Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1908, p. 4

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Broken Backs This Little Gets At The Root of the Evil And Removea It Bedily, Only 75c. % Only at GOABETT'S ETP YT I III ITI VO II TON LY American Device wm DAILY BRITISH 810° King street, i gos year, tions at 2. 'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH 5) 18 pages, pub lished in parts on and sday morn- at $1 a year. To i States, charge jor postage bas to be made' Soc. for Daily; SE ohed 5 ae of the bist Job Printing a Canaan: To al oh pr iiny work; nine improved presses. The British No Daily Whig. CASTIGATING THE MEMBERS, What is dore at a party caucus is usually a profound secret, hut some- thing has leaked from the last con- sorvative heart to heart talk in Ot- tawa, and it is refreshing. The lead- er of the party, Mr. Borden, under- toek to say a few plain things to his politiegl friends. Some of them needed a reprimand, for (L'l% excesses during the current ~ déssion have brought the party much diseredit. ¥r. Foster has assumed thd direc tion of affairs, apd i is remarkable that' when obstruction" has oecurred the leader of the party was absent. This would lead one to infer that he is ashamed of 'it, that be does not countenance it, and thet it would not be in order if be' were present. And yet the only time he referred to the matter in the House his language implied an apology for or justification of the obstruction. At the caucus it seems he called to account the obsireperous members 306- $6 per THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 23; 1008. EFFECT OF THE COLLAPSE. There may be an gppeal to the house on the Hodgins railway scan- dal, but the committee which under- took the enquiry will be warranted in reporting, as the majority have agreed that there is no occasion for further service. The more one considers the case the more decided becomes the mistake that the major made the istake of his life when he made charges which had little or no founda- tion. Piece by piece the whole fabric fell away until there was nothing left. The scandal began with a newspaper interview, which he approved when printed. and repudiated at Ottawa. He was understood to say that he had laid the alleged frauds before the pre mier, and without effect, as Sir Wil frid had been hypnotized by Mr- Par ent, chairman of the commissioners. It turned out that no complaint had been made and so notice cauld not be taken of it, The overclassification re- ferred to in section F of the contract existed only in his mind. The differ- ences' that occurred with reference to it. were honest and friendly, and so far as Inspector Grant was concerned originated with a spirit of pique be- cause the appointment had mot gene to Hodgins, how things were done in Quebec was due to the fact that greater progress was made in Quebec on the work, not that he might get pointers in raseali- ty, and he made no discovery there to the disadvantage of the govern- The suggestion that the major see] SPIRIT OF THE PRESS A. Summer School. Canadizg Henry pUrassa has eatablished a Summer of Oratory; just mext door to. the! Plains of Abmabham. Col. Denison, Col. Saw. Hughes and Allan Studholme will attend. big Others Will Follow, Ottawa, Fi TT The T World has joined Col. Sam Bop the demand for the production in Canada of a Canadian service rifle, made by' Canadian labor. The othess, 'will follow in cpurse of time §.a 50 3 . Exchange Of Greetiugs. Exchange. It scems 'we all have our weaknesses, Thomas Fyshe' says the marine department officials have no conscience. Ana the marine department officials report Thomas Fyshe as using an abundance 'of wear words of the mpst whopping variety. The White Plague. Hamilton os. The report of Dr. Millman, supreme physician of the 1.0.F.,, states that 17.58 per cent. of the deaths in the or- der are due go tuberculosis. That is a reminder of the prevalemce of the great white plague. And the propor- tion is not excessive, as statistics go. Three-Fifths Clause: The Pioneer. Of course it eannot last. Even Mr. Whitney does mot think that. The ques- tion is not, Will the law he repealed ? but, When will it be repealed? "The most such reactionary efiort as the two-lilths minority clause ¢an do is ~~ friends in Kingston and vicinity, wisi INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. A new band eof gypsies baye- taken possession of the commons-at Barrie field. Mrs. Edward Webster spend a few days with Bath. x Several complaints have been made | has left friends to at "| about the weeds on many of the side streets. Lieut.-Col. John Hughes, of Clark Ont., in command of the 6th infantry brigade, is' in the city making ar- rangements for troops to go to the Quebec ter-centenary. A large crowd from the city will go down to Kingston Mills, to-morrow af- ternoon and evening, to attend Rev. Father Kiogsley's picnic, which pro- mises to be a great event. In regard to the peanut and pop- corn men, the city council merely de cided that they could mot stand their waggons on Princess street. I will be in order for these men to petition to be allowed to stand on other streets. Gilbert McClymont, with wife and daughter, Mina, returned . to Ottawa, and the past two weeks. Mr. McClymont is a former Kingston newspaper man. He to-day, after visiting relatives is now on the reportorial staff of the Ottawa Journal. Weak women should try Dr. Shoep's Night Cure. These soothing' healing, antiseptic suppositories go direct to the seat of these weaknesses. My "Book No. 4 For Women" containg many valuable hints to women, and it is free. Ask Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis., to mail it. Ask the doctor in strictest confidence, any questions you wish answered. Cure is sold by all dealers. Dr. Shoop's Night A ---- La a a SUMMER TOGGERY Our Furnishing Department is now in Summer array. blooms like a gar den, with the newest fancies, in Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Fancy Hoslery, Underwear, eto, war The superiority of our selections makes every artils of Haberdashery a special value. You'll find here the new things, and you'll also 8nd . the prices more moderate than elsewhere, See Our New $1 Soft Shirts, Plain Whites, Creams. Tans, See Our 50c. French Balbriggan Underwear. Qils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W.F. KELLY & CO,, South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. BOATS! BOATS! Some good light Punts, made of Cypress and White Pine. FOR CAMPING or FISHING Complete with oars all new and well built, Will sell cheap. . 8. ANGLIN & C0. Foot of Wellington St. " We carry a nice line of Pure Linen Underwear, all siges. RECOVERED. Large Quantity Has Been = Taken From Local Firm, The police' have recovered a quantity of brass, valued at ¥35, which was stolen from the Locomotive Works some time ago. 'The brass was stolen from one of the storerooms at the Locomotive Works, and disposed of at a local shop. The police have been working on the case and succeeded in tracing up the affair. According to report consider able brass has been stolen from va- rious places and disposed of. The Lo- comotive Works, so it is understood, have suffered to the extent of $100. The stealing of brass and selling it it an old game, but ome in which the thief manages to make good in until he falls into the clutches of the law. of thé party, those who will ocoas- STOLEN BRASS ionally show their fretfulness, 'their irritability, ) 'There have been two or three sharp raps of late from mem- bers who have tolerated the annoy- ances of the party to the limit. They have had enough of nonsense, of tu- mult, of wasted time and effort. What they said when Mr. Borden up- braided them for publicly expressing contempt for the party tactics can only be imagined. The talk was not on one side 'and it is a healthy sign when the party of obstruction begins that strife among themsélves which will eventually lead to results, lp the face of this rebellion there is a ru- mor of further obstruction, and it can be taken at' the ushgl trade dis- count. ment and the commission. Finally the Grand Trunk Pacific company was as much interested in the contracts as the government, and had its own en- gineers to see that the cost was kept down and that the 3 per cent. rental would be as low as possible. These made sure that there was no waste upon over-classification and as a mat ter of fact there is no evidence of waste to the extent of one dollar, much less $2,500,000 as the major originally charged. The surprise is that the scandal held a place Th the public eye as long as it did. Hardly had it been put under the light than the weakness of it became and it was only 'kept "glive'" by the most careful nursing of the conservative members of the special committee andl Major Hodgins' To counsel. Again and again it was on the verge of collapse, and finally the real; Maclonald Conger, Chicago; br. This gi baany -ARng or smash came suddenly and unexpected- Kelly and wie, Railton: J. W. Wood| TTT RANEY cheat _ ly. Cecss examination the major could asd party (five), Hickory Island, N. : . ; top chamber of furnace fire-pot is the not stand, and worried beyond ex; ub 4.; W. iH. Comstock, G. I. Mallory, o result of air and heat minglisg 'with pression in an attempt to make good A. A. Fisher, Brockville; A. A, Feath- Tow So alld i moment sf Ta tad ot ec Bote ness he threw up his hands and con- Holgate, Timothy V. Rope: V, E. fessedd his failure. Arion, J. E. Grant, J, F, Cody, J. What could the committee do bul A. Calderwood, Toronto; J. B. Parks, Grop the whole, despisstle busines } fumes. This combustion produces heat-energy, which the radiating surfaces above and around fire-pot absorb or draw in and then deflect or throw off. Incoming cold air receives this heat- energy, the result being heated air. Now, if the combustion takes place at a faster rate than the Belleville; WwW. F, Kelly, 0il City, Pai; The conservative members of the com- C. D. Sargent, Cornwall; M, E, Galvin, mittee may be disappointed and orest- radiating surfacés can absorb and deflect, the surplus heat-power will pass up the chimney or Detroit; V, F. Kissinger and family, fallen, but they are getting their des into cellar--a waste of coal. Detroit; Frank S, Mastin, G. H, Au- sorts in their hunt for scandal. Men There is no waste of coal in "Sunshine" Furnace. CE ey BE RG as eel to. retard progress and the question is, How long 7 5 See Our Display of New Fancy Hose, 40c., or 2 pair for "75c., New Colors, New Desig ns. ---- EARL GREY'S GIFT To the Quebec Battlefields Park Fund, : See Our Display of Hosie ry, 20¢. pair, 3 for 50c. New Bathing Suits, 50c., 75¢., $1 to $2. New Summer Collars, 2 for 25c, THE H. D. BIBBY GO. Kingston's One Price Clothing House. ARNT SIRT apparent, B. A. Hotel Arrivais. J. E. Wilson and wiie, Deseronto ; Halbers T. Palmer, W. Gq, Davidson, E. W. Charlton, E. E. Chisnall, Mcat- The New York World, independent de- mocrat, is of the opivion that Mr. Taft will defeat Mx. Bryan in: the pre- sidential campaign. It _.ressens that the people have had enough of 8 Mr, Bryan. A new mar is .in demand, one with some new. ideas. and a new platfofm, and he has: mot: yet been found. DEG Se RO ' bs TAA Tr ali onomy ¢ BARL. GREY, MBUSTION taking placo in the dome' or Ottawa, June 23.--J. 'M. Courtney, treasurer of the Quebec Battifields As sociation, . received » personal con- tribution: ol $1,000' from the gover nor-general fownids the nationeliza- tion of battlefields, ec. THOUSAND ISLAND PARK. The Season Has Now Fairly Be- "gun. Thousand Island Park, June The electric storm, on Friday night, accompanied by a gale of wind, did little damage here, but destroyed the boa livery boat house at Murray Hill ark, The steamer Arundel remains hard and fast on the rocks between here and Fine View, where she has been since Thursday morning, The wharf at Fine View is finished, All the Folger steamers are on their regular routes, The steamer Night- ingale commenced running om her re. er ---------- THE DIFFICULTY REMAINS, The - Winnipeg Free "Pross says the Manitoba gbvernment passed a uselesd thing when it authorized the issue of a regulation to the effect that the county judges could adjourn from day to day during the registration of the "If the law fs 'ta be observ- od," says our contemporary, 'adjourn: ments will be impracticable for lack of time, since all the county court judges have their time for the present month fully taken and could only ad- journ to a date in July, Assuming, however, that the law ¢an be ignored, the power to adjourn' given to the judges will be of little value to the public unless the judges are given the further power to adjourn from place to SOFT, GLOSSY HAIR. Paul Keller, New York; D, McNair, Glasgow, tawa; Lewis Moses, London, Eng. Walter Visger, Jr., Alexandria Bay ; sarily get something they' do not want or appreciate, voters. It Can Only Be Had Where There .is No Dandruff, Any man or woman who wants soft, glosiy hair must be free of dandruff, which causes falling hair. Since it has become known that dandruff is a germ Hisense, the old air preparations that were mostly scalp irritants, have been abanddned, and the publie, barbers and doctors included, have taken to using Newbra's Herpicide, the only halt preparation that kills the dan- druff germ. E. Dodd, Dickinson, N.D., says i: "Herpicide not only cleanses 22. a. Have It In The House. There is nothing else you can have in your house 'worth so much, tht costs wo little as a bottle of Smith's White Liniment. It will enable you to escape the discomfort of sprains, bruises, swellings, neuralgia, rheuma- tism and the various aches and paing apt to come to anyone. Costs but 25¢c.,glor a big bottle at Wade's drug store, EDITORIAL NOTES. My. Borden is said to have discip- lined some of bis supporters in a re- cent caucus. Was Col. Huglies one of them? ¢ stin, Wyatt, Ind.; C. P. Webster Ot with a love for evil smells will neces- Circuit of radiator is so complete, and air- circutating spacdo jarge, that every bit of heat-energy Is quickly absorbed and quickly deflected on the circulating coid air, which is thus quickly heated and ascends through the hot-air pipes to rooms ahéve. up ---- Mr. Whitney has been again askod to join the federal opposition--as lead er? Could he be expected otherwise to abandon his position and the the sealp from dandruff and prevents the hair falling out, but promotes a new growth, Herpicide keeps my hair very glossy. Sold by leading 'drug gists. Send lv. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50. and $1. G, W. Ma- hood, special agent. HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated with GLACIER The only substitute for Stained Clase Artistic, Durable, Economical, by D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawsom and Staley, 817 Princess street. High Grads Pianos at Victor and Berliner Gramophove. W- i I AL : . netruments, Music, ete. . Living Prices. wi place upon evidence being fotthcoming that this called for din the public interest." Judge Prudhomme, for holds court of revision for Assiniboia at St. Francois Xavier, on June 27th. If he adjourns the court, say to July 16th, what benefit will this be to the hundred or more electors disfranchised at Weston? They will no more be able to attend the court of revision at St. Francois Xavier om July 15th, than on June 27th. In La Verandrye, there are nearly an hundred electors on the White Mouth river who were given no opportunity to pegister; they will not be able to attend the court of revision at Ste. Anne's if given three months time to appear. In half the constituencies in the province a case could be made out for an adjourn ment to localities where the facilities for registration have been defective or non-existent, , "I the' judges ate given the power to adjourn from time to time and from place to place," adds the Free Press, 'the concession will be of very. considerable valve, and: might be con- i ing a 'possible basis is instance, emolument he now enjoys ? There is trouble among the opposi- tion members at Ottawa. No wonder. There is a limit to the follies of Mr, Foster and Mr. Taylor. They have wasted enough time in useless talk, The Toronto News condemns the pa- tronage list and the political appoint- ment in the dominion. Are they more tolerable in Ontario because coun: tenanced by a conservative govern- ment ?, In Saskatchewan the term of the legislature will be five years. The peo- ple want elections as seldom as pes- sible. Omly the politicians favour ap- peals at short intervals, and among these there are dissidents. The conseryative tour of the newer provinces last year was considered complete and satisfactory. But the liberal tour, planned for the premier; has caused a commotion, and Mr. Borden will have to do his work all over again. There is such a thing as go! off too soon. I4TH REGIMENT ON MARCH. even "| Parade to Cricket Field on Mon- day Night. 5 The 14th regiment had another fine march out to: the. cricket field, on gitar route between Clayton and Fine iew on Saturday. Quite a large number of cottagers are arriving daily. The hotels are getting quite go number of guests. W. H. Sheppard. of Skaneateles, has arrived and has opened the beat livery. The express office at the wharf is also open. Ww. | W. Collinge, of Omar, assistant cus- | toms officer, has arrived for the sea-| son. The bakery will be located in the stone block this: season, with Morris & Kendall as proprietors. J. R. Gerarmenian, of Binghampton, has arrived and is. putting in his stock: of Oriental rugs, ete. Services wera conducted "in the chapel yester- day, and next Sunday will be held in the Tabernacle for the fikst time this season. 2 LIVE STOCK MARKET, The Prices 'Paid at the Various Centres. Montreal, June 22.--About 800 head of butchers' enttle, 49 calves, 110 shéep and Jambs and 523 fat hogs were offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stockyards = his forsnoon. Limited , supplies had : o» hardening of. fect on prices of all kinds of stook, the advance on hog¥ being neatly ore- quarter cent per' tb. Prime beeves sold at 5jc. to 6c. per 1b. pretty good cadtle, die, to Ble, and the eomman stock, 3}. dle. Ib. Calves sold at 83 to 83 each. Shippers paid dic. per Ib, for good, large sheep; butchers paid %e..1o #§¢. per lb. the'r supplics.' Lamba sold at $1 to $5 each. Good lots of fat hogs sold at 6ic. to over 6c. per lbg Chicago, June 20. --Catile--Reoeipts, 20,000; a Roose, 34.55 to $8; an to $5.50; cows and hei. ers, $2.50 $6.30; calves, $4.75 t» $6.75. te ie ' fh 4 t for light, 96.157 two prisoners, recently given a of two years each for theft. soners Ontavig days, store and came striking ing prised at the . council which he addressed last even- ing. he said, "that done worse." ' Hoge--Teceipts, 56,000; 10c, hizher; 0; mixed. $5.00 . Still More Prisoners. Detective Joseph Severs, of to, was im the city yesterday Toron- with term It is stated that there are a few more pri to come down from Western within the course of a few A Narrow Escape. , This morning a heavy stone fell off the building occupied by Medley's dru within an inch of James Robbs, while stand in the door of his shop, and "Cap." Willis, who was passing at the time, 1,000 Islands--Rochester, Steamer North King leaves Sun days at 10.15 am, for 1000 Island ports and at 5.00 pm. for Bay of Quinte Ports and Rochester. Rev. Thomas *. Burke was quite sur- i telligent looking city "I have come to the conclusion," the city might have Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. 1 surely would not send it free unless 1 was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magio Oint- ment would stand the test. Remem- ber it is made expressly and alone for swoolen, inful, bleeding or itching iles, dither' external or ' internal. rge jar, 50c. Sold by all dealers. Mrs. Patrick Lyons and daughter, Miss Lily, left, yesterday, for Water town, N.Y., to spend a month with her daughter, Mrs. T. Fitagibbons, Red, TSApea hands imches on Ba en The check-draft of a furnace is situated on the smoke-pipe. When this draft is closed -- especially on an "ordinary" furnace--heat rticles can escape up chimney. ! ft is opened the incoming cold air from cellar drives all heat particles back inte furndte proper. If the grates and fire-pot of furnace are not constructed properly, there's a clogging and gathering of ashes, and fire does not If no provision is made for gas escape, , the check-draft must be left closed indefinitely-- a waste of coal. There Is no waste of coal in "Sunshine" Furnace. No clogging can take place in the 4-plece grate, no ashes can gather on the straight ¢ walls, and the Automatic Gas Damper makes every provision for the uently, check - draft When check- escape of gas; co can be opened shortly after co heat-energy saved for radiation. = MClarys &= AGENTS TESTIMONY " We ean vouch for the "Sanshine" virtues mentioned above. Wea have installed this furnace and kept records of its performances, and know it to be exactly as represented, LEMMON & SONS, CEEOEEEEIREEE ETE EETEER SE OCIReRTRes Canadian Strawberries, Home Grown Hot-House Tomatoes, California Cherries, Plums & Apricots £ . | A.J. REES, 166 Princess St | "Phone 58,

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