Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1908, p. 3

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DOOOOOVO000000T0000000 o0opero OO0000000000000 or our Summer Veranda 4 --That most comfortable spot of all---on a summer evening, ¢ war OOCOOO000O000CO0000000COOO0000000000000 Cushion Tops--in every" coficeivable va- riety, and priced so agreeably and unus- ually, that you can afford to re-clothe all the old pillows, and add many new ones, There's nothing so luxuriously soothing, when you're disposed to lounge, as the soft puffiness of many cushions--and these hundreds of pretty cushion tops will de- light every woman who cares for beauty, as well as comfort, Sateens and Cretonnes and every kind of pérviceable wash material' are shown-- some are light, some dark, and many are in the soft tones between, both figured and stamped --with figures and floral de- signs and ideal heads. Cushion Cords, too--hundreds of yards of the finest kind--with tassels, ropes--and everything else that can add to the beauty and charm of the cozy Sorer, am cui ui -- CRUMLEY BROS: I TRS a SALE Sef Pere BABY. CARRIAGES. Must be cleared out in 10 days. Big reductions at RJ REID'S, 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 Ambulance. | | 13 A Braseey Hot Weather Clothing. and Furnishi "Bee Du Special Summer Suits at $10. on uck Trousers at Oream Flaniiel Trousers nt £2.50. i fat Bilk, Lisle Thread; Cashmere and Negligee Shirts, all varieties, all prices. White and Colored Wash Ties, 2 35 and 50c. A ET a esh, Under we . short eon and and short ar dre Toca. garment. . Sat Weather P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO., 114 PRINCESS. STREET... plete and WT 10 GET POWER PROPOSE 70 ER ERECT LARGE PULP MILL. Offer of American Company Con- sidered By Xenora Couacil-- Will Submit By-Law. Kenora, One., June 13. At 5 special meeting of the council the proposition of an "Ame rican company to develop the Kiewatin water power was fur- ther cousidered. Andrew Anderson, the company s representative, was present and outlined the steps which had so far Been taken. Some difficulty had been experienced owing to thy fact that the present owners were not en er to cell, and other parties, amon them the &. P.R. were negotiating for the power. Mr. Anderson said he had secured an option, expiring on July Ith for the property at $600,000, and had a farther option on L000 sjuare miles of pulp land. For business rea- sons Mr. Anderson refused to give any details mbout hie company or their ability to carry out their pro- mises except to the town solicitor, Mr. McLennon, but ithe majority of the faldermen were satisfied thas it was a bonafide proposition. After a discussion the necessary reading¥ were given the hy-law regarding the ex- emptions, which will bo submitted to the people on July 7th. The company binds itseli to.buy and develop the Keewatin power, ani to erect » pulp mill of 300 tons ecap- neity per day, to start work by Oe- tober Res, and to have the mili com- in operation by June lst, Before taking any action, Mr. Anderson insisted that a by-law be submitted to the people authorizing the council to grant the company ex- emption from all taxes except school taxes for a period of ten years and to give them a fixed assessment of $3,000 for fifteen years thereafter, 1911. CANADIANS IAVE WELL. Detroit Man Thinks Thev Need United States Flour, Detroit, June 13. 'Canadians live well; they provide excellently for their families, and they need the flour pro- duced by United States millers. Let us have a ¢éloser relation with our friends ac¢ross the river." This was the keynote of ex-Mayor Maybury's address befope the Millers' National Federation. Mr, Mpayhwy advanced a J number of arguments Tor bringing the 4 people of this country, and particu- larly manufacturers of staple articles, into more intimate relations with the Canadians. 'Present your claims to congress," he said, "and then see that some law is enacted that will re- medy this existing condition, frees trade is certainly a misnomdr. Let us make it fair trade, and by your act- ions have the contlitions join with us in free intercourse in every way, and particularly from a commercial stand- point." Cheers and applause lasting nearly five minutes followed My. May- burv's remarks. James 1. Gerrv late chief of customs of the United States, and a residebt of New York, spoke along similapedifés, CONFESSED IN HIS SLEEP, 'Murder Re-Enasted Broucht Rock- er to Justice. Des Moines, Jena 13.--8e wen years' delay and threo appeals to tho high court in lowa have failed to save Charles Rocker from the confession of murder he made in a nightmare. The superior court haw decided the case, ctlebratéd throughout the middle west and against Rocker, and unless he is pardoned he will spend his life in prison. Rooker worked for August Schroe- der, a wealthy farmer near Rock Ra- pide. Greedy for his employer's wealth and infatuated with Mee Schroeder, Rocker strangled Schroeder and hung his body in the barn. Later he mar- ried: Mrs. Schroeder, but one night in his sleep he clutched her by the throat and re-enact] the scene of the mur- der. The next morning he threatenod to kill her if she ever told. After sey eral weeks, the wife told of Rocker's confession and caused his conviction, Special Prices At Mullin's. Best laundry starch, 3} the, for 256. 0 Nuloiq or Bee starch, 3 packages, 9) Cooking butter, per 1h., 21¢ 2 11h. tigs best baking powder, © All our 40¢. black or Japan tea for We, Ih. All our 40c. pure coffee, Cor. Johtison and Division streets. Be, Hot Fight For Headship. June 13.--A hot fight for Toronto, 1 the headship. of the Independent Order of Foresters is on between the pre- gent sugweme court ranger, Hon. G0. Stevenson, and H. A. Collins, the su- preme treasurer, who seeks to sup plant him. Mr. Stevenson heads the movement for a raise in rates, whiah he claims is vitally necessary if the order is to remain solvent. Mr. Col lins is in favor of maintaining the present low rates. Will Probably Die. Watertown, N. Y., June 13.--C, B. McCormick, attorney, brother of J. H. McCormick, former New York Central claim agent, under 'arrest for embezzle- ment, jumped from a five-storey! office building, and is in a dying condition. He was arrested in connection with tha railroad frauds and released on bail. To Those Growin Bald, at th Randolph Hotel on June f6th. Evervone 'is in- vited on sve thesa new. Parisian and Sunday Trips To Cape Vincent. 8 aan. and 2 pm. returving 10.35 am. and 4.30 pan. 50c. return, 1 ronto street OMY cluding pr mere fon Amusements. CLOSING OF SEASON. VOELCKEL & NOLAN'S DIXIE MINSTRELS Hest All Star Negro Show. 80---Re- fined Jokers--30. Great Palm Grotto First Part, Vaudeville Oho, Alterpiece, Price Band, Singers and Dancers Band Concert at 7.80 in front Theatre, Evening, 15¢., 26¢., Bbc, 80¢. | Ce awa Y a) Commencing June 13th Until June 20th. Cars will run to Park, from 1 p.m., until 7.30 p.m., af MARRIED AT CORNWALL. Bride Was a Former Resident of Kingston. At the Methodist parsonage, Corn- wall, on Wednesday, there was a pret- ty wedding with the bride's father, Rev, George Edwards, former pastor of Brock street chareh, of this city, officiating. The pretty bride was Miss Jennie Edwards, his eldest daugh ter, the groom, Dr. Hill, of Sudbury, where the bride, who is very musical, has spent the past year, teaching a large class of papils. She was given away by J. 8. Eitiott, Prescott, and wore a robe of white point de'sprit, white satin, made in empire style," with voke of Blagree lace, and trimmings of Irish point. Long streamers fell from a large bow fas tened between the shoulders, in the hack, and her veil was very prettily arranged, 'The groom's gift was a pearl necklace, with pendants of pearl, and her bouquet of cream roses, The bridesmaid, Miss Florence wards, wore white point d'esprit, yellow silk, White picture hat, trimmed with plames and flowers, and the groom's gift, a pearl and opal crescent. Another sister, Miss Ethel, was in painted chiffon, and wore, als,, a pink picture hat. The bride's moth er was gowned 'in 4 handsome black silk, erfriched with guipure lace. The groomsman was Mp Moore, C.E., Smith's Falls. After Mrs. Pitt played the march, which proclaimed the completion of the ecéremipny, which took place 'at one o'clock, there was a luncheon at which the house party of a, including Mrs, 1. R. Carnov- sky," Kingstan, and about forty guests, sat down. The aflair wax very quiet, hut one toast, that of the bride, he- ing proposed, owing t4 récent hereave- ment in the groom's family. Mrs. Hill was a symphony in brown, when the left on the four o'clock train for Montreal a tailored suit of brown cloth, with fine white stripes, having ns accessories a smart brown hat, brown gloves, and tan boots. The happy pair' will live in 'Sudbury. Among a puantity of lovely gifts was a kitchen shower sutfit, which ft no- thing to be desived,* from mgmbers of the congrégation. Many od friends here send good wishes to Dr. ang Mrs Hill, ever Ed over with Model Home Of To-Morrow. A house of cement; a howse without a chimney; a house with plenty of artificial light and heat and yet with- out a hit of fire; a house withou?/ without ashes; without danger such is to be the house of So writes Frapeis N Bauskett in the Technieal World Magazine. This is indeed an ideal house, and it has been completed at Carrollton, HI Wood is fast and too dear to ~ al ' OUR gases; to-morrow, becoming too scarce be used ak common building material, and the time is al readv hére, when, for economy's sake, architects and contractors arg figuring to construct all hoildings' of steel and concrete. As the sapply of codl dimin ishes the cost is adVancing, so that everything possible is being done to husbandt the 'supply and ste that of the precious stored heat is wasted, Electricity, © generated « by water power, W taking the place of coal as a sourde of power. and the time is not far distant when it will rank first as a 'source of heat. This * model twenticth-contury home at Carrollton, is thirty-lour he thirty feel, two stories high, with attic and basement, and has eight rooms on the two main floors. While Edison's idea of a concrete house to he poured into ane big mould was not carried oot. in its construction, vet the principal hilding material was of conerete The foundation and walls are of eon- crete blocks, "These blocks were mould ed rightwon the ground as they were roguired. The floors are of hardwood and the interior is finished in plaster and oak. The stvle of architecture is of plain, substantial mission type. ---- Thaw Meets His Evelyn. Poughkeepsie, NY, June 13----The first meeting, Between Harry K. Thaw and his wife, Evelyn, nee at- tempt to geo nite his release from the Mattewan asyviom, took place. vester- day, in Thaw's quarters, in the Duith- ess county jail. Thel visit was evi- dently pwe-arvanged for Thaw was waiting to greet his wife when her name was anpounced. The meeting between them was private. Mrp. Thaw took luncheon with her husind and passed the day with him. wl" Watertown And Return, $1.65. Tickets good going Satuminy or Sanday, return up to aud "including Monday sliethoon. ' During the month of May the To: raipvay Julapeny had to py the city "$l every day, in- Bondays All thie out of ith plofits. The hill amount was $43,039, which is $4,000 more than one year ago. 3 At Hamilton, William Rawdall found guilty of stabbing Joba Harris, was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiney. | none Froquently sen at dog fights. TO-LET. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ¥ First insertion le. a word. URNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for furniture, ta, MecCunn 51 Brock street, secutive insertion a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 25¢. ; three insertions, Soc six, $1; one mouth, §3. B WANTED-FEMALE, N ~MARE SANITARY LADY SEWERS RICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR- nished at Morton, on the Rideau Apply to McOunn, 51 Brock St. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, modern improvements. Possession May. Apply A. B. Cunningham. 08. all 1st matenals formished Particulars stamp Dept. 728, Dearbo Chicago, Hi. beits at home $15 per. hundred ed envelope Specialty Co., 'is WANTED-GENERAL. BRICK FURNISHED OR Lawrence snd 51 Brock UMMER COTTAGE, unfurnished, on St. Rideau. Apply to McCann, street. X ¥ JORNSON ST HOUSE, 417 : redecorated modern conveniences, COCKER answer t« Person harbe advt, wi 97 Wellagion St FOR SALE, HR TWO 41 Mrock FN TOPPED CARRIAC Apply to MoUCaun, CANOPY seals. HORSES JX, Bre DRLIVE] Apply TWO G 00D HOt Si 8 NOS 60 AND gas for cooking, new pluwbing. Ap ply 419 Jdbnson St. TEN STRONG GIRLS AND BOYS The W. J. Crothers Co. ALSO A CHAMBERMAID, AT ONCE, Apply young man for night porter. British-Amefican Hotel office. PLAIN SEWING NONE, OF ANY] kind, Call or write to Mrs. Cayless, '884 King street, over Armstrong's. THE estimates on electric work. All kin of work promptly dome. F. J, Birch Eiectriclan, 206 Wellington street, FEW SETS OF BOOKS TO KEEP at night by competent experienced bookkeeper. Charges moder Ap * Bookkeeper," Whig ply to the. ASHES OUT OF og other vagge . t. Appl arter, 35 Ah St. A JOB CLEANING yards or cellars, carted. Prices ri Lytle, General TO oaINISH OR RE- mod Good work HW Whittin Bp, Cor. and Queen Sts., trick's oid Stand. FURNITURE Digh, Prices x DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo- way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 131 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO are making a stody bf lighting homes and public HBR both with Gas and Eleetricit they invite you to oo ult them. It advice eheertul- 8 free of charge. Nickel and Silvet Plating. Newman & 8 riggs, Horie Co., 79 Princess Sts "Phone, PERSONAL. PHYSICAL CULTURE ming classes are being conducted in Queen's University Gymnasium hy Prof. Palmer, Specialist in Remedial Work, also Massage, Fegeing. Office Hours, 11 to 12 am, 4 0 6 and T p.m. AND SWIM- 7 to 8.30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Cy -- KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. EE ------------------------ GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Agriculture For the High School ~Repairing Island, Gananoque, Juve 13--~W. A. Munro, specialist in ayricaltore, employed by the Ontario government to teach agri culture in the high of the provinces and now located at Morris burg, gave a most interesting address | V in the assembly rooms of the school, yesterday afternoon, to tha public were invited, and out in fairly large numbers, dress was of special interest, as Dargavel promised if elected to do his best to have gn agricultural de partment added the high school here, The semi-annual schools which turned The ad Mr. | | | ¢ i to election of officer for Gananoque Council, Ne. 254, R.|! Te of T. resulted follows : Selset councillor, RH. Sheppard; past council lor, J. Lattimore; vice eduncillor, Mv. M. A. Taylor; treasurer, ¢. H. Hurdg recording secretary, Miss M Seal; financial secretary, L. Ferris: sccretary-tregsurer, Thomas Mal herald, E. X. Belnois: guard, Donevan; sentinel, James G Bates organist, Mis. C, H, Hard auditors, Mra. M. A. Taylor; Miss A Da Witla. Executive committee, Myg oJ, GG. Bates, Miss E, Adrian, Miss ( Clow Sydney amount as Pen. lory; Robert Adams doing work the lands, "vendéted necessary water this summer. If the much wore he will not island. Joln B. McMurchy is having necessary repairs done to his island property -a little west of the town Jobn Kininmond, Chatles street, lef during 'the past few days for Portaze La Vraivie, where Yo expects to lo cate, Mrs. Chri tophor Buffalo, N.Y. is time An town the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. X. Belnois, King strece Rea, Kingston, spent short is to fuite an Sister Is by the high water rails have any of os er, of ja a short Sehoend spending das a time LARGE . OFFICE FURNISHED, NO. OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH|F de FINE DRY STORAGE. MEN ARTHUR ELLIS, HEN P WN any high{" as Stop and begin ir God than you will Ax honor Beacon street, Boston, Mass, literature. The Montreal) Jockey Club, Ltd. ROOM, change Ch umbers, No, 116 Pa Nt Apply to Geo. Cliff, Real Esta Broker, 95 Clarence street. 180 JOHNSON ST., 2 bathrooms, hot and cold Water and gus heating on each flat. For par- ticulars, apply on the premises, HOUSE, FOR sumaner months, centrally Fur further particu lars, apply graning, to 53 Willlam St. King St. URNISHED located in the near ry FOR FURNI Separalo rooms and QG. Frost, Painter, ture, 5, 8 Zone own Jook AT h key. . torage Agent and rs 209 Queen St. 'Pbon MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete., removed permanently, without sear, Twenty yedrs' experi ence. Dr. Bimer J. Lake, Eye, Far Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. SITUATIONS VACANT. DP WOMEN TO REARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure positions. Will equip shops. Con staot practice. . Careful instructions Few weeks complete course. Cata logue 'ree. irite Moler Barber College, Toronto. ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. Pp. SMITH, ARCHITECT Anchor Building, Market Square, 845. RY ote, Phone, OWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER: chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets: 'Phone, 213. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. floe, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrionce on Bagot street. "Phone 608 SITUATIONS WANTED. MATE RNITY NU RSE wants nursing Ly week or First-class references from the best medical doctors. Apply Nurse Atkins, 243 Montreal street. JXPERIENCED THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT "Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. Honor Yoursell. Refuse traditions of Believe to helieve that J and Honor voursell meclioval assert depravity soul Hnpot of power honorable our yourself nee i ne and worthy own divinity of the Frernal fact that ther or ever has than Coond Recogniz the Our child, Awaken to the wy where God is heen, yourself the without worshipping God You will find in vourself irations, tions, find container of 1 more to be honored worshipping with n your a afied ideas more of anywhere else and OM the child vourself at 25 for th Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, SPRING MEETING BLUE BONNETS COURSE JUNE 6th to 20th. Rac'ng and Steeplechasing every dav, Rain or Shine Stake Races, nd Sdturday every Band Tuesday, nn Attendance Admission (Including Grand | Stand) $1.00. this week in town. Miss Hssie le Long, Stone stree®, spent yesterday with finds in Kingston. Mrs. John Lewis of Brampton, n former resident of Leeds township is visiting with friends in town and at Maple Grove. E. H. Hurd, King street, has Yeen foid up for the nast few days with blood poisoning. Mre, William Crovier Charles street, accompanied hy © Ter daughter, Mrs. J. A. Shiels. has gone for & few weeks' visit with riatives ard friends in WiNwsbarre, Pa, 1. 7. Kenny, Pine street, has left to enjoys & short vacation at New Liskeard. BO pom. reghiar train, Excursion "10 OTTAWA Wednesday, June 17th : Via G.T.R. Special Train, Adults, $1.75; A special tral ill eave Ottawa, ali tickets good to return any June 18th. 8 am. Children under | Fashions Of Men Toledo Blade. A great many of otr most fastidious dressors are undecided as to what they will wear thix season, owing to the, adaption of the "spot cash" sys- tem among tailors. Wedding ties are not formerly. Red neckties and - in, Fron 4s "strong as yellow vests are Diamonds should always be omitted when rxpectifig ealls from eveditors. Rubber-soled gaiters have beng rnuite the favorite with married gen- tlemen who are obliged to remain at business until a late hour. Telescope Hats. J. ach ER The new styles at Campbell Bros', ward the Court House, Ki not forwarded next regular meeting of the Council, November. County Clerk, bee on July 15th. County of Frontenac. { ANY PERSON Of PERSONS HOLD-| ® accounts i the County of rontenge are hereby instructed to for-| the sdwe to the County Clerk, | ston, on or before] TUESBAY. Sah 6th. Any aceount' will be laid over wntil the | in} i A. RANKIN, | | composed of Maple, w. EDWARDS, Chairman of Finance. | After & man has knockid around the | world for a few years without meeting | with suedess hie begine knocking world. the The Privies of Wales will sail for Que- IN = THE! month, | wha | | Thursday $:00 62 Wellington stree Cunninghau, Apply A JEWELL GAS RANGE, GOOD new, Used only 8 months. Apply t | J. R. C. Pobbs, 109 Brock St AS, to {coor ravi oer aes White, or White) d, 3 from registered stock Princess . Nt RIGGED 1 class condition, J0x0 § | 8 HP. Auxiliary i Plete in every { quick sale | Whig office. | inscvan, oN FIRST. including ow? Coe I. A saap for a Box B. 2 SITUATED ciLy in a exchange for Mmriiculars, ap Heal Estate street 'FARN OF about nine miles good locality, or city property For ply to A. FP Bond, Agent, 79 Clarence 80 ACRES from will Goon MILK RO T and cans, in 3 WITH WAG G ON first cla {ass order also fifleen mich cows in Lest of con- dition. Satisfactory reason for sells ing: Apply Hox 8.1 Whig office FoR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1 WII nL offer the balance of stock, eonssting of Buggies Runabouts Stanhope und Business Waggous, at a reduction of the regular selling price, from ten to twenty-five dollars, ¥ vou want to get a good rig at a low IT Og now is Your chance. James Latirney The Carriage Maker, Princess St BOAT, oylinder Tunstall cooking. FIFTY-FOOT CANIN equipped with 40 engine, and Engberg ation for Hghting and Cabin built of solid mahogany, and ighly equipped and furnished. A craft 'Tor cruising. Price, Can be inspected at Kings Foundry ®ompany, Kingston, Ontario. Address communications to w }. McCausland, in care of The Whig MOTOR HY « Flectric British MONEY AND BUSINESS, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF { building and contents than any other Sompany offers, Examine them «t Godwin's Tosurance Fmporidm, Marks ot Square. LIVERPOOL, MONDON AND 'ire Insurance Campany, assets $61,187. 2156 In addition which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of all the stockholders, Farm and ily pro- perty insured At lowest possible rates. Before renswing old or giving new husiness get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phope, BOS WOOD! "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, SOFT wWooD, SLAB WOOD, MILL woor, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order. James Swift & Co 374 Princess Street, GLOBE Available | Thousand Island & St. Lawrence | River Steamboat Com panies In Connection with New YerkCen« tral & Hudson River R.B. dail ue Kingston and Kings xcept Sunday, and, boa | Vincmot York Week | Water Sunday | Monday, ¥1 sda eiete cellar. A snap Will buy a Single Frame Cott Arch Stree wiht he rking man. 'R. Chas. Bell, Heal Estate amd Insurance Wellmgton SL, Kings a ge on we we for w Agent, Nia n Tenders for Coal Coal and Wood. "BAT ED TENDERS WILL BE ceived at the o itis of the ¢ want . { Coun House, Kingston, wp to HRS. JA , Jane 18th, at 134 o'clock noon, AX persons wilting to furnish 115 tous of Seranton Tonal, to Le delivered at the Court House Gaol or Hegiwiry Office, ime Kingston as may be required op to Dees cember 1st next, the Cosl to be of good gunlity well sersemed and free from & rt. iso 50 or more cords of Wood, Hesch, Hickory, or Ironwood, to be sound wand of good ality and to he delivered as follows 25 cords, one-hall dry asd onehall green before Jasuery lst next, snd 25 cords ar more i Yeguired, one-half dry and ope-hall green after January 1st next The wood is to be subject to the spe proval and measurement of the Chairs man of County Property The lowest of any dey RE. rk BAt ReCen- {sarily acoepted ' 3 JW. EDWARDS, n SHANNON, Properly. County Clerk Chairman County ere i. Sato Many a girl is relegnted to the sping. ter class hecalie her mother a fal ma her CHMmPRIgn mE nape,

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