not the "Banner"? If there is a new spring bed to buy, at least examine the "Bammer." The "Banner" is the spring bed that is pérmanently comfortable, because it is the bed that will last a lifetime. { The 'Banner is the spring bed that is easy and restful, because it is the bed thut fits the body from head to foot. 4 The "Banner" is the spring bed that never stretches-- ngver "sags"--mnever loses its shape--never creaks or rattles, : < ¢ "Banner" Spring Bed at $8 isithe cheapest you can buy because it gives the best service. IE is the perfect spiral spring bed. It is made of the quality of oil tempered steel spirals, which retain their springiness permanently. Flat steel bands on edge bind the spirals together, and these in turn are fastened to angle iron Sides. This makes a strong, rigid, noiseless, restful, easy bed. At least, SEE the ' Bamner" Spring ent of quality and value. judi We leave the buying to your good ¢ is trademark goes on all "Alaska" Brand Guaranteed Springs, abd Pillows, Look for it, always, Mattresses 14 «* T. F. HARRISON C2 220-237 PRINCESS ST. ingston & Pembroke Railway Company. 3 ¥ \ ® Notice. Commencing MONDAY, t June 15th, No. 1 train will Jeave Kingston at 12 noon instead of 12.10 as at pre- - sent. No. 2 train will arrive t Kingston 3.55 p.m. in- tead of 3.45 as at present. here will not be any hange in the arrival or de- Jarture of other trains, ¥, CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Be Bav.or QUINTE RAILWAY : 1 Mnvoy union mation, Ontario A ve My u y& excep . q despatch and points om Oentral itjo/ route your shipments via Hay Quinte Railway, For her partiou- 9 H, W. DICKSON, Agent, NO. MNER OUTINGS ¥ | JL Lower St. Lawrence Gaspe Peninsular Maritime Provinces . 3 § AD raced by one 'INTERCOLONIAL SAAR 0 4 Dining and Sijeeping Car equipment), Bathing, Boating, Shooting. "TOURS TO SUMMER quoting al rates for urs, and other pampleta de, rritory, " | GRAND TRUNK 53 svem SYSTEM Homeseckers Excursions to Manitoba and the Canadian Northwest and return May 26th, June 9th and 23rd, July Tih and 21st, August 4th and 18th, good Saturning within two months of going For Pullman or Tourist car reserva- tion and any other information; apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts: Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johason streets GOING WEST. Lwe. City Arr. City No: Bb mall an 12.88 a.m, 1.07 a.m "8 Xpress .... 2.35 a.m. 8.17 a.m 11 local ee. 9.15 a.m. 947 a.m, '4 1 Imter. 12.25 moon 12.56 p.m. # 7 well eee 8.19 pm. 3.51 p.m #15 local wee 7.08 $388 p.m. GOING EAST. U: 8 mail & 3 fast "* 4 local ." " Nos. 1,9, 3, &, » AH other trains daily except Sunday, For tull Papticulars, apply to «+ P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Hn and Ontario Sts. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co, LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS. ' Str. NORTH KING. Commencing May 81st, ston for Thousand Island points on Sun- days at 10.15 a.m. Returning leaves at 5 p.m. for Charlotte, N.Y, - (Port ot calling at Bay of Quinte will be daily except Mon- June 27th, ALBETHA~Leaves daily except Sunday for Bay of Quinte Ports, at g p.m. ra gy from JANES SWIFT You ts. J.P. HANLEY, 6. SR IREPA TIER, Ticker aor HO, FOR A HOLIDAY! DAILY TO KINGSTON MILLS. The Commodious Str. Ecelewat WILL: MAKE DAILY TRIPS TO KING STON MILLS until further notice Leaving CRAWFORD'S Wharf, foot of Princess St, 9 a.m. 2.30 and 4.30 Pon, returning, leave Kingston Mills, 10 a m., 8.50 dnd 6 p.m... 3 trips each way deily, except Sundays. On Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays we run a fisher men's special, Leaving Kingston 7.80 a.m. Round "Trip Tickets 28¢., good until used for any trip. Steamer can be chartered for special parties, at reason- able rates. Skiffls towed, 25¢. Package Freight also ecarridd, Captain, GEO. HAMMOND. Engineer, WM, DUNGAN. For further information address Capt. ieo. Hammond, Princess Theatre, or at Boat, Foot of Princess St. Jeaves King. day, commencin, Sr. ALLAN "iz: LINE Montreal to Liverpool Tunisian sails June 12, July 10. Vietorian oh | 11 28, "28 July 8 July 31. and full iaformae talned from J. P. t GTR, or OC 8 Local Agents. Corsican - Virginian .. Rates of HELE ai | THE A FINE GARDEN PARTY HELD BY THE CHILDREN OF Wn MARY. In the Archbishop's Palace Grounds--It Was Splendidly Patronized--A Large Sum Was Realized. On Thursday evening the Children of Mpry held a garden party in the rebhishop's palace grounds, and never was a garden party held in the city more largely attended, or more suc cessful in every way than this one During the afternoon it began to look like rain, but seon cléared up und perfect weather prevailed for the afiair. The grounds about the palace were wel into a minia- ture fairyland by" those in charge. The grounds were heautifully and artistically decorated with flags, bunt- ing and flowers. All around many tables heavily laden with good things offered for sale. Three or four hell tents were also put up atv differ- ent points and in these one could have his hand read, could go into another to the bran pie and other games Early in the afternoon, the people began to attend and from then until 1:30 o'clock the grounds were stantly taxed with the large of people who kept going and coming. At the supper hour large tables were laid in the centre of the: grounds and here over 250 people had supper. The tables were laden with all the good things of the season, and the ~uests were looked after by some of King: ston's fairest danghters, dressed in their pretty white costumes, In the evening the crowd in number and before it was time light the large lights, many of booths had been sold out of thing they had. Three times was the ive cream booth in need of quick aid from the stores. The battery band was present all day and furnished ex- cellent music. The band drew manv favorable comments the fine musie rendered. Quite a neat sum was realized by the garden party, and is for a most worthy cause, going aid the poor families of the cl The leaders in the afiair deserve credit, and can feel justly proud of the success that crowned their efforts. were [ increased to the every hy The different tables were in ch wpe of the following ladies : The Old Oaken Bucket lottery table was in charge of the teachers of St. Mary's school, assisted by Miss B. Duley and Miss M. Anderson. The home-made table was looked after bv Miss O'Connor, Miss M. Hunley, and assistants. The, soft drinks were in charge of Miss Givens and Miss Roach, and "Aunt Sally" was care fully guneded by Miss N. Hanlev. The candy table, where evervthing w sold, was under the supervision of Miss Loretta Swift, Miss Anna Rigney and Miss Bolger. Miss Asselstine, Misses O'Connor, Miss 8S. Collins and Miss K. Clarke looked after the cream booth, ome of the most popular ones. The supper table was in charge of Miss Gallagher and her corps of able assistants. Much credit for the undertaking is due to Miss 8. O'Riel- ly and Miss Anderson, the president and seeretary-treasurer of the society. as 106 MEANING OF, THE SLATE. It's a Simple Way of Telling That the Shoe is True. "H's the slate-Slater," was the terse way in which one gentleman des- eribed the original Slater Shoe of '69, There have heen so many imita- tions of the Slater Shoe since its good- ness earned for it an international re- putation that the "Sign of the Slate" 1% an important Seal of Certainty. So long as one knows there gre counter feits issued the danger of deception is less. Outside of only the largest cities one dealer in a town can the Slater Shoe, and that dealer marke his right hy the "Sign of the Slate." For sale by F. Ga Lockett, Kingston. J sel DONE HARD WORK In Connection With the Republi- can Convention. mre Bt te A. C. FISHER. A.C. Fisher, assistant secretary of the republican national committee, is one of the group of executives who have borne the brunt of the hand work connected. with the Chicago conven- tion. Mr. Fisher has had charge of the headguarters of the national 'com- mittee for almost four vears past, and daring the past few months has worked night and day. Me Fisher is a native of Ohio, that hursery of poli- ticians, and made his entry into _na- tional work in 1598 tial secretary to the latter's right-hand man, Blmoe Dover, Mr. Fisher gained an intimate knowledge of politics and public men that has stood him in good stead in his later career. Children's Crash Hats. From 18¢. up, at Campbell Bros'. Fry's sweet It's as For Ald, J. J. Rigney From Many Friends. last prominent and bers of the Kani of Kingston, wu leasing manner, J. Riguey, on nuptial tour the residence of On Frida in af wishes to T. return' from his assemble at Morrison in large numbers, happy vein, to congratulate J. and wish hin good luck aay come Speeches were of ex », showing the high place holds the respect amd affection kis How-citizens . of all classes, posit on bbtained by Kis sterling in tegrity, his kindness of heart and his loyalty to his friends. His splendid attainments and marked industry have placed him - at the head of his pro- fession, and in the well-earned pros- perity his friends, old and new, have reason to A valuable gift was presented to mark the occasion, and to serve as a bond of union and frienglships strengthening more and more as the time passes hy. To vom and yours may fe be "one long sweet song.' in made, he of rejoice, Gown Of Veiling. Plain veiling, combined with cheek ed veiling to match, was nsed for the gown illustrated, the model being in blue, with blue and white checked veiling. The buttons uscd on the bodice were of Blue enamel, but buttons made of the veiling could alsg be used. The skirt was trimmed with a four-inch band of veiling set above the hem. on HAS RIVAL FOR VICTIM. Follows Girl Who Supplanted Her and Kills Her. Toulon, June 12.--A real vendetta, yesterday, threw the popu lation of Pont Dulas, a suburb of Toulon, into the wildest commotion The deserted wife of a tailor named Rizzi, who had taken under his protee- tion a pretty dark-eyed Corsican girl of nineteen, named Aunnonciado Pao letti, formerly in his service, smarting under the jeers of the guilty pair at herself and her children, followed them into the street with a revolwér and discharged five shots, one of which passed through the girl's body, An noneiado expired shortly aftar receiv. ing the fatal wound. Mme. Rimi, who is also a Corsican when arrested, made desperate efforts to assail her husband, who had caped the bullets aimed at him. Later on, the father and mother the murdered girl, on going to the police station to identify her hody met Mme. Kimi emerging from the ex amining magistrate's room. Both at once attacked her, the i: with a revolver, which he snatched from his wile, » batter with poignard. Of five shots fired by Paoletti took of fect, and the woman to live It ix reported that her relatives will pursue, the vendetta and avenge Corsican ol or thive is not expected now her death, A Contest Worth Entering. A life annuity of fifty-two dollars is oliered by the Orange Meat people to the one sending in the largest number of bottoms of Urange Meat packages before May 3st, 1909. This means that the winner will receive one dollar every week or fifty-two dollars every four, as long as he or she lives, they may exchange it for g cash price of seven hundred dollars. Besides the above there is a second cash prize of one hundred dollars, also ether cash prizes, as follows : Ten cash prizes of twenty dollars each; ten cash prizes ol ten dollars each; twenty cash prizes of five dollars each, one hundred cash prizes of one dollar each. The only condition attached is that you cut out the bottoms of the Urange Meat packages and send them in to Orange Meat, Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo package counts equal to three of the smaller size. You should be able to win one of the above prizes if you start immediately and get your Triends to help you. Send vow mame and address to Orange Meat, Kingston, to-day, and state that you are entering the contest, It is surely worth trying for. or Miss Katie Jamieson, Renfrew, was presented by the Methodist church, before leaving, with a purse of gold, in recognition of her services as or ganist and choir ledder. > W, H. Leavitt, who had arranged to congict the summer resort known as Garrett's Rest, for the sammwer, has decided not "to take charge of the beautiful resort. The comservative convendion to se lect a candidate to represent South Lanark in the House of Commons will be held in Perth on June 22nd oY "FOR PURITY, BRILLIANCY AND", The We know other typewriters of all | kinds and we know that the L. C.! Smith has every improvement and every feature that any of them has--AND MORE. We want to place an L, C. Smith Bros.' Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX- PENSE, and have you compare it part for part, feature for feature, with any other typewriter. We will let the typewriter speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated by the machine itself more con- vincingly than we could tell it. Then we want to leave the de- cision to you. If YOU want it then we will sell you one on favor- able TERMS, or if you alfeady have a machine we will take that in part payment. THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. This is the way we sell typewrit- ers ; it is a good, fair, honest way. It has not a weak link in the chain of fairness. Standard Visible Writer We do not belong to any trust and nobody dictates the PRICE we sell at or HOW we shall sell. That's OUR business. We sell our machine strictly on its merit All the writing Smith is always in sight, and direct in the line of vision. The WRITING LINE IS INDICATED, and the PRINTING PQIN® J§ POINTED OUT so that the L. C. Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM ~--a perfect VISIBLE typewziter. on the L, C, The typebar and hanger are Re heart of a typewriter, that mea they are the most vital part--a weak typebar means a weak type writer. Show us a typebar-beat- ing that is narrow and has no wearing surface, and it tells us that under hard wear such a types writer will not retain its align- ment, and sooner or later will get out qf order. On the L. C. Smith the bearing is wide and.the bar heavy, and will Stand years and years of hard Then again, with the IL. C. Smith one machine is equipped to do all kinds of work--better writ- ing, invoicing, billing, tabulating, figures, stencil . cutting, without touching the ribbon and heavy manifolding anything that any typewriter can do the L. C. Smith will do--and more. You can lift the platen, or writ. ing 'eylinder, right out and put in another in a second. You can write in two nrolors, and you do Thot have to touch your ribbon from the time you put it in the machine till it is worn out. You ean do all these things, and many more, and do them better than you can with any other type Ameritas, WILL YOU DO THIS? And remember THIS IS the ma- ehine we want to place in your Oo ce 'or trial and examination AT OUR FXPENSE, It doesn't work', LOCAL AGENTS: NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC €0., cost you a penny to try it. Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines. Typewriters Rented and Repaired--all makes. J. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA. 79 Princess St., King ston, ~very popular business wear. Is the finest TOOKE DROTHERS, MONTREAL. Forms a large proportion of every "known As a result Tooke Collars never become yeilow. * They keep their snow-white appearance uatil worn out. It is suitable for semi-dress price--2 for 25c. Made in 4-ply with ovtside facinz of i : ! : to your interest and profit to use (especially for fhe season being now on) BEST GRANULATED They're Jaundried in pure filtered water in the best Canada, equipped laundry in These collars reach you a spotiess white, / ; ' | Positively no chemicals are used to bleach or whiten the i materials. ] { WEN "Na collar made for the in sizes 14 10.18 and beights 2, 2Y anc 21]. UMITCD 11 i SUGAR | housekeepers supplies. It will be! preserving fruit! which is M ! | (i ar refining Cr " at . J. A tte, for American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO., South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. JAS. MULLEN, Granite and Marble Works Bal . Lettering in Cemeteries Neatly and Prompt iy Exmcuted, 372 Princess St Opposite ¥. M. C. A. m. Murray, Auctioneer 'f 27 BROCK ST. Sarziage, Cutters, Harness Sele of Horses every Saturday.