Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 232, 1008. ENTICED TWO BOYS, S=omcrssc== WMBRELLA HIS HUT Three Thousand Pasltesers in He) Tah eax, | | TO SMUGGLE CHINESE TO! For the greatest pageant of modern {OLD MAN LIVED FOR YEARS DETROIT. times, that to be given next month ot UNDER IT. | Charge Against a Yankee In. spector--Death of a Young Wo- the man--~--Her Body Unidentified-- Was a Waitress at An Hotel. Petroit, Mich , June 22 --Johi as vas Joha vi, 56-59, The ofidating | priests were vested im robes of* white and gold. Rev. Father Hanley deliy- } a very brief address, on the fa i ture of the festival of. Corpus € hristi, and 88id the church, under divine in- surabion" had estabiiched this festival to en rate in a special 'manner the' tion of the holy sacrament' Thy holy sacrament was afterwards CArfitd in procession around the aisles of y ¢ al, the young jeoile tg¥ing 'part in the proceedings. The holy eh was exposed on the a : the day. The choir ren en 'the "Misse Regia," first and sefond) tone, in a very creditable man "nish afternoon the young commun at Yr their baptismal vows and ighted themselves to the sacred heart of Jemus. The benediction of the holy sactament closed the ceremony. The altar was handsomely decorated with ih and brilliantly illumia- aed tie ary being draped with papal ev : Fo 'PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. William H. Tuft arrived in New York on Monday en route to Hart TWAS CHILDREN'S OY HAPPY TIME IN QUEEN ST. METHODIST CHURCH. Pm The « Sunday School Children Looked Charming--The Church 'Was _ Finely orated With Flowers. a Delightfil weather favored the ame nyal children's day festival of Queen street Methodist Sanday school. A band of boys" and girls, with some offler friends, under the direction bf Mrs. W. H. Asselstine, worked hard on' Sgtunday afternoon preparing the de tedrations. A large arch and festoon of evergreens, looped up with bunches daisies, adorned the organ front 'choir gaueties, and argund the : avg tin the windows wete Re in ut flowers and rye with qUitutities of daisies gathered + seholats 4 On Sunday morning a large number of the scholars occupied the centre of the church, surrounded by the older , and listened to a beautiful sermonette by the pastor, Rev, w H Sparling, on the text, "Take us the. fotes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines, for ofir vines have tender gtapes."' He made the application hat, habits often become little fomes, traying character. Among the Be enumerated were these of "By-and-by, 1 don't eare, 1 forget, J. can't." UM eminence and honor was to be the portion of children in the Suture then the fovndation of good ag and good deeds had to. be li in the present time. Delightful y school hymms were sung dur the sérvice. "Ag the afterngon the church was fill- od by the school parents and Iriends, and an exceptionally interesting pro- gtamme was rendered Sonsiating of choruses, recitations and sy 'ex- ercises, The latter were particularly find; one called' A Dozen Daisies," Leing exteuted by twelve pretty little girls, Bad been prepared by Miss Willy PQ n; and woother, "A Garland +. of Flowers," hy ten girls, trained by ; 4 Misses Mabel Meck and Mabel Milo. An anthem by the * choir, with ett by Alice Merritt and Mabel amp, was 'very fective also. ' Two slimbers'. in which a very youthful An he vicordie Barts, av Torpid Livers Must Not be Treated Harshly ' Twenty | gone and catbartics will wake the 1 Years Ago--He is Never IN-- | toaction. But note what elsethey do. People Provide Him With | They ruin the stomach, so that nearly Food. { all dyspepsia is due to them. i | They harden the liver, as shown by the In a wood about 30 miles from Lon- fact that a larger dose becomes } | | } They are vegetable." Their action is exactly the same as the action of laxative foods. | They aid digestion, while cathartics ruin it. They restore the natural fang. tions which cathartics wreck. "°° We now sell a million boxes a month ts those who have quit harsh physics. ary celebration of the founding of the | settlement, 3,000 performers are now being recruited in Quebee, Montreal | and Ottawa. They will shortly com- | : A mence their rehearsals and drill under | Clard >, United States commissioner of direction of Frank Lascelles, who ! tmigration at Montresl, is in the| Was the master of the Oxford pageant / don lives an old man who for 20 years | necessary. city for the purpose of investigating | 18st year and who has gone to Quebec | has known no other roof than an um- The end is d ja and constipation the charge against Adam Hofman, | 8t the special invitation of his friend, | brella. A newspaper reporter found | A yspeps Ration. Bue of the local inspectors. The | But Grey, Governor-General of Can- | him seated under a large carriage um- Jou have caused what you sought Charge is based on the affidavit v | brella amid the pine trees, making | . Windwor young men, migory hg "There is nc other such stage in the ! ready for his tea. Close by was a per- | Delicate organs cannot be helped by Who ure in jail on a charge of smug. rod at dismatic pages is the | smislalor picked witha mb: it Sus abuse. gling Chinese into thi ins of Abr * sai Nr. Las- | , includi umbrellas, Windsor, and Miho od A celles recently, "where the grandeur | clothing, ete. The old man, who is an | Drastic physic Is never used by those gave them $25 and promised immunit, | Of the natural scenery defies deserip- | ex-soldier, looked in excellent health, | who Saw, This is the day of the ge atle in medicine. | Cascarets bring all the good results with none of the ill effects, A. } from arrest for each Chi | tion and where the 20000 spectators | "Twenty years ago I took to the ; hinese that they on the grand stand, facing the St.| woods" he said. "During the great Lawrence 300 feet below, at a point | snowstorm a few weeks ago I slept where Wolfe's highlanders elambered | soundly, and when I woke up in the up the heights, will be able to see at | morning I was covered with snow | the grand finale of the performance the | many inches deep. But I am never combi navies of three great pow- | I have not had a day's illness in ers, consisting of twenty to thirty men. | my life. I have lived a simple, single of-war, appearirg on the scene to fire | life, and I have no more worry than | a leni salute 10 the past, the | that tree has. I have no rates and | present and the future of the Cana- | taxes to pay, I have no wife to bother | dian nation. | me, and I have plenty of friends. How | "The spectacle will be given in the | do I live Well, all village people | presence of the heir to the British | know me, and they provide me with | erown, the vice-president of the Unit- | and bread. A man does not want | fd States and the representatives of | much to live on, you know. I am | the"President of the French republic | ute happy under my old umbrella. | and of the families of the French and | I can sew as well as a tailor, and I | English generals who met there in | mend all my clothes. I have several | mortal combat a century and a half | changes of clothing in my 'motor' (re- ago." ferring to the perambulator). I have | Mr. Lascelles has been asked to ex- | clean shirts, socks, boots, and other | in what the coming pageant will i thin gs there. I have my bath in the i like, what historic scenes are to be | woods and wash my things here. No portrayed and how they are to be rep- | One ever inte | delivered here in such a way that Hoffman could nab them and thus make a name for efficient work as an inspector. The boys are not only self- confessed smugglers, but self-confessed swindlers, for they admit that on one occasion when it was so dark the in- Spector could not see, they delivered to Hoffman a couple of boys who were not Chinese at all, but white boys, and got Hoffman's money for the boys. Hoffman makes denial of the claims, but the young men have pre- sented such seemingly explicit = evi- dence that an investigation is neces- sary. The body of a comely young woman about twenty-three years of age, lies in Maney's morgue unidentified, and unless claimants of the body appear it will be buried in the Potter's field. Her friends' and relatives' addresses are unknown here. She was nploved for a short time at the Grand Union hotel, under the name of Lottie Holmes, which is believed to have been an assumed name. She was tak- en seriously ill a few days ago, and was removed to Grace hospital, where | she died Saturday night. Several jet- ters were found among her effects from men and women Some were signed by a Hamilton, ©Ont., man, but en- quiries of him by telegraph brought the reply that he was only slightly ac- quainted with der, and knew nothing about her family or her home address, Fhe girl once told Miss Horseman, of the. Grand Union, that she was estranged from her family, i 'the Pennsylvania warehouse at Lom- bard and Water streets, Philadelphia, Pa., is burning. Sitice June 13th there have ben Tous few cases of plague at Port of Spun resulting. in three deaths. Jolin Mitchell for governor, S. G. brew, republican, for lieutenant-gov- ernor, ave the labor selection for the state election in Connecticut. Adie warm weather in New York on Sunday drove thousands to the Lgach- es for relief and eight drownings of bathers were reported, R. M. Sailier and Edward Jones, wealthy cattlemen, were killed in a. duel, on : Sunday night, near St. veal, NM, as the outgrowth of an oll feud. By a fire which frole ont Saturday afternoon a large portion of Burks Falls, was wiped out of existences and damage rumning into many thousands of dollars caused. Frank hlliott, whose Micgigan, was sentenced in Central prison for stealing actitles from a Hamiton store, wes caught in the act. i A sad dfov ning wocident occurred dot Mo morning at Rockland, Ont, 'whet Amede Blais, aged teen, 'playing at the Gap, at upper mill, fell into the water noticed. Desitly to at leadt one man, serious njuriby to's severdl, and s grist of business for the crimipal courts was the outgrowlh of incidents ¥n various x Refgeralos Examine our line of Refrigerators before purchasing We have them rang ing in price from $7.50 o rferce with me. 1 peret | resented in the great open air drama. | light a fire, and I never | This in part is what he said: | money. When the darkness eomes on | "From the foot of his statne, where | I put up my big umbrella, isle m stands for all time the bronge figure | boots off, put my legs into a sac an | of the great Champlain, ste ping | cover myself up with clothing, - 5 | '@suore, as it were, as he did so long of which I place this mackintosh. | ago to take possession of 'this new | tie my perambulator to my legs or | country of the west, the Prince of | arm, and settle down for the night. Wales and Mr Fuizbanks, with other | illustriovs guests, will see pass in pro- | Kes. cession before them all the lgreat men | Fought Raitiesnaken od 19 and women who have made Canada | Twelve large rattlesnal es an ] ahat 7 In. and later on. oy the Pisina | Soaks 00 Tet, ect: were: put to 1 y i ivi | eng a , of Abrahain het will see the living death at Port Arthyr recently under pictures of the great events of those | circumstances somewhat sensational. ar ae. The snakes had been shipped there to ELLIOTT BROS,, 77 Princess St the banks of that river thisy : ; i : : adian Carnival Co., which was Suiuiic Wo sivall seu again, ag Cartier igh poured there, but failed to saw nearly 400 years ago, a eluster of come. W. ODell Learn of Szn An. | - i Reid & Charles wigwams set beneath the trees. Away tonio. Texas, who. ship them, re- EI " home ig in vos to one year three He A PRACTICAL JOKE. Night Operator's Nerve Was Real --Efiigy Suffered. Tweed, June 22.--George W. Thomp- son, night operator at Kaladar, had a little experience with a supposed four- the un- t iolin, were very much enjoyed, the first being a solo, "The Palma," and the second an obligato to a Sweet voeal sola'fiyy rene Hoag, Ca racityve were Earl Mons "Clifiord Weese, "Kenneth Mons eriell, Watts and George Timms, at girl,' Florenee ofl, Ha on the broad waters of the river many fect. below will come the little boats | fused to take fhem, pach, and, ms he with Cartor and his crow. thir names | many, oud [wll her Sl presetyed Sad their descendants wring. hot water and chloroform Then we Ae asportod to the | were tried, but were ineffectual. Fi- "and" Ruby Quayle sang sweet' solos. The superintendent welcomed | tit "large company. of parents and rid, who came to see and hear. the afd spoke of the emcourage- ich such "enthusias athletic = Brown, and William soalded by t Belds in New York suburks on Neaf Hmlay City, * Mich., Engineer Thomas Kibbs was killed and Firemay Brakeman Sn he' boiler = of a tramp one night during the week which was Comawhat, thrilling. Short- ly after making his bed on the desk a suspicious-looking person, as he tells it, came up to the window, and, not eourt of France, the gardens at Fon- tainebleau, and high om the white charger, trapped' with cloth of gold, rides the proud figure of Francis I. as we see him in pictures painted when | nally, Percy Hesson and Roy Weir | agreed to kill them, and after arming themselves "with axes and shovels, cleared out the express room and pried | open the boxes in which the snakes | were shipped, and tackled them as | Women's White Canvas Oxford Leather Heel, $1.25. Women's White Canvas Oxford Leather Heel, $1.50 Women's White Canvas Oxford White Heel, $1.75. Women's White Canvas Oxford White Heel, $2.00, | FOR ic backing kers i being able to discern anyone within, proceeded on tiptoe to try the wait- ing-room door. At this juncture George grew a little more nervous, and decided to prepare for action. -He thorefore dressed, and, - taking hie thicty-eight, prooeded to. open the door, and fired seven shots into what he supposed was the would-be reliber, who stood the battle and the breeze well, never coming to the ground. Having no more lead, George seized him and yanked him all over the yard, the . tifssle awakening the agent, who came to the window to learn what was wrong. The pext morning there was emiough hay around to winter a cow. It happened to be some of the boys with their little scheme on to see what George was made of. PRINCE ARTHUR TO WED. Difficulties in Way of His age Overcome. London, June 22.--The difficulties in the way of the marriage of Pringe Arthur of Connaught and Lady Mar- jorie Manners, daughter of the Duke of Rutland, and one of the most pho- tographed girls in society, have been overcome. The difficulties probably did not arise from the fact that Ar thur is a British prince, but owing to the fact that he is a Duke of Saxony his father and himself being direct heirs to the throne of Saxe(obourg and Gotha. If the reigning duke dies without an heir there would be much opposition in the various branches of the house before such a marriage would be regarded otherwise than morganatic from the German stand: point. he lived. Arcund him, clad in rich colored velvets and brocades, are the ladies. and gentlemen of his court, some hundreds on horse and an foot, and ier, with three of the Indidrs with him, tells of the wonders of the cours. from Whieh he has come. he : "Soon through many secehea ; fisting clouds of incense which ac- company the ecclesiastical pomp and | ceremony of the great and dignified | ret ishop Montmorency de Laval, | booming cannon, the gorgeous at- tendants- of the representatives of the King. the Marquis de Tracy, the bril- uniforms of the soldiery, the tt a one hathiants, the of roquois, the flying arian. and the burning forts, the war Women's White Canvas Pump White Heel, $1.75. Infants' White Canvas xford, size 4 to 74, 80c. Infants' White Canvas 1 Strap Ankle, size 4 to 74 90¢. | WOMEN Child's White Canvas Oxford, size 8 to 10}, 90ec. ONLY they emerged - { The men did not know what kind of snakes were in the boxes, but even though 12 rattlers were found, the men did not give up their job or ex- hibit the slightest fear. hay killed them one after another until all were laying about the floor in sections. fi tall ~ in Guy Trunk juiluay jog. M ; Eh re iam B: - Hamp es to the 'way dhrough the freight engine Hamptos, tor twenty . tion Misses" White Canvas oxford, 11 to 2, 81. on Sun Li, Canvas Sandals Infaots', Child's and Misses' White 90c. to $1.50. 4 The Long Lost Font Recovered. | AD a Tt Lat fr eatorids | REID & CHARLES, stood in the fine old parish church of | 111 PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON. ge Holigh "imposed thousand doMars each on manufacturers of manilla sper on their plea of guilty of the Sherman anti-trusté h 4 A n and he accompaniments t » yy Miss + Wortwith at the argan and W. Allen, ' cofnetist. Prayer by the pastor open- ed: the session, and one of the most ' successful children's festivals that the ¢ school hls known in recent years was copeluded 'with the benediction. ~ At Princess Street Church. Iienl weather Savond the tower y services at Princess Stieet. Meth. alist church, on Sunday, Two large bons assembled, appropriate |: were delivered, and 4 ial PS ame of music was ron 5 4 the morning, Rev..F, H. Sproule progthed to the officers and teach rs of the Sabbath school and pointed-out "the "importance of this branch of the oh work. In addion to the fine anthem hy the choir, Miss Gertrude oy, Bang very sweetly, "The Sweet | oe ot Old." chticch was well 'filled in the af- terioon, when 'the superintndent, Migé Ema « Wilder presided. After the op ening doyology, Rev, Barry Pierce led in prayer, and then followed a chorus Ay, thy ary school, and an excel font address by James Chown, who gave some practical advice to koys girl the school. . ave. Piercy and Sproule also . ade degassed the school and this interest: in sksgion was brought to a close, th recitations ins Quirt gnd Donald Robinson, a duet by Misses berford and Timmerman, and chor- by" the members. of the school. The flower decorations, consistin of ¢ a a fume wd, palms, werd beau y arranged, helped to make Aho occasion memorable to i the: evening service, Rev, R. B. L tary of the Y.M.C.A., de ih lary. bcwith * bin] A St. James', Louth Lines., England, was removed during the work of res- toration last century, and replaced by a new one. Where it had gone was not known, but a local antiquarian | was recently attracted by an ornamen- | dances of the savages and the May- | tal flower pot in a garden with exfoc- | poles of the children; the powder and | jums planted therein. Closer exanfina- patches of the ladies of France, the | tion revealed the fact that it wag the etitled Teontine Tocks of the caviliers, long lost font, and now an pr pass on and pass away. | of the church has come forward 'snd {Then im a final scene will march | parchased the relic which has béen the armies of two brave nations, side | placed at the west end of the nave. | by side in a parade of honor, the scar { The beautiful and extremely rich | let and gold of the British and the | stained glass window, the memorial of | blue and white of the ¥rench, headed | "Claribel." the sweet singer and dom. by four noble generals -- Montcalm | poser, is just abave the old font. It and Wolfe, Levis and Murray. The | appears that the relic, when taken flags wave, the drums rattle, trum | from the church, was cast aside as pets blare, our dream of the past is | rubbish and conveyed to a builder's over, and we see only the wonder of | yard, where it remained many years. the present and the infinite possibili- | The builder, however, went to a new i ties of the future." | house, and, noticing the earving to be | | very fine, decided to use it as a flower | | pot in front of his residence, and this | {led to ite discovery by the antiquar- | ian. to lawgw My Vi # Moran, the Toronts man arrested at the Hamilton, Ont, race onck, | a charge of stealing - race ' tn eo Max an Montreal, i now charged with stealing $0 from Gertrude Brick, employed in a, groe Fery tore." Owing to big burglaries at Angers and East Templeton, Que., which cap ped a series of robberies along Ot- tawa £iver towns, the Ottawa and Hull police are scouring the river be- tween the capital and Thurso on uist motor boats for the pirates. Giorge Neil, manufacturer agent, Montreal, has reported to the police au gxteptionally audacious rob- bery on Friday morning. Mr. Neil sick apd bis wife had gone out K's Wine when thieves enter | edaths., bedroom, in which he was adloen Rook a'quantit: of jewelry loan? to himsell and wile, includ- ing a valuable gold watch, valued at Sie Marri- ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE IN CANADA, ASK FOR s Matches A -------------- Eddy's Matches have Hailed from ------------ ~-- Hull since 1851--and these 57 years of Constant Betterment have resulted in Eddy's Matches reaching a Height of Perfection attained by No Others. Sold and used everywhere in Canada Kingston's Represéntative of Eddy's Wares is J. A. HENDRY. British Columbia Notes. Bettlers are rapidly taking up land in the Similkameen Valley, in the southern part of British Columbia | The land is fertile, -afid exceedingly | Who Are Your Friends? well adapted to fruit growing. Apples, | "Birds of a feather flock together": | pears, peaches, and grapes flourish, | "4 man is known by the company As. a general thing irrigation is | pe keeps"; "Like begets like"; "We needed, but abundant water is avail | ,.. creatures of environment." able, and it seems that the Similka All these sayings have been pre meen will soon rival the famous Oak: | served as proverbs simply because <anagan Valley. | they have been found to be true Although all news received from the | The matter of associates is a most gold placers in the valley of the Pind: | jmportant one for the business man lay river in northeastern British Co | of employe to consider. The young lumbia is very favorable, any i man who spends his time in gambi- into the district is deprecated for thd | ing, drinking, or dissipation, cannot nt. The mouth of the Findlay | do his best work, and can no more 140 miles north of the lo: | hide these practices than the clouds cation of the Grand Trunk Pacifid | ean obscure the sun permanently. across British Columbia. One of the best attributes a man It is announced that the Dominion | can possess is good character. It | Department. of Mines is about to uns | gives him credit at the bank. It | dertake a very exhaustive exploration ves him a standing amongst men. of Britieh Columbia by ite geologists. fi the employe ever expects some day It is also announced that a special | to be the manager he must associate report on the iron te-dugpeiia of the | with men of ideas that will be help- province will soon be isSued. ful to him. The only way we can advance is | to surround ourselves and associate | ives with uplifting influences i helpful odivido, and should look forward, not Hat Of White Milan. nr om mn McCART RETAINS SEAT. Recount in Stormount Gives Lib- eral Majority. Cornwall, Ont.; June 22.<W,. J. Mec. "Cart has been confirmed in his seat, Stormont, by the recount before Judge O'Reilly, which was concluded on Sat- wpday. There were a few changes in various polls, but these broke even, leaving McCart with a majority of eight. 'There were a couple of poll where the deputy returning officers had neglected to . remove the stub, but these ballots were allowed, Has Resigned Office. Pembroke, t., June V.-R. G Scott, inspector of * public schools in Renfrew county, being incapacitated by paral, sis, tendered "his reSignstion at the session of the county 'council. He recsived a retiring allowance of ¥300 anaum, Mr. Scott, it will be remembered, at- tacked the. educational policy of the Whitney government in most scathing FRESH STRAWBERRIES ARRIVING DAILY "LATE VALENCIA ORANGES Extra Choice Seedless Lemons. R.H. TOYE, 302 King St ------ audienes with This TRE Se 3 & A B an ly A, {pees wi a smart hat for model being in faced with emerald | we | -- ---- rm | The 1. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane Sugar. - Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON , Agents for Eastern Ontario. Copper, Lead PIC METALS sceneries We are headquarters Bend = Canada Metal Co.,L Blaze At Sidney Crossing. Trenton, Ont. e June 22---The resi dence, at Sidney Crossing occupied by Mr. pert and owned by Mr. Duffn Belleville, was burned to the ground, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert | lost all of their effects, including pi- ano, gold ™ watch, new furniture, clothes, ete., nothing being saved but their working clothes. There was no insurance on lhe contents. The cause of the fire is unknown. Neighbors in the vicinity have presented Mr. and Mrs. Rupert with a purse of over $100, : "Nmt---- Poisoned By Grass. Prescott, June 22.--While walki thro the fort field at Pret boy, Pow, picked up a blade of grass and put it in kis mouth, and in us your inquiries 31 WILLIAN ST. s TORONTO, ONT %

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