SANE ee sss ess sat NUURER Iso eds evs soso E INI ONE-THIRD OFF. | CHOOSE YOUR _HAT Your only trouble will come because we GMer you so many to select from, ! But--and here's a pleasing thought--THIS INSURES | YOUR BEING SUITED--you may examine, compare, and try on gatil you find the hat that is most becoming and 48 priced as you wish it. For street--or very dressy wear. In every mddish shape and coloring, One-Third Off All Trimmed Hats. Quaint Designs in Muslins - (Do you wish to see some musling that are ag,pretty and dainty as those your grandr others used to. Weaw®: * Come and fee these--witn odd and really beatiful sprays of little flowers scattered ovir a grounh 'of snowy white: And these--with' delicate or pronounced striping and spots of the palest Pink and Blue, of Heliotrope, and - Red, and Green, and Navy and Black. ab fepfotnd (Here are large patterns, too--essentiglly modish. And all are guarantéel to wash peffectly, From 10c to 50c Yard . : 4 in : CRUMLEY BROS. Forms a large propottion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be to yaur interest and profit to use (éspécially for preserving fruit the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well- known : ¢ . 4 = 3 nr 4 Redpath's Granulated Sugar is the acme of sugar refining. Ask your Grocer for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. As HENDRY, Local Whojesale Agent. . THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1908. EXPULSION LRFAIR WHAT STOCK BROKER BOSCHEN CLAIMS Of -- In Regard to Action of Consolis dated Exchange, of New York --~Longhoat to Race at Mon- treal. Montreal, Juie 9.--The capias, re cently takin out by Sicotte & Co. 3 stock mrokers, against F. W. Boschen, the broker who failed recently, was dismissed, to-day, without argument,' did the claim will be now Contested on its merits in the civil courts. Bos chen claims his expulsion by the Con- solidated Exchauge, of New York, wos unfair, owing to the fact that he chwdd not appear beiore the governing board gx ordered, owing to the neces- sity of attending to court proceedings in this city. He did not refuse to ap- pear as has been stated. "Tom" Longboaf, who is to rin a filteen-mile demonstration race in this city, on Thardday, 'over the last King's birthday course, will pick up a fresh man evéry three miles of © the cowrse. The gpetdiest local men have been dlécted, 'their names being Gor: don, of Waverly; Parker, of = West- mounts: Martin and Kerr, of Gordons, and Coonan, of Ste Ann's, Longhoat will n6t go to England with the other Olympic contestants, but will sail by the Empress of Ireland, which "Tom" Flanigan considers an omen of good luck. BASEBALL COME TO STAY. Stem But Too Deeply Rooted to Die. Appleton's Magare. One of the patriarchs of the indica. tor ofice said that if he were an im? presaa¥io in seareh of undeveloped tals ent he wonld visit a ball game He has herd voices from the bleachers which, he savas would make Plancon's and Cavuso"s appear like whispers in the matter of volume. The umpire, without doubt; is the most cussed, most berated, most loved, host hated being claiming American citizenship. But he simply is a part and parcel of the great game of bhasehall--iust as the 'fRube'"' Waddell, the hleacher hovs, 'the grandmother, the boss, and the rest of the nation. There have been dire predictions that baseball would, eventually die out. Mayhe so, but when baseball ecases to exist, the reins of goternment will he snapped asunter. and the millenium will be at hand. Baseball is as strongly estab- lished 'as is the government at Wash. ington, as strongly rooted in Améri- ean affection as is a mother's love to hier baby. Haschall may have its off vears, hut so do the republicans. Base. ball in all its simplicity, in all its in tricagies, is here to stay. Has Off Wears, -------- Mr, Asquith's Maiden Speech. Mr. Asquith's maiden speech, deliv- ered in the British House of Com- mons, on March 25th, 1587, is re- called by the Westminster Gazette. The Pall Mall, of that day, called it "4 successful maiden speech," and des< cribed it thus: "The most striking, speech of the evening, apart from Mer. Gladstong's, was that made by Mr; Asquith, = Scotch constituensy. His language was well choseri and his sentences ad: mirably rounded and knit; and slto- gether it was a glever, able and pow- erfal utterance. It was a protest against coercion. He -held that the present was 'a manufactured criss,' and he compared the government's motion to dine of the South Sea Bub- ble schemes, the particulars of which will Hereafter be disclosed. Mr. As- quith's success about equalled Mr. Findlay's triumph during the home rule debate. The house paid the cem- plimant. of listening to him as to a leadet}"" Influence Of Clothes. Boston 'Transcripts Besides the sentimental and aesthes {ic reasons that exist for Jressing well it seems there is a scientific one, if we accpt the statement of a London medieal man that a good suit of clothes aots as a tonic on the mind of the wearér, while the comsciousness that one is mot at one's best in ap: pearance if wearing shabby or jll-fit- ting clothes may be rackoned as ong of lil¢'s real handicaps. Ta the moral support that smart clothing furnishes ho thinks there is & source of {ented strength and getivity that aids lone ta curitre one's thoughts on the things that lad to stcctss in one's trac and profession. To be shockingly at- tired and to be constantly conscious of the condition leads the Mind imto worrying ways that dissipdts heslthy nergy. What minster Gatetts. ae A baivglar gained admission to Bale zac's house ynil was soon at work, by the hght of the moon, at the lock of the secretaire in the novelist's cham ber, Balise was asleep pt the time, but the miovements of the intruder aroused him. The burglar; who was working most dustrial, gaaited. A strident laugh artested his operations and he hehold by the moonlight the Fnorvelist situng up in bed, lus sides ach with la . 2 ait that makes you mersy," "1 taugh," replied the author of Pets Goriot, "to wink . that you shou come in the night without o lantern to search my secretaive for mongy, he, 1 cul never find any thers hn -------------------- An Author's Mirth. a so oat Tots of por ot so that lots of pure strong bicod will 'he formed to nour: % {2000 will drive HAmusements. (GAD OPERA, HOUSE ) TO-NIGHT. Curtain, at 8 © clock. MRS. LESLIE CARTER Presents Her Greatest Success, "DU BARRY" Py DAVID BELASCO, with ber origin. al production. Prices Ground Floor, $1, $1.50, First $1.50, Gallery 4 Rows, $2. Balcony, 50c., 75e,, $1 Soe, Seats now on sale: -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10th. The Palk of All America HENRY HARRIS Will Again Present The mate Success pf the Century, +12 MOUSE THE A By CHAS. KLEIN, The Production in Its Entirety. $1.60, Prices, 235e., 50c., Seats sow on sale. TRON DUKE IN FRANCE. B. Dra- Toe c.. $1; Gave ldeas of Military Tactics to Duke. Both as a lad apd as a young offi: ver the Duke of Wellington studied military tactics apd strategy st° An. gers, in France, and it was there that' he had the advantage of "sitting at the feet" of one of the greatest mass tors of scientific warfare who ever live od, Vandamme, Wellington himsell is recorded to have said that'he owed the idea of forming a square of in fantry to resist cavalry to his French tencher. The formation had been tried in the eightéenth centary by the Austrian Leopold regiment at Villers-Cottervts,; France, but our oth Hussars broke the square. The French used it in IRI2 at Stlamanca, when again it failed he- fore the charge of the English Dry: goon Guerds., It was essentially =n formation only serviceable with the stepdfest troops. The Iron Duke he had the right material, Waterloo, it was the French Vandamme's idea, which rolled the Imperial Guard and broke power of Napoleon. gaw itd merits, knew and at square, back the A TRAVELLER'S TALE. Says Manv Shoe Buyérs Are Mis- led By Substituters. "If all 'the people who think they are wearing Slater Shoes were wearing them we would be making fwice as many shoes," said 5 Slater Rhoe tra- veller, "Often and often 1 meet men who say 'I'm wearing Slater's and they think they are, but 1 can see at a glance that they have heen deceived by some galesman into buying some imitation. Naturally wé suffer, for these substituted shoes usually have the faults of all imitations, and we are shouldered with the blame. So that we suffer hoth ways--in the loks of a. sale to a man who. wanted Sila tér's,anll in the loss of his good opi nion, for he often does not find out that he has heep victimized by a ton fidénce-satesman® The way to know is to look for and find the Sign of the Slate. It's on every pair of Slater shoes for men and women." For sale by F. G. Lockett, Kingston, Wondrous Etna. Philadelphia Press. Mbunt Ktna, now attracting the ap prehensive gaze of the world after a sixteen year's retirement from active business, has furnished more material for travellers' tales than apy other mountain on the eafth. Astonished Fanglishineh of 4 eentury ago have left on record in the exuwlwrant language of their day the emotions that thrill- ed their soul. "The man who treads Mount Etna," wrote one of these, 'is a man above the world. Every river on the island can be traced from its mouth to its source, . "I'he characters," {he same writer continues, "of all the climates of the carth can bo detdted--the frigid close around one, the temperate with its belt of treet just underneath and the tropical at the base of the mountain, with its vineyards and. laxariant groves. The great ocean around, with the islands of Lipari, Paaari, Aluculdi, Stromboli and Voleano, with their smoking summits, appear under your feet, and vou look down upon the whole of Sicily as wpon a map." In addition to all the climates, Fitna is reported to have trees that rival the giants of California, lakes that never thaw, bottomless eavérne and salable snow. Two Railroad Rides In 72 Years. Waterbuty Corr. New York World. Mrs. Sylvia Merriman, seventy-two, Mn ioved her second ride in a railroad eoach vesterday, the first in forty-twe Years, visiting her niece in Ansonis. £he had her first street car ride to day when she went to Cheshire to sen the village of. Birth. Mrs. Aman da Bishop and os matin, Tho G her relatives, Accompanied her. Mrs. Bishop and Mré.'T been neighbors for sthiliv C anll' soquainted, but t bud 'ever visit- ed the pther. mael "Bishop, Aman da's Busband, Bad never met Mra. Thompson until April 20th, though the two were own cousing, ., _ ave A Profit, Anyhow. I INR Th First fusertfon le. & word. Each gots secutive insertion thereafter ball sent a word. Minimum charge for one in. sertion, 2c. ; three insertiony, Glc.; six, #1; one month, $3, WANTED-FEMALE, A KITCHEN GIRL, FOR THE HOTEL Congress. GOOD DRESSMAKER, BY THE DAY. Apply Whig office. ee ------------) A COOK. REFERENCES, MRS. W. D. Gordon, 157 King street. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant. No washiog. References re quired. Apply 275 Brock strat. CONDENSED ADVERTISING] RATES FURNISHED DWELLING, OR stoiage for furniture, ete, 51 Brock ROOMS, PAGE THREE ENDAY, Marri BLUK LAPR rt Finder plows ar o Dr, 208 Pagot n, BRICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR- nished at Morton, on the TRideal Apply to MeUCann, 51 Brock St. NOS." 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, all modern improvements. Possession 1st May. Apply A: B. Constngham FURNISHED OR Lawrence and 5% Brock SUMMER COTTAGE, unfurnished, On St. Rideat. Apply to McCans, street. LARGE OFFICE ROOM IN BX. change Chambers, No; 116 Broek St Apply to Gee. Clift, Real FEetate Broker, 95 Clarence street. WANTED GENERAL 3 A HORSE® AT ONCE Al TO BUY 4 . Abramsky, 265 Princess St ply PLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY kind. Call or write to Mrs. Cayiess, $34 King street, over Armstrongs. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on slectric work. All kinds of work promptly dome. ¥. J réh Biesctriclan, 206 Wellington street. JOR CLEANING ASHES OUT OF A yards gr Sellars op other baggag res s Lytle. Prices Hight. AR Raia st. FURNITURE TO FINISH OR RE. finish. Prices moderate. Good work uaral . W, H, Whittingham, Uor. Bagot and Queen Sts, ilpatrick's Olid Stand. DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO OT their Spring Suits made at Gallo- % Style, price snd finish guar antesd to please. 181 Breck St. next to Bitby's Livery. » 7 NEWMAN & SPRICGS FLECTRIC CO. are making a study of lighting homes and publié buildings both with Gas and Bleiriaty they Invite you to consult them. fi advice cheerful: ly given free of charge. Nickgl and Silver Plating. Newman & Sprigys, Fieetrie Co., 79 Princess Sty "Phone; &41, SITUATION. WANTED. EXPERIENCED MATERNITY NURSE wants nursing by week or month, First-class references from the best medieal doctors. Apply Nurse Atklms, 248 Montreal street. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade. Uraduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars Weakly, Help secure positions. Will equip shops. Cone stant practices Careful instructions. Few weeks edmplets couTee. Cata- logns free. rite Moler Barber College, Toronto. The Montfeal Jockey Club, Ltd. SPRING MEETING BLUE BONNETS COURSE JUNE 6th to 20th. day, Racing and Steeplechasing every Rain or Shine. Stake Races, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Band Mm Attendance. Admission (Including Grand Stand) $1.00. County of Frontenac, Tenders for Coal and Woed. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE 'RE- ceived at the office of the County Clerk Court House, Kingston, wp to THURS DAY, June 18th, at 13 o'clock noon, FURNISHED, ra. 180 JOHNSON ST. 2 bathrooms, Bot and cold water and gas heating on each flat. For pare ticulars, apply om the premises. TWO WELL LOCATED OFFICES, ONE Balt, She TULL rage, 6 King y J, P, For Gents" es. 348 Ring street. oo i -- GENTLEMAN'S SMALL METAL Watch, on Sunday, June on Sydenham Ni R Figder will be rewarded at Whig offic GUN TH FOR SALN, CANOPY TOPPED seals. Apply to street. CARRIAGE, McCann, 51 TWO Brock TWO GOOD HOUSES 63 Wellington street Cunningham NOS Apply a0 "AND A.B, A MILOH COW, AYHSIIRE three-yoars old. Apply so Straubenme, Portsmouth, BREED, Mrs, Van, A JEWELL GAS RANGE, GOOD new, used" only 3 wmenths, Apply J: R. C. Dobbs, 109 Brock St AS wy THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND NO. Y Brick, best quality ; price right. Aps ply to James Saul, Tamworth, Ont. FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI- Ture, , ste. Separate rooms an ou own lock and . W, G, Frost) torage Agent and Uarrd Painter 209 Queen Sty "Phone, & GOOD MILK and cans, ROUTE, WITH WAGGON in Orst-class order | also fitteen mileh cows in best of gone dition. Satisfactory reason for sells ing. Apply Box "8. T." Whig office, LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZFD BRIGHT well ventilated rooms, for the sur mer fn "The Residence,' at inter section of West, Earl awd Clergy Sts, 174 Earl street. HAIR, MOLES, HIRTIIMARKS warts, eto. removed permanently, without sear. Twenty years' experi: noe, Dr. Eimer J, Lake, Eye, ar Nowe, Throat and Skin Blemish Specinlist, 258 Bagot street. ' COTTAGE, FURNISHED Ferry. Five bedrooms living room, kitehen, bathroom woodshed, hot and cold water fuel and doce, $18.00 a Week Per Seasons References exchanged, C, JL Frost Plainfield I. IMMER at Ridean ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY Pp. SMITH, ARCHITECT ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. Phone, 345. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER ¢hant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 313. NEWLANDS, ARCINTECT, OF. floor over Mahood's Drug Princess ® Hagot on Bagot 'street, WM. fice, second store, corner streets. KEntrance 'Phone. 608. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT. Unitarian, REV, 0. W. CASSOR, The Call Of Religion. Never hefore in the history of man kind had there boen a stronger call to men to be religious than at the pre sent time, Our time characterized by irreligion--the irreligion of inliem, sensualism; mammonism pirit of the jeenary one. brotherhood, Gold than goodness. The cash appeals rather more than acter. 'There is need for men to sert their diviner marthood, to be trae to their higher ideals and to live the life worthy of the children of And this call comes to you, ------ | Address, Rev, 0. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature. FOR SALE. a & 1s oot win huy a fine New Brick Front 9 room house, on west side of Oly, furnace, bath, and closet and con- efeto collar. A snap. is mater The ner ahove prized of char times 1 largely a is put mare Business is acquisition God, from persons Willing to furnigh 115 tons of Seranton Uoal, to be delivered at the Court "House Gaol or Tegiwtry Office, in Kingstom as may be required up to De vember 1st next, the 'onl to\ be of good quality well screened and free from dirt. Also 50 or more cords of ood composed of Maple, Beech Hickory, or Ironwood, to be sound and of good qutlity and to be delivered aa follows 25 eords, onshalf dry and one-half green before®™ January lst next, and 205 eords or more required, ome-half dry and one-half green after January 1gt next The wood is to be subject to the dp- proval and meastrement of the Chair man of County Property. Tha lewest of any tender sarily accepted. J. W. EDWARDS, R. SIANNON, Properiy County of Frontenac. ANY PERSON OR PERSONS HOLD- ing accounts against the Cowty of Fronteniic are hereby instructed fo wird the same to the A Court House, Kingston, on MUBSDAY, Juhe 16th Any not forwarn will be laid over um tthe next regular meeting of the Council, November, » 1 J. W. EDWARDS, County Clerk. Professional Mourners. pays to he a proféssional mowrmer t. Petersh These are agen BOL Deces- Clerk. County County Chairman A. RANKIN, Chairman of Findnce 1 FE - rn af $1E ill Brick Front double ont West Clergy St cent. Mgr deducting as taxes, water-rate, bargain for an in $1,100--Will buy a tqpoment house, paying 12 per | expenses such eto A great vestor, $RO0--Will buy a Single Frame Cottage on Arch street. A splostid home for a working man, --Will buy a Comfortable Chttage, in good shape, in Wade's Lane, rest ing 5 per nth This house at $5 would he wort $600 ir another part of city. R. Chas. Bell, Ren] Fstate and Instrance Agent, 171} Wellmpgton 8t., Kingston. oh, L SEALED. TENDERS ADDRESSHD to W, W, Sands, Oty Clerk, and marked "TENDERS FOR COAL" Will be received at the City Clark's fifide vp until 4 pom, FRIDAY, Jone 120k, for the years' supply of fuel for » Heat & Power Department. Speci- fientintis for same way be had ai Che fity Olerk's other or at the Works Oftcs oa Queen St, ' W. W. SANDS, £ 1 i Kingwton, Ost, Jobe Se, 1 IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room enstalled. I can do it in firstecloss style and Mo was kill - seeprely infeed and the | Ot | {FOR THE MONTII OF JUNE offer. the balance of stock, of Huggies, Runahouts, Nuanhojby and Business Waggons, at a redaction of the regular selling price, fram ten 10 twenty-five dollars, ® fou want ta get a good rig at a now is yvofir chance. James Late The Carriage Maker, rinee TI WiLL ong ling MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers Examine them afl Goodwin's Insurance Emporium, Marks ot Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORR Fire Insurances Company, Available adsets $01,187 2105. In addition t which the policyholders bave fos security the uniimited Hability of alk the stockholders, Farm and eity pro. ty Insured at Jowest possibile rates, Before remewing old or giviag new - husiness get rates from Strange & Strange, Agenis. 'Phone, BOS. MARRIAGE LICENSES, 8. KIRKPATRIUK, msn on Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. PERSONAL, PHYRIOATL, CULTURE ming classes are being Queen's Univergity ( Prof. Palmer Specialist Work, also Massage Hours, to 12 11 7 to 8.30 p.m AND SWiM. conducted in TIE by in Hewesdial Feneing. Often a.m i and ty 6 "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD, SLAB WOOD, MILL woor, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order. James Swift & Co 874 Princess Street. TENDERS FOR FOG ALARM MACHINERY. TENDERS ADDRESSED undersigned at Ottawa and endorsed on the envelope Tender for Aldrin Machinery" will be received Lo noen of the FIRST PAY OF JULY, 1 MOS, for sappiying the machi - the Department of Marin. for fog alarm purposes during of one or three years, at the optio the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Specifications of the machiner procured at the Department Agencies of the Department Quebee, St. John, NB. Chatiottetown, PF. at the Government Shipyard at Bore and the Prescott Lighthouse Depot Each tender must be accom panied accepted Bank cheque for the sum « Hundred Dollars, payable y of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, The cheque will be forfeited if the party whose tender is acoepted declines ter into a contract fo foraieh the mime chinery, or falls to carry out the eons tract rit the tender in not accepted they chagud will be returned, The Department does not bind itself ta accept the lowest Of any tenfler, Newspapers copying this advertigsnent without authority freee the Department will not be paid a Acting Deputy TO THR Fog up cin be at the at Montreal, Halifax, N.5N., cloria, BO, te by nm Five the order ' Lo ene J DESBARATS Maryse and Department of M Ottawa, Canada, seb May, 1908, HO, FOR A HOLIDAY! DAILY TO KINGSTON MILLS. The Commodious Str. "Ecelwat" WILL MAKE DAILY TRIPS TO KING STON HAs, commencing Thursday, June Sth 1908, until further wotice, Leaving Folger's Wharf, Foot of Broek LAS am, 230 sed returning, leave Kingston 1245, 8.30 and 6 pan, ¢ Trips Fach Way Daily, Except fog ¥5. Toesday, Thursday and Saturs days, Fisherivens" Special. Leaves Kingston 7.80 am. mond Trip Tickets 20¢., good soil} for say trip. Meamer can be chartered. for special pariies, Gf resson. a i wed, 156. Packaga Captain, CHO, HAMMOND, Eugioeer, WM. DUNCAN. For her informution address Capt, mond, Princess Theatre, er Gen. Boat, Foot of Princess St. i aw a wie i + Wav ete)