PAs er noua 1 eins we va oo SPIRIT OF THE PRESS ne at i elk pr tain that having said it he has been ; WEEKLY BRITISH HiG, 1 pages. Pub-| an enough to stand by it and allow No Wonder. It's E ine ! = nited_ States, charge | no jnfluence to change his mind. Saskatoon Phoenix, asy And who. is bett lifed than the | No wonder the conservatives can A miter qualified thay the win elections in Manitoba when they : ais ke such pains to prevent their op- which can invite favourable comment la : ; ponents from registering. L in an election campaign? He has hie om Siering s awn | practically shaped the course of legis- Men Wanted West. lation during his two terms of office. | Hamilton Herald. ita - ee er He became the bolder with experience, In the east there is, still an "'unen- then a v g . ployed problem. ¢ In Manitoba thers go = v ; * and during the last term forced con- is a demand for 25,0 farm workers] curloed is rejected No More -- » * ---- gress to do as be dictated, and with | agd 5.000 fomale workers. How tol We use only American Brok THE CITY AGAINST ITSELF. the satislaction of knowing that the [connect the workers with the work is| paper--the best made--and roken Backs The Power and Light committee bas people endorsed "his action. The peo- | the problem, ini This Little Device decided to appeal to the council on{ple do mot always like a dictator, or . Gets At the assessment question. The city as-|rather the politicians do not like : - S)ragues Post-Standard, The Root of the ¥ | "*°r kas an eagle eye, and he de- him. Hughes has had occasion to aft has the : moral earnestness of jo tects usually any improvement which reatize this. So has Roosevelt, but | Roosevelt without kis impulsiveness, nN Evil ie susceptible to the assesment law.| the bigger man, with a longer period ui blends. the Shasacteristies of the A i And Removes He is certainly most impartial in his|of service, has commanded a recog- { ng 'does Bo 7 rg fo - os Sain 1 4 It' Bodily, service, and haying assessed the pri-| nition which so far has been denied | tion. gs | ® | vate citizen, as the act permits, itis] the other man. - Only 75¢. | only to be expected that he will touch| Buy the platform. Did- you notice |' Borden's Dilemma. The Tidings From Various Points| § : | the power department as its import | jo. persuasive it is * There is to be Oyen Mercury. in Eastern Ontario, Our Furnishing Department is now in Summer array. It Only at 4 naps deserves. tatill vevision--alter the: - election: - a ag | Borith could poly . Gugett, Yauulstise, Raptyes, stric- blooms like a gar dea, with the newest fancies, in Neckwear, ha wi y » » , deep, en wit raralysis, stull continues Ste ' i y Im commities takes exception to i.ore clastic currency system, so that Which I Sats drop: Foster, Yow. very ny. ToT oa + 8} Conta Fancy Shirts, Fancy Hoslery, Underwear, etc. : the increase 'in the assessment this there will be no more tie up in the [ler, et al, ho would 'be the happiest | William Rowe, Brockville, caught an ; : ! : year, and. ask the\ coumil for relief banking business; changes in the law | '07Y in Canada. But, alas, they stick | eight-pound maskinonge and got his The superiority of our selections makes every. arti:ie of ' closer than a brother. picture in the paper. Haberdasliery a spetial value. an She round Sha} ® Sass Stand so that the inter-state commission Prince Edward county will spend the additional burden. Were R88 and | oi] jot be quite so hard on the rail AW th 50 i 8 : ; 8 ! orthy Pair. 850,000 on its roads; the county pro- y v ' ; ' electrie plants the property of a com- ways; further legal protection for |Ottaws Journal, | vides 35,000, the government $15,000, You'll find hive the ay Saing a and you'll also find the b EIT TTI YT ever vee | Pay. it would take revenge upon the railway employees; the extension of [While Governor Hughes, of New| William Ballance, Camden, shows prices more moderate R elsewhere. Se -- council and peoplo by making them|., == Co" Cl development of Yoik late, juushon. tliraugh Satie, rye six feet Sue: inches long. He has J . : : Rar 5 a ing bills ip the legislature, his da ven acres of this fine rye. See Our New $1 Soft Shirts, Plain Whi -C a 1 Pay the ineruised luxation in higherlthy rurgl free delivery, improvement of { 44, rig in with revival meetings in New The ore of Frederick "Heat, Port- etc ' Bir i, Ga, Tam, merican rates, Catch a private corporation, the army and navy, and a renewal of [York 'city. This double-barreled land, was burgjarized on Friday last : with a due regard for profite and di- the merchant marine. Will all this be [family gets at the devil both legally { and the contents of the cash drawer, Oil vidends, submitting to anything pacitying in its character ? Let it be and morally, nearly ¥5, taken. wih a president to prepare a programme A RE rte a ran rapes pi WIAs agian eo See Our 50c. French Balbriggan Underwear. which meant a reduction in its assets a. -- Lying on a sofa in his house on or di - remembered that the trusts, 'the rail A Great Outlook. Waupoos Island, Patrick Sheedy, was We carry a nice line of Pure Linen Underwear, all sisés pm use, ition to way companies, the great corpora |... Heraid. found dead late Sunday. Peuth was ! ! + cf: / is not in a position re-| 4; sivi iv illi ; y : Coal Oil y pe tions are all pn the defensive. All| Five million acres under crop, half due to heart failure. See Our Display of New Fancy Hose, 40c.. or 2 Pate. for taliate upon itself. It cannot increase re | threatened with Teddy's [of it in wheat, the promise of the homas Sutton, of Marmora, is «in : have been threatened wi " {hospital with his left hand badly 75¢c., New Colors, New: Desig ns. Lubricatin Oils the rates for light and power to the: i § + | best crop in history, present work for 9 % po «= | big stick, all have locked the money 25,000. more men 'and 5,000 more wo- | shattered. He was handling a revol, Gasoline general congumer, since that proceed: | chests and been forbidden to hand men; that is the cheerful budget from | ver and didn't know it was loaded. See Our Display of Hosiery, 20. pair, 3 for 50c. mg at the present time would put an|out election' contributions. the Canadiun West. They may keep| Mrs. Kobert Kain, Westport, died a : We ake a, udaity y handling unwholesomo check upon the pation This is to be a pure election, the |the bulleting coming as fast as they fon June 15th, aged ninety-five years. New Bathi Suit "% 14 mbricating ils 5 a ds. age the department is seeking to en- only one that has been run by the like, She was one of the oldest residents. athing Suits, 50c., c., $1 to $2. Prices on application. treat. It cannot charge higher rates republicans and it is not remarkable Hist R ----- a Teaclt Sho eas es two sous, Thomas and Wow S cal 'a 4 25 3 oot : Holt i . ' § epeats Itself. and James. ummer Collars, or Cc, Ww. F. KELLY & CO. Jor wrest lighting, since that would that some of the men who attended Kincardine ory od : ee : At the home of Albert Sheffield, ¢ South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. | ™*"* this brinch of the, public service | the Chicago convention and cheered History will repoat itself in Outario | near Athens, on Wednesday, his intolerably expensive, and at a time for Tait have some misgivings as to (as it has 'done elsewhere, and the | daughter, Miss Mary Sheffield, was - - " . : when the people have been talked into the result of a brush with Bryan. The |Party now nothing more ghan a rem- [united in marriage to Ernest Colli- a desire for better things. democrats .are not advertising them- nant will rebuild upon its basic prin- | son, of Seeley's Bay. a Th iv kh Iv i A gh ciples 'and sooner or later, in these| A resident of Prince Edward county . he only hope, apparently, is to get purists, and the fact is not Andrew Dempwey, ' . . . selves as days of fluctuating public opinion have | {or igrty years, 0 L : N E 8 lovel asscosment for a fixed sum for ithout its signilicance. an opportunity for service on the passed away, ou Friday, at his home 4 . uy G A S - oe : treasury benches, in Bloomfield, aged eighty-nine years. Kingston's One Price Clothing House. a number of years. Can it be grant Death i Id -- . ath was due to old age. ed without th I po t? « : 20c.! PER GALLON J ithout the people's consent? It EDITORIAL NOTES. It will be sad uéws. to the friends of A AAAAAVAAAAA IA RIA NANA i: jal question, but it is not ove [ia To Blame Himself. Ross Thom Maitland 'to '1 ANY SI wh The Commons is likely to lose some Hamilton Spectator. 8 ompson, aitland, to learn which should unnpece y : ; . Pos in his hot he Ty of its most desirable members. They r. Roy, solar. as we have: wi Hat the seis - the ured, : * canuot stand the wast. of timo which | able to udetatand the St. Jobe, back | fo "ul, NCD [MTICON SF 8 | ER ER Put in your tank at our Dock. We always have in * Emr fetes a ded.' the i od stock Spark Coils, Spark The government's ait In "moving (has followed, or Site eat e inter- friends at" all. 'On the contrary, fie wrosed. Mitchell, formerly 'ot Pre ' '- 5 st ye, , A i ft on. hid i "A a py i Plugs, Columbia Dry Batter the crops last year, when r.. stared|minable talk of the oppositio deserted his friends. If the charges cott, died at the residence of his son, 1C You'll Need Them Now ies, ete. the farmers and grain bDuyers in the ---- against him are true he can have no ~ R : ] . ¥ _ The Methodists in conference con- be upon anyone for friendship. It {Frank Mitchell, at Ponoma, Cal., on face, mn condemned | Fos. : i . » . re eventy- 1 rain promptly attended fut tas Ch a _. id oy ee wh demn the three-fifths clause in the |is mistaken kindness to seek to make June Ith. 'ut Aho age. of on Fenky Srey . I . id r his 4 % say Liquor Act; the Anglicans, in synod, easy the.lot -of the man who, with [JEM "C8 . he would repeat is net, under simi- An: ovid sof ithe delight- full knowledge of its consequences, 5 Waiter Lawson, son of John Law- : ! prove, i : the sentiment! 8PPro chooses to play fast and loose with son, V.S., Almonte, lost. hig life while lar circumstances, and : a y 8 Selby & Youlden, Ltd. witl be generally applauded, ful experience that will follow church | 4} "yoo upon which the safety of the bathing, un Thueadsy, du the ee 5 oo union some day. . commercial life ~ of a community de- Het wos opel "twelve Tenis aud Wes. Fi 2 hak home doe pe A LIMIT TO O AGE. You ST weiniuubine ; : % 5 trying to save his youmger brothef, wenther. What you wire in Ox- The Montreal: Gazette regards the | The profanity of Mr. Fykch, one o po when the accident happened. 4 fords is SOTO i) style and delay in passing the estimates as an | the civil ay Cg oe ; Ma sd gh Ge 1 ander, i. thee you have in Jovictus Oxfords ir "a {to have shoe some of marine . ord, found rs. « B. Scott's gol made by G. A, Slater. wvidunen 'of the gover te, incom; (0a t's officials. And truth to] Measure By Premier For Suppres-|. ...'. lying in the mMdle of the new ya . etency. In Desember these estimates! department's officials. ' sion of Crime. : ¢ Tig . ' : ; 1 : dott 'shocking. though nok n : {road through Greenbush. Many rigs For men in Patent Colt, $1.50 wera Lrought down, and if one peruse] tell, they needed shocking, gh no Madrid, June 20.--The coalition lib-{had been known to pass over it. It] 3 ¥ EL ai the "diary of parliament * he will sce |in that particular way. eral and rveputlican partie held afwas none the worse, still running. | "ar men $n Russian Ton Calf, $4 how the 'conservative opposition have -- mecting at the Princess theatre to| A pleasing event took place, Wed- For men in Gun Metal Calf, $4 oy a a ive is : ®VE! A discussion occurred in the com- protest against the bill modifying the|nesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ladies in Vici Kid Blucher, $8.00 obstructed. Every time the house went mons on who made the North-West,| jaw which punishes crimes committed | Robert Miller, Cressy, when their into supply some one had a grievance cf: : i by th of explosives. daughter, Leah Eli was united i - | lly. Mr. Foster had an ideq| by the use plos : ughter, Eliza, wa. | in or w scandal to ventilate, Anything pa. Sg eavy rty ot 4 large hand in Senores Moret, chief of the liberals; | marriage to Milton B. Rose, Wau- THE SAWYER SHOE STORE for the purpose of delay, and that ny pa lt t he was thinking Canalejas, clriet | of the demecrats ;|poos. . purjo.e was indicated by Mr. Foster Shs *yuituns, a i d 1 : Ascqoats. el 3 howe oy - f on OE b. Beast: +e on Slim 2 srobably, of his land deals. republicans; Solay Ortega, chief of the! formerly Miss Ida utton, passe PAHAPLPPFPPPPP PFI HAHA A P4800 446 in January last, when, in answer to |f ---- revolutionary 'republicans, and Mel peacefully into rest. Ida was born to . HEEL EL EIEIO : r the appeal for urgency, he said it was The Ontario Alliance is asked, . hy quiades Aare, i the Xopulicon, Hr. and Mrs. Seorge Hutton, thisty e one thing t k f jes » t become very much! known as the Castelar our days, as | three years ago, and lived all her life other Tins 10 eet St Jawtiss upd an She + Pioves: dvslan a within | he is the most brilliant orator in|in Brockville. Her husband and three 5 i J OG A rr - . a , 2 i . , mn 8 ive. Bl is r Again aud again the house has been [their own political parties. Has the a isi or es lov Jur vive Ege Poisouing vas Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It. will be J. Walsh, Coal Dealer reminded of \the stress that prevailed Alliance abandoned the formation of} nor Maura and his ministry. Senor" Mrs. John Hosey, an old resident to your interest and profit to use (especially for preserving fruit BARRACK STRE in the country because, funds were not an independent temperance party ? Perez Galdos, "the most distinguished | of Napanee, passed away on June the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well- provided, and the opposition turned a Spanish. write, who was unable to be| 16th, at Olean, N.Y. at her grand known .« i HAVE YOUR deaf ear to the statement. The ob- Mr. Brodeur is the first minister in| present, vant a medtngs, whith Ves daughters, Rr. Charles Fanning. She t eting. e ers | had ved in Nap y Windows Decorated struction became rank and offensive in|forty years who bas atiempted to Sond ile ey % a tan had ey. apa, near yall. fee March, and has bein continued .to this | revise the marine department amd he bled crowd. 'there were no incidents,! John Hosey, James Hosey, and Wal- | with day. The minister of militia complain. [is found fault with. Some of his although gepat "precautions, inspited | ter Hosey, and two granddaughters, | ed that the permanent force was suf. |crities, knowing what they approved| by fear, had been taken. | Mrs. Charles Fanning and Miss Ola | G L A C 1 E R fering fof want of its d when in the government, are rank| All ranks of 'the liberal party wid! Hotay. Service was held in Olean, | wd o pay, and a : : the liberal and independent papcrs[N.Y., and burial at Napanee. The only substitute for Stained Glass | Miserable percentage of the usual al- | hypocrits. form a 'bloc' against the bill, aod | Redpath's Granulated Sugar ig the acme of sugar refining. Ask Artistic, Durable, Economical, 'by lowance was passed. The minister of There is what the Montreal Star | meetings will be beid all over Sain, Gown Of Checked Cotton Voile. | your Grocer for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A. : i i . As to protest against it, It is believed Ty HENDRY, Local Wholesale Agent. D. J DAWSON Suites begied Jor the lief of, his! pus "reciprocity of boodling" in the (i FT will will not be discussed] SON Successor to Dawson and Staley, R17 i o he of So err and for a Montreal council. One party helps| pus that some excuse will be found 4 " on - te Princess street. ue 5 "a a ek. The MIms- | another, with the understanding that for adjourning Jarbafett = the Wf : feet. Fee, $5.00. At least $100.00 must Pianos at Living Prices. | ter 'of militia cance camps and |. _.. 3 in' ret i holidays before t ill is laid on the be expended om the claim wing Macking, " Phnonss yios| the ter centenary celebration, kecause| it Will be helped tnnsdered. ls ther | table of the house. 1f the bill is sub- - . . full Mine of Musical] ho bad not the funds, and thew there result te iy. is plungerec. 1s there mitied to discussion a difficult posi- -, other requirements com was a vote and a loosening of the|™® "°° -- un paint against th: 1 i ¥ ¥ . » vl J Slain may be ot $1.08 sn woods purse strings. The leader of the opposition in Que- project is energetic, and even violent, BD SE ws by : PLACER MINING CLAIMS ily, Day alter day the motion to go bee, Mr. LeBlane, is out of the house, | but without regrettable incidents so Ik 100 fest square. Entry fee, $5700, into supply was carried, and not an {the recount of votes showing that he | far. Ajl public Spniah. tea that of : Ny ' - - PREpOING Tee gr af Ave mile item of the supplies passed. Why ? lili not poll a majority of them - in ee eevatives, lend © ah rr ow ion Lud flcant for a term of 30 years. Rental: The rules of the house permit of mo: Laval. Beaten by a former street | ( ke as an does not exist over e+ 7 5 . i; or at Sa fr outputs ' 6.0004 tions on all sorts of 'subjects, inquir- {car conductor is an honor or a dis- Spain except in Barcelona, where it is : : W. W. CORY, ies, questions, disputes, debates, and | honor, which ? only perpetrated by the band of Rull. the extent hg ND Danna nutes of the Interior. weeks have gone practically in worth- Ee The umion of all ranks of the liberal B E Application. for: ho o advertisement will not be paid for. he limi o Saskatchewan adopted local option | party against the project renders its : = po! a eta less talk, The limit has been reached. | pli 1 wal impossible, and . if Scnor ade in person by The closure must be applied, and the {in the sale ar prohibition of liquor Maura insists on discussing the Lill: 4 f > ma. liberal government carnot do better| 'With a mmjority vote The opposi-| iis is imminent, | than take the steps to have it put tion approve. In this new province ------ ; i i i the liquor question was taken out of] Life must have been a failure to : inte gperation without thiay. 1 uo 3 Jobn C. Wright, of Hebson, Maine, 2s 4 person. rr applicant must he other parliament in the Worl] would Politics. _ This. is what Mr. Whitnay SL," C.D LooWEl Ah --- 1 silgtoie tor the outrages of an opposition be tol-| Promised and did not do. Ee Te oy } been i : ne. i . {hanged themselves the of A erated as they have in Ottawa The Piotieer says that neither poli might have been thought they were this year, tical party in the late election was] oid enough to know better but--"the| The frock illustrated was, in" the = , i i "% iginal, in white cotton voile ¢ The naughty naughty synod of To-|committed to temperance reforms. | heart knoweth its bwn bitterngss ofiginal, in e checked : ron i i v in N Mist Mary Helena [across with lines of green. , ' fone, Ho. Hus apuarel i so bed 5 Suiging by the vote fn Kurth Yoru: OE and Mrs. [and collar were of tucked muslin and | o 3X Hight, by the reports in the papers of to, where Br: Hossack ran, the tem AB ri daugh 4 ue, to Er-|valenciennes lace, and the undersieeves nity Booth & Co. its proceedings, that the feporters will | perance men themselves were very abst dake , will take place were also of muslin gnd lace. Tiny 4 . Phone 133 - Foot of Wast St be excluded hereafter. The "scare" {light om reforms they were supposed quietly, a 2 shirred bands of the voile outlined the headings . wounded, but there would | to cherish. " Granite and Marble Works First-Class Satisfaction Mocording to the Canadian Courier Mr. Bourassa and the Giobe were the in Cemeteries Neatly Prompt. ly Emmcuted, aR TR TAFT OR BRYAN-WHICH ? soul of the recent elections in On- 372 Princess St The most irritating thing that ------ -- _-- J WE se wn Fat . a es Instruioeate, Music, ote. » on certain £ iit ¥ hy ifs tion is that it was arranged Roosevelt, asd that the pla the republican. party is the his hands. It is a great pliment which the president {very much appreciate. It {that Mr. Roosevelt reg 5 £E2 y | i 3h ean say of the Taft i v4