Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1908, p. 5

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' THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1908. EE . av------ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up av) re w DMES INGLIGNS Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. i ! ARE PAT.! Wiliam Swaine, plano tuner. Grders | j received as MoAuley's. 'Fhone 778. TAFE WILL GET 17... | HAS 705 VOTES ON THE Ladies' Tailored Suits in special CHURCH PEOPLE The British House of Lords feubseription' fur the Wuebee 3 TRADE MARK, ne cs Boe en FIRST BALLOT. IMPERIAL yout { IMPERIAL CROWN & BRAND Every garment Fekrantont. § Dursbii®y comsarte Made only by EINGSTON & HOSIERY CO. LTD., Kingston, Onty , REAL ESTAT -------------- Summer Cottages, on Island, to rent, furnished. Houses and Lots for sale in the City. Fire Insurance J.R.C.Dobbs & Co 109 Brock St. Typewriter Headquarters. GASOLINE 20c.! PER GALLON 0 Wolfe Put in your tank at our Dock. We always have in stock Spark Coils, Spark Plugs, Columbia Dry Batter- ies, oto. Repairs promptly attended to. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. nel the w aN Jiouio WASH HER HEAD Hand Se Clesner. It kills the dandraff germ, beantifies and strengihens the baie, | druggists «x or postpaid from Seven Sutherland Sisters Sample sent for roe. 199 King St, W., Torows *Silver Plate that Wears® The Fame of spoons, forks, knives, elc. bearing the trade mark - "1847 ROGERS BROS. my and long hile SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Ie buying trays, tureens, coffee during ay! MERIDEN BRITE CO Why Buy Imported | Mattresses ? When you.cam get better and cheaper goods from your own dealer, made by the Kingston Mattress Co. 110 Clergy St. Granite and Marble ~ Works New shop, new stock, aewest de- signs, best material. Reasonable 149 SYDENHAM ST F. * £ | Silke Dy 1% A, Slgcum, Limited, forerunner of baldness. EVERY friends whq lave made his acquaint: with 7 Sutherland Sister's ance, extended 'advertising scheme the com- outgrown their. present quarters and Prected An modern FCS, A. KILPATRICK: The Vice:-Presidency Can Gb New York If Gov, Hughes to Adopted. H Buliglo, N.Y., June 18 - cial, fiom ( hicago, says ; to-day, on first ballot | vésidens predicted secrelaly, and it A News spo It is ait, Long ago the 900 vot 8 for the i 205 for gox president, and it ix idle nlodt the winner. it but must drop too ' late gittr--the pallot for presi dent)" S Ww guess The Injunction Plank, Chicago, June 18,--~The thank of the republican platiorm, as adopted by the committes on resolu- tions is as follows: "The republic in purty will uphold at ali times the authority sad integrity of 'the courts, state and Irocss and = to protect life, liberty, aud property shall be preserved, iy violate. Wo believe, however, that the Eada of procedure of the federal courys with respect to the issuance of writ of injunction should be more aecur- ately defined by statate and that no inpunction or temporary restrainbng or- der ghould be issued, without notice, extept irreparable injury woul] result from delay, in which case a weedy heaving thereafter he granted'. This considered a victory for #the Taft foraes, No More For Fairbanks. Chicago, June 18.--The promulga- | tion of a letter from Vice President Fairbanks. reiterating that his "irre. | vocable determination" not to again be a candidate for the office he now holds was the most important de velopment of the day in the vice-pre sidential nomination, Presenting Candidates. Chidago, Jane 18. ~The platform as! toported by the committee was ad- oft d by the ¢ nvention. Nominations for president are now in order; Bou. tello presented the name of Cannon -- JOINED SLOCUM CoO. Henry W. King In a New Adver. tising Field. Henry W. King, who has heen con; nected with the Zam-lHuk company (UC. KE. FuMord, limited) for a number ol years, has resigned his position as manager for Canada to take up the position of seqpetary-treasurer with having acquired an interest in the company. The De. 1. A. Slocum, umited, and their president, 1. 8. Levee, are to be congratulated on their success in securing the sorvices and interests of Mr. King, especially at a time whe their business is undergoing consider able change and expansion. Mr King is well known in advertising circles, and carries with him to his new posi- tion the good' wishes ol the firm he hys left and the large number of business i ¥ 0% : a Sa For the present Mr. King will devote a great deal of 'time to the prepara- tion of gopnection with an pany has mndox consideration for Psychine a 1 other preparations, «The Dr, P. Ad Blooum, limited, have are compelled Xo find more accommorly- tion to enable. them to cope with their rapidly "increasing business (to which has been 'aeitled the Seven Sutherland Sisters' Preparations), and are erecting a four-storey brick building on the cor- nor of Spadina avenue and Phoebe street, Toronto. The building will be style, and com- plete in equipment, and will cost about wi0.000, pees tess FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. -- White Cheese Sold at 11 5-18. 'and Colored 11jc. At the Frontenac cheese board, Thursday, there. was boarded 4% boxes of white cheese and 710 boxes of colored, The following factories boarded : White-- Elm. Grove, 24; Inverary, 31; Excelsior, 60; Glenburnie, 60; Glen: vale, 45 Hinchmbrooke, 5. Rose Haul, 60; Sunbury, 40; 60; total, Uolored=lattersea, 90; 05; Bay View, 65; Latimer, 70: Morn- ing Star, 35; Umtario, 50; St. Law- tence, 09; Thousand Islands, 30: Walle Island, 65: McGrath's, 60; Ca- tariqgui, 135; total, 710. The buldig opened at 103e. closed at Il 5l16¢c. for white and Lijec. for colored. At 11 514. Mr. "Sitlited the offerings of the following factories : Gilt Edge, On- tario, St. Lawrence, 'Thousand ls- Innids,"* Wolle Island; at the same price Me. Kerr secured the offerings. of these factories : Battersea, Excelsior, Rose' Hill 'gad Glenburnie. At 110. Mr. Alexander secured Silver Springs and Spabusy, £207 VLR Sibiu BIG FINE LEVIED On the Gbeindor fer Co. For With. holding Tobacco. Ac dine: of | veo was levied upon the bates' 'fiem of S. Oborhdorfier & avd, Gilt Kdge, and "SPECIAL NOTICE. Uo., of this city, Ly the inland re venue department, for failure to re Pork tobaceo for excise duty. T have removed to the former Board of Educatio treal 'street, corner J | The Russian douma hax "adopted the | Dropped--The Injunction Plank | oovernment 8 bis for the double track- | menswre. No ome has 4 lead for vice | New York can have { AAllighes. It may be | junction | 1 al, and will ever iq. | sist that their powers "io enforce their | eos | RONS SAYS BLAKE. fund amounts to 1,255, | 1 | Some of the tormer teachers, normal college will be given pliites in | Makes Speech to Synod--Judged Hamilton normal sehiovo;, By Bible, Are Only Bang Hypocrites. ? i t 4 |g of the Siberisn rauway i Torodto, June | The election of Bourassa, in St. {fees to the Woodbine {Hyacinthe, ue., owing to numbered ballots for Morig being thrown out {who is connected with the race collrse jwill be protested. {are between $125 000 | The magazine at the Vigorite pow- | while the 50 or 100 bookmakers there der plant at Pineole, Cal., exploded, {®ach paid $1,300 for the right to be on Thursday. It is believed there hag | there on those days. This is indepen- been heavy Joss of life. {dent of the amounts spent on dress Elias Fauman, Hamilton, was. on [and lost in betting, and for this ap- { Thursday, fined $20 for selling ice | pulling condition of afisirs in the féream on Sunday. An alderman told {city of Toronto we of the Church of {him ice cream was a food England are largely responsible. It is The recount demanded by Hon. p, [largely the people of our own church {E. Leblanc, in Laval, has resulted iy, {who support the Woodbine. If we of | Levesque's majority being reduced to jibe Church of England did not go | three from seventeen originally. [down there and sanction | The Woman Suffrage Convention, at {presence it could not la=t, |Amsterda m, detided that the next | "And with all this money going to jcongress shall be held in England. 1p {the race track we are unable to sup- Vitations from Canada were declined. |Port our own widows and orphans" | Secret service men in Canada will | fund. Mf we take our splendid Church jfrovide a force of 200 experience | | of England and test jt by that grand men to form a guard for the Prince of, 91d book which tells us to visit the and orphans jin their affiictio, race course for | Wales durin h er vin | widows Qty us "2 hs approaching visit '9 1 and to walk humbly before our | Ald. G. W. Sadler, Quebee, was elect. | We find we are nothing but a band of {ed chairman of the Montreal branch | hypocrites. Men have given up their {of the Canadian Manufacturers' Asso- | lives to the service of the church, rely- ciation, and W. T. Whitehead, vice. [10% on the absolute promise that 'the | chairman, ; | church would look after their widows, | "BI" Loomis 'was found murdered 4nd today it is reported that the {in his shanty near the Coke company jchnurches are not observing this pro- plant at Border City, N.Y., just out mise. side Geneva. Loomis kept a saloon in | These strong his little shack, foe made on The Toronto board of control has | 9f the diocese decided to appoint Walter Stirling, {Tames cathedral chief accountant in the city treasur- 19 H. Blake, er's department, chief auditor, at a [OVer a report salary of $3,000 a vear. mittee on the The election of directors te the Fund. Windsor, Essex and Lake Shore Elec- tric RR. is to be contested and in- | junction asked to compel company to | Pay over monies it holds. | Three well-known voung men named | They Are Saying And Doing. | Rock, Grey and White, gre under ar. | Arthur Purdy, Alfred Street, is | rest, at Hamilton, Ont., on a charpe |Uttawa on a visit, of aggravated assault on Henry | City Engineer Craig returned this | Dupnett, a night watchman. afternoon from Ottawa. | The schooner vacht Zeurah, owned | John Freeman, Deseronto, is in the by. Henry Discher, of the New Rochelle, [city to-day on business. NJ, Yacht Club, arrived on Thurs- | Miss Agnes Freeman, Deseronto, is day morning, winning the special race | Visiting friends in the city. from Bermuda to New York. | Maitland Dradley, Princess George Wilson, Chambly, Que. who {is visiting friends in Ottawa. shot and killed 'Wenceslos Fortin, | a | "Jack" Wiutiams returned to Ot. few weeks ago, while the latter was [tawa to-day, after spending a day or trying to break into his house, wag, {two in the city. on Thursday, acquitted of murder. | George Darragh, ir, Chief Detective Carpenter, Montreal, |bank, left, yesterday, has so far recovered from the "wounds {spend his vacation. inflicted by Dillon, ten weeks ago, | E. P. Keaney, of the Bank of that he is at Lake Louisa, on the [tawa staff, Pembroke, old homestead, where he was born. | vacation in the city. special de spatch from Tahita, | Thomas I hompson and Miss Thomp- says the American car in the New |son, Kingston, are visiting Rev, T, York-to Paris race arrived there ond. Th pson, Stratiord. Tuesday, and established a record for Archbishop Gauthier attended the distance, covered in one day in Asia. | installation of Archbishop McEvay, in Miss Marian Frances Bloomer, for- | Toronto, on Wednesday. 4 merly a fiancee of Congressman Nicho- E. J. Swift, of the Bank of Com- las Longworth, President Roosevelt's {merce staf, Toronto, is holidaying at son-in-law, is dead from cyanide pois- [his home on William street, oning. The acid was swallowed in | Frederick Sparks, of the C.P.R. of mistake for water, fices, Toronto, is visiting his parents, Vincent Moran was arrested at the University avenue, for a few days. and pointed statements the floor of the synod of Toronto, in St. KC, in a discussion Widows' in street, of the Crown for Ottawa, to Ot- is spending his of 18.-- "The entrance | its thirteen days, I am told by a magn and $136,000, i it by our | God, | schoolhouse, by Hon, | presented hy the com- | and Orphans' | ------ PERSONAL MENTION. i | Movements Of The People--What | | Tha steamyacht Ecelwat is carrying | large numbers to Kingston Mills every Any | wall cause some than ever. "West India Toffey," fresh .at Gib- people to kick mor Son's Red (rces Drug Store. "Phone | | 230, The steamers | carrying many of them. When you need a cab 'phone 600. Are you Joiny away this summer, or will {and rest yourself ? | A letter from jreply to Prof, Ross' letter jrear 114] Friday \ Issue, H. Cunnioghahy, piano tuner from | Chickering s. Leave orders at Me | Auley's book store. : | Grass eutters are'at works, jung is much later thig year or ge- | | count of the backward season, i There was 4 very small market this | morning. Butter sald from 22, to] » and eggs at 17 to 18¢. | Belleville yachtsmen will organize. | Twenty-five years ago Belleville had | the best club on inland Canadian waters. | | Good rubber tired cab always when | you "phe ne 600, i | Only Aldermen Angrove and Free | rt Semited the city property committee | yesterday afternoon, and ne business | | Was transacted. The hoard of health special commit. | tee met yesterday afternoon, to dis | cuss the question of ga permanent | | smallpox hospital. | "Lime Juice Cordial," English | make, in 23e. hottles, at Gibson's Red fe ross Drug Store. Phone 230. The property committe has ben | called to meet on Friday evening, to {recerve tenders for the closets at the will ap- i | The cut] 14 o'legiate Institute. Trinity School, Port Hope. cricket- jers will have a match on the Royal Military Ccliege campus, on Satur day, with the cadets. "Gin Pills" are sold in Kingston at | Gibson's Red Drosx Drug Store "Phone 230. day. Many picnic parties wo déwn the morning and return at night, Prevost, Brock street, has a splendid assortment of gents' furnishings and ready-made clothing at low prices, 'The order department is well assorted with ew goods. First class value and fit guaranteed. The tennis courts at Queen's Col lege are in great demand now, as many of the students are playing thers every duy, getting in shape for | the fall tournament, which starts as | soon as college opens Some ox games are played there every day now. *'Beecham"s Pills," the gemiine sold at Gibson's Red Cross Store. > On Wednesday afternoon some men fishing off the long pier at Ports mouth, were surprised when they landed some fresh water herring. Thess fish have not been caught here in many years, as they seemed to leave these waters when the shad came. The high water has driven them in again They are good sized fish and ar. very tasty. are Drug Hamilton, Ont., race track, on a | Miss Annie Jones, of Leemster, charge of stealing a ticket on St. [Mass., 18 spending her vacation in this Valentine's day from Max Lippman, jeity, at her home on Livingston ave- Montreal, Moran claims a mistake i nue, wns made in arresting him. | Mr. and Mes, W. J. Crothers, karl The Prince of Wales expressed a de- | street, spending the past six weeks on sire that oe cruiser Indomitable be {the continent, will sail for home on not greatly altered for the voyage tc |Junp 23th. Quebec but elaborate decorations will | Sergt. Nesbitt, of the police force, off be made and a magnificent ser ice of | gue this week owing to illness BS silver plate installed for royalty's use. jenny a to be much better. Constable _ Mrs, A. H. Saunders, married ick list. Toronto, was soon after arrested for | Mrs. E. Kent, 247 Brock the theft of a god watch from Mrs. left, this morning, on the Cape Vin- A. Sylvester, Stratford, un former eim- {cent boat, for Potteville Pa., 10 enter In MeAdoo is on the x i , street, If one feels dull and spiritless, in the | spring or early swpmer, they call it| "Spring Fever." But there is no fov-| er--usually. It is the afte= effect of our winter habits. The nerves are mostly at' famlt. Tirnd, worn-out | nerves leave us langulic, lifeless, and without spirit or awbition. A few] doses of Dr. Shoop's "estorative will | absolutely and quick™ change all of these depressing symstoms. The Re-| storative of course won't Hring you | back to full health Wm a day or two but it will deo enowgh in forty-eight hours to satisfy vom that the remedy | ployer. The watch was found in her | {he hospital there as A nurse-in-train- luggage. { ing. It is stated that Dr. S. E. Dawson, | W. R. Stratford, New York, hos} the veteran king's printer, has ap- [been spending a few days in the city, | phed for leave of absence preparatory the guest of relatives. He returned | to his retirement from the public ser- | home this morning. vice, It is the general belief that he Mrs. Lamman and two children, will be succeeded by C, H. Parmelee, | Rochester, N.X., are visiting M.P, for Shefiord. {Lamman's = parents, Mr. ang Abbate Maggio, the notorious Ca- | Whitcomb, morrist, whose revelations congerning | Corporal Marshall and Private Law the Cuocolo double murder led to the are leaving for Quebec as an advance arrest of the chiefs of the Camorra, is {guard for the P.AMC., to make all now suspected of being the instigator (1) necessary arrangements for the of the Camorra trimes antl is unger {}oepital corps. arrest at Naples, James McLaughlin, Toronto, a for David Allison, president of Mount, | por member of the Kingston police Allison University, Sackville, N.B., {force, is holidaying in the city. Mr. has been appointed by the dominion | McLaughlin is « constable at Shea's government a member of the board of {theatre in the Queen City, conciliation to settle the threatened | Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nolan, Brock strike by the miners of the Nova {street, have the sincerest sympathy of Stotia Steel and Coal company. ia host of friends in the loss of their James Lewis, Chicago, and Harry |three-months'-old child. The infant Churchill, Kansas City, were brought {had only been iM a few days. into Toronto police court this morg- | Word has been received that Miss ing to answer a charge of stealing $50 | Parrott sailed June llth, from Very from Charles H. Hammond, while tra- [Cruz, on the steamer Mono Castle, velling in a Pullman car on the main fein "Progresso and Havana, for New line of the G.I'R. from Galt to To lyark, and will reach Kingston near ronto. om ; {the last of June. The men who, in December, 1905, | A. E. Fokes, ordained a minister of during the Russian , FovolutichArY (the Methadist church, last night, is movement, organized and maintained, |\, ctonian, a son of the late Mr ut re EL lime, the FH ovorosisk Re- 1; kes, a Princess street barber. His public, 'were sentencec ¥Y court-mar- RE Was cen street church tial, the president' to fifteen years, | church ho as Un i Two men were given ten years cath | i riniit, and sixty-six others sentenced to short jtion should occu terms in prison. Forty were acquit- | ------------------ ted of { Mrs. | Mrs { ; ! Marine N o Jin not only in the matier off yy, yodMarine Notes, grain exports that the Canadian f,, ne for' Oswego, to load Route hon buen drawing trade away ig, "Angiin's. from New York. It is shown that, 2%! The steamer Neebrig arrived practically all commodities, which! 0 oon, from Fors William, bil steamship ewrgoss from Montreal, grain for the M. T. Co. there has been an increase, while on The steamer Mississiquoi was up The GUE nS Now Fore Sunes fon ser mints Todo iii quite 5 hava declined. This to wheat, large number of passengers, : buckwheat, flour, butter, and cheese. clear coal this with 284 Johnson street | nd {and it was pleasing that his ording- | is reaching that "dred spot." Drug: gists everywhere aw advising its use | as a splendid and prompt general tonic. It gives more vim and more spirit to the spoonful than any other | known nerve or ccastitutional tonic. | It sharpens a failing appetite, aids | digestion, frees <lugwish livers and! kidneys, and brings new life, strength | ambition. Test it a few days! and be convince® Old Ly all dealers NEWS OF DISTRICT. -- i The Tidings From Various Points | in Eastern Ontario. Ernest Prickett, Deseronto, sent up for trial for suction. Mrs. Mutthew Spaidal is dead, Brockville, aged seventy-two Six children survive, She was a Meth. | odist i Word has been received announcing | Lhe setious illness of M. J Butler, of | Ottawa, deputy minister of railways and canals. : A happy event t.0% placa at Broek ville, Wednesday morning, when Miss May Hillis, was united in marriage to | W. J. Marshall o prosperous | farmer of Gosford. fn Tuesday nicht fire destroyed al grist mill belonging to W, R. Ren- nics, situated at Militown, about one mile east of Shannonville, Ross Thompson, a Maitland merch: ant, was delivering soft drinks to al party of campers, when a bottle ex-| ploded and a Jarge portion of the! class inflicted serious injury. He may lose the sight of his left eye, A pretty wedding wes solemnizd at {the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. McLean, Brookville, on Wednesday, when their eldest daughter, Miss Hel. ena became the wife of Rev. J. B. Howe, Marbleton, PQ., son of Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Howe, Athens. First In The Field. om sruptions and pimples. the blood invigorates This time it is home-grown green jpeas, Boston lettuce, and celery at ;Carno 8 How To Be Beantiful. To have a soft, smooth skin, free enfesbled blood, and cleanse it of all impuritiek and poi sons; it brings color od the pe and {cheeks, brilliamey to the eyes, whi the teeth and sweetems the breath. N adiance in the price of shoes | are busy these days June brides. Kingston es | on a vacation | You stay home Rev. Dr. Mackie, in | Wash Fabrics. Linen, Duck and Drill, White and Colors. A Our pretty Suit is of Champagne Drill, Coat hip length, semi-fitting, two rows of Insertion back and front, tailored collar and cuffs, skirt pleated, fifteen gore, with two seli-folds ERA sea nm mura mn area aA. $9.50. Another pretty style is of the fashionable Bar Linen, in White, with Navy Bar, semi-fit Coat, with Navy Collar and Cuffs, pleated skirt, with self-folds $9.50. Plain White Lawn Skirts, to wear with any waist, very wide, three self-folds. Special, at -. $2.00, Separate Coats to wear with any Suit, in semi-fitting, latest style L David M, Spence, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. We Are Offering You the best chance you ever had to make a big saving on every purchase. Em---- OUR BIG SALE Has been a record breaker and no wonder, for fine high-grade, 'hand-tailored clothing has never been offered at such low prices, Do yon want a Hot Weather Suit? See the nice Home Spuns we are selling at $8.45, Same goods are sold by all dealers at $12, See the Fine Grey Worsteds we sell at $10.75. These are regular $15, and are being sold at $15 in the city by other dealers. See the Fine Summer Trousers at $1 95. Fancy Hose at 15¢ The regular 25¢. qualities, Fancy Hose at 35¢. Former price was 50c. Every article in the store at sale prices, -- RONEY & CO. 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace. LELLLLLLLL00000000000000000000000000000000004 , THE BEST | IN WOMEN'S SHOES The French define a lady as one who is "well shod and well gloved." No costame, however fine it may be, will cover the neglect of good shoes, Women who appreciate the difference be- tween just shoes and shoes of quality and distinction, come here for ideal shoes-- shoes that suit. There are no dissatisfied wearers of our shoes. We sell the same people over and over again. This week we are offering three lines of Chocolate and Tan Colonials and Pumps, best American make of $4 shoes. All sizes J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The House of Good Shoemaking. | | | "\ : J 30c. A DOZEN, UP. R.H. TOYE, 302 King St NEW ORANGES LATE CALIFORNIA VALENCIAS of

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