Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 20,-1908. ==% THE 5 P.MLEDITION MANY WANT PORTICOS "== | | Fdw red & Jenkin nme 7:5. 1 MARINE NEWS, | APPLICATIONS BEFORE THE Lg em | |What is Found About the] BOARD OF WORKS. Ee Baton a, Tell. Wharves, { Bacon, 13¢. TE Cran ord. ! : ! 5 There were no arrivals or depnrt- | City Granted Use of Water Lot mT ---------- i dn Ta de Domai] 'at the Foot of O'Kill Streen-- Kingston And Ottawa. | "T6- » 7 ! ' w steambarge Rober cDonald | Q ow i ia ; : sf | New Walks Asked For. Steamers of the Rideau Lakes Navi-| =N ht 30 t 1 0 O 1 3 eh inked from the cotton mill for Os} "The. chaicnusn.: Ald. Graham rimid gation comphny leavg or Ottawa. 0 1 ] . | 0 C oC * i | i} bY Dy Bham, pres Monday, Wednedday, Thursday and} at---------- h, from hayied at the meeting of the Hoard of For the benefit of our customers who could not de their shopping during the day this week, we have reserved 4 particularly good i Swalt = Steamer Alri ' | Saturday, at 6 am } | ports; steamer Ridbgu King, from Ot-| Works, yesterday afternoon, aml also b-- } i All kinds of new fur gar- @ tuwa, tonight. | present wére Alds. Givens Free and Livingston's Special To-Night. ments made to special ®| At Richardson's: Steamer Simi, | Nickle. Shirts worth 81 for 0c. Shirts] things. These have been secured after a good deal of trouble, and measure, and we also have E| cldared for Fort William hooner| William Mundell appeared before the worth $1.25 for 69, Black, navygbl A represent a great saving for those inclined to be economical. raf and gray Maco yarn sox, > unsurpassed facilities fcr re. | Ford River will clear Jor Charlotte{board on behalf of J. B, Carruthers modelling, repairing, and re- § | wi feldspar at' midnight sloop | and asked that no sidewalk be placed dying furs at short motice { guie 1. cleared for bay ports with Lin front of his property on William | 430 Pairs Ladies' that makes it possible for us ¥ orain. street, Sydenham to Bagot streets. It F a as. + NS airs ies to \transtorm your old Furs Owing to the heavy wind storm last] was pointed out that there was np T oun In Fish' s Tunas ' . - into mew. We guarantee per- gi night the steamer Alexandrina was un-{use for the was. The engineer was| J WO Years ago, on June 15th, 1906, | Lisle Thread Stockings fect satisfaction as to fit. ; gp) | able to stop at Gananoque on her up| of the opinion that there should be a Wins Habel Rohison. 39 Ring mn Bitrip. The gale was a severe one and] walk, No aetion was taken. west, Toronto, threw a sma sotthe 5 x v Bd | ug a f o i JA81e 'cad. Telephone 489. > ® small boats caught in the storm | There is evidently a great rush for{'™© Lake Ontario uty Uakvill - Shey In White Lace Lisle Thread ® | [Rad a lively experience. the erection of porticos, as three ap- asked Shat he be 0) ied wheye it . In Black Lace Lisle Thread. i a sreet | Was ound, She wi MW SUrprisex te * {plications for permission to erect hear that 3t ak found in prs inside] : In Tan Shades of Lace lisle Thread. of a buge pike, three feet long, caught | I'hese are worth 40¢, 45¢, 50c a pair. wm 5 paiid for ¥1. | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. | the sm were received from H, Uame John McKay Fur Houss p | intr { ridge , Ordnance street, ex-Akl. James hi " B h | 1 | ' School Of Mining. johnston, ier; ty vom, ; for She gh in aay i a. a hl . . | Kingston, dune 19s. the Fil. | houses on Clergy siroet, and from | les e + by Gorge E. Y Ch To-night 149-155 Brock St, = TA Parad: avh: in. tours. is | the Cain property, at the corner of Hartwiok. | our o1ce Oo ni y oi SEERA eis | of the Whig confus ses the School of | Wiliam and Clergy streets, the latter meee 25 P { Mining and Queen's | niversity in ul request being brought to the notice of i Secured The Film. ! C alr. way that might mislead some of your| the board by Aid. migney. There was Kingston, June 20.--{To the Edi { renders. The School of Mining is a) fome discussion over the porticos| tor): in answer. to the litter of "Citi- - fe fistinet institution with a charter and | Making an encroachment on the street] zen" in last night's paper, permid mel . ' ' " | governing board of its own, and only] line and _..., Givens said that be! to say that the famous picture, "Ost-| d 18S ite i ers irts | connecter] with (Queens University by, would be firm in his stand that no | kr Jos" will be shown at the Ring! } 3 i A TRINITY OF | nifiliation. The School of Mining is) Person erecting a new portico should} Edward "Theatre, on Monday and Lin no wny connected with the Pres. | be allowed to go bevond "the old ling.| Tuesday afternoon and evening. We ' 8 3 5 . . ! byterian church, and the action of the It wat decided to let the requests have been endeavoring to get the film} Some with deep flounce of fancy lace and insertion, A EN S | general assembly does not nfiect the) ¥tand over ustil the opinion of the | for some time, knowing it to be alt} others with deep embroidery flounce, all made from RCUM T { whool in any wgy. 'The grant of the city cotineil on the matter was J IVEY, Manaee! | a good white 'cotton, seams double stitched, made i | Ontario government is given to the eured. S. HARV Mana or. r . | School of Mining as an independent;] The Warren Paving compuny, To- eee with French yoke, properly gored to fit. YLiheril ' Gssoftment, Bighest undenominational institution. Queen's Tonto, wrote, offering: to send repre} A Fine Publication. quality, lowest prices University has no control over this| sentatives to the city in reference to] Scribnet's Magazine for July opens - . ' grant, nor over the endowment which |street paving, hut as the ity hasiwith a stirring outdoor article bay Your Choice To- Night This is "hy we list among our is beg raed for the schaol. Of {oo > deal on with 1, N. Kirhy &| Witham TI. Hornaday, author of ' Patrons the well-to-do and the course this separation of the business|Co ttawn, the letter was fy fest, Phe | Camp Fires in the Canadian Ro humble in purse of the two institutions does not in |ngineer stated that Mr. Kirby would| Kies, and earator of the New York] any way prevent cordial and effective] be in the city on Monday and would | Zoological Park. He describes, with co-operation educationally, --1 am, have a couple of propositions Lo! many pictures, a famous trip in the} Our fern dish assortment is good yours sincerely, W. L. GUODWIN, | make. The Board of Works will hold| Bad lands of Montana in pursuit of! this month. We sell one at § sl i ------------ {a special meeting on that occasion. |mule-deer, with adventure and humor that is partieularly good value, | | "Tours To Summer Haunts." | Thomas W. suo asked for removal hy the way, fully illustrated by-L. AL} | / " { \ 4 \ s 'or ' That "Tours. to Snore Haunts," | of tree on Bagot street, between Wil- | Huffman. This is the first of several | liam and Karl streets, west side, It! papers by Mr. Hornaday ealled "Di { issucd by the Intercolonial railway, is ad : 9 : a favorite with the travelling public, | was agreed to have the chairman and | versions in Picture ne Game-Lands."" | each yenr becoming better ac juninted| the engineer. fee to the proper thinning -- i i | ren S | 8 0 on n erves S with the territory it deseribes, was|oUb Of the trees in that district. Men] The Lots M. Fowler. v pangenberg demonstrated by the enormous de | are at present engaged | with Shin Michael Fowler passed away, o "ine ake , J ators : + QR" mand for 'the last «dition of the valu.| work. = | rid ini et nis Rat an] ' Fine make, low neck, strap shoulders, sizes 1,'3, 9, 7. able little: holdet. Thin. spring W. Clement and others, fpetition- | boy aftierdt. itn. of = WN I'hese range in value from 10c¢ to 18c each, according | } } with others ranging up to $6.50 JEWELLER, comes to vs dressed in chaste blue] against street watering on. upper months, The deecased, eighty-nine to size covers, and containing over one "hun- | Karl street. 'I'he board will recom- old, had * Yours To-Night, 6¢c Each. wisn fr \ {years Issuer of Marriage dred pages: Taking Montreal os an! mend that the service from Frontenac : nearly all his life and was well-known witial point the country. so repleto in the city and vicinity, Pesides his vith historic love and scenio attrac wife, #ix sons and one daughter are lived in this county | street to Allred street, be cut off. | Several petitions for concrete walks {will be referred to the assessment com- Licenses. tions ad atu} to over one thousand] : 110 4) tit {left to mourn. 'The funeral will bel Po { 7 miles ol railway is described in reqd- Wssioner. n regard to the petition pd on Sanday afterngon to tCush-| < : . * . | ! able style, Neat half tone reproduc. [for a new swalk on west C hatham | endall Roman Catholic church, al! NH 300 Box S F n Wh F 11 g HERAT | Co of socnes alongs the links Sua. | Street, First street to Colborne suet, | (00011 oman, Catholic shurch, on e a cy ite Frillin i : ; Pat up-4 Frills in a box, different patterns. } trate the text and in addition over 10a] Ald. Free will interview the residents ial, ] x " well-thought-out tours,; special rates, ; " A Oy "i are presnted. Fre, copies will be fur. favor of putting down a plan walk | . o : a Y T Ni ht, Boal Oil and i 5 of : under the local improvement plan, Church Service. | ours O~ 1g 'C OX. I and ascertain whether they are in nished ong application to the . city y : : ticket agents at Montreal, Toronto,! Hon. William Harty wrote the hoard | Princess Street Methodist church A ' | Rev. Fredeviek Sproule, B.A. pastor : ete, or to the general passenger de tin reference to the water lot at the | d 0 ine 0ves partment, Moncton, N.B. foot of O will street, against Macdon- [11 am., sermon on Sunday sch sol - ald Park. The eity engineer wrote work, by the pastor; 7 p.m., sermon Death Of Miss Glenn. some time ago asking that the gov-|by . R. B. Nelles, M.A., secretary on oe ¢ 0 ernment give the lami over for the] YMCA. on 'The Spiritual Fitness t 'Sonvenisngs, eo nd durability A very sad death occurred at the "TPN " a.'" Shee mks y 5 % . » . ooh Ru to EE ro Hotel bieuw on Friday, when M.sg Use of the city. Mr. Harty referred' Of a. People. pecial music at We hav © every thin ranted in i oF: : . both sfrvices. Flower Sunday ser- op Ly CBE a sin | Catherine Glenn, 36 Ellice street, to this matter, and submitted a let La his . . fis Set, Suv. Ri naa Jaa a passed peaceluily away aftr a short ter from Hon. Frederick Vorvden, in| v ious = he Sunday whol, Surin ithe White Lisle Gloves 4 + rd , " grin hot . ommend Hive Flame and High Tank wel illness. The deceased, only twenty |W hich He lutte Stated ut the go¥ i x Che ar ee aS es B n : Bn A White Silk Gloves, showing for safety and comfort, cight years old, was the daughtir of { ernment had approved o e. granting! yy pk} yeti, | Ma le 3 3 . » \ . Br 0 : the late William Glenn, Washburn, [of the lot to the. city, Shaw, in addition to special music | Black Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves. F 75 to 8 00 xhe was well known inn the tity, whers] The pny sheet, for 'two weeks, which!and recitations by the children, | In short, medium or long lengths. fom Cc . . 6 Bel améunted to $1,852, was passed, and { sho had resided for some time. i ir) ther I one | the board adjourned. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Bverything for summer comfort all tof sides her mother, ona sister and one | ! . ------------ | | . be found at eur store. brother su «. The funeral will be | ---- EE ei og py PERSONAL MENTION. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up B8v| dence to St. 'Barmaby's church, Frew | Reporters On Their Rounds. | * Ww. A Mitchell's Hardware. er's Mills, where solemn mass will he] Movements Of The People--What Cabinen's phone, 490. sung by Father Traynor. They Are Saying And Doing. f Whew ! its hot. { Montreal - street. is Good rubber tired cab always when | -- foo! oot pe tna John ~ Guivey, s Cotton R Compound For Saturday Only. spending his vacation © on Wolle 1s. YOU "phe ae 600, " --- ---- The picnics to the woods and wa 'The great Uterine Tonic, am VW : . tab ita. Torr . nl. od a a Er) ! ay Ea effectual Monthly Frosh srep soda) ae na, Ie gular lune rd Swift Merchants bank, To- Lwill flourish this month. scones of his y er days, people he 'Masque of War and Peace," in whic 9 a ety price 25¢., per box, 20¢,; strictly fresh vara SRNL, J \ ol I . hy 2 4 William Swaine piano tuner, are | has known, th he has loved, . and a procession of non-commissioned off i Ret + 1656 . rT » 2 » $ er a » ¥'s ' 3 gopcad. Ho jn md or § egy, per dos, 16c.; choice ecocon, OHIO, 12 tnjoying 10 Aings in | received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. IP tures he has painted, jeers gnd troopers of the Kough aiers of #trangth---No., k : : . Pi a " 10 degrens stronger, gular price, 40c, per Ih, 2 a4 «| arty. 'Face bags" for teothache; nlf -------- I'he part of the artist was played | took part, r wpocial cases, $6 por box | luindry starch for 25c., at Mullin' 8. T. U. Kupight, of the Ontario Pow- | » ome je o seountes -------- id i ell druggist 3 wikia Bho vl Bond] | der compmny's works, Tweed, i% in the tones at Gibson's Red Cross drue store {SOCIETY DRAMATISTS AID | li : Somerville, whi! Visco intess . wr repaid. on Joos pt ot ot } "In E v's M ho b sitar . | The wind was hard on the trees, in | + aitland appeared in the part of the! Round trip to Watertown, #1.65, Menon Qa. TansiTe. 0%, dormdriy Wi : In Everybody's Mouth. | > N. Johnston, of Buffalo, N.Y Hast night's storm. A fine tree on | LONDON S CHARITY. prt, good going Saturday, 5 am. or 2 soar " Wiarton creamery butter, Ask your] + JOUNSON, Tt or Untario and | The visions took the form of tab-|{p.m.; Sunday, 7:30 a.m. or 4:20 pm, mT . has returned from a few days' stay in 74 grocer for it. Take no other, A « a ) ) King streets, was blown down. i Charming Entertainment Given Jeaux, dances and recitations. Vis- | returning up to Mondav. : K_MAN RECEIPT : hs the Cty. ; wv | Charming E en : frets i WEAK MAN --- Robert MeCaulay and Peter O'Con- | countess Uantelupe appeared in the! Bibby's tonight for iW v avel DProwne, not. Mabel | y bila ic ! 4 apy . Fo, ' 3 lle. Roll Or Half Rolls Bacon 1lc. It was Haw \ r 1. nor, acensed of stealing a lawn mow For the City Rough Riders Im- | (yhleaux entitled 'Summer Her-! The lower Lincoln paper Sux mon wie. ny juan who flere with with nervous de Brown, who won the prize for read- \ i | serial Yeomanry > 1 + Cathar - . ¥, loss of natural power, weak hack Saturday only. J. Crawford, ins at Louise school jer andia roll of burlap from the | I as hr) moine" was arranged hy Soloman, J, | Catha : ne AE RR 5 8 4 i . a Ly ' a whi ondon, June J ociety wople | Solomeot : " a Hire using ¢ Ory guliclont ah usd, Sibbsv" 4 fi was Howard Kennedy, not How-| Grand Trunk freight sheds, we athect ab th ; peAple omon, RA. and Mrs. Alfred | causing Brauch Sn vr on by oi pa Be Bibby's for hest Ole, underwear. ard Brown, whe wou the prize for | fore the magistrate, to-day. MbtCaulay | 8010 1 . A it Hl Mond | dollars : ¢ y A 1 0 0 he Ll i ( o 3 } | i may cure himself at home with mn simple! Steamer leaves 7:30 am. and 1:30 reading in Central school. {got a sentence of two months and |" tht t She their appx ati m of al One of the most beautiful pictures | Bibby's to-night ription that I will gladly send free | n.m., on Sundays for Cape Vincent. Clarets Chowan late of 'the CO JP. joc onnor was dismissed. patriotic caus» was "Dantes Dream arranged by] A gang of B pinin sealed envelope, to My Ine {so. opuen, aren st bd is sf The heavy storm, on Friday even An exeellen ogramme was pres | Viscountess Maitland and the March-| knives s ho oll Write Jor it, L5 3. Noblnon, "Hick i iv." MeCankev' R. oflices, Momregl, arrived *m the fldmg, troit, Michigan igh class candy, eUonkey : ; 7, today to spend the summer | Earl street, between were he | ing, was welcomed by the farmers a iones of Downshire, aml in which | Toronto, ' + ity, Ee TT +d + and Huyler's, Sold only at Gibson's | Sergt. Nesbitt, of the polite force, all over the country. Out in the Mrs. Charles Gideon amd other helpers | const f Red Cross drug store. "eh ick lak Aha" past few days, {north the vain fell very heavily and appeared. Florenre Lads Jorkoive | Small hot wate ® Fortune favors the brave who are in | O° he Ie kr ~ me om dutics. last taround Sharbot Lake it came down y o . feomposcd the music for one of the swe, sold at Gibson's ov the hustling class. ? rh: pig 00 Thum wha ' in torrents. The ground was very 2 AR 2] | tableaux. | store & Bibby's for cool underwear, 50e. nite, ; {much in neod of the rain, as the = 4 ' . The Old Stand and The Old Num- 0 William Ryan, of the penitentiary) A cod of the rain, we sun Small things worry small minds. Iwas baking it up. # , : an and acted by" Mrs. Neish | ned after nding his] "0 : a Pw g | / . - staff, has returned after sp { The musical committee of Sydenham 5 a iy One 6f the most gorgeous tableaux assurances from Kes ! : i y Gananoque y : Y i a ? holidays with relatives in Ge 1 Street Meth st © s decide Ts twas "Ring 3 > Loved , the | that he will remain Phone 490 | You Stomach vneasyr | hi UC [Street ethos chorch. has doco | | EEA war hing. Seton. Howeiing sha tat be wil rn ne That's 'the sort of fecling that De. di N. Me Kinde v, Kingston, it in {to secure the services ol Prof. James i : een of Sheba, in which lay | terian church, 3 OFFICE NO. 1. proves the merit of Paulson's Netviline | poet Hope, the guest of his brother, {Small and Mrs. Small, formerl- of i? i : J Gwendolen Ushorne, Lady Nor Spen-| Bibby's tonight for Il orders promptly attended to [it cures nausea and indigestion at fp. Ww, W. McKinley, and will waist | Dundee, Scotland, now of St. James' A A cor-Churchill and Lady Muriel Gore | "Face powders and } ane, settles the stomach, sets you up ¥ [i Feo. pawdere and i hd ring the sudaner. L 0 Tie : night or day. so vou feel better at once. Large har a" oh anivan. manager of. the ments ean be made. Prof. Small / i The second part of the progres amma Cross drug store Pho Hg annan, ¥! will act as organist, and cheir leader, § ge Wan. a coneart fm. Swlich Mish Rath | ue MoE oane ie ttles, 25¢.. everywhe 3 F A KILPATRICK bottles, 25¢c., everywhere. local opera house, returud from Yeo y x 4 4 | ¥incent sang and Miss Clare Alexan i ho Leib, was crushed ing the 4 £. Aa BR AMT ' . " ronto, today, after settling up . CHILD TAKEN AWAY. fe By p. der "pave clover negro songs and reci-! under a load of Inmler while x oJ. Small, 1 year's business with A 2 | tations. into Norwood oy | Granite Mrs. Joseph A. Gaulin, accompanied 2 tonight' for stinn | A Kidnapping 'at Cleveland i | The performance ended with n grand' Bibby by Master Bernard, of Deseronto, is re and Marble spending a few days in Kingston, the Secured at Napanee. old ' - - -- , ood Bat va V iitnk Works | guest of her mister, Mrs. A despatch from Cleveland: says that : SESE E Nass estas ssttitesstesi tates sss 0 Rourke. Mrs. Chloe Emberley, formerly of It's Oxford Time. Mrs. Catharine Cannem, Cherry | Kingston, acouses James MW. Kellar New shop, new street, has arrived from Ottggva, aftex|with kidnapping her three-year-old No need to tell you THAT ; but we want you to know where you nisce, Mrs. A, Turner, also visited her daughter, Josie, heeatse of jealousy. stock, newest de- : pe. A Turner, also visited her | Unee Kellar was $0 to Mrs, Em- can secure the height of Oxford style, the latest custom patterns - neice, Mis. J best material. Reasonable old school teacher, Mrs, Holland. berley. The parti lo not belong to rden. on the CP, with every feature of modelling that's correct this Spring--where Capt. Charles Martin, of Kingston, | Kingston, but to absolute comfort and a smooth, creaseless fit at ankle and instep is assured. Bartholemew's Da wa ar-| Bibby's tonight fo Deer Park cong church, Montreal, if proper arranre : % i Browne took part prog : i F met with an necident on the tugiR., wear Sharbot Lake. Emberley 8 JIDENuAN ST id ite of | Bmeteon, aground at the Morrisburg | was a school teacher with a handsome Brock street. ear Princess St. legnal. While working on the wheel wife. They had troubles and Ember Mus bollar bone was broken. ley loft hia wife. Kellar was a clos In Oftawa, on Wodnesday, the mar-ifriend of the Emberloys. Last week, rings took place of Miss Nora Ellen Kellar and his wife were at Arden. Winifred, youngest daughter of ex: with a little child. which may be the Sergt. Major Mcroans, of the Royalkidnapoed one. Tha trio left Arden Military College, Ki and Mgr-flast Tuesday and it is not known ry Low, eldest son Prank Low, Ot-| where they wont, | VISCOUNTESS MAITLAND, tawa. 3 Rev. ©. FB. Molntyre, Drambon, The Child Held A At Napanee. sented, the object being + to cobain | Man, has been sat to Milestone,| Napanee, June 20.-Marash Kel'er| funds for buliding 5 riding school for Bi Man., having complet'd his four years! Kidnapped hai own child from his wife, | the eily of London Rough Riders Pi Oxiords, CARVAS «5s saassnppnn sanen S08 in the Witeat Mtv. He wou highly oh - C Ben sland, t iat Graham Spy] Imperial Yeomanry, commanded Ly Misses' a me {med in Pren r. aineste is a} bonded hin, yesterday, the childjCol. Viscount Maitland. i and Chacslate Shoe %1.35.snd $1.50. brother of John and Donald of this! i with re/atives in town, where it will] "The princigmd ftom on the programme { aly. be kept wntil the Children's Aid Boei-jwas a beautiful fantasy entithed The ! : ry takes it in charge, It seems nwith-| Key of Life" I was written and) The members of the Olive Branch | * r father of mother are considered arranged by Viscount Maitland, while | Mission of Cooke's church, celebrated Tropes persons to have the ears of [the music was épecially composed by | the end of a swevessful year by a |the little one, who is about three Reginald Somerville, Sani party at he residence of Mr. | years ohd The story is about gn artist «Jd Paul, Upper William street. pairing for the lost of hie vouth am ile. Roll Or Half Rolls Bacon 11¢. { inspiration. A spirit hears him com: | Saturday only. J, Crawford, ; hyaniniug and shows lin in. Visious the} That describes the new Regals --and we've a stock of them that allows YOU to select your pet style. sure you see them before you purchase your footwear. Sole Agents: . THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE P.8.-- Trunks & Bags. All kinds cheap. RS0449444449405458804050425004000000804024 0000000000000 00000000000 aoe 0000s cee 2000000000000 0000000000 S000stneesseioe,

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