= - tb N v " Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, NY ovenuumbered section of In minion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, excepting # ad U6, pot reserved, way be howe su by any person the wole head of A fandily, or male over 18 years of age, Lo the extent of one-quarter section, ef 360 acres, mote or less. Application for homestead entry must be mude. 18 'petagn bY the applicant at a in geney or Sub-agency. Entry byl proxy mmy, however, be pow 1 Bat an Agency of certain conditions by the father, mothec, son, daughter, brother or of an intending homesteader. An application for cancellation must he made in person. The applicant must - be sligible for homestead entry. ; 4 DUTIES. --(1) At least six months' = prem) upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the tery of three yours. (2) A honwsteader may, if be so des Sires, perform the required residence due ties by 'living on farming lend ow solely by him, not less than eighty ( cress in extent, in the vicinity of his toad. Joint ownership in Jand will not 'mwet this requirement. (8) If the father (or mother, father in deceased; of a homesteader if the had permanent residence on farnung land owned sole'y by hin, not less than ef y AB0) ares in extent, in the vicipity of € , Or wpon a homestead en by bim in t vicinity, such bom steader may performs his own residence duties by living with the father (or mother), . ii (4) The term /'vicinity'" in the two ing paragraphs is defined a8 mean- a not more than mine miles in & direct ne, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.~Coal mining rights may be foused for twenty-ohe years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,000 acres can to one appli cant. Royally, five cents per ton. : QUARTZ. --~A person eighteen years of age and over having ma a iscovery may locate a claim 1,500 feet, by 1,600 feet. Fee 85.00, At least $100.00 must be expended om the claim each year, or paid to the mining: Recorder. When $500.00 has been expended or paid and dn requirements complied with the «© m la may be purchased at $1.00 an PLACER MINING CLAIMS { 100 feet square. Entry fee, § DREDGING. ~Two leases Of five miles each of a river may bo issued 'to one ap- jcant for a term of 20 years, ental, 10.00 & mile per' anvum. Royalty, 2§ cent after Lhe output exceeds $10, v WN, W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister ol the Interior, IN. B. --Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. did, generally, 5.00, . 4 io SHUT UP BUSINESS LIKELY, TO BE DELAYED ; FOR SIX WEEKS. The #54 on the New York | and 'Otfgwa Railway Washed Out /By /afzeak in the Cornwhll , Ont., June 23.--At seven o 5 7this" moming, the pier of the Pow. Y J Ottawa railway ° was wi "away cavsing damage of near ly ona dred thousand dollars. The cause the damage was a washout from the' éanal pier, just above lock 18, causing the canal benk to break away mg down the large pier of the bridge and falling in the canal. The disaster is so severe that it will i ifn on through bere pha shutting down all treet railway service and the service from Ottawa to Ty Lake over the N. ¥. & 0. reilway route. : ; Cause Immense Loss. Montreal, June 23.--This morning's accident to the Cornwall canal will cause gn immense loss to the shipping interests" Bl the port of Np ng ing to the extra expense which will he ipcurved in transhipping caggoes. A prominent shipping man expresses the opinion that the break canpot be re paired and traflic resumed inside .of a month. 'he immenge grain cargoes, which are coming down the St. w- rence, to say nothing of other freights, will have to be taken from Prescott to Mofitreal by rail if they are fo be brought dowp at all. 'There will be considerable inconvenience to ocean steamships in consequence. Richelieu and Ontario: Navigation company's steamers will' also be greatly ineon: Veniéenced in getting about and cargoes and passengers will also have to be transhipped. . ac ILL FIGHT FOR HIM And it He is Freed Will Go Away 1 Together. trgit, Mich, June 23.--Mabelle Wok agit English girl who elop- ed ith the husband of her aunt, Mrs. Fr is Taggart, whom she was visit- ing at W ville, Oat., came with hilg ito they Enited States, and who was the centre of such a dramatic scene in «the United States court, last week, when her lover was sentenced to six months in the Detroit House of GUorreotion; for harboring an alien wo- %.| man fop --ammoral purposes, proposes by KINGSTON X Kingston, @ it to make another fight to get him opt of the scrape, then she intimates they ' 2 mewherg oven if it 49 England, and live g %f love. She has engag- lawyer who was successful in geting L: another Canadian who Wag» n & similar charge, free, and Ia stay of proceedings of one day to file a motion for a new trial Yor her lover. , a T THEIR LIVES, N at A 'One-Legged Man Was the Only HERES One Saved. Ottawd. "Ot, June 23.--Two young mén on 'a fishing excursion lost their lives in _ the Ottawa river last night. The, boat got into a swiit current, at Treautville." A one-legged man was in the boat The three were about to fish when an oar-lock broke and they drifted into the swift water. They must SPECIAL SALE We have put on: SALE all our READY TO - WEAR HATS at ONE-HALF of their regular prices, that of course means a very cheap Hat. Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess St. REAL ESTATE Sominer Cottages, on Wolle Island, to rent, furnished. au ang Ihts for sale in the Fire Insurance J.R.C.Dobbs &Co 109 Brock Sb. Typewriter Headquarters, rd Lig i took' to the water to swim ashore, hut wwentually the eripple clung to the boat and was able to scramble, tk the il. ¢ a drge, to the bank. illiam hil obe aged twenly seven, and Foster Woodward, aged thirty-three, were not seen, Agadri mor, has the boat been re "J eavered, "i no MADE ARRESTS Of Men Who Are Accused of As- £39 2 sault. Toronto, June 24.--A posse of To- vonto police went out to 'Weston, this moining; and arvested George Weeks, Fredarigk nkin, Jdenry Good, Rob- ert NeCunig, John' McCuaig and Ed- ward Westerfall. These men are accus- ed of having taken part in the as- sault Gpién T. L. Moffatt, Jr., and five non-union ' maoulders employed 'in the works. of the Moffatt Stove companv at Weston, and released on $100 bail tach. The case will come up on Fri- day. One Day's Work, OMawa Froe Press. That was a pretty good day's work for parliament on Tuesday, says the Oftawdi' Fpee Press : 1. Royal assent to the supply bill, releasing millions of dollars for the pasakint' of salaries throughout the country. « oy pone of a bill placing tele- graph tileplione compairier. under the contepl of the xailway commission. oh hg Rrohibytion of the sale of to- 'baocto minors unter eighteen years. 4. The reduction of the drop-letter alos, to one cent. 8 Phone 133. | Scien for S00 B00 000. The con work when it wants A Gréat Money Spender. Times, » tad. States expenditure is increas. ine wi alarming rate that . Bein 6 ry out for ew wen > xation. It is expected that there will be about $200,000,000 jpte next year, which {hotbed eng out the surplus, Ldown 16 the working balance. The de- i year will eagerness with which some advocate huge expen. dit face of such a showing SRO "be with the object of fl reduefion. Smo own "ut brated Of Wiring. t., June Fraser received THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1908. --_-- es exec SIGNED HIS OEFIGE i | Be The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. Mrs. Peter Martin, residing with her son, Peter, about one mile from the village of 'Addison, died Saturday morning. Deceased who had passed and ailing for several months. As a result of a third stroke of paralysis, Mrs. Lillia (luzie, beloved wifs of James Clazie, pessed away on Sunday at her late residence on Cole man street, Belleville, quite suddenly The deceased was a woman of noble character and loving disposition. She was before her marriage, a Miss Gor: danier, Thurlow. The' deagh occurred at Barnaville, N.Y. Thursday, of M James Wes- ton, a former resi of Oak Leaf. She was eighty-eich$¥years of age and leaves a family of four daughters and two sons. They are: Mrs, M. Lawyer, Mrs. H. Fitz, and W, Yraine all of Barnaville, N.Y.; Mrs. J. McAvoy, of Mallorytown; George and James Wes- ton, of Yonge. The death occurred at Mallorytown, on Sunday of a nonagenarian, when Mrs. Richard Rowsome, passed away. She had reached the advanced age of ninety-five years and bad spent the greater part of her long and useful life in that vicinity. She was the mo- ther of Mrs. E. Purvis, Mallcrvtown, and Richard Rowsome, Brockville. Nd A MARINE ACTION. Thomas Donnelly Gave Evidence. On Monday afternoon Capt. Thomas Donnelly gave evidence before J. B, Walkem, K.C., local master in chan- cery, in the case of Jog W. Klauck, of Bullalo, ve. the Federal Insurance tompany. 'The evidence was taken at Capt. Donnelly's residence, and the captain was quite. strong and bright throughout. George Clinton, of Bufialo, represerited the plaintifi, and Frank 8S. Masten, of Clevelaad, the defendants. 'Lhe case arose out of a contract of the Donnelly company to float two big vessels which ran ashore near - Buffalo in 1906. The work could not be completed within the contract time, as the vessels were in a most! difficult position, and the own- ers of the vessels claimed damages for loss of time by the vessels not being in service. The Donnelly company transferred their claim to Mr. Klauck, who is suing the Federal Insurance company for the amount. The work done by the Donnelly company in floating 'the vessels ranks as one of the most successful wrecking jobs on record. Capt. Thomas Donnelly su- perintended the work. "Through his breakdown in health Canada has lost one of her greatest marine experts and wreckers. Capt. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Thomas McDonald, of Glenburnie, left for Portage la Prairie, to-day. A number - of English immigrants were taken to Bedford, to-day, and given work in the mines. Isaac Livingstone and John Shat- tick, returned to Albany, N.Y., to- day, alter a pleasant fishing tour in this district. Messrs. D. Grey and J. Harvey, re- cent arrivals from the old country, went to New Liskeard, to-day. Three bridal couples left on the Cape Vincent boat, to-day. One groom was somewhat excited and only pur chased one ticket. He soon go am- other. Boathouse thieves are still getting in their work. Last night some one entered the boathouse of 0. V. Bar- tels, at Barriefield, and made off with a pair of oars. No trace has as yet been found of them. Classic Folio. A folio of classics and standard mu- gio, "The Most Popular Piano Pieces," never sold under 75c. a copy, will be on sale for one day only, Wednesday June 24th, at 37c. a copy. This fo- lio contains thirty-seven pieces of the wonld's best music by Grieg, Wagner, Mascagni, Gounod, Chopin, Mendel- ssohn, ete. MelDermott Bros, 264 Princess street. Declined The Job. Montreal Herald. Prof. Shortt, of Queen's, has been offered the position of principal of the new University of Saskatchewan, and has declined it. Sorry for Saskatche- wan, but Mr. Shortt is doing a great work at Queen's, besides giving the finishing touches of success to the working of the Lemieux act. The east can't spare him. Ald. Kent's Whereabouts. Alderman Kent was the only city councit member absent from his seat last evening, He was well Sagaged however, being in command of his re- giment. At 9.30 o'clock he marched his soldier *"bhoys" along Ning street, past the city buildings, and thus intimated to his aldermanic comrades that though he wasn't with them, he wasn't afar off. At ght Plant. During the storm last night, a foot of water made its way into the com- densing room at the gas piant sad things looked bad for a while. Manager Folger says that the elec- tric plant was not much affected, An alternating machine was knocked out. He thinks everythine will be in order this evening. Foster Still There. Oo apetul torws who predict the de feat of the Dominion government should remember that Foster is still at Ottawa. If after that they can still soo roseate visions of victory the oaly explanation is that their bump of imism has become over-developed. Death Of Mis. Bryant. "The death occurred last night, of Mrs. Caroline Bryant, widow of the late William at the home of Bajus, 655 Prin- Ler ninetieth birthday had been feeble | ,| law, bar gooms must close daily | AND LAYS CHARGES AGAIN. ST POLICE METHODS. | A Sensational Case in Windsor-- | ! i i | i | Mrs. Ann Taylor Died As a Result of Grieving Over Her! Husband's Death, Windsor, Ont, June 23j)-James| { Dickinson, who has been acting as | | stenographer in the police court, and who closed a few days ago with pol-| jou magistrate Bartlett, because of | Dickinson's comments oh a case before the court which caused the magis-| trate to remind him that he was! cotirt clerk, not court critic, bas re-| siyned hig office. Tn his letter of re-| signation to the mayor, Mr. Dickin-| son says he cannot with-self respect| hold his position because his disagree- | ment with the police methods and! treatment of prisoners, several alleged | instances of which he recites. Mavor Wigle has referred the charges to the polices board of which he is himself , member for imvestigation., Dickinson says prisoners are kept in their cells! for hours without proper food and at- tention, and are held for hours before being rged with any orime or being arrasgned. 1 Grief gver the loss of her hushand is believed to have hastened the end of | Mrs. Ann Taylor, an old rsident of Sandwich west. Her husband, Thom- as Taylor, a well-to-do farmer, died on April 21st, since. then sha had been in delicate health and her strength and gradually wasted away till her death occurred yesterday morning, Mrs. Taylor gvas sevepty- | nine years old and has spent most of her days in Sandwich West. She lipves a family of grown-up sons. Not An Assurance Of Prosperity. Toronto Weekly Sun. It is estimated that the number of working people out of employment in New York is equal to two-thirds the population eof Toronto. The situa- tion in other American cities is com- parable with that of the greatest cen- tre of the union. In Germany the] families of workingmen have meat op! the table but onece'n week and in| Berlin, with V 1,125,000 persons in re- | ceipt of incomes from earnings or ac- cumglatious, only 256,000 receive $700 a year or more. 'The policy of pro- tection has been carried further in these two. countries than the same policy has been carried anywhere else in the*world. 'the fact that the Uni- ted States and Germany distress is at present more acute than it is any- where else makes it impossible to main- taint Position, that protection is an absolute guarantee of pational prosperity. Catholies. At Protestant Funerals. Catholic Register, We have a question set before us as to whether itis right for Catholics to be pall-bearers fof a Lutheran or to attend their funeral service, or is it right for Catholics to invite Frotes- tants to He pall-beerers for their dead. The act of being pall-benrer, secliding from its attendance at religious ser- vice other than Catholic, is an - act of neighborly kindness, As for atten dance at the funeral services it can. not be admitted as a general princi ple, nor except for grave reasons. Even then all share in the sirvios is to be avoided. , , . Our non-Catholic neighbors are apt to think we -are| rigorous in these matters, Not at ail, | nor it is so intended. The church holds that heresy is wrong, and that her own worship and ritual are the only ones her children can follow. It is not a question of opivion, but of right or wrongs House Burned At Thorpe. Wilton, June 22.--William Frink, Thorpe, suffered a great loss, his house with nearly all its contents burning, Saturday afternoon, about six o'clock. When coming from the| barn after milking, the rool was dis-| covered to be on fire. As so much time was spent trying to get the fire | under centrol, and with no very near | neighbors, help was not immediate, | , | scarcely anything was saved--cloth- | ing, frait, furniture being sacrificed. | 'I he insurance on house and contents amounted to $1,250. ' i A very interesting lecture, "To And | Fro In London," was given in the| Methodist church on Thursday even- ing of last week by an entertainer, John R. Clarke. Mrs, Sheppard, Kingston, is visiting at James Lewis', Fremont Mills, Brockville, is spending a few dave at his father's, B. Mills, Mrs. B. Lake, Sydenham, is visitine her davghter, Mrs, Erwell Miller, Saskatchewan Again Leads. Hamilton Times. By the new Saskatchewan license at! ten o'clock in the evening, and on | public holidays must be closed all | day; club licenses are not allowed, and a majority may carry and put into force a local option by-law. Sas- katchewan has the newest and in some ways the most variegated popu lation in Canada. It is fairly near the head of the procession in re stricting the licensed victuallers' op- portunities for making profit. Eat It And Digest It. Eat what you like, but don't ower- eat. I your digestion id faulty, take Day's Dyspepsia Cure and it will in sure perfect digestion of your food and restore your stomach to normal condition. This preparation has digestive, ton ic and laxative properties. Each bot- tle contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only. 'at Wade's Drug Stoke. - on Morality In Politics. Montreal Star. "Moral issues' should be the end 1 PITH OF THE NEWS. { The Very Latest Culled "rom All Over The World. 8.3. Parthenia and 8 Montezuma | inward gt Father owt. | The steamer John ¥F. Eddy, with a! cargo of iron ore, froin Tonawanda, | N.Y., hes ven Leached pear the but- | falo waterworss id the Niaggra nver | A broken wheel chain was the cause Mike @Arom, the sPole, who amused himself "shooting with a revolver at pass.ng street' cars in loromto, was tound guilty. His defence was thal he was drunk. He was sent to the penis tentiary for five years. The dead body of an unidentified man lying in a pasture near Uheekto- waga, NX., was found Tuesday morn- ing. the head was badly battered. iwo men fcom London, Omt., have becn arvested om suspicion. Jams 3. Sherman, the republican Vice-prosidential candidate is sufiering from gall stones, an and has been taken..to the Ulevelami, 0., hospital, where an operation may be performed. The Paris Matin prints an interview which the Caracas correspondent has had with Cipriano Castro, president of Venezue in * which the president explained that his policy was to fight foreign vompanies, who monopolized the economic life of the country. The members of the deep waterways commission are in Terento. The deli minating of the boundaries of the great lakes and the St. Lawrcnee will pe continued. Louis Coste, one of the Canadian members, states that the mapa are far from acourate and both countries will have to give and take. =. S. BRUTALLY KILLED, Fiendish Crime in Galt Stable-- Arrest Made. Galt, Ont., June 23.--A diabolical crime was committed at the Central hotel stables, Spnday, when two vaiu- able horses were killed under the most revolting circumstances. The horses, which belonged to farmers, were treat- ed in a manner that is unnameable The instrument 'employed was a broomhandle, and the fiendish job was accomplished swiftly and unobserved. Chief of Police German, when called in, had absolutely no clue to the iden- tity of the inhuman miscreant, but later he arrested a man named. James Bunyan, who lives at Roseville, a little village eight miles distant from town. On his appearance before the police magistrate he pleaded not guilty and elected to be tried by Judge Blake About a year ago a series of shock ing acts were committed among the horses and cattle of an adjoining | township. Horses were mutilated, and cattle and sheep treated with fiendish cruelty. Bunvan was arrefted, but he was given his liberty after being jail a long time as a lunatic vagrant. He has only been out short "time The man is about twenty-eight years of age, unmarried and lives with mother, in | and a The Gag Is Needed. Toronto Globe. By taking advantage of parliamen tary procedure, by abusing the privi leges accorded to members, by over stra'ning the rules of debate, the ob- | structionists have been able to bring | public business to a standstill, and | to make iree speech in the (anadian | parliament 4 mockery among free and | intelligent people. Their speeches were | the limit of nonsense, and the | sugyestion that the British rule of closure should be adopted in Canada | has made the ultra-loyal Mal and Empire shriek about the "pag." As] though doing what is dope in the] British House of Commons pnd in| every other legislative body the | world excipt the Canadian parliament | would a "gag" which intelligent} Canadians would not welcome ? | -- | Wanted, An Opposition Canadian Courier. | There is not an effective opposition | at Halifax, at Quebec, at Toronto, at | Winnipeg. It is not as large as it] might be at Ottawa. . lf Ontario had | supported the government at the last | the federal opposition would it was very mn be elections, be in a pitiable condition; for nearly annihilated in Quebec and the | maritime provinces This is not the way to keep up our system of altegha tive parties and vigilant criticism government is always the weaker having no formidable opposition there is no better weapon in the hand | of a well-meaning minister than the probable criticism of a watchful op- | ponent It' gives him the best of rea-| sons for standing fem against the sor did elements in his own party \ for | for | | A Good Nerve Tonic. Will act, not so much directly upon | tions and the abundant formation of vitalizing blood. Nerves can't be on medicine. They can, however, As red, fed be restored and strengthened by similated food. The marvellous act. ion of Ferrorone arises from its act: jon over the digestion and assimila- tive processes. When vou take Fervo- zone the blood is purifixd, strengthen ed, and grows rich and red. Then vou grow vigorous, healthy aud beautiful, ready for work, because you have the | strength to do it. No tonic for the brain, blood or nerves compares with Ferroaone. Price, 50¢., or 6. boxes for £2.30, at druggists or Polson & Co, Kiagston, Ont. Why Buy Imported Mattresses ? When you can get better and cheaper goods from your own dealer, made by the Mattress Co. 110 Clergy St. old complaint, |' I OF CANADA Head Office * - The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. : Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. - -- « « = =» Toronts KINGSTON BRANCH J. S. Turner, Malager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT sTS. Great Cut Price Sale of High Class Summer Waists. ONE-THIRD OFF $1.50 Waists, for $2 Waists, for ~~ $3 Waists, for $3.50 Waists, for $4 Waists, for stated. Em. Now The same reduction in all prices between those Choice selected goods in Mull and Lawn, trimmed with broidery, Tucking and fine Val. Lace. The latest styles. is the time, to lay in a supply for the Hot days. David M. Spence, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. the nerves as upon the digestive fune- | = ~ We Are Offering You the best chance you ever had to make a big saving on every purchase. OUR BIG SALE Has been a record breaker and no wonder, for fine high-grade, hand-tailored: clothing has never been offered at such low prices. Do you want a Hot Weather Suit? See the nice Home Spuns we are selling at $8.15, Same goods are sold by all dealers at $12. See the Fine Grey Worsteds we. sell at $10.75. These are regular $15, and are being sold at $15 in the city by other dealers. See the Fine Summer Trousers at $1 95. Fancy Hose at 15¢ The regular 25¢. qualities. Fancy Hose at 35¢. Former price was 50c. Every article in the store at sale prices. RONEY & CO, 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pac®. Refrigerators Examine our line of Refrigerators before purchasing We have them rang ing in price from $7.50 to $35. ELLIOTT BROS., 77Princess St PIG METALS sorpsniiese We are headquarters Send us your inguiries. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd. rasan Gir Copper, Lead