PAGE TWO. PTL PIE gen fy s THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1908. Aa Iron never Our Have come to stay. They last, break, clean, dressy, $8, $4, $5 up. $5 60 and $0.50 styles cre pleasers. Camp Cots For in or out doors, duck or wire tops $1, $1.50, $4 up. Chinese and Japanese Mattings Cool and durable floor coverings, large choice, 1dnoleum and Oilcloth, Carpets, Rugs, Seuares, Curtains and Draperies, ete, Repair and Upholstering done prompt- iy, good and cheap. Yours, T: F. Harrison Co., PHONE 90. - Dsdor - PORCH SHADES Are just the thing for your Verandah, made of thin strips of Linden Wood artistically stained, all sizes in stock. R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse Pearsall's Millinery SPECIAL SALE We have put on SALE all our READY - TO - WEAR HATS at ONE-HALF of their regular prices, that of course means a very cheap Hat. \ comes a reliable ee policy is the friend in| that protects the owner from } FIRE INSURANCE IT COSTS E TO CARRY, BUT IS A COMFORTABLE THING and get our we give you t it costs you. You'll be anxiety with one of policies as your best friend. {date. resolution, NORE MONEY GRANTED TO THE SYDENHAM HIGH SCHOOL. The, County Road System Under Discussion--A Motior. to Dis- miss W. W. Pringle. At the Friday afternoop session of the county council Coungillor Rey- nolds moved that as it i= deemed ne cessary to amend the county road by-law id order to better 'maintain the county road system, the services of W. W. Pringle"as road overseer he dispensed with thirty days from this Counallor Baiden seconded the in amendment it was moved by Councillor Baiden, seconded by Councillor wwar, that thé matter be left over until Saturday. The amendment was carried as follows © Yeas--Warden Foley and Councillors Brash, Davis, Drew, Godkin, McGre gor, Miller, Stoness, Thomson, Mec Allister.~10, Nays--Cgouneillors Franklin, Rankin, Reynolds, York.--6. Messrs, Stewart, Keeley, Rogers and Elliott, trustees of Sydenham high school, waited upon the council to ask for un additional 3600 grang repairs id be made and another teacher could be engaged, and better training be given, so that so many county pupils would not have to at- tend the hingston Collegiate Insti- tute, whose fees were ¥38 a vear, and besides which pupils had to pay hoard A fourth form was needed in the Sydenham school, Smith Elliott called the Sydenham high wchool a fire trap. It badly needed reconstruc- tion to make it safe. On motion of Councillor Reynolds, seconded by Councillor Franklin, the council decided to supplement the grant to Sydenham high school by the 2600 asked. Councillor Stoness said that county road system should be creased to cover sixty-six miles stead of sixteen miles. Councillor Rankin objected. He said that the people of other townships would not stand for more expenditure $0 long as there were other roads with toll gates, 'The first thing to do was to free every county road of tolls, Three roads still had toll gates, It was moved by Councillor Davis, and seconded by Councillor Shannon, that $500 be appropriated for repairs to the Perth Road running through the township of Kingston and Stor- rington. Councillors. Reynolds ang York moved in amendment that the matter be left over till Saturday. The amendment was adopted. Councillor Stoness moved, seconded by Councillor Brash, that the county road system by-law be amended that the distance to be covered shall be sixty-six miles instead of sixteen, Councillors Rankin and Hamilton moved in amendment that no action he taken unless the present toll roads are considered. 3 Councillor . Reynolds wanted to know how Councillor Stoness proposed to maintain the roads. He could not vote for the motion under the pre. sent schetpe which permitted a road overseer 'to ftilize about ong-quarter of the amount spent for his own fees, Councillor Stoness said that the svitem he proposed was the same as that of lennox county which granted to the townships two-thirds of the amount each municipality expended upon the roads, and in proportion to the equalized assessment. Councillor Reynolds moved that a committee be appointed to draw up a report on the county road system and report at the coming session, The resolution was adopted. The com- mittee consisted of Coungillors Frank- lin, York, Hamilton, Brash, Rankin, Stoness, Shannon. On motion of Councillor Drew, the township fair grants were fixed at the sume as last year. The salary and grants by the court house caretaker werd fixed at the same as those enjoyed by the former caretaker. The council adjourned till Baiden, Calvin, 80 the in in- 80 7 pm. Tax Rate Increased. At the evening session, several by- laws were pussed, one appointing the court house caretaker at a salary of $550 and quarters, one providing for the borrowing of £10,000 for current expenses, aud adother fixing the tax rate. The tax rate will be one and a fifth mills hichor this year than last, and will remain so for tem years. It is necessary (o raise the rate so as to provide for the paying of $60,000 of debentures just issued. This 860,000 is part of the county debt, made up of bank overdrafts, and the Ontario legis- lature allowed the county council to issue debentures to cover it. The de- bentures have to be paid in ten vears, at the rate of $7,582.83 each year, and it will require an additional tax of one and a fifth mills to do this. The county tax rate for general purposes has been too low for a long time, the revenue not meeting the expenditure. The following additional amounts will have to be paid by the munici- palities for the next ten years to meet the $60,000 debenture debt : Barrie, $24.80; = Bedford, £343.88. Clarendon and Miller, $868.88; Garden Island, $78; Howe Island, $121.23; Hinchin- brooke, $253.50: Kingston, $1,690.97. Kennebee, 868.43; Loughboro, $692.04; Olden, 8162.71; Oso, $120.33. Pittsbur- 8£1,22084; Portland, $¥I8.50; Ports- mon'h, $138; Palmerston, North and South Canonto, $75.90; Storrineton, $047.81; Wolfe Island, $761.58, The tax rate for some time past has been five mills. Hereafter, it will be six and one-fifth mills. {Continued on Page Be mre | To Kingston's ; trying bars, THE SPORT: REVIEW ROLLER SKATING RACE WON BY RYAN. Y.M.C.A. Harriers Still at Work-- Lacrosse Team Practises Steadily--~General Notes on Various Sports. The three mile run for the roller Skatiog championship of the city was pulled off at the rink oni Friday even- mg. Ryan wou from Kovey by one and one-half laps in forty. The wiu- ner covered the threes mileg in 12 2 minutes, very good |time. the race was clo-e for the first few lags, the men padng each other, but near the end Ryan took the lead and gradual ly increased his lead until he was sure oi holding it. The winner handles him- self very well, skating with an even suwroke, while his opponent tried to skate out of the way up the side: and const most of the corners. Still Practice Lacrosse. The lacrosse team had a fairly good workout on Friday evening at the Cricket field, It is rather warm to play lacrosse now, but the boys are turning out faithfully. After the prac- tice they had a run around the park ring a few times to keep their wind in shape, = -- Y.M.C.A. Harriers. The Y.M.U.A. runners are out every night now. Ihey tase a run around the prison road and on a nice night may go a little furthér. Some of the boys show fine form and should Make good. -- Roller Skating Challenge. Kingston, June =0.--(10 the Sport- ing editor): Now that Mr Lox- worthy, the champion roller skater ol Canada at the tune rollers _ were in full blast, has met with such an ac- cident that he can never skaté again, and Charles Martin retires, 1 will skate Mr. Ryan ome or two miles (measured miles), to start from opposite sides, in two weeks time, for 325 or {I am thirty-nine years oid but in the game. Hoping Mr. Ryan will answer this.~Yours truly, D. FITZ GERALD, care Canadian Locomotive company, City. more. still Sporting Notes. "I'om" Longpbat is held at twelve to one by the knglish bookmakers. The management of the Boston Na- tional Baseball League Club announces that Pitcher Irving Young, of that team, has been traded for Pitchers McCarthy and Young, of Pittsburg. Toronto News : The American threat not to compete against Longboat 1s laughable. 'the threat to withdraw their whole "invincible athletic army.' if the Indian competes at all isifool- ish, and the English Olympic commit- tee can hardly help but see it in that light. 3 At Fredericton, N.B., George Wag- ner, Perth, Ont., lance corporal in "H." company, R.C.R., lasted only two minutes and thirty-three seconds with "Dan" Littlejohn, of St. John, in final bout of the military tourna- ment. The New York World has figured out that the passing of the anti-bet- ting law in New York state affects 40,000 horses, and #100,000,000 property is seriously afiected. It estimated that the value of gallopers before the bill passed was $20,000,000, and that they are now worth only $2,000,000, The latest reports from show that France will enter in Olympic championships szome of the greatest distance runners in the world. Among the most promising is Ragueneau, who has érimmed the Brit- ish aggregation of distance men time and again; only once has he been conquered on English soil. It is said that Ragueneau has travelled five miles in 25 minutes, 10 geconds. Toronto Telegram : Canada has beep quite sufficiently sacrificed to the old counfry craze for pleasing the Yan kees at 'all costs. If 'this craze is to he carried out of diplomacy into sport and Longboat is to be disqualified hv the highest Egglish authorities at the bidding of a Yankee autocrat, then every Canadian athlete owes it to his country to leave the Olympian games to the foreigners and the Alverstonian outfit that is afraid to call ite soul its own when the walking delegate of Yankee sport orders "Tom" Longboat off the job. The entries for the Olympic regatta at St. Catharines on June 26th, are all in and have heen forwarded to the Canadian Olympic committee at Ot- tawa, who will send them on to Eung- land. The Argonaut eight and pair will be sent to En~land without pre- liminary trial as none of the other aquatic entries have entered for these events. Three Halifax fours and one Argonaut four will contest the fours) while the following six scullers are en: tered: Lon F Scholes, Toronto, R.C: Harry Jacob and Walter Bow- ler, Don D.C; William Dusean, St. Josenh's R.C.: Halifax; John O'Neill, St, Mary's A.A. and A.C., Halifax) and James Cosgrave, Argonauts. of is abroad the Cuick Relief For Catarrh. Anything from a mere cold to severe catarrh may be quickly relieved by use of Wade's Ointment. It gives comfort and begins healing immediate- ly, wherever it is applied. Of daily usefulness, because it cures ecrema (salt rheum), ulcers, piles, catarrh, dandrufi and all séaly and itching eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's Drug Stove. To Have A Recount. Napanee Beaver. . D. H. Preston, returning officer, has been served with an order issued [legislature on the Sth inst. The re count takes place on Monday, 2nd inst. Genuine Panama Hats. The finest of the fine, ¥5 up, at . Bros' i No more summer baking after once Crothers' lemon and cocoanut made from the Best malerial, Ci EIR FLOWER SUNDAY] WILL BE OBSERVED IN SEVERAL CHURCHES. The Themes to Be Considered By the Preachers--Sunday School Gathering in Queen Street Methodist Church. Bethel Church--The preach moroing and evining, St, Andrew s--Rev. Dr, Mackie. Ser vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Strangers welcome, St, George's Cathedral a.m., holy commumson; 11 a.m., mating and holy communion, preacher, Dean Farthing; 3 pan., Sunday s.hool, 7 pm, even song, preacher, Kev, I. G. Orchard, Brocaville. Cooke s Presbyterian Church, Brock street--1he pastor, kev. W. 3S, Mac- Tavish, Ph. D., will preach at both serviges. Sunday. school and Bible class at 3 p.m, Btrangers courteous- ly welcomed. First Baptist Church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services. 11 a.m., "The Luminant Life'; 7 pm, "fhe Spring-Time of Life." Sunday school and Bible class at 2.45 p.m. Strangers cordially welcome to all the services.' Quen Stret Methodist Church-- Flower Sunday. Rev. W. H. Sparling, B.A., pastor, will preach to children at Il am. ard at 7 p.m. on "The Grand Refusal. p.m., special flow- ¢ér service by Sunday school; good music. Mid-week service, 5 p.m., Wed- nesday. First Church of Christ Scientist-- Sunday, !1 a.m., subject, "Is the Uni verse including Man Fiolied by Ato- mic Force." wednesday, testimonial meeting, 8/ p.m, Free reading room every aiternoon, eicxwpl Sunday, 3 to 5 o clock, Monday and Thursday, 8 to 9.30 p.m. Broci Street Methcdist Church.-- Rev. T. E. Burke, B.D., pastor. bdér vice at 11 am. and 7 p.m. The pas tor will preach at both servic 8. dSun- day school and Bible classes, 10 a.m.; class meeting, 10 am; Y. P. 5, Monday, 8 p.m. prayer-meeting, 8 p.m. Strangers made welcome at all the services, Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- rie and Earl streets--Rev. M. Macgil livray, D., pastor. Services, 11 a.m, "Christ's Message to the Makers of ths Future"; 7 p.m., "What Comes of Touching ths Hem of His Garment?" Sunday school, 2 p.m. Frayer meet ing, Wednesday, & p.m. Strangers cor- dially invited to all the services. Sydenham Sti&4 Methodist Church --Pastor, Rev. Charlis A. Svkes, B. D. Hl a.m., theme, "lhe Business of Life'; 7 p.m., theme, "Moral and Spiritaal Husbandry." Bible school, 2.45 p.m; junior league and class meetings, a.m... Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m; mid-wees # rice, Wednesday, 8 p.m. pasior 8 10 B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W. J. Harvey, New York; Mre. J. L. Weller, St. Catharines; F. G, Savage, R. K. Scheie, J. B. Nixon, W. D. Cavanban, F. V, Chsdell, George MM. Smith," W, B. Cookson, J. U. Duna, Toronto : Minnus MoMunroe, Boston; A. G. Browh, London; J, t. Terrill and wife, Picton; F. E. Wilkinson, Petersburg, Vt; Mrs. L. C, Fleetham, L. C. Fleetham, (Ogdensburg, N. Y.; Ema Nobb, St. Catharines WW. B. Deo- bynes, Miss Ryth Dobyne, St. louis; RK. W. Longmore, Camden East; H. t Moore and wife, Fon du Lae, Wis; Captain Gleason, Henderson, N. x» J Boone and wiie, Miss Beatrice Boone, New Yors; R. A, Corley, James: W, Pyke, M. Hutchinson, T. "Tobin, Montreal; S. B. Morris, Rodney; J. N, McQueeny and wife, fouth Bend, Ind; P. L. Crago, Bowmanville; IP. M. Yate:, Hamilton; F. M. York, In- dersoll, . A Searchlight Excursion. The * Epworth League of Sydehbam street Methodist church have char- tered the steamer America for an ex cursion on the evening of Monday, July 6th, Remarkable Values. In summer hats at Campbell Bros. Bibby 's for bathing suits. When wanting something real tasty try Crothers' lemon and cocoanat bars at all grocers. Bibby's' 81 shirts are swell. PEOPLE PARTICULAR Patronize our store because no where else between To- ronto and Montreal can they find such a splen- did variety of "Everything in Hats." This is why the great ma- jority of bs YOUNG MEN Come to us for their And all other kinds of Hats and Caps that comfort Direct I ty Zim willl 7 THE 'ARGYLE'S FATE WELL KNOWN LAKE BOAT MUST BE SOLD. There Has Been - Quite a Warm Row Among the Stockholders, and the Court Has Finally Ordered the Winding-up of 'the Company. Torefty, Glove. \ A " Justica Teetzel, on Thursday, made a final Winding-up order in the case éi the Lake Untario Navigation com- pany that will be followed by the sale of the well-known steamer Argvle, formerly the Empress of India, Iving at Portsmouth. The company has a capital of $22,000 and debts of 311, 000, and it is hoped that enough will be secured from the sale of the vessel to meet the liabilities. There has been a bitter struggle within the com- pany as to the sale of the vessel President Hutchinson, Judge Morson (who was treasurer), and William Douglas have taken the ground that the sale was the only means of dis chareing the liabilities, including the mortgage to the Imperial Trust com- pany. A majority of the stockhold- ers, consisting of Capt. John Hadett, {who holds $5,000 of stock), and Messrs. T. Long and Watgon, of Port Hope, and Carrick and Mrnold, of this city, have been trying to keep the vessel on the lake. They appear- ed some time ago before the court and tendered a marked check to cover the company's entire indebtedness to the loan company, outside of which at that time the company's liabilities were trivial. This payment the doan company refused to accept, nor did the court enforce its acceptance. The majority of the stockholders say that twelve months' attempts to effect a settlement have utterly failed owing to the unreasonableness of the minority, The majority offered to buy out the minority at seventy-five cents on the dollar, or to sell out their stock to the minority at sixty-five cents. The boat has greatly depreciated in value under interim liquidation operation. Lloyd's insurance was formerly curable at three and one-half | per cent. against all risks: in 1907 it cost five and one-half per cent., and seven per cent., whilst this year it is de clined by reputable underwriters. Tt is doubtful now whether the boat will sell for enough to meet liabilities, all of which is directly due to the liqui- dation proceedings. pro WAS PULLED OUT OF WALER. Young Man Named Tierney Taken in Charge By the Police. At nine o'clock, this morning. the police received a call from Crawford's wharf, to remove a voung man, "Barney" Tierney, a cigarmaker, un der the_ influence of liquor, to the police station. Tierney was very drunk, and unable to take care of himself, and it was found that he would fall off the wharf into the water. Earlier in the morning, it appears that he had a narrow escape from drowning. Two men at the wharf in a gasoline boat, informed the Whig that at Kingston Mills they found Tierney struggling in the water, and that he would have been drowned, had they not stopped and pulled him into the boat. 'He had taken off some of his clothes, for the purpose d of petting them dry, and was only partly elad when the police took him in charge. Tierney had been camping at the Mills, so it is believed, and had gone in for a"swim An Excellent Bridge. John Stewart, of Harrowsmith, ac companied the county council on its trip to Loughboro Lake bridge. at the request of some of the councillors He has been in railway construction work for twenty-five years, and he was surprised at the fine condition of the bridge. The work, he said, had been well done, and could be com- pleted within thirty days, if rushed The bridge, he said, would be a fine monument to the county cour<ils of 1907-08, as showing the wisdom of these bodies. The bridge would last for years. savs Inconstant Kingston. A letter from containg these poifits ©: "They eall it 'good old Kingston' but it is more truly faith less old Kingston. Have vou reflected that, in turn, everyone of its members who offered for re-election since federation has been defeated, Britton, who took refuge in a judge ship early in the game: to wit, Sir John Macdonald, William Robinson, Alexander Gunn, Hon. William Harty, dames H. Metealie, and Penge And all of these members were de voted to the city's interests and did some good things." A Delicious Treat. Get the habit of treating your friends to Wade's ice cream soda. That is always a real treat. The soda is fine, the service prompt, the sur roundings attractive and vou are cer tain of a delicious drink in a clean, polished glass. Wade's druc store. Vancouver con save now A Noble Official. Prescott Messenger. W. A. Quinn, in making his official ShnGunouent of the result of the provincia election at Kemptville, publicly made a sarcastic and insul- ting remark to R. L. Joynt, the de feated condidate. He evidently does not appreciate the dillerenee between the privileges of, an individual in pri- vate life and the decorum and im- partiality expected in 5 private officer 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamer North King leaves Sup- days at 10.15 am. for 1000 Island and at 5.00 p.m. for Bay of ints Portis and Rochester. Have Been Dropped. The new magazine, veterinary hos ital and additional stores buildin Ainaston, have been dropped from the public works' estimates, . ung Men's Straw Hats. y hrims, the correct siyles, », When On the Hunt For Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts, Light Weight Underwgar, Hot Weather Socks, Suspenders, Leather Belts, Fancy Wash Vests Latest Style Neckwear At pleasing prices, it will pay you to come and examine our stock, P. J. HUNT, Agent for "J." Brand Austrian Collars, Our Entire Stock Must be cleared regardless of cost as we vacate the premises Sept. 1st. The stoc®. must be turned into cash. We are not going move it. Big snaps Bibles, Stationery, Paper and Fancy Goods. W. J. F. Mallagh, THE STATIONER (NISBET'S OLS STAND.) to in Wall To-Night 20 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Vests, sleeveless. Regular 10e. and 15¢. garments, but being Mill seconds the price to clear will be 5¢. EACH. 25 dozen Ladies' TFast Black Cotton Hose, sizes 8} to 10, worth in the regular i way, 1Bec. a pair. To-Night, 2 Pairs for 25¢. See the snap in Girdle Corsets, with Hose Support- ers attached, all sizes. Regu- lar 75c. line, for 50c. a Pair. White Waist, Embroidery A beautiful y with Allover Front, To-Night, 59c. Fancy Parasols for Ladies' and Children. Special Sale of Boating Serge, Navy or White only, 44 inches wide. Regular 50c. : quality, for 39c¢. rit NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. a Yard. 0000000000000 00000000 BATHING Ks 200000000000 0000 A large assort- ment in Sizes, Styles and Prices. Dr. A. P. Chow "Phone, 843, A5 Princess St. PESTON NOOOCRPROOORRRRREOORROROOOOORBROR SE BO0000000000000O0CCOOCOOOQS senses eessssRRERInS We have a Private Office for Issuing Marriage Licenses Also the finest stock of Wedding Rings In the City, and an elegant stock of suitable Wedding Gifts Which we will be very pleas- ed to show. SMITH BROS. Jewellers and Opticians. '850 King St. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Have your FURS Made Over and Dyed now, as we are getting busy with new orders. W. F. Gourdier, Exclusive Furrier. Phone 700 THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright, Money loaned on City and Farm Pro pertios. Municipal and County Deben- tures Mortgages purchased Deposits received and interest allowed, 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. NewEngland Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 a.m, to Sam, the best place to get an all round [Lunch in the cily. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes & specialty; "Phone, 655. EXAMINATION TIME S HERE We are selling sup- plies which the scholars require at Half Price including Compasses Pens Pencils Inks Foolseap r---- Kingston Post Cards 5¢ Per Dozen ea W. J. F. MALLAGH, THE STATIONER, (Nisbet's Old Stand)