Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1908, p. 13

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) A not at your best, Headache and dullness are generally + due to the bowels. You know that, but you put off the treatment till night. That is wrong, for it means the waste of a day. A single Cascaret, taken the moment you need it, makes everything right very soot. You will feel in an hour as you hope to | feel the next morning. The Day Looks Different After. a Cascaret No need of those days when you are vest-pocket box. unpleasant days. we it. ay tt. with CC "Tho box I» marked live thio" : Tens of thousands of people carry our They take a Cas- caret whenever the skies look gray, One ten-cent box saves, in this way, six You will do likewise when you try the plag once. And you'll be glad that Cascansté are oc tablets. They Sr sll druerists, but never in bulk, Be a You can't use harsh cathartics and « pills in that way. They irritate the bowels and cause + Eibing. The pain is worse than the headache, Bu Cascarets Dever gripe, THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1908, NEWS OF * NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CO CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Maberly Matters. Maberly, June 10.--~John Acheson, Jr., has gone to Rochiéster to work. Charles Gordon is moving to Elphin John Gordon's baby is somewhat bet- ter. A baby girl has arrived at Isaac Kirkham's. Mr. Alum has re turned after attending the conference. A fine drove of cattle was taken through here to-day. Mr. Ecklin made his monthly trip to the cheese factory on Wednesday. Visitors : Mrs. Dixon, ot Mrs. H. Buchanan's. Colebrook Notes. Colebrook, June 10.-Miss Fdna FUE CLEANING. --aq dirty, hast twealtiog job. FLUE.CLEANING "a clean, record-breaking jobs THE FLUE DOORS Situated " singly" over feed door --on some furnaces. Situated "doubly," same distance from, each other, same distance from feed Qd%or--on' 'Sunshine © Fufnace: "SUNSHINE" ADVANTAGE: Operator can easily dean vers: every bit of soot out of radiator. THE OPERATION Fire put out, smoke-pipe pulled down--on some furnaces. Fira ups i in, smoke-pipe stays up = on, "Sunshine " Furnace. "SUNSHINE" ADVANTAGE : Furnace can _ WAAAY VARA AARARANAIN ANA be cleaned out any time in season without wouble, dirt, or * fear of chilling the house." Sa ME( lary's = VANCOUVER BT. JOHN, N.B. HAMILTON CALGARY LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL wiNNIPES Walker, of this place, was married to George Curl, of Verona. They have removed to their new home near Ve rona. The foothall match between Moscow and Odessa, which was to take place here last Thursday, through {some misunderstanding did not come off. W. MclJueen has bought a small farm from James Carl, near Harrow- smith, and removed there. David Dafoe has moved into Mr. McQueen's house here. . News From Picton. Picton, June 10.---The county Sun- day school association had their an- nual meeting on Saturday and elected officers. Rev. Mr. Taylor preached in the First Methodist church on Sunday Imorning and gave a series of lime light views at Main street church in the evening Miss Margaret Fox, "Maple Dell," was "At Home" to a few ol her friends on the Empire holi- days. Mrs. - Robert Williamson is {visiting Mrs. Edward McCaw, "Glen brook." = Rév., Mr. Williamson, Ac tinolyte, and daughter, Miss Effie, are visiting Alvah Williamson's. Zealand Items. Zealand, June 10.--M. left, last Thursday, for W. Armstrong had to sprain his ankle. A few of the T.0.F. members gathered at George Greer's, Tuesday evening, and spent a pleasant evening. A small party took place at Thomas Scott's, Friday even- ing last. Visitors: J. Young and G. Scott, at Maberly; Miss Bertha Scott spent Sunday at R. Charlton's: 1} Alma Doumelly, at Thomas Se Mr. and Mrs. McCond, at George Gar- rett's; E. Boles, visiting friends here; H. Bishop, at J. Young's; Andrew Crain spent Sunday with friends at Tichhorne, x. Insti. Died Near Arden. Sei argeant Fort Francis, the misfortune LEMMON & SONS. For Men 3 to $9.00 Citra advertising _ pit oe years has created in the public / a justifiable expec= tation that the "Slater" Shoe combines comfort, durability, fit,shape=retentionand beauty, -and to hold its trade-its makers are compelled to 'make it as 'good as the public expects. Goodyear Welted . Slater Shoe For Women 12 XD F. G. LOCKETT, Fim Stout method--there ie no. re : Lg "" iy June 11.-On Sunday, 7th inst, George R. Monds, an old and | respected resident of this township, | died, after a few days' illness, at the {home of George Kirk, with whom he Lhas lived since retiring from business. The deceased, though not strong, was in 'the village at the old business stand, helping his son, and went home on Saturday, the 30th. To a slight cold pneumonia followed, and he nev- er rallied. | The funeral, on Tuesday, was largely attended. Deceased being a member of Lorne lodge, of Tam- worth, the funeral was conducted by his brother Masons, who tenderly laid his remains in their last resting place at Mountain Grove cemetery, beside those of his late wife and son. This good man having been a member of the English church for many years the service in St. Paul's church was conducted by Rev. W. Cox, who gave an eloquent discourse, and spoke of the departed feelingly. The Masonic service was yay impressive. The bear ers were : W. J. Paul, M.P.P'.; Thomas Andrew, Hawley Thoruton, Willard | Parks, W. . Denn and J. J. Post Deceased was a onal I. in poli- ties. He leaves an only son, G. 8 | Monds, who succeeded to the business | of his father. : Anda, Mountain Grove Budget. Mountain Grove, June 10.--Farmers afe busy hoeing now and everything points to a bountiful hasrvet. if favor able weather continues. The body of the late G. R. Monds, Aiden, was placed in the cemétery here, yester- day. B. F. Carley is having his holi- days. Mrs. George Thompson, Beth any, renewed acyuaintances here last week. Mes. N. Clark, on the sick list, is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clancy and Miss Hall, Arden, spent Sunday with friends at Moun: tain Grove, Rev. Mr. Sharp and Mrs. Drake canvassed in the interest of the dinner to be given on July 12th by the Mothodists under the superv ition of the Ladies' Aid. Mrs. and Miss WOMEN! ote Mode Corse witben Taylor spent Sunday at D. A. Os borne's, Clear Lake. E. L. service was conducted on Sunday evening by Misses MgDonald and Youmans. . Mrs. Gilmour, Portsmouth, presented the Sunday school with a valuable col lection of books. Visitors: Joseph Clancy and family at A. W. Thomp- son's; Misses Maggie and Mabel Cox, with Miss Gertie McDonald; Misses Maud and E. Price at Mrs. William Cow'ter's; J. A. Coulter, wife and baby, Elsie, visiting friends at Syden- bam; Mr. and Mrs. MH. Lewis left last week for the west. Walter Barr rais- el a drivehouse, yesterday. Two things are still necessary in the vil lage, a letter box on the post office door and a local improvement so- ciety. It is too bad so many in the country villages think the place for garbage is the roadside. This would not be allowed in large places. It y spoils the looks of otherwise pretty . Road work has begun in this vicinity. -------- Budget From Wellington. Wellington, June 11.--The Friends' quarterly meeting at the little brick church, West Wellington, was quite largely attended on Sunday last. J. E. Lane's and Percy Rorke's dwellings are progressing Twentv-five new residences are fo he erveted in Wallington this 3 year. Lo K. Shourds ie building a couple of dwellings. G. A. Wellman, of Hotel { Wellman, has an imported staff of young ladies nna] gentlemen to asist during the Sutgner months. | | George Pettengill, of Chicago, is spenditg the summér with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pettengill. A begnd pew girl baby has arrived at Mrs. Charles Friday's, Station street. Joseph Titus and Hiss Marian Oster- Rout were united in wedlock, on Sun- day night last, at Mr. and. Mrs. Stephen Stevens'. Rev. Rnfus Gar- ratt officiated. Mrs. Elinor Garratt, of Toronto, will spend the summer in Wellington. Dr. Alton Garratt, To- ronto, was in town od Saturday last. Miss Mon& Pierson, of Hillier, spent Sunday with Miss Cora Pettengill. The Wellington band is improving nicely under the care of Prof. W. A. Rockwell. Its first appearance was on Monday evening last, as i¢ march- ed with the lighted lamps to the redi- dence of doseph Titus, where a sere- nade concert was given in honor of the marriage of Mr. and' Mrs. Titus. A number of gasoline beats are being built here this = swason. The crops about Hillier and Hallowell are look- ing fine. The Belleville baseball team, which came here last Saturday and lined up with the Wellingtons, were de- feated, 8 10 5. The Peterboro team played the Wellingtons on 'Wednes- day; score, 9 to 8; in favor of Peter- boro. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP, ---- Council Considers Assessments and Passes Accounts, Fermoy, May 80.~Council met as court of revision. Members made and subscribed oath of offic, Ke W, A. Ferguson's appeal on incoxe, $50 thrown ofi Peter Burns' assesment changed to Proest Asselstine, In the matter of the appeals of John Brash, James Myres, and C, V. Armstrong, no action. Agwessment of Declan Be- dour, changed to J. Li Bedour, ani William J. Blairs lot assessed to J. McCander; also lots 1 and 2, in as concession, absessed to R. J, Howe; Mary A. Lynch's lot reduced $50; David Laycocs, assessed as ten- ant on lot 32, concessign 9. Moved, Kennedy-Jones, that the roll bo accepted as correct, Court of revi- sion closed. Regular business of council then proceeded with, Minutes of former meeting passed, Orders passed: Work under Councillor Jones, E, Jones, $1.25; Chafly Scears, $1.26; S, La- Shaw, $1.20; M, Scears, $2.50; J. Jones, $1.50; T. Swerorick, $2.50; D. Moliregor, $2.50; A. Kennedy, $2.50; J. Moors, $1.25; George Fraime, $1.- 25; J. Kelley, cedar, 70e.; Fraime bro- theis, $1.50; 'I. McEwen, $1.50; J. Robinson, plank, $1; J. McGowan, cedar, $3.62; William Lee, cedar $2.85; Lewis Brash, "cedar and work, $3.88; J. Scanlan, $1.25; reeve about roads and high water, $1.50; Casper Spea- gle, roofing hall, building flue and furnishing the material, $99.26; J. W. Bradshaw, balance of salary as asses- sor, $32; Edward Warren, cedar, $12; J. Wilson, settlement for cbllecting, 1607, $9.10; Mre. Myres, charity, $2; N. A. Shillington, cutting out road, and repairing bridge; $20 ; 'William Irash, road, Tbe. Moved, Jee Jones, that Thomas Croekerty jricare oak for culverts and put same with statute labor. Mov- ed, Leo-Konmedy, that William Thompson be appointed pathmaster; also John Steel and Frank Relly. James Kelly to provide cedar for four culverts for new road. Mr. Scanlan to look after the road at Dabcock's, and Mrs. O'Connor's, with power to act. and to act as pathmaster on Green Bay road. Reeve to repair road from Floating bridges bank and culverts on Turner road. Me. Les to look after Hickev's wall, and the reve to get four lamps for hall. Moved, Jones Kennedy, that this council grante $10 on boundary of Hinchinhrooke, pro- viding Hinchinbrooke council gives samo amount. Adjourned till July th, Not Snakes This Time. Dr. 8. Weir Mitchell tolls with keen enjoyment of the experience of a medi- cal friend of his. who engaged a nurse, recently graduated, for a case of de- lirium: tremens. The physician sue- ereded in quieting the patient and left some medicine, instructing the nurse to administer it to bim if he "began to Bee snakes again." At the next call the physician found the patient again raving. To his puzzled enquiry, the nurse replied that the man had been going on that way for several hours, and that she had not given him any medicine. Put did't I tell you to give it to him if he began to see snakes again?" demanded the physician. "But he didn't see snakes this time," replied the nurse confidently "He saw red, white and blue turkeys" with straw hats on." £xcavation At Memphis. London Daily Mail. Memphis, on the Nile, one of the greatest capitals of the ancient world, is buried beneath the ground which is now under cultivation by the vil lagers of Mitrahineth, who will have to be transferred to other plots and compensated before (he contemplated work of excavation can proceed very far. It is estimated that an expendi tare of about $15,000 ahnually for fifteen. years will be required to exca- vate the temple sites, apart from the city. The wmnearthing of Memphis, which contained the finest school of will be by far the acological work ofl re oe > a vast addition to the world's knowledge of ancient Egyptian history and civiliza- tion. The work will soon be by Prof. Petrie, head of the British School of Archasology-in Egypt, Only One Cure For Catarrh. RESCUE OF CHILOREN THE GRAND WORK THAT IS BEING DONE --t By the Children's Aid Society-- The Evils Which Threaten the Moral Life of Poor Children. Do we always remember that what the children of to-day are growing up to be, the people of Canada will be a quarter we realise that if even an appreciable minority grow up vicious, lawless, reckless of law and the time-honored principles of morality and religion, ther, so subtle and rapid is the the seeds of evil, such a minority will certainly spread its con tagion among the rest, and prove a burden and a handicap to our country and its growing life The large and increasing' oreaniza- tion known as the Children's Aid So- ciety, does not forget this most im- portant consideration, but during the fifteen years of its existence, has ap- plied itself with more and more en lightened energy, to meet the case of those children who, through the ne glect or ill-treatment of degraded or vicious parents, must, without timely intervention, become a menace, to the moral well-being of the community That during that brief space of time some five thousand neglected children have by its agency been rescued from hopelessly debasing surroundings and influences, is a service that the coun- try may well be grateful for in these days, when the undesirable alien is being summarily deported from the country. We cannot deport our Cana dian children, however undesirable they they may often seem, in their present stage, but we can step in and save thenv--and this is what the Children's Aid Society is laboring to do The recent issued report of J. J Kelso, the superintendent of the ne glected and devendent children of On. tario, will be found filled with most interesting details of child-rescue, and suggestions for dealing with the evils that so often threaten the moral life of the children of the poor. As the re port itself may not be seen bv a good many readers, a few of the facts and suggestions it contains will be given in this and one or two subsequent ar- ticles, as well worthy of serious con- sideration. The aim kept in view through the efforts of officers of the sixty branches of the organization in the cities and towns of Ontario, is thus sketched by Mr. Kelso: "Any one who hag followed the de velopment of this movement since its inauguration, in 1803, will recognize that the aim has not been to estab lish any large or any attractive in- stitutions for the care of children, or to create any large, central organiza- tion which would attract the atten- tion and admiration of observers. but has alwavs been to readjust the friend neglected, destitute or homeless child to normal conditions as quickly as. possible. It is our great pride, that, instead of taking neglected or dependent children out of the commun ity and segregating them in public in- stitutions. we have been able to enlist the practical svmpathy of hundreds of good people, with the result that we have to-day over five thousand of these boys and girls growing up in family homes without expense to the country, and several thousand others have each vear been helped and be friended in their own homes, and their commitment to institutions or socie- ties avoided. "Loug before this system was put into practice for our own neglected children, it was tried for the wails of the old land, and. in general, with beneficial results. When a prover home can be secured for a child whose natural one 'would soon prove a hot bod of viee. it is evidently a muct more heplibfal life for the child than that of an institution, which, at best. i= only a poor makeshift for a home And nome of us need eo far to find homes in which it would be wonderful if the children should ever grow np to be good and * self-resvecting citizens, where, indeed, the odds are in favor of educating them to fill ur rerhaps, our lunatic Some of the reasons Mr gests for this state of thines, some of the plans he commends for the imorovement of the children of our submerged classes oenerally, will be more fully in a subsequent ar ticle. That it is well worthy of atten tion, Tew will be fond to auestion for surely to raise the moral stand ard of the future of oor country is ons of the most truly patriotic efforts that could he olanved and carried out be the most intellicent va trintie Tb our Canadian reonle."--PRO PATRIA growth of loss, prisons naviums ge and and y Kelza given and Source Of Increased Receipts. The boast is made that the revenge of the province has gone up by leaps antl bounds, owing to the better fi nancial management What are the facts ? The excess of revemue in 1907 over that of 19M, in round figures 82,200,000, is practically all aceounted for wader two items, namely, mining, $1,690 009, and the increased dominion subsidy, of which ¥394.742.40 was re ceived last year, making a total of 32.0655.000. Deducting from this $27. 000, the receipts from mining in 1904, leaves 32,008,000, whereas the differ. ence in the total revenues of 1904 and 17 is less than $2,200,000. And yet the government boast that the in- crease in revenue came from the bet. ter handling of the varions "depart ments | The present mining receipts aro the result, after a year's delay, of the adoption of the principle advo- cated by the opposition. 'lhe extras subsidy 8 the result of negbtiations commenced under the old government and completed by the present. Deal Telegraph Operator. An newspaper speaks Peter A. Holes, of Pian most wonc-~ful telegraph Gpira in the world. Foiey, who is totally deaf, bas developed what may be called o sixth sense, and by touch and sense he can defect the finest mavements of the of a century hence ? Nay do! ~ PAGE THIRTEEN. - m---- NDARD BANK Or Toronto -- het, Head ond Act: Jive JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS withdrawn by either of the two members of a housshold phomerh die on ving ns the ountry, as either member when in town. case of desi, the money may he withdrwa os cost. Write or call for farther particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. Ha KINGSTON BRANCH J. 8. Turner, Manager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. Anty 'Drudge Advises a Bride. Mrs. Bride-- iences in my kitchen: per washboiler--"' Anty Drudge-- 'Stop, my dear! The first thing to get is a box of Fels-Naptha It's the greatest of modein conveniences. boiler." soap. "I'm going fo have all the latest conven- rotary washing machine, cop- Leave out that 'wash- It'll save you more labor and trouble than anything else. Makes boiling clothes unnecessary, for it cleans 'em in cool or lukewarm water," t By using Fels-Naptha any woman can save hours on her day's washing. She can be through with it in half the time required by the old-fashioned, wash- boiler, hard-rubbing, back-breaking way. And instead of being worn out, she is fresh-and ready for other work, or play. Any woman can end washday drudgery for all time by using Fels-Naptha in the Fels-Naptha way, in cool or lukewarm water, Never use hot water or boil the clothes. You can tell the genuine Fels-Naptha by the red and green wrapper. Follow directions on the back. 'Nervous, Diseased DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE. Question Blank for Home Treatment sent FREE. Reasonable Fees for Treatment A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD We Guarantee to Curc all Curable Cases of Stricturs, Varicocele, Nervous Ball , Blood Poisons, Vital Weaknesses, Kids: Ba jor and Urinary Diseases, and all Diseases Peculiar to Men and Women. Dan't waste your time and money on cheap, dangerous, experimental treatment. Don'tinerone at your own cost your sufferings by be ng experimented on withremedies which they claim to hve Just discovered But come to us in conf wv. We will trad you conscientiously, honestly and skillfuily, and restore you to health: in the shortest pas. sible tims with the jeast medicine, diseunfort and expense practicable. Fad case in thested ns the symptoms indicats. Our New Method is original aod bas tod the test fof twenty years. Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ~ FEE HELP FO MEA which will positively cure Tie marvellous German mucho" dione A Kohr, -- is cantralied in Sountry hy the Dr. ines nme wri rh ea has the arid piu #1 : woidiors In thems Rk models cite for er an pe of Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO... P.O. Drawer L ver k 236i, na ak

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