Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jun 1908, p. 8

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M.EDITION BATE ARD ABOUT PEN. ries McCrae Had No on Entering. hy Well, boys, {Jast good breakfast I will have some lime. p| Doing ample justice to a meal which {had been ordered for him at a local hotel by the sheriff, who had him in charge, Charles McCrae, sentenced at Walkerton to three years for thelt, Bi made this remark to some of the | constables at the police station, this morning. He spent the ni in the cells, and was awaiting his removal to the big prisou. #You know I 'have heard deal about this penitentiary," added MyCrae, "they say that they are very strict, and that the prisoners have a very hard. time. But 1 don't care, this is not the first prison for me I served in penitentiaries in the old country, and I guess 1 have been over the ropes all right." McCrae is one of the trio of burg. lars who went through a jewelry gtore, in Port Elgin. Constables found part of the stolen jewelry in a field near Chesley. When preraigned before the court, MeCrae pleaded guilty. P------------ int. All kinds of new fur gar. ments made to special measure, and we also have unsurpassed facilities fcr re- 4 modelling, repairing, and re- dying furs at short notice that makes it possible for us 8 | to transform your old Furs into new. We guarantee per- fect satisfaction as to fit. : Telephone 489. John McKay Fur Houss, 249-155 Brock St. ht erht a great 16 Degrees Above Freezing This is the remarkable aecomplishmant of our White Enamel Refrigerators With Jess ice than you have ever used be fore. It is worth your while in the in- terest of health and economy Lo have one of our Refrigerators. Weg have them from : © 5 $7.00 up to $42.00, We have IXLVANIZED, ENAMEL and GLASS LINED, ein, W. A. Mitchell's Hardware. CABS! The Old Stand and The Old Num- Phone 490 OFFICE. NO. 1. All orders promptly attended to night or day. Repairing Of a fine watch, if done as it jo should be calls for a degree of | skill and training that few credit, It you are sick you naturally want the best doctor you can get, and if your watch gives trouble it should be trusted to the gE best mechanic, "» WHITE Our workmen are specialists In this branch and we can promise you very satislactory reswits, i Spangenberg Railroad Watch Inspector, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Special Sale Thursday Morning, 8.30 O'clock White Muslin Blouses Black Sateen Blouses Your choice for 68¢ Fach Each and every blouse will be found this year's nowest style, made of superior ma- terigls, handsomely trimmed and' well sewn, arge variety of disifgin in very size. actual cost of the material in these es Is much greater than we are ask-"" Fear | I guess this will be the | for | THE DAILY Lt KIRBY 15 COMING]. INEXT FRIDAY REGARDING STREET PAVING. i { { City Engineer Craig Will Inter- view Him in Ottawa To-Mor- row--The Procedure That will Be Followed. City Engineer Craig goes to Uttawa to-morrow to interview Mr. Kuby, of Kirby & Co., regarding 'the city coun- cil's aeceptance of his street paving { proposition. The engineer had a talk over the telephone, yesterday, with Mr. Rirby, and-the latter will be here on Friday to take up the matter with & view to going ahead with the work as soon as possible. A canvass of property owners in the business sec tion of the ¢ity has first to be made 80 that it may be known at once how | many blocks are to be proeceded with. Two-thirds of the property owners in each block must sign the petitions be- fore thé work of paving, under the local improvement plan, can be pio- ceeded with. The larger number of signatures for the paving, the cheaper it can he done. It is likely that the first blocks to be undertaken will be Brock street, from King to Wellington; Wellington, from Drock to Clarence; Clarence, from Wellington to King, and King from Clarence to Brock. Before Prin- cess street can be tguched, an ar- rangement will have to he made with the street railway company regarding a new roadbed and new rails. One of the street railway directors has stated that the company will make all neces- sary improvements to its road if the city decides to pave the business streets, ' After Mr. Kirby has secured the ne- cossary signatures of property owners along a number of blocks, specifications, and also price will and submitted to the its approval, so that the exact cost to the city and the pro- wrty owners will be known before the work is begun. be repared, city council for BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1908. WINDOW WAS BROKEN. Drunk Madb An Attempt to Ge Through It.. Edward Burke, a young man, found] out to his sorrow, in police court this mording, that it does not pay to get drynk. He wes very drunk when pass- | ing Arthur Fields' ghop, lower 3rin-{ street, mboat ten k last night, and endeavored to get into the store through the window, instead of | the door. le then met with 5 heap of| trouble. He had an idea that he} could see the knob of the door, ahd made a grab for it, but as his arm/ stretched out, there was a smashing of glass. The window was a wreck, aed the same word could be applied] to himsolf. Constable Navion appeared | on the sone, and Darke was placed | under arrest. His hand was cut as a result of his encounter with the win- dow, "I'm, guilty, all right," when accused of being drunk and dis orderly. ~ "Five dollars and an month," remarked Magi 0 cloc cong said Barke, | costs or irate. Farrell. | A Quiet Wedding. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Rev. 1. 1. Boyd, B. Pine street, on Wednesday, May 2 when Miss Ella Jane Dawson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson, of Fellows, was united in marriage to Henry Thomas Jones, of Mr. and' Mrs. J. Reives, Livingston ave- nue, Kingston. The bride wore a suit of cream panama, with a white silk blouse, trimmed with chiffon and] applique, and wore a very becoming | hat to match. Mr, and Mrs. Jones | will take up their residence street, Their friends wish them happy and prosperous married life. only son a ~ A Grand Success. The Nursery Rhymes concert, given plans and |b) intght, {ity {hall was packed, | were given a delicious supper {elose i by St. James church, on Monday at Wolfe Isignd, aid of Trin. church, was a grand succes 1 he standing he ing | Ihe in room meh at the! concert. | { | at a premium, choir of the Chica o, Jyns 16,~ her best this morning in weather conditions. Early the crowd began to move Coliseum.; There is just enough de- | coration on the building to beautify | it without interiering with ample light and ventilation. ~ The five most important plen's of the Republican platform, formulated the way in the day towards the | SENATOR H. C. Senator Henry Cabot pertngnent chairman of the National Convention, is the mwarest friend of President Roosevelt, and pron- ably owes his seleCM@n Lo the president's inflyence, Seaator Lodge and Mr. Hooses velt were cluse friends when the latter was a vivil sersice compssioner, and afterward asmislagt pecretary ol the navy. LODGE Lodge, Republica an by President' Roosevelt agd Secretary Laft, acd now in the posstssion of the prospective members of the resolution committee of the national convention for comsideration are the planks on troets, anti-imguiiclicn rate, tariff re vision and curripncy. Opposition to the tatifi plank seems to hmve disappciiea abaslutely cn the ground that the pars ty has irrevocably pledged itsell to tariff revision at 4 certain time and along indicated lines. As to the railroad plank the oppo- sition will be keen on the declaration in favor of federal supervision of the issuance of stock and tonds, hut this phase of the fight has as yet remain. N under cover. The currency plank pledges the party to continued devel: opment on that subject and this pledge, it will be claimed, is already in process of fulfilment in the ex- istence of the currcney commission, The promoters of the Roosevelt Loom movement claim they have se cured the services of a delegate from a stots othér than Alabama, which will be reached early in the roll call to prosent the presidents mame to the convention. Governor Hugh, will not direct the withdrawal of his name for the presi. dential nomination. Ohio, New York, Indigna and Jowa' hilegates express no favor of any idate for the vickp Ohia becanse the Taft leaders don't wish to he in She attitude of dictat- ng; York advocacy of or Low or eny other New Will Be Presented to Republican National) Convention. fan 0 be the | mar Yorker Gower io ows the \ Joral a2 famous oa pe] ite inkindee so. b PRES. ROOSEVEL T'S NAME | { | national convention of any has ever hitherto been run. in addition to having the nomination, dictated th platform, | named the National committees chair-| m:n, and did namerous and scondry other things which no well-ordered | | president ought to do. | i party Roosevelt residential Voting On Friday. It certain that the credentials committee will not be able to report the permanent roll witil Thursday at the very cariost, andi if the "aiiies," opposed to Secretary Taft, insist upon | their announced determination of pre senting at least 150 of the original 220 delegates to the committee there | is likelihood that the permanent ganization may be deferred until 19th. second day of the eriot, Wednesday, will be as usual to parades of the delegations marching clubs, intended make interesting the | hours most of the delegates the dentials committee is upon the merits contested nd deawing up its report. the permanent list i= concluded nominatio dent will "he in order s of thy Tait campaign y have the 1 to the results of the is | or- Fri- dav, The convention given, over visiting and Ths | to for ere ia dle while passing cases uy Just del of as goon as of ptes ns | The Pro dont | ballot | shichte first fos not as Pants For Taft. { June 16-A remarkable | to he presentod tad in the name of of Chicago, pair of trouse Secretary Taft state of Texas the republican sident are on their gq 3 when he chal have ix late to Chica come € andi i pre i i { way Incidentally, it is said, the trousers SECRPETARY. OF WAR TAFT. rs say that be will be the U. 8. Hepublican candidate for presi. deat. ¥ / gre intended to focus eves on Texas, and the Angera goat industry of the state for the pants are made of mo- bair, the products of clippings from 4 Texas A goat, and they are intended to be worn by the yo president if be Taft. i "the nominee should he Cemnon or Hughes or Knox or Fairbanks he ad- vertising will he fost to Texas, for the mokgir afreadv fins heen made up into trousers sevording to Secretary Taft's measuroment, announcing the Tact that A telegram Ranier on nd br C {at Deserounto, ted, 'in a vain ,» j@iven on King is {Queen's University jrow. | to-day. {zinet, Cartwright, | summer residence in Kingston on Wed- | | nes av | been chosen iewinging clubs jscious for a few {ties for | 5 ireal causé of Mr. (cumstances MAYOR'S SON DROWNED JOHN NEWTON, DESER | ONTO, THE VICTIM. | The Boy's Body Found in the River--The Stricken Father and Other Doctors Worked Over the Body in Vain. sad accident occurred, | Saturday afternoon, | "Jack, the thirteen-year-old | son of Ur. Newton, of the | itown, met 4 watery grave. A passers by discovered the boy's clothes on 'the shore, but could find po trace | of the lad. The clothes were recog-! nized as young »ewion's, and a search mad oF the missing boy. He was | found lying the bottom of the! river. The body was hastily recover. | and several physidans, includi stricken father, worked for hour effort to bring about resus leitation. "The deceased was well de- | veloped for his age, and popular in} the town. ihe people of Desc ronto | express deep sympathy with Dr. New- | ton in his sad Many a boy, up as drowned, has been broughtaback to life by his efiorts and skill after hours of hard labor, and it is hard to realize that though he s,v- ed others he could not save his owa. Young Newton, after leaving his compamons, hall staited for houw alone. It is thought that the water tempted him to indulge in a plunge. The cause of his drowning, howefer, will prohably never be explaiped. A ister of the uoceased graduated from several years ago, A drowning on when mayor lying | on the loss, PERSONAL MENTION: Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Fireman John Burns is 'on his vaca tion, and will go to Uttawa to-mor- Dr. Waugh returned, yesterday, from a trip up the Rideau to Ottawa in a gasoline yacht. Miss Nellie Dixon, left to spend N.Y street, | at | University avegue, lie in the High- Ordnance her vacat.on Syracuse, . J. B. Hicks, enjoying a month's visit {lands of Ontario. Myr. and Mrs. - H: M. Mowat, who have béen visiting Mrs. J. B. Mowat, Johnson street, returned to Toronto, and Estella Ba N.X., are visiting i W. J. Murphy, Ba- Misses Josephine of Clayton, their sister, Mrs. got street Chicago put forth; vention more absolutely than any oth-| of | ex Misses their | and the Ottawa for Cartwright leave Lady Chancellor Burwash, Toronto, has | In MANY STYLES Our Shirt Waist Department is an attractive place these days. We aré showing many styles of Waists, and chief among them in » popularity is our showing of Lace and Net Waists in White and Ecru at $4.78, 5.00 and 6.95 l White Lawn Waists In the newer designs, are all here, at prices we are sure will prove the best value in King- ston. Just a hint as to prices : $1, 1 , 2.25 up to 25, 1.49, 1.75, 5.00, 75¢, 2.00 to deliver the Eaglish oration at the ter-centenary celebra tion in Quebec. J. Thompson, ' the new physical | director of the Y.M.CAA,, arrived in| the city, last evening, and will at once take up his duties. ~ Miss Florence Gillespie, nurse, Brooklyn, N.Y. is in on g visit to her mother, Mus, Gillespie, Princess street. Sergt. Rousseau, who was injured by an explosion in his gasoline Taunch, is improving nicely, and will be around again in a few davs. The engagement is announced of Mary Emma, dauchter of Rev. My and Mrs, Joseph Young, Thornbury, ta F. E. Courtice, B.A, Sc.., of Col lingwoad. The marriage will take place June 23ed. At Belleville, performance, wus hit gradeate the city John a ""Zeplra" H. J. Booth the jaw by lad He was made uncon minutes, but went on with his du during Director across a soon overed and Improved By Pointine. The city buildings have been vastly improved in appearance by the pomt ing that has been done to the outer walls during the past year. The good | work still continues, and is being well done. When completed, over a" thou sand dollars will have beem spent on nnting., City councils of past vears v neglected the civie buildings. 1t remained for the ils of 1901-1908 to restore them. count Ho, For The Cape ! Vincent has decided to the 4th of July, invite their 'Kingston frionds them in the big hubbub. No doubt. ! United States Consul VafiiSant will bel there, and make another attempt t,] blow off a finger with a big dynamite i fire-cracker. The consul tried this trick two years ago. cele | Cape hrate glorious and! to Jon! Not From The Sky. Canadian Freeman. ia to the | will | ol have the és i Later on the ins and outs as Pensa's defeat be made known. 'The majority nearly 400 against him leome from a source, other than {sky, therefore defeat under such has not decreased must popularity. Awaiting The Scarifier. The city engineer's department is awaiting the arrival of the road scaris fier, ordered several weeks ago. When it comes, the work of rebuilding the roads will be proceeded with in earnest. Park avenne will occupy the attention of the works department for a couple of weeks yet. Bass Season Began To-Day. open season for hess began to- day for the law-abiding. For others it began as soon he spring open.d. It is reported that last Saturday, two yer: sons caught no less than a hundred in sight of the city. hia however, can scarcely " credits lead the column through the aisles in| the ushal '* procession of enthusiastic delegates, of which the nomination in 'om (expects to have the trousers boisted variably is toe signal. Colonel Lyon] A Special Showing of Fine White Underskirts. The Laces and Embroideries used are quite different from designs vou usually see in skirts. ~~ $2, 2.25, 3.00 up to 7.00. Secure one of these now, even if you have it placed aside until required. COOP ONONNOONONONOOOORONOORINOONOOIOINISIOIRESTS hite Shoes NEW THIS SEASON. White Shoes are very popular, also very cool and comfort- able. Everybody should wear White this suramer, * White Gibson Tie Covered Cuban Heels White Gibson Tie Covered Low Heels - - White Gibson Tie Covered Cuban Heels * White Blucher Oxford Leather Heels White Blucher Oxford Tip Low Heels Girl's sizes, 11 to 2, with Spring Heels Children's sizes, 8 to 10}, with Spring Heels - -- - - Babies Ties and Button Boots. . \ 3 7 TH " a cia COPINNNN 00ND 000 0000000000 00000 *

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