B Beautiful Floral Muslins tor Burrows caused much surprise in | « political circles, Inasmuch as Sena 1- at Reduced Prices tor Beveridge of Indiana | the support of President the place, was regards winner Senator make the "ke convention and BURROWS, States | |B has been { respects | namely, , who had | Roosevelt for |B a probable who will speech of the campaign, is a native and 1s now seventy. one vears of age. lle is a lawyer by profession and was an officer in the Union army. He has been a member of the United States senate since 1805, prior to which time he had served severnl terms as a representative in Pretty designs on tinted [8 grounds, also on White with Mercerized Stripes and Checks, At Summer Prices To Clear : J DAINTY GRECIAN VOILES VOILE CREPES MARQUISETTES KINICKER SUITINGS JACQUAIDS FRENCH BATISTES, ETC. d as Burrows, vhotle' of Pennyslvania -------- -------- &@ Body Of Wealthy Miller. N.Y. June 9A found in the 8t. Lawrence thirty miles Swiss Musling We never before offered such an assortment of these beautiful and good wearing Fabrics. They come in Em broidered Spots, from the smallest pin spots to the large coin spots, also the of ill-health Fancy Embroidered hinds, in Uy White, Black, also Black with White, from 35¢. to 60e. It is with positive pride we FOUND IN CE CAKE invite your jnspection of } these goods. A LIVEMAN FROZEN TO A!" body river, vester Henry of Og Ogdenshury, below Ogdensharg day, was that of Rodee, a wealthy Hoar miller denshurg, who mysteriously disap- peared in March, 1963 todee is thought to have committed suicide, wlentihied as because a Sailor, Two Weeks Imprisoned in | Congealed Water, is Rescued | New York, June 9. Ae ording received fro tro th Michael, | By Seamen Of Alaska. | f report fecsived by of the maritime exchange ig Victoria B.C "Steambont It " 4 survivor of the sel r John | ty. Mille which was wre n Alas | {kan water wi found alive in the SHUFFLEBOTIAM Ay contre of an ior cake, 196 weeks afte x | § WOR at 468 Mont the disaster He. was frozen to the and Mrs, 8.5, Shut Superintendent Fis man Bundy bodies of two of his shipmetes Northwestern Har but he will be! Pete 8 now at bor and has recon a ovipple all his Jib The original report was that was found frozen to the dead me torns. dul that the | survivor and the bodies were found MARRIED. BUOTT.~In Wi June Ind, 1 0 M ered, [poTTER Pte] non | the wreck, buat it ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. ashore in a cake of ice, When the the piece res uIBg pariy came Gross f doe they -ouk it open with of curiosity, not saspect i The Miler commanded hy Capt | Kelton, sailed from Han Franciseo| with shirtv-ane men for the fishing | station at Pirate While trving® to assist the schooner Glen, which | was ashore, the Miller wax hit by al howling northeaster sand struck in! Bear Harbor, Unimak lsland, Alaska That was on Jamuary Sth. The tenperature was ten degrees below | rere, and apn hour after the vessel was | east ashore her hall was two. The after soetion drifted ashore, | and nineteen of twentveone men on | that part of the hulk reached land af | ter al terrible experience. Two were) L ---- drowned. 4 section of the vessel men, drifted seaward | The forward holding eight and with the exeention of the man) . . who was afterward found alive in the! Importers Of Fine Groeeries. cube of ice, none of the men on it es capel. Neither was that portion of | (For Every Variety of Dwellings, the hull sen again | The codiishiog schoopet Ivy had put | some men athore Unimak Island. | Fars =n to get bail when Two members of her | oh ayy otntion. mew van acrows the piece of ice, ton | EWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and Agency. an axe ( i {ing what they would fas! Cove Gurd's Ginger Ale, Gurd"s Soda Water, Gurd"s Quinine Tonic Gurd's Caledodia Water, Imported Sweet Ginger Ale. Imported Dry Ginger Ale. Radnor Water. 3 : broken in taining the fivine pnd the dead } "Rienmiwat Pete" was frozen {ace to] | Insurance fave to another ailor, while a dead | ~rAxp NOTICE." negro sailor was frozen to the back Rol T xg iF os ig oft Top i Desk, of "Steamboat Pete Ginas Book and doey er, 1 One of the sailors of the Ivy ponred the contents of a flask of whiskey down Pete's throat and the two. got him aboard the Ivy as quickly as possibile. 3 Rs 3 anther tom, wk Ohning re. cash, at RK' Store, Phone, 705, iH K prize of $2000 hae been offered for the aeroplanist who shall = firet fly '} Rehooner ord RINer arrivsid Som Nive milter' with motor. Power turned rie wih col foe the Jouieey, St of Bt} utes shove the earth. id i i CH aa eb is os Wd ie ps