Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1908, p. 1

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a Daily British Wis . of KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE a, 1908. LAST EDITION -- ---- re -- ee " --- p-- - - -- cress . : bie : . pl GO ON PERMANENT STAFF. i PITH OF THE NEWS. » 1 { BATTERSEA WEDDING, - Probabilities | | One Important Effect of New Civil : | The Very Lae Piliad From Al [ine Mabel R. Keeler Married to % Toronto June Ss 1. | ver e Worl Ernest S. Hutton. LT In / ervice Law. ! Th-Ont of" th \ Vii 324. 1908, Ottawa Ottawa, June 24 --One of the most | Fruit prospects in the Niagara dis- Battersea, June of {iret ate very prolmsing. ------ prettiest house weddings seen in this | nd Valley and Up- uO features of the new civil j {eirvics Wilt, fro Ottawa point of I A couple ut brenchmen have invent [neighborhood for a long time took 7 S La jeu a : rom an 1 3 1h A A 100 led liteworks that con speak. iHe Was 1 wi h pi tthe hon { Mr' and ¥ Dy ; per Ot. wrenee, ww, wi ' the large addition it 000. 000 a Aten ary thc spy Hace a ec home of Mr. and rs. ¢ Claims Made On oud Lon- [wit make thie goes al strength ere re n ' 3 | dhe labor unless of the l nited | nsane t {| William Keeler, last Wednesday éven-| ) h 10 a. Me -- Fresh don Street. Yof permanent civil service. At the Acres Left. | tates refuse to support 'alt. | Desire To Kil} fing, when their only daughter, Me bel | idl M3 LO south wester] ¢ Vywesent time" there arc some S00 tem ; { 'the Cataract Company pt Hamil [R., became the bride of Frnest 8. dé 3 wiads. wat or jh power ui ihe price Lhe ony mies. { Hutton, of Woodburn, Pittsburg, ! : 2 Iporary officigls, with salaries ranging | By J > About | local showers. iy from S500 TD E3000, and some of British miilonaire chartered hall Iyvoungest gon of Frank Hutton. he have been in Lhe government em |e cabins oi al gan ldoer for hus | sixty-five ghests wore present At Ni ERS TO MILLIONS! = 5% 2 Ih THE NORTH WEST: THOSE HE HAD LED Ev: set slim 3 hey, and warm. 2 without even having been put on the ™ Kins man was overcome by he "beautiful wedding march ey the permanent lig but under the new Hop pow at fu. Londoii,*9nt., and died in the | bridal party entered the drawing | W. C. MOON, SYDENHAM, IS {civil service these will dll be in the hospatal. : HIS WIFE RAISED ALARM AS room, the bride leaning on the arm INTERESTED permane®. service, and will be classi AND GREAT AREAS STILL! Shah of Pérsia has overcome HE USED GUN. {of her only brother, Krederick, who | y fiedd thervin according to the work in FURTHER NORTH the constitutional party in the fight . | gave her away: The happy, _couple, | which they are engaged and the sal : jat Teheran. . The Parishioners Used Their | Who were anattended, took. their | He and His Son Have Left For | ®® which they receiv Some will ge . {| It 1s rumored mm political circles Weapons Upon the Crazy! | places under a pretty evergreen arch, | isto the second division under the! ap Interesting Statement Mad | that Hon. Nelson Mbuteith may retire trimmed with cream roses, and Ir ira ia © in ' le: H £ : on London to Take Legal Advice |,ew classification, and a great num from politics Clergynian and © ell | the contre;of which was suspended two | / ~The Grandfather Left Eng- [her into the third division, with sal the House of Commons--Likely | here are over half a dozen applica- Wounded By Many Bullets--He artificial white doves. The pretty! land and His Possessions For [aries ranging from ¥500 to 5500 a Bonus~Allowance For the tions in for the position ol supreme Had Hit Others. {ride was attired in white duchess | Family Reasons. None of these officials who have not Whole Public Civil Service. {treasurer of the LO.F, fp M Junie 3 1 silk, trimmed with Irish Pint laee | passed the éivil serviced exmminatior Ottawa; Junes 24.--The minister of] I'rade Commissioner Chesley reports Hermann, b., dune 24--~lnsun ond silk valenciennes. She carried a Montreal, June 24.--In the heart of | will be called upon to de so, sine | rs . th H : ,. | that Canadizn ovr is replacing all with a disire to slay Rev. Va erune | go wer bouquet of white roa tio .) Old London, where land is said to be | many of them have already passed the Lhe erie My th ona of Lom 0 in South America. > Strauss, Staple, armed himsell and | oF aie hn ores Hi earnalions 1 #) of such worth that a sovereign luid age limit of thirty-five, and would find mtd, oy noting the second reading It i= proposed to send a detachment stafted out to murder members of the jnd hot al = rh veg Mr. Retry on the ground éovers earth equal to jt most diffienit to take the form of 7 ry - kL 3 ay any Cohuolidat, of toronto police to assist iy keeping church he has Jed for yours. Before | Pittapure. me he roam . 2 i pari, 8 its own value, is a piece of property, | qualifying examination which has hers i mule nil a5, ade ah ll order at the (uebee ter-centenary him ran his wife giving warning, at bride gd a Rab ao oR broilet { . ab - ral Jniffisme, In witich | telus phos tu wen. semalgiay public lands of the Noru Sohn Patterson, Yarmouth Centre, | the peril of her own ht 1. the neigh- | The lower part of the house was 8 ex tion foreman on the Grand Trunk, | bors: Shs saved them only by sacrific- Ler ; go { immed throughout with evergreons W. T. Moon, principal of the Busi AMERICAN INDIGNITY. Iwas struvk and Killed by lightning. ' ing her husband. Al 0:30 o Host ness tchool op St. Catherine wirout. & Ce The area of land available for agri Mrs. H Hel Ws iv Kill As the nrnister fired shot alter shot] {and roses. About 10:30 o'clock the the "H "¢ : : io culture in the Canadhan North-West) 18, laliey was instantly killed} 23 3 A | guests repaired to the dining-reom, | we Jucky man. Hi father, W. C. Will Draw Attention of Dominion hy fuling down the stairway in the] at ber, his former parishioners turned | there the table gn i Moon, Sydenham, Ont, is even more was estimatid at 170,000,000 actes, of ¢ sitlenes of friend in Chicag | their cups against him, and he was Wire be tables were trimmed w 1th | eireetly : interested throug h bem Government which 52,000,000 aeres bas ben Liv. I : id r Ba hot down, the charge i 1 | pink and 'white ami beautifully = set " . . ig ¥ : ; v { r 4 ine ' 0 +» ¢ha $ ol z or| . generation nearer the viginal owner Foronto, Unt, June 2 --Edmund ley 44 vailways in the torm of jand | A ol Hak i " mes oo any or 1 4 nt tin hi b Iv GOB OF} under the supervision of Miss Arthurs, | o wig rwne a . ' ' hus Vaker hong lis pores guns entergns his body. : of the property which they claim to be | Bristol, M.P., will draw the attention grants and an equal area of 32,000,001 o I hus 2 - + 81 , ng IShmal, was Mortally wounded, Is crawled. unde caterer, from the city. Ample justice heirs to 1 | of the dominion government to an oreg of homes ders, , |demtenced to three Years: in 'peuilen i i Po W lee il : 1 icl . A 1} id | having been done thd delicious repast 1 ' , ) enes W... Moon aml Mr. and Ms. W. 1 ephyode at Ningara Falls, N.Y., on This means that more - than 160, aly WwW. ( } KC. St \ - wh 3 nes Bis, te 1 Fag an the usual toasts were proposed, in| Phursday. Fifty excursionists from | go 000 geres still remained in the cul : FOL hore: i St. Thomas, | I'S SELVICE he --_ ate eouly ot a on | cluding the health of the bride hy the | Toronto, Hebrew citizen Carrying | giv wiable portion of the North-West, to Sa Rppoin te hon 5 pat of the hoard & T : Dio 1 he Lt aun i Bre Rev. Mr. McQuarrie, and responded {|W Canadian naturalization pupers, weve| ou nothing of the imnense area f of governors of the University o o- fund, dying, he asked O who slew | fooling terme by the Gon About] oh » ¢ oO wnse area fur . A . 3 . mn ng # Dy Ww groom ON gui advisers 'and lay isle cain detained by a United States immigra- | (her north, whose possibilities for Rote *en v : him bs gather about. His last words [twelve thirty the newly married con Brownie Cotton Overalls dg ? 4 Heer when they sought to cross . enry chain, while sailing above | Were these fe spn rte ba h hi . . fore the proper authorities, in the hope Hon : ) agriculture no one can yet estimate.fy alls struc '¥ ' wove p vit lo departed, amidst the ineviableliy) For Childre P s that they a SECUre 1 slide of oh : the river for an how In addition to the classification Ningaca hy was Struc by 8 Father, fot x th on : Yishower of rice, for their futare home, |i 8 vy id ee S208 fzom Ate mhllions which it i | tl | They sshowed their papers and re | op goes of the civil rvice bill which £ycigie, his. boat. upept, and carried [know not what they do.' } wy B years. Special at 25e, « s Hie other . al ) 84 ce sh | Bo ! . : He ARCHICT turn tickets, and' offered to go back Be Soin {over the Fall The death of the minister Be erus Iate The bd com x branch of the family has already « mvolve considerable increases in the ' ¢ , : ¢ Pp i 19 Inrmer wide wore g |W tablished to hel to 3 M lo the Canadian side, hut were forced {ip m and mini 1 or f the | The faneral of the late Harry A, |two months' 1eign of terror in the | brave Hing suit of bl wk velvet and |W Childre 's D ablishos Oo helong to Ww OOns, aximum pin nimum salaries of he | ( lins wont A ois hborif fie . : 3 » @ tk elvet ang |) n Queen Vietoria street, from the {off the street ear, marched through | oer) classes of civil servants, the lin od Porurite, a_i h was largely |noig ih ar wil. Alter ving a Py A a pretty picture hat of white silk mo ° resses Mution: house. westwagd, some little the ar ith a police : gunrd, taken supp limentary estithates of the present {a on " i was conducted under Ma of the i fon E vang iy aith Joy, vir, trimmed with talle and o=pwoevs. | Of Print Chambray : : € s les t« the inspector's Ny \ | 80 auspioes this distric or years, he became in g : "4 i ' ) distance, the adit ¢ [0 Soups Of » session will probably contain a b { : Many beauntiul gilté were received, . Jotun a in loeb i Whi h thy effin, kept, for threo: hours, and final | fio : ul I iy ¥ A a} 3 A hovun| A Saw,omton, NH. wrivr say a1 eng two months ago, and sought tof © ining fs - Irion in Roary in Duck, in beth White and . wis allowance i a. e ¢ « SC * » y 0 snils ansas ) " an 4 5 seferred 4 o al % iy ) --t Jct ee ¢ lly allowed to return. based 5 dhioh U a n - ie 8 ih [that 101 of the sons of that towy|slay all whom he met. He ordered | aitoba,: Afberia ¢ Colors, sizes 2 to 16 years, erred to situated, Huse y o Increase . y : : a anitoba, it worth, rh v : Tt ; xt is i - Int a Mr. Bristol will seek to get some |; Bon h y 1 oa \ "a 1 * . [fought in the revolution and fifty in|rifles and shotguns from St. 1 ous, | A , OF even ita extent, is it ye : . o FO on wada., exac : ' known to the pro pisotivr Cais explanation for the indignity to which' | yp ount of th's be a Bh ert bs as ghvil ap NM and: his house 'beonte au sratngl. vi i ' g 1 3 : 3 a ame as he ' wen iss Aunis eKenna, aged twenty dit he had guns and smmouni : * heirs A Kingston paper, not long these citizens of Torente were sub agreed upon but it will not le les | % or onty Enc atiog, ra y " ses A T'TAMOND ROBBERY. G rl 4 S t Sk t . . , ' ta R re : : "88 | thre of Pawtucket, R was dde + el p iris ¢parate iris ago, published an advertisement in jected, * than ten per ¢ nt. This is a question ten a the ip & bs . tesiny WA hit fan in ten in the ro h. . tev t ») P quiring for the heirs of the grand ro which will have to le dealt with apart | and died Se BN 4 oy Hin 3 ers : dogah outing ae Sour a { Firm Robbed of Diamonds Worth | ® Of Tweeds ahd Pain "loths, father of W, CC. Moen, whose Christian Betrothal Of Miss Fallieres. from the civil service act. But it #8 fee 3 . iy ram Le might Wile 8 shaigrun ry _ pe i $12,000. { at very special low prices, name And occupation could not Ix Paris, Jupe MThe Figaro an |jractically assured that the Conus will] Henev Holeate CB Bair . (uns o rifle swung ove - a y Nelson, R.C., Jane 24. Word «1% $2 to $3.90. learned in the absense of the Cana |nounces the engagement of Mile. Annie | bo granted and that it will be of sufli-| yy, HA ga » edgy ShBlFIAR Of From erage and tree-tops tof i,t the n received from Rossland that the [fe hi {the shee ge sic h- ' ¥ of x 1s dian gepresentatives. It is understood Fallieres, daughter of the president, to leient amount to be heartily appreci | pose : that th 4 re Vv 'n re x Mg That; ou . - ' a diibies oh het ot ty {irm of Stone & Knight, diamond dell [(®) B hi . that sthe erandiathor above veforred A Josenh Edmond Lanes, stcrolbiy J } PEON Ww govern n rel Mii {time ho massed, bu on four occasions importers. have hind $12,000 > i $ : : gia | bridge, employing the service of three | his aim was good and three men and : . a a 1 - le at ing Suits 4 Moon aniled, last week, from York, by the 85. Umbria, of the ard line, for London, to engage Woodburn, where the groom is ale and London \e, 3 from 50¢c. to 32.75. diamonds stolen from Their ofc in came to Canada many years ago-for | general of the president of the repub \ i i { K ' y number of amendments t the | he m My inee . ; ously. | 3 : Fiasons not kaows outaide of the fun Be. -- unbe : ¥ Wi bent io he jo the dhs t wXporL Sagineers Bias can {4 woman were hurt, but not seriously {der the Contes Star: oilice on: Rod For Ladies" and Children, ity leaving ¢ POSSESSIONS E fiered by we secured to eohitto & wor | . Br hy | a 3 caving his possessions, at that -- - Hon. William Paterson. One will be| At Prince Albert, a petition is being Mopntain, On Saturday hight, atl made of Navy and Black time comparatively wodest, all be fered J : a z : PWS 111.30. the men went off shift d Je Lustre, and neatly tri wed, ' " ak t necess that the | eireuls > WOLFE ISLAND NEWS, t ! and left | y uu fer making it necessary tha 1e | circulated asking the minister of jus $12,000 p of black carbon dis- at $3 and $3.50. 4 ) hind, He left sory meagre informa: Cheese Markets + 2 I . : . conductor of every freight train arri?- | tice 40 commute the » worth o r 2 sx ute the death senience monds in a hole in the wall in the of- . : / -------- tion behind regarding his former Lindsay, Jung 22.-At the . cheese A ' ' Ys « : ' ; Damage Done. al possessions, but it is said that he fre- [board 1,159 boxes of colored were of sin. SOE part 54 ada; Jr his Spon ng Barris - ts imprison. | The ieht's St. By. Monday fice. The diamonds were found to be quently told lis children and grand |fored; all sold at Hie. report, if: require 'by the customs of- p me: 0 was © vis ted of murdering : Night's aH Quite missing later, and the matter was res White Parasols children that though not rich in pis| Farobfm, Que, June 22.-Six hun-| go, prodijoe to hii the v AE is 8 eon, and is to be hangeli Wolfe Tsland, June 24.-Quite a | ported to the 'police. No arrest 1? day, some time they would be weal [dred and forty-five boxes butter offer | 4 pools on hoard hi train | July 17th, number attended . the Proébyterian be a Wilde so fis l% A good range, includihg all thy. . Believing the proper time tof ed and sold at 22je. 3 copies thereof, ' Provisions are abo 4 ---------- ------ | pienie in W. L. Allison's grove om the latest novelties, from $1 y - acti riven » a. ' eva 0 Tuesday. The baseball game between ake ation er b y+ i " r be made which will impose a duty of hy vy : ny Be village | to 33. : Who Ben Lhe maller twenty-five per cent, on the expenses LO CL : f the villagers through. BRAVE YOUNG NG LA 0 Y of repairs to vessels, and on i boys resulted in lavor « iy yr J | |e) Children's Parasols ' -------- 3 3 vw i i i fourteen to seven. ment, including hoats, provided such by fo AMELIORATOR OF THE Kingsley and wile, of Boston, Bre! WHEN DOES THE THE COUNT OF | To White. Wisk zd. Sky. al spending their summer months on CHILD BURNED TO DEATH. . vessel arrives within one vear afte oe RECITED DURING FIRE AND Sie. supnis hws how exvented - He HUMAN RACE. island. My. Ringold and sister, New | IMMIGRANTS START? | so the fancy kinds, at 206c., Saved From Prowning Perished in AVERTED TRAGEDY. equipments purchased or J ied, an di York, are spending their holidays | |® 50c. to $1. # destined for wse in anadian Flames. ih In. des | ames ------ coasting trade, The duty upon re Charlo tetomns pl. uno 24--Un| Miss Florence Chubbuck, of Otta-| pairs executed to secure the safety of vi ) Bw Delegat t , eA. «Perry, wn she ! 5 ; L the vessel to: enable: her 40 reach he iscussion By elegates a / : stranded recently at Hawkesbury were wh, Wha Was Artiste at. Con oe Va smalls hoe bo funded] Pan-Anglican Congress {week.. The brice was_attended by har | bee is Already Eztveded. N Vv h Belt Began to Recite and Held |! | E eo sister, Eva. The groom -was support | yaneguver, June 24.--Did the count ew as 8 New Gloves here. a | Six Months Expire Since Agree- (® | A J. Balfour Lock Seience-- |, Donald McRae was married to Miss | ) BE Hupte pT ora Melt of tertown, last | ment Was Reached, and Num- [2% New Neckwear TP EEees two little children, including a girl cert, bv order of the minister tps , three years old, who were sent in Audience When Centre of Hall | Al officials of the: department of London, June 24. "Christianity and | oq by John Kane, of the island. They | 4 Jopaness entering Canada start charge of the ship's officers by their Was Filled With Flame. augloms are: to be carried free on rail Socialism was the principal topic be- Left for Toronte on their wedding L when 'the, agreement between: the gos fore the Pan-Anglican Congress, yes | trip. On their return they will take | cont of Japan and Commissioner | father, from Boston, addressed to their 23s ' 5 . . a Of nd xeiting | wavs and steamboats in Canada when | . grandmother, Mrs, John Hughes, st] Lot Ont, June d--~An ex : ' {terday, and attracted an audience of [yp residence on the island Lemieux was ratified, or did it com . " his rs rrving proper credentials | 4 Patrick's Roatl, near Mount Stewart, interruption startled She $i toner 1 ad y pe wi ination: before & special | 8,000 persons. I'he Bishop of Massa- | The electric storm did considerable | memee Tuesday " , y s r La © sxaminatio fo specs . {my \ ¢ They tude the trip all right aod since Khe aT Ee hy rd rin Bord) samittee of parliament, Hon, 8. N chusetts presided damage on Monday night. The barn | hic ix a matter of much eonjecture : > yes rian © eh | OC ' " pay : i ve y pea led i / have been living with their grand |" Club, of the realy le n | Sila McBee, New York, appealed tol. the farm owned by Mes. Kyle, was |; suse of the point now raised at the mother. Yestewday the little girl was ' are ssicle i the Ouebee Brie | & svening. Ihe | Parent, pre ident of the aby 3 x / at Carp, on Monday evenin v all church people not to be thew {struck and bumt to thy ground. Farm Ii of the ratification of the: under burned to deain in the fire which New Hosiery y wl Toe -a¢ many, declared that it would be programme Sonsighed o a, tree act foes i i 7 a the company to gol i brother's keeper, but to he their implements and a new top buggy and tanding, Sir Clande Macdonald Bri . ' : lay, "Maidens ywlorn,!"" with a | impossible kK W ON ah y as appland-1 k y ling { ' i destroyed her grandmother's farm poy tion "by Miss Florence Chubbuck, | ahead with the enterprise without | | pathie Ay brother, and Bits ey a oy | single and double set of harness, be Itish ambassador to Japan recommend house while all the other occupants] 2 R C. Fe D. Chub- | more funds owing to the disaster of j20s an it sums up the general tren {longing to Rodney Yott, were burn- | 4 that six months should be allowed : iy fof the debate, nearly all the speakers |g 5 the fire. Mr. Yott had no n- | 00 before the count shoul | Ottawa daughter of were out in the field washing wool. ' rust nat nd the clause in the leg Aas buck, of the department of railways | August last, and | emphas «izing the necessity of the ce The barn was insured for | 4 a + ae ' islatic f 1903 which gave the gov br : "" Is, & songs by Mr. Thoms, | islation of 1903 w ¢ | o atio oving the 4 . u The Mowss® Trap" postponed till and cavals, and songs b ernment power to take over the work | church's co-operation in removing hE 18300. Richard Bolton had a fine On Tustay six mol " ' also of Ottawa. J + | oppressions leading to the present day se struck 1 killed by lightn . ; Thorsday, 8 and 4 pm 4 ; time | OM those stra an gh # of a A. A large audience was present ami | nl. any Tn I socialism {A number of sheep were also killed vl | 1 t { } { oe p om ime {he the concert was in full swing when | - I The delegates filled Albert Hull, last |, i dansk {Lan : ! g woughout the islans Hugh Horn's |, 4 : a Penehit 0 Ww DAILY MEMORANDA. in the interval between the' second | FIGHTING IN PERSIA. night, to hear ex-Jemier Balfour ina fy 0 © 0 ctruck, but not burned For Edw. F003 4 . ho hy vit - ™ " & i » ¥ Fa rel A the It or 3 ' That Campbell Bros'. Tate and thied wets a large oil lamp, sus- | discussion on "Christ Truth and| fegman Berow and John Briggs Ro wo ™ , + nd ox-1% . ov ] ats % . : y x " 'e . id ' mmigratu heen Pench fr ¢ PRISE Surpass all others for style and value, | pended om : he Te iling ri the Bloodshed Marked Clash Between | | Othe Jntsties tual J et) 1 4 | Watertown, spent Sunday in the vil I: od and ve 2 RWC, Ball, 9 pm contre of the hall, fell to the Roor, i ¢ our said that he could noth ). Géttes h vreatly improve > y A Cheesa Board, 1.30 p.m., Thursday. burst, and scattered oil over the] Cogsaties sand CTubusien: \ leoneeive of human society being per jel use by idin z " - . v ih Wy jlo roms MARRIED. . . 2ev1d 1 3 : y . 8 nous ne ¥ pen ore A Band Concert, Roller Rink, to-night neighboring seats and occupants. { Berlin, Jume 24.~News has just been | | manently deprived of the religious ele- [yy Rudi" MEAT He! teaching in Belle- | Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A. 0. U, Wl Jastantly the flames caught on the { received here that the troops of the A ut br lacked Fe more [ise Sadie" Me die; teaching in Belle dem , ry Rew meets Thursday, at 8 p.m, dl the flear 1 th o. ad} ining | Shah ol Pers sia. hove stormed and] it, : i sus the great |' ille, has refurnce home f her holi A PECULIAR ACCIDENT, hs Lavra Farckin, A See Amusement Colimn for the four | CC hee talibin {uh i ~ Blk ptured the pmriiament! buildings Wn | than io anyinel h yg ? i days Mes Melville, Howe Island, | re . this cit¥s x . o he o y i' 4 : . Y he | . UTTON--K} I 2 th Band ol Moving Fictire Shows and Park Vaude- [seats The autre of fhe hot wos © Teheran. The Py is being bombard ameliorator of the human lot in {who spent a few daye on the island, | Road Roller Punctured Gas Main, jo Mn wid lr hime: of ville. ed with flame, and those near the cheran. V i tof future, If be had to beheve that the | 2st week, has returned hom rE C E ar ant : . "i in ugh Lawn Social, Jersey Park, Wiliigans-| danger spot at once made a rush for | ed by artillery. 'The square in front o two great powers, religion and seis fo, is home fom: Ott Toh ausing Explosion. h ay ville, Thursday evening. Bund in" atebgpe Joors, which were already block- | the pe rliomcnt buildings is said to be ence, wore in antagonism it would be p '5 Ww A ie Ny : hi 8 9 ni Welland Ont dung MM Thomas To . Ww hi A 3 Ba ® {Cul atertown, « 18 Visiting his i 5 y i ey tetddanee. amiohg. the. 1000 _ Txlands ed despite the assurance of the chair heaped with iid py nt hich wageth | impossible for him to avoid that hop Lount Nere 3 Z Y N 0 8 » i», ' * ¥ i ago i : . " . des ea -- Friday, July Sed, by CO. W. A. Society, | mady Rev, Mr. Tangill, that there was | After a blood hy an ph % oh pi ol lous despaie which deprives labor of | fer, bad a narrow escape from death of 8, George's Cathedral . no danger. around the pariiam=nt uildings, a » ait its fruits and makes efforts for the Mr. Blanchard: drove Js machin Bijou Theatre--Travelogue, "The Egypt] Ladies screamed and fainted, and | tity was comparatively quip to ny | potterment of mankind impossible. § | TO KEEP AWAY. which had the rond-diggi spikes | FR . ot Juné 20thy of today, and the Feypt of the the exci i i 1th oh the Cossacks were camped in k » pl ced in the roller cross the side of ' ' of the leis 3 y y excitement was iotense. At this] atthgugh N. W. Hoyles, K.C., Toronto, spea | w in the roller, a ' . Yharoahs, 4000 Years Ago': Mobing Re ? % Cossacks ¢ . ' 1 Franks, ad Vliine youn Comedies, The Poet Who Hated ao point the bravery of Mise Chghuck the streets and squares, (OSSa ih out ing on the coordination of adminis | Roosevelt Will Devote Himself to Muir : OWN ~In Bailbwell, o me B0thy Noise," ahd "The Lovers Who Wanted | was ConspieuGhs, Quickly calling that poldiers early in the morning ar tration by. missionary societies, point Literature. tural gas mah he eNCaDIng ¢o Mary Uecfgina Brown, Beloved. wife od Vie. ahsipated of hyd dav there was wo danger, she continued | rounded the parliament buildings and | led ont that the Canadian system so-| New York, June 24. ~President | ignited on a spark from the engine of W, J. Langdon wged nineteen » : ve m Bp n » a + * jv f * 3 1 4 i yma he Utd Church} 0 tation, afd the audience - in | demanded = that a nimber of persons oF quitable contributions. from all | Roosevelt does not desire ahd would fire, and' Mr. Blanchard was stirround x United | © in an tastant with & sheet of Hame POTTER. ~On Jur 1008, at 5% uk | James St Kings Maury VPatlers ---------------- ANG 1 ARKIN In ngwlo Blanchard, engineer on the road roll-| t of "Wh urn Pitt urg street, when a spike pieresd a na yours | cure whose arrest the shah bad ordered bel | sectia s of the church, but had a ten inot accept election to the ' forthwith handed aver to them. "Par to make the support of the mis | States senate from the state of New but escaped on account of the ides of . bejoved wile Jobn Powers 3 de ney hinfent refused to comply with this] 4 a aenetal shen | York. While the president has found | the cab protecting hun, It is just | ned Bevenly- woven years sions obligatory, 20 thay geparal =p: | : i wo about a year ago that the former on: | Funeral so 2 weloek. on Friday, Friends averted. The blazing lamp was thrown out,| demand and shots were fired at the taneous interest in the mission cause public service and office wost congen snd BOR Ins mes respect fully hs ginver, Phillipe, struck a main and ted to attend and with their coats the men smother- | troops, several of the soldi being | dendened. jal he will have had, on March 4th | : vi » od the Mames. By this time water killed. Eventually the halls St has | He thought a great deal of interest | next, enough of service of this | was blows Shem Hi tin J oes ue | > bad srvived and the blaze was quick-| lament were cleared, but not wiore reat deal of money would be | ticular character for the present Methodist church Irs "wu ROBERT J. REID, ke jend a g " . he OF i ly extinghiched. many persons had been killed and * missions if all soeleties were | would take some contingeney now un clined, by reason of the explosion The Leading Undertaker. ' , » ; 2 of casualties]lott to : . iit " Mr. Tangill, aided by Dr. ©. TW. |wounded. 'The number of casualties | {moulded into one. 'The Caradian ex- foreseen to put him in the L mited | Made 4 Suce ssaful Trial. | "Phone, 577. 207 Princess street. Wilt Dishes. Groves, whose bravery was also con- |is umknown, but it will be very large. periment had not been in ope sation | States senate. i EE. Zeohlin's | -- = Ramkins, "spicugus, . got the audience to res#ine| Gen. Liskoff, a Russian, employed long no to afford a safe ground] The' president's determination | Berlin, June 24.--Count Zephiin Th Call >» the Custards, their seats and the programme con: {by the shah, directed the oo and for ded learned by friends who are closest to | new gigantic airship, with sixteen per- | ec 0 Bullion Cups, tinued, now holds the town. ForeWhers are Miss | Alicia Simpson, a Canadian (him as soon ss thé campaign ht the [sons aboard, including the FORD, | ? Mizs Chubbuck, who lives at 250} lin no danger. Those wounded in the lady, who heard Thomas Summerbell, {nomination of 'Taft was over. There made a very sucoessinl trip, a Country 8 } with It or Bon-bons, a Radish Dishes. Semerset street, Ottawa, once avert- | fighting number seventy, including khe labor member of parlinment for lis one point upon which those who | afternoon, manoeuvring ' ey hours and thirteen ovirgates Tha! J ed a panic with similar pregénce of [several deputies. Twenty-five persons Sunderiand. make an impassiondd | have been given the confidence of the { . { side steering gear, which was The time has eome when the mind at the Ladies' College, Mount were killed. The nationalist leaders speech at the Pan Anglican congress | president are not absolutely clear. It new which he would make fitted provisionally, answered its pur-| country and the camp and Olive Dishes, Allison, N.B. are prisoners. In addition to practic bet the submerged poor, hs lis the decision the Hundreds of others, all at ats cally destroying the parliament build- rd uf of - acres ad in New | should he at some tisle in the futupe | pose admirably. It has been de edt} water and the fish are calling tractive prices. > A Bank Suspends. ing and the masque, the trogps loot- Prunswick for the purpose of helping {be again nominated for the presi-ito rib a similar but larger gear fori loudly to us, and to thoroughly - Montreal June 81 .~The directors of ed and partly destroyed Prince Zill- them. Mr. Summerbeil is considering | dew They do not regard this pos- the next trial | enjoy this out-door life the inner the Bank of St. Hyacinthe, have de- Fasultan', palace and the neighboring the proposal. isibility at having been included in his | | man needs special looking after, ' NAD cider} to bolt? payment. The de; houses, The déstrvetion > the | renunciation. nor was it specifically | Pays Him £300 Yor Libel. low store is fall of good ROBERTSON BROS. tion 'was reached at 'a meeting held, mosaue hotrifies the public, The shah § excluded. They feel that the result | London, June 25.-Winston Church gE things, > yesterday, in St. Hyacinthe. Senator will have extreme difficulty in coping Baseball On Tuesday. {of the coming election might be such (ill has wom his suit again the | Let us AIF yout Naspers " Tressnultes is. prosident and J: Ri with the situation. Fastern League--Jdersy City, las to exert a great influence upon him | Manchester Courier for libel, Boma! Brillon, vige-president. The author -- Montreal. 1. Totfonto, J; Newark, 2. |in this connection me adh the newspaper, in nu article 4 Lg ined enpital is $1,000,000, of which Tey Bibby's Sl. Saher underwear. Nati a Hevarh, 2, "Baltimore * | In his decision, dane Sfincetid agniast iy burda thane as, P Every ariety Dwelling £304, subscribed wu the British house of commons Sir] 3-8; Bafalo, public service b set, he lanl hin wilh ba . Oo escnpe For 1) v of S Sonam Railway nd a 20 Falward Strachey, representative of American League--LEetrait, 6: Chita | président by no menns shats himself sors jee in South Africa during the Importers Of Fine Grouisded, He Boston, A. Washington, 2. Phil-{ out of the party counéils. He expects Boer war. Ibe paper pays wr | { 1 t the diff | the bowrd of agritgiture, mn the lower|go, . a a. have pu hank in house, tated that the govprmment AT & New Yor¥, 6. Cleveland, (to retain an active interest fn Ameri- | Cimrchill £300, which he will nu. i $18 FOR : Sn, commas had no intention of removing the ome [2; St. Louis, & I polities. {among the charities. 2 Lounges cost $18 4 rae 4 4 Lh ---------------- The natives of Portuguese Guinea | barge on Usnadian eattle. tional Tia Hittsherz, 33: Cin- [ively now; 38 cast 45 After his retarn to the Upited States} be reat: eT fant. accommodates about iwelity "Thy Mouse Trap," 'Ihursday even-|cimati, 0-7. i: Boston, | from his hunting trip in Africa it is] Anyway, the .man who has no for $13, at TURKS Bperes eld, woo oa Brooklys , "his plan to 10 dg sonsiderable writing, he (rons 08. . Choir."' MARRIED, yewch of her voice thus assured dis continued the mesh and a panic, was Biscuit Jars, Spoon Trays, friends mever disappoints them, a Yd

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