Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jun 1908, p. 7

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RAvELLING, Tie & Pembroke| Railway Company. Notice. Commencing MONDAY, June 15th, No. 1 train will leave Kingston at 12 noon instead of 12.10 as at pre- sent, No.2 train wilFarrive at Kingston 3.55 p.m. in- stead of 3.45 There will not be any change in the arrival or de- parture of other trains, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass, Agent. a . , - BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves . street, 4 pan. for Tweed, Sy onto, Bannockburn To secure quick despats burn, Maynooth, and p Ontario, routs your si of Quinte Railws For farther partic lots, apply to n. DICKSON, Agent, Phone, No. SUMMER OUTINGS S------------ Lower St. Lawrence Gaspe Peninsular Maritime Provinces All reached by the THLE YASS NN (Excellent Dining and equipment) Fishing, Bathing, Boating, Shooting. Wri "TOURS TO SUMMER HAUNTS," quoting special rates for special tours, and other: pumplets de, scribing territory, uni mn st tion Ww. Sleeping Car te for Ir---- Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. or General Passenger Department, MONOTON, N.B. Quebec Steamship Company 3 ee. FINE. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Oruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campana, with Slectrie Hghts, electric. bells and all modern Foul ort HA FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at p.m, 15th and 20th, June, 18th and 27th July, 10th and 24th August, Tth and 21st September, for Pletou, N.S. hail ing ot Quebeo, Uaspe, ' | Bay, Perce, Grand River, Humiaruide, P.B1, and Charlottetown, NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottétown and Halifax, SS. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, ails from Quebes Lith, antl 25th, July 6th and v Sand, August, Bermuda ummar Excursions, 330 and upwards, » the Twin Screw 88. "Bermudian, 6,800 tons. Halling J fortnightly from Now ork, from nd June to Oth October. Temperature tooled by sea breezes seldom rises above BO degrees. I finest trips of the eeason for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. or tickets and staterooms apply to Jy P. HANLEY, or C. 8. KIRKPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. GRAND TRUNK frog BR June Oth and 28rd, July Tth Rist, August 4th and 15th, good Gaga within Swe months of going man oat Tou can gn faformuation, P, Ee Agent, or -- Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at City Deputy Foot of Johnson streets GOING WEST. RAILWAY a4] a apply Cor. Johnson Lr City Are, ad ¥ 5% cu as ns apply to J Po HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sta. t Co. Bg LIMITED. 2 KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, Str. NORTH KING. . May Jeaves King- a i RE ee of as at present. | Lake OntariG & Bay of Quinte br Steamboa : { | 1 i is one of the few foods that everybody likes-- that nobody gets tired of | --that agrees perfedly | with young and old. I is a delightful change m any other breakfast food. Try it to-morrow | Synopsis of Canadian Northwest | HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY oven-numbered section of Do | inion lands in Manitoba or the | Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may be home | steaded by any person the sole head of | & family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 180 acres, more or less. Application for homestead entry must be made in person by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency. Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agenc y on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of an intending bomesteader. An application for eancellation must be| made in person. The applicant must be eligible for homestead entry, DUTIES. --(1) At least residence upon and cultivation land in each yedg during ihe three years; (2) A homesteader may, if he so do aires, perform the required residence du- ties by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) seres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead, Joint ownership in land will aot méet this requirement, (8) It the father (or mother, ## the father is deceased) of a homesteader hat permanent residenon oa glaring land Jems than ef, ah we ih vicinity of tho homestead, or upon a homesteads pntered for by him in the vicinity, such howe tender may perform his wn residence duties by JMving With the fathes (or mother). (4) The term "vicinit in the two preceding paragraphs is debred as mean ing not more than nine miles in a direct line. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NorTH/ WEST MINING REGULATIONS, i COAL.~Coal mining rights may bej leased for twenty-ome years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acra. Not more than 2.500 acres can bo leased to one appli | cant. Royally, five cents per tomy QUARTZ.--~A person eighteen vears of| age and over having made a discovery may locate a claim 1,5( feet by 1,500 | feet, Fea, $5.00. At Jeast $100.00 must | be expended on the claim oach year, or| paid to the Mining Recorder. When | 500.00 has been expended or paid and | other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS gone rally, | 100 feet square. Eatry fee, $5.004 six months' of the term of sach of a river may be issued to one a slicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10.00 a mile per annums Royalty, 241 tent alter the output exceeds $10,000, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior: N.B.~ Unauthorised publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. CABS! The Old Stand and the Old Number 490 OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended to, night or Gay. The ublleraigned are. are the drivers using the above 'phone at the old place; a ae Meouaid, Ju A Fadden, Wm. Boyd, J. Nolan, Ty James, James ME per (Fully iuaramiond). These atives for wood, stume, they dry guickiy, with a surface, work freely ander © and can be applied by anyones. sale br : 4 'A. STRACHAN. n/ comparativel y young m an. ] and called to the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, {The Whitney And The| Gouin Governments. THE ONTARIO LIST: THE CONSERVATIVES HAVE Al BETTER FOLLOWING. Representation is Also Larger Than On Down ! The Conservative in Qt Hitherto--One Minister Went Contest, 1ehec in Conservatives Elected. Adi neton--Pant (peed Algoma Sant South Rrowst kville=Ponavar entre lark, North--Htormy McElroy Whitney MeKeowr Durham West bvit Durham Fast--Preston y Kast--Bro Sve Iron rues ( Prue Carleton Prandin se Dafferin- Hi), TH Bn | Wot, THE PROV INC E OF QUEBEC. Mr. He was 1884. bar in partner with such famo Honore Mercier. In addition, DREDGING. --Two leases of five miles | thus to some extent bears mantle of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier had in the last twenty years, Three years after his mar riage, 1881, mons in Richelieu but was defeated. legislature for St Gouin was born at Grondines in 1862, so that he is still a He has us men as Hon, he married the latter's daughter James Division, Montreal. Viet a Waterloo Waterd W Ww We ¥ 1 Wen Cra Downey, » fo nm nox, 600 rey. 1.500, owan, 300, rals Elected. ruay, Mehay, 0 100, 256 ITMicK, h--Ross, 130 FHiott, 594. i West--Clarke; 2 feBongall, 540, MeRKay, 442 Mayberry, Stock, 16, Reid, 3. J 1000, Maced le Northumpis Ottawa Ee Oxford Nort? Oxiord South Perth South Renfrew North Russeli= Racy Fast ston W ndent Labor. Studholme, -- 13. Conservative Gains. » North, ure not Durham Has ex South, tire, ¢ dengar ry, a ad and Levis, been a Hon. and hero Quebec has alone excepted. he ran for the House of Com- In 1897, he was elected to the educated at Sorel at different times L. 0. Taillon ana greatest Fhe ton Halton--Nixor Hast Nortl Hastings W Hastings Fo Huron' North Kent East-- Bow Kent Wes Machan, ne Nickle Han Pre Matheson Sul Lanark North Lanark South Lecds--Dargaval, 188 Lennox Hen, 21, Linodn---Jessup, 1,000, London--Beck, 1,4 Widdleses Bast--Neely Monck--=Ross, 100. Muskoka--Mahaffy. Norfolk North--=Innis; 54 Norfolk South--Pratt, 111 Northumberland Fast--Nesbit, Ontario North---lHoyle, 108 Ontario Sowth-Calder, 29s, Ottawa West--Fripp, Parry Sound--Galna, Peele-Chartors, 523 . Perth North=Torrence, 508 Peterbore Fast--Thampsan, Peterboro West-- Bradburn, Port Arthur--Uarrick, 100, Preseott--Thatant, 21. Prince Fdward--Norman, Rainy River--Vreston, Renfrew South-Mcarry, Sault Ste. Marie--Hearst, Simcoe South-~Ferguson, ton. } Cars HON, { 240 2 171. 129, | i 327. 100 {aceiamn- - ALLAN 525° LINE] Montreal to Liverpool _ Tinian sails i A he 18, po ti oe " HH ¥ re TIL wy 8 July 8 Huron (Mtawa I" North, West, ince Kx wth; Vetert » West, Narfolk No rth Liberal Gains, Lambton East, south, Wellingt South, Oxford North, QUEBEC PROVINCE. Liberals Elected. it Gaboury, SN, -- Lafontaine, Tanguay, J Laron, Uaron, 250, ture--Kelly, 8 County~ Terrehbonne--revost, Aberyille--Benait, 500, "Mostrealy St. Apn's--Walsh, Hoehelaga County--Decarie Arthabaska--Tourigney, 1.6 Montreal," St. Mary s--Lacombe, Bagot--~Daigns ault, 19 Lreammond--Lalort, #0. Chambly Perrault, 268, LotbisterssFrancour, * 1,000, (ham lain--Nault. Richeliou--Coardins, 573, Beoauce--iodbont, 360, Maurice--D Lisle, mash a--Ohellette, 742, abmBiedhrette, 200, cuf-Lrouin, 0, Montmorency--Tascherean, - 606. Three Rivers--Tesmer, 282, fe Girard, 153. Missisey sossalin, 200, Levis--{ivard, 153, Levis--Blowiu, 600, Temiceouta--Dion, 100, Vaudrensd--Pilon, 500. Montreal. St. Louis--Langlois, 159% Darchesler--Morrisgette, 100, Taiko St. Johp<Heort, 60, Nellachyson-Al argos, 696 St. Roshe--Lotournvau, 242, County=Lela re, 00. Berthi Wolle~ LL Tcdot Matane Bona: ot I 1,530, Marchand, S00, 325 red 10. TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 18083. vska-- » West mir Moar Roy, Kaine, Robitaille 16s, -- Lafontaine, G00, r, 100, ALLARD the Independent Conservative. Latour 180 Your Friends. help wv hundre Me May po mw to win the d d compa of Orange number in. There er lar test Commence Meat carton bottoms name and addres to Ringston, today, enter and information r and flesh of malting, en botten ¥ wish to full Dries 15a cause iu » conditi Ora blood produo thorough cool and its it 18 « asily assimilated Good Old Buller. Toronte Telegram. A Roberts or a Kitchener first in war, but Buller was the hearts of his country: have qualities wl powerfully to the Ihe late John Hamilton, went er expedition Ww might first ner had great that private Cameron mptain a maror, and of the sturdy Briton sion on the wing ( that with him inspired battle cry, "We England may no hen it accepted soldier. But er choice ould wrlishman in made 0 staved vears and till stil Neither hake the Lond Ii one feels dull and spirith spring or Sang or--usually early summer, they Fi " But tl the rn : our winter mostly t nery Shoot ud quickly ny vinploms Mf course won't bring health in a lo ene vou that the spot day or wh rove that wing it inp vim ay | than ar yustitutional tite i livers ane 4 siren ambition it afew d 1. Sold by all deal have discovered plot, hatched by lack Cross, to members n Ww Cony ine Lisbon police frustrated a big Baciety of the B up with bombe_ the roval family at a held on June 15th, of finner in Tortv-eiy bra He must append sOlchier Red Rin Old Dull two ht 3 viadd rth ave rs nd feast to be A PRODUCT OF NATURE WHICH IS GUARANTEED TO CURE Boog oun Piles 1s an Internal in which is the only real cure for Plies. TI M<-DS aks PO a Record 1 ian Cured 93 Outlet Every 100 Who Have Used from One to Six Doses. T TIHS ADVERTISEMENT OUT AND TAKE IT He UR DRUGGIST; WHO WILL SELL YOU THE MED AND: RETURN YOU ALL YOUR MONEY | URED, OR WRITE. DIRECT. TOTHE GOMITANY PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOX, © THE KENT INTERNATIONAL DRUG CO. LISTED, CHATUAM, ONT. °° our Mall Orders Filled Promptly and Sent Out 1a Plain Wrappers. i YO CINE, NOT EE REET 3 ~ { Gas Stoves buying a Gas Stove, buy the best When | = "Chicago Jewel"} == is acknowledged the best Gas Stove manu- factured. They comprise all the latest improvements. Simple in operation, made of the best steel, handsome in design, dur- able, and having the best burners made, they are economical in the burning of gas. Examine Them Before Purchasing. ELLIOTT BROS., 71 PRINCESS ST. ase UO OOO OOOO IOC 7 TE Ore BABY CARRIAGES. Must be cleared out in 10 days. Big s at ~ RJ. REID' 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 AR FINE RIPE STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES All sizes, for preserving. ~Order now De prices are right. R. H. TOYE, 302 King $t, Crescent Wire Works SUITS Indigo Worsted § $19 Trouserings Regular $6 to §8 goods, $5 Best Te. and of Railings and of all kinds, : 8 arden Border, | 10e¢. 1s Manufacturers { Fencing, Wirepuar for | Wire Goods Factory vy a King St. West, Opposite Hospital bs 380. -------- -------------- REAL ESTATE Wolle nd Show Rooms, Latest Workman Suitings ship MACKENZIE & SMART Tailors to Men of Fashion, 179 Wellington St. HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated 1 Houses and Lots for sale in the GLA C IER City. ¢ ' The only substitute for Stained G Jurable, Koon vy Cottages, en furnished. Summer sland, to reat, ' | k | | lc Ths o or sana cum | Fire Insurance D. J. DAWSON y pb c-50nhe & Co ai 109 Brock St. Typewriter 'Headquarters. Successor to Dawson and Staley, Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Livisg Victor and Berliner Gramophose. lams' Sewing Machive. Phoenix Extinguisher ; and a full line of Musical | a { ments. Music, ste. Ameri n Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline ; {We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Ode" of al oll kinda 3 Prices w A wuien cha suggest. ing in some good good Coal, It's the kind thet out the most beats and

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