THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1908. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. { Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Sy ! N STARTLING GRY omer 5 . 2' . . * rapt: Juve 19e-Ahout 0 hue SIGHT COMES BACK JUST Cabmen's phoue, 140. Ladies Tailored Suits mn TO BE FEW CHANGES. i A new lease of Un. weeesse THE NEWS. OF WORLD will begia the day OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | 7o:onto, IN BRIEF FORM. ------ tters Tha E : Ba 4 Interest vetyhody hegan at len © clock, but the morn-! Blind Inmate of Masonic --Notes From all Over--Little ing was largely devoted to ccnlerring! Had Longed For a Glimpse of ot Everything Easily Read degrees, reports and other | the Heavens. and Remembered, { routine proceedings. It is prophesixd, | hi J 1 } 2 t SS A : ' Umo, June 16.-- the Pens! 'A parcels post agreement betwedn to day, that there ill likely ) ¥ » nid Angle Line | the United States and France hus hoon | changes among the supreme offi gi yp find { signed, fr. A. Crosse, Montreal, has with- it's casy to i : 1 | Likely That Stevenson Ticket Will Go Through. § the assaniied at she reading } al at Cincinnati, {eee ! Father, be but : Our pretty Suit is of Champagne Drill, Coat hip length, semi-fitting, two rows of Insertion back and front, tailored collar and cuffs, skirt pleated, fifteen gore, with two self-folds 75. iB and Another pretty style is of the fashionable Bar Linen, White, with Navy Bar, semi-fit Coat, with Navy Collar Cuffs, pleated skirt, with self-folds - Plain White Lawn Skirts. to wear with wide, three self-folds. Special, at nit " 1 ile build ng this morning, The scssion! i New potatoes, peck, at Carno 'our tramps. were given "1 cox Gibson's Red Cross drug store. : : ! "tha [9 i { 'a eXours inesd drawn irom the fight for the honoe- The cry startled the nirses of the] Utlawa excursion, Wednesday mistook Richard Grummet for oa bear| 8ty rowition of V.5.C.R, h 3 { and shot him. A fabric to agree with your skin. {i When you need a cab 'phoné £00. . : oll BEFORE DEATH | Be rl fa ' i. UO, } the Tem-|{ - { For best rubber-tired rigs ring 490, | > ash Fabrics. Home sky's "on the corner." i J Z ter. at Linen, Duck and Drill, White and Colors. ithe police station last wight. {| "Pears' shaving cake" is sold thank| William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders! ean | Thee." | received at McAuley's. 'Fhone 77 \ PF, 'Blakeslee lear Bay, B.C. : 3T.R : | 3h 3: Blakesles, at Lear Bay, | Ad by J, |iefirmary at the Masonic Home, at|via. G.1.R. special train, 8 a A size to ft you perfectly, iD. Clark, Dayton, Ohio; who . may| toad and Ontario streets. It came! $). | Manso A weight to suit the season, | Indian Head, was boxes of the morning straw drowned in reviected. Any idea of the Colling | Years had been totally blind, and had | berries expected in at | Lake whild conoeing. ; [ticket has been abandoned with the | been an inmate of the Masonic Home Camotshy 8. " : 'Lhe socialists will contest six of | retitement of Mr. Collins Limself, from | 510% last June, ki : oh Sbinghem, lang tuner the seven electoral districts in British | the 8. C. R. contest. W. H, Hunter, _ Sitting up in 'bis narrow hospital | Chickering 's, Leave orders at | Toronta, will not contest the su- bed, the old man, with an awed face, Auley's Book store, "aa yremé counsell rebip which he now | described with delight the various | "The genuine Lncture of iodine" { holds. It is conceded to John G. H. articles in the room. Une by one helsold in Kingston at Gibson's | Mevers, New York mentioned the chairs, the table and! Cross drug store, 'Phone 230. Fo : : the medicine bottles, in their metho-| The forts hours' devotions commer dical rows, and then, stretchin out! ced on Monday at the Sacred Heurt | HAD CLOSE CALL. his arms to the window. he whispered | church, Wolie Islynd. City priest Overboard | over and over. And God's blue sky | assisting Rev. Father Spratt in over all. Ob, it is good ! It is good!" Simpson, C.I.R. agent at}have opposition, but is likely to be! from Hezekiah T. Bailey, who for five! Another thousand . Bag ; ! } Loon it A price you are williag to pay, Your money sefunded on any garment ie] : : : marked with the Pen-Angle in red that is defective | "01Umbin at the next federal election. io material or making. {. Thirty ranches in the lower Chilli whek Valley, near Sumas, are under j water, the Chilliwack river overtlow- BEAVER FLOUR: : Separate Coats to wear with any Suit, in White = semi-fitting, latest style Red | David M., Spence, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. The Fssex Fusiliers will go full | strength to Quebec to take part in {the ter-centenary celebration there | next month. | 1 Bon, J. 0. Reaums's majority over ! | Archibald McNee, in the recent pro | vineial election, in North Fssex, hus {swellad to 1,250, : { There will be established in a few Lava a postal car service on New | Fishermen Jumped I i {devotions When Launch Caught Fire. h Although the old man had been ill] A beautifully flay ored, mild tobacco, New York, June 16.-- Twenty fisher- |frédm a complication of diseases for | Benson and Hedge's, in & tin box. | {men had a narrow escape from drow n- | some time, his condition was not | Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug | jing, yesterday, when their al h thought alarming, and with his re store, 5 oda |sangint hee while off Peaneight, : he stored sight he seemed to gain in- | Tans ri sixteen applications "i men had been out only a short time | = itali The | the posithon of caretaker at the court! : crease ngth and vitality, The doc- | posithon of caretaker at the court when the gasoline tank sprang a leak Yoused Streng . y a | house mads vacant hy th vei | {York Central trains between Montre,l : - tors who came to him pronounced his| hous *t Wiki 24a iy. The remgna land Malone, N.Y © |and the fluid dropped into the bot- sight perfect, and for two hours he! tion of William 8, Grant. | The work. of deepening the Crane 1s- | tom of the boat. Une of the fisher sat up reading tho papers with a zest | Good rubber tired cab always when | 4 men threw away the butt of 4 lighted 7 § dark . 1| you 'phone 600. i {land channel, below Queber, so as 10 pi 1 i moment the entire | PON of five years of dar ess and | 3 fhe : . {provide a thirty-foot channel at low Ral an ih a i sta watched with unfailing delight and | It is reported that on Saturday Ttis really two | out was enveloped jn flames, interest the passing of the clouds! last, two men caught 100 bass near | Capt, Joseph Ryerdan, who was | i charged an Danbury, Danbury ATE STRYCHNINE PILLS. Near Brooklin, Their Only Child. Whithy, Ont., June 16.---A sad fatal ity evening, in a farm {home near Brooklin. The three-year fold daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jatty left the room where her parents were, got at a box of strychnine pills, ate several of: them, returned to her parents, and 'fell to the floor. She was promptly hurried to a doctor at Brooklin, but she expired a few min utes after reaching the doctor's office. The little one was the only child of her Parents. DENIES REPORT. Farmers Lose R. Crawford The shed i up-to-date YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY, werk of Church | new coal shed is finished {one of the finest and most | places for the part of the country; concrete, was over occurred, last Hotel saved Held "in Sydenham St, Monday Night. The rally of young peoples' societies held last 'night, in Sydenham street church parlors, was one of the best | ever held in the city. There was a very large attamdapres. It intention to have the rally take form of a garden party on the lawn Dr. Shaop. Recire Wi parce at the Y.W.C.A., but owing to the | © ld iy it free unless I was recent rain, it was deemed advisable } certain that Dr Shore's Hie Oh to hold the meeting in the church par- { ment would stand. thy test Remo lors. Rev. C. A. Sykes occupied the Vier 3t is made expresety sid alere po chair, and he was assisted in the swoolen, painful, leet or | either external opening exercises by Rev. I. Sproule, of Princess Street Methoc Large jar; 50e. Id by all dealers chuech. RAN OFF WITH PURSE Why You Should Specify It L--Burns coal or wood, 2.--~Large, sectional, heavy, straight fire-pot, with fins for heat radiation, 3.~Four heavy "three - lives," casily-placed grates with no bolts. Any section can readily be removed through ash-pit door. 4.--Large and heavy rolled steel plate dome and radiator. §.~Double feed doors for use when burning large chunks of wood, , 6--All joints made with deep cups for cement. 7.--Sure - catching, right - fittin ash-pan, with plenty o room above same for air circulatidp below grates. 8. Large dust pipe connecting ash-pit to dome, preventing circulation of dust in cellar or rooms. 9.~Correctly placed, easy-toill water-pan, 10,~Quick - cleaning flues and durable brush, storage of coal in t Ihe floor was $ 12 of 1L--Automatic Gas Damper,~ saves heat-ecacrgy, rejects gaseous fumes, - 12.-- Nickel - plated chain shield with easy - working, non rusting chain pulleys. | Piles are easily and quickly checked ths with Dr Shoop's Magic Ointment lo| the | Prove it I will mail a small trial box a8 a convincing test. Simply address was not send 13,--Bottom casing ring solid to ash - pit, making {urnace easy to set. 14.~Height polation adapted to all cellars. Pipes given due elevation. 15.--All parts interchangeable. 16.~Economical and safe. 17.--Easy to operate. 18.~Twenty to twenty-five per cent, more weight than any other furnace made in Canada, 6 19.~Made from Canadian pat- terns as well a» made in itching piles, or internal Officer Says She'll Not Marry Dr. Chapman. New York, June 16.--Friends of the Rev. Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, evang tary, Kenneth Ross, was called upon | JL list, and Miss Evangeline C. Booth, |j,p his quarterly report. He report | Twelve-Year-Old commander of the Salvation Army in i, giving the names of the pastors, the United States, heard that Dr. presidents and menbership of each . d Chapman and Miss Booth were engng- | society in the union, and the report | For stealing a plrse containing the ed to be married Miss Booth, at the was a most encouraging one. The [#um of ¥7 a headquarters of the Salvation Army, wion is made up of societies from the | Ing on Chatham street, was arrested No. 120 West 14th street, denied the following churches : Sydenham street to-day, hy Constable Craig. The hoy report. She said that she had ad- church, Queen street church, Brock [admits his guilt, At is the first time dressed meetings held by Dr. Chap- street, Princess street, First Congrega- [that he has heen in trouble thi man in Philadelphia, New Haven, Pro- tional, Bethel church, Calvary church |Kind. . vidence and Winona Lake, Ind., But | First Baptist and Cooke's Presbhyter- | The theft was did this because of Dr. Chapman's | ian. afternoon lt appears that friendliness for the Salvation Army. After the secretary's report, the [Marsh, living at 181 Barri treasurer, Dr. Knapp, submitted his [made some purchases at a downtown report, which showed a balance of $23 store, during the day. The south |in the treasury. | were to be sent up, but as the parcel { After these two reports, Rew boy was very busy he Y a) &F CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL TO YOUR NEAREST BRANCH list i | After the opening hymn, the secre- | Arrested | ' Charge of Theft on twelve-year-old lad, liv SHOE POLISH PLEASES EVERYBODY ot yesterday Mie street, sommitied 20,~Masufactured by the largest and most experienced Fur- nace Builders in the British Empire, a : water, is about completed. : : : Isl : { flours in cae Edward W. Sechirrmann, chara #5 the Inanth enti Over. | BETO the sky outside the window. | Snaky sland, rotwithstanding the fact | 4 ; with killing his wife in ary 0 €¢ launch, wen ; Then suddenly' he turned to the that the season for hase only opened | --an Ontario pastry flour Conn., was arrested by the board and as Soon followed by the nurse and said quietly, "1 am very| to-day, Jane 16th. { * 4 i . 3 ' mneteen other men. er ories | *" - i The fawn social held b | and a Manitoba bread flour. autherition in Stormville, N.Y. brought several boats to their rescue. | tired." Hardly had or Words left hist The lawn at hei} by hi hiidiren Beaver Flour is a blend Lhe Congregational Union has re- Capt. Michael Blaisus, in command of | iP® whe bo slipped bask upou the successful events of the season and the | . 4 . commended its committee to press for large launch, was s alongside the pillows and before the nurse vould G o » Haun & we of Ontario and Manitoba the completion of the basis of union b in Sun f d noe Hrs ore | reach his side he was dead. {net prohits will probably amount to wheatsi--makes the whitest, § | vith the Presbyterian and Methodist |ooerin® boat and all the men were [Fath Bis side he was 4 forhis death about $100. az : { adios. avec. -ona that the shoek of his regained| Prevost, Brock street, has a splendid | most nutritious Bread and The. yacht Bessie, ownad and sailed sight caused heart diseasy and the |@8ssortment of gents' furnishings and | the lightest, tastiest Cake, {by Captain McDowell, went gehore at other that the power to see was mere | Soe made Sathing = low a he, Pies and Pastry. | Xing i oot, during She Sues i ly the final rally of a dying man. J oe pin It Ha a pond d wur gale that struel swego fro e . 3 | AY YOUR GROCER'S. | northwest on Sunday. . | guaranteed. Wilke ns for prices an Boed, Corso Gridns & Covel |. U. G. Gendron, u shoe maker, from { The wood | T. iL Tavion Oo. Lome, CHATHAM, ONT, 76 {Penctanguishene. host nguishene, almost y -- (Ome by sumingting gas in the Albion, Toronto, His life iby the action of a bellboy. | At Sandwich, Out., thirteen stin- {dents were graduated at Assumption {College commencement last night. The {halk was erowded with friends of #he {eraduates and with former students | It ia stated that, the governient has decided to drop clauses 1 and 17 of | the eléetions bill, the clauses "which caused so much trouble and which pre {eipitated a parliamedtary deadlock, At Detroit, Mich., Georee Blue, To rontoy is under arrest, charged with tlardeny, hy conversion by a former | *weetheart. She says he borrowed a {ving from her and failed to return it. | No officer, non-commissioned officer or man of the militia, including the ihermanent force, who has suffered from enteric fever within the past twelve months, is to be allowed to proceed to Petew awa camp this -ear At Ogdensburg, N.Y., Robert Pick. up, the. ten-year-old son of Edward { Piekup, was drowned in the Oewegn- {teliie river on Monday night. The boy and two companions were paddling in in hoat "which was overturned in an jattempt to change seats. | After saving good-bye to her sweet- | heart, a despondent nineteen-year-old girl, who gave her name as Louise Gibson, swallowed' the contents of a bottle of. poison on the steps of the parcels Do Not Know Wreck. Toronto, June 16.--On the {shore of the island, near Lighthouse | = handed or Dr. € the parce to go Mrs. Marsh's to | MAKES YOUR CAKES LigHT. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LiaNT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT, MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LigHT. Order from your Grocer. E GILLETT Suman TORONTO.ONT. Indigo Worsted $19 Trouserings Regular $6 to $8 goods, for Best Workman MACKENZIE SHART Tailors to Men of Fashion: 179 Wellington St. Latest Suitings: {on a very serious ~character. | Shareoolder bwlding, Beaver Hall hill, last night. She will FOCOver: States Senator St Huster, of Bos- ton, Mass, a delegate to the repuhli- can National Convention in Chicaoo, | vas robbed of $300 and his return tice. ket ta Boston on a Michigan Central train ag it was being transferred from Windsor to Detroit, on a ferry, Sun- fAav afternoon. Toronto paid princely homage to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the Canadian Pacific railway, on Mon- dav night, when the board of trade entertained Kim at a magnificent ban- quét at the King Edward hotel, in re cognition of the opening of the To ronto-Sudbury line, A man named Belanger, while wait- ing to present a petition to Ministor of War Picguart at the war ministry, big" pocket and hegan firing shots from a revolver. Two of the bullets lodged in an upholstered chair and another in the man's arm. Belanger was ar- rested. He is believed to be deme nt- odd. A crusade to stop the selling of in: toxicating liquors in disorderly ro. sorts and ultimately drive these nlnces ont of Chicago will begin when indiet- ments acainst twenty-five or {hirts of the keepers. are returned by the grand jury. Tt is understood indict. ments hy each succesding .. jury will follow until this = illegal practice is driven out of the city, Premier Whitney and sient a busy forenoon to map out the work to he inaugrara- ted dnring the summer months. The onertion of a new Central prison is to he taken in hard at ones. The gov- vernment will also proceed as S00» A possible with the earrvine into effect of the scheme for the establishment of the new pevehatric hospital. ---------------- his cabinet in commencing A Prisoner Escapea. . Sarnia, Ont. June 16.--Neil Casey Was sontenced, Saturday afternoon, fe five' yours in Kingston penitentiary for assaulting ap oleven-year-old while. Alter the sentence Casey was allowed 10 go into one of the jury rooas for a talk with relatives, and made his escape. The man has made Port Hur on his home for several years travel: 1 about the try ding um- trtion. Search is being made for him. ' Damaging Crops. : Willemstad, Island of Curacao, Jams 16.~The invasion of the state of Zulix, in Venemiela, of which the capi- tal is i by locusts, is taking y Fears are entertained that erops will be de stroyed and that a famine fay fol Paris, suddenly thrust his hand inte | {Voint, lies the stripped backbone of 4n [old lake schooner, wrecked many vears Vaso. No man seems to her name, The backbone of the boat is about sixty feet long and the ribs fol the hull gre still stic King up from know {her sides, One end is under water gnd | is still in 5 fair The wood has "I have heen here the whole wreck {state of preservation. {not quite decayed. [filty years and in adl my time I never | {heard of such a wreck," said Harbor [Master Rostlewaite. "It is probably the hull of some wreck washed into shore by the high water this spring. t may have beaten hers from other "part of the lake." some B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W.. G. Lyon, C. T. Pearce, Walker, Charl s E. Stewart, F. B Upton, D. M. Medcalf, J. B. Allen, L. Glover, George Laird, Y. Arnold, A. Mcleod, J. A. MacNamara, Kube- lick, Toronto; G. 0. Cameron, Port Hope; Joseph A. Thompson, South Lake; Redfern Brown, London: E. 0. Blackford, C. B. Kelly, Montreal ; W. F. Kelly, Oil City, Pa., Alfred H. Gilham, Brockville; EB. A. Harrison, James Brennan, Hamilton; H. G. Brown, Peterboro; Alice Dennham, E. 8: Crossen, Gardenas, Cubaj E. M, McNaughton, Sydenham; Arthur Brooks, Beni. Moore, | George Jenkins, Boston. E. Moroccans Capture Frenchmen. Tangier, June 16.--Four thousand of the troops of Adu-el-Aziz, the Sul- tan, have revolted aod taken prisoner a French commander and three other officers. Out of 718 ballot boxes opened and recgunted in the ew York mayoralty election W. KR. Hearst has only gained 258 votes, Somebow a compliment is pleasing to & woman even when she knows it isn't sincere. If a man doesn't care to be own boss he might as well marry. Many a man receives cool treatment, because of his shady reputation. The multiplication table doesn't sa- tisly a small boy's hunger. Major N. 8. Leslie went to Winnipey to-day, 3 Black Watch ll g : peg tremendous faverite his SB. { | | | | | | Ls also pointed out the duty | {by two quartettes, one composed MacTavish was called upon, and delivered a very interesting address on "How To Attract And Keep The Young People In Thd Churches.' Dr of the young people in regard to mis- sions. Rey. Mr. Sykes followed with an address on youdg peoples' work, deal particularly with the idea of promoting a spirit of fraternalism He ing more among the different societies. re {ferred to the good work accomplished by the various fraternal soc eties, and urged that the same fraternalism. be {shown among the young people's so- cieties. Interesting addresses were also given by Kenneth Ross, Mrs. H. W. Newman Some fine selections were rendered of Misses Sherbincan and Laidley: and Messrs. Wilson and Thompson, the other being »° Bethel church 'quar tette, composed of Messrs, I hompson, Wilson, Gardiner and Mack The Programme was most delightful, and was much appréciated. After the Programme had been con- cluded, refreshments were served, and the young people spent a most enjov- able time in social intercourse, All the societies were well represented, and each society responded to roll call, some of the societies in respongd- ng, singing a verse or two of a hymn, and others repesting verses of scripture, It was a source of regret to all the members, that Rev. G. A. Mackenzie, the president, was unable, through ill- ness, to attend. s Following is a list of the presidents of the different societies : Svdenham street, Miss Brown: Queen street, Kon- neth Ross; Brock street. Mise Robin- som; Princess street," Miss Playfair: Firat Congregational, My. Villiers, Jr.; Bethel church, Frederick Wilson: Calvary church, Rev. 1. Whitmore; First Baptist , Miss B. Friendship, Cooke's church, H. W. Newman. : -------------- Burnt Leather Goods. ! It is our tention to offer at one half wholesale price a large assort- ment of burnt leather goods to make room for our fall supplies. There will be on sale a special line of post card albums, pipe holders, pin holders, mats ang | make restitution Sproule and | i | house, where repairs were' bein banners, photo polders, |, Sold {home to the accused. The lad deliv ered the parcels but could not resis the gréat temptation that his | way Mrs. Marsh was in another part {of the house when he loft land when he noticed her purse j table hs _put it in his pocket and ma off AS soon Mrs. Marsh wa iaware of her she Informed the police, with the that the | cused was placed under arrest | taken to the police station he {84.85 left out the $7. Mrs. Marsh |is not anxious to prosecute amd a [the Jad's parents have promised to there not likely be a police court case. Came the parcels, as loss result of will How It Happened. The accident to Sergt. Rousseau, "A" Battery ocourred at his hoat ot made MSCLARY'S am interested in the * SunsmiNg " Furnace and would like | scuss installation with one of your furnace experts, LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG I to di Po M<Clary's LEMMON & SONS. VANCOUVER ST.IOMN, NB. HAMILTON CALGARY by a plumber, who lit a me t while a pan was being placed under i gasoline 'tank. This blaze, Sergt Roussean plumber are both suffering {i ellects of the burns. Given A Position. Miss 'Estella Bull, daughter of lick Bull, Bloomfield, has been pointed musician at Rookwood as) i lam, on the recommendation of R.A. Norman, M.P.P., Picton. ---------------- Mr. and Mrs. William J. Coates, T., ronto, are guests of R. A. MecLaoc) lan, during: their stay in Kingston, Manager Hazlett loft for Toronto, at noon, to-day Miss Jean Newman left at noon, day, for Calgary. the auseh the the caused a and m to Beware of Ointments For Catarrh That Contain Mercury. As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely the whole systems when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should hever De a Sxcapt on prescriptions rom rep Physicians. as the daa they will do is tem fold to the' ~ ar esibly derive from them. Sn ure, masufactored by F. . Chenay & Co., Toledo Q., comaing no mercury, and is taken fnternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur. faces of In buying Hail's Sure you get t te yn yranily and made in 3 i0 by F.J. Cheney & Cu. | Testimoniuls free. . ! id by Drucgists. Price 753 per Take Hall's Family Pils for consti- pation. beautiful | designs in leather pillows. These goods will be sold at reduced prices until June 19th only. MeDer- mott Bros., 200 Princess street. ---------- Removed To Hospital. James Reid's ambulance was called to the K. & P. milway station yes tera Sermon, Asremore Mrs. Da- ¥ ohnaton, of Mississippi, to the general hospital, Where she will under. go tweatment. This morning, the am- bujance a child from the home, suflering " Why Buy Imported Mattresses ? When you can get better and theaper goods from your own . Nina ¥ Relrieralors Examine our line of Refrigerators before purchasing We have them rang ing in price froin Ee $7.50 wr = to $35. 2 ELLIOTT BROS., 77 PrincessSt _ BABY CARRIAGES, Must be cleared out in 10 days. Big reductions at REID'S, Telephone 577 Ambulance. vv = I, 230 Princess St.