Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1908. 5 = | THESP.IL EDITION BROKE 06H THE Gl == WLC. GON AIT Prof. Adam Shortt, of Queen's Uni- | PEANUT Ma IN TROUBLE, |AND MADE OFF WITH SOME | vcr. wan. offers by 'the sthorttis LADIES HELD FINE AFFAIR, | 2 the prine Ishi f the University of i | Police Start Crusade Against the! PROVISIONS. Ba A i Ragwa, but he had ON FRIDAY EVENING. : 1 Push Cart. i reluctantly to decline the proposal. { X | Peanut men with push carts must | Tramgps Believed to Have Comanit- n Four Hundred People Attend and {obey the police. One offender, who | tog Thess at the Outer Junction | Church Service. Spend a Very Pleasant Time! 3 telaims Gananoque as his home has | : St. George' hedral 8 bol | . : 2 ' | i 3 ized ot. Leorge"s cathedral am. holy 2d. a e Custom Department | been summoned to appear before the | Bellieved to Be Organ conminion II am. matting and at the Association's New : | magistrate. He has been standing in | Band. litany, = preacher, Dean Faring: 3 Home. T Ni i t oy 30 10 P---------- {front of a, Princess street store with | About one o'doek on Saturday | pm., Sunday school: 7.p.m., even The. new Y.W.CA home and O~ 1g ' * to . { his cart, thereby violating the city morning thieves broke open the seal | song, preacher, Dean Farthing. grounds were in gala attire. last! All kinds of new fur gar- | by laws. When told to "move on, jon a Grand Trunk freight car, at the night, in. honor of thy garden party | ' During the week a number of ments made to special { he refused to do xo, and now he will outer depot, and made off with some Will Be A Fine Game. held bv the ladies, ic proved a 8 specially go 1 things hav bee measdre, and we also have gf have to give an explanation. The provisions, as follows: Half hox of The Canadian Locomotive company very pleasant affair. The weather was SF 8] hag" Fo ungs have n unsurpassed facilities fcr re- {other peanut man was wise; he mo Vexd raisins, one-third box prunes, ong box team and the Irishmen were to Play | ideal, pod it is estimated that the] secured --3 of these we have re- modelling, repairing, and re- Ben told by an officer. The two chewing gum and four cans of corn. [ball in the cricket field this afternoon. | attendance numbered close on to 107, e served {or to-night, as man y of dying furs at short motice sind men who have stands, ane at {The theft is believed to bave been | Neither team has been defeated and | The visitors were received hy Mrs. Me 7 S y 4 « that makes it possible for us ver corner of Montreal and Princess {committed by trumps. Tramps age lit was counted on as one of the best { Cammon. the president, who was as-| ERs our customers cannot take ad- to transform your old Furs streets, and the Sher at the corner {at- present causing the railways all [games of the league series. v {sisted by several members of the as i 4 vantage of our special sales dur- into new. We guarantee per- 0 nincess and Wellington streets, Lover Ontario a great deal of trouble, mp eintie sociation. The rirls of the gymnasium | 7 A the d: fect satisfaction as to fit. Wet i. permission by the city [and only a few days ago a hig haul The Aldermanic Vacasicy. class conducted a candy and peanut] ing the day. . na (was made from cars at North Bay. : Fac ui < ven three | Pooth, and also provided a programme | Telephone 489. - " EE {This is not the first time that cars atau ward Jee 3 Tn al- | of "music. The «um of 825, which they | y So To-night at 7.30 to 10 received from their efforts, will be de ~ s d Sund In Watertown. thave been broken into at the june- |, oi i ime ths a ; i $ . t pend Sunday. In Watettow i | Jermen. It is time that Mayor Ross voted to the gvmnasium fund. The | o'clock we will offer the follow- Tickets good going Saturday. 5am. [100 | From time to time the com- issued a warrant for an election, to : { = : amount realized throuoh the sales at 4 ine : 7 \ 2: or 2 pm., Suhday, 2 p.m.: returning | Pony has trouble of this kind. 1 here fill the vacaney caused by the death 4 2 John McKay Fur Houss, Sunday or Monday, Pd £1.65 re. | 1¥ a very heavy penalty for breaking | of the late. Alderman Cashin. the other hooths will amount to £75 turn ' open a car, and should the offenders and this will be piven over tq thell's BN - ' - : ---------- -- the captured they will be give general fund of the association 2 g 4 149-155 Brock St. ® af 3 be given a To Go To Montreal. 4 nr 3 aa . ¢ One drunk was the only offender. in heavy sentence, . Next season Queen's will be minus Phe he 5 3ahies bi provided 7 J a wes ne police court to-day. As he had not The car entered Was filled with Pro- lone of their best half backs, and the En Br I " I He do ore | ep . - the prics to cover a fine of $1 and om. and in i hyers lo get [best punter in the Intercollegiate union, Joh > 5 Ponse a Mex : White Underskirts costs, he went dewn. jRWay the thieves t everything topsy as "Ken" Willi h lecaded t Ar WM 4 , § par RA Bs , + Ia fn 1 nme has deen dd to at Weleh, Mrs. Breck and Mrs. Steven . 2 ys > * turvy, Several "cans of corn were |tand MoGil wivoraity. * Wowill bo' g | Walch: Wes. Brock and Yea. Steven Some trimmed with Fine Lace and Insertions, Hf und cattered » trac p h : - = . : 6 Degrees Above fom ig ered round the track, near great loss to Queen's and a great Hobinson: candy, Miss 'Cartie' Bajus, others with Embroidery and Insertions. A rain to MeGill in the line of sport. ; : tee Mitte . : : | Yardmaster John Sullivan noticeq |S" 10 MeGill in the line of spor Miss Anglin and Miss Milton. Mrs. good white cotton used and all made with a 1 - f » 8 8 i sharge of the tramps around the yards 3 . (Prof.}y Ross, was in_charg ! s 3 Freezing Eight ah os ating Shu Had Narrow FEscave. art gallery. This pfoved a very in dust frill. i ahi, ay. py . : py > R i | ¥ ---- i idently came back again when the Pansy, the two-year-old daughter of teresting part of the programme YOUR CHOICE OF ANY OF THE LOT, e a P § : coast was clear. As 2 . Re Pp This is the remarkable accomplishment ! - ' Soon as the off drank a quantity of carbolic acid, buty Thomas Pollitt, 51 Chatham street, The th Regimental band was in cials found that the car had heen en- pattendance, and provided a delightiul [tered a enfl was seit to {he police | Prompt action saved her life. She is programme. 90c. #till very ill. but will recover. The Of a fine watch, if done ns it White Enamel Refrigerators ..:.."%:. at. when a iste artical child found the bottle in a drawer in INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -------- p------ ------ should be calls for a dregree of good their escape a cupboard, and her mother heard her skill and training that few credit With less ice than you have ever used be- i : ies, when her Hi 're bur Ni P hs Picked Up By| : It alia 3 . . cries, when her lips were burnt. ewsy aragrap ic FP y 364 Y d Wh t fore. It is worth your while in the in-|, in believed there is an organized | hoo Reporters On Their Rounds. aras 1c If you are sick you naturaily' and of tramp thieves at work, as | : health eco ; + A8 nt : . 3 . want the best doctor you ean larest. of heulth ang PROImY {0 -huve different places along the lines, the Still Blocking Camps. When you need 5 cab phone €00. one of our Refrigerators. We have ti : . : . a ta : " - - get, and if your wateh gives from 8 ; 8 hve tum railway# have suffered severely from | That thi opoasition at Ottawa is Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders Mercerized Waistings trouble i should be trusted Yo the [their work. Every summer a great fstill standing in the way of even A | received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. | best mechanie, $7.00 up to $42.00. deal of trouble is experienced with, | late militia camn, is shown in order I'he 'steamer Aletha brought alargel wig | ramps at the outer station. Quite a) No. J22 of the Gazette, issued to-day number of passengers from Lay ports! of our All small dainty designs, 26 inches wide. "large ch were taken i "1In brief. the ovder savs that for the Oe hig IR # Var i ateris "OF Us Iran' and wo can rome BP ANE and Ori ED, large batch were taken in charge. | 1m rik. lor savas. Hust for, the today. Voisin of thi Vika This 18 a very pretty material and con you very satisfactory results, ; S-- po event of provision not bein. made for] po: A: Macpherson, o io sidered exceptional value at 20¢ to 25¢ yd. . . LACK OF ACCOMMODATION. * ni ol provision n Powder company, kit to-day, on al J W. A. Mitchell S Hardware. » the camps referred to, it will be neces- business trip to Three Rivers, Que, | Your Choice To-Night, 12!c Yard. : Prevents Conventions From Meet-| to postpone 'the camps wil thei "py. Kingston Standard (conserva Our workinen are specialists in We have CALVANIZED, juecessary funds are available tive) is urging that a protest be en a ---- CR . a ABS ! I ng in Kingston. . RL tered in the aangston election C | n August, the grand lodge of For-| Graves Were Decorated. The bribery in Nings®on hy the con | {esters of Eastern Ontario will meet nl This afternoon the graves of de servatives was so barefaced that the | ar S . - White Spot Muslins ALAEL ER i fa . x . Railroad Watch Inspector. The Old Stand and The Old Num- | convention here. There will he over | parted Oddiellows and Rebekkahs in school children were talking about it | } lovates: Tha arr \ £ 400 delegates The accommodation of Cataraqui cemetery were decorated by Clayton, N.Y., is to build 5 stee ber. be ak of | he delegates is worrying the loeal | members of the four local lodges, who bridge over French Creek and Phone 49 0 Mroresters, for Kingston has such | drove to the cemetery in vans. Alto- town Board voted ¥15.000 for meagre hotel space. There are twenty | gether np 125 graves were strewed [wok Issuer of' Marriage Licenses. = ay \ ; fob ; t This' § 1 Win : rs rior Jo the decoration H. Cunningham iano tuner from | n a varie YY O pa erns. 18 18 a goof {name of hotels, whereas only half a | oe roll < s dey as. called } 4 ; ' EB a | 0 ; £ All orders promptly attended to "the needs of ti | te Toll of the dead was called by the | Chigiering's, - Leave: order ot A washing make, usually sold at 12}c yard. | OFFICE NO. 1. eight places here which 20 under the | with flow | | | aight' or day. dozen can cater to the needs of {he secretaries of the lodges Adresses | Alors be bore. | BY . us : I'he width is 24 inches. i | CETTE ALLE Tres rn - C travelling public. That ie the pro-| we to be deliverad by Rev. T } ; : {ble Kingston is up against in regard | By x su oF By Jet, Ze 4 Not a few af the newly-clect of the "| Burke, Robert Meek] and others. Cntario legislature should i] Y M - . | ; ; ; ours To-Night if You Are Quick, Sc Yard. to hig conventions. M y gre . gn any large ou frankness use the affix M.B.P. mew Jan « Ss y, ae 1 : mn pt jon , suid ike. 10 oiveny in B. A. Hotel Arrivals. ber by purchase. : . commodation prevents them. It hae R. L. Sterling, Buffalo; William Mas- | Robert Meek, of this city, is tq been. suggestod that if - Kingston's, [00 Halt, London, Eng; R. D. Davis, lspeak at the Oddicllows' grave decors | Bristol; R. H. Williamson, W K. ltion proceedings in Gananoque : i Everything You Require i other plebiscite to the people for | 1Aoyd E. Brown, A. J. Lindsay, New Edward Bruyea, Deseronto. . Heuor license reduction. A vear aro, Yorks J. L. Haydon, Camden Fast: Good rubber tired cal always when A. 0. Cameron, Port Hope; J. A. you "phone 600. | OC in S | the were eut off as a result [ the : t " : | people's Voie, oe a Marning, Miss Frances Manning, Bos- A number of picnics by canoes and | a ----_-- ton; F. N. Noble and wife, Syracuse, irowhoats were scheduled for this af | - | ON SUSPENDED SENTENCE. (N.Y: B. S. Harder, Smith's' Falls: [ternoon. uite 5 number went 'down | : 3, Now ready for the | | D, Gerowe, 1. Furlong, Eganville; W. Ithe Rideau river or down the Nt | i : asking, = ih, Richard Marks Before Jud F. Stevens and wife, Gananoque: T. 'awrence. { : ' | . . | ndge Price A. Webster, Lansdowne: F. E. Breck: i ' h | | livmor icenses were rv , > | . Mh 3 % half. . _ Tee a dua hang Bathwall, J. K. Pickett, M. M. Ling, morrow afternoon. : would be the result. It is understood | LOYORLo; R. Johnson, R. A. Corey, | Mre. Ray Kingsbury and little f 3 that a demand will be made upon the 19+ H. Meade, David Pouglns, George [daughter, Celia, Kingston, are the . city council, next automa, to put ap- Arthurs, Otto Hobrecker, Montreal; guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | : a : - i { 1 doz. nice lemons and 15 large " TM A ael' on Saturday. 'enridge, Ottawa: Fred. J. Ward, Hali- | utmegs for 10¢ ullin's " Ladies Fast Blaell a Richard 'Thomas Marks ple Jed ; Y a | nutmegs for 10c., at Mullin - + ' . : 51 TO NI( HT 7 30 0'( 1 Of 'K guilty to assaulting his wife Eltmahet) fax: A. MeAllister, Sioux Falls; James | [ast evening 5 carter started from [5 Cotton Btockings, 12l¢ ¥ win b, Him pth Higeins, Bay City; Ben. Simmonds | Folger' harf k | an ~ . Or aR ha Bhp 0 , By ty; . 3 » (Xolgers wharf with a trunk and H SA | 15¢, 20¢ 25¢ ' . . . Marks, on May 25th, when arraigned | Windsor. {passenger for the K. & P railway i ; is $ Sa before Judge Price Saturday morn- | : tation. On the the cart " | Ladies' Fast Black ing, but was allowed to go on Sus- station. n the way we cart over 2 48 » af i a pended sentence, providing he - does | Kingston Presbyterial Union. [t0rped and all hands were landed on =H Lisle Thread, Joc up | ithe road Fhe passenger presented y < TAN STOCKINGS in » r arodi ¥ | Evidénce was given by Mrs Marks, lare to be given by Rev. James Bin- | Wednesday, Ist Jaly, will ix I ink, Blue, Cardinal, all i : Also in Black Lace, Kings- | made Napanee plea for the accused, stating that he , ] =. aay : 3 {Hiellesille, is president of the union. {council clerk's salaries have been on iW ther Knit" Black Ribbed to be lieutenand-colonel and to com stater over 2.300 yeary old, for which|day contained this statement in- it |Ralderson, vice Lieutenant olonel H 121¢ 20ch 250 up : 2.300 yeary old, ~5C, 4 al . 4 # p not touch liguor for three vears. | The annual convention of the Kings- rv sinht. } kite with dost : A Rs | "HM it comes to .my knowledge that | ton Preshyterial Union will be held in OT"Y Sight, being white with dus | A : you do take a drink I will at onee | Cooke's church, on Tuesday, Jpme| X > | Aly id 2 8 PRE ' aka B order your arrest and commit you | 30th. This union is composed of alll NEWS OF DISTRICT . | i ) Age at variety of makes. to the central prison lor twe years. the Sunday schools amd Young Peo f { i GIRLS STOCK INGS * i + less ome day," remarked Judge Price. | ple's Societies within the bounds of | The Tidings From Various Points | Hi in Black White Tan ; L Marks will be put on the Indian list. | the presbytery of Kingston. Addresses | in Fastern Ontario. Fg } » ' } ! - a'gala | i : smi snes (FF nisin Miss May Marks and the accused. J. | fie, of Tweed; Rev. J. E. Smith, of day in Napanee this year sizes from the smallest L. Whiting, 4.0, appeared for the | Menie; RB. B. Nelles, YM C.A. secre-| Great preparations are in I | ip to 17 ves f . jerown, and A. B. Cunningham ete | tary, of Kingston; Rev. Prof. Jordan, at Tamworth for a day of | uj C ¢ Years of age. ' as counsel for the prisoner. Marks | of Queen's University; A. A. Jordan, music, ete., on July lst. | shid he did not remember using a | principal of Victoria school. Efforts are being in i 'hi a0 "Hy, razor on his wile but admitted using |ton; Rev. Dr. MacTavish, Kingston. to secure the uswal Wednesday half | Ee White Lace and lan the razor on his son. iand Rev. J. G. Shearer, Toronto wee | holiday during July and August and | i a Lace Stockings, | Mr. Cunningham put ap a strong [retary of the department of Social and will likely prove successiul. i --y ovs' F's: mG ' : ! Moral Reform Rev. A. hh. vewman,| |, Lennox county the treasurer's an i 0Y8 I amous Lea- was a good man when sober. . \ : . | Miss Floss. Monteamery, Ringston, |creased by $100 each, increase to he | Cotton Stockings, all Coins 2,300 Years Old. {is arranging for the \nccommoda on jeomputed from Ist day of January, . d 99. or London, June 13.--Among some vary ol the delegates. : (1908, S17Zes, 20¢, 23¢, 25c¢. , hy | ---- 2 enfrew regime YN y ray "AO rare coins, collected by the late Sie} Gross. Falsehood 120d Lanark and Renfrew pegiment, MEN'S CA SHMERE SOX, 25¢ and up. : : James Knowles, which sre sold t nw : | . ' N sr Lr ' wp y y » Chistice Alin a ao ale] The Kingston Standard of Wedsios- [mand the regiment, Major J NM MEN'S FAST BLA( K COTTON SOX, £200 was paid. A tetradrachm struck |Foport of a meeting of liberals, held (J. Mackie, who is transferred to. the W . an' Aim on Tuesday evening : : reserve of officers. He ix 5 grandson nN S al the same time was sold for "Mr. Pense, while addressing the {of Sergeant Jghn Balderson; who i gathering last night, fefotied to that {fought under Wellington, gnd w ho, | : ast hen respectable liberals {when the Peninsular war was over, | Choir On A Church Tower. oEnmOn Ww : \ . i sas * , o tand nd . tiled at Bale ' a ualitics: } price sale, 7% yd, London, June 13--Just after 4 g.m., a the i . i, da il wtted ot Bgl Ll 77 sat . yesterday, the clergy and choir ae- whe . sR Ie i SRE i ; " . A ] Ys and intimated that the libera hac In Lennox there will be an extra 20¢ « ualities, 3 price sale, 10¢ yd. cended to the top of the church tow- now a chance to give the conserva |appropriation to county roads of } : er at Fobhing, Fssex, and sang a [5 lose of thei 'n modicine a ; rice sale, 12! rd ; a h tives a dose of their own me. 185,000 under by-laws to be provided p y J=gC yd. hymn, after which a peal was rung Ms. Pense in his address was neutral pro rata among the fonowing manic | ~~ - > > i - orice sale, 15e vd. upon the bells. The custom has been foo regarded a protest. He advised 'polities: Napance, $210.21. Fat) pri e sal sy ue y 1 observed at Folding from time imme neither one way or the other. He 42; . Newburgh, $41.88. Denbigh, EE -------------------------- EN ------------ price sale, 20¢ yd. morial, stated, however, that several acts of Abinger and Ashby, $20.31: Kaladar 25¢ qualities. 30e qualities. 40c qualities, |} Stated, however Aaveral atts. Ath l; K 3 aa - . hribety had en: reported to him. lose, d Effingham, $2727. Adol SOTFOTOTOVOOCOTOOOCOCO S0c¢ qualities. 3 price sale, 25¢ yd. Nest On A Railway Line. : My. Pense did not attend that meet Angieses and Eling Amherst Island. A = eX: Vienna, June 13.--A lark has built ing, not did 'he in Monday night's 246.39; Camden, $1,201.77: Ernest --hs its nest and is hatching four eggs be- address or in any speech, make use of town, $1137.98: North Fredericks: . tween the sleepers of the railway line | {he expressions credited to him in the [pure $131.60; South Frederieksborg. " at Villach, Austria. The officials take | bove extract. Is was a fabrication £30 50. Richmond, | $626.99. Shefheld. I f g the keenest interest in its wellare, out of whole cloth. Not until to-day £346.10. SEY on S a8 \ and have fixed a small plank over the was he made aware of it. < wil : feat to. protect it from the sparks : Fattory Shylocks i E tom t| ines, rt Ta -- . : ; 2 3 > A eng WILL THEY BE DISMISSED 7 Manchester, Jdne 13. Thrifty ent. 2) June, duly and August SH---------- ton operatives in the Manchester dis * . * : Brigands' Haul Of Pianos. In Order to Give Gananoque Shop ltriet are now adding fo their incomes SY NK | w Vienna, June 13.--Sixty peasants "Licenses. by lending smgll sums, varying from 4 : ony are prepared for It, are : a £4 from Ye ain pa sos of Bute "1 1 is stated that the Whitney gov- [ome shilling to five shillings per week, ¢ / s y a s : - y 3 wna, Austria. ha n_Strestec on i to dismiss the liguor [to their less provident fellow workers. 8. ; po Ay We have a large stock of 4 of bri Mots ernment intends 3 ess p 1 a ' charges itaadage. otoy cars license commissioners of Leeds, and land charging interest at the rate of A 4 : 2 the best Trunks 'made in Opened t rist. Worth 50¢ d 60c. vans -- heen dhoovered in ari a t new obes who will be favor fone penny per shifting weekly. Many VF Canada, manufactured rth at wrist. ole an and stables. + able to Ep NE y Te ing licenses 10 the two [women are among the lenders, NY 4 - largest andl best factory in ny sonewals of Which | -- - Cl : Canada. Our goods are fresh Himsa x a Soa ed by. the present ypommis- He Will Be Missed. ana you will find the prices Je | Sioners. i 1 is - | Hamit Herald. Paris, June 13--Two old MHOmill nal is said That this _--. a hs ah of Kingston, will be hive ed in the next legislature, and his de- + } : Suit Cases, Club Bags, also feat ix to he regretted. He was one | . : Shawl Straps, Trunk Straps of the keenest critics on the opposi- | and Address Tags. tion side of We house, and yet noted | & . for his fairness and courtesy in de | bate. while his persomal character is | above reproach. ' --r-- ey. Music tsa't necessarily feagmentary | beenuse it comes in pi :

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