Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jun 1908, p. 4

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° PAGE POUR i Tr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1908. FASSaIaR IRIs ar THE WHIG, 75th YEAR recalled when one hears of the con- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS >>" BLANE THE LEATHER. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308 | flict of parties, and the war of words. : n 810 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 Perino ome can imagine just what may There is a Leatherfood Shoe Polish i Which Should Be Used. year. Editions at 9.50 and 4 o'clock p.m. | 'pd VEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub- happen, but it is conceded that in an May B i i joo ay Be. I" A well-known Cagadian newspaper nited States, charge assembly of many thousands some- | Lindsay Post. Iman recently brought 'a pair of shoes lished in parts on Monday and Thursday morn | . 0 J! has to be made Soc. for i thing is likely to occur, some ncci- | The road to heaven may be paved | the Slater Shoe store in Hamilton of hed JL. «. the Dest Job Printing | jens or mishap, some strain which na- {with acfoplanes. { "I want these shoes half-soled. I have work; nine improved presses. {ture cannot stand, gnd the ideq is to | Prorogation At Hand {been wearing them for seven years The British Whig Publishing Co., LPd {have on band those Who can Pro- | octawa Free boss : and you can sed hat the uppis ure IW. J. B. PENSE, $ < 7 2 : : wl The a. i ent is : goo at beats we] said ing Director. [essionally deal with the contingency e prorogation of parliament is at a young man, who was buying a pair Py {last within measurable distance it a ¢ sr favorable conditions. : . of Slater's. * ave ba aE ime and under f {looks as if the houses. conld separate ater's I have beem wearing : Daily Whi | There is quite an array of aspiring {just about 'in time to go down to id eadily Svery day for three = ¢ jones. The list is made up of Speak- {Quebec and participate in the ter-cen- Rar ae newspaper [an oniesed i . oo . Ou, Yice- itenary cele t 5 1 08 had oni) orn 8 ng Ww 2 1. PEITY SCHOOL BOOK DEAL, | Cannon, Secretary Corwlyou om fF celgtuations. . [fall and winter months. They wer Broken Backs ¥ The New B wich vernment has {President Fairbanks, Rennios aa AG tC 1 5 {vistplized Slater Shoes. The secret of hi ee A ¥l 16. New et ik go n en ha {ker, Governor Hughes, Senator Knox, Ir osiste Sa reat Canal. long life in good leather ia found - in hn Altle he vic wen going s the retlence i » « " s . i n iQ . ? a At Jeo going Jirough profane © 8 {Senator LaFollette and Semator Tait. | "440 minister of railways hdlds out jhe use of Slater Leather Food, a spe etn school book deal by reason of Which All e oki campaigners except three, [hopes of 2° new twenty-live foot: Wel. cial shoe polish. Even good leather ThigzRoot of the R lit is said thd people of the province | ure 0c eaibpg ign ia in the | land canal. We ought to have that as | Will perish under the ill-usage of the 9 : will bout 850 000 & lly. The [C0Telyou was u stenographer m the 3 «1 ® svstem that will |2¢id shoe dressings too often sold Evil will save about 250,000 annually. 7 08 wits House eight years ago, and on {the beginning of a system' tha wil {For sale by F.-G. Lockett. Kings vi ¥ | change, heralded as a remarkable | Jaa 1 g yea bis t , allow vessels of deep draught to sail | sale by PF. Lockett, hangston # 5 > . 1. (his merits has risen to cabinet rans. |p... Port Willia il row the world. | Apd Removes ¥ business proceeding, turns out to | §ors Dy mall round ' : | Ease In Money Market. ; . He is a man of pronounced ability, | a It Bodily. of very little account. It s lv 'con- : on } aa : os © Ry A un Imps Som Lol camé into distinction through | A Poor Lookout. | Montreal a omplaint is being roposition : | Considerable sists of a difference in the method of | i ] i w i sigs siiny the Insurance Commission, has been | Brantiord Expositor, : ? heard in busi i R Airchase . stributic J laa e Insurance » The the Quebec legisla- | heard in business circles as to the re . Only 75¢. ¥ [Purchase and distribution. In place is ofpasition In the tuthee legisla §,o once on the part of the banks. (0 Most any day now, when vou have a little i i o st aggressive and independent | Netionali i all of buying through a retail house the the mo : . |ture, Nationalists and all, vane ! ying i" : 3 3 2; i is} + , tet {advance money for immediate busi- i « 1. 3 Only at government will impoft from the puiw KOVernor that ever held office; and | is {only 14 in a house of 74. Yet same [2 1 i roty! a time to spare, we would like to put our time bound to remain in the limelight and folks agy that the. resuits of the pro. | Lo "1 VELIMS Tp ate told tiat against yours and show you the correct ideas in |! ' lishers and distribute through, an 4 : 'oletie | Vincial elections are a mandate that 4 agency of its own. The saving will bo [make good his reputation. LaFolette {Laurier must go. {vaults, but even the best and most Summer Wearables. { 3 {reliable customers of the banks state | 1; ie p he man wh is | 1 1s a political genius, t m oO ! -- ! 4 . " " - credi with establishing governmen {that it is ne o 1 ssible 1 yh Get prices. See the st vies. Examine every- | Fedited it eatablishi : pvarsment | The Bribery Bludgeon. tain op thety Ro posible to. ob thing i cin 3 9 : WL i) on a scientific basis in Wisconsin, With | peterboro Examiner. time an extra dollar ow \ do 'r bare ne : {cessities, and oven na To If the excellence of our wearables and the fair- | and | The defeat of Mr. Pense in Kingston . Ee E is one of th rettable incidents of | " Thi 1 a . . on ing credit for doing very little. Like [Promoting only the public interests. [the election. Ee Pense is » man of | 25 shased. This Paliey may oe con ness of our prices fail to convince you that this is ! hip . i Kei yas | sidered necessary litic fn ' a 3: 2 ho y 3 car owen Whitney government i bourl | qh council in again talking of a (B20 character and fiestraie allty: onker's mt} view" put it 1 re | § EDE Store 10 tie to, for the best of everything a man § el of what i ould or adi ), nd sunimic vacation. The ides Ja thet 11% oF Lk TL pai Sei | sented by those whose reputation and wears (or Boy either, for that matter) we'll pay of on Lee He C0 " : by ness r 0 siderably 1mi- r +3 + Sntent : oC oln wary | 8ldermen ate too busy or too tired to | - paired by cach Simi i eably im. you by the day or hour for the time you have lost } NH snl. 0 ° ph Pp re . : . ly 8 8 Jifess : in > v plishment. In Ontari peog do business in the warm weather. But Beef Falling Over. Habor troubles in different sobtions of In finding us out. | y be gi s benefit of hundreds of 5 . : NM 3 3 CU i GLASS { 9 be Hg He y : ally : ar ; { the public works are carried on in the rg meat continue t | the country continue to cause unrest, s o } thousands ol dollars, annually, " ai a ok PH ate ® Ya lhut it is eviden ORD a: | summer, and it is then the council rise in England, though the rate hich | it is evident that those out of am roposition, re y ! ahout $5,000 a vear, and the govern- ments proportion will he £3,000, or forty per cent. of the whole." The Hazen government is, therefore, claim- having an ideal way officially, the advantage is limited to the rem- $ ] 4 {work are de a oat iy the ie 4 lag \ E old stack. bre should meet. will curtail consumption must have Mormon Ra uy So tutun to heir We + ¢ ived han! eearing sale ol . o'c stock, J {been passed. As highfprices in Kng-|g "0 80 HO the : ik eXpeeted Ie wtf Just Dn paratory to the issue of new books, A LIBERAL CONVENTION, {land mean high prices in Canada the F will he a thin ® i ha Feonble " e . e shipment of the | : + 4 . : : i J Wg ol © pas oO AES ep sins in | which have not yet been decided upon. There is a desire for a liberal con-|local housekeeper will see where his | vothor thors } a. a1 ant 3 aN a > : 9 . ; . . 8 p CABIDeSS elm ETE fine cut glass. The new In New Brunswick there were to be | vention, and Mr. MacKay favours it, |interest is concerned. {as to the future, for with a little more : "Oregon" cutting is wonderful doings, and they were con- | hut he does not want a hurry call a I Jane A jars and patience in our busines Bi BB YS FO R : the most artistic pro- fined to a change in patronage, from hie i ¢ precipitancy. There! yal June. transactions we are certain to emerge 2 I which would imply precipitancy. The ® ly Amanda Elizabeth Dennis. | before long from the present low ebb Tae Best $15 Men's Suits \ duct of the kind that | . y : : 'is : o regul k dealers to a pet of | i, oro Ani 0 | Oh 1 vad J t Oh! lad time 1}: | : i wo hinve over had the | the regular boo enle pe is an ever-changing condition in the Ero oval duns! Oh i fair, g ad 3 me {into which trade has fallen. with one The Best $1 Men's Shirts good fortune to secure. the government, and the boom drop- | axnerience of parties. They have their|1 weave your spiendors into rhyme {a recollection .of former conditions. The Best 25c. Cashmere Hosiery In Canada We have it in a variety ped from $50,000 to $3,000. In Saw | ups and downs like the individual a ANS, Nind them with a wistful tear, { ----t-- The Best $2 Hats . of articles and will be | katchewan the Scott government is | 4nd these variations in fortune have| You give them in profusion rare. Lu The Money attested, The Best 50c. Balbriggan Under- | leased to show them | leadi a genuine book reform " an | The amber sunbeams, scarce aslant, (Montreal Gazette wear. I leading in a genuin 00 y their lessons. Like jewejled lances cleave the air: The estimate is made that over 880, to our patrons They | There 2 Do 0 gett " - g : F Phere the people are getting new The conservative party had its long! y. earth laughs out in joyous pridé 000,000 of investments will he affected make fine wedding pres- yh : b ents. school books, and many, if not all of day in opposition in Ontario, and| The soft sky slumbers like a sea {in value hy the anti-race track gamb hal (pum Sr fee to the users. Best of | wont into election after lotion Rope-| it smatent or Eterm "or [Hn act just passed oy ho login { all the reform" comes without the Lesly and nervelessly. Ita repeated db The sweet days fold their rosy palms fae Ha 0 ork. In the huge sum . . ' ; ' } A . 4 i . The balmy nights glide slowly by, tracks and their geces Kinnear & d'Esterre 4 boasting that becomes offensive when feats were enough to take the heart] God's sifilens songuters thei Heir Juaisig sores, racing stables, horses, ete. N > » . out " » is vy mit id v. : p- road and high - . ' d ' . it jx not well founded, when it is ac- | oof it. One leader after another] A" 4 the trec-tops broad and hig | one ventures, however, 16 say wht Kingston's One Price Clothing Store. at f Oh t happy June ! Oh! fair, glad t¥ne! | the percentage of loss will be. thouwl wire' or. iba 'devephive was tried, These leaders were blamed | Oh | sweét enchantress of the year, lin) cases where men have on fo ~ ny : : : amd sometimes ey we! y 3 { Your music, Nke an elfin chime, i Ark J ave ade rad 1 8 they were regarded as PH mami upon Aho ear, f the ir business it will naturally jx " " LS -- Id { ii Jonahs, when the fact was the people| And over miles o smeruld plain, {large Perhaps, though, it will not . (r One would suppose, from a reading ND » n And hilltop crowned wilh fairer green CO x ver h : fo & i Ses " 4 Ah ) Wy r were not moved towards them, and|ppe footsteps of your minion train He ced the year's losses by those wii X ; AL W451 R hcg SERN Y Ne of the American papers, that the race Glow brighter with unsandallied sheen. bet on races and do not win ? i ' y Cor" Princess and Well- companied by conditions that are ington Sts. " a : : public opinion is the influence that trac was maintained or the gamb- s i ge : 3 2% 3 must be reckoned with. I sit and watch the golden litht ; i i Drist down athwart the wavin gratin, A Modern Tendency. Liv UNIFORMITY in the dominion had | 5.4" ask myself what mortal bilg v Me Asquith on Old Age Pensions 3 their long and wearisome fight in op-| Could bring such weight of human pain | There ure two figures in our modern Ii ras incide s trac iy F As to o'er cloud, for aye and aye, SoCie Em od gambling was an incident of the track position, Once, after a conflict of |Suncs royal wealth of light and bloom, |S0Ciely w hich make an especially awd one that ought to go. nani And fold away in shadows gay many years, they reached power, held Its living glory and perfume ! to our sympathy. One is the figure of STANDING BY MR. MACKAY. it for five years, and then dropped Oh.{ happy-haarted month of song 4 the child. Since 1870 you have added back into the opposition for eighteen] Oh! happy-bearted month of bloom | [lo your Anta] provision for the eda : A fateful years are not so long cation of the children of this I years. In that time they had their] The fal fan " M8. conn ts ) y ad Crowned with wealth of your perfume. | oe of (coe and rates an annual sum discipline raiming. 1 AAR could T lure one deathless boon : an | and training The party Fron tender Nature's sweet control, [Of 'over twenty-four million pounds never was as active, as aggressive, as|1'a beg the happy-hearted June sterling. The other figure ic the fig To drop her gladness in my soul, *_ pure of old age, still unprovided for | OSHAWA SHINGLES Made of 28 guage galvanis- ed steel. Fire Proof, Water Proof, Wind Proof, Lightning Proof, easily laid, no solder required, do not rattle. A lasting roof at a fair price. Call in and see them at the office of ling it promoted. til now some | pe Jiberals people were under the impression that strong and, indeed, irresistible appeal The conservative committee, in one of the western constitupncies; that sent a message to Mr. MpcKay, the liberal leader, while they rejoiced ovep helpful in the moulding of public their victory, did o contemptuous act, Mr. MacKay will sarvive t oie thought. And leave its nestling there for aye, swchay will sarvive the defeat of Sweet prophecy of happier days, fort, or by what is worse, invidious except by casual and unorganized ef his party in Ontario. He is surely of The party' of success is the party of| When griovig lips shall falt'ring pray dependence upon poor law relief, : ALE. = | | | | ti it i s ' lte's shadowed the brighter and younger men that | action, and it is because the Whitney For Jrangth to tread Nile sid are hound to make their mark. He is | government did things, boldly or Ohi happy Jusel Oh! fair, glad time t} .To stop any pain, anywhere in : : § . : . . ! sweet eo 3 ' res : ol im . ba as Ae A well trained for useful service, He has | blunderingly, that it attracted notice wa A twenty minutes, simply take just one roe, ) ) 1 wea hold pi bly 1 dear t of Dr.' Sho p's Pink Pain Tablet Sa . Hb ¥ " ia and the thi i i | And hold you doubly fair and dear . * ok ps am ain lablets ; a OR | & the mental equipment and the physical . w things it did were more no Pain means congestion--blood pressure ou stamina that make for succes « | ticeable than the things i ic Whatever pain the years have brought, | __ is . i 8 ro a en A ake for success. He 4 things it did not Whatever Pain thoy, sth) any Bem that is all. Dr. Shoop's Headache ; 4 AND 2 . GER has the vigour of manhood, and he | 40. For the time the congervatives1 count it all less dearly bought or Pink Pain Tablets-- will quickly Because such tender memories cling coax blood pressure away irom pain S ANGLIN & co {}] can bide his time and dwait the re- | are on the crest of the wave in On About this golden, radiant tim t Af i : : o nou + he wentres. Afte 8 one L] ® |} | cognition that, for the time has been | tario. They will not be there fotever.| This royal-hearted month of June, H To Ne pan 19 Son So rich with hints of scented rhyme Headache, Neuralgia, painful periods Foot of Wellington St. {} | denied him, No one can be foolish enough to sup-| And sweet sounds woven into tune ! with women, etc. pet in holp, 20 EE n - mi tsb a . that. - The, people are fickle' in|oy + yoyal June! Ob! fai glad time 1 | Tablrts 26c. Sold bv all dealers BS et ans ac at eanas ad Cag ad Rtg Re AS SE SS ES Oh ! sweet enchantress of the year | A girl 9 will forgive a young man | 3: i : : y I weav ur splendors into rhyme quicker for kissing her agai or Wil in their success--oaonvt have forgotten, they will waver in their support. ee OR Oa fair. and dear-- J» er lor Kisking her gaat het will { So rich, so rare, so sweet, so glad ! than for not being interested enough | the reverses which their party suffered The fquestion is, What should be done What heart could be so filled with care, | to try. 0 Pail le 6s during the thirty-three years they | 0 win them over ? There must he the! So numbed with pain so wholly sad. .] The government analyst, in making * spent in opposition. Several eminent | usual courting and it can best be That could not {ind you sweet and. fair 71), report on tincture of iodine, marks fo men in that time suffered defeat and | done with a plan and a purpose. The Toronto Street Market. the smgle par hased at Gibson's Red > Au ' . + . s . aks. oe 4 ross drug store as "genuine, Is the Corset all T the ignominy of party dissatisfac- | liberals of Ontario must realize that | Toronto, June '15.--Wheat, white, There. isn't, meh: philosoply iu a ; figures tion. Hall a dozen leaders were tried | they can only win by asserting them- bush., 85e. to 86e.; wheat, red, bush.| pan if it doesn't rot buy when = he a in vain. It is safe to say that any. | selves, and as soon as convenient 85¢. to 86c; wheat, i 4 bush.,i has gecasion to visit a graveyard Many expert lady corset fitters have | one of them was as brilliant ad% the | they must put themselves on record Sheet Wheat; Zs kush., 44 os Oo 5 ia ; a . hush., Sle; 3 . QOC.; peas, expressed their appreciation of the | man who now occupies the post of through the resolutions of a conven- bush., 9c. to 99c.; hay, timothy, ton, | A Tollet Luxury style, fit and lasting qualities of the premier, and each in his day was as- | tion. . ; $12 to $13; hay, clover, ton, 8 to! Mira Skin Soap is a delight to every ws chase ------------------ $10; straw, per ton, $10 to $11; dress-| woman who values a soft, beatiful skin. Grand Duchess Corset. EDITORIAL NOTES. ed hogs, $8.25 to $8.50; butter, dairy,| Mira Skin Soap takes away all skin . Some one has got out a diary of | 18¢. to 22¢.; butter, creamery, 23c. lof irritations -- cures skin troubles -- and ; liament 1 it shows who have | 256; eggs, new laid, dozen, 18¢. to the skin clear and smooth. # their party and loaded with its de. | PRtHament, and it shows who have |: . 0 1d " tly ed -- fefreshing -- "ti : 20c.; chickens, year old, lb, 17¢. to] perfum ESTS HORT TOP fects been obstructing the business of par- 20¢ fowl oo 1b.. J3c. to Me. ap | unsurpassed for toilet and bath. N 3 > ¥ . 2c; wi, es 33C, hs - ; The one thing about the situation is liament during the last seven months. ples, per barrel, $1.50 to $3; cabbage Joe 8 cake" gt Srugyista or dent 2 receipe of CURES JAK Cougs the desire of the liberal party Mr. Foster is the great offender. per dozen, 40c, to 50c.; onions, per to 4 $ x . : " . i bag, $1.25 to $1.40; potatoes, per] P ALWAYS. i sympathize with Mr, MacKay instead The federal parliament must have a 85¢. to 95c.: bet hindquarters, | SEE THEM. AND COSTS BUT of blame him. The liberals of the [the closure. The abuse of parliamen- | 89.50 to $11.50; beef, forequarters, $6/ day--the wen who are liberals on prin- | tary privileges of this session has | to $750; beef, choice, carcase, $9 to 2S ve cs, are, th McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St T ciple, not as. the result of passing | made the veform of the house pro- | 5 cop ® 10.50 . " saan . . wip Wn. Murray Auctioneer emotion--realize that Mr. MncKay ceedings an absolute necessity. ¥i.50; nition, pe 3 to 3 Yami - HAF 4GHH4ASAETI SSA HE 44440444 HF i ' possesses the qualitications for leader- ph iw ti 815. : EET . | BODO OO000: 97 BROCK ST. ship, and in due time there will be the | The labour market in the west is i New Carriages, Cutters, Harness | change of fortune, and the success | congested, but the Edmonton Bulletin Want Convention. ste. Jor, sala which is his due. He will serve his |ToPadiates the statement sent to the Taranto Star, ol th hs anlth L Sale of Horses evi turday. ; T le : tis ® ted that the health of Y i . avery Sa V+ | country meanwhile as best he can and | Toronto News that hundreds of for the liborn} iaarty in Ontario would. he > Ringston Business will serve it the better later because | "E0Crs are in a starving condition. improved by a provincial convention. ; y College he has had experience out of office " a : A convention might do good if it if i hal. office as The woman 8 suffrage party is de- helped to concentrate the mind of the Limited, head of Queen street, #! manding recognition from the republi- party upon some particular subject, i 1 i CANADA'S EIGHEST GRADE Political ingratitude could not = be [Can convention, Will they get it? {such as public ownership or prohibi- : business school, Bookkeeping, shown in a more remarkable way th Will the women transfer their alle- {tion. Unless the party is willing to ------ shorthand, typewriting, tele i iy an cet whatever party gives them | take advanced ground on some lead graphy, and all commercisi it was towards Mr. Smith, who, un- |¥ 8 to | " Party g ing question and make it an issue, ITS A MISTAKE TO BE BALD Subjects thoroughly taught by til lately, represented Sault Ste, | the franchise ? the advantage of the convention is Thousands of men and women Day, oad nighl ciaeset Tarr Marie. i 3 a t . Md hai fall lates moderate, Matie He stoi by his people when | 1, {he ghstruction at Ottawa a ro |"! © "Parent ee I OF ce hail way fain hone, 440. Yer7 modstetey | Shey avedd » itiend in the legislature, | it of the increased indemnity? Mf Baseball On Monday. om he Devas Sutherland Sisters' EH. F. METCALVE, President. the a} hs ey party was against |g, the country will have additional | American League--St. Louis, 10; Hair Grower 2nd Scalp Cleaner. $3. B. CUNRINGEAN, § ye ® aid that their industries required. | reason to lament the salary grab. Ii { Boston, 0. Chicago, 2; New York, 1. Seven Sutherland Stent, rg King 0 Wo. , : ; no 'oronto. Grower sx. as oe THE CHICAGO CONVENTION. [the members were loss flush they | Cleveland, oh uhington:.). 5 Bos LADIES' It wosts a large sum to fit the build- | Would net be . so anxious to hang | (on 3 ! ling TES' TAILOR. |B y ings in ich the political = con | 8¥ound Ottawa. . 'No Eastern Ledgue games. "Elephant" Pure Liquid Paints | 2 Node ely by XINGHTON ventions are held. The Coliseum, of Cheese Markets H : pr he (Fully guaranteed). Thess paints are | Om : 1 ' Chicago, where the republican party | Belleville Ont,, June 13 ~Offerin gs +» 8 wellknown trotter, . the best preservatives for Wood, from | will to-day decide who shall repre- [2,995 white and 50 colored. Sales, Soja thous degrat. | Blo Stace, work rect andar te | sopt it in the next presidential eleo- [455 at 11 5-10e. and 1,440 at lj. i eon stronger, 8; a ng_san be applied by anyone, | i Coruwall, June 13.--At board 1472] eration. het : tion, will seat 11,167 all, Jue \ h. The ye = A. STRACHAN. boxes were boarded. It was decided | IFIT IS TOGETASINK |... ..... Kingston : Set up or a bath room emstalled. | I have removed to the former I can do it in first-class style and | Board of Education rooms, Mon- at the right price. Give me 8 treal street, corner Prinosss. Re- member the place. trial. . DAVID HALL, 53% J. ROSEN, sles ou Tid The party who offered him an in- | Pose sult---who could noi be magnanimous | their allegiance, and sooner or later We Don't Lose Many Customers for Gas Stoves -- AND --* Refrigerators Which shows that our assortment and prices suit all classes. nf sociated, politically, with able men. They did not win, and the fault was hips Smee | not theirs. Yet they were cursed by FLEE E4244 4 43499 ¥ FEET EI PP 4F 000045000040 14550040444 Ett bbe If you wish to be successful at- i tend The i

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