ting. All kinds of new fur gar- ments made: to special measure, and we also have modelling, repairing, and re- dying furs at short notice that makes it possible for us to transform your old Furs into new, We guarantee per-. fect satisfaction as to fit. Telephone 489. John McKay Fur House, Ne pothe RINGS We always keep a good "selection on hand and make to order any special Bize or' shape. Our gold is rich and style, and workmanship perfect. ® f Buy from the maker get the advantage in price. » JEWELLER, #ssuer of Marriage {Licenscs, in color B& and : et | one of our Refrigerators. THE 5 P.M. EDITION ft 15 WELL. SHTSHED DOING FINE WORK. {Good Showing Made By Domestic } Science Class. | The domestic science classes, under {the teaching of Miss Bawden, are mpk- ling an exceptionally fine Shawing The {clpsses are all well attended, god good {progress has heen made in the work. yA Whig representative called at the Fac hool this morning while the members | bof one of the classes were at work, {and was greatly pleased with all the | proceedings, and was delighted at the way the pupils went about their work {and the interest they showed in it. {The class was composed of very young | girls, ond it wns indeed very mmterest ing to Fee the manner in which they {carried out all the details of their work, All" the classes have made | good progress and much credit i= due | Miss Bawden, fs) | give the classes the very best methods B® The school board did a great deal {for the girls of Kingston when it in | trodaced domestic science. ¢! The holding of mothers' lalso met with general approval, the attendance being larger at every May the good work continae. classes has ic ines. The delicious flaver of "Salada" Ten is largely due to the care used in jthe cultivation and preparation, and to the fact vhyt it is packed in sealed {lead packages, "whith prevents its coms ling in contact with articles that would jafect its flavor. Dr. H. Dunlop, | to-lay, for Terounto, parents, "Rubber rings for self sealers,' Red Cross Union street, left, alter visiting his ' new tones, at Gibson's drug store. § 6 Degrees Above | Freezing sine. This is the remakkabie accomplishment | White Enamel Refrigerators With less ice than you have ever used bes iH fore. It is worth your while in the in terest of health and economy €0 have Wa have them from $7.00 up to $42.00. | We have CALVANIZED, Rl ENAMEL and GLASS LINED, I------ WHITE | W. A. Mitchell's Hardware. Thursday Morning READY-TO-WEAR in or $2.98 318 only in this lot, comprising the very latest summer styles in &c. Bach skirt is man-tailored and finished in the most thorough style. THE PALLY BX DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1908. WHAT PREMIER GOUIN ~ THINKS OF ELECTION. ---- A Few Friends Have Gone Down-- Liberal Party As Strong As Ever--Late Messages About Ontarid Elections. outta, June 9.--Premier Couig the following, to-day, to say with { rey by to the provincial elections ves- [day i : "There is little for me to say except that 1 am very well sa tisfied with the result of the election. A few of my friends have been defeat who spares no pains to, > York, "real, ed and 1 am sorry; 1 am also sorry {that 1 was Bot elected in St. James, {but those are the wisfortunes of wir land cannot be helped. There is lots tof ovidency, however, that the liberal party is as strong as ever in the pro- vince of Quebec and 1 am satisfied. A Conservative Elected. Joliette, Que., June Y.--Uomplete re turns from Montgalm county show Joseph Sylvester, eouservative, elected by a majority of fifteen. | BY. {. Liberals 55; Conservatives 16. The Montreal Gazette gives the fol- lowing composition of the Quebec jegislature : Straight government ors ........ Opposition supporters Independent liberals support. There are three constituencies which polling is yet to be held. Premier Whitney's Statement. Toronto, Jue 9.--Premier Whitney, this morning, issued . the following statement : Un the occasion of the great upheaval of the people, in 1903, t realized, and so declared, that the result was Wore than a party vie tory. Se, to-day, my colleagues and I feel that the verdict of yesterday was an exprussion of approval coming from the people of this province asa whole. We are indeed, thankfal, at the unmistakable and generous endorse- ment. During our term of office we have endeavored to do our duty. Doubtless we made mistakes, but the experiences we have gained will en- able us to avoid them in the future. Appreciating highly the confidenes of the people, whose servants we are, we look forward, without fear, to the duties and responsibilities of the fu- ture, A Liberal Now Elected. Southampton, Ont., June 9.--Latest reports in North Bruce give Bowman, Itberal, over 300 majority. A Good Majority. North Bay, June 9.--With two polls to Bear from, Shillington, conserva: tive, has a majority of 481 in Temis- kaming. Death Of W. Lewis. Montreal Witness, A prominent Welshman, of this city, passed away, on Saturday mornine, in the perion of William Lewis. His health had been rather poor of late, but he was not obliged to take to his bed. He died of heart failure. Mr. Lewis was the son of William Lewis, sherifil of Glamorganshire, Wales, and was born eighty years ago. He de cided on a sailor's career, and at eighteen years of age took command of a vessel of 1,000 tons, which in those days was of the largest class. In 1852, Mr. Lewis settled! in Canada, and for thirty-five years he was con. nected with merchant shipping on the great lakes, living at Kingston, Ont. Twenty years ago he retired and took ap his residence with his family in Montreal, where they have remained ever since. Mr. Lewis is survived by | five sons and four daughters : ¥. Ory Lewis, James G. Lewis, W, F. Lewis, C. Howard Lewis, and Miss G.plewis, Montreal; T. G. Lewis, Bellevill, Ont., and Miss Adelaide Lewis, superinten- dent of the Ravenswood hospital Chi- cago, and Mrs. J. J, Ealand, of | Houston, Mich. ~The Thousand Islands. The Grand Trunk has issued a new attractive little booklet in connection with the "Gananoque Inn," situated at Gananoque. To the nature loveg and artist the Canadian side of the Thousand Islands is the most beanti- ful and the most interesting. Gana- noque is at the head of this most de- Lightful region. The "Inn" has been popular for some years, and this year will not be an exception. itself has been famous a¥ a health re- sort for centuries, and long before the white man settled there. Tt is easy of access by some of the finest and fast- est trains of the Grand Trunk. Cop- jes of the booklet can be secured from Gananogiie Grand Trunk offices for the asking. Standing Of Baseball Leagues. National League--Chicago, 634; Cin- cicnati, 580: Pittsburg, 061; New S24; Philadviphia, 500; Boston, 452; St. Lows, .404 : Brooklyn, 257. American Chicago, HIB; Cleveland, S83; Si. Louis, 533; New . York, .52¢; Philadelphia, 52% Detroit, 500: Boston, 447; Washington, 109, Eastern League--Buffalo, 583; Mont. Baltimore, 514; Rochester, 526; Bi; Nowatk, Sl; Toronto, ABE | providente, 41; Jersey City, iy Close Of Theatre Season. The Grand "fits doors for t { the CITY AND VICINITY, For Up-To-Date Hats. At bottom prices, you can rely only ou Thomas Mills & Co. I -------- To Practice At Frankville. Charles Danham, B.A, a third year man in medicine, at Queen's, has gone down to Frankville to practice for the summer in the office of Drs. Dixon amd | Pournes. The 'June Sittings. The June sittings of the county court and 'general sessions of the pence opened at two o'clock, today, before Judge Madden. Richard Marks was to have appeared charged with at- tempting to kif his wife and child. Canadian Strawberries. The first Canadian strawberries of the season arrived on Tuesday from St. Catharines: The difference in, the berries can be seen af once when they are placed side by side with American stock, the Canadian fruit being bet- ter. ? His Characteristics. The Toronto Mail and Empire, in its report -of the conseryative win in Khhgston, says: "Mr, Pense, the de- feated candidate, was by long odds the strongest candidate the liberals could have brought out, owing to his clean public life and good citizenship." To Attend Montreal Races. Henry' O'Brien, the venerable day clerk at the Randolph hotel, leaves, |& to-night, for Montreal, to spend a couple of weeks. On his return, his friends say he will bring back a bride. Mr. O'Brien will first gttend the horse rates at Blue Bonnets. | Pleasure be- fore trouble is his motte. The Lion And The Mouse," June 10th, A scene in at The Grand, on Thursday, Money Still Andrew Thompson, reported to the police the loss of $85, has not vet been able to find his missing wad. He holde to the story that he left it un! der his pillow at a local hotel, but so far the money has not been located, and it is evidently. a ease of "good- bye money" for him, Died In Montreal. Much real regret is felt here over the death of Mrs. W. R. Whitehead, of Mpntreal, which occurred the end of last week. Mre, Whitehead who is a sister of Mrs. Clare Worrell, has been very ill for some time, but + before Mrs. Worrell left for London, ghe had taken a turn for the better. She had many friends here, made when she visited her sister, and she was a great favorite in Montreal rodiety. Stepped Off Backwards. On Tuesday morning a citizen ate tempted to jump off a street car at corner of Earl and Alfred stree The car was going at quite a rate Pf speed and the man stepped off backwards and was thrown heavily to the ground, He rolled over three or four times before he reached the side- walk and that stopped Wim. After o moment or #0 he got ap and walked down Earl street, brushing the dust off his clothes. Potter-Scott Wedding). The marriage of Miss Jemima HH. Scott, of Whitby, daughter of Robert Scott, late of Owen Sound, now of Yancouver, B.C.. and A, J. Potter, of Kingston, was celebrated quietly, last Tuesday, at the manpse at Whithv, Rev. Dv. Abraham performing the cee mony, the bride being given awav by | rd. XY, Patterson. The bride has been a resident of Whithy for eight vears. She wore a travelling suit of brown cloth. Many valuable gifts were pre- sented by friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pot ter will reside in Kingston. -------------------- Fire At The Bijou. Fine speviac le presented to-morrow in moving pictures. Those who te member the splendid = fire spectacle, presented by the Bijou last winter, will He interested in a somewhat simi- lar production to-morrow and Thurs day. Instead of being 'melo-drama, it is serio-comic, but the effect is tremeng dously exciting. First the suburban volunteer firemen make a funny effort 0° subdue the conflagration. Then comes the splendid galloping, fire brig- ity, and the blaze is ex- serious excitement is provided by a Nttle girl, who sets the on fire-by accident, and is al most burned in her bed, finally es- sping by leaping into a net, | Telewiuoh company 'the election retums with The ti yard imspection, TE ONS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest \Easily, Read And Re membered. When you need a Ceb 'phone 600. Robert Acton went to Sudbury, to- day. Edward Ball, the city. Fresh Gilbert's, Ww. Hn to-day. Good rubber tired cab always when you 'phone 600. Capt. Booth returned to Toromto, to-day, after visiting in the city. Percy Dowsley, Portsmouth, spent Sunday with friends in Deseronto. William Swaine, piabo tuner. Urders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. Insist on getting Wiarton creamery butter. It is the best. Gilbert's. Sergt. Hearst, of th R.C.H.A., left, to-day, on a trip to Winnipeg. J, D. Booth, Jr., and wile, of El. mira, N.Y., are visitors in the city. William MgGuire, Montrenl street, spent Sunday in Deseronto with friends. Miss Flossie street, left at Toronto, is visiting in butter in 4-1b. crocks, 25¢, Godwin went to Ardendale, Colborne for Re- Thompson, noon to-day gina. "Un a hot day, the soda fountain at Gibson's Red Uross drug store does good work. # The steamer America brought a large pumber of paseengers from Cape Vin- cent to-dav. The band of gypsies who have been camping at Barriefield, have left for other points, St. Luke's social and sale, Wednek- day, June 10th. Ice cream and straw- berries. Admission 10c. The work of tearing down the old Strachan mill, at Barriefield, is being rushed along. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. ve order at Mc Auiley's book store. Wiarton creamery butter, sold by all first Ask for it. Gils bert's. "A good tonic," Blaud's Fron Tonic Pills. The genuine are sold at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. Michael Flynn, spending a few days in the city, has returned to Ped. class grocers. Tord. Fresh butter in tin pails, 22¢. lb. Gilhert's, . Miss Anna MgeGlade, Clergy street, has resigned her position as pianiste at Wonderland . theatre. The dust on the down town streets, to-day was awful. The watering carts did ao [pe per to fill the bill. Kando Russian silver polish," 3 a for 25c., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "Phone 230, John Hett, Watertown, N.Y., a for mer Kingstonian, is on a visit to the city, remewing old acquaintances. No word has yet been received from Me. Kirby as to whether he will ac- cept the eity's street paving offer. Charles M. Free, agent for "The j Dandy Dixie Minstrels," at the Grand on Saturday, June 13th, is in the city. the city council mests this evening. There is very little business to trans act. Adjournment may take place for the summer vacation. Cdnstables Filson and are making good progresy with their but the work will not- be completed lor a few weeks yet. W. H. Cullen, wife and child, left, to-day via C.P.R., for Quebee, and to-morrow will sail on the steamer' Empress of Britain, on a trip to the old country. J. 4. Thompson, the new J sical instructor at the Y.M.GA., will arrive in the city the first part of next week, but will pot commence his du ties until July Ist. 3 A window was broken in the King Edward theatre early last night, and complaint made to the police The claim is made that a civilian pushed a soldier through the window during the crush A young lad fell off a bicyele, at thy corner of Princess and Bagot streets, about noon, to-day, and received seri ous injuries. Both knees were badly cut and bruised, and one side of his face was badly scratched. A very pitiful sight was witnessed on Union street on Monday evening, about 7:30 o'clock. An aged woman, badly intoxicated, was slowly stag gering along on her way home, It | was quite a struggle to keep on her feet, but she managed to do it, until she got out Union street quite a dis- tance when she sat down on the boardwalk. Big sale of bert's. A drunk, from Garden Island,| re ceived scvere injuries about the head and face on the market square, Mon- day evening. He was standing in the crowd around the bonfire when some one hit him in the back of the head, knocking him down on the pavement, severely cutting his fave and head. His injuries were dressed by a doctor and he is around to-day. -------------------- Timmerman was No, 1 lemons, at Gil Still After Child. Mies. Ufford endeavored to get con trol of her twelve-year-old daughter, but could not get an order from the court, and the daughter is still stay ing with 8 father. Mrs. Ufford claims that hild wants to lee with her, a pe, on Friday last carne to her home of her own Sccord. Home-Grown Strawberries. First of the = season. had the first one hundred boxes of Canadign berries and sold them at 15. per box to-day, be "Dandy Dixzié Minstrels.' Dye Dundy Dixie minstrels--the best au hs tolored minstrel shows--will dry, itchiness dnd nbthing Gintment Almost anything you require in Summer Gloves is now ready and at most economical prices. LISLE THREAD GLOVES In Black, Tan, White, Mode Shades, in short or long gloves, om, ; SILK GLOVES 25¢ to $1. Both long and short, in Black, Tan, White, Grey, Mode Tints, in a variety of makes, from 35¢ to $1.75 pair. PERRINS' KID GLOVES Long or short, in all wanted colors. New fresh gloves just received. Perrins' (Giloves stand at the head of the list when it comes to wear. Every pair guaranteed. Summer Underwear Ladies' Fine White Woven Undervests and Drawers in a great variety of makes, short or long sleeves, or no sleeves. Vests, 121c, 15¢, 18¢, 20e, 25¢, 35¢, Drawers, 25¢, 35¢, 19cup." 49¢, 65¢ up. Children's Coo! Underwear In a complete assortment cf sizes, long sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless. Babies Extra Fine White Wool Undervests, just as light as cotton, but much more suitable for infants, Some are the Roller Vests without buttons, others open all way down front, buttoned atmeck. and others Crrnovsky | DCO O00 OBO NOON The Lockett Shoe Store The Place to Buy Your Shoes. This Week we are selling a few splendid Prices. shoes, at Bargain Child's Chocolate 1 Strap Slipper, Double Tips, size '8 to 104, Be. Girls' Chocolate 1 Strap Sli pper, Double. Tips, sis, see's» Pale vg 1 Hg eee mea pines SEIS, Girls' Chocolate Blucher CutOxfords, low heel, 'sfss 11 ta 2 Ladies' Fine Pumps and Oxigeds, Shoes, $2.50. A Great Variety of Trunks and Suit Cases, at Low Prices. ssa\ es $1.25. Ladies' White Canvas Blucher Cut Oxfords, nice medium heel a a hn ie sie aA a ese alsa wwe uBR some $3.75, $3.50 and 83,