Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1908, p. 3

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DOOOCO0O0VO00000000000D | >OCO000000 FOOOO 00O000VTOOOQTOTOOOOO00 O00 OOO FOR THE WOMAN WHO WEARS DAINTY WHITE Here is everything that the most particular shopper ean-desire--or_hope to find. "Wash Goods"? Of course, dozens and dozens of pretty weaves and patternings--some as filmy as cobweb, others dependably durable--all spotlessly, immaculately white. Plain and Dotted Muslins, India Linons, Per- sian Lawns, Soft, Fine Mulls, Sheer Organdie S, Crisp Piques; Linens both fine aud coarse; and the prices are pleasant---like--10c, 12}¢, 15¢, 18c, 20¢., and so on up to 50c¢ the yard, Here Are the Dainty Parasols You must have one, of course, if your costume is to be correctly complete. In White--they are either plain or embroidered. In Colors--every proper and modish shade and com bination is shown. In Blacks--they are as elaborate or as plain as you'll wish, Primmed with chiffon raffles and embroidery in tones to match every costume, and the prices are low. OOOTOOOTOTHO00 00000000 00TOOO0OOC 0OPTTOOC Beg CRUMLEY BROS. 0000 00000000000 0000000000000000 SHOE REPAIRING ! T do the best work at the most reasonable price and do promptly, Read the prices below and them bring me your work : Ladies' and gentlemen's rubber heels, 35¢c. to everybody. Men's half-soles, 50c.--Ladies' half-soles, 40c. All work guaran- teed. I: All persons having §1 worth of work done will be allowed per cent. Discount on presenting 't his ADVT., AT ANY TIME. JOHN GREEN, 201 PRINCESS 8ST. A Shirt Campaign Py it 10 ee For one week we are going to make a specialty of selling Shirts. Besides all our spring stock, we have Just received seven tases: (each case lined with circus bills wonld e a good sum- mer cottage), filled to the top with shirts, 4 If you want something different see our Shirts. COAT "SHIRTS Cuffs attached or de- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. JUNE n 1908, PRINGLE RESIGNED; inci ements. AS OVERSEER OF . ee COUNTY ROADS. ONE WEEK Commencing Mon- day, June 23ad. OPENING OF PAVILLION. | HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE | LABELLE, FAUSTINE, A Physical { Culture Girl. JENNINGS WEBB, Sketch. FRED FINNEY, f Latest Illustrated MANLISK SHAH, Hindeo Magic, 2.000 Feet of New Moving Pictures te grounds free by Cars June 20th, Children's 1 Cent Cars. A Motion to Dismiss Him Was] Defeated By 13 to 5--~Then Mr. Pringle Resigned--Road | Grants Given to Township. {Continyed from page 2.) ANIL In a Comedy The taken on Councillor to adopt a sixty- | Councillor Ran- No agtion was RBtoness' resolution six mile road system kin, a member of the official commit- | tee, ohiected to any further road be- ASirinsion ing added to the system until all tolls Saturday, on county roads had been wiped oot. | Pay on St. it was moved by Councillor THE KING EDWARD nolds and seconded by Cound Re THE PALACE OF AMUSEMENT. Franklin, that as there a tertain | Gor. Princess & Mo & Montreal Sts county road system taking in certain I MONDAY TUESDAY AFTER- I= in the towns} pe of Loughbaro, NOONS AND EVENINGS, "OSTLER - JOE" tenance for whic h is provided hy the | n the Of New York, Songs in is igton, whole county of Frontenac, and where as the other municipalities receive no- thing in lieu of said money expended in said townships for maintenance of said roads, that the followine town- ships receive these grants: Basie, $12; Bediord, 2115; C1 Miller, £30. Garden l:sland, Island, 850; Hinchinbrooke, nebee, $30: Olden, 70; Osc burg, $500; Portlend, 8 mouth, 860. Palmerston, Island, R315. Moved in amendment by Councillor Rankin and Davis, that mn be the matter. The amendment | | was carried AND wrendon £15: £105; 850, Hor | { stopd at ev sun went | | i { | | o Ken- | down, lies, - | | 4 | shores where a woman By a grave Pitts souls LU the Who lured sin the en's of With light of her wanton eyes Soloists 3 HARVEY, Basso, BRISTOL, Baritone. LESLIE HUGHES CC. BS HJ, MIS, CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Manager. | DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE | REGULATING PILLS Druggists, or by MEDICINE CO, no acti Pianist, ital : { taken in Drew given repairs on and pow- Tan- On motion of Councillor Franklin, Reeve David wa er to make pecessary nery bridge. At the Saturday moernine session, Councillor Rankin raised obiection to the motion passed on Frida: making special grants to townships He declared it to be illegal. Tt would | or be better to rescind it, and appoint a { mail, $2, committee to go thoroughly into the | {To ronto, road question and report the No vember He dared. seconded | THE WHIG'S JUMBLE by Councillor Davis, that giving grants bd rescinded tion to rescind was lost on sion : Yea Shannon Nays--Warden laiden, Erash, evening, for Women's at all LITTLE: Best supression, DR, Ont at session the motion The mo this divi | Tella About a Lot of Things in Short Metre, on need p cab 'phone €00. Hhe. underwear for eamfort Livingston 8 to When y s--Councillors Davis, Rankin, | Bibby» 3. | $1.95 Fol y and Councillors { night) i ! Drew, Franklin, God- if 4 man has he kin, Hamiiton, McAllister, McGregor, | things in life besides dollars. Miller, Reynolds, "1homson, Yori--13.! Even a detective's train of thought Un motion of Councillors McAllister | may get on the wrong track, andl Drew, the warden and clerk were Bibby's Ue. underwear for eomiort wstracixd to the agreement ke-| Many a man who we alks to his work tue n the county and ths Kingston! would gladly run for offipe, Mo 8 of Industry for an indefmite | Judge a man's ability by what he periocl, with the option of cancelling | does, not by what he threatens to do. it at any time, Bibby's pew collars, "dor & 3 he court house "Wise mothers" buy everything for Hiseussion. the baby at Gibson's Red Cross drug seconded Lemmon & Sons be given the con- tract for one, three or five years at| tha option of the council, to keep the court house roof in repair, provided they sign an agreement guaranteeing ta keep the roof water tight. Two years ago it cost $340. to repair the rool, and last year $250. Councillpr Franklin said that the Marsh bridge in Pitisburg was causing trouble. On his motion, the warden, the chuirmun of roads and bridges, and Coundgillcr Reynolds were appoint ed ga commities to investigate. Sherili Dawson wrote calling atten ton to unsanitaty conditions in the jail; and stating that the inspector of prisons demanded that the improve ments Le made, A petition signed by Byron Gordon avd fifty or sixty others was read, ns<my the county eouncil to expropr- | ate the Portland toll road. 'William Shannon, forman Loughboro Lake bridge and Perth Road work was questioned as to the stone erushin.s he did. He replied that ho was engaged to do the work by Mr. Pringle and Councillor Stoness. | The latter said that Mr. Shannon te | ceived his instructions from Mr. Prin-|°! gle, Mr. Shannon said he had been givem po notice to quit crushing stone. Mr. MeCrow, who alto did . stormy crushing stated that he was en- Aulev's book store. by: Mr. Pringle and Coun iflor | Ribby's new wath Soness, and got no. notice to quit at]. he time. it is apt to accomplish 4 lot of things Councilor that are not worth the effort orl by sox Chocolate covered burnt viees of W. W. Pringle as road over { half pound boxes, at Gibson's | Cross ¥ re Phone 2 be dispenged with, after thirty | isk drug. ator Us Phe 2 20 ar days from date, and that the warden| o y olla 2 for 2h appoint a road engineer to act until] ter a man has knocked arouhd the the council meets in November. lhe] vorld for a few vears without meet x B | ith' sube . motion was lost on this division a. wi nL ubcess' he knocking Yeas--ouncillors ' Baiden, Calin, | YG. or 5 1 pr Bibby" w Nar Franklin, Reynolds and Yorke. Prev I: Be ets . ' > : VY . ne roe w 3 Nays--Warden Foley, and Coundllors y S AR a splendid assort t of gents' i ¥ Brash, Drew, Godkin, Hamil Sete nen! ol a furnishings and ton, McGregor, Miller, Hi le olothine at low prices. The $y 0} : {order denartfent in well gesorted with Rankin; Stoness, Thomson. RCs 13 {new goods; Firgs class and fit : 2 bas t Mr. Pringle then addressed the soun® ranteed. cil, and said he was pleased to see that he had friends. Hd inti mated that he never ms ole. sense ecs oiler renew slowly roof camo under Counc | or *>hannon moved by Councillor Dasvis that |store. Too many they want instead offer {need Bibby 's for It pays Gibson s thee. Bibby's Sic. underwear is cool, Some men try to dodge the issue when they find what they are looking for The gossips |a man goes wrong and {woman in the case. Bibhy's for men's A good family price for ¥2.75 per ¢ lin's. Muny a girl is relegated to the spin 3ibby's Sle ungerwear is fine. « lass hex campeagn manager, use a third person phonograph to tell a man what think of him Bibby's new "Buy son's 230 Occasionall what they pray for what people new hosiery, fic. to buy infants' foods Red Cross deny stare, at Fresh an awful jolt when there is no got pajamas, $1.50 flour, regular wi., at Mul cewt. £3, ster because mother acted as he r Never as a youl of the collars, 2 for We. toilet drug water" store, violet Red at Gib Cross "Phone woman makes a fool a man, but more often she make him make a fool "of himself H. Cunniogham, piano tuner Chickering 's. Leave orders at a from Mc = tieg, "2% man who keeps everlastinglv at gaged w any Reynolds moved, second Councillor York, that the in Red almonds, begins 2 Aor 5e Davis, MeAllster, Shannon, y Value Handlifig Baggage. Cherbourg: June "0.x The agents of the North German: llogdd have for bidden the desk workers, in. their om: ploy, to aeoept gratuities for the transferring -of* passenger's baggage from train to steamships at this port and conseqliently the men, vesterdav, refused the handle the baggnge of the passengers who came dows from Paris the iwarden his resignation as over] 10 *mbark on the Kaiser Wilhelm . der seer, and said he hoped it would be; {Grosse, To get over the difficulty acenphecl. the company regmisionsth ~~ the ser On motion of Councillors Rankin vices of the ship's sailors and the and Hamilton, the resignation was ge- baggage was handled without delay, cepted. ---------- G. W, Smith, former county engineer was appointed to act as road engl reer until the November session of the council, to act under the instractions of the roads and bridges committee, After waking grants for Perth Evad work in Ningston and Loughboro townships, ho council adjourned will November. some expected to be appointed road overseer, as be realiz- ed that he lived too far away to look alter Perth Road. But he accepted the position tendered him, and bad done his work faithfully. Mr. Pringle said his work spoke for itself. He had sav- ed the county much money since ho took charge. Mr. Pringle then handed lle. Roll Bacon : Breakfast, 15c. Saturday ouly, roll bacon, lle; B bacon, ise. J, Crawford. | S---------- fi Bibby's new collars, 2 for ose, A noise is the only thing That will break silence. ig "In Everybody's Mouth." Wiarton creamery butter. Ask your groeet for it. Take mo other. The tug Emerson, on her way Kingston, ran aground on Friday night at the head of the Morrisbure canal. It is expected that she will be taken off this afternoon. ° th brushes and tooth powders, he Aiikaon's fied Cross drug LOST. IN BIRD in Cry Heward uf CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First meertion lc. a word. Each oon secutive insertion thereafter ball cent a word. Minimum chargefor one in« sertion, 25c. ; three fnserydons, Hc. six, $1; one month, $3. WANTED-FEMALE, DESIGN Lake Ont returned to this A GOLD PIN Thursday PH R wer GQ Thurs Wi BLACK OSTRICH FE from train, between 1 Station and Cushendali day. Reward for retur office. TOA, A COOK, Ww. D WITH REFERENCES. Gordon, 167 King street. SET wi 1 H night, between Mill and Johnson sirest, and Stuart Sts. Reward to Smith Bros, » EARLS: Knitting O'Rat returned BAR VIN Wednesday by GOOD GENERAL SERVA y it washing Apply to Mrs. oN ver, corner ing and Gore His. P-- ~MAKE SANITARY home (materials fornished hundred. Particulars stamp. Dept. 844, Dearborn Chicago Hl A LADY belts at $15 per wid euvelops. Specialty Co RUBRER ahout, bet ween return and Brock BRVANT TO GO TO near Gananogue and August. For particu to Tandy a8 Good JENERAL the 1,000 for July lars, apply Clergy St. WANTED---GENERAL. SITUATIONS V VACANT. AN ND . WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. positions. Will equip stant practice. Cangful Few weeks complete course. logue free. irite Moler College, Toronto, All comp-- w---- -- - -- for uF ins wages. shops. Con fastructions Cata- Barber WELL-BUILT HOUSE, WITH provements, by family of two, August 1s, or later, Address 0. W.,' Whig office, A THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinde of work promptly dope. F. J. Birch Eleotrician, 206 Wellington street. You don't have to take any tenant that comes along when 'you adver- tise--you get a big list to select from. Better, isn't it? A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yarde or cellars, om other baggage carted. Prices right. Appl S. Lytle, General Carter, 35 i st. ANY, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn good income corresponding for newspapers | experience WINECeSSaTy, Address Press Correspondence Bureau Washington, D.C rt int PRESSY GENTLEMEN %O GET thelr Spring Suits made at' Gallo- way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 181 Brock Bt. next to Bibby's Livery. CUSTOMERS FOI GAS STOVES eas fixtures and globes We are clos ng out these buiore July lst Snag to quick buyers J WwW. Oldlin & Co opposite Wonderland. SITUATIONS WANTED. RIN ¥ nD MATE IRNITY NURSE nursing by week or month. First-class references from the best medical doctors. Apply Nurse Atkins, 243 Montreal street. PAIS EXI wants MONEY AND BUSINESS. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS $36 A WE paid, no experience Pillow Tops 80¢ fromes, lowest Catalogue, Studio, Chicago, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE building and contents than any other company offers Examine them Godwin's Insurance lmporium, ot Square. FXPENSES required Photo larped portraits Free Samples * Ritter Art LONDON AND GLOBRR Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable assets $61 187.215 In addition t which the policyholders have for socurity the unlimited lability of ail the stockholders, Farm and city pro- perty jneured at lowest rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'P'hone, 568 PERSONAL. MOLES, ete, removed; soar. Twenty Famer J. Lake, 1 nd Hin 8 Dugol street , LIVERPOOL, ARCHITECTS. ARTHU R BELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. P. SMITH, ARCHITECT Anchor Building, Market Square. 845. HENRY ete. Phone, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. ant's Bank Building, corper Hoes ' Wellington streets. Photie, 313. -- ny MMAR permanen tiv, Vears' liye ar HAIR warts, without WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITE CT, OF fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess an Bagot streets. Fatrance on Bagot streets Phone 608. A DEWAR CELEBRATION. Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. New Offices of Well-Known Firm | Opened in London. London papers to hand give long accounts the House, Haymarket, John Dewar & Sons party at the luncheon included Michelbam, Lord Montagu, Lord Headley, Thomas many men mn lite of the The Duty Of God. bave heard safbieient of the i My 1 Lite to Lod of Dewar! offices of opening the ne (Limite We of man that Lord tant Beau- 4 poco Lip- 1; d a the | whose tropfo- | axist, ol The w we recognized the o too lien, Sar ton commercial notable sutiers and favo Such As to and great me hs. Lord Headley, in | pricious : an ipsait God ha has gIver that proposing succes a congeption i Johan Dewar & Scns, sketehed the growth of the firm fre its foundation in 1846 by John Dewar, father the present managing directors, Sir John and Sir Thomas Dewar Lhe head ol of the company are in Perth the wa areg of | which over four Th branches | mast and establishments also a Aberfeldy Tuilymet, Salhnluig, Liverpoo chester, Birmingham and lov well as in New York, Sydney Melbourne, Calcutta)" B The company has a royal from King bE dward Vil, warrant aarthority to use the arms of Spain from King Alonso. Sir Jobn Dew repee Inverness-shire in parligment and lord | provost of Perth, while Thomas had represented St. George's East | and Wapping in the House Come ration, mons. Reference was made the | § family growth of the huginess Loudon { Science from the time it occupied TOS on Warwick street till ifs removal in io the new five-storey building on the Haymarket. Sir Thomas H. Jedging the toast, ing to God and it our wiil care lor fy the whom He to expect He ba {hat It 3 1 wiack {to those whom right m made, of needs, is God ed and with ou He fuilhl, what ati Sire creation to {ices come where us rehouses cover owed ATM acyw re at 25 AL adress, Rev. C. W. Casson, : for the | Beacon street, Boston, Mass., bad | litera tute, whades, "Whim | AN OLD IDEA and a special | il Shown to Be Absolutely False By Modern Science. to think that bal those thin which ar ents People one whol of wa twice had 1 was handed de from heirloon ym. has: shown belied by is not the result of a germ vhich only Herpicide rit the séalp Washing only ol to falseness that onstitutionnl] in the Res this bald itself but two invasion effect aall can Dewar, in atknow- said that in an ide aj ; of a commpodity the public wanted a tisuirwh, | : ¢ lead, and London sets the fashion in| o eRtroy the most things. No matter how good a ete > " thing might be, great, how ex er To cellent, haw magnificent, to "go Gm] ie versally it must be properly and nerepted in London, and London's hallmark, Jt was futile ativertise an article which was: not] good yalue. lhe public in these days | are goed judges of the majority of | things and all the advertising in the | world would not make a suctess of af bad article. Sir Themas made sewt | jokes on the enquiry os to whiskey is, being carried on by royal commission, and told of a ean] cortion he had heard of on a visit to] Maine, made up of a gation of wood alcohol, with a winegless of glycerine to mellow it, ang ground plug tobacco |, to give the | stuff body flavor, the sy whole dilated with a gallon of water, | The maker called it * 'squirrel whiskey" because those who drank it talked "putty" and climbed trees. Sir John Dewar, M.P. in. a' brief spwech, suid experiments mighty = tried in tif legislature to im prove the condition of the people, but it was not fair to experiment at the expense of individuals. Mentker Lleaton, MV. Sir W. Bull, the the remove cleans kill alee you doesn will do this ir delightful Herpicide It a CAs is also a Send sample The Mich Two W. Mahood, leading for Detroit, 51. GG. bry dn stamp to Co. sizes, A and special agent. EXCURSION 10 TORONTO "tho Deer Ladies' Ald of Queen St. Metho dist Church, on FRIDAY, July 10th, via G.T.R. leaves Kinston, Sam panes, 8.55 aw, fare $40 am. fare Speci train re $8.35 Nap 22.90, and Bellevilin, $2.35. Kingston tickets good 10 ret on p trajos execpt No. 4 to July 13th ; Nap anew and Believille tickets good to July! ith HERR INY OLE Cures ALL Couch MP. and Charles Palmer, alto re A i ia ih on manips. 1} ON {CANOPY v seals. Help secure | OF | at' Mark. possible Blemish | Cy | |THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT | FOR SALE. CARRIAGE, TWO 51 Bruck rorren Apply to McCaun, street. TW GOOD HOUSES NOS 62 Wellington Cunuingham AND A. B, 60 TIRED Ap SECOND-HAND runabout BROADLY how ply 493 Princess street RUBBER a bargain, A AS Ww JEWELL GAS new, used only J. . C. Dobb ASH R 5 working order, Apply to Kirk Prinogs street, CONVENT Nl Vv located and fort Able solid rick house, eleven rooms, modern ap ments, luspection may be arran by telephon I. Massie, 'Phone, 1 RANGE, GOOD ths. Apply Brock St A IN PERFECT ba sold Grocers, TER. will chon & lee 206 BAGOT MANUFAUTURD tha atirng iCRewt weil rket Ac indiana TO Canada : and ost dives Al Us FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1 WILL offer the balance of stock, conskuing of Buggies Hunabouts Stanhopwes and Business Waggons, at a reduction of the regular selling price, from tea to twenty-five dollars, ¥ you wank to get a good rig at a low price, now is your chance Laturney James The Carriage Maker, Princess St, TO-LET. FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for furniture, ete. Me Ny 51 Broek streets BRICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR- nished at M¢ Flan, qu the Rideau Apply to McCann, 51 Brock St. NOS. 77 and all modern 1st May. 79 ALFRED STRE improvements. 1 osse aston Apply A. B. Cunsiogham. SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED OR unfurpished, on St Lawrence and Rideau. Apply to McCann, 51 Brogk BRICK wdern for JOHNSON ST. redecorated, plinsbing, Ap HOUSE, conveniences, now Se LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX. change Chambers, No, 118 Broek St Apply to Geo. CIMT, Real Estate Broker, 95 Clarence street. FOR FURN Separate rooms and WwW. 4. Frost, 'arringe Painter, 536, FINE DRY STORALH BE ture, goods, ete our own lock and ke torage Agent and 299 Queen St. ¥ hone, § SIZEp prioae for the sume at inter and Clergy AND MEDI M well ventilated rooms, mer in "The Reside nos, wection of West, ri Sis, 174 Earl atreot: LARGE BUSINESS CHANCE. Wi i SUFFI FI 1 NT wn date Stor YOUNG MAN yop ert up-to inl tiesataple nity for right i, Box Bd Mon sed pee wd © i Apply to MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRIUK, Marriage Licenses. 42 WOOD! "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD, SLAB WOOD, MILL WOOL, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order James Swift & Co 374 Princess Street. - Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cen« tral & Hudson River R.R. ISAT ER Ularence ow duty Kingston 1¥. except r nd 3 © King Sunday, snd ! Leave Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 amy and 15 Mak Vis ¥ dire con ent to and from a rk State Ihr cent to New York Week end round riown good y ret rain ¥ tions at Cape points in New sleeper Cape Vine et ugh trip ston to going |! rday of uding Dept. of Militia and Defence. Ottawa. TENDERS sup; « SEALE Cate for the Wood required » lings at King Hope ami Cobourg months beginsing Jul be received up to Saturday iLatan Each tender is i X Tender for Fuel." and addressed Secretary of the Militia Counc, Printed forms of tender contalais v be obtained fron of the Militia Genneil . or at the office © Iesr Come manding Fastern On ¥ Kin geton, who will furnish all' Fach tender an secepted cheque, to tl of the Honourable the Mibister © and Defence, for fve per cont amount of the tender, which wii foited # the party making the declines to sign a contract When ufdn to do so. HH the tender Le not ae cepited the cheque Will Le returned The Department does not bind $self to acoept the lowest or Any ish tender. ¥. JARVIS, Secrtary, Dept of Mat in and Defence; trent of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, June 160, 1590 {9D eds) Nowgpepers will vot be paid advertissanent Hf they fomert it Aethority from the Departament. PUVA aod Fuel Military " ist it 27th marked to the Ottawa, payable for this withouy 'Elephant" Pure Liquid Paints (Fully aranteed). These ints are the best Ey atives for Raina A , they dry quickly Ww Lr and purtaes, , Eon Treely For sa

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