Che Daily YEAR, 75-80. 138, DEEPEN (ANAL Will Consider The Cost Of | latica Undertaking. TWIST BE DONE IF THE TRAFFIC SAFELY HANDIED, The Georgian and Trent to Be Solved As the Years Go By Says the Minister of Rail. ways and Canals. From Our Own Correspondent. . Ottawa, June 12-1 looks us if the trouble between the government and the opposition regarding the bill is all over for business is proceeding as if nothing had happen now ed and certain it is that there is work | Lime for was faster done than at any the session. Yesterday, over a million dollars voted for the canals of the country within an hour. At this rate the sion will be over in July, Sir Wilfrid Laurier stated, that the government would hs ave legis lation to propose to the house' before the end of thé session in regard the Quebee bridge. Nothing was said as to the policy, of the government in regard to the rebuilding of this link in the Transcontinental line but it said to be likely that the bridge be rebuilt 48 a government work. In the course of a discussion, ve terday, it was suggested by Mr. Len nox that the government should con siruct a canal from the Holland river to Bradford, and also that should be taken to deopen the Welland Canal 50 as to allow of the Canadian route capturing the traffic shat now gos via. the Erie. The minister replied, however, to do this the Welland 'would have be deepened to twenty-five feet, which would cost more than to put a new chanpel with seventy-five per cent. less of lockage. The minister of railways intimated that it. was the intention to procure estimates of the cost of deepening the Welland canal to a draught of twengy- five foot, and also of the cost of an entirely new canal, Answering Mr. Lancaster, he said he was prepared t, Fay that if wo were to carry aur own traffic as well 4s American traffic the Welland canal would have to be deepenid to a depth of twenty-five feet, As to the mw canal, his scheme would reduce the number of locks seventydfive per cent. and though he could not say with definiteness, he thought the cost wonld approxi mate twenty-five or thirty million dol lars. There wore advantages in the new channel, owing to the shorter dis tance and fewer looks. Mr. Graham said the Georgian Pas and Trent canals were (uestion which would have to he volved as th years went by, The senplors, wembers of parliament and newspaper men will enjoy, on 8, turday, a visit to the great Maedon ald college ut Ste. Anvie de Bellevue. Pody Of Indian Found. Brockville, Ont., June 12.--The of an Indian, supposed to be one of a! pair mysteriously drowned about three miles west of hore was picked up in the river; near Ogdensburg. last night ahaut twelve miles from the the drowning, being during instance, yesterday, to to body scone DAILY MEMORANDA. Cool Hata For hot days, The best stock at Camphell Yacht Race, 2.30 p.m, See Waldron's Advi. Saturday Cars run to Ontario Park to Cutaraqui Cemetery Co. 4 pan, day. Olidiellows remember Decoration Day, Saturday, 2 pon. Waldron's Long Glove night, 3%¢. "Pandy Dixie Minstrels House, 2.830 p.m., Saturday Bros', Satlarday. night. morrow Sale, George Mills & Company sell fine Hats lel life, and 1 have no more Their store ix up-to-date, 85g whea you buy| your new Straw Hats. ! Soe Ahgirs--they're really great. Waldron's Hail Prices Sale Saturday aight heatre~Magnificont "ith and Holophernes" ; giwedy, "A Married in Ga) Man's Travelogoe, "A Day Parin."' here' w other Picture In My Mother's Frame.' Musi, RRatthing Holiday" Urackerinek song, IS TO BE| Canals | Are Questions Which Will Have | election | will | steps | that | of Satur. Saturday (many inches deep. ' Grand Opera Tragedy, yi Vide me with tea and bread. An KINGSTON, ---- SHOT HIS WIFE 'Domestic Trouble Ended! In Double Tragedy. ALL ARE WELCOME. Will Not Interfere in Fight For Second Place. : June 13.--Manager Frank Hitchcock of the Taft forced, has an 'mportant declaration in ro Othe ye preside ntial noming tion. Mr. Hitchcock said - 'Un the question of the nomination | jof a vice-president, Secretary Talt and | j his managers have made no combina or deals, they will not hereaf- r make any combinations or deals, snd will not push the candidacy of | juny particular man. | "Weiare simply working to sear 1 the nomination of Secretary Taft on! ©. E. MARSHALL, A FORMER U. {the first ballot, and when we have! S. SOLDIER. chioved that we will Le highly satis | | fit i. i | {| t hicago, {H. mands } { on "Tha question of the selection of A! {He Shot His Canadian Wife the! Earlton, Ont., and Blew Out national convention to decide and| His Own Brains--The Wife Had { thers is no thought in the Taft man-| Refused to Live With Him. i agement of attempting to interfere inl | this dircetion." o : Cobalt, Ont., June 12. The village of FEarltoa, gbout twenty-five miles « Inorth of here, was stirred by a double | {tragedy on Wednesday afternoon, iwhen Charles E. Marshall, aged thir ty-two years, shot and Killed his wife, vie rpremidential candidate is for The Church's Move. Winsted, 12. --J apes { Burns, newly con- structed in Beat un | Nellie Gray, aged rubbed his eves twice, Saturday and then shot himself, morning, when he saw the Baptist top of his head off. chureh coming up the road on rollers The tragedy bappened on. the farm When the building was swung in and of Mrs. Masshalt's father Absalom | placed on the lot within 200 féet of Gray, about one mile from the town | his hotel, he went out to investigate. | Marshall first met his wife while he The Batam Women's Christian Tem- | Was attached to a regiment of the U, | prance Ung had acquired the lot S.A, stationed in Fort Niagara, | and got the Japtist Church Society to [about five years ago. They were | move its church there. Thus shall Me Lewiston, N.Y., about , | Burns be balked When he applies again (ago. They came to this country {for a license sell intoxicating [a Visit: fron Niagara Falls, and re Hintiors in Bantam The law reads [turned on December 17th last to take {that no place within 200 feet of a up their abode, Marshall jtting work { chitreh edifice can have a liquor li- on the farm of his wife's brother, James Gray. | About a vue) ag back to Niagaka Falls, fusing to live with {Shortly after he went cvived gu letter saying that he would | repent if "his wife would come back to him, The day before he can back be wrote and said he would be away for a year. He returned, however, on. part of the late H. G. Lamothe {the Cobalt special Wednesday morn- former custodian "of these paper when he got off at Karlton. In- | who over a month ago {stead of taking the road to the farm. The reported the evi-| he struck off through the woods. dene without entering | Marshall's father-in-law him the matter | Coming and suspected that something iwas wrong and started towards th house. When within on few feet ithe building he heard four shots and Princeton: N.J.. June 12.--At the jon entering the house found Marshall 16ist - annual commencement exercises |1ying on the dining-room floor of Princeton University, yesterday, the {with the top of his head blown off, degree of doctor of laws was conferred | {and his daughter in the kiiche me dy upon Baron * Takahira, the When he got to his daughter she ambassador, "He, killed me, father," and ex- i nS She wean shot through the arm, Decline Ryan's $100,000¢ Tight thigh and in the breast. New York, 12.~It is reported that an offer by Thomas F. Ryan to! TORONTO MAN IS G. M. endow the old First Presbyterian | church, at Fifth avenue and Fleventh | street, to the amount of $100,000, has been refused by the me hy the membre. Conn, June proprietor of the Bantam hotel, blowing the | i { on i | Mi mar- | ried at year to Mars his any longer they hall went wife Those Stanstead Records. 12The lary ir the mysterious appearance of all records of the Stan- stead byelection, last winter, was concluded, without anv other theory | i being advanced than that they destroved through a mistake on | 0 | re him awav (Mtawa, June mir parliament re into dis were the the . ing, died a little committee merely to the house any explanation of than the evidence itseli afforded. Degtes For Takahira. saw into other oO dead Supine ing, June Delegates From All Parts in At. { tendance. | Prenton, June 1l.~1he Protestant | Association of "Irentice Boys of " HALE AND IND VIGOROUS = J he wi meoting in Irenton this we Fo and {LIVED TWENTY YEARS| jiu afternoon. Delegates wére in at t.ndance from all parts of Canada, and the meeting most success { ul one. i delore to hold grand lodge ear hence The election of officers resulted follows : P.G.M, was a concluded a two days' session yester "NEATH UMBRELLA. it meeting adjournment was the of decided | of Le Bellevill Hermit in English Woods Leads past Happy Life Without a Home Or Any Cave. London, Juge 12.--In a wood about thirty miles from London lives an | fold man who for twenty years has | iknown no other roof than an webrel order in a a Belleville. Toronto, Sellen, James Warbam, GM. Hl. CC, Mainprice, Sen. Dep, G.M.--Harry {Jobn, N.B. Jr. Dep. GAL.- | burg. Grand Chaplain--~W, | ton Grand | Bellevitle Assistant Grand Secretary ot u Amelias | A reprosentative of one of the morn Dempsey, ing newspapers found him, yesterday alternoon, seated under a large our {riage umbrella amid * the pine trees, making ready for his tea. Close 7 was n perambulator packed with mis ollaiwous goods, including several | | umbrellas, clothing, ete. The old man | Filson, Ambherst Island lis an ex-solilier and looked in, excellent | Grand Treasurer health. bush, Trenton. } "Twenty years ago 1 took to Grand Lecturer--( woods," he said. "During the ston. f snoatorm a few weeks ago Associate Grand soundly, and when I woke up Rossmore, was covered with But I am I have not ' had a dav's illness | 1 have lived a simple, sin worry I have no rates 1 have no wile t, | District I have plenty of | Stella; J. win, Diseronto; vil: [Grove: J. L. pro- | J. Stirling, A man hams, Toronto; (does not want much to live on. vou | mory: fl, N.B.; {know. I am quite happy under my |{niveg, Man; (old umbrella, " Inesbury, S.F,; "Lean sow as well as a tailor, and oe W. White, Tren- In ecretary--C, 0, John Leor re the G. Clark, King great slept | in the Mow | never 1 Lecturer--Stilman of Root, {morning 1 Kingston, Inside Tyler--R. Francis, Grand ton. Grand Kingston, Tren- Hill. Ells, (in my life. Outside Tyler--G. lmer, than that tree has. and taxes to pay, {bother me and friends. | "How do I live ? Well, all the lage people know me.' and they Deputios--W. J. Saunders, Hepburn, Lindsay; E. Ir- 6G. Cronk, Mountain! Askin, Wallaceburg: W. Gitsom, N.B.: W. Wik George Stincurt, So- J. R. Charphin, Win- W. J. MelUann, Johan-! I mend all my clothes. I have several changes of clothing in my 'moter' (re fering ta the perambulator). | have clean shirts, sa. boots and other | | hings there. . I have my bath in the jm {woods and wash my. things there. Ko one ever intorferes with me 1 never Seattle Hight a fire, and I never ask for mon: confirmation of a weird story growing 'out of the earlier days of the Kion- Pe "When darkness comes on I put un dike stampede, of the finding of my big umbrella, take my boots off, the hull of a ship high upon 'the hills on my Fry into a sack and cover within the Aretic circle, is furnished 3 with clothing. on top of hy N. Brown, a well-known miter, which [1 plate this mackintosh. 1 tie just arvived at Dawson. mbulator to 10 In legs or arms, | Brown looted the strange: Salt, set night." which, he says, is still in a fair state Men's Fine Straw Sailors. ANCIENT SHIp ON HILLS. SE ondike Miner Brings Word of a Strange Craft. Wash., June 12 Practical lof on a hillside over- i ing a chain of Inkes from forty to 30. to 8, at Campbell {fifty ion. from the head of the Chan- idelar river. and possibly 200 miles Viscount Motley, secretary for Tu from the Arctic circle. dig, in a speech, took a weridus view | Brown says the big structure has of the situation in India, where for [crude doors and windows in the up t, it could net be denied, per works similar to those of a ship, rather heavy clouds had suddenly ris 'and boars letters or hieroglyphics om Thete i is a cértain estrangeimint be. which bafle translation by those whe vd he natives and the poyers- have seem it, 'and natives The first duty, now, wor No. pf sed 2 at twenty-four years, on | Brickman, | Quacken- | Grand Director of Ceremonics--Thos. | J. Rolinson, Meliille, bi British Whig TT WASHONY = E LAST EDITION PITH OF THE NEWS. WORK 'ON THE ROADS. Probabilities Toronto June 12.1908, Ottawa Valley and Up- ' What is Being Done By the En- gineer's Department, week, the city has been patting broken | {stone on Ontario street, from Brock | ! n per St. Lawrence, 'That Caused The Land-|tc Johason, which piece of road 10 a.m.--Light slide On in Monyay {was in a terrible condition. A couple | ro £ . of blocks on Princess street on the | variable winds, 50 MACKAY SAYS {upper end have received a dressing of | fi and warmer | The Very Latest <t Called From All Over The World. Y Lea > , at | fe ill d. { Lhe #rench m to the ter-cen- tenary of Yuebee is to be headed by M, | ft Gambetta. Y { | ehgineer's de- faye nt ard foreman yndon, of { was run over { missi A great steel combine, with a capi- tat of $375,000, is said to have been jutieeted in Brita. Hobert J. Kyi a was drown | the Lon ntian Germany | stone. Whether anvthing will be done a Jart of Princess street | to-dayand Satur- bog the business not known. It is preity certain | day. that no paving will be done on that ; En thoroughfare this vear, but in the | meantime some of the ruts should be {filled with gravel. Park avenue, from West to Barrie now ready for stone and | x It has been wall under-<drain- | piece of road will require | {8 hes of stone to give it wn. Next week, stone will | it. After that, road Be continued in Bagot nineteen of 3 | while swimming in Bath, Montreal, met the threatonad | birth of new "'lriple aliance'" with! {a display of the "mailed fist," | HE FOUND THE CASH USED | | A proposal for free trade with Can- AF AINST HIMSELF tada was cheered at a convention Ho ? Luited States millers at Detroit. | Isaac B. Rich, Boston, one of the {oldest theatrical managers in the country, died last night of diabetes | Toronto will entitled to send twelve teachers to England upon the joccasion of the Canadian teachers' trip, ithe Tatsu Maru incident is reported | closed, the viceroy of Canton having agreed to pay an indemnity to Japan of $218,000, i vears has | a i { is re Ming. . Speaks of Chasing Bribers From | ed. This fonly six in North Grey and of Strong! splendid ero Suspicions About the Rest--|he drawn to Liberals Not Despairing. { building will ree Clarence Loudon, June 12.--Hon. A. strect to Clarence. ihe It is like » Kay, leader of the opposition, passed | 1 3 Hike ly that : through the city this morning on his {ni} recommend to _the city. counwil x f that tl tree il r rai x way to Mouné Clemens, where he will | ie street zai wav rails om Prin- |g : jress street, fy Ml ® " take the baths for a couple of we ks. | i et, from Alired Are to , 3 ) city limits, removed The He i3' tired after the strenuous cum-| Iw i Y » ' iin and'is in nbed" of ost. j radiway company has offered, through Ihe New York state senate has pass- payb, and 3 , oO A u |W. F. Nickle, to de this if the couneil | ad a bill putting all departmental : Pag, id Mr Na 2 ives permission. That piece of road | | stores under the supervision of the | sprite to me, ni ot Mag wy "ix in suweh a dangerous condition that state department labor. lan ertiser rep Flee : thoug it we th deems it best to get the |B Kin. Fdward has Leen made an ad-| would to © siderably better than we ra According to the | miral in. the Russian navy. The king ,| did, judging the TEPOTi8 We Yo- | oo Feement of July, 1903, the company before his departure, had a long ceived during the campaign. " Imust pay for repairs to the | ference with Premier Stolypin, 'A dead s¢t was made against me, | rendered necessary the removal ! Chester Butler has been arrested at [ond I 'am very fortunate in having of rails. | Tilsonburg on charge of setting fire | Won at all ii to the Queen's hotel in that town, "The conservatives {when three persons lost their lives. deal of money in my i There promises to be a kee on equtest | Plahned to give {for the office of supreme chief ranger "1 did not know | of the Independent Order of Forestery | into Toronto lat the Toronto next week, | Owen Sound I'he Lusitania is in her bets of £25 wera heing | breaking all transatlantic records, my this trip to New| "Whn I got up home I found out! {Thursday ho average of 25.12] that the My workers got!from vid of the bhribers in the west section |when he of the riding, and 1 had some of the) { has declined the nomination Pic- | same wmsed from Shallow Lake tou, Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper gave | where wera spending money, : ous, yesterday, that he had practical- id | only eightv-one { animal's foot free, and before he could "While trying bo. save her two chil. [720 How they worked agaist me. |rogain his feet ator releasing it, th de lrving to : i Thera werw twenty other ric Bee I struck out, hitting him on the i ho | ad allen into Derry Lake, and for some unaccount- [leit shoulder, knocking him on his fuarty of tue Ragin ne, Baw Wil all went againet us Jack, aud then it Stasis him furi of the children was also lost. : uel 3a my sidind, the : k ede oye ta of the Rev. br. S, Cleaver: Tatcnto. Swine I » : that money wa je other of the fence out of the dio hia stats 'of health on A ae in these constituencies also, | wate 8 way, but pot before he had re x ta alth, decline the "However, we are: not ceived His friends at presidency of the Toronto Methodist 1 . : » drove where conference: and = Rev. I. B. Bartley, but hope to do better next time, | gue ; to : Toronto, was elected his successor. = or {into the in the ne Lieut. (iraetw has Just reached Rho- In Danger Of Running Over. dover for Friday's train desia, after an exciting trip in his au-| Ogdensburg, N.Y., June 12 ~The | was badly eut and Leased from the tomobile across mountain and desert | United States Lake survey reports | shoulder to the "oih wand Te } from the coast near Zanzibar, a dis- | that Lake Ontario showed the hichest | pgp sore bruises at u d the or tance, as the crow flies, of about 1,500 | May stawt sinee 1886, when it was 2 part of his body. on . Vp miles: inclies higher. Tt wad 257 fnches above!" 17 io very rarely that a horse will Latest weturne from Quehde chow | the avernge Mav stage of the past ten {attack a human being in that that the new house will have fifty- years, 16] inches hicher than last year] {and the 3 pd or f vs this io nine liberals and fifteen opposition. | and 10 inches higher than in 19 {that the animal "on 2» ol Hy . a Mr. Morin, liberal, defeated Henri | Unles unusually heavy rainfalls { with xii k m bring wehan Hy a Bourassa, at St. Hyacinthe, one | should prevail, the report, Lake| long. ! ae ny majority. 8 not go mush hivher this The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Central News says it is persistent. ly reported in the lobbies of the dou. I ma that King Edward and the czar signed, at Reval, a treaty of the highest importance. Its nature is not disclosed, James Harrington, years, Killed in the Trethewey mine, Cobalt, Ont. Deceased was run ining the when it was thought {he fainted and fell forward while the machine in operation. When an investigation was made his dead body wl under the hoist of | { | 4 } re be G. Mae bos the city engineer |B he outcome of engineer ; removed ram con: streots by or | disturbance | | usd a great reading, and had decisive defeat that until 1 my way back t found out that | and $25 to 815 own riding, ATTACKED BY COLT. me a we The Narrow Escape of a Glenv { Farmer. George Porter, victim of a si I might have ale on i and I £10 mare in meeting in Glenvale, was SS \ 3 cident, one that his life on was turn O wious a him He the nolg my cost | having le ¢ iy ork ? \ not n morning. to a going factory | three- | year-old eolt a barbed wire and he to release it. | { He was down on his knees getting the an yard was case! his hor cheese Attempt + New Summer description of alr | Shirt Wajsty we gra offering would mean to detail 8 vscores of styles, which wo cannot do for want of spa No con sider thik an invitation to napect to your heart's content all the dainty Lingerie, the snart tailor ed and the Lacy Dress Walsts, in Not and Silk, that are now on display. 4 SPECIAL OFFERINGS 1 Model Made of fine White Muslin, fine tucks down to yoke and wide side tucks, front fully embroidered, { sleeves, culls, open back, SPECIAL, $1. 2 Model Tailored Waist he tn Lhe 7) noticed rhbor's caught went | Following the announgement that he 1 'row © fence, over they for won by votes, go the halanee ahle reason' they "As me wa stronuly suspect mey Rr side user serious injuries him were dressed despairing with depth, taste with AT to Cataraqgui, He to wait | His leit arm | § | onee city evening lawn, Pin oe box pleat buttons, OFT world SPECIAL, ~ A BL, 3 Model Waist of ont wade nf fine Val lace only 50 French with Swiss wih A very Dressy } Lawn, whole f | alternative rows | Returns To Watertown. Embroidery and dt ! vmstitching Collar ang | Kingston is to lose one of its popu fine Ticks and Lack theatre managers, J. Theodore |E° open back. SPECIAL of the Wonderland Theatre who . * his position as manager. Colored Tailored Waists cepted a more lucrative one Made of Mullin Film Service, of Wa- |B Checks of NY. 'Mr. Ek has the best |S 2nd White the community, coming here Separate commended asl wi Collar high a theatre A large host his by says 1 will ---- Ontario year. SOME VIVID TALES SAYS LONDON'S FULL OF [wits sthe HAUNTED HOUSES. ot {highly » ar AT has and resigned Washing Percale, in Navy and White Sky aged twenty-five and Black and White, was wis h < SPECIAL, leaving His cannot of new hois 111 oust, same standing abi as manager be que friends wish | | And Not Only That, But Ghosts! Disport Themselves Upon Its Streets. London, June 12.-= A ces In Havnted Houses' was the title | jof a lecture given by Elliott O'Don- in nell, "the well-known authority in oe- {cult matters," in the Eustace Miles { Salon, yesterday afternoon. It was from the chair that Mr was { tioned i him success in undertakin was low Er -------------------- Its Birthday Number. With the is Jupe "Rod And Gun," published Woodstock, Ont. enters upon its tenfh year, and pro duges as a pirthday' number one not surpassed by the line issues that pre "forms parties to visit ceded it. The record-breaking moose houses." and those who de |bunt of Dr. W L. Mimro in New enjoy such gruesome experien- | Brunswick through which, for the | invited to communicate with the hh of the pro- {ney record is by oft | Gun rightly give pre I ishermen their ests well looked after "Actual: Experien THE OUTLOOK BLUE for at Se | According to a High Official : Racedom. London, Eng., June 12. --When j last night, on the subject of the gambling bill, just passed in the York state legislature, August ! mant, chatrman of the Jockey Clap, | sived Ao {who has not yet recovered from the ishoek from the death of his brother, 0. P. P. Belmont, at first did not de sire to discuss the matter but when it twas remarked that Americans were |8¢ tO anxious to hear something from he consented to the brief statement : "I cannot say what the ling associations will do alled anti-rgeing bill seen, | LA SR 5 AT anti- announced New [O'Donnell Bel- | haunted story held n time the first in 008 Were vir ince, an { him, The | precise wid i ywever, was not very der a yminent hamted houses which he visited. He claimed leave, him | because of the seopx t law of : libel, to give fictitious names vd { adclre when referring various rac- j which arg thus Possessed. when the so i nds that London 2 : he i 1 ahotes, and the from Fleet ¢ £ weomes law ' : " : : | street to Oxlord the *'cocl The various associations, . however, ! : i t pt of metropolitan spnokdom [have recing tures off . this A hgu hich be would only S stitute s ine f Guse whith ° iad only Jot on which ce » t i Rotting ini } scribe "1002 Berkeley square, i Neations they Ne 3 AC ul 3 fa strange record, of which there are! Cucumbers, rhubarb, onion tive up to them. OG one can well | In' "this establish: Edwards & Jenkin, "nhons [ SCRUTTON who sleeps in a certain | 3 1 fprediet whether or not the prohibi {two explanations. jtion of betting at races will Jn {om at a certain time of the vear | Third In The Province | horse rae ing iesgtrivahly, but od is A | fies from fright. In the early eigh Kccosding the. government. ts is ota -- ein ai] he says, it was occupied by a jurns, only other hortieuitural McK Denman, whose daughfer, societies in Ontario-Ottawa and St. | 0 [mately throw many men out of om was ongaged to a Maj. Mee | Catharines (had a Infgor | ployment and cripple the breeding and {i Munro. of the Royal Engineers; {roll than the Kinaston Hertieatturel | Improvement of thoroughbreds in the The major insisted on sleeping in {Socicty. The enrollment here fur 1007 United States. the room, in spite of the protests of was 261, and the ROVOrnmont grant | eee his flancee, and at midnight the crack | was 81589, The Jocal president, Liou - | ROBERT J "REID. of a revolts shot was heard. When | Col. R. E. Kent, ought to be proud The Leading Undertaker. the - glarmed ' occupants estered 'the {of the splendid showing the 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess whreet. room he was found in bed with 4 | makes. smoking revolver in his hand, but he | was dead--ol fright. : How came this house to be ba 1; el? Mr. O'Donnell told two stories, eturer, h is to the position have MARRIED. A PONT) ir Bb At mons, "The Red Star." Fy " houses Le on Sweet following | give giv to Jat he con full of such EE seedless orn try, ania Low oria La al haf HAINGF Jacob ale pas wead, of t Bananas. Ba ornia late Lettuce Vineapples at all prices, Ad Ft r niin I ARKS nang y inst. , street is Anas Valencia ora to nr i y run cabbage, strawherris as ment everyone saved to ties, two | Mere, i» hyilis, ner 196% McK eg membership re WIFE OR THE JAIL. Marry Girl or Underfo Punishment. Waondstork, Ont, June 12. Judge Finkle was, yesterday, asked to be easy on Thomas Anderson, of Tillson-! neither of which furnished the explan- burg, found guilty of complicity injation, and he did pot himsell supply. highway sober. - the ground Shirt the defic seney. He told alg of houses 15 wile was about to become a mot ~ | possessed by two forms of ghosts, one | or, an bos nt » it be found that the in Dean's yard, Hestminster, the man not marris ther in Jerman Street. In the ic The judge sont to the prisoner A pro. a the alk took the shape of position that if he would marry the, cavalier' with a grisly wound in] girl sentence would be susoended. The | his fgrehead; in the latter it was man said be would int He was giv- awlitory ghost," which imitated very | en fen days to marcy the girl. If at noise made by the occupant of the! the en ih ime the rong hits room, even x he did nothing more not been ores be ill- ithan move his chair. sonbiiry has instructions to bring him | "There is no explanation." he said, i baek before Judge Finkle to be sensi" to the. cause of thet hauptings, | ist. will be given in Svdenbam Strect | tenced. ; aml one is tele to draw one's own con. | Methodist church, at the close of the! ---------------- : clusions. Mine is that the came in 5 | @voning sevice next Suadavia Fewer Canadian Cattle. phantasm of the dead, eorthbound hy | The Hamburg American dine has de London, Jue 12--The National Fe {some unfulfilled desire or passion." |tided to reduce steer i out deration of Meat Traders announce a! Berners I street, Newman street and | ward and homewsr aise of meat. prices the depletion of society Must Quite Lively Last Night. Princess street presented o tively appearance in many respects | Thursday Aven ing On one corner {was the Balvation Army band, heli way up the block a blind man was iplaying the latest airs, the next {rorner 5 missionary was preaching to | 7 ia large flock, and half a block furth- | Lew WW two young. ltalian boys were jamusing a large crowd with ihe [ waltzes, rather | SUMMER DRINKS on 4 Gurd"s Ginger Als. Gurd"s Soda Water. Gurd's Quinine Tonic. Gurd"s Caledonia Water, Imported Sweet Ginger Als. In.ported Dry Gitifer Ale. Radnor Water. Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groeeries. "TAKE NOMOR.- 1 Roll Top Desk, 1 Kidney . de "Bade oo oom A bargain anh, ae Sure, hen 0h = on latest An organ recital by Preol. James) | Small, formerly of Dundee, Scotland, assisted by Mrs. Small. sorane solo | street, be asserts, ha a Stapely, an aged. man, ded i mid houses, E aprdia ow Wodncaday at 'Comnifion. Decensed, het + are. and the Bfiafor . ; Sd of