10 BE NEW TAGTICS ONTARIO CONSERVATIVES _ URGE ON A FIGHT. Se And to Refuse Any Kind' of Supply and'to Foree a Dis-| solution--Will Help Decide a Question. Special tq the Whig: Ottawa, June YU. There was a ens of the consgvative party, here, this morning, at which the Ontario members were present in force. Ela- ted with their success at the polls they ate insisting upon forcing a dissolution ang suggest that the igans 10 do so should be the refusal to grant any supply whatever. R. L. Borden, the opposition leader, did not make any definite statement but the tactics to be pursued will be eviden- ced within a few days. The Building Trades' Union. of Ot tawa, représénting all the building trades, has voted to give financial aid to the Plumbers' Union, of Winnipeg, to assist in appealing the recent cision by which it was fined for pick eting in connection with a strike. The forty-first annual convention of the Canadian Medical association " opened in this city, this morning, over 100, representing all parts of the do- minion, being registered in the course of the mornjng. It is expected that the attendance will be over 300. eet CABINET MINISTERS. ees They Ate Very Popular in United States Circles. eau DOG GAVE ITS LIFE. Sn THOUSAND ISLAND PARK. Everything is Ready For the Tour- : ists. Thousand Island Park, June 8.- Cottagers continne to come quite freely. The work of laying the gos pipes is being rushéd and the plant will be in operation in the near fu ture. The New Wellesley hotel is be- ing painted. Sidney Cole, of Oswego, electrician, has arrived and is fitting up... Lights Will be in operation on the 15th: Ageng of men from Ogdens- burg | il ast week and are rush- ing irs on the Fine View wharf and will have it completed soon. The steamboat landing bere has still 5 foot to. spare and is 'in fine having been thoroughly rebuilt ar. Jast | and used for freight purposes, is near- ly level with the river. "Ihe Billings Cottages and Dining Hall on Garden avenue, so. lavorably known to Ca- nadians, are leased by a New York gentleman 'for the season and will be conducted by him on the same Yings as formerly. A supper conducted by the Ladies" Aid was held in the annex on Friday evening and was well pa- tronized: Large amounts of goods of every description are coming daily to the Park store. J. F, Watkins, of Watertown, has opened the candy and ice cream par lors. Morris and Kendall have opened the meat market for the season. The New Wellesley and Annex are fitting up. 'Howard F. Place; of Binghamp- ton, ik again the lessee. The bil- linrdh parlors in the basement of the Columbian. will be conducted by the management. of that hotel. Charles McCarthy, formerly of Uswego, but Jf late yiars- dl Lalifofnia, is here look- ing after, his cottaged. A-------------------------- HAT DELAYED TRAIN. * -- Youig Womian's Creation Got i Wed in Door. A yolgg and utiful woman tried to Sch) of a ear when the Pacific express Pittsh rveerntily. bell Liberty station at She pit on her new Easter hat and started throsgh the narrow aisle at the side of the Pullman car. Suddenly she came fra stop. The hat was too wide to clear the passage. She tried to wriggle forward hut couldn't,, and then tried to back up. But the hat wan stuek fast, end she was nailed to it by half a dozen hat ping. Fhere wad great excitement. The conductor Sdemanded that the train ® and, atened to carry the ie or } ie into the city. The porter tried to shove her forward, but ih was, , Then a travelling man suggested that she take the hat off It hadii"t ocetirred to her before. Alter much trouble she removed the hat ping. Then she got from under the hat snd the porter gave it a yank. The hat cleared the aisle, but all the varnish on both sides of the passage came off. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE ©, 1908. L-------- OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM.| ------ - Ratters That Interest Everybody --Motes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, / iW. T. Earl,. of Aruprior, 'wholesale grover, has made an assignment. At Vancouver, B.C., Lady Tupper is very low. She is very aged and may | not recover, A Californian who has inherited! shape, | $10,000,000 says he intends to give aid delay was of sufficient length to to 20,000 people. D. H. Ross, Canadian commercial for Yancouver, and will make a tour of the dominion. A member of the congregation of the Presbyterian church, Orangeville, says a call' will be given Rev. Mr. Hossack to become pastor. ['wenty-five are dead and over fifty injured as a result of the tornado jin Southern Nebraska. Eight Nebraska towns were wrecked, Fourteen persons were killed and six- ty injured in the wreck of a pilgrims train at the Rocapie Station, Italy, on Tuesday. Sarnia was visited, on Monday night, by one of the worst thunder and wind storms ever witnessed. <The Standard chain works was almost completely destroyed. Trees were torn up. a the ripe age of eighty-nine Mrs. Samuel Scott, tor thirty-five years a resident of Brockville, died on Satur- day, at the home of her son, Armm- strong Scott, the well-known G.T.R. engineer, The marriage of Adolph Spreckels, son of the millionaire sugar manufac- turer, and Miss Almy De Brettville, of San Francisco, was unofficially con- firmed when the couple were located in Philadelphia. The Hamilton Methodist conference by resolution urged the Dominion government to make the use of to- bacco by persons under eighteen an ofience punishable by $10 fine or a month's imprisonment. The death occurred at Athens, Sunday, oi Mrs. Benjamin Scott, highly respected resident of that lage, who had attained the age seventy-eight. Deceased spent whole life in and about Athens. Rev. J, R. McLaren, Presbyterian minister, committed suicide at Al berni, B.C., on Sunday. He had for two years been employed in the gov- ernment office at Alberni. He blew one side of his head off with a gun. The badly decomposed body of Mrs, Louisa McDougall, aged sixty-five years, was found, on Monday after- noon, in her room, in Toronto. The coroner said the woman had been dead at least a week, and death, in his opinion, was due to natural causes. Henry Cody, Thomas Steadman and Jobn Genereaux, Toronto, were found on a vil of her CALLED TO TIME. The Police Let the Scoundrels Skip Away. Hamilton, Ont., June 9.-- There is 4 prospect of Chief Smith being brought before the police commissioners to answer a charge of failing to do his duty in econpection with the case of William Lawson and Henry Dillabaugh for whdse arrests warrants were. | sued for improperly handling ballots in connection with yesterday's elec tion. It is charged that the chief bad a good opportunity for making arrests before the matter was public and that he delayed too in baving the warrants issued. The al men to skip and they located; in fact low the two have not vet been The new. cement wharf just above, agent at Melbourne, Ausiralia, sailed {the police have no idea of where they | went, One of the pelice commission- ers stated, yesterday, that more might be heard of the matter. not worried over the matter and says all the taix will do no good. A BAD ACCIDENT And As If By a Miracle None Hurt. Stevensville, Ont., June 9.--A Wa- bash passenger train, rynnjng' at full speed, loft 'the tracks, one mile west of here, this morning. About twenty passengers were injured. That none were seriously injured was almost a mirgele as most of the coaches wefe completely wrecked and several pas- sengers were rescued by chopping away the wreckage. The wreck is supposed to have been caused by the spreading of rails. Hat Of White Straw. A very summery and becoming hat is shown in the accompanying draw- ing, the model being in pure white chip, trimmed with a large wired ro- sette bow made of ring-dot white net, with draped folds of the same net around the high crown. At the base of the large chou of net were placed a couple .of white gardenias, with a bud or two and foliage, one flower of is | made long {La The chief is |- WENT DOWN 10 DEATH nine i {TWO MEN ELECTROCUTED {AT MON TMORENCY FALLS. | amen {One Lineman Perished in Attempt b to Save the Life of His Com- |§ panion. py June 9.~The vicnity of | Montmorency Falls was the scene of lan accident, yesterday, as a result of which Paul Rogers and a man named nglois are now in the morgue await {ing the coroner's inquest. Both the victims are employees the Quebec Railway, Light & Power company, and were engaged in elec tric wiring when the accident happen- | ed. Rogers was at work at the top of a pole on the side of the hill and fell across a live wire. In his agony he managed to shout for assistance to this companion, who was on the ground below. Langlois immediately hurried to his assistance, but in his haste he forgot to put on the gutta percha gauntlets, and, climbing the pole, he endeavored tg cut the live wire with his pinchers, when, like his friend, he too was struck with the deadly current, and in a few minutes he had expired. Rogers had been employed: in Montreal Light, Heat & Power com- pany previous to coming to Quebec le leaves a widow and two children Langlois, who so gallantly risked ot $ § SDAY, COME the AND SECURE A BARGAIN. 'The London Millinery Store, 178 WELLINGTON ST. PAGE FIVE i -------- MISS SUTHERLAND WILL COMMENCE HES ANNUAL JUNE SALE ----O 'MILLINERY BEGINNING JUNE 11TH w 4 : 1 and lost his life in an attempt to save his companion, had been employ ed in the Jacques Cartier Electric compmeny since that eoncern started business, and had been with the Que bec R. L. & P. company during the past year. He was married anid leaves a wife and one child. The Values In Hats. Are unprecedented, cannot he equal led and last only balance of the month at Thomas Mills & Co's, JAS. MULLEN, Granite and Marble Works collar and cuffs, skirt pleated Another pretty style is of First-Class Work Guaranteed Satisfaction Assured. Lettering in Cemeteries Neatly and Prompt- ly Exmcuted, 3 72Princess St wide, three self-folds. Separate Coats to wear semi-fitting, latest style Our pretty Suit is of Champagne Brill, Coat semi-fitting, two rows of Insertion back and White, with Navy Bar, semi-fit Coat, with Navy Collar Cuffs, pleated skirt, with seli-folds Plain White Lawn Skirts, to wear with any Special, at with any Suit, in Ladies' Tailored Suits in Wash Fabrics. Linen, Duck and Drill, White and Colors. hip front, length, tailored , fifteen gore, with two seli-folds in and the fashionable Bar Linen, waist, very White Linen, | Opposite ¥Y. M. C. A. Why Buy Imported Mattresses ? | When you can get better and] The 'yellow peril" has no terrors David M. Spence, | The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. I -- ba But at the same time they would bold their own against all placed in front and another back the net. This same model is alse able *to To Protect Child From Death By : ) | Fire your own. for Sir Robert Hart I'he Chinese, | By actual 'measurement the creation | guilty of breaking into the large cheaper goods from Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 9. Three year-old Katherine Brows, daughter of Philip Brown, was burned to death at midnight, and » large Newfound: land dog, To gh 'tried to save her life, was md dead and Jying upon her body, as il his last t had been to protect her from the flames The child 'was left alone and asleep in the house hy the mother while she went to a rélative's to bring home an- other child. When she returned the whole lower floor of the house was in hors prevented her dashing in- to the beirning house, and the firemen finally quuched she flames and reached the charred bodies. MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Methodist Hold Annual Session in | peared the City. The. annual session of the Women's Missionary Society of the Montreal Methodist conference opened in Syden: ham strect chugeh at three o'clock, Tuesday afternodh. < The delegates in 'abtendance number about ope hun: 'dred. The opening session was given over 'mostly to. the resgption' of dele gates, "A Bible reading was given by Mrs. "(Rev.) William Craig and re- ports were presented from the different branches of the work. To-night. from six o'clock until eight o'clock, tea' will' he served the delegates in the lecture room angd Gf terwards a business session will be held. A public meeting will be held on Wednesday night, GUESTS King and Emperor . Fine 'Weather. Reval. June 9.-The meeting be- tween King - Edward and Emperor Nicholas, , to-day, with due formality. © The customary salutes were fired and after an exchange. of formal visits, the king and the em- peror lanched on board the Russian yacht Pole Star, as the guest of the dowager empress. The day was favor- ed by brilliant and beautiful summer weather. "¥. _A TOTAL WRECK And Eighty Natives Are Missing : «Euro OF DOWAGER. Visited in was thirty-six inches over all. EGGS WERE RIGID. Rosetti's Breakfast Did Not Suit Fastidious Author. In hid carly days it was suggested to Mr. Meredith, the novelist, that he should take up his residence with Ros- setti, 'at Queen's House, Cheyne Walk. The novelist agreed to take a couple ol rooms, and, one morning, shortly alter Rossetti had moved in, Mr, Mere- dith; who was living in Mayfair, drove over to Chelsea to inspect his new apartments. "lt was past noon," re- lates Mr. Meredith; 'Rossetti had not yet risen, though it was an exquisite day. On the breakfast table in a huge dish rested five thick slabs of bacon, upon which. five rigid eggs had slowly bled to death ! Presently Rossetti ap- 1 in dressing gown, with slip- pors down at heel, and devoured the dainty repast like an ogre."" This de- cided Mr. Meredith, He did not even trouble to look at his rooms, but sent in a quarter's rent that alternoon and remained in Mayfair. ; The Tune Money Talked. New York Telegram. y a There is a broker's wife residing within, pistol shot of the Majestic who learned a lesson in finance this week, which, she says, will last her awhile, She saw a pretty rug down town and expressed a wish for its pos- session. . "We don't need it for the moment," she told her husband, "but 1 am perfectly fascinated with it, and I'd like to own it--against the tune when we own our house. Please write me a check for the amount----8600." The broker is a man of means, but even men of means have looked twice and even thrice of late befdre buying $600 s that were not of immediate service, This broker, however, is a judge of human nature--or else he wouldn't be a success in his line of business--and he saw a line of escape. "I haven't my book with me," he glibly 'said, "but I'll send you the money as soon as I pet down town." And he did. He sent his clerk to the bank with instructions, loaded him up with $600 in silver, and sent him up tothe house. When the man 'arrived he asked to be shown to the room, and without a word the contents of the sack in i i It made a foundry of Clark and (lark and stealing therefrom a quantity of cop- per fixtmes. Cody got sixty days, ! Steadman five months, and Genereaux nine months. COULDN'T KEEP HER PET. Wanted to Find Out What Arma- dillo Meant. "Do you permit animals in the rooms ?"' asked a tall, spare woman, dressed in the height of fashion, as she peered over the counter in the of- fice of the Albany hotel at "Sam" Dutton, the manager. "No, madam, we do not," said Dut- ton, politely. "We occasionally allow them to be placed down in the base ment, but we're not keen about hav- ing them at all." "Well, I wouldn't like to leave dear little Kitty down in any old stuffy basement," the woman said. "'Some- thing might happen to him." "Oh, 1 hardly think replied Dutton. 'Cats are about as safe an animal to put in the basement as any- thiog else.' "Oh, Kitty isn't a cat," said the wo- man. "Dog ¥"' queried Dutton, "No." » ' so," Dogs and cats are about the only animals that come within the ken of Detton, and he paused, embarrassed. "This is a pet armadillo," explained the woman, holding up a basket, and starting to take the cover ofi." "Never mind, lady," hastened Dut- ton. 'I'm sorry. but we have an espe cial rule against armadillos in this house. Why, do you know, the last armadillo we had ate up a large see- tion of stove pipe, and it cost us quite a little to repair the damage. Besides that, we do not like the have amphibi- ous animals about the basement' But the woman departed in high dudgeon, and the last seen of Dutton he had a copy of Webster's dictionary on his knee and was running his fing- ers down a page, murmuring-- "A-r-m-a-arma--armadillo ; arm I'll fine out what a blémed armadillo is if it takes me all day." Tooth Doctoring In China. North China Daily. "Right in front of us om the street on a doctor's table isa small heap of teeth, not manufactured by any cun- ning workman, but by the subtle al- chemy of nature. They are of all sis «8 and conditions, 1 wondered how such a curious collection could have been gathered . 'Where did you get tl from? 1 asked the doctor, inti the heap, which, however, Fomine not 4 touch, 'Uh, bought them," he replied. * man has to part with a tooth' hel continued, 'he does not throw it away. He brings it to me and I buy it, for he knows that in my proles- sion it will come in handy some time or other.' Just as he was i him, On L A " gs of { i i £ 2 £ a 2 i i fh iy iff i H : i 2 1lber who very effective on ecru straw, trimmed with eoru net, and 5 cluster of red cherries and foliagd, SAP BLINDED HIM. Man in Mexico Burned By Acid- like Sap. Chicago Inter-Ocean. While making an inspection of a tract of timber in Michoacan, Mex. Edward Spendlove came to a peculiar looking tree anfl struck it with an axe he was carrving. Instantly a quantity of sap spurted from the tree, striking the man in the face and entering his eyes. The dap had the properties strong acid and burned it way the eyeballs and into the flesh of the face. Spendlove was blinded, and physicians here sav that his eves have been permanently injured, and that he will never see again. He will be tak en to his home The tree is thought to be a species of poison oak. The natives in tha part of Mexico have known of thd dangerous properties' of the sap for many years. ---------- Bishop Ingram And Temperance. The Bishop of London has won gen eral admiration amongst supporters of the government for Ins splendid cour age in upholding the licensing hill Our drinking customs which so shook our colonial visitors to the Old Coun try are, he said, a national disgrace We must diminish public houses if we would diminish the. curse of drink. He has hitherto voted consistently against liberal governments, but he hquored the present government for taking their life in their hands in proposiag this bill. 'The bishop will himself, if nobody else does, propose that Sun- day closing shall be applied to Lon- don. In the impressite pevoration he begged the Church of England not to be behind Noncopformists in this mat ter. What does the church exist for if not to save the world, But, in spite of this stirring appeal, the coun- cil defeated his resolution in support of the bill hy forty-six votes. Thus it seems the Church of England will al- low the Nonednformists to lead in this temperance crusade, and the Pis- hop London feels sore ahout this strange attitude of the church. ---- Time And Eternity. Washing ald. Vn "one Her fon, when in con gress," said James F. Banks, of Bos ton, 'Lien. Benjamin Butler arose in his place and intimated that the mem- ied the floor was trans ing the hmit of debate. ' "Why, general,' said the member, reproachfuily, 'you divided your time with me.' "if know 1 did" rejoined Butler, of a into ¥ - 3 dealer, made 'by the i Kingston Mattress Co. 110 Clergy St. ¢ The We know other typewriters of all | kinds and we know that the L. C. | Smith has every improvement and every feature that any of thew has--AND MORE. We want to place an L. C. Smith Bros ' Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX- PENSE, and have you compare it part for part, feature for feature, with any otlier typewriter. We will let the typewriter speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated by the machine itself more con- vincingly than we could tell it. Then we want to leave the de- cision to you. If YOU want it then we will sell you one on favor- able TERMS, or if you already have a machine we will take that in part payment. THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT "COST YOU A PENNY. This is the way we sell typewrit-; ers ; it is a good, fair, "honest way. It has not a weak link in the chain of fairness. mn an mterview Saturday, his China, were likely to become dable competitors swith the rest of the world in industrial and treading mat. said on way home formi ters, but were not all likely to cause Standard Visible Writer We do not belong to any trust and nobody dictates the PRICE we sell at or HOW we shall sell. That's OUR business. Wemell our machine strictly on its merit All the writing on the L, C. Smith is always in sight, and direct in the line of vision. WRITING LINE IS INDICATED, and the PRINTING POINT IS POINTED OUT so that the L. C. Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM --a perfect VISIBLE typewriter. The typebar and hanger 'are the heart of a typewriter, that means they are the most vital part--a weak typebar means a weak type- writer. Show us a typebar-bLear- ing that is narrow and has no wearing surface, and it tells us that under hard wear such a type- writer will not retain its align ment, and sooner or later will get out of order. ' On the L. C. Smith the bearing is wide and the bar heavy, and will Nand years and years of hard work, « Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines, Rented and Repaired--all makes, J. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA. LOCAL AGENTS: NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC C0. from {ment they The | at Genoa, on | comers considered not progressive any special trouble, Military develgp Always keep justice in mind and you will never be unjust, Will You Try An L. C. Smith Typewriter? Then again, with the IL. C. Smith one machine is equipped to do all kinds of work-better writ- lrg, invoicing, billing, tabulating, figures, stencil cutting, without touching the ribbon and heavy manifolding anything that any typewriter can do the L. C. Smith { will do--and more. You can lift the platen, or writ- ing cylinder, right out and put in another in a second. You : can write in two colors, and you do not have 'to touch your ribbon from the time you yut "% ig the machine till it is worn out. You can do all these things, and many more, and do them better than you can with any other type writer. WILL YOU DO THIS? And remeber THIS 1S the ma- chine we want to place in your er 'or trial and examination AT OUR EXPENSE. It doesn't cost you a penny to try it. Typewriters &, wi : 79 Princess St, King ston," | .