ME MAKING TERMS The Very Latest Culled From All| HOPING TO ARRANGE FOR AN EARLY CLOSING. The Conservatives Had a Caucus--- The Elections Bill Discussed-- Asking Questions jn the House, "From Our, Own Correspondent Ottawa, June 20.--A cancus of the conservative members was held, yes. ferday, and the situation, so far as the election bill is concerned, was thoroughly discussed. It was reports ed. hn the house rose yesterday : that all negotiations were and that the parties were as far from coming to terms over the dis- puted' clauses of the election bill as ever: but this is denied in the com- servative quarters and it is stated that the negotiations are proceeding satisfactorily. > Meanwhile the government is mak- ing excellent progress with its busi ness, putting its bills through in good shape and securing substantial votes of the estimates, so that, so far 5 as it is concerned, there is no complaint to make. : It is eit that an informal com mittens. of conservative amd liberal members may be proposed to deal with all remmining 'questions mm dis pite #0 as to facilitate as early a seftlement as possible. In the Commons Richard Blain rais- a' question with regard to the ad- : of the Cassels enquiry into the affairs of the marine department until September next, But the finange minister replied that Judge Cassels wins master of his own court and that it was' for him to determine how he #hould proceed, Mr. Blain asked also whether the government had consented to G. H. Watson, erown cohinsel before the Cassels 'enquiry, going to the old covp- try this summer, The finance mimister answered, however, that Mr. Watson had made ne arrangements. with the government in the matter, * us. SECRETARY OF WAR. He Will Be the Successor of t It. [ravild w ing deputation to the president of clergyman, says nawaga Indiah named Thomas PITH OF THE NEWS. Over The World. Premier Whitney will attend the ter-| centenary celebration at uebec. Roy Gallop, Brampton, Ont. seven, drowned on Saturday. The National Tax association will hold its annual convention in Toron aged | . I'he Royal Bank of Canada is suing} John Maughan & Son, 'Toronto for] $2,069.17, on notes issued. { The Independent Order of Foresters | decided on 8 temporary increase rates and ¢ out some salaries. The re the Royal Artillery band' is not coming to Canada this year is| that this is an unusual ceremonial | year and the band caunot be spared. | Some members of the Anglican sy-| nod eriticided the press for sensation | alism in connection with news re} Pobis 1 High ehigmey of Brantiord Cordage company's works blown down om Fri- day night, crushing in the boiler room. ' Peter Robert, Uhatham, Ont., a re- tail liquor dealer, was fiped ¥39 _ for selling diguor to Charles Coleman, a minor : larmer in the Harris district, Sask., banged himself, on Friday. He was found by one of the neigh- bors. At almeecting of citizens' in the ma- Lor's' offi, 'Toronto a committee was formed~to raise funds on behalf of the 'national battlefields' project. Sixteen new cardinals will be ap- pointed" at next September's consis tory, and among them will be two Americans and one Englishman. After the summer holidays every pupil in British Columbia schools must show -a certificate of vaccination, else he will not he allowed to attend. A plague of eaterpillers. is reported in New Urunswick. "They erawled on Foilway and. stopped a train and] grew had 10 shovel them off the +F, Donnelly, well-known in Port Arthur, Detroit and Montreal, ' aged seventy-seven year is dead in Cuba. He was a_former Indian agent of the dominion. At Bgussels a cheuffeur in the em- ploy of King Leopold was fined #110 for having upset amd injured a bigyel- ist, while driving his majesty's auto- mohile. The 1.0.F. supreme secretary's sti- pend wag reduced from $7,600 a year to . a year, while that of the supgdjne treasurer was reduced from $7.000<10" "$4,000, | The London meat traders are send- the Board of Agriculture regarding WE BigH priegs and the removal of the embargo on Canadian cattle. Rev. J. R. Seymour, a Methodist moral laws are as welt: observed. in. Dawson as in any place of it¢ size in British Columbia, His testimony contradicts that of Rev. Dr. Pringle. * Katie Beguyaid, widow of a Caugh- Deer, inf" , hg " | on Earl street, last night. The origin-| Gibson, Ottawa. | per groomsman, R.E. ple to tea BW. yesterday, and is entertaining infor- mally again to-day. . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1008. Gold in i Guwilight {Continued from page 7.) | | i Ison street. | parents, Colonel and Mrs, Peunington | Macpherson, Ottawa. | { Linton. i \ been spending a few divs with her | Mrs. Archibald Bell, Kingston, is ex- | pected in Ottawa on the ist of July on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ernest o> - - Mrs, Haultain of Port Hope, is the! guest 'of Mrs. RK. W, Garrett, John-| | Mrs. Joseph H. Hoppes, Kingston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S.| A delightful dance, in spite of the| Valleau, Rtanley avenue, Deseronto. | weather nan # attempt to ruin it was Mrs. Hugh Nickle's, at her big house! al intention was to make the lovely | awn at the rear of the house, sup-| room, sitting-out place, and or-| chestra bower, bat fres lightning flash-| ed fire, and the lawn, gay with chain' ed electricity, shining through many | colored globes, was quickly deserted. | The orchestra," Walker's, from the apers house, came indoors and sup-| per was laid in the djning-room. Pink peonies fillgd the house with color and| fragrance, and the delicate scent of] masses of sytinga mingled its heath with sweetnéss. Mrs. Nickle received in a lovely gown of pink mousseline over pipk silk, and with her was her sister, Mrs, W. J. Knox, of Kelowna, B.C., in whose honor the affair was given. Mrs. knox was in yellow satin, made with the empire effect and trim- med with gold, - Among the probable visitors for the ball will be: Miss Lilias Ahearn, of Ottawa, who will be with Mrs. Cor- peliug Bermingham; Miss Dorothy White and Miss Gladys Carling, from Ottawa: Miss Mea Gibson, from Ham- ilton, and Miss Lillian Bristol will, it is likely, come from Hamilton, too. Among ex-cadets will be : Mr. Gerald Hansen, from Montreal; My. Charlie Coursol, from Ottawa; Mr. Francis Malloch, from Hamilton, and Mr. Frederick Lytle is expected, too. Mr Edward Swilt is already here, so that there will be a glad gathering --of friends of other days. - a = Tho hostesses at the golf tea, this afternoon, were Mrs. R. C. Carter, Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Mrs. F. W. Albree, Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Miss Frances Hora, Miss Kirkpatrick, Miss Ieta Carson, Mies Marion Lesslie, Carter. \ ww we The bridesmaids at the wedding of Miss Annie Scott, and Major E. N, Mozley, will be Miss Jean Scott and Miss Hattie E. Graydon, and the Mr. E. F. S. Dawson, i - - - Mrs. John Mackie asked a few pee- at St. Andrew's manse, -> Mrs. Edward House," gave a > Ryan, "Rockwood tea, this afternoon, in honor of Miss Annie Scott, - > - Tea followed the ericket match this Miss Lillian Kent and Miss Madelon ¥ Miss Molly Cartwright is spending | a couple of weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Orchard comes wp, this even ing, with the Rev. F. G. Orchard ! from Brockville. During their four weeks' stay in town they will be en pension with Miss Martha Smith, Wel- lington street - - - Miss Harline Wurtele, of Ottawa, is visiting Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street, and will be here for the ball. A fourth debutante is to be Miss Ethel Lallemand, from Montreal, who came up, to-day, to visit Mrs. Ed- ward Ryan at "Rockwood House." Miss Kathleen Ryan eame back with her from the Sacred Heart convent. Mrs. Lallemand will be here on Tues- day to spend a few days with Mrs. yan. i - > 2» Miss Rita-Sutherland, of St. Louis, is staying with Miss Grace Martin, Gore street. Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Knight, Ellice street, have been down in Gananoque for a little visit. Mr. and Mrs. John J, Williams, of New York, have been spending this week with Mrs. Williams' sister, Mrs. {Dr.) Nash, Princess street, and also at Bath with her father, P. C. Pur- vis. They leave for New York to- morrow. - o-oo. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chidley Harston, of Lindsay, announce the emgagement of their only daughter, Gwendolene Ross, to J. F. MNcCuaig, sow of the late John F. McCuaig, of Toronto, former- ly of Montreal. The marriage, which will take place in July, will ke very quiet, : . . - . The engagement is announced of Margaret Estella, only daughter = of My. and Mrs. James Skinner, Camden last, and Mr, T. E. Goodwin, Toron to. The wedding will take place on July Sth. 3 ". - we 5 The marriage of Gertrude Isabel, daughter of the late H. H, Reeve, M. D., and Mr. Elvin J. Bengough, B.A., C.S.R., registrar of McMaster Univer sity and son of Thomas Bingough, C S.R., will take place on Wednesday, June 21th, in Castle -Memorial Hall, McMaster University, a The marriage of Miss Catherine Cun- ningham, to Mr. Robert Lawler will take place Quietly on Tuesday, June 23rd, at St. Mary's cathedral, WOMEN TALK TO WOMEN About Pe-ru-na. BEE ee St fe 1 (Ru MRS. McGOUGH. Depressed Feeling. - Mra. M. McGough, 219 W. 58rd street, New York, N. Y., writes; "I gladly add my mite of praise Peruna for what it has done for me. Two years ago a depressed feeling took y stomach got out of mes I could not hold a glass of cold water. I didn't like to eat, hold of me. back and order so that at £1 afraid that my stomach would get sic 1 have been using Peruna for the three months and now I feel as well as ever did. My stomach is as strong as ever and my nervous troubles have I keep recommending Peruna to my friends who are troubled as I was, and I have been thanked for doing #0." Mrs. Wilds Mooers, R. F. D. 1, Lents, Ore., member Order of Wash- ington, writes: "For the past four years I was » wretched woman "suffering with troubles peculiar to sex, causing severe backache and ring down pains and leaving me so weak and weary that it was only with dif- ficulty that I was able to attend to my household duties, I used differ. ent remedies and injections, but found no relief until I had tried Peruna. Within two weeks there was a complete for the bettef and in less than three monthayg I was a well and happy woman all the praise Is due to Peruna." to Kk. GCE 200 on MRS. NELSON. Headache and Backache. Mrs, Tressio Nelson, 600 N, 5th Ave, Nashville, Tenn., writes: "As Peruna has donecme a world of good, 1 feel in duty bound to tell of in hopes thatit may meet the eye some woman who has suffered as | did. For five I really did not know what a perfectly well day was, and if I did not have headache, I had backsche or a pain somewhere and really life was not'worth the effort 1 made to keep going. "A good friend advised me fo wse and I was glad to try anything, and I am very pleased té say that six bottles made a new woman of me and I have no more pains and life looks bright again." -~ famous. cures. Nervousness, backache, dyspepsia, The above testimonials represent actual experience of every-day life. They are the truthful utterances of women who have been ill and have found a reliable remedy in Peruna. It means a great deal to the women of America who have at hand a remedy capable of performing such headache, melancholy, bearing down pains. All these and. a host of other symptoms are relieved by Peruna. At least this is what the women say. They have no object ii saying such things, except to render truthful testimony to their suffering sisters. The reader will note by reading these testimonials that in most cases other remedies were tried, doctors were consulted, and dinally Peruna came to their resctte and made them well again. Peruna is making such cures every day. It is the testimony of the people that has made Peruna so justly Suffered Thirteen Years. Mrs. Anns Munden, Iollygrove, Ark., writes: «] suffered with female troubles for thirteen years. bed 'and walk about. Headache and Deafness. N. H., writes: "I had terrible headaches, both ears Mrs, Mary E. Sampson, Londonderry, | A Severe Cold. \ | Miss Marie Calvin, 827 Main streed, | Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: "I caught a cold coming home from | run and I was nervous all the time, was | an evening party and as I did not pay "I saw an advertisement of your deaf in oneear for thirty years, I took | particular attention to it, Iquickly be- Peruna and bought one bottle and be- | six bettlegof Peruna andoneof Manalin, | came worse" and found myself in & tore I had taken it all I could get out of | and am happy to say that it is the best | serious condition. medicine that I ever heard of. Iam not "1 took Peruna and it brought me tm» " Axfter taking three bottles I was as | so nervous, my appetite is good, every- | mediate relief, Within a week 1 was " afternoon between R.M.C. and T.C.S. - "> - Mrs. Hugh Osler came "home", to- hing entered wiit for $10.000 damages against the Phoenix Bridge company fot the death of her husband, who was #6 WIDOW GETS PROPERTY. well and hearty as"ever and gained in | thing I eat agrees with me, and I am | cured and now whenever I foel flesh. 1 would net be without it." | feeling better in every way." | Perna will set things right" Springfield, I1l., June 20. > gi - LUKE 1B, WRIGHT, Washington, June 20.--Luke KE. Wright, of Tennessee, will be ap- inted secretary of war, to succeed r. Taft. After Mackenzie King. London, Jume 20.--The Manchester Guardian dwelling on Mackenzie King's report on Asiatio emigration says the document is both exiguous and re dundant, exiguoua heeause tha views of British and Canadian authorities have been embodied in a confidential and unpublished memorandum and redon- dant becanse it includes much that oértainly is unconvincing and seems a8 il it could hardly be meant serious. Iv. The Yorkshire Post says it wonld] hava heen wiser "for the Canadian government to - 'modify Mr, King's flamboyant style. 11c. Roll Bacon ; Breakfast, 15¢. Saturday only, roll bacon, le; B bacon, 15e. J. Crawford. Dellar shirts night. he failures in Canada for the week 59¢. Livingston's, to- one Bridge wee his maether, who is ill. attend the British House of Commons {dok for a general election in Geeat of the victims of the Quebec i disaster. Bir Gilbert Parker isin Belleville He wi remain 'a short time as he wants to 0 hefore its prorogation. He does not Britain for several years. The severe storm of Friday night did great damage at different poings throughout' Ontario. Andrew Hoover wad struek by lightning while boating on the Welland river and killed, and Ja Al "Lanner, of Warwick, was killed While, sitting in his buggy. An' attempt is being made, in Lon- don, to organize a Woman's Anti Suffrage Society. The first move took place, reeently, when a circular . ex the aims of the "National s nti:Suffrage Association" wai sont ont fo many influential wo- roe, hop. Brent says he had no te of leaving Manila until, Fri- day, when his physicians told him he an. affection of the nose and oars, resulting from the conditions of the climate, and advaised him to return, to America. bishop Brent was loath to go. he said, but he feared that he must accede because if he stayed he might be incapacitated. in- "New jce bags' at Gibson's Red were 20; safne week, 1907, 17., This supreme con have when the food is raised with % : a To - Fie Fe : Cross drug store. "Phone 230. nce you Fi oi day, from Winnipeg. Webster an 11 Ottawa down the Rideau. by. gasoline launch, lightful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Mabood, Miss Muriel the party that went to are back again, after a de- > > - Mrs. John Davidson, of Toronto, is spending the week-end with her sister, Mrs. W. K. I. Smellie, at 'The Avon- more." i Miss Brenda Smellie will be in town from Toronto for the ball. Mrs. Samuel Birch, Bagot street, will probably go down next week to open up her summer cottage among the Thousand Islands. Miss Beatrice Birch is in Montreal, visiting Mrs. Charles McDunough a - - Mrs. Mcleod, of St. John, N.B., has been feted during the week, at quietly informal little bridge parties with four ladies to make up a hand. Mr. Charles K. Roggey. who has heen the guest of My, J. F. Sowards, Montreal street, has returned to Mon- treal. Mrs. D. Murphy and Mrs. Sowards have returned home after a few days in Ottawa. Miss Elsie Tavlor, St. Mar~aret's College, will be home from Toronto, next week. a - - Myre. (Dr.) H. E. Day, Odessa, will be with Miss Margaret Grass, Albert street, until Suaday. Miss Addie Toye, Gore street, has returned to the city from Toronto, having finished her musical course. Miss Bessie Dowsley came wp from Ottawa, on Thursday, to be Mrs. Ro- ert Carson's guest for the ball. Miss Gypsy Grasett will be a Tor- onto visitor for the ball with Mrs. E. T, Taylor, R.M.C. - - :phersoh is coming oe Miss Marjorie . y from Ottawa to! be withy Mrs, T. Taylor, RM.C., for the ball. Miss Frances Sullivan, King street, is home again from her long visit, coming back with Mrs. Hugh Osler, from Winnipeg. Miss Muriel Beckett, of Hamilton, and Miss Lola Lyon, from Guelph, are staying with . George Young. University avenue. Miss Alina Bliss is coming early next week to visit Mra Frederick Brownfield, Wellington stréet. : - > =» The news that : Miss Nora Gordon's illpess had developed into typhoid, WB. Carey, ve the end of ron g FEEERTI REET 1. Picton, to Almeda Johnson, Hillier. "The supreme court decid- ed that the widow of Colonel John Warmer, the Clinton, Ill., millionaire, is entitled to his property. The decision of a lower court, which declared an ante-nuptial contract void and upheld the right of Mrs. Warner to renounce the will and take her Mi statutory allowance, is af- % firmed. IIIA Baseball On Friday. Eastern league--Baltimore, 3; Mon treal, 2. Providence, 13; Tc onto, | Bufialo, 4; Jersey City, 2. Rochester, 3; Newark, 2 American league--Chicggo, 6: Bos ton, 4. St. Louis, 4; Néw York, 0 National league--Cincinnati, 5: Phil adelphia, 0. Boston, 8; St. Louis, 6 New York, 8; Chicago, 3. Brooklyn, 3; Pittsburg, 2 x CECH E RET ERERERER > Overcomes [Premature Grayness. Dr. Dawson's Hair Restorer renews the life and lustre of the hair and restores the patural color without dying it. A perfect hair tonic and dressing. In bottles, 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. Cheese Markets. Victoriaville, Que., June 2,700 boxes cheese sold at day. Madoe, Ong, June 18. ~To-day 790 boxes cheese offered; all sold at 11}e Napanee, June 19.1330 colored colored amd 1.106 white cheese were boarded; all sold at 11 9-16¢. 1lc. Roll Or Half Rolls Bacon llc, Saturday only, J. Crawford. BORN. DAVIS At by, on May 17th, to M and Mrs Wesley Davis, a daughter ? GROOMS «At Napanee, June 6th, Mr, and Mrs. Menzo B, Grooms, son. FRINK. Mr. 18.~About le, to- to a ~AL Hay Bay. on June 12th. to and Mrs, A. xT. Frink, a daugh- ter. BELL.~At Desmond, op J 12th, Nr and" Mrs, Nice dg Beil, w CONGER.---At Gananoque, on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward W, Conger. Napanee, a son, MARRIED. ESMITH---JOHNSON ~At dupe 17th, James Picton, Miller Smith, on THOMPSON--SCOTT June 17th, Edward Iowville, N.Y, to ston ROSE--MILLER --At Crosey, 3 10th, Milton B. Rose, Wa ns. up rd en daughter of Mr; and Fitton, on Tompson, Seott, King: Jy Napanee, on Kerr, townshy land, to Miss M. May Yourex daughter of Ubester Yourex, Yarker. DIED. MINAKER ~In Picton. #0 Juse 17th, Alida May s aged thi y Minaker hirty yours. MORE aes: Bh une 16th, Hopkins, in bis daventy-fifth Great Cut Price Sale of High Class Summer Waists. ONE-THIRD OFF $1.80 Waists $2 Waists, for - ~~ , for \ ---- $1.34 $3 Waists, for $3.50 Waists , for $4 Waists, for The same reduction in al Choice selected goods in Mul broidery, Tucking and fine V is the time, to lay in a supp those trimmed with between A ly for the hot days. 1 prices stated Em- Now 1 and La al. Lace, latest styles, David M. Spence, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. Sale of Bu ROBERT J. REID, Ambulance Telephone, 577. The F FRESH STRA ffetts and China Cabinets This Week Solid Quarter Cut Oak, regu. | lar price $30 for $20. 1 Surface Oak, regular price $25 for $17. 1 Large Buffett, 3 mirrors in back, $30 for $25. Also a line of China Cabi- nets to match, $14 to $25, in solid Quarter Cut Oak. The above are snaps, It you to see them, 230 Princess Street. kst Store Above "The Opera House WBERRIES ARRIVING DAILY LAME VALENCIA ORANGES Also try our - STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE R. H. TOYE, 302 King §t | poet ek eects | IF IT IS T0 GET A SIX [Dun SE oC Out for Saturday. Set up or a bath room enstalled. I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a trial. DAVID pour es 8. CUT GLASS We have just received a large shipment of the | very latest designs in | fine cut glass. The new | | "Oregon" cutting is the most artistic pro- | duct of the: kind that we have ever had the | | good fortune to secure. | | We have it in a variety | | of articles and will be | | pleased to show them | to our patrons They | make fine wedding pres- ents. ' Kinnear & d'Esterre | Cor Princess and Well- | ington Sts. (REAL ESTATE i Summer Cottages, on Wolls | Island, to gent, furnished. City. Fire Insurance J.R.C.Dobbs & Co 109 Brock St. Typewriter Headquarters. HAVE YOUR \ Windows Decorated a with GLACIER ADS ouip. subatitais Jor Stained Class D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawsom and Staley, #13 Princess street: High Grade Planos at Living Prices, Victor and. Berliper Gram: oe. Will. { tame' Bewing Machine, nenix Fire Extinguisher ; and a full line of Musica) Insts , Musie, ete. Home Grown Asparagus bar's Cucumbers & Tomatoes | Canadian Strawberries Table and Whipping Cream. nsdn A. GLOVER'S, i | Bogs Bagof and Eazl Sta. Houses and Lots for sale in the