. 5 iin Samssasias. Push a Cork in if you can't pull it out We can't escape the 35 per cent. duty the States impose on Canadian ammunition, «But we drive the cork in with quality. Witness the 20,000,000 rounds of Dominion ammu- Bitipa sold across the bor- dér in a single year, and not one complaint worthy of consideration, For oll makes of arms. Costs Sasithicd to ons-Gith ions thas duty ammunition. fnaran- tee nL i DOMINION AMMUNITION COMING! W » Prof. Dorenwend, of Toronto, Himself The greatest Hair Goods Artist the world bas ever known, is commg with HAIR GOODS Will be at Randolph Hotel, Kingston, on TUESDAY, JUNE 16TH During this visit we will show latest Parisian aud New York styles, and Jou are invited to try on kny of these erea- tious and sample Switches, Pompadours, Coronet-Hraids Wigs, ete. Cluster-Curls, Franslormations, Waves, Dorenwend's Patent Toupee For Gentlehien who are Bald, is a ater picce of Scientific Hair Caongtruc don Securely adjusted, = Comb and brush them "jugt ws your own hair. Bont fil to see these SNumpleg, NWEND C0, op TORONTO, 5 «Yange St, {| atdun | | These are the kind of Biscuits that Beaver Flour makes--light, flaky, tasty, inviting, appetiziug, "Beaver Flour" is equally good for Bread and Biscuits -- Cake and Pies -- because it combines the famous astry-making qualities of atatio flour with-the strength of Manitoba wheat flour, 74 Ask your grocer for "Beaver" had 1.022 . heumatism: AOL Art, YT wont to Hive A ------------------ I LOYDON MAN STOLE | AND WILL BE SENT TO THE The « PITH OF THE NEWS. Over The World, anadian to hold its neat ! { round Gravesen Jockey Club, Young ladies, was mar. to Allpn Cs Mae: Toronto the Las the Quebec sented to do gamblng laws are ens Neson: packing burning, Five taken to the hospital pyer- y fumes from ammonia expl of the Chigham DETROIT JAIL. ale ithe issuance of the "long" Company For $100,000 Dam. '0 the Canadian militia. Oceur- {mountain race at Montreal. | closed to-day, by the { troit authorities. on the tharge [adit churning Kenzie, Montreal. tight, js Weld at the Central police the Baptists and Pr {and that he not anly gave y 2 | Rev. Dr, Duval, moderatér of {repaid him by th: | celebration and has con | One of the biggest claims for | tourt is that of Irving J. Forbes, for. | the sheriffs throughout arms from the Grand Trunk railway } forced, viuctor. of a Grand Trunk train to pet i to retire from provincial politics and the hrakes of the caboose which had | The plant of the starting the car and throwing Forbes | 0™° the olbow, the Canadian/ Pacific Railway / com- ir annual outin 2 R ; BE: cotin, outing Nay ry E. Suckling. f htham. They immediately {at Winnipeg -- 1 The mfiua counddl have authorize Irving J. Forbes Sues G. T. R. : Longboat ' clipped nearly ages For the Loss of His Two minutes off previous time for Armg-~How Accident red { The betting rag at the ; . + {Endl track, Nes Detroit, Mich., June 12.--Frederick | ow | Pegy twenty-four years old, who was | | ,, twe ) : : Miss \ jarrentesl in, London, Ont., for the De- | 2% Nora Huat, o " ; ; rie # | stealing $42 from Edward Barnett, | fod ou Thursday i : O 3 Th | who was brought' from' Canada las: | I'he Methodist conference, A has deci i | Station. Barnett says Pegg came to |, Qecided to avoid {him and : i , . a ih and begged for something to oat | Sudbury "district, { : |¥tranger food, but a job as well. Peg | ; : emptying the cash Presiyy térian Genera Assémbly, i | bee " jdrawer and disappearing with doen. asked: 10 preach at | money. 80 Pert Gov h {sonal damage ever filed in the circuit | ovemnor Hughes hay called upon {merly of Pontiac, for one hundred | state to sea that the provisi {thousand dollars for the loss of bath | {ht Tace track Forbes alleges that when oily nine. > . The latest rumor in political circles teen years, he wag invited by the con. | that Premier Whitney will be urged as brakesman from Pontiac to Jack: throw jn his lot with. the federal con- son. At Pinckpev, the young man set f servatives. heen shimted down the siding. The bouse, Kansas City, is ratchet. holding the hrake slipped, | MM Wer on the track, the wheels. cutting off Ban, . yma one arm at the wrist and the other at catherlangd Taglor, treasurer of The senior class pany, will retire at the end this school spent. the month, and will be succeeded by Hen- ta this city on the steam. : CEKity of Detective Jerrv Lyneh, Buffalo, N.Y. it o extminduin of | while shadowing two crooks, was shot wh we | Dicobtor Griffith gave them a stereop- Aiton lecture on the "World Masters "oiter which ffiey viewed the Whikeum collections, The rest of the dav was spent in sight seeing. Inthe first cricket match of {local season, Detroit heat yesterday afternoon, on by ninety-five to fifty eight. AT ---------------- CZAR HAD CLOSE CALL. Was to Have Been Says Paper. Loudon, June 12.--1t was not to be exphcted that the journey of the car tor Reval to meet King Edward would Iss off without the story of a plot, and this is now duly provided hy the Daily Express, according to which his majesty only escaped assassination by thoyeiusal of tw woman appoint ed Wo 8 thie 'deed, The paper says she is a Juead school teacher, who Joined Mga ravclationists | a khg time ago Luke af Lee dads 'withdrew os ate Word in comngetion with the organiz ] The revolutfonimts, howes pr, learning that nobody would be ad- mitt d to the station ay Reval on the passenger train and a safety fence at occasion of the czar's artivid except | Lockport, P'a., pne women was torn school children and teachers, called | to pieces and iustantly killed, and an-, upon the gloresaid mistress to.prove| other was so badly crushed she died her loyalty. to the cauve by assas.in- {an hour later. ating the czar with a bomb, Rather Jarvis Cook, Montreal, a married than comply she committed suicide | man with a family, cut his throat by throwing herself in front of a train [from ear to ear with a razor, - this two dass before the Czar's arvival | morning, and was found gaspin~ his She was buried at Reval yesterday in [last by his wife. He was ill and un- the presence of hundreds of school [der the doctor's care. children, with whom she was very| It is officially announced by Popiilarg and™ a + few * teachers and townsiolk whe were aware of her story. in the stomach by one of the crooks were afterwards Lynch's condition is serious, | At Hamilton, Ont , the cases 3f Wil. | iam Lawson and Henry Bilabaugh, | lection officinls, arvested on of tampering with the ballots, laid over imtil Monday, At Walkerton, Ont., Charles Me- Lean, one of the robbers who burglar jized a jewelry store, sume ten days ago, was trigd' and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. The marriage of the Very Lewis Evans, D.( L., dean of treal, to Miss Emily Bethune, to, was solemnized, Holy Ttinity church, W. Tott, 0il Uity, deputy reeve of Fnniskileen, attending the June ses sion of tha county court, was sufio cated by the ges in the Hotel Nor thorn, at-Sarmia, on hursdnw night. The Toronto Methodist conference has decided tn try and establish a strong churele at 'the Humber, which mn The arrested. charge the : were Chatham a score of i Blown Up, Rev Mon- Toron- Thursday, Toronto. was the most God forsaken place he knew of, Caught between a fast Pennsylvania Sir Canadian Pavific railway, that Robert Meighén has been appointed a director of that company" to succeed the late Sir Robert Reid. The sfeamship Lusitania arrived at Sandy Hodk Light, on Friday morn- ing. Time of passage, four days twege ty hours, eight minutes or seven min- ute hetter than the record made by the Mauretania on her last trip, For drugging and robbing a brewery agent of more than one thousand dole lars dering a game of cards, Alcicd Bourgeois, a notorious card sharper, was tried at Montreal, and found guil- ty bv a Fiench-Canadian jury Mulai Hafid, the usurping sultan, arrived at Fez, on Thursday. at the head of an army, whose numbers can not be estimated. Hafid is said to have confidence that Germany will now recognize him as sultan, A despatch from Reval savs that Premier Stolypin declared that Russo-British entente was necessary to the equilibrium of Europe. He added that it did not afiect Russia's tradi tional friendship for Germanv. Bufialo sportsmen are taking the passage of the anti-gambling bill pret- ty much to heart. Unless some open- ing develops whereby betting may be continued, there is no likelihood that there will be a meeting of the runners or trotters at Kenilworth Park this supnaer. Hundreds of families have met their death by being swaMowed up in fissurs, which suddenly opened jn the ida of the mountain Machusnshan, near Ichang, China. Whole villages were engulfed in the huge crack which has been caused, it is thought by an earthquake. Against The Japanese. Vancouver, B.C., June 12.--The pro- vincial department of fisheries has given out that no alien boat pullers will be allowed in connection with salmon fishing on the Fraser this year. ---------- Escapes A Second Time. Coinwall, "June 12,--Frank Carter, hE youn man whis was recently son- temeed to six months in the Central prison at Torduto, fcr stealing a dia- mond ving, has escaped from custody for the second time in thee weeks The figdt time he. scaled the wall, but Was reapturcd at Newington, and had four months tacked on to his sentence in vonsequence. Last night he dropped the hose wish. which he was sprinkling the coupt Jibus: dawn outside the jail walls, slipped through a neighboring yard under a fence, and made tracks for the woods. He was soon missed, ani the jailer, D.- Fager, with several special, constables, started in pursait. nlc ction isms Cheese Markets. Winchesteg, Ont, June 11. Tonight 703 00neh PRIA Rd 231 bores colored were registered. All sold at 118e Alexandria, Ont., June 11.--Board boxes, gH white; sold at il 5-16¢. Russell, €int,, June 11.--At board, tonight] 410 loxes offered; all sold at 1 5-lee. Madoe, Ont., June 11-800 boxes offered; all sold at 11 1-16ec. Yeton, June 11. To-day 20 faetor- ion hoarded. 19H boxes, colored; highest bid, 11 7-16¢c.: all sold. Brockville, Out., June 11. To-day. 3087 holes were registered, of which 2.660 were colored, balanee white; about 3,000 sold at MH 5-16¢. New York Mayoralty Recount. New York, June 12.<The vote of 502 election precincts out of a total of 1984, in this city. lind been equnt- od 'when Seurt adjourned, to decide whether 'Wo Re. Hearst or George B. McClellan wag' elected mavor of New York, in we. My, Hearst's net ~ain fthus far is 215, 6f which twenty-seven were added to-day, when the contents of 12 boxes | were counted. Im some of the hoxes opened late in the day avor ~ made greater gains than did Mr. Hearst, both taking votes which J! been credited to L Ivins, the republicon candidate. Come to Y.W.C.A. garden party to- night, 3 to 10 pm. 14th band, 196 Johnson street. New potatoes at Carnovsky's. Messrs. T. McKenzie, W. Sands, Thomas Francis, C. G. Clarke and G. Elmer were the Kingston delegates to the graml lodge of Prentice Boys, held at Trenton this week. - ---- hy Fe Flanizen dut the ing farewell mes py the, athletes BA wanda. sehen he left for the itain, with Tom Longboat this morning : thank all the people who kind $o Tom Longboat, and to say thatsil I can only get Lou. Marsh to come over here, to act as his coach, during the Marathon, I am almost convinced Loaghost will win it" ; Joo. trom, - {14th Hand and «garden party The Very Latest Culled From Al three Yors, was ordered | dren gathered one of Lobgurg's | overlapping with | the Col. Becker, who died many eshyterians in the | 280 New Yori | ong of the | ® * {their rights Rev. Dr. Speer said, with two hotels, | Thomas Shawghnessy, president of the | visit Smith's Falls friends next week. aj THE GA esnips Medical Association | AFTER SLICE OF THE CITY meeting { OF PHILADELPHIA, i Ross rifle | Hundred Descendants of Man Who! Once Owned Site Hold Organ- M.A. ization Meeting at Woodstock, |1owe. M.A, 9 Unt, June 12.--Nearlv men, women and chil in Woodstock, vester- day, from various parts of Canada. { They were here to decide on some con- in regard to takipg { legal steps with the ohject of slicing {up the city of Philadelphia among ithem. They claim te be the heirs of vears in Pennsylvania. The colonel, who served in the revplutionary war, lis said to have owned hundreds of acres of land given under a ninety- {nine-year Mase, and on this land the leity of Phila fighia now stands. The colonel appear) to have had no direct heirs, and now that the lease has ex- pired, an effort is being made to get Il of the lingal descendants tocether their rights. William I conveyancer, succeeded Ap nearly a hundred and m together in Woodstock, to- produced a legal-looking which he said was the deed of the land, and when an American lawyer, who had come over, asked to see it closely, the conveyancer put it in his pocket, and declared he would only show it to a committee, which the meeting miplit appoint, An oll family Bible, which he said helonged to the Becker family, was alo pro- diced in evidence of the bonafides of the claim set up through his investi- gations. The proceedings were con- dueted with the utmost secrecy. and when the American layer started to take notes of some of the things Wil. Son was saving, he was asked to of- face himself, as no new spaper men, jt was explained, were allowed in A goodly proportion of the heirs were dubious about the feasibility of avict- ing the city of Philadelphia from its present town site, and there was not ja VOry encouraging response to the {call for funds to prosecute the claims | Howey er, another meeting will be held {af which it may he decided to prose- gute tha matter. The fortune to which ome of the heirs expect to establish is estimated at eighty million dollars, -- INCIDENTS OF THY DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Reporters On Their Rounds. { Butter, butter, butter, Carnovsky's | Mrs. and 'Miss Wheeler, Kingston, {are visiting A. F. Reid, Richmond. { 14th band will give a good pro- gramme at Y.W.C.A garden party, 196 Johnson street, this evening. N. B. Hamm, Bath, was unfortunate losing his barn on 1 hyrsday, 4th inst. Cause of fire attributed to tramps. | Steamers Rosedalg and Wahcondah | passed up, on way from Montreal to | Fort William, 1 hey discharged whegt at Montreal. The steamer Wahcondah, of the Ca- nadian freight tine, was at Swift's to- day on her up trip from Montreal to Fort William, Mrs. dames {after a month's {has returned home. Woodstock, i ! i | {one hundred jeerted action i ito establish | Wilson, a loe jua) | documen f i | lin i Massie, Bagot street, absence in Toronto, She leaves to €The steambarge R. Macdonald is un- Ipading coal at Swift's, very unpleasant experience vesterday | afterygpon while out in a canoe, near the Cataraqui bridge. The cance was {upset and he was given a bath. Be ing a good awimmer he had no trou ble in saving himself, WILL FIGHT BILLS. Will Have a Test Made at Early Date. New York, June 12. Determined to {fight the new Agnew-Hart anti-gamb- {ling law to the last ditch, the Jockey { Club, to-day, will seek to have a { book-maker arrested and then taken | before a magistrate. will then go { before a justice of tie supreme court {and ask an injunction preventing act- {ion under the law until its constitu "We cal f oi : | tionality can be determined. { culate," said a prominent racing man, will nullify the law. until | "that this the close of the present racing. We will fight to the highest court. Under | the new law the man who receives n {bet is liable to imprisonment, but the | man whe.days a bet is not incrimina- Je i Dismissed With Costs. | Sandwich, Ont, June 19. An ae tion by Thomas Kelly, Windsor, to (set aside an agreement by which he thas been Paying $30 a4 month for the {Support of his family or the last {nine years came before Justice Anglin, iat the noh-jury assizes. Kelly asked to be relieved of the burden on the ground that the children are now all of age and able to provide for them. selves; but his action was dismissed with costs. i ------ The 'County Council. The Frontenac county council opens its June session next Tuesday after 'moon. It has been rumored that the j county clerk will resign on gecount of being a candiddte for the commons. A mew court house caretaker is to be appointed. William Toner, of Barriefield, who has been acting since Nir. Grant resigned, is likely to be given the position. Contract Awarded To Another. W. J. Savage. who was awarded the contract for painting and glazing at the' city buildings. has refused to sign as his figure of $227 did not include all that was in the specifications. He had overlooked a portion. The next lowest tenderer, A. McMahon & Co.. will be wawarded the contract. To Play This Afternoon. mistake the Belleville lacrosse ADIAN _ HEIRS {ol Belgium a year THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1908. I SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. { ty of Education. | The following students have success fully completed their course in Faculty of Education of Queen's Uni | versity : Passed with honors--A. W, Clarence Burgess, William Elizabeth S. {George B. Stillwell, M.A - | Specialisgh--A. W {lish, history, French and German L. Cornell, M.A., mathematics | physics; T: Duncan, M.A., classics {Florence Dunlop, Fnglish and history; Emily Eiliott, English and {tory; W. J. Feasby, French and |man; George W, Hagan, science; {H. Houser, mathematics: W. {Lowe, M.A. classics, English | history; Helen Mclitosh, French {German; A. FE. Mclean, Fnglish |history; G. B. Stillwell, science; {H. Smith, English and history; | thur Voaden, English and a Passed in Parts 1, II and 11]--Ethel {Alford, Edon Buckingham, Estella R. | Cragg, Minnie F. Doyle, J. J. Fd- {wards, Mima A. Ellis, W. E. Foster, | Mabel L. Gesner, Edna Graham, Ethel Have, George W. Holferd, H. P. May, {Annie MacArthur, Isabel Moffatt, | Enuga M. Macdonald, J. G. N Eachern, Lulu Reid, Dorothy Robert. son, Carrie IL. Scott, C. A. Shaver, Annie B. Shaw, Edna Spotswood Passed in Part I-Miss H. L. dougall. ~ Passed in Parts II and 1l1-Pear] Chandler, Katherine Day. Passed in Part 11--Florence O0'Don- nell. Passed in Christopher Summers, T. Baird, D 8 i Mac Part Ill---Agnes Boyd, S. Kerr, Doings At Selby. Selby, June 12.-Mr. Hooper occu- pied the pulpit on Sunday night in the absence of Rev Mr. Thompson, who i= attending conference at Lind- say. Misses Limbert and Duke were recent callers. Mrs. Thompson is visit- ing friendy at Picton. The pathmas- ter is putting in a new cement walk in front of Paul and Dean's. Mgs. J. Gonu is spending a few weeks at her son's at Murvale. J. Wood has laid up with a very sore eve. Dr. Paul, of Chicago, spent a few dave at his father's. Visitors: Mrs. Winter and daughter, at J. McGuinness': J. Gonu at home; Mrs, Daioe at W. Hunt's; * Mrs. Ballance at W. Sex- smith's; Mrs. Dennison at Mrs. Sche merhorn's; L. Innes and wife at D Sexsmith's heen To The Odor Born. Philadelphia Ledger. A Chicago man who was a member of the committee qn reception, on the occasion of the visit of Prince Albert ' or. two ago, tells of his highness' inspection of the stock vards. y The prince , received every possible attention and was much interested in the magnitude of the industry and lady. 'day reported | Scott Aet by prohibiting the shipping 'of liquor the various processes for disposing of the thousands of mttle and hogs slaughtered every day Just belore he left he turned to the intelligent young man who had been told to act as his guide and asked : "Do you never 'suffr anv incon venience from the odor here 7 "What odor, your highnees ?"' was the naive response of the voung man Election Repartee. Canadian Courier Some years ago it was rumored tht the Duke of Leeds was to be gover nor-general of Canada. but the re- port was quickly discredited. In 1887 the Duke of Leeds contested Brixton as the Marquis of Carmmarthen, when his youthful appearance led to much heckling. At meeting held the week before the poll the candidate was interrupted by a member of the audience who shouted, Does vour mother know you're out ¥' "Indeed she does," came the candi date's prompt reply: "and next week she'll know I'm in--for Brixton He was elected in the following week by a majority of nearly 1,000 ---- -------- \ Value Of Tears. London Daily Mail Dr. Romme, the well-known Freaich medical authority, speaks elogmtly of the usefulness of tears in the cur- rent issue of La Revue, Tears, he writes, are most useful in cases of great depression or deep sor row, Crying creates a kind of cerchral torpor, a mental iodiffererice which atts as an anaesthetic. One sorrow in tears better even aleohol. ; "We should never restrain owr tears. They form, especially with children, a safety valve, which does nothing | ss than preserve the balance of the brais."' one than in A Revised Version. New England Magazine. g At Emerson's dinner table one day there was mention of a woman well known as a lion hunter, and, in speaking of her Mrs. Emerson used the word "saoh."" Mr. Emerson ol jected; the word was too harsh; he dida't like that ugly ; beginning with "sn."" His wife in quired how be would characterize the "1 should say' --very slowly "she is a person having great sympathy with success." Amending Soett Act. Ottawa, June 12.--~The senate a hill to amend to- the rom one county Yo ean other in which the act is in force. teemed citizen Lennox counte, in the person of Mrs. Catharine Hambly, North Predericksburgh. Deceased was wu. life-long member of the Methodist church, and ber end was peaceful. Mrs. Hambly died at the ripe age of seven- ty-nine years, and jeaves to mourn two sons, George R. Hambly and C. W. Hambly, the present warden of the counties, both of North Fred- evicksburgh, and two daughters, Mrs. Milo Huffman, Moscow, and Mrs Norman Perry, Ogdensimirg, N.Y. 3 Many anglers are so will satisfied over catching the fish that they lot their wives clean them. 2 The eleven London reompanies feet of gas to 1,101,896 consumers. Queen's Men and Women ip Facul- the | McKenzie, | Baird, M.A, Fng-| MN. and ! his- | Ger- | Ar- | drowns | tlass of words | We regret the death of another es | NEVER BETTER THESE FOR TAKE NOTE OF THIS { 1A L--Beautiful White Un fer, skirts made of fine cotton, inst 20-inch flounce of lawn \ three rows of wide SPE wit mn serfion and edged with lace, dust frill. Regular price $1.50, Om sale 98¢ Saturday xy SEVENTY-FIVE SUMMERY'| WHITE WAISTS--~ White lawn, - all.gver ambroidersd fronts, clusteg tuckings, front and. back, also four tucks on Siceves. Buttoned back, short sleeves. Regular price $1.50 and 81. 75, On sale Satyr. 98 day SAUNT C CLEARANCE OF 300 WO MEN'S VESTS--Just arrie- ed a shipment of women's fine ribhed cotton, no sleeves, fanoy top and arm holes. Re Rak Citring pre 156 Men--Note These for Saturday ... MEN'S TWO-PIECE OUTING SUITS--Dark, striped tweeds, Regular price $5.- 50. On enle Satur- 08 day.. was senses "er ae . MEN'S S--Light Regular $2 On sale | 2 and $2.25, Saturday .. BOYS TWO-PIBCRE FOLK SUITS<Light, dark end Canadian tweeds. Regu lar $3.50 to 84. On 248 ey . DUCK WORKING SHIRT NOR- MEN'S aud 60¢. On sale Saturday. SAVINGS THAN SATURDAY. SIXTY ONLY, WINTE NIGHT GOWNXS---Made of strom, cot- § ton, yoke, and inlis of * fine lawn, ok wmsaruon lave & wking, frill sarbuhd neck, frost * lace, $1.50. ¥ La 98¢ TWENTY FOUR ONLY "MAR- SKHAES BEDSPREADS ~ 1} double bed Designs are all new and we are sure you will be more than satis fied with the wewring quality and appearance after being lanmdered. Regular with i rice Un sale Sat Bre, urday . RUSH OUT OF 10 DOZEN CORSET COVERS New ar rivals, two styles mada of fine cotton, one row of wide in- sertion set in fromt, lace around top, aers, draw Regular price, 0c, and Sle, Rush price for "Saturday insertion shoyl- at waist. 25¢ string Prices for Saturday | - BOYS" KNEE i dian PANTS, Cana tweens, all wanted shades, Regular 50c. 35¢ ; and 60¢. pair, On ----ee------------------------------ sale Saturday MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. all izes. Rerular price 0c. to We. suit 50c " Un sale Saturday MEN'S BLACK HOSE - Regular friee 15¢. pair. On sale Laturday price COTTON 8¢ 8c HM \ PIC META We are headquarters Canada Metal Co.,Ltd The Montreal Stock Co: PRINCESS STREET Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. "Phone No. 844. ae da NEW ORANGES LATE CALIFORNIA VALENCIAS 30¢c. A DOZEN, UP. R. H. TOYE, 302 King St. LS ---- - in Copper, 'L.ead Tin, Zinc. Send us your inquiries. 81 WILLIAM ST. es TORONTO, ONT ---- EE EEp-- SEELEY"S BAY WEDDING. Miss Jennie Sweet and G. H. Chapman the Principals. Secley's 1. ~The of Mr H. Sweet, | Seelev's Bay, oy wedding on (vening the marriage | of their eldest~daughter, "¥iss | to G. H. Chapman, of Smith's Falls { The ceremony wae performed by Res {| T. Meredith, under a large white bell | suspended from a beautifully decor {ated arch of evergreens. The bride {entered the drawing-room on the arm i her father, and was beautifully | gowned in white point d'esprit trimgmed with silk lace over white «ilk and carried a shower bouguet of white carnations and maiden-hair fern. tied { with long stremmers of white silk rib | bon. Miss Eanma Sweet, the | bride, was bridesmaid, and was gown- led in white silk, trimmed with valen- { ciennes and lace, carried a bou {gmet of pink enrnat Mins Fthel | Sweet, cousin of thé de, acted as { Bower girl, dressed in White silk and {carrying a handsome basket of flow ers. Master Charles Robeson, nephew of the bride, carried the ring on a very elaborate' hand-painted enshion William "Somerville, of Morton, sup ported the gtoom, and Miss Lizzie home of e of a pretty J dav, Ju Mes. A was the Monday occasion | and une | Sth, the Jennie of net, sister of vou remove the effect. The Old Stand and The Old Num- Phone 490 OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended night or day GOT HIS HAIR BACK, to Was Perfectly Bald When He Started to Use Newhro's Hers picide. £E Frederick Manuwell, Maryland filo Kk, Butte, Montana, hocht bottle Newbro's Herpicide April 61h and began to use for entire mess, The hair folli in hi were not dead and in twenty day had hair all over his head. On 2nd he writes, "and to-day m; is as thick and luxuriant as any ope could wish." Newhro Herpicide works on gn old principle and with new discovery--destroy the cau and 1 Herpicide des fandraff, a July wv baie 3 © troys the germ that causes falling hair, and finally baldness, so that with the cause gone the effect cannot remain. Stops falling hair at Chapman, sister of the groom, plaved the wedding march After the ceremony the bride re- Afetved the congratulations of the, guests, after which a sumptuous re- past was served on the lawn to about ninety guests. The tables were decor-| ated with maiden-hair fern and flow ers. The many beautiful and costly gifts testified to the warm place the bride hold® in the hearts of her many friends. Amonr them was a cheque from her father for $100. The sroom's gift to the bride was a cheque for 81.000; to the bridesmaid, a gold ring set with pearls and rubies; to the flower girl, a gold necklace, and to groomeman, a set of gold eufi-links Mr. and Mrs. Chapman left, about 11 pam, for Gananoque, en route for Res { ton; Calgary, Moosejaw and other western points, 16 spend their boney- moon. On their return they will reside in Toronto. The bride's going-away gown was of blue armure cloth and once and a new growlh starts. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e in stamps for sample ¥ The Berpicids Co., Detroit, Mich. 83d in two wizes She. and $i. G. W. Sahood, speeial agent, 'Tae BARKER MOTOR from the Sret shown jinei! Lo be Superior Sesigd. Mechanion) | he Sout semtonili Bod ered 4 llention to details maim it \ THE CZADER OF ITS CLAWS. .L Bane, Nomwacx, Com. valenciennes, with picture hat tog match. Mrs. Chapman is a very poi -£ Me young lady, and her large ciclo" of friends regret her departure, Among those who attended from a distanced wore friends from Kingston, Ciananog gua, New York, Athens, Portiandy, | blowse of white silk, trimmed with and Manitoba,