SECOND SECTION. Th 1 PACES © T0 14, | "YEAR 75. sss KINGSTON, ONTARIO nome te ner [ARIO, SATURDAY, SOME SCENES AT THE GREAT FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION. & The London this tion, not only for the! résudent hated Ningdom and Frane people of all countries, and ti mated that the attendance will reach from 30.000 00 10,600), 100) the of the undertaking Canada in well represcnted with the 1 government aed try will Reeve oily fore Franco British vhibition year Ww the t. attra of the but In gre it to dari ile Dominion huildimgs, th coun pmibh ever | na doubt the olids«ountry Phe Girgmd Trunk have erected a vilion in the Uourt of Progres the ideal sections of the and where the huldimg is sarroungled by beautiful gardens laud out hy ano ted French landscape artist The Grand Prank had the distinction of having their exhibit completed for the opervng day of the exhibition, MOT mn thun Railway Ny tem magmiheent pe one of exhibition, in fnct that event. + \ Thousands of people have already Alberta are much admired v ieord and from t this building, encomiums that it, thas fuecess and Trunk, Ihe fruits from game J visited many led upon } have heen pass exhiint = a to collection i Garand a credit Lhe natural the fish the Canae woods qnd walters cregte great of Ontario, and trophies from inter Saskatchewan tario, Manitoba, great | aml } st Mitted with gold stars, they were the only exhibitor ready for [while the grains and grasses from Ur yi hose being required for this purpose, 'while e t with Two re ¢ heads, worth ¥1.000 cach are obpcts of . The electric hghting of the building inside and outside has been arranged on a lavish scale. : } The lines of are care! F fully followed electric lamps 4 about HOO of | 1 « moose much mterest o r the building by small the allegoneal group of figures tern of we w enlrange igrht h lnss vell shown up at hghts, and led a beantiful cat representing Empire.' is conevaled over group id susper brithant the star, Can Star of mterior hi effec flooded large I he hing ive, very the whole space heing from ended from the lan so that the serviee of same point either by ors four lame the ight iz from the lay or The private lectricity aml neans, The lettering on the exterior of the wilding is executed in French and nglish. Lhe rrench flag, -as well pn he Canadian fag, and a series of anners on which are the names ol he principal cities in Canada, float ywer the top of the siruciure. night. offices are lighted heated by hv this also COSTLY for PETTED CHILDREN TOYS | HIG 000 Bers oct rere oramodile Cook's JSarz.. ad unlimited riches at your command, what would vou do for your children ? That in the aay of cateribg to their juvenile tastes and pwoviding thea with playthings and childish amusements ? Children, of course, do appre ciate the value of A fifty- cotit doll way 'give one as much plea- supe ax p SH0,000 miniature railroad may give another -comparatives do not play « large pure in a child's lide, In the homes of the land one en comitors the fity-cent doll mach more frequently than the miniature rail rout, yet it = astonishing to learn what splendid gifts are provided for the little ones of to-day. Owe would waturally chikiren of millionaire J. Gould to have at their disposal the most expensive and complete toys that ingennify could devise. Well, the ould children are by po means toy- Same vears ago. it was announced that Little George J, Gould, Jr. then six years old, axoke on Christmas sorping to find among the gifts "the most perfectly appointed railway train ever built, It was imported from Germany exjivessly for him, so the statement went at the time, at a cost of $500. 2 But miniature railvay trains, while good enough 'in their way. were not suffictently up-to-date. The result -- 1 awtomobilve for the Gould v hi machine correspondine« in sise to the! age and statere of 'the woung recipient Even the soungest had a little awe ile for bis very own. a machine dimin#tive in size, but perfect in every prt und calenlated to endure hard uae for many moons, Miniature railroads seem pomular as gifts to the chilean of wealthy pa rents. Ona of these, laid for a young ation of the Vanderbilt hones, was orergted by electricity. There was a Jittle cor, a miniature of the father's Bd Suppose vou not money. the expect Gearee car, which ran merrily course. 'Thi had little trie toys in preat number to banish monotory from ful life, Put the most famous costly--of all minia one on the esta in the private the also over gentleman und md his youn automaohilos elie varity! vouth find, perhaps rai of rev H. LA of Manchester, land cost ta the nagAiharhood of £30,000 oe The "eomniry"" through which little mailroad runs i= a huge single storey bhailding 30 hy 99 feet Evert detail is complete, from passenger and freight stations to the signal svstem along the route Locomotive and tender form a piece ofl machinery five feet lone and eigh- teen inches high. It runs on 5 ° six inch gauge track, and is an exact du plicate in miniature of an express en gine on the London and: North-west: ern railroad. The little engine and tender cost SERS, and took about nine months to complete. Nearly twa years were required for building the éntire system. Charcoal is used for fuel in | the Joo comative. which can travel six times around the length of the svstom with. out remewnl of fuel. The train makes a spevd of abont six miles an hour on straight stretches of track, althopgh this speed is considerably reduced on ourves. There are both passenver and freight traine. The paséencer train has four ears, and accommodations for first, second and third class travel gre por traved with faithful attention ta de Hail as it is known in Fneland. The freicht train consists of ten cars ami a caboose, and indicate facilities fur handling every kind of freight, fram teoal to erain and cattle. > Tt isn't always the child of very wealthe parents who fan boast of ree markable sonstroets! and costly tors | Tast avindor the Mttle son of Genres suburins It this P tA. Woorz, of 2295 Oxford street, Thi | {ndelphia, was delighted to find among ALrriwE ved HTL oad TEE LOSE is parents. a miniature amusement mrk, reproducing with fidelity the at of: Willow. Grove A model of th I-known made of wood and} netal by the father of the delighted) ittle fellow, Mr. Woerz worked over) mode] fe Y Istail ractions his er resort we sum- | was he than three years very park Wak 104 od fuced i to the elec! trie lights, the moving dancers saiters dn all, Mr, Worez estimates hat the cost him $1,000, to say goth} ng of the countless hours of work, Jt} voeupies fifty feet of floor space. For little John Nicholas Brown, for} some years known as the richest boy in America, a fairy palace: has been! constructed at Newport, R.I. It cost! over. a million dollars. On the third floor is a large hall, twontydour by forty-eight feet, which is the special domain and playroom of the petted! youngster. | At either end are aleoves used for storing. the playthings of the little] millionaire owner. This room is said} to' be the most magnificent of its kind mn thw plica, even and "toy"! Treated In Aberdeen Infirmary. Mrs, dames | Alexander, of Pleasant | Grove, U.S.A, writes: "1 had asth- ma in its worst form, and bad the best of medica! skill obtainable and was treated also at the Royal Infic mary in the city of Aberdeen. But 1 obtained little relief. It was difficult to take any exercise without bringing on violent conghing. In ISSS | came to this country, but the asthma still clung to me; and for the past} thirty years | have scarcely ever beep free from it. 1 read about Catarrbo- ope. it wag just what | needed all hese years and has given me better 'health than I have had since a. giv. iUntarrhosone a peciett enre. } 'haye never had a single attack of asthma since rored by Catarthopons," Said by all dealers in Be, 50, (#1 siges, the jgtier leing guarablecd. @ = "¥ i = Sri r vr e Bark, Loti Zora Cllr d elo sre { FS 000 rz eve provided fur a eaild. No royal | prineé ever bad such a glorious romp ny pla eo. In the moving great a mess of set pieces and other games proavided alcoves scgnery, is paraphernalia fi a liberal scale. ds may find all the mountains, x on If young Johmw and his wild west they adjuncts at hand camps, rocking horses, trees and wild animals. 'f they prefer going to war 'here are soldiers, guns, drunw, flags, mov- abl forts and everything pertaining to a military campaign. Perhaps the most extravagant ex- pression: of a foud parest's Jove js to be found in the lairy estate being ere ated near Cheago, for young Lolita Armour, daughter of J. Ogden Ar- mour, ene of the worlde money kings. It is believed that this fairy lad will cost, when completed, Le tween $10,000,920 snd $15,000 000, There® lolita will have her own woodland, filled with vines and wild flowers, and the forests will team with all kinds of avimal life. The grounds will bo dotted with lakes and «ter falls, the waters will be stocked with fishes of many varieties, snd 'upon the surface will ply yachis, electric loun- ches and other boats of varioss Linda. Briefly, this' nisejearold girl wil be provided with the most heaytiful palace of modern tines, filled with every comfort that the heart could wish and every luxury that money can buy, surrounded by such a dreamland as only the mind of the preatest land: scape engineer could devise, These ave ail speoial cases, vou may say«*Yes, but any fond narent with mehey can yrhvide wonderful delights for his little ores at almost any Inrze store, One may purchase a mechanical gero- atic group of fever persons for £300. The princgpe! figure inc this bx wich teen inches high, - the others sanlicr, but theiz "stunts" are amas. For $130 one may sctere a moun | JUNE 20, fain seene with an electric train wind- ing about the hills, A complete circus with mechanical be secur ed for $175, and a German parade for $250. There figures can are yachts that 6ll requirement of the small boy, and cost only 860 and the genius of toyv-makers has evolved a great vari- ety of mechanical effects that are within the reach of persons of mod- erate means, gleam every DON'I ASK THE PRICE. Store Where the Price is Al- ways Stamped By the Makers. The com the Slater Shoe made a big difference in the shoe trade, Su premie in Canada most shoe merchants who try to compete with the "Slater" have to adopt the subterfuge ol porting Amgrican shoes that look the ster, have fo ask customers to the per cont. duty, means a pair of the Siater Shoe differense of Canada, r of im hike ther lod thirty $1.50 on as mach #5 shoes ie slate-Slater the dollar-angd-a-half appreciable advan for wear conditions attention ta than For and pay whieh l nde sh costing as besides The having has nore tage been made in demand where climatic substantial stout oak-tanned leather the New England factories sale by F. G. Lockett, Ningston. more soles give PROPHET CAUGHT ASLEEP. Deprives Him of Sword--Killed With Knife. Cairo, June 20. 1h All el Kader, who trepcherously mur dered Scott Mond fled on a key He fell recaogidzed In his then intending authorities, false prophet, rich, a don the gro angl who asleep or way was took Lhe with a sword awoke him, told to LWA and him to him, hand hin over to the fut Abd el Kader possessed a knife, with whach he kill ed the negro He wus afterwards met hy six Arabs who took him and bound him fast, As he refused to walk he was tied to an angarech and carried to Katfvia. Abd el Kader and some of hy followers were captured hy the people #1 the neighborhood, which that the have liking re- the government negro Come shows local natives no for bels against Anxious Moments, The hot weather months are an an xious time fcr all mothers, but par ticularly for youn: mothers, They are the most fatal months in the year for babics and young children, because of great prevalence of stomach gnd bowel troubles. These come almost without warning, and often before the mother realizes that there is danger the little one may be beyoud aid. It is the duty of every mother to use all reasonable precautions to ward off summer com plaints. For this purpose no other medicine can equal Baby's Own Tab lets. An occasional dose will keep the stomach asd bowels from offending matter, and will ensure the little ones good health. Mf the trouble comes un- expectedly the tablets will speedily cure it. Every home, therdgre, should keep the tablets on hand always ; they may be the means of saving your child's life. They are suaranteed free from opiates and narcotics, and may ha given with perfect safety to a new born habe, Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 23¢. a box fom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brockvi'l, Ont. WORKED HIS WAY UP. in Railroad Man Believes Publicity. SIR W. C. VAN HORNE. Sir William Corndlive Van Horne, the emecutive head of the great Cana- dian Pacific railway, is a railroad man who believes in publicity. He has just ended a hig tour through Fng- land, in which he explained at many dinners and important meetings the aims and successes of the Canadian Pacific railway. Sir William was born in Will county, Ill, and is consenuent- ly an American by birth. He reeeiv- ed a common school education, and in 1867 was married to Miss Lucy Hued, He entered the railway service as a telegraph operator and worked his way up quickly. He went with the Canadian Pacific in 1582. His bome js in Montreal, Canada. Be Disease Prooi.. Don't catch cold, don't cateh or in- cur any disease. You can't ¥ your blood is right. Life and the vital jements that fight disease and weak- ness are in the blood. Strength and effective resisting power can be had by ww of Wade's ron Tomie Pills (laxative), They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In 4 2c, at Wade's Drug Store. Money back i not satislaciory. IMPROVES SYSTEM -------- Enables Out and Improvement Ships in Fog to Find Their Exact Location, Thus Avoid Collisions. June W.--lhat wireless te has not exhausted its wonders and was teresting with has 1 office Another London, raphy we ol . yet leg ) Surprises talk proved in an London Mr. Marco vesterday. © Une approaches this man, who, yet in his youth, revolutionized tele graphy, in the expectation of meeting typical and rather uncanny wizard, to wave his hands to manner of wonders by an But there nothing to study oil, about ath wha in at while a who has but all fore work unseen is nh suggest the tall, man canny, aml nowy and midnight letic, greets well-groomed young breezy perfect English that s forgotten, ami you mother was Irish. uh, he said, "I'll tel what ryving to do, and what my hopes, bL\t please "don't make seem boastfui)\and don't let us too much of th "Most people know all about the regulyr service which the Marconi Wire: -------------------------------------------------- fashion, and his It remember you in wan such a 14 name only hs you ar me have SIGNOR MARCONI, I$ now main- It began less 'Telegraph company taining across the Atlantic in October last with the exchange of messages between Edward and Earl Grey, governor-general of Cam ada, and we are now sending about 2,000 words daily across. "We can send. twenty-four words a minnte seross the Atlantic, or forty eight when we can use the duplex sys tem. Dut at present we can only send] messages one t a time If an operator tried send a message across while he there would be man firing against another Marconi waved his hand t grand collision of language Atlantic. "But lately ing with apparatus which will a in hoth once ng way a to one was receiving confusion, one Mr oO suggest a in mid great and I have" been experiment enable direc Iv us to send tions at been quite suceessful of three or four miles Dorsetshire, and 1 anticipate before long the message lhe experume have over stance at BUCCCYS across tic. one of ther 1s the to determine exactly the wireless station on of the how is latest experi ship another That ments A approaching ship in a fog, positign of the 18 my to enable a shore, or the course other ship ol course, navigator if he know, not that another approaching, the exact of that ship makes shore or You ean help a will to soe, it able ship mly the but angle with his course own. it is perbaps a little difficuit to explain the des to the general reader but here it is roughly," and Mr. Mar coni sketched rigdly on his blotting pad while he spoke We get, you a screen with a small centre. his turned direction from which the the station, is known aphing, untu ringing « the waves entering shows that exact from which 1 is coming has been ertained "1 shall be carrying out experiments on these in the Mersey in a few weeks The iden being sj welcomed by shipping the St. Lawrence river, often hinders navigation. "At present the trans-Atlantic ser vice, from Clifden, Ireland, to (lace Bay, Nova Scotia, a distance of 2, 200) miles, is our longest regular ser vice, but 1 sce no reason why the most distant parts should not be thus tonnected, and to a country like Great Britain, with her far-off colo nies, the possibiities gre enormous, "In undeveloped lands, too, like rica, ite future seems assured its great advantages is that there age no wires to tut. 'The cutting of tele graph wires by savages or half-eivilic peel tribes, out of ignorance or nus chief, bas always been a difficuity. In China, too, 'whete we have five sta: tions, this same point holds good, especially in view of the fact that su- perstitious dread of shadows falling on ancestral graves has often led to the removal of wires and poles. Think, too, of the anxiety that we whould have been spared if the besieged legn- tions in Pekin, a few years ago, could have communicated with the allied European fleets by a system which po wire-cutting could hinder. "At the present time a bill is before the Malian perliament for the pure chase by the government of the Slar- eoni station at Bari, near Prindisi, see, hole in the about in the other is shig to be i a the the wav or shore the caused in the direction vy sereen, hole ase lines yo is lly authorities on where fog o Af One of which communicates with Montenegro arross the Adrigtie. In his speech, the minster for posts gud telegraphs ot 5 'HEMORRHOIDS SORES AND ECZEMA Accompanied by Terrible ltching-- A Complicated and Most Distress- irg Case--Well-known Remedies Fe'led to Cure--Doctor Thought an Operation Necessary--Then CUTICURA PROVED ITS WONDERFUL EFFICACY "YT am now eighty yuan old and oie morning, t years ago, 1 was taken with a bord pain in my right side. In two days I bad an attack of plies ), bleeding and ng. doctor gave me some medicine oo an ointment for them which heiped tng some but I had to keep using t all the time. Then I changed to the I remedy; but if I did not use it every day, I would pet worse. The doctor said the only hulp fof me ras ta gu to a hospital and operated on, Ab this time, about a year ago, I went to using the 8 remedies. 1 tried them for four or five months but did not much help for my piles. During thi time sores wi come on & fleshy part » They bothered me would get one healed changed to a anied b, eczema, accomp & terrible ftching. It seemed as if could not keep my hands from tearing my flesh. This and the pile trouble brought on an inflamed condition, Then I got the Cuticura Remedies. I washed the affected parts with Cuticura Soap and warm water in the moriing at noon, and at night, then used Cuti- cura Ointment on the irritated sur faces and injected a quantity of Cut cura Ointment with @ Cuticura Sup- pository Syringe, I also took Cut cura Resolvent Pills three times a day. It took a month of this treatment to ot me in a fairly healthy state and Ren 1 treated myself once a day for three months and, after that, once or twice a week, It is fortunate that I used Cutis cura, The treatments I had tried took a lot of money that I would have saved by using Cuticora Remedies sooner, but 1 am wiser now, and 1 would not feel safe without them. n, Hopkinton, St. lawrence Co, N. X., U. 8. A, April 26, 1007." ABend to nearest depot for Cuticurs Book on Treatment of Skin Diseases. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor of Infants, Chiddren and Adults cone sists of Cuticura Soap 10 Cleanse the Skip, Cull ura Ointment eal the Skin, and Cutiouts esolvent, or i the form of Pils (Choeois te Doated) to Purity the Blood: also the Cutigurs Suppost ringe. thropghout the world, : erfiouse Sq. Pare, 8, Paix: Austialia, R. Towos & Oo. ter Drug & Chetn. Corp. Soie Prope. McGILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL, Session 1008-1900. Courses in Arts, Applied Science (Architecire Chemistry, Metallurgy, Theory and Practice of Raflways, and Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering) Law, Medicine, and Come meroey Civil, Matriculation Examinations will ecom= mence on June 15th and September 10th and Examinations for Second Year Fx- hibitions and Third Year Scholarships, will commence on September 10th Lectures in Arts, Applied Sciunce, and Commerce, will begin on September 21st; in Law September 106th; in Medicine on September 16th. on Particulars entrance fees, tion to regarding examinations, requirements, courses of study, elc., can be obtained on applica J. A. NICHOLSON, MLA. Registrar. Royal Victoria College, Montreal. A residential ball for the women studs ents of McGill Univerdily, Situated on Sherbrooke Street, in close proximity to the Universiry Bulldags and laborator- jes. Stindents of the College are admit. ted to the courses ia Arte of Metiyl University on jdentieal terms with men, put mainly "in separate classes, In ads dition to the lectures gives by the Fro fessors and Lecturers of the University, students are assisted by resident tutors. Gymnasium, skating rink, tetupis courts ete Scholarships and Exhibitions, awarded anbually, Instruction im all branches of music in the MeGul Couservatoritin of Music. For turthér Particulars, address The Warden, Royal Victoria Gollege, Montreal. said that this sistion bad, in its three working, given prool of its ef and reliability, abd he pro- its purchgse with every conti dence This testimony to yw tem of course, very gratifying." Then, with a sigh over the fact that business cures bad Jor some tims kept him from his beloved experiments, to «hich he will shortly return, Mr. Marconi brought the interview a close. years ficiency posed our =, to ---- np To get relief from indigestion, bil iousness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomash or porging the bowels, take 4 lew doses of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they will please you The crops of the United States flop 190% are estimated to be worth eight billion dollars. Piles Sufferers, Attention. it isn't relief but lasting curs you want, and that comes quickest by as ing Dr. Hamuton's Ointment. Very healing, soothing and peoetrating, Quick teliel from pain, results guaran teed and all for Be. Get Dr. Hams ilton's Ointment from your druggisty