Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jun 1908, p. 7

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" Maker's Valuation" Common shoes) are priced by the dealer who charges what he thinks he can get, "Slater Shoes' are price branded on the soles by the makers who! know the wear value of each pair of the Goodyear Welted | Slater Shoe For Men i 0 For Women to $5,50 $4.00 A. W F. G. LOCKETT, KINGSTON. Iaturess Pile Cure A PRODUCT OF NATURE WHICH IS GUARANTEED TO CURE Bleeding, Protruding « inward Piles 1s an Internal Remedy which Is the only real cure for Piles. RR : HOX SENT FHEEIURON REQUEST Muture's Pile Cure Holds the Record, it Wan Cured 95 Out of Every 100 Who Have Used from One to Six Boxes. CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT AND TARE IT 10, YOUR DRUGGIST, WHO WILLSELE YOU THE MED AND RETURN YOU ALL YOUR MONEY I, URED, OR WRITE DIRECT 7O.THE COMPANY PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOX., © THE KENT INTERNATIONAL DRUG CO, LIMITED, CHATHAM, ONT, Matl Orders Filled Promptly and Sent Out tn Plate \ MONEY BACK .JF NOT CURED Nit = I J x F o a F a4 ay INE LC LoN} lol IL Pretty flowerets, All dressed new! Just like decent folks If you have not already picked your Fine Weather Raiment, it's time you're looking over the many new, attractive styles that have sprung up in our store in every line. In Men's & Young Men's Suits we show a very large range of Patterns in the new shades of Browns and Greys. No better made goods in Canada. They are righ tup-to-the-minute in style, and perfect fitters. We guarantee them to keep their shape. If our prices jare not from one-fifty to four dollars less than all others for goods of same qualities, style, and workmanship, then do not buy from us. Suits, $9.50, 11.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50. Other lines at $4.75, 5.75, 7.50 and 8.50, Boys' Suits, 3 pieces, $2.00 to 9.50. Boys' Suits, 2 pieces, $1.90. 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace. G METALS Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc, fond us Angqu | the {that Kills the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. | ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points| in Eastern Ontario--What People Axe Doing And What They Are Saying. | Kingston Mills Notes. } Kingston Mills, June 13.--Survey-| ors are at work wrying to select a site for the pew mill which Mr. Campbell intends erecting during the summer] months, M, Cunningham retarned to Jufialo alter spending the wintur aml spring wonths at home, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett spent Sunday in Gananoque. Vincent Moran paid a flying visit to Mount Chesney on Sunday. Visitors: Miss Lizzie Kingsley, Wills Island, at Rev. Dr. Ringsley's; B. Cunningham at P. Black's; George Hyland, Cushen- dall, at P. Hogan's, Miss Nellie Han. ley," Kingston, at James Moran's; "James English and Miss Bertio Eng-| lish, Dufferin, at Kobert English"s. Forfar Doings. : Foriar, June 13.---Miss Jeasie Keen, Boston, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James McCue for a few weeks. On ac- | count of the frequent showers of rain | and warm weather, a bountiful erop | seems certain. Mr. Sheffield, Lynd- i hurst, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, | William Frye. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were in Brockville on Tuesday. | Charles Gubridge has purchased the | house and lot lately owned by Melvin | Moore. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eaton, Free. | land, were visiting relatives here on | Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. Ackland, who has been ailing for some few days, is improving in health. Josiah Topping | has secured a position in Gananoque | and has left for that town. Isaac | Derbyshire has. been confined fo his room for a few days through illness { Tidings From Toledo. Toledo, June 13.--Miss 0. C. Cau-| ley, principal of the public school o | Friday afternoon, gave the pupils an en,oyable outing. Mrs. Ryan, Smith's | Falls, was a guest in the village on! Sth inst. Master. Glenn 'I raynor | and sister, little Miss Bell Traynor of Watertown, N.Y., are visiting at their grandiather's, Thomas Coughlin's; Mr. and Mrs. 0, Wrisht, Brockville, wera the guests of friends here on Monday, The Misses R. and J. Coad, jrockville, were the guests of Miss MeCrum. Dr. B. Wickware, Broesville, | is at his home here for a few days. Miss Mary Pratt spent a few daye re- cently in Smith's Falls. Mrs, B. Woods and Mies Wickware visited friends in Portland on Thursday. A number from here attended the horses show in Smith's Falls, on the 10th and 11th. C. Dunham, medical student of Queen's, Kingston, is home here for the holidays. Three Fine Yachts. The Cape Vincent, N.Y., Yacht Club jas secured the ofhices in the Cleve land Seed company, and the furniture is ready to put in as soon.as the rooms are renovated. There is also a large store-room for the use of the chub. Members of re-organized yacht clubs will be cordially welcomed to the juarters as soon as the fitting up is completed, which will be very soon. I'he club is the owner of a large part of the old Cleveland dock, which is now under repairs, and when com- pleted, which will be about July lst, will afford a safe and convenient anchorage. There are three fine yachts owned by members of the club, Commodore Maxwell owns the Lucy Ann, Rear Commodore George C. Sherman, the Navajo, and Viee-Commodore Walter M. Germyn, the Caribou. Other = fine | ever know that such & thing { on the 3rd { logs | consult i Master Codkin, Fernleigh, at W. viwith' Eldorado. his house on Victoria street. John Milling, county road engineer, has taken the stone crusher near Olden and has a gang of men busy. Many Visitors. Charleston, Jung ' 15.-R. D. Jud- som, Athens, is occupying his cotts Mr. and Mrs. Denyes, Athens, cupying Mr. Jacobs' cottage. day passed off quietly; ope ge. are ob Election would was taking place. Mr. and Mrs. John Sparrow amd son, New York city, 8. M. Hubbard, Brooklyn, Messrs. Wiser, Noonan and Melville, Prescott, are among the guests at the Harbor View hotel. Among the guests at Cedar Park hotel are Col. 5, A, Hisley. and wife, of Middlebury, Vt., Mr. and Mrs. Burnstein, New York, and Mr. Dix and. sou, Brooklyn. © Mrs. H. Slack has recovered from a severe attack of | rheumatism. W. H. Jacobs' cottage is completed and is a credit to the lake. J, McKenny, Athens, did the work. James Kavanagh has' built a new kitchen. Mrs, J, B. Smith is ® quite ill, News Budget From Plevna. Plevna, June 15.--A pretty wedding | occurred on Tuesday alternoom, June 9th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J! Armstrong, when their youngest daughter, Sarah, and Steven Struth-! ere, were united m wedlock by Rev. J. Lyons. Mr. Collins, Peachburg, re-| turned home after spending o fow days with his twin ' brothes, J, Ww. Ring has purchased a new stage War gon. Fleeler brothers have built a stone foundation under Charles Wood's house; Mrs. Clempnt is homes from Kingston General Hospital, after having her hand amputated. Miss ¥s- ther Wood is visiting, friends at Ar. {doch. A government grant of $200 will the mountain road. Ohlman will' look after the Mr. Allan, Mississippi, was herg inst., settling up for the taken out last winter. | re. Joseph Card js in Kingston to atout hr eye:.' be laid out on "Joseph work. a specialist { Miss Hannah Critehley, Ardoch Ww vis! iting her sister, Mrs. Ohlman. James { Alan and wife, are home from Flin ton, after visiting friends. Johnson Pros., Matawatchan, were in the vil Inge last Saturday and Sundav. John Gorr"s infant child was baptized in Holy Trinity church last Sunday by Rev. J. Lyovs. Visitors: Mrs. Lee and! Miss Curtis, Perth, at G. Ostler's; Miss Watking and Mies Gilmour, Ar-' doch at: Jacob Godkin's: Ge ree Wi son and wife, Elphin, at J. W King's Me Cormick's, Bannockburn Budget. Bannockburn, June 15.--Ur. Wright returned irom the meeting of the Canadian Medical Assgciation mm Ut tawa, Monday, and will spend a few days at the "Mission House' before ong back to the west. lhe football eam is pracusing hard for its game Samuel Mokwen is oy (the sick list, having sutiered a slight stroke. 'the funeral of Mrs. MeLeod on Sunday was very largely attended, Mr. MeLeod has the sytaphthy of g large number oi friends in his sor row, Mz. McUaw, of Tweed, paid the village a tying tnp. Linton Potter, of Miil- brigge, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. James Iarris. A large numuyer attended the Royal Arch meeting in Malone on Friday night. Speeches were delivered by Dr. harper, Madoc; | Mz. Dult, of Toronto, and Rev. Mr. ! Wright. Three candidates were initia- ted, and later all Joined in a sump. tuous supper. James Harris aml John Empey left on Monday fo attend the grad lodge meeting of the order of Otdfellows in London. George Goodhand went down to Eldorado on Saturday night to see the football game between Eldorado and Allen Clarence Carman spent Sunday under the parental roof. Harry Howe, of Messrs. wats will be built by another year, while there ix already a lot of motor wats and sailing yachts, which, take, 1s a whole, constitute a fine fleet to vegin with. Budget From Fair View. Fair View, June 13.--The continued dry weather is causing the pasturage to turn brown. Grain is looking fair ly well, but it also needs rain. Miss Nellie Madden is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. RK. Mudden, York Road. John Bennett. milk drawer, had a breakdown Monday and had to get Mrs. danier's waggon to take his load to the factory. Mrs. Glenn is spending the week with Mrs. Hufiman, Deseron to Road. Mrs. William Fretts, Mrs Eretts, Jr, Mes, H, Milling and little daughter, were guests of Mrs. J, Milling on Friday. Miss Sarah Laind has returned home after spending several 'weeks with friends at Peter bpro and Madoc. Mr. Henderson is preparing to build a new house on his farm, York Road. Mrs, McTay gart is out again and almost recover. ed from his broken ankle. Mrs. PF. Rombough has also recovered from her recent illness. Mr. McAllister has his new barn almost (finished. Mr. Hod- som is going to pall down and rebuild on Gor- Sore Breasts Relieved. Nothing could be more soothing and bealing than the gentle influence of Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. A perfect {closed his saw mill, \ TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1008. TE ESTABUSHED 1373 = STANDARD BANK OF CANADA « Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of §1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed, No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Department in Connection with afl Branches, KEYNGSTON BRANCH J. S$. Turner, Madager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. Style and Value Some men 'put correct style above everything else, when selecting Suits and Overcoats. Others demand wear. The Fit-Reform trade- mark is in the pocket of Fit- Reform garments to guar- antee that you will get both. This trademark is the all-important part of a Suit or Overcoat. It's the biggest "little thing * in Canada, because it stands for the best there is in tailoring. Look for it when you come for your new Suits. ~Selorm CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston, Savings Bank 9 o Queensboro, spent Sunday with his aunt and uncle, Me. and Mrs. James Hunter. Henry Lloyd; Jr., is on the sivk list. 'lhe hay crop Avill be a big one in this vicinity. Old hay is now selling at $12. Isrgel McEwen has because of the nver. The wild reported very plenti- ye low water in the strawberries are ful in this localit Wedding At Desmond. Desmond, gune 13. Un Monday ey oming, the Ist of June, 8 very pleas ant event took place at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mis, J N. Switzer, Desmond, when their eldest daughter, Marie Coral, was united in marriage to Charles Leslie Quing, of Lans-| downe. "The couple stood under = an arch of evergreens interspersed with white flowers and tastefully decorated with a large floral bell, and white satin ribbon. The ceremony was jer formed by Rev. R. Arthur Whattam, of Woodville, cousin of the bride, as- sisted by Rev. E. Allin, of Enterprise, The bride was attired in a charming dress of white silk with chifion veil! and wreath of bridal roses, and car. ried a shower « bouquet of white car nations and maiden hair fen. She was assisted by her sister, Mics Bes sis Peryl, who wore o dainty dress of white silk. The groom was atvended by bis brother, Willard ©. Quinn. Af- ter congratulations had been offered, the guests, about fifty in number, re. tired to the diming room, and par- balm that brings ease and comfort at onee. Thousands of women who use Dr. Hamilton's Ointment all tell of its power and merit. 'Try a Hc, box, A BALD NEWSPAPER MAN. Getting a New Crop of Hair, and Has No More Dandruff. Everybody in the Northwest knows Col. Vaniel Searles, the veteran Jour- nalist and publicist, of Butte. Jan 10th, 1900, the colonel writes: "] used a couple of bottles of Newbro's Herpicide with marvelous results. The dandrufi disappeared; a new crop of hair has ken root, and the bald t is rapidly being covered." Her. ¢ is the only hair preparation dandruff germ that digs up | the scalp in scales as it burrows its way to the root of the hair, where it destroys the vitality of the hair, causing the hair to fall gut. dandruff Kill the ; cide. Sod by leading in took. of a sumptuous ropast. The groom's iit to the bride was a hand. sdme gold crescent brooch set with pearls, to the bridesmaid, & beautiial gold "pin, and to the groomsman, » gold tie pin. The kride will be great- ly missed hers, beth in social and church circles, as sho has efficiently filled the position of organist in the Methodist church and Suwlay svhool for some time and bas bees an ae tive worker in these. The many yse- ful and beautiful gifts testify to the high esteem in which the Young eou- ple are held by ir many friends, The bride's way gown was of light grey broadcloth with hat to! match. The couple left for Per | ertbaro, and . pointe spend their honeymoon. On their re- turn they will reside in Lansdowne. The safety of the investment is of infzitcly greater ~ importance than the amount of interest to be gained. Since this Company's organization, not a dolla: received from policy-holders has been lost through inve@ments. 92¥% of the Com Debentures, Bounds securities. The only real eftate owned by the Company is its Head Office Building at Waterloo, held in account at $30,875. Take out your policy in "Canada's Big Mutual" --the Company owned, controlled and operated by policy-holders. HEAD OFFICE S. ROUGHTON, City General Agent, Kingston. y's assets consist of Mortgages, Policy Loans--all gilt edged 108 WATERLOO, Ont. Try a Seasonable Diet and Give Your System a Chance Shredded Wheat with strawberries will be found whale some, appetizing and m uch more nutritious than meat; al. 80 with raspberries' Peaches and other fresh fruits. It Will Téne Up Your Liver and Stomach. Sold by a ll grocers Ice Cream Genuine Pure Cream Ice Cream in Balk or in Bricks. ® Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even-numbered section of A winion Lapde in Manitoba or the and 28, not mw Northwes s ay be h steadei by any person the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, $0 the eXtent of one-quarter section, ot 150 scres, more or less. Application for homestead entry must be made in person by the applicant ata Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency. Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agency on certain conditions by the father, EO, son, daughter, brother of ister of an intending bow \ An application for eancellation must bs made in person. The applicant must be eligible for homestead entry. DUTIES --(1) At least six residence upon and oultivation land in each yeagy during the three years, (3) A homesteader may sires, perform the required ties by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (803 acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead: Joint ownership ia land wiil Bot meet this requirement. (8) I the Mo (or mother, # ths father is deceased) of a homesteader perinanent residence on farming Ia #¥ned solely by him, mot less than "mt (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon & homestead potered for by him in the vicinity, such homes stender may perform his Swn residence duties by living with the fathes (or mother). = (4) The term "vielnity™ in the two preceding paragraphs 4s defined as means ing not more than nine miles in a direch Hine. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.~Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an sacra. Not more than 2,600 acres can be leased to one cant, Royaliy, five cents per ton; QUARTZ.--~A person eighteen years of age and over baving made a discovery may locate a claim 1.500 feet hy 1,500 foot. Feo, $5.00. At least $100.00 must be expended on the clalin each year, or paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500.00 has been expended or peald and other requirempnts complied with the claim may bé purchased at $1.00 an acre. : PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 fest square. Eatry fee, $5.00; DREDGING. Two leases each of a river may be issted to one a plicant for a term of 20 years. Rental) $10.00 a mile por annumy Hoyaity, 24 per cont after the output exceeds $10,000, WwW. W. CORy, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior: N Bh Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. months" of the teria of if he #0 de residence du- ATON of ¢ gAL v 2000 LBS BARRACK BTRE merican Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a Specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO., South Cor. Ontario and Clarench. HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated with GLACIER x Rs 4 4 The only substitute for Stdined Glass Artistic, Durable, Economical, b D. J. DAWSON Sugcessor to Dawson and Staley, 817 Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Living Prices: Victor and Berliner Grams phone win. fams' Sewing Machine Phoenix Fire Extinguisher ; and a full line of Musical Instruments, Music, ete The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of potting in some good coal We soil good Coal, It's the kind that sends out the most heats and makes the home comiortable ins the best money buy. and there is none better mined, We deliver It \t0 you clean and without slate, At the very bottom prices, § Booth & Co., { Phone 133 Foot of West St ---- Is MLE, First-Class Work Guaranteed Satisfaction Assured. Let tering in Cemeteries Neatly and Prompt ly Executed, 372 Princess St Opposite ¥. M. C. A. : The Old Cab Stand =~ With a New Number PHONE 6060. Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night, appli | of five mili » Coal Dealer

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