THE DAILY BRITISE WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1908. : Eo 00000 TUO00 0000000 0000000 0000000 | | QOJ0V 0000000000000 ' § gi vorde ew " hel A Here 'is everything that the most particular shopper ean desire--or hope fo find. "Wash Goods"? OI course, dozens and dozens of pretty weaves and patternings--- some as filmy as cobweb, others dependably durable--all spotlessly immaculately white. , Plain and Dotted Musling, India Linons, Per- sian Lawns, Soft, Fine Mulls, Sheer Organdies Crisp Piques; Linens, both fine and coarse; and the prices are pleasant-~like--10¢, 12}e, 15¢, 18c, 20c., and so on up to 50¢ the yard, - Here Are the Dainty Parasols 3 You must have one, of course, if your costume is to be correctly complete, In White--they are either plain orembroidered. In Colors--every proper and modish shade and combination is shown. In Blacks--they are as claborgtéor as plain as you'll wish, : Ede Trimmed with chiffon ruffles and embroidery in tones to match-every costume, aud the prices are low. . CRUMLEY BROS. 0§60000000000000000000 FRESH STRAWBERRIES , ARRIVING DAILY LATE VALENCIA ORANGES Extra Choice Seedless Lemons. R. H. TOY, 302 King St TA Shirt Campaign gE > For one week we are going to make a specialty of selling Shirts. Besides all.our spring stock, we have just received seven cases (each case lined with circus bills would make & fgood sum- mer cottage), filled to the top with shirts, Nothing / . A \ ym If you want something different. see our Shirts. 2 , i GONT SHIRTS Cuffs attached or de- "Any Kind of a Shirt you want. ' [Major and Mes, Mosley will come ) SOLDIER'S BRIDE MISS SCOTT IS NOW MAJOR| MOZLEY'S WIFE. | Military Weddir Cathed: e and As They Came Down the Aisle. It is many a long day since wedding, so the marnage, on Taes- day, oi Maj. ley, R.E., son of Mr. and Mis. J. R Mozey, Headingly, Leeds, Fag. and Miss Annie Campbell Scott, niece of Prof and Mrs. David H. Marshall, "pdmhurst, had. mor¢ than the usual interest attaching to it. George's cathedral was very beautifully decked with flowers, soar- let and white, the colors of the Royal Military where the groom is and engineering, being above altar. 'The stats for the guests were marked off by broad bands of starlet and white ribbon, and at the end of each seat from door tg fhaneel was a cadet. from the college. As the sur- pliced choir entered the church the cadets rose and stood in the aisle, thus forming a grard of hovor for the bride, who came up leaning on her uncle's arm and precedid by her bridesmaids, choir and congregation singing "Ihe Voice 'that Breathed er Eden." Awaiting the groom, in the scarlet and gold of the full dress uniform of the Royal Engi- neers, and with him his best man, K. ¥. 8. Dawson, R.E. The Dean of On- tario read the service at the chancel steps and as the bride snd groom moved | to the altar for the closing prayers and blessing, the marriage Psalm, "(lod Pe Merciful Unto Us," was chanted. The versicles were sung by Rev, ¥, GC. Orchard and Canon Grout took the' lust part of the vice, the hymn "0 Perfect Love," ing sung, all kneeling. Lohengrin's wedding march came from the organ as the bridal party left for the ves try to sign the register and the Mendelssohn march as they geturned and came down the aisle un- der the of a number of the groom's brother officers. The im- mense congrégation was most rever ent throughout, and dhe service was a beautiful one in its sacramental pect. The "Bt. College, her was ser- we passing crossed swords as- N. A W. B.S.M. ushers were Major Beott, Frederick Carson, the of the RM.C., and Cadet Amongst the throng of guests, ladies in beautiful wedding garments, and officers in the full'dress uniform of various corps, there was a group of little girls, all 'warm friends of the groom, who has, during his stay here, endeared himself to the child- ren, ang been. a sort of fairy --ged father to them. Ea h little maid had received a separate invitation, and the groom reecived from all the most perfoct ehaldish wishes for all sorts of happiness, «he bride; who was given away by ber uncle, Prof. Marshall, wore! a gown of ivory satin' duchess, with sweeping train, two milliners' folds at the hem being the sole trimming of the skirt.' The bodice was made with surplice folds, the yoke of point d'gs- prit and the bertha, g deep and beau- tiful one of Maltese lace, a gift from the old Lund. she bridal veil, which also came from across the water, was caught prettily with the crown of orange blossoms and a touch of white heather, not for luck alone, but also agen remembrance of the bride's old home in the Highlands. The ners bore a large true lovers knot in Honiton braid, amd the veil fell in the old-time way, over the bride's face Besides her bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley she carried a white prayer-book, the gift of Canon Starr, and her ornament was a pecklace of pearls, with an eight-pointed pearl star, its centre of diamonds, pendant. The bride's gister, Miss Jean Scott, was first bridesmaid, and were a ffock of India silk, the skirt made with al: ternate rows of tucks and valenciennes insertion, the bodice much tucked and elaborately trimmed with the lace, and a picture hat of white mohair, trimmed with tulle, and sweeping white ostrich plumes. The bridesmaid, Miss Hattie! E. wore feta, cor second With baby Irish lace trimming, and voke and sleeves of filet lace. Her hat was of white Ince, trisuned with graceful white feathers. Both maids carried bouquets of Sunset roses, and wore the groom's gift--bracelets of | Firuscan gold, set with pearls, and bearing the initials of bride and groom, After the service the wedding party drove out to "Elmhurst," Prof. Mayshall's beautiful old home, where the lawn, studded with the many "im- memorial elms' which give the place its name, slopes down towards Lake Ontario. The guests were received by the bride's uncle and aunt, at the doorway of the long drawing-room, and then moved on to one end of the room, where stood Major and Mrs, Mozley to receive the yood wishes and felicitations of all. Breakfagt follow- od, and there was also time for the guests to go out upon the verandah and among the flowers in the garden. The bride, meanwhile, slipped away to slip off her bridal white and prepare for the wedding journey. Mrs. Mosley went away in a very smartly tailored suit of seal brown broadcloth, the coat with slightly rolled velvet collar. With this was worn a blouse of cream net and lace insertion over yellow shade, and a brown lace straw hat trimmed with folds of brown and yellow tulle and brown ostrich foath- ors . with soft . After uw trip to New York and Washington, back to Kinbston very = soon, and out to Professor Marshall's eqttagy, at Lodghtoro Lake, which he has put of their "disposal for six wooke. Eight of the eadets, BA. 'n St. George's | TO-NIGHT Groom | Passed Unde. Crossed Swords | our | old garrison town has had a military | Edward Newman Moz | instructor in fortifications | the | Macklem. |" Gravden, | heed sitk mousséline over tal-| silk of a soft warm|T | JHimusements. (LAKE Y ONTARIO | PARK ) and every night this week, at R30 HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE LABELLE FAUSTINE, A. Physical | Culture Girl JENNINGS AND WiliB, In a Comedy i | Sketch. f HARRY NELSON, of New York City Singing The Latest Illustrated Songs. { MANLINK SHAH, Hindoo Magic, | 2,000 Feet of New Moving Pletures, { Admission to \greunds free Ly Uprs. THE KING EDWARD THE PALACE OF AMUSEMENT: Gor. Princess & Montreal Sts "OSTLER JOE" Ed. Mullin, Elocutionist Will recite "Ostler Joe," TONIGHT and TO-MORROW NIGHT, _ Soloists © OC. B.S. IFARVEY, Basso. {. J. BRISFOL, Haritone: Sh , LESLIE HUGHES, Pianist CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Manager. TAXES, 1908. Pay your Taxes on of before the 30th IJ une and, save discount. Colleetion. of BUSINESS and INCOME be enforced. after JULY ail unpaid {1 axes will FIRST, V. BARTELS, Collector oO [KINGSTON DRIVING CLUB Matinee Races, wt Fale Ground, Friday, June 26, 1908 All Loeal Herscs pow... sharp. , iclides , Grand | Stand Four Classes Races start 4 "KINGSTON MILLS PICNIC WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th Str. Wolfe Islander leaves Cldrenve St. {Whart, '1.80 and p.m. Retosing 11 o'clogk. Aouna trip, 1&e., filled with a doen fish knives ard, forss, cinss. ehdets at the Royal Military College) and a large Lsilver tray, with silyer tén scrvice, from the stall of the K.M.C,, inscrield with the names of the givers For the geutle, gracious little bride, who has deeply endeared hersed to ali who know her, and toc sthe kind sol- dict married thy morning, there are none but the truest wishos for a long life to (npy togetuer in quet bappi- ness, whether in Cenada or when they go to what is to them really "home im the old land. when the groom's term at the lie Mois ened. I'he list of invited guests was as fol lows :* Col. and Mrs. Eo T., Miss Fisie Taylor; Major N. AZW, Scott; Major and Mrs. MH. RY XZ De Bary; Capt. Russell Brown; Major and Mrs, ¥V. D Lafferty; Mr. and Mira Kenneth Blair, Prof. and Mrs. W. EB. Butler; Prof. and Mrs. Iva Mactin, Miss Phyllis Shoit; Capt. and Mrs: John Cochrane, Miss Christine Cochrane; Capt. and Mrs. Herbert Dawson; E. F. 8. Dawson, R.K., Mrs. Dawson, John and Miss Pawson; Prof. and Mrs. Alexander Laird; P'rof. and Mrs. A, Lanos; Major and Mrs. BR. Ko Kilborn; Mr. Hennessy Col. and Mrs. Douglas Young; Col and Mrs. T. D. Ry and Miss Grace Hemming; Lient. and Mrs Birtles; © Macklem: Col. and Mrs D. don, Miss Bessie Gordon, Miss Nora Gorddn; Capt. Exlouard Panet, Capt and Mrs. Alan Palmer; Major Bruce Carruthers: Major and Mes, H, 5 Burstall; Mr. Constantine; Mr. Boak; Mr, Browne; Mr. and Mrs. Rogers; Dr. and Mes. Edward Ryan; br. and Mrs. W, €. Barber; Pr. and Mrs. W, | Herriman: Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Clarke; DA. Young, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Dick, | Mes, Dick, Sr, Mrs. and Miss Thom son, Mr. and Mrs. Orahinm, Mrs George and Miss Muriel Webster, Mrs McNeil, Mrs. Winch, Miss Gibson, Miss Bethune, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. File aud Miss Louisa Fowler, Rev Dr. and Mrs. John Muckie, %he Dean of Un: tario and Mys. Farthing, Canon Stary and Mrs. Ladd, Mr, and Mps. Allaive Spoft, Canon and Mrs. Grout, HK. R. F* Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, Miss: Marin Carruthers, Madame and Miss Pacaod, Miss Letitia Moore, Miss Archer, M&S "FE. McAr thur, Mr. and Mrs. Osler, Miss Mary White, Miss Mabel Gravden, Mrs. Fred, Brownfield « iSlig® ws AH Dorothy He rs. Norte fay- Jor, and Mi nil ay ion, Mrs. Thotaas T § ftrice dnd Carl Tandy, Howty, "In, Mss Loretia 8 ond) Swift, Srey Mis Frances Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Calvin and jou Calvig, Mes. and the ' os Mae Mabel Gilderslosve, * Prof. 'afd - Sirs. » John Macnaughton. rosewood Case pearl handled trom the first | Ww Gor 8% Trinity Church Farceday. The 'annual ie on June 15th, was voted a grand sueos, a larger pam ber being present than nt last year's, Fhe grocery and ied ervam stand 'was mangged by Mroand Mrs. 0 K. Mul- fot, and Mrs, George Taylor, of Coe f ladies provided dnver and the Best orders: In the: giter- rave and girls were given jyizes. Mone. Lily Leveridge, the efficient organist, was presented by Myre, Forster, with a a Ei} J Take two of CONDENSED ADVERTISING , RATES First - insertion lc. a word. Fach con- secutive insertion thereafter half cent & word. Minimum charge for ope in- sertiolf, 25¢c. ; three Insertions, 0c. six, ¥1; ose month, ¥4. WANTED-FEMALE. AT THE CBENERAL Apply 7 oS p.m. MAIDS, HOS. pital A GOOD GENERA SERVANT. wasbiog. py to Mrs. \ Oliver, corner King ahd Gore Sts. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL, FOR GEN. eral housework, to go to Napanee two in family; no washing. Apply in the evenings tv Miss Hora, 45 King stresl. NO ¥ WANTED--GENERAL. OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH on electric work. All kinde y done. F. J. Birch Wellington street. THE estimates of work prompt! Electrician, 206 A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF rds or oslard, ev othe aguas carted. Prices . ip Lytle, General Sartor, pie ats St. DRESSY GENTLEMEN their Spring Suits way's. Style, price anteed to please. 131 pext to Bibby's Livery. Brock CUSTOMERS, FOR GAS STOVES, gas fixtures and globes. We are Clus- ing out these before July lst. to quick buyers J. W, Oldtin & Co, opposite Wonderland. SITUATIONS WANTED. WASHING TO DO AT HOME BY spectahle young woman. "Mm Whig office EXPERIENCED wants nursing by week or references from the medical doctors, Apply Nurse Atkins, 243 Montreal street. month. First-class YEARS OF AGE oF wishes to spend the farmer, useful on the farm J." Whig office. respectable and make himself Address Box ° ARCHITECTS. THUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, ART Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. 8 ITH, ARCHITECT ete. Anchor Phone, 845. Ot -------- POWER & BONS, ARCHTT chant's Bank Building, and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. WN. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, ae: SO Orner Princess and ag store, Kutrance on Bagot streets, = "Phone ---------------------- CITY COUNCIL SESSION. (Continued from Page 2.) Ald. Rigney that 'the $175 vould cost to put the roads in their previous condition, an suppor be d the report of the engineer Lhree amendments to the motion to the engineer's figure were lost adopt o motion was finally carried on and th this division : Yeas--Mayor Koss and Alds. An- grove, Carson, Chown, Couper, Craig, Elliott, Givens, Harty, McCann, Me Cartney, Rigney, Robertson, Toye--14, Nays--Alds., Free, 'Graham, Hanley, Henderson, Nickle, Hoag--6. Other Business. Several wuls avd sewer construction by laws were passed. 'Ahere were not enough members present to puss several wuney they it ower meeting. Alds. Graham ane and cial by-laws, Yor u » wire @ } Henderson thoved to Lhe pure hase pn was mstructions gives cart. extra watering motion adopted. Ald. Givens moved, seconded by Ald Chown that she lighs, heat and power taxts Le fixed at the same amount as last yeer. The taxes this yeur are $1,106 more than last, Ald. Uivens said that at present, aa view of the reduction Tates, the plant could ngd stand such a tax increase, which was not figured upon when the made, He thought assessment of $177,000, the old amount, should be fixed. Further more, the light department had not been served with its assessment notice in time, or the matter would have been taken before the court of 'revi sion wtead of the council . Mayor Ross couldn't see how the council could do anything. To maku a reduction would be a nd precedent, as citisns genorally wo. id ask like treatment, | A'd. Nickle asked for information as to the amount of extensiond to the plant. He thought the matter should be left over till the special meeting. Ald. Givens agreed to this and made his motion a notice. - Ald. Rigoey, chairman of the firy committee, and AA. Angrove, chair man of city property committee, pre- sented their accounts for passing, on account of there being Bo quorum pre smi at their aommittce meetings. last week, The major rebuked the alder mein for not attending the committee meetings more regularly. Merchants cuffired by their mogleot, he said. plant s reductions were that an Ald. Couper, the teadir of Smith Bros., for mew dials for = and repairs to the city buildings' clook, was atdepted, it being the lowest. The amount is $150, - 5 The council adjowned af "11.05 o'tlock to moet im special sodsion next Monday evening for the passing of Wy Taws and considering sovergl other matters. ~~ vd by -------- That tired, languid feeling and Aull beadacke is very disagresshi arter's Little Gi and you wi good, ei a made at Galles and finish guar Se. Soar RE- Address Box MATERNITY NI RSE best GOOD holidays work oF uilding, Market Square BOTS, MER corner Brock OFa md floor over Mahood's Drug street, agreed with Al. Craig represented what it i not to rebuild portions of tiem. For that reason'be at this stage that the chairman and the enginver bef "QET THE, On motion of Ald.-Angrove, second | BUSINESS CHANCE. GENTLEMAN'S BICYCLE, ON MON treal Hout, shout two weeks age Owner may 'Bave sae by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Ri. HA Fag Glenburaie. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN T0 LEARN BAR- . ber trade. Graduates earn iwelve to eighteen dollars weekly. secure A Will equip shops. Com Careful instructions. lete Course. Cata- rite Mojer Barber stant practice. "Few Weeks re Io "That which we use mot but im- pedes our way." Turn over the articles you don't need. Somebody wants them. Adver- tise! | NINN . YOUNG MAN WITH capital to open an Upto Handling advertised spec article. Good gpportan wan, Apply to treat SUFFICIENT dita stor Alert, FOR SALE, CANOPY TOPPED CARRIAGE, TWO seats. Apply to McCann, Bl Breck Nps TWO COOD NOUSES 63 ellington street, Cunuinghgan. NOS Apply AND A By 60 AS to A JEWELL GAS RANGE, GOOD new, used only 8 months. Apply J. R. C, Dobbs, 109 Brock St 206 BAGOT ST CONVENIENTLY located and confortable solid brick house, eleven roois, modern dmprove. ments, Inspection may he arra by telephome. J. Massie, Phone, FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, * WILL offer the balance of stock, conskting of Buggies, Runabouts, Stanhopes and Business Wagons, at a reduction of the regular selling price, from tom to twenty-five dollars, ¥ you to get a good rig at a low now is your chance. The Carriage Maker, Princess St. -- TO-LET. FURNISHED PWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for turniture, eles McCann 51 Brock street, PRICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR. nished at Morton, on the Rideau, Apply to McCann, 51 Brock 8t NOS and 79 ALFRED STREET, all modern improvements. Possession ne 77 MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLIC] COVER MORE OF company offers, Examine them Godwin's Insurance limporium, ot Square. L -- Company, In addition ¢ have Fire Insurance nssots $61,187,215. which the alicyholders security the Jim ites the stockholders, Farm pert) insured at lowest rates, Before feoe & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 568. PERSONAL. e NINTIHMARKS permanently years' experi ye, Far HAIR, MOLES, warts, elo. removed without: soar, ente. PE. Elner . J y } Nose, Throat and Specialist. 258 Bagot street. A ------ Unitarihn. REV. £. W. CASSON. Doubt Not Your Doubt. Doubts are not so very dreadiul us have been taught to be by as "| many of lieve. 'they are to be recognized the same ind as friends to the truth and not Toe. Whe false may fear th action of doubt, but why should the truth ? Is it not able to stand fin vestigation ¥ Have you not faith believe in it, and ats strength reality ¥ Do you not know that when vou fear a doubt vou fear the truth fulness of trath ? Believe in truth Submit it to any investigation, Doubt it all vou Wke, and all you can. H it is not temth it will fail, but why should yuu care, if it ig pot the | truth ? } - p-- Address, Rev. C. W. ( street, Boston, azfson, at Beacon Mass., for the Hterpture, puilding and contents than any other a Mark \ h \ LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Available for ability of all and city pro- possible wing old or giving new busindss' get ratgs from Strange Blemish i Cy THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT to | and | ist May. Apply A$. Cusplugham, SE, 217 NSRON ST. redecorated, Apr BRICK HOU ¥ m ennvenien . gas for e« ing, be plusbing. ply 41 i LARGE OFFICE HODM IN EX change Chambers, No, 116 Brock St Apply to Geo. OHff, Real Estate Broker, 95 Clarence street. JOu v ; 9 FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR. FURNI ture, goods, etc. Separate rooms and Sou own lock and key. WwW. G. Frost, torage Agent and arriage Painter, 200 Queen St. 'I'hone, 536. Wane int Clergy well veutilated vooms, for the mer in "The Residence,' at section of West, Kari and ¢ Sts, 174 Earl street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. | ! 8. KIRKPATRIUK, BNR OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence Ht. WOOD! | | 1 ~~ | "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD, SLAB WOOD, MILL WOOL, % CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order. { want #4 price, = 3 James Laturpey' oO LARGE AND MEDIUM SI2¢D BRIGHT , Wn wos Wipes. Sr on -- James Swift & Co- 374 Princess Street. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies | In Connection with New York Cen« " i) tral & Hudson River R.R. Sunday, Leave Kingston HABIT" Of going ta the King Cigars and Tobagtos, as We {from for Fdwatd carry Cig | 2¢. up to #1 each i Tobacco, 25. 1b, $a Wn {| Brier and Meprschaum Pipes {to $20 set, {| Cigarettes, Se package up age Walking Sticks, 10c Hanunocks, $1.23 up to Also variety (Foods, SUraps up to 1 10¢ to 40c pack. up to $4 each, $i 50 each a large Razors, Razor of Fishing Tackle to be found anywhere Remember the place, 804 King St, doors from Princess St --t---- CLIFTON A. REED, Manager. Notice of Removal. L. Sang, Latindry, has removed from 208 St., Cor. Clergy to SAM KEE'S, 350 Jobnson St. a 0 do good, w|DR, of Sporting Pocket | Kuives and one of the finest Smasortment | sss-------- 500 aun. and 3 leave Kingston unday, 7.50 an 4.80 Leave ( and 6.15 }§ Making Cape Vincent to da « § t un New York St Vine {oent to Wn wd 'ape Vinceat daily, 1.50 Boy '4 New m Wo y Gf uding re LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS $2. PR 0 Toronto, Ont. et ---------------------- . . . "Elephant" Pure Liquid Paints (Fully guaranteed). Theses paints are the best preservatives for wood, {ros and stone, they dry quickly, with a hard glossy surface, work freely under ihe brush and cam be applied by snyons, For sale br A. STRACHAN. Best une or Drugk MEDICINE & LITTLE yeoardd | RIERA (0) Cures ALL CouGHs '® ALWAYS. ".- AND costs But I9¥ -------------------- This 1s the Weather For Living Out of Doors. For comfort and ease we have a big line of Verandah Chairs Rockers, Lawn Set- tees, Folding Camp Chairs and Camp Cots. A big line of Fancy Rittan Chairs and Rockers, all this vieek at sale prices. ? 2 James Reid,' | : | The leading Undertaker. "Phone, 147.