Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1808. s-- de em rem | THES PMLEDITIONTHE CRICKET MATCH 222 [ji] UNDER STAIRWAY Twelve hoxes o the best strawber- | | PERSONAL MENTION. | WAS WON BY THE VISITING, ris Totes sorsios, 'C#usr:| A BURGLAR IN A STORE ON| | Movements Of The Peopie--What| TEAM. i PRINCESS STREET. | { {| They Are Saying And Doing. | : Soldier-Sailor-Scraps. dn | { Edward Doyle, of Ottaws, is holi- | The Yacht Race on Saturday | 5 the British empire won in a! Charles Driscoll Made His Escape, | daying in tus city. { Ryan is Willing to Test Speed Bijou travelogue Monday and 'sues But Was Forced to Leave His ua Custom Department i ily oitiey lets Soiay 90.4 tip | With Fitagerald at Roller 4 a a Booty Behind--He Told a Fake | rs. Falconer, ston, is with her | Rink. Save Money And Worry. Story and Then Ran Off. | daughter, Mrs. T. Caldwell, in Ot- i The cricket match at the Royall By wearing one of Thos. Mills &1 The fact that Edwin Welsh, of the { tava. i Military College, with Trinity Chlege| Co's, straw panaina ot | light weight | fiom of Crawford & Walsh, tailors, | All kinds of new fur gar- | Capt. Robert and Mrs. ( rawford are { School , Kort Hope, on Satgrday, énu- | felts; kéep mind sercne and contented. | Princess stivet, had 4 pew fishing | ments made to special Bin Rochester, N.Y. for a few days' |ed in a victory for FCS. The runs | Try one and you will be convineed. |pole, and wished to show it to a measure, and we also have Ey | totailed 133, and of this Rhodes, couple of his . friends, was the mean: | unsurpassed facilities fcr re- fetecied jnluten, Kingston, has been |1.C.5., made 75. Fremayne and Penitentiary Prisoners. of blocking a thief who gained en modelling, repairing, and re- { the ted M. for Belleville district in | Gibson were the stars for R.M.C., run. Four more prisoners arrived at the|trance to the store, and who was ying furs at short notice i Wi hO.F. f ™ up 15 cach. 'The teams were: oenitentiory on Saturday. 'Lhe pum. | about 10 make off with a bundle of that makes it possible for us le 195 Amy M. Kent, Emerald, %s the] K.M.C--Wheeler, Major Mozley, Gib | ber now dwelling within the walls of | clothing. The mot, unfortunate part to transform your old Furs fone _ a Miss Lizzie 1idgeon, 1683 | son, Tremayne, Meredith, Nordheimer, | the big prison at Portsmouth is 513, | of the story is the fact that the thiei into new. We guarantee per- §)| nr street, {E. A. Greene, McLennan, Ringwood,| the largest number in five years made good = his escape, and has not | fect satisfaction as to fit. [i ome hie McDermott has ret ironed | Campbell, Wurtele--67, ds dee yet heen captured. | Olle trom Ottawa after finis hing her! T.C.3.--~Pearce Rhodes, Campbell 3 ib 1 in this way The '- in iy arce, DOUes, ampbell, Contr ct. Was Awar ta appencd mn 118 wavy, ¥ Telephone 489.5," | otal Sut e. : |Drummond, Rew, Martin, Walters, At t 8 t ti warded, store was closed as usual, late on! i fg i ostello, of Amherst, Novg al Hasutley , Heaton, Baldwin, Cgeswell a special me ting of the property Saturday night. Mr. Walsh, who is ola; a former Kino sstonian, is al --)33. committes of the board of education, a follows of Isaac. Walton. recently) vis.tor in the city, Soth the contract for the ereetion of closets i elevens put up some very purchased a fine new fishing pole, and | at the Collegiate Institute was award A 4 John McKay Fur Houss Bf 2 refibishop Gauthier" js at present {pretty cricket i Pr N ; on the way home he got nto conver. | ) ' Fhe ny arbi imparting confirmation; a x to A i ht 3 hein price be- Lsation with a couple of friends. The | J) OF is diocese, ww the lowes gh Lenders were re- hing le f o a dvi s» under dis Brock 8 ; Ready For The Contest. . fishing pole, of course, came under dis- | 0148-155 Brock St. | Sherif Dempsey, Pp mbroke, Ww y ceived, cussion, and it was decided that the | > Ta . two friends should return to the store | will ready to meet 1). Fitegerald in Applied To The Consul. to see the pole. They did so, and up- | as i wg | the city, Suturday, with three on M. Ryan writes the Whig that he -------------- [ ers for the penite ntiary, A Andre has a position with the ndrew Wilson Cigar Manufac "turing time before 2 . Mth. | - Lei " . before ur on Monday, dune Sth dell, stranded below the Thousand Is-{to the room at the rear, on the a * . 8 e y ' . impany, Toronto. He started his : RRS Snity in Friday mgs lland Park, applied to-day to United [ground floor. The three wore talhing, work this me race was the first he ever ran. While ' Q . 2 : ou ie y sroing., i Now York he onthe Rover AE is States Consul Van Sant for aid, as|when one of Mr. Walsh's friends was { iss Emma A. Hunter, secretary of y : g, they wore in the same condition as the [surprised to seo a man's leg pro A TRINITY OF iio Crud Mowital, has return | 7 on Bide tots, fle Brees tol steumer. 'Tho consul set. them as fue tring from, undor the stairway. a plrasan P Sp x . £ as Cape Vi N.Y i" ' at *' he > 3 f Queber, vacation spent at from Mr. ali He has already | © Cape Vineent, N.Y, ar that I" he eried to the Very Fine Lace Trimmed Underskirts. a coepte chatle FO *. Roney, Ee eLhors, : 0» i i a hh er Brien, clerk at the. Ran- bag lg hat oS om r= ph Steamer Released "That looks like a man's leg," said Others with latest and daintiest, embroi- ARGUMENTS | ei hatd, fetusund, yesterday, after week, ' The steamer City of Montreal, which | Mr. Walsh, and he immediately went deries, at moderate cost. Just a few a ag Past two weeks in Mond- Ske Went aground at Farran's Point, a|over to the stairway, and investiga ywice hints : $2 00. 3. 00, on 5 A Lively Yacht Race. few days ago, has been released. It ted. Cremched up in a very small | I Hunts : y * 3.25, 1 00, 39 70, was not kmown hers to-day, whether | space, he noticed a Young man, whey 4.00, and through a long list to 7. 00. she would be towed to Kingston or|bad his face turned against him. <{F- not, ghe report stating that she would "What are you doing here ¥ asked be taken to Ogdensburg. The steamer ha Wala, and with that, the ingen is in bad sh L ellow said, "never mind, it's on y me, ape Mr. Walsh." a tw + rolle dkati race ; v : : : | a twodnile roller skating rave, any| py. suitors off the steamer Arun-|on their arrival at the store, went in- | | Mrs. Stale y Couper and little , Liberal assortment, highest ob | datighter, Isabella, loft. to day, The lust of the series of yacht races quality, lowest prices. Joyceville, to visit her father, William for the Bruce (ercuthees trophy was | Cooke, sulegl on Saturday in a stiff, two nef This is why we list among our { In Chalmers church, last evening, | brvese that kicked up a sea 'whic patrons the welbto~do and the | Mian 4 Ada Rosevear rendered "Just Ag|®nt the spray over the decks of the humble in pugs. ie at « 7, re y - TT . ip re [manner Yauks), ma highly creditable Yacht aud gave the he many © Gentleman Burglar. 1 he young man then turned his face, : * e. "7 3 .tand Mr. Walsh recognized him as Our Sir dish assortment is good 2 | C. W. Drury, of this city. has taken Fhe starting gin was fired at 2.145 I'he gentleman burglar, who reforms, Youle mah named Charles Dr ato : . this month. We sell one at $2.95, { 8 position with the Canadian C opper | PM, and Duiton Bros." Chiriva got arr. Po happy, and Fo then' punish aged about twenty-two year wh 4 Long White { con s pox ara 2K ALT y « earlier crimes, ix A 4 vey oo Di \ that is particularly good value, ompany, Copper CLlf, Ont, and Jeft [the best of the start. The 'Lemermre |* OE aL uD Df Re had worked for him at one time, | i ile j . ! with others ranging up to $6.50, ab jon Sunday and Tei were ro late getting out [described in a splendid double tenract {1 come 'out. here and TH tell vou | the .. ou to-day and Tues [ Albert Jenkins, formerly of Ki irom thei inws the g i drama at . ' : . » " . x . om their moorings that they did not ural J sake . is X ton, who mg " day. The fitm is hy Edison and what I am doing,' "aid th youny » 1 oves had been visitin liga he race. Th » $ ' siting in this [tigate in the race. The course was tri man, waking for the front part of the! oily, retirned to his home at Roches: ansular, from the club house to the teaches the moral lessoy that Crime | tore. Mr. Walsh went after him and | must bring its: own punishment. N.Y, on Sund fl i i ' ' Sunday, asylum buoy, then to Simcoe sland lis ty friend 1 | i p » : 3 . us yo Inends stayed in the ther | x ve fi eh S an nber | « Cook, manager Dominion Textile buoy, to cub house, twice aroumd, er Auetpiuant room. His game was to make a belt | J Special \ alues at $ 1.50, 1.7 b, P [Company, was in Montreal, Saturday, | making about tweive miles. The Chi Stripping Cedar Island. out of the front door, but as , : 2.00. fering he Haglise Dura, safely off [rive and Isis kept close together all Complaints are again being made | Walsh, on coming in, had turned ) J ; {on her trip to England. around and mde fine race, the first] about the cutting of trees on Cedar | ke I I I & J EWELI ER ade a ace, g Son key, he found that he would have L "+ ' |W. A Newlands, waterworks collec. round was completed in the following | Island for decoration purposes. M the try some other plan. He told a stor ong ac an 8 Gloves 2 : | tor, vag in Napanee, to-day, attend | order ; trimming goes on, in a few years the | bout being chased on the street by a Of " a : x ' : e 3 : Issuer of Marriage {rng the funeral of his aunt, Mi : namie of the island will hve to be lcouple of men, and stated that he bad 75¢c, 9c, $1.25, 1.4¢ ), 1.75. | Minch, h, who died on Saturday, Bic vis sis sistas changed. A vear ago, Col. Gordon, | taken off the grating from the cellar . i n : : . Licenses, Be F. GG. Orchard, of Brockville, do Teak a 2 0.C.E.0.C., ordered that no more ent- window and crawled into the building ja # " = un Aut ns for Canon Starr, J i ant renven 3B ting take place, but as there is Ho one fin that way, so as to escape his pur ook duty, on unday, in the cathe Yh sis oR ro" gaining on the second | on the island to watch, it seems to suers, and that he had then walked uy | tral, preachicg at evensong. round amd crossed the finishing line | continue. the stairs into the store. He had Belo buf dll bello 4. 8S. R, McCann, who eame home| at 4.58. 15, followed hy hi | ve - to tell] Mr. Walsh Jar the Chiriva at more but wanted a crt art oo {tram Toronto, returned on Sun: 15.00.10, ol nor uw | ti S - . | day, owing to. the death of i Cx 50 H = the Kathlien at 5.07.30. | Leeds Farmers' Ins itute, to go upstairs, to hear toe vest of his White Lisle Thread fins, supreme treasurer of the 1.0.F apsed lime was as follows 4 The officers recently elected are : story, as he did not care to have the . { Predarick'F. Folver, of the Whic + H. M.S, President--W. M. Bass, Newboro. other two men hear what he had to : k | wortorial staff Lit + 0 } iy i Mg re Is's ) pe es pn Vice-president--C. F. Rath, Lans-jsay. The young man hurried up : Stoc ings I ws lly. today, lor St. Chirlpa... .. 0 0 2, downe. stairs, and Mr. Walsh followed, but ag | | John's » Que, to spend tho next two S r ri ' & s H I S I > < : Jo0re! r- tre; pp » Ga- A fo y tai : " . ! weeks with hin brother, ( 'apt. K, C, ashi on -.. Bh. Secretyry-treasarer-F. Britton, a+ soon as the voung fellow got upstair an Lisle I'hread 5 tockings. | Folg Tor. } approximate corrected time nanogque. : ; ; : he headed for the third flat, and he j . § s : as0 Ne 11] 3 Hev. Pathe Staley, ill in Smith's mads, the Chiriya a wiliner on time Direetors--North Croshy, Ephraim fore Mr. Walsh could get trace of him Black Lisle Thread Stockings, a30¢ to 5e | Palle. hospital, 'Tor: aime. lowance, as follows: 3 Vanderhoof, Westport; George 3S. Dun- | he had gone into one of the rooms on Both slain nd 1 . Efi set ) | typhoid fever, is now at his home in { hiriya... ... ... .. cr ary S. Bilton, Newhoro. that Bat, okt Wrong 2 window Shick 3 I 3 ace, WISE Va a alihts, esnomy, ll Surdaee| Ringetom, In, recuperate. for a couple Kathy u - , South Crosby--W, M. Bass, Newhoro; cape, by the fire escape, a very hands Light Blue, I ink, G rey, Champagne an OIL STOVE, and comfort wud ease in| The infant daughter, of Harvey H Isis, ... 2.24.1 II, 8. Davison, Elgin. thing for a burgiar. Mr. Walsh shades. ghthing 0 meal. We would strongly re | Black, of the Toronto News. dial 8d At the finish of the 1 rate tha Isis got | Bastard--H. KE. Eyre, Chantry; John | searched all over for Me. Burglar, Fin i In Lisle Thread Lace Hosier y, special commend Blue Flame and High Tank we! denly. on Satu ay, while ) in a. little mix-up outside the wharf | Bowser, Delta. could not find him, and a call wag ' » axle § + i 3 ! . ire showing for safely and comfort, its eat. The infant : Was 7 hai and some of her crew did great | Rear of leeds and Lansdowne--R.[sent in to the police station as soon | values at 35¢ pair, aquatic stunts that eansed much mer- { Gardiner, Seeley's Bay; W. W. Hi-las he made his escape, but the miss- | months old. 3 : ¢ ! > SAR: mt among the spectators in the | cock, Seciey's Hay; A. J. Kendrick, [ing man could not be located. It was! Mossrs. '¥ . rimen gq i . v vi | From 75¢ to $8.00 esars. Francis Adams and William balcony, Lyndhurst. rimored around the street, to-day, { Noakes, of Ottawa, have returned : f | Brerything for summer comfort all to| from a very pleasant vacation spent prim Front of Leeds and Lansdowne--C. {that he had gone over to Wolfe Is- ' 3 » Association Football. F. Rath, Lansdowne; W. J. Webster; land in a row boat, and that he had | Le found at our store. z i * ; in Kingston and Rochester, N.Y. The 1 ¢ Tw _ A ---- went up the Rideau via the cteaBne Kingston, June 20--(To the Edit. (Tilley; 0. W. Landon, Melcombe; 5S. gone from there to Watertown, N.Y: 8 hil Wr ' Ar i Mi | o . . Rideau Queen. or): In Friday's issue of the Whig, Donevan, Melcombe. Before Mr. Walsh left the store, he | ' W.'A Mitchell's Hardware. Ms een, Martin, Georgin Con- | the news of sport columns contained | Front of Escott--J. P. Redmond, |discovered that the thief had tied up | pecia aY ain way and Gladys Thompson, have re- |& note about association football be- | Mitehellkitle; Norman Hutchinson, Ese ja bundle of clothes, ready to carry | i + '" N i i turned from attending Villa Marie |g over for the summer. That is not gent. [meway, In the bundle thee Yas one | Convent; at Moutreal, Miss Martin | 80, as I assore you could we arrange | Front of Yonge--~A. W. Mallory, Mal | te suit, a hlac suit, hiue suit, Cook's Cotton Root Compound | uraduated this year. games we would play every Saturday {lorytown; John Haflie, Maltorytown. three fancy vests, and six and one- | . ha grows Uterine Tons, am | Mrs. Charles A. Donaldson came up |8/0rmoon, as we love the sport. 1 riers half yards of double width silk. The O~MOrrow ornin only sats effectual Monthly | ¢. rock . Ss with [may say I, as secretary, have writ parcel was tied up, and no doubt the from Brockville to spend Sunday with ) : . A HIDDEN FORTUNE. : Snuistoton which women ow her father George Morency, Bagot ten, (rying to areange home and | b------ young man was: just in the act of Na, 1. py; stroet, and to be prosent at the first | home games with Queen's, RH.CA., | F. Parlee's ola 0il Stocki Turns making his departure' when Mr. Walsh : 8 i | AT 9.30. i g 3 ? : tes Odessa Sunbury, Inverary Perth | and his friends entered. The parcel | box. | Communion service of her niece, Miss » : ys v1 . 3 Koad, Moscow and Napanee, hut only Out Valuable. « was left on a table in the room at the 4] per ' d by al vor sent | Artemise Morency A Whinince nS oa P A Fd: on Foow'pe Jt pelos | Archibald Petrie died in the hos {Sueen's and Napanee have obliged hy | Winnipeg, June 22.--Years ago F.lrear. Had the young man fed up. | A manufacturer's sample lot of pam : : . day replying. So you see it is not our | Parleé, a steamlitter employed in the | fairs he would not have heen dis Cook Mentone Ba, Br Gomer ta nied pital, Kingston, last Monday, after a . rR C.N.R. shops at Edmonton, bought | overed, as Mr. Walsh had no occa . ¢ C3 : 8 © i 0 8 at {qf r r : v s oain 3 i 3 ger in Gananoque of the Merchants [Played in Kingston. We are obliged | {fifty shares of Lnion Oil stock at lgion to go upstairs. How he gainca 32 Pairs Ladies' White Silk Stockings log illness. He was the first mana [fault that so few games have been ~~ bank. He was fond of living on the [to the R.CH.A. for the practicd | twenty cents a share and almost for- 1. trance ta the store is not known, | islands and mhout--the river, and --al- | games we have had with them, and we j gy abi¥ it. 'The share certificate but it is thought that he climbed wn ways képt an owtht of Boats. tent would be pleased to hear from other were left in the bottom of an old the fire escape and went through the Sizes 8! to 10 inch only worth $1 to i 25 * y es - J "don The Old Stand and The Old Num- x ni s. ete d spe us ats football clubs.--A. trunk, and were regarded simply af a window. | " camp furniture, ete., and spent a «| } . M'LEOD, Secretary Wanderers' for reminder of a bad mvestment. A Jew | firigcoll, whe is well-known to jhe pair, 0 ted in that way. Two or three years |cintion Football Club. flags go, howe ver, Raclen hapyened Kingston police, served a term in the | ag he faile : at : o AM ' to be in a brokers office In « mon Centra) prison, for theft, and eg Phone 49 ae. failed in health. He nover ton and mentioned the fact of his |. in the police court hare Fodiont YOURS TO-MORROW at 9.30, OFFICE NO. 1. | rere. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. [having thew shares casually. The than ane orcasion. He was known ns All orders promptly attended to Fighting At The Bijou. roker thereupon irformett him that | Charles Driscoll, alias Bahwack. He Bight ar da Soldiers _ suilors wh won the| Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Bv|the stock was worth 3224 per share, [eorved time in the Central for steal 5 x - British empire See them at the Bie Reporters On Their Rounds. together With accrued dividends, 5, gilvorware off the steamer Pierre- John 0. Rick ilk d bs jou ; ? 6{ When you need a cab 'phone 600. which Parlde had never claimed, This pent. 3 n v WCRkman, milk deabr, was * 4 2 (HN) ey ib 5 : { Sharpe at Hamilton police court i William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders Th a tidy jortine of afaut i} A Dri wil waz at one time employed with using hottles belonging to thes Hon. I. H, Roy, president of the | received at McAuley's. 'Fhone 778. of mm, and he. Just passed ough Lat the Crawford] & Nalsh stores. Hel . t route ) California %0 {lear s tailor ad Ho Farmars' Daicy Sompany, He claimed | Bank of St. John's, Ques, hgs been| The M. T. company's barge Bells, he i» oh oute for a learned the tailoring trade while in ) } : : : s claim it. a that milk dealers vsed cach other | liberated from jail, personal bail to] will go into government dry dock, to-|'™ prison ---- bottles, the amount of $30,000 and thred sure- | morrow. : ; Thomas Farrell died on Friday, in|ties of $10,000 each have been' accepts | Fresh Tanglefoot Fly paper at Gib. BASEBALL RECORD. DROP IN FURNITURE. x son's Red Cross drug store. Phone Hogan | Rochester, aged about eighty year: | ed. X . : ? Tha. deconsed was a former weident of | The funeral of the late TI. Colling {230, : The Games Played on Saturday | Carter Meets With Mishap on Rellovilie. ocoars in Toronto on Tuesday. H." Cneningham, piano tuner from and Sunday. Wellington Street. Chickering's. Leave orders at Mo | Naijonal League--Pittsburg, 20;| Thers was a great drop in furniture RO I ARI RR Gt BRIE f SIR saepm | Avley's book store. Brooklyn, 12. Ciacinnati, 1-¢; Phila-{on Saturday night, abbut seven) RRR RT SS NT STR) BE ea RR RI ea Constables: Filgo, aml Timmermany poasyragk-2. Ciaciunat, i Forviock. John Camphelt, the wel will conclude their yard inspection, | Now York, 4; Chicago, 0. known offfter, was taking a Yoad from! , {around the cily, in two weoks, American League Botait, 4: Wash-|the GTR. freight sheds. The furni Good rubber tired cab always when ington, 2. Chicago, 1; Boston, 0. ture was piled several feet high, and | yon "phe he 600. Eastern League--Providence, 's: To- {when Campbell urged his horse on Kingsion Mills pienie, Wedursday| ato. 3. Jersey City, be uialo. the sudden jolt tumbled the furniture! 24th. Steamer Wolfe Islander leaves! po Baltimore, 3. Montreal, New-fout on to the road. A man named | "OF COURSE, You ARE Clarence streot 1:30 and 7 pm. Rel ). Rochester, 1. Davia, and little son, living near the] . turning 11 o'clock. Round trip; 16e. Grovd Inn, were on the load with T. A. Jenkins will be at the Anglo The Sunday Games. Campbell, and they fell off with the| American hotel (opposite GTR. sta-} pio Longue Pittshuirg, 5; Cin-|furniture, receiving some nasty cuts] much of his time as business permit { ! i i i | i } { Bargains For This Week ~--AT THE-- LOCKETT SHOE STORE Ladies' Good Quality Patent 2 Eyelet Tie Slipper or Street Shoe, light sole, regular $2. Our price $1.65. Ladies' Patent One Strap Slipper, nice shoe, now $1.50. Ladies' White 0 anvas Oxfords, Blucher cut, $1 and $1.25, Ladies' White Cabin Oxiord Cuban heel, white, $1.50. Headquarters for Children's Shoes of all kinds. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE . .. P.8S.Buit Cases cheap and good, Sesssssessseasacserscassssnssestsssetece eee i : tion), Tuesddy and Wednesd Vv, June and a bad shaking up. Luckily no) We knew you would cool off as soon as you got Ted and Hath, 10 buy afl classes | of] cinuati. 3. ta had shaking up. luckily inside of some of our Thin Things horses : American Lengo. Detiuit, 3 ras siderable, damage was dc to the 4 ¥ < J Lington, 2. Chicago, 7; Boston, t. rable, ge was. dane 'to. 1 We've got the garments to make a man cool Prevost, Brock street: has a splendid (EU 5" Now York, | futniture, aud some chinawni was keep him . ' assortment of Bente ning ings a Eastern League Toronto, 1-6: New: | smashed. ad. cool. eady-made ing 1008. Thad ok, 63. Providence, 3 Rochester, 2. Two-Piece Suits in Flannels, Serges, and ee AeATII en re fit | Teese City, 3; Buflalo, 9. Autumn Assises. ranteed Kingeton--Non-jury, Des 7th, before uns, $10.00, 12. 00, 13.50, 15.00. $ i er phone, 490. "Tr ah British Battles. Char te Boyds por, Sept. 15th, oY Duck and Flannel Trousers, $1.00 to 3.50. The Yorfiy man arrested for drink. |, Soldiers and Sailors who Jom Jom fore Judge Riddell. : : Saturday. and who joke British Empire" is th? title a fine! Napanee--Non-jury, Nov. th: jury, Soft Shirts, 75e. to $2.00. : eulleAs, | Ealure ay, » Was ph historic travelogue at the Bijon today Sept. th. : Thin Under wear, 50c : . Bn ion uf Ihe Sate ae, Kin = rt and Tuesday. The stusy Figs with JAdan---Jury and pon-jury, Oct, : ' shot and the arms. | 16th. 3 thviw He ery | Sanne 4 . ea 'runk Drawers and Short Sleeve Shirt, $1.00 Si in -- given ato ose] Every Canadian should witwess this Hrackeille--ury, Det. 16th; non-jury, 50 per Suit. was also dismissed. avslogus a! ER 14th Parade This Evening. The Bands Play. The 14th PWO Rifles will have] Every day: that is the faney hat regimented a this evening, instend [hands at Thomas Mills & Co's. Bee is to or} them. epg Sone! pod cr Sy SiC man's. Nov 20000000000 0000000000000000000000000 : Bo rasesdirsaressveatersrersassrssrenrary store. © H's fresh there,

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