Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1908, p. 3

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DOCBO00 B0O000O000000000 C0000 00000000000000000 ~ Some Cool' Suggestions. -- | Women's Print Wrappers 420 Ladies' Print Wrappers, best English Prints, fagt colors," dark and light grounds, dots stripes, figlires, etc. Well cut and finished. Good, | generous sizes. All sizes. Regular prices $1.25, | 1.35 $0 2.00, for $1.00, 1.20 to 1.75. : Linen and Pique Skirts 175 Ladies' White Linen and Pique and Natural Colored Linen Skirts, all lengths and sized waists, neatly plaited, 'strapped, and*stiteched" Latest models for £1.25, 1.75, 2.00 and 3.75. Black Sateen Petticoats 200 Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats, 38, 40, 42, 44 inches long, finished with deep flounces or frills, accordeon plaited, neatly stitched and lots of ma- terial ised, at 98c., $1.25, 1.60 and 2.00. CASH COURONS CRUMLEY BROS. J 000000000000 0000000000000000000000 TRADE MAR. GIVES ADDED PHARM TO THE WEARER Owing to its being the most successful corset design ever created. Tt isa wellknown fact thata "0D & A" Model greatly enhances the beauty of a per- fect figure, while it improves ordinary figures ut of all recognition, A "D & A De Luxe Corset" is the elixir of elegance, smartness," refined dis- tinction and comfort, / sagt as air, yet guaranteed to ontlast two ordinary corsets, $1.00 to $5.00 Forms a large proportion of every supplies. It will be to your interest and profit to use (espocia for preserving fruit he season. being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well- own Ph Ah Redpath's Granulated Sugar is the aemé of sugar refining. Ask Grocer for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A. ¥y Local Wholesale Agent, ; - - ' NEW ORANGES *e VALENGIAS 30c. A DGZEN, de. A "UP. . H. TOY, 302 King $ | LATE CALIFORNIA a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1908. SPRING IN THE NORTH CANADIAN WOODSMAN WRITES OF GREAT NO-MAN'S LAND. Freedom of the Forest -- Bird Life Make the Woods Musical--Camp- ing on Rainy Lake--Where Robins Build and the Red Deer Play--Al Nature Now at Its Best -- Likes the Old Log Mut. ' I was born in the heart of a north. ern forest, says an old Canadian woodsman, and in my wanderings my steps have ever gone most vilingiy back toward the pine-covered hills y glades that slope down to eval, waters. The wander lust has me far, but the lakes ands waterfalls, the bluffs and the bays of the great No-Man's are my home, and with Mukwa the bear, Mah-engin the wolf, Wash-gish the red deer, and Ah-Meek the beaver, I have much eonsorted and have found their company quite to my liking. But the fates have so dealt with me that for two years I have not been able to see the smile of springtime breaking forth upon the rugged face of my northern No-Man's Land, I have had glimpses of it, merely, among crowded houses, out of hospi- tal windows. Biill, my mind is native to the forest, and my thoughts and fancies, breaking captivity, go back, like the free wild things they are, on bright days of springtime to the wild land where the change of season means what it nevét can mean in the town, What ddes spring mean fo you town folk, anyway? 1 will tell you Tt mean lighter clothing, dust instead of sleet, the dransfer of your patronage from fuel man to ice man, a few days of slushy streets and baseball instead of hockey. What does it mean to the man of the woods? That I will try to tell. It means that the deep snow which has mantled hill and" valley for five months has melted into brooks and rivalets which are plunging and splashing away to find the ocean from whence they came. It m that the thick ice, which, throu and the lakes, is now and the waves, ineitéd by wind, aré wreaking ve ing it upon the rocks" shore, until, subdued and melted, if return to be a mere part of the waves again. Instead of the hungry winter howl of the wolf or the whining snarl of the sneaking lynx the air is now filled with happier sounds ducks are quacking: geese are honking: waveys are cackling as they fly northward; squirrels among the spruce trees ehat- ter noisily; on ly ridges wood chucks whistle excitedly: back drep in the birch thicket partridees are drumming; and all the woodland is musical with the of birds, e¢ trees, through w bare branches the wind all winter has whistled and shrieked, are now send. ing forth leaves of tender green and the voice of the wind caressing them is softened to a tone as musical as the song of birds. Flowers are spring- ing up, not in the rigid rows or pre- squares of a ically inelin- ed horticulturist, but surprising one by elbowing themselves out of the nar- rowest crevices, or peeping bashfull out from. bebind fallen trees, or cling. ing almost upside down to the side of an overhanging cliff. My camp on Rainy Lake fapes tke south, and in front is a little Stunted black ash tree, dwarfed, gnarled, twisted and homely that it is almost pretty, I refrained from cutting it down because of its attractive de- formity. In the springtime, a few years ago, & pair of robins chose it as their nesting place. One bright Sunday morning as the nest was in course of construction, I was sitting in my doorway watching the pair. The brisk little hasband was hurry- ing toward the nest with a bit of moss; but the mild sun, the crisp air, thes weet breathing earth, the gently whispering trees seemed to make him 80 very happy he could not but tell of it. Alighting on a twig he dropped the moss, opened his beak, and pour- ed forth in song the joy his little body no longer contain. That is the jo¥ of a northern No-Man's Land in the month of May. Wa are wo happy in our woodland home thatiwe wish everyone might share it wijh us. But perhaps some would not/enjoy what we enjoy, or see what We see and some are pre- vented from coming by the duties of other callings, and each must follow the pathway his feet are most fitted to hei? 3 For myself, I only waot my little log cabin with the wild vines climbing over its walls and clinging to the mud-chinked creviets, where T can hear the song of wild birds, min- gled with the sleepy hum of bees mov- ing from blossom to blossom aboud the doorway, where [ican see the timid red deer, as, peeping out of the brush, it hesitates between the fear of man and the temptation the white clover growing in front of my home. and where k orn wakeh the end- procession of waves following each other up the bay. Give me the ity of working for my daily bread so that I will not feel ws I were a useless cumbrance ; allow me an - doing a more than re- its mother" fallen from { ? : "EE pt 353 g % st ff 2g i i f A £ =f s £ i Bs 7] H ik i ; : : 4 i sh : § 8 58 if : 5 4 is fis i ' fe fil g q ? i { ? ir if i g i i fr of JAimusements. BLIOU GO 10 Tue Bou. NOW GO 70 THE BLOU NOW GO 10 mie suov NOW Je, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 5¢ ATTRACTION 1. Travelogue, "Sights and Cities of South America." Go see it You ought to! ATTRACTION 2. Moving Pictures, "Catching Big Fish in Russia Astrak- kan.' A splendid picture. Go see it You ought to! . ATTRACTION 3. Moving Pictures, "A Fraged in Tyrploan Moun anot spl ficture with hear? interest. Ga see jt, ou ought to ATTRACTION 4. llustrated Song, Jobn Robert Davis "Dolly Dean.' You ocught to! a Se. be Wonderland CAMPBELL & CLARKE Sister Team. In a Real Novelty Character Playlet "WANTED-A JOB" Playing to. packed houses every Jevon- ing ths week. Also two good Moving Picture Subjects and Song--' I'T MIGHT HAVE BEEN" Beautifully Hiustrated. BE. BRUCE FRAZIER, Mgr. A. O. UW. Assessment System, A District Meeting of the A, 0. U, W,, will be held tn the Hall of Limestone Lodge, No. 91, on : Friday Bwening, 19th June, At 8 o'glock, at which G. W. Workman Morris and D.D.G.M. W. Longmore will be present. All A. OQ, Be expected 'to be present, . Ww. BH. GODWIN, IF. GREENLESS, MW. Recorder. BAND CONCERT TO-NIGHT (June 17th) 3-Mile Race, Friday evening, June 19th. ROLLER RINK WANTED TO STAB CONSTABLE. "Out For a Time" Some Trouble. At gn early hour this morning, the boarders at 5 Bagot street house were startled, when they heard some per- son endeavoring to smash in the front door. Some of the male members of the household tumbled outof bed, and upon going to the front door, they were startled to find that a drunken man had taken full posscs sion of the front steps. The man had a whiskey bottle in his possession. When requested to leave he refused, and then a call was sent to the poh ice. Constabls Mullinger order.d the man to go home, but still he refused, and the big officer hustled him off to the lock-up, On the way to the sta tion, the dronk pulled a knife, and at- tempted to stah the constable, but the latter soon confisedted the dan zeros weapon. He endeavored to pet away, but his efforts were useless, when such a strong arm of the law had hold of him. When he sobered up at the police station, he gave the name of William Robonson, and said that he was a laborer. He willbe arraigned in the polica court, to-morrow! by to hear it. + new ® are + Man Creates It Will Go Yown In History. The celebration in Quebee in July will interest the whole world, because it will be on a stale of grandeur and magnificence never approgched on the continent. 'the historical pageants, embracing historical procession and tableaux, with thansands of historical characters, will he spectacles never to be fomgotten. The naval demonstra tion by a flees of nations, under the citadel, will be one of extyaordinary interest. Milhons of people will want to see the events of the celebration and cannot. The Standard, of Mon- treal, the great national illastrated paper published hy George Murray Publishing Co., wilt issue the greatest commemorative number ever seen on this continent, reproducing the avents to the very life, inpluding supplements in colors, which will astonish even the illustrated papers of England and France. . Those who have seen the nr vance sheols of the Standard Tercen- tenary Number say it i something wonderful, and it is certain the pul lishers will never be able to supply the demand. It is to be sold at enly Bc., twhile each of the many supple ments is worwe the whole amount. Those ordering by the 25th June di- ret or through dealers wil he sure to get copies. Alter that date those ordering must take their chances, It will be first come, first served. It is learned that the orders are pouring in from gil parts of the continent. Yom should-onder from your local pews defer. If you. send direct to the publishers add. 10e. copy for postage. --kxchange. The returning officer in Vercheres. Que i Conarston vith the recent ee The CONDENSED ADVERTISING ~ RATES First insertion lc. a word. Each oon- secutive insertion thereafter hall cent '! a word. Minimum charge for one ine sertion, 20c. | three tons, 80c,; six, §1; ose mouth, WANTED--FEMALE, DINING ROOM GIRLS, AT TWO Apply British-American Houel once. Office. GOOD TENERAL SERVANT. washing. Apply to Mrs. A. (diver, corner King and Gore Sas NO A ¥ AN EXPERIENCED IRL, FOR GEN eral housework, to go to Napanee two in family : no pSbing. Apply in the evening, to Miss ora, 43 King street. WANTED--GENERAL. s PPORTUNITY 'fO FURNIS os Pelectaie work. A B SH THE kinds A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yardd or cellars, og other carted. Prices right. Apoiy to hy Lytle, General ter, Main St. GENTLEMEN TO aur Suits nade st Gallo~ ios a n guar fiame. | 181 Brock 'St., DRESSY their Spri a, SAL anteed to please. next to BibLy's Livery. ht NEWMAN & SPRICGS ELECTRIC CO. are making a of lighting homes and public buildings beth with Gas and Bleotripity, they invite you 10 consult them. All advice cheerful. ly given free of charge. Nickel and Silver Plating. Newman & Sprigas, Hoetrio Co,, 79 P St; "Phone, 1. SITUATIONS WANTED. AS EXPERIENCED SALESI Dry Goods Store. Apply to the WwW. C. A. TO-LET. FURNISHED DWRLLING, OR ROOMS, for furniture, ete, McCsan 51 Brock street, PURNISHED HOUSE ALFRED St. lmwediate possession. Apply to 163 Alfred St. ' ) BRICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR. nished at Morton, on the Rideau. Apply Yo McOana, 31 Brock St. NOS. 77 aad 79 ALFRED STREET, - People's Forum. | VER WATCH GENTLEMAN'S SIL "ri Finder kindly returs Friday n FOR SALE. CARRIAOE WO McCann, 51 Brook CANOPY seals. street. TOPPED Apply to il modern Smpros ts. st May. A A. B. Cunnin, gham, SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, on St. wrence and Rideau. Apply to McCenn, 51 Brock street. - JOHNSON ST, redecorated, Ap BRICK. HOUSE, 417 me n conveniences, gas for cooking, new plumbing. ply 419 Johason St. A et Thtat Bor Tio Broth bt Oy "0 = Apply to Geo. CNfi, Real Estate street. Broker, 95 Claren FURNISHED, NO. 180 JOHNSON ST. 2 bathrooms, hot and cold water and gas heating on each flat. For par ticulars, apply on the premisce. FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI ture, . Separate roo and Wa. and Uarriage Painter, Agent St. "Phones, 536, LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIGHT well ventilated rooms, for the sum mer in "The Residence," at inter wection of West, Kari and = Ulergy Sts, 174 Farl street. IF YOU HAVE- SOMETHING TO SELL, LET A WANT AD. "BRING IT TO MARKET." WASHING PO DO AT HOME BY RE- spectable young woman, Address Box "MM. «+ Whig office, EXPERIENCED MATERNITY NURSE nursing by week or month. First-class references from the best medical doctors, Apply Nurse Atkins, 245 Montreal street. PERSONAL, HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS warts, etc, removed; permanently, without soar. Twenty years' experi- ence. Dr, Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Har, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 208 Bagoi street. A FACT PROVEN, "Should Convince Even the Most Skeptical of Its Truth. Ii thera is the slightest doubt in the minds of any that Dandruff germs do not exist, their belief is compelled by the fact that a rabbit innoculated with the germs became bald in six weoks' time, It musi be apparent to any person therefore that the only prevention of baldness is the destruction of the germ--which act is successfully accom plished in ome hundred per cemt. of vases by the application of Newbro's Herpicide, Dandrufl is caused. by the same germ which causes baldness and can be pre vepted with the some remedy---New- bro's Herpicide, 2 Accept no substitute. 'Destroy cause you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Heri cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Twg sizes, 0c. and $l, G. W, Mahood, ppecial agent. the TWO GOOD HOUSES 62 Wellington street. Cunningham, NOS 60 AND Apply A. B, SECOXD-BAND = RUBRERTIRED Unabout, nearly new, a bargain. Ap Ply 495 Princess street, A A JEWERL GAS RANGE, new, used only 8 months. J. R. C. Dobbs, 169 GOOD Apply Brock St AS w 206 BAGOT ST, CONVENIENTLY located and confortable sebd Weick house, sleven roonis, modern {umprove- rasnts, Inspection may be arranged by telephone, J, Massie, 'Phone, 177. ~ \ FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1 WILL offer the balance of stock, conshting of Buggies, Hunabouts Stanfiopes and Business Waggons, at a reduction of the regular selling price, from ten to twenty-five dollars, & you want to get a good rig at a low price, now is your chance. James Iaturney The Carriage Maker, Princess St. MONEY AND BUSINESS, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents tham any other company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Msurance Fmporium, Marks ot Sguare, 3 LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND "ire lusurance Company, Available assets $01 157.215 In addition t Which. the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of all the stockholders, Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest possible arLonn rates. Before remewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phuae, 508. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, fice, Cor. Quéen and Bagot streets. P. SMITH, ARCHITECT Anchor Building, Market Square, 45. HENRY eto. "Phone, [POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MERs chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213 ARCHITECT, Mahood's Dr and Bago Bagot street, WM. NEWLANDS, ' fice, second floor over ~ store, corner Princess streets, Entrance on THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. Where To Find God. Would you find God ? You will find Him in the great movements of the present time--in the endeavors made by men to establish justice, and real ize brotherhood You may find traces of God in the pust, but God Hime li you will only find in the present. Sinai will sound its Xho, but here and now there sounds the voice. In the sacred }ooks of the past God has written, but ia every field of nature tnd on every heart of man God writes. Move not a step from where vou stand. Look not a single foot away or a single wo ment behind, God is here--the living, moving, inspini eternal God ! Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 29 Beacon street, Boston, Mam. for the literature. NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. W. J. Curle, has rented Chamber lain's Point, an ideal camping ground about two miles frgm New- bogo, on the Upper Rideau, which will be 'used by a party from Philadelphia this summer. by The funeral took place, on Tuesdav of Allan Farle, & pioneer resident of Lansdowne. He was eighty years of age, and a son of the late Capt. Earle, of that township. He was a brother of Thomas Eatle, ex-M.P. for Cariboo, B.C. A merry gathering of about thirty- five assembled at the home of Ny and Mrs. James Sheridan, Brockville, on Monday evening, the ocofsion, be ing the marriage of their eldest daugh ter, Miss Jennie Rebecca, to Holton P. Washburn, both of Brockville. Mrs. P.'S. Trickey died at Athens on Sunday, aged fifty-five vears. Four sons and fo daughters are left to moun. are: Andrew, Winni- peg; 8. CO, Watertown, N.Y.; Melvin, Seeley's; Mrs. Kirkland, Glen Buell: Blanche, nurse-in-trainine at Provi- dence, RI, and Frederick, Mary and Murtha, at home. That Stinging Corn. It is the sharp root of the corn that stings. ¥ou can take out the corn, stinger and all, with one or two applications of Peek's Corn Salve. In big boxes, 15¢., at Wade's drug store. Special. Camplell Bros." special $2 straw sailors for men are not surpassed in {the dominion gt the price. See them, The Thoro-Bred Stallion Chestnut Horse by Wickham, hy Bop. Awstroling and lwp dam of Lelaps, Sunbeam, etc., Eclipse. The dam. of WAR WHOOP is the fam- ous Lady Lightfoot 1 by Greenback Ist dam Proserpine, by Damiet Boe 2nd dom Anna H., by Lee Paul; 8rd dean by Foreigner (son of Glencoe 3 4th dam by Imported Jordon ' 4th daw Lucretia, by Imp. Hedgeford Noland This grandly bred and superh horse whoss briltiant turt known to every horseman in will make the. ssson of 190% at ston and weighborhood. hy Willa Psy by lump carer, proved himsell a great race horse at alli distances. He won wany of most important sakes at Canadian meetings and also seored some notable Victories across the border. No distance Was too great for him. He could beat the spraters at th Harters asd could win at two miles is had wonderful speed and staying qualities. War Whoop bas the honor of holding the World's Record of 2 1-16 miles in 3344. He also holds several track records, as well as being the highest priced colt ever sold in Canada W. A. Mackenzie, of the Kirkfleld Stables paid $4.000 for him: as a two-year-old, and afterwards, during the season of 1904 and 1905, won P00 with him. Te is a handsome chestnut dune side, substance and His disposition is perfect. ions driver and in harness He is hoess to, breed to to quality, either drivy afid if mated with WH to get speed. . Terms~§15.00 With Return Privilege. JOHN MORRIS, Kingston, Ont horse, pos. ent gualily fe io a fault Just the style of secure style and or saddle purposes, oroughbred | mares All Our Customers. Sav we have the largest and best valie in erash and straw goods, men's and children's wear, in the ty. Thos. Mills & Co's removal sale. Kingston And Ottawa. "Ridedn King," for Ottawa, every Monday and , at 6 am James Swift & Co., agents. Ove map was kifled and one fatally injured in the lauschin- of a bat at Squaw Island on the Niagara tiver, ARCHITECT, OF] and promote peace. | WAR WHOOP War Whoop during his brilliant raging! the! TUS, can show a 4 minute clip" SITUATIONS VACANT, MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade. Graduates earn Lwelve to eighteen dollars weskly, Holp secure positions. Will equip shops. Cons stant practice. Careful instructions, Faw weeks complete course, Cata- logue free. rite Moler Barber College, Toronto, MARRIAGE LICENSES. GC; 8B. KIRKPATRICK, IBSUER on Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. 'WOOD! "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD, SLAB WOOD, MILL woog, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order. James Swift & Co 374 Princess Street. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Conndltion with New York Cen« tral & Hudeon River R.R. Leave Kingston daily, except Sunday, 5.00 a.m. and 2.00 pm Leave Kingston ® 200 pm Leave Capp Vineent daily, and 4.30 po Making direct connections at Vincent to and from all points York State. Through sleeper cenit to New York Wook end round trip rate Kingston to Watertown good going Sunday, returning up to Monday, $1.65 Sunday a. and 10.50 amy Capa in Now Cape Vin TIME TABLY STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND 7 3649.15 a.m. 1.00 780-015 am. 1.00 780-915 am. 1.00 BREAK LEYS 680-980 am. 1.90 pw 780-815 bm. 1. 00-6.00 pm BAO0-015 asm. 1.004 0 pu $1512 D0 a ae, H00 pm LEAVES KINUNSTON MBs 1.80 a.m. 3.00 FOOL 80 am. 3005.80 pow, | WED 5.3011 30 8.10. $005.50 § THURS, #30100 pw. 3.00 p.m. } Breakey's Bay, 8 pm {Fi SB0-11.80 a.m. 300-4530 pow SAT. BAK-11.80 a.m. R405 BO pom SUN, P45 nw. LAG5.0 pon, { Nat Special trip to Simeoe and Spoor's deck, at' 3.00 pow { Time Table subjeot to change without imotiee, Boat eslls st Garden Isignd going and from Kings'oa. A NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY | THE BELL TELEPHONE COM. PANY OF CANADA 4.00 pw, 8.00 pu 4.00 pow { MON 5.80 p.m bo 40S Istand ta is about to issue A New Telephone Directory For the District of Eastern On- tario, including KINGSTON Chances of firm names, changes of street ls oF orders for duplicate entries should be hand. ed in at ones to . ; H. W. SNELLING,

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