/ dhe Baily British Whig RINGSION, 0 TARIO, TU UESDAY, JUNE 16, 1908. | B16 s3 SENTENCE FOR MOTORIST STRANGE : VENGEANCE. YEAR 75--NO. 141. EDITION 5 OWN |A BRAVE CANADIAN T_DOWN LIST: Probabilities Gets From 1 to 20 Years and | Wrecked on T erance Workers-- TO CU' EE The Programme o Emasculated f 'Legislation to Be an b---- Owing to the Waste of Time on the Part of Opposition---July to Finish Work. From Our Own Cafupondent Ottawa, June 16. it, Improbable thgt the government attempt to put through this their whale formidable programme legislation which was intemgled. This is, of course, the fault of the opposi- tion wembers why have wasted many valuable weeks by Among the mexstires" which be pressed is the civil service it now bh Sesion of © 0) obstruction not It will nll HON, ( will probably be introduced today | and then laid over until next se sion, oh increase of ten per cent being granted to the service meanwhile. The leaders of the two parties are to have a conference to-morrow, and! an arrangement will be reached by which thé business of the will le expedited so that the end of the session. Mr. Bordiéh and bis followers are WON uv conxenus By the v bring about an early gntion, Of | course they would prefer dissolution. The outléok {or an amiable under. standing is veflectid in the report | which is ewrrent to-day that proroga- tiort_ may take place about the tent h of July, Realization of this hope pends largely, however, upon the i fr GANANOQUE TIDINGS. ses€ion July may see ' What is Transpiring in the Little | River Town. Ghnanogue, June 16.--Word has been | received hore through Secretary hse of the Bay of Quinte baseball league, | that the team presenting Kin uston| in that league has heen compelled to! withdraw and it thus leaves Gana | noque and Napanre alone in the field | Nome hustling is being done in an ef DAILY MEMORANDA. For Hats That by test Have proven best, It's Campbell Bros! St. Paul's Ladies' exgning. City Property Wednesday. Bt. James" Excursion G.T.R., 8B am, Wednesday, Band Concert, Wednesday evening. 8 mile race, Fray evening, at the Roller Rink. Ottawa via G.T.R, $1.75. Hemember the Residence Carden at Mrs. Go ron 5, Queen's College, morrow, Jon HO to 6.30 pan. Biiou Be "Bloody Hatties ritish Army." Moving Pictures, he. Great Dynamite , Duel' ; "The Sherif Who Couldn't Hefp Fhire- ing."" John Rebert Davis sings, "When Sweet Marie Was Sweet 16. A CHINA CHANGE Muff Dishes, Fatree Dishes, Ramkins, Custards, Bullion Cups, Bou-bots, Radish Dishes, Biscuit Jars, Spoon Trays, Olive Dishes. Hundreds of others, all at at tractive prices. ROBERTSON BROS. | always Garden Party this Conmmittee, 4 p.m. to Ottawa, via] 17th, Fare, Wednesday, train, 8 a.m, xeursion special Party to- . For Brey Vrty of Dain, pe BI a Bon or Post Toon tion % SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and IN- ae SURANCE AGENCY. "1 olonial | {rection of Edmonton, and it is hoped {the connection to the [haulage of wheat this fall. {which it was deemed inadvisable hold this season | hovny confined to | days past with a sewere attack of np- ! pendicitis, | week ! may! fin elections jtitude which the government tally adopt in regard (o the ill. The imperial government ha a signal honor upon Canada land a well-deserved distinction upon a notable Canadian by appointing Siz {| harles Fitzpatrick, chief the supreme court of Cannda, of the British members of i peace tribunal. | representatives con | {erred | as ong | The Hague | Great Britain has four | on the tribunal. Sir! {Charles succeeds the late Major-Gene Veal Sir* A. J. Ardegh, who was tof the most prominent figures in great international court The {ronferred upon Charles by {imperial government is much apPreciy ited by the dominion authoritios, es pecially 58 it was unsolicited. In view of the fact that the United States {senate has failed to adopt the treaty referring the fisheries disputes het ween Canada and Newfoundland jand the United States to The Hague tribunal, the consideration of that | {question will have to gO over to next | year, Major justice of ong | thi henor Sir th G. W. Fowler's. reproach against Col: Sam Hughes about "being able to hit a barn door 'his much beloved Ross rifle h jiriumphantly removed by his {formance at Quebec with one of | new Ross rifles of the Col. Hughes' successive not with | heen per the long barrel ty best shooting bulls-eyes gt 500 var Id answer to a question by {W. Fowler the minister of stated that the receipts of railway for the {March 3st, 1908, were and the worsing expenses $0,157 1: {leaving a surplus of %16,123. The {pital expenditure during the same per fiod was $4382 wou, The {April fell of the | penses. Collingwood Schreiber, chitf sulting engineer of the Dominion gov- Sent, has leit for 'the west to ins the line of the Grand 1 ) railway, "which is ungdir" struction between Winnipeg and monton. Track has pow been laid op 860 miles of this distance from Por tage La Praitie westward, in the 18 Pe was fifteen | 1s y George railways the Inter vear ending 39,173,558, 5 Ca receipt for short working ex con i latter will asast he jeompleted in time to in the fort to secure either the or Picton team to enter, Children's day will be celebrated i in Grace Sabbath school next Sabbath, Juno 2ist. This will be Rey William | Timberlake s last Sabbath in this| pastorate. At a session of the Youn Peo, 1+'s Soctety of Grace church, it was de cided to hold a picnic for the Y, #1. CU. members at Gordon Island, om Fri day next, this to take the "oki Cr ot} the annual excungiol un to Ogdensburg, : to] | street, has | home for some Wellington River his Daniel La Sha, Charles the past in lus George Nelson, bas been lnid up for with blood poisoning hand. J. B. MoMurc hy is having a new cement block cottage erected on! his island property a short digtance | west of the town. Deputy Custom's Officer Thomson, of | Windsor, an oll Leeds hoy, was visit. ing relatives here, and in the town ship during the past week. M fred R. Green, South str some timé during the past wee her + mother re. MeNeil, at/ Lans- downe. Ge A Wright, of Obhawa, spent the past week in town w parents, having been summoned on actount of his mother's illness. Miss Magpie Peatherstow of Taylor is spending a few weeks with her sister, nurse-in-tegining at St. Joachim"s hospital, Watertown, N.Y street, The king, says a London dosp: wteh, | cares far more about what the people: think thun about what the arictoe raoy think, And feels the pulse of th public os a physician feels that of a patient. The report of the examination of tincture of iodine from the analyst of the dominion government, marks the Simple at Gibson's Red Cross drug store as "genuine." A mopament to Laval is to be anveiled in Bios on Mouday. Frater, Tela sland, {late | ently i Edmonton, {At his office iat {Bryan for president, aly years, "tence, at the Savoy hotel. $500 Fine. Wash,, June promur 16.<0uy { mberman | | & attde [Steg itor. whom a ter on inry t gh d cled oon ¥ the ghar ¢ whil been the te --togm., of fron years in the to pay a Ing of is th first convie itér under the antomobile J a, bile, has of mtermedia twenty and Thi I 1 mo sentenced « saperyor court, pent AN) Ww THAD } on of % defen provision The state law | | gave notice of appeal. Woman As Alberta Archivist, Ottawa, 16.--Miss Ke Hughes, of Prince June formerly biographer, and Archbishop (Brien, been engaged in h been appointed archivist for Alberta, salary of twelve hundred niece of who ha journalism vineial with initial lars. Bryan Claims Majority. Lincoln, Neb. 16. --W Bry: has returned from York, it announ the democratic eonve w Jane n | was ee delegates to niioy Denver pledged to vote for this | neces eng twenty + more than the r viority SERMON B sary m n | caster i vl - Barns Burned. June 16. An troved st ad an ter town hap, fire, Sunday i hire w wtrict, : + | | | | { it All aki of 'nn ope nave in 1 he agit I favor January Burton in i i condi § tows Carre Mi € last and chief element ithin a radius of one last fall Lewis' Later an attempt was made to burn the barn of Barton, the barking of a neighbor's dog the thing that saved the the last of the tem- sees his barn a smok- tion To workers yons, | Lewis the | w | of tem properties are | mile. Oné 4 wént up in among n pera SIO only z Fosday nee worker ng, heap of ruir Young Farmer Killed. Alta, June 16. William oung shepherd farmer in a runaw Saturday. getting oy hay started » fell off « } it rary, was He when | on loa I of 1 fam an over J D. D. Ray, Ex-M.P.P Dead. June 16.-D miray died Sunday Or Db nd Stratford, -M. PP | Ray, @ ht 1 county ie 8inoe nig horn " Y ASQUITH SReotland in 15 Preached to the Delegates to Pan Anglican Conference. What Artie Charches Doing to Bring About Amity, Peace and Concord Among the World' s Nations ? PREMIER June 16.--The Pan-Anglican ements for the hold heen Hi Prooress six i with ser vices in Westminste r There was an immense dobgregation. including clergymen from all parts of the world, and many women. The Pil cioty, last night, gave a dinner in honor of the members of the pgonfer- Lord Curzon jointly toasted the king and President Roosevelt. Prime minister Asquith, who was a guest, humorously declared that he meant to seize the opporiun ity of preaching to' preachers, de diver ed a sermon upon the text, "What Arve The Churches Doing To Help Ful fil Their Prayers For The Bestowal Upon The Nations of Amity, Peace And Concord." He 'said it almost seemed that the only specific against war, on which the Christian nations of the world were all agreed, was the incessa multiplicity of instruments of ruction. Nevertheless, he thought he could discegm beneath this London, Teconlerence y Arrang ing of which have opened, rim So- ASQUITH. ¢ {disheartening spectacle a silent ment of pacilying forces which refer merely to an increase of treaties and eateutes, but to a growing dis- position of the peoples to know and understand one another better Pa- triotism used to be based upon reci- procal ignorance and contempt. His own conception of Americans, when he was a boy, was largely™ based on "Martin Chumlewit"'. and "Uncle Tom's Cabin." No elementary school boy now had such a perverted image of the Americans. Similar changes in views had taken place in other but the fork war still | incomplete, and it ought to appeal | strongly to the Pan-Anglican congress. It was the mission of the church not only to set men free, but to bind them together and he strongly urged her to make efforts to dirsinish the greatest scourge threatening the udity and progreés of mankind, Presiding at the breakiast given by the Chweh of England Temperance Society to the bishops attending the Pan-Angliean congress, the Bishop of moves did not nations, HE ADMITS MEAs wk Havana, June 16.-In the town of Alcaldes, province of Matanzas, Vie Hud Nukarro, a neg negro Jad, arrested on ver your lawn and sprinkle lye HIS GUILT Negro Owns Up To Kidnapping And Mardering |": ~~ White Child | . and ope of the Wards named Marin, who also has 'heen arrested, entered the house and Sixliieied the girl, who, was murdered for the prrpose of usi the blond. of her heart to eave an Londen extended a hearty wilcome to those who had eome from the emds of the earth. He felt great pleasure, he said, hecanse of the delightful "work © had seen in Canady and the United States. He had had ® good time iy Canada and hoped to do his best to return the hospitality, ( Stratheons entertained, at Kneb- } worth, the members of the congress, tard a namber of Canadian visitors to England. Tt requited &fteen special trams {0 convey the gueits to Kneb- worth. Pd best tea can utter hy exposute to contamdnati fioences, as bulk fas wo ota are ~ bd parkas ol "the "Sa | fresh ai » barns as- Lhe in Las An- Their three barn of Perth | regard ~ to | Favored hy splendid weather, Lord | London, young Canadian, Welch, cond officer of \ the steamship Bermu- dian, and five black West Indian Brit. ish subjects, is recorded by the com- mittee of Lloyds', who have awarded the silver medal of the soCiety to Mr. Welch, and men. The steamship Bermudian was about 100 miles irom Sandy Hook, when she fell in with the Mary L. Newhall which had lost her rudder, and was iy a sinking condition. A terrific Jobn F, Be sea bronze medals to the five -------- Was Means of Saving Entire Crew of Schooner Newhall. June 16.--The heroism of a . was running, and Mr Welch and {fi lr and an attempted rescue made, b Mx. x r f ive mare of the saving eleven lives, the sank. Toronto Jane 16, 1908, Ottawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence, 10 a.m. -- Fresh northwest winds, fine and cool. to try and Wednesday, Light was lowered, | which, winds, fine, with a little higher wowever, failed. The 'Bermudian stood by the sinking -- hooner all night, and at daybreak | Welch and his black companions | 5 epeated their attempt, succeeding in | eaching the schooner and taking of ix of the crew. Later they rescued sthooner's men, thus | the entire crew which subsequently the | volunteered ship. A boat blacks each ve the Wash Silks fi for SummerDresses ol sthooner, PITH OF THE NEWS. Over The World. American fishing tugs are poaching off Manitoulin in Lake Huron. Conservatives will demand recounts constituencies H. Pharand wou in Prescott {six votes over L. Labrosse. Wheat is twenty-one inches high Springhill district of Manitoba Harry Gayler, of the customs staff, at Hamilton, is dead, aged sixty-nine. David Doyle, curator of the pro |vincial museum, Toronto, is danger- jously ill { Count 'Seppelin s great jwill be tested to-day hafl, Wurtenburg. By Judgment of Justice Riddell the title given to the Cobalt Lake Mining company is upheld. the Samaritan text of the Book of tdoshua, lost for 2,000 years, has been {discovered at Cablius. Harry Collins has withdrawn from he coatest for suprenx ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters | Bowmanville has left a large legacy by the late James H. McGill, of Washington, a native of the town. A temperance, congress has | opened in in celebration of { the centenary first temperame | society. A French has found how | the heating Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, committed for trial throwing carbolic acid Edward Chandler. 1 Toronto songemped gambling at the in several Quebec TL by J. | in new airship at Frederichs a chief been § | world's Saratoga, ol the inventor claims to make a body a bird its wings. that h hover air as does withou Toronto, cha the was of of on a re in face Methodist. conference Woodbink ven the track. Hecommenda tions regarding iduet of magistrates and justices the peace in the county of York made by Judge Winghester. A farmer of Malone, N. Y., was striae) lightning on the verandah of his house. lle was unconscigus for | evoral hours and paralyzed. | Two women, a man and child {were drowned in New York when an automobile in which they were riding plunged into the Hudson river Waiters in Paris are proposing a | strike and threatening to reveal the | terrible cets of the kitchen Mf their | demands are not complied with liberals met at Stavner Daniel Wilson, for the declined to the the con are by fn 8 and of Leigh re-nomination the memory founder of Simeoe {nominated Collingwood, ton McCarthy { A monument | Jeanne Mance, Hotel Dieu, is to be erected in exX-MAyor commons the the re council wants to water EROW mn of carrying limits Montreal city street rallway eo apany letreets and clear off the turn for privilege freight within the city The finding of two valises belonging to William avd George Freeman, Pus- linch farm hands, who have disap Ipeared, in a bush in that township thas created somewha¥{_ of | Because his opposition quor trafic and lquor | meet with the approval part of hia congregation, the Rev. GO. A. Sellar, jof St. Luke's Methodist church, Chat | ham resigned Yom the pulpit, to the and astonishment of the peo ple. Walking from the pulpit, out of the church, he was followed by part {of the choir and congregation r myster to the hi n did nat a | surprise Straw Hats. Campbell Bros." and he best. See you see #43 feet hours in The new Zephelin airship long, which can remain ithe air and will carry sleeping ac- commodation for her crew, will be tested, to-day, in Germany, Do not despair of curing your sick headache when you can easily obtain Carter's Little Liver Fills. They will fefiéet a prompt and pe t cure. Their action is mild and Aaturgl. Took Repeated Guelph, Ont, nine, formerly 16, bought fifty morpline tablets on this condition g4 long as he gions, 11:15, afd regretted the viee-regal patronage | of | | i of | the | the | £ groamds of the hospital in Montreal [iat nidd je 9 * | HORIRRRANI | The Very Latest Culled From Al i FHEFEHE RRA ER IEE ETS % Smith i t 1 {off 4 | £1,000 [1 dam J and the the cure & week has engineer Kingston, Wing sone : and Coats. VOLCANIC OUTBURST. Auckland, New Zealand, June 16.--Advices state that for three nights, be- ginning May 10th, there was a remarkable volcanic outburst on Savaii, the largest of the Samoan Is- lands. The first eruption was followed by the great- est flow of lava in the his- tory of the island, making an almost continuous sheet eight miles wide and from six inches to six feet deep, flowing down the moun- tain side. It overflowed the cliffs, destroying many native houses in its way, dropping inte the ocean and causing an immense uprising of steam. HSIAO Recovired Damages Ont 16.--M, P.R. brakesman, re Fall we the 18th of while coupling I tank at Khempty hand ht rist mn Toronto, June . ant, a Nove motive | June take n| y pas i 's < m- | ° ll last a o an oil on ad or h his t th « mi 3 shion erities rough wéav Dry * prepares complet favored \g pr Us It is te in Silks and wo you the the weasons at most settlement for ha for mpany MacMahon Dagrant compar mto cout ut eason ole w uf Jarrant sued the « gree ster | vardiy sia 50, ting the of the getion t dire sis ude w ih o COLORED inches wide, Lal al NATURAY, FoNOpih 84 inches wide, B0c to $1 SIANAGTUNGS fal. Wi PONG EES, aL JG, NATURAL inches wide. Spec at inches widy RAJAE SILKS at § at $1.95 JAPANES} WASH SILKS hes wide, x WIHITI I IFUNGS $1, AND 1 LACK SHANG. wide, The. tn I ry at NATUR } TEES AL NOV] nehes Ww Inspection Invited AT HARRY S. NEW Chairmangoi the Republic Hin Ute A Chicag M vears int Indianap Journal, influential news succended wner many er of the the mo wi John ET ACR TI TRI a y Convention DIED. News From Westport " r Westport, J 1 Prof. W. Myer apy ing summer tage Ww. ge bos as firemen on the | H Lawson left last | Alban's, Vt., where tion he on « p n hus Frederi ion { Rideau x \ { a po railroa for Bt, fi W railw W hi te The form Ww. J Willian y da situ Mr. end Mrs have moved here in the se few dave with Canadian leaves for T a west, Kengedy lft on Monday for Winnipe Mise i M Chicago J. B. Willimmson of end Mrs, Annie ho guest of Mr Kaily. captain sota football team, terday, in a fit of young woman dance coft of a young barber. been issued. criticisms of the militia forees HE DIA GNOSED D MOMEN TS "Dues 0 Of Morphine And Watched Effect. I ets Jung M.--Jphn Toher- were pitching hay on a hot i a stndeniiat ithe OA JAS 11:19 five more tablets were taken Saturday, secursd a room at the Roj,l Hater another Bote hotel and proceeded to take repeated 'uwnintelligibie, spoiled [doses of the drug, making notes. of tablets were taken Was | eon- jwae at 1230, which states ; taken at JAS. ont be bong now. when | Teherniae Jealous, Shoots Himself Jackson, June 16. Edward Dunne of the University of Mine shot hime x IRAIONEY refused Tr wed with him and accepted the He may Romsr J. REID. The Leading Phdertaker. { "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. beentine tt old SUMMER DRINKS Gurd"s Ginger Ale. Gurd's Soda Water. Gurd's Quinine Tonic. Gurd"s Caledonia Water, Imported Sweet Ginger Ale. In ported Dry Ginger Ale. Radoor Water. ---- die The report of the militia council hi It contains some useful Jas. Redden & Co.. 2 Of Fiue Groseries. | i "i $38, FOR $18. 7 Invalid's or Sick Person's Rubber-tired { Chair. almost new, costa $38, Sor $18, ialso 8 large Rugs, and 1 large Tent. N bargain for cash, AT TURKS, "Vhong, F035. shday the unfortunate man was begin ing to have difficulties. Ope minute was made, buat it wd except that five more | The last writing "1 have i Is The Store. snd fit Bats. ampbell Bros'. -- pifty straw i another five tablets. { - was known bere a elorence operates toy Firitish om La mi on aunty, ib da slaiged,