rr PAGE SIX NOT A PARTICLE - OF SKIN ON Bont Worst Case of Eczema Doctor Had Seen in 40 Years -- For Six Months Father Expected His Baby to Die--Blood Oezed Out All Over Her Body--Had to Be Wrapped in Silk and Cacried on a Pillow-- Now She Is Perfectly Cured, DOCTOR RECOMMENDED CUTICURA REMEDIES EE " "My little girl wa born two weeks before her time and my wife_died four hours after the birth of our child and I had to raise 4 the baby on arti- ficial foods, Six months after birth the broke out and 1 had two doctors in attendance. There was not a particle of skin left on her body, the blood oozed out just &nywhere, and we had to wrap her in silk and carry her on a pillow for ten weeks. She was the most terrible sight I ever Saw, and for six months I looked for her to go to her mama, but thank God and his agents, she is alive and well to-day and she will be three years old the seventh of December and fas never Mad a sign of the dread trouble since, "1 used every known remedy to alles wiate her suffering, for it was terrible $0 witness. Dr, gave her up wd then [ went to Ce Fe and got r, B---- and he and Cuticura Soap and Catievra Ointment saved her, C] recommended the Cuticura Remedies, wor said we were right in making use « them. As nearly as 1 can remember, wo used eight cakes of Cuticura Soap three boxes of Cuticura Ointment; you must take ingo consideration t hers was an excybional case, for Co tha an old and good doftor said that it as the worst case that had come to him forty years. I have always hinged on ticura Soap to keep her skin soft and D give her a pure complexion, James J Gmith. Wood and Metal Pattern Maker, Box 234, Buena Vista, Va., Oct, 14 and 22, 1900." plete External and Internal Treat pe Humor of Infants, hildren, A Aa fonsists of Cuticurs Hoap to Cleanse the Skin, Cutieurs Ointment to Heal the Skin, and Cuti Resoivent (or in the form of Choeslate Coated vials of 60) to Purify the Blood. Bold bughout the world Foner Drag & Chem. . Sole Props, Boston, Mass. 'Malied Free, Cuticurs Book on Skin Diseases. PURE FOOD INSURES COMPANY LIMITED W.GILLETT X 8] ; Cenuine * Carter's | Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of SECURITY. -------- | { { | Daughters of John Jeffries, po. SNK IN THE. WATERS THREE GIRLS DROWNED IN/ BONNECHERE RIVER, Who Killaloe, Were Visiting Mrs. John Thomas-- Latter Saved--Mother Saw Them: Drown. Lives Near Ont., June 24 the thres daughters of Joba Jellies, aged sovegteon, nine ond sey 'a years, were drowned in the Bonae- chere river near the head of Golden Lake, Mrs. John Thomas, with whom the girla had been visiting, was in the boat at the time of the accident, but was rescued by neighbors who saw the dilliculty from the whore, Mrs. Jefiries, the mother of the girls Was on the shore at the time of the drowning, but was unable to render assistance, The bodies were recoversd about an hour after the aceident. The girls had Teen visiting Mrs. | John 1 homas, and in returning home wers forced to cross the river, I heey used an old punt or scow and when approaching the opposite shore, the the unsafe boat caved in, | throwing the Occupants into the wa-| ter. The bodies were found in coven feet of water, Mrs. Thomas cling to the boat until help reached her. The parents of the girls reside al ont four miles from Ki'laloe and about | ons mile from Croiginent post office. OVERTURN IN GEORGIA. "Brown and Bread"' Best and Hunger." { Collier's Weekly, ! The democratic primaries which con stitute the real election in Georgia | Eganville, evening Sunday sides of | "Hoke | were held on June 4th, and gave the! politicians a bewilderin surprise. | Governor Hoke Smith, ao had won | an amazing vietory over four well | known opponents only two vears be | fore, went down in an equally spec tacular defeat before an obscure rival | whom he had himself dismissed from | the office of railroad commissioner, and who had announced his candidacy | only sixty days before the primaries Of the 123 counties Smith had carried in 1906 he lost 60. His opponent Joseph M. Brown, carried 63 this | year, while all the four opposition | candidates combiged were able to ear- | ry only 23. two Brown's | majority was unusually | large vote ! Governor Smith came into power on | | { | years ago 13,546 on an three great issues, prohibition, the radical regulation of railroads, negro disfranchisement. Of these, pro- | hibition has been enacted into law, the | railroads have been made to step | lively By exeentive action, and the dis- | franchisement of negro voters has been put into a constitutional amendment ! which is to be voted »n in October of | this year. Some observers see in the defeat of Smith a repudiation of all his policies, and one member of the legislature who voted for the prohibi- tion law announces that on the first day of the next session he will intro- duce a hill' for ifs repeal. But Mr. Brown, who ought to know the mean- ing of his own success, says that the liquor question had nothing to do with it, and that "the people have de- cided that the legislation attempted and that threatened against corpora- tions and capital were too extreme." An interestihg side-light on the mean- ing of the vote was thrown by the jump of ten points in the price 'of Goorgia Railway and Electric com- pany stock on the announcement of the result. One influence that contributed to the defeat of the governor was the defec- tion of "Tom" Watson, who had sup- ported Smith reluctantly. in 1906, but turned against him this year, and Coal Burial Preparations. It is not given to evgry man to an ticipate his death as calmly as did | the late H. N. VPottle, an organist, at| whose obsequies a fusieral march was played which he had' composed ex- pressly for this occasion. Yet mot| long ago Gabriele d'Annanzio was| bust superintending the construction of hs own sepulchral monument. Sal-| vini, the world-famed tragedian, has| been enjoying the singular experience | of helping to varnish his coffin at! Florence, | Rev, William Dodd, ITD., preached | an eloquent sermon on himself before he was hanged at Tyburn for forgery. When Evan PF, Jones, of Philadelphia, saw, a short time ago, that his end was near, he spent the last few days of life in making his coffin. An Irish singer sang inte a phonograph the requiem which was repeated over his grave. Mrs. Ault, a Galveston widow, | spent her last day on earth in decor { ating the church wheres her own funer- | al servies was to be held, i ---------- A Blamed Fool. An \automobilist touring in the west hroke his machme, and, not having a monkey-wrench in his kit, footed it gn mile across the prairie to a ranch man's house to borrow one. To the ranchman, a' husky Swede, he address ed hip request : Is there , monkey- wretich around hee anywhere © "Wale now," replied the Swede, "Mr Yon som hey got a eattle ranch, an' Swan- SOR over "on © dat odder saction. hey g04- A horse ranch, but ay tank a n what ad have a monkey ranch around here hey bane a blame fool." BR carinii ists Genuine Panama Hats. From 85 up... When you see ours you sen. the best. Campbell Bros'., 'the store of big values i men's bats. See Bibby's new $15 brown suits. Rev. Dr. Wild, at one time a Congre- gational , of Toronto, is said to be dyifig at the home of his daugh- ter, in Brooklyn, N.Y. While may Hues for a time, it is feared that he will succumb to his present illness. "lee cream." made from cream, is dispensed at Gibson's R Cross drug store fountain, It pays to go "Like Johnstown, Pa., from its flood," said the mayor, "Three Rivers will from ita; ashes yup to-date ny It is stated hat the federal government will aid the saffer- ers to the e $500,000. {his willingness to take stock in engure | most { Lord Sjrathcona | tinue the same poliey in resard | to Miss Rape, daughter of the {who had THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG 5 RESCUED THE TIMES. Story of Mr. Pearson's Failure tg Get Newspaper. Londoa, June 24.1 appears the retention the "limes m handy of the Walters family, who have so successtolly directed its destinies for the past century or more, due directly to the oud ote s of Lord Strathcona and Mount Hoyal When the first bitch in the negotiations made € Lord Strathcona, had that of the in Pearson was vident, who signified the company, seeing that the dith- culty was not one likely to be easily settled, made overtures through of third party with the object of saving the paper from the hands of the nvn arity of sharcholders who were dis satisfied with the dividends received, and intimated in this way his will ingness to guarantees a sum suflicient to satisfy the claims of the latter and the payment of a dividend equal to that payable prior to the ad- vent ol the Times Book Club, The ultimate failure of Mr. Pearson to sufficient confidence in the shape of hard cash, and reasenable conditions of transfer made Lord Strathcona's task all the more easy. When Mr, Walters came forward with his final fresh capital, the offer made by a friend and coming from the high commissioner for. Canada proved acceptable, hnd though the source from which the requisite help came was not made known' to ane save those most intimately concerned, it was none the less Jeenly appreciat wel. At the new raise time; it is stated, holds a controlling interest in the ordinary stock of the Times. Yet his cash guarantee wys present i magde absolutely without any copwli- tions, save that the paper chould con to foreign affairs, that had characterized it in the past, and should give the same impartial and Tull attention tog colonial affairs. Linen Coat Suit. N= B SD In the accompanying" ent is shown a charming design for a linen or 1a- jah coat suit, the model costume he- ing in pale pink linen, with insertions of white filet lace inset in shaped bands. The semi-fitting jacket was made with short sleeves and was fur ther trimmed with pink linen buttons embroidered on white. 'hhe skirt was plaited and was in walkihg length. NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. The Crown Bank will erect a hranch building at Mallorytawn. The people of Carleton Place grieved to learn that Mrs. A. A. Scott, wife of the pastor of Zion Presbyterian church, has suffered a paralytic stroke, At Toledo, on Tuesday, John Ron- an, proprietor of the Armstrong House, Athens, was united in marriage late are Thomas Rape, Toledo Brockvillians regret the death of James Evans, a well-known painter, attained the age of sixty three years. Mr. Evans had been decline for nearly two years. A pretty wejding was celebrated, on Tuesday, in iroekville, the congract- ing parties being Miss Florence, eldest daughter of John M. McLennan, and Bert. H. Soper, proprietor of the Buell street livery stables. Bev. W. J. Wood, Smith's Falls, was invited to the pastorate of a city church in the London conference. The offer was a tempting one, but Mr Wood felt that his work was in Smith's Falls, and so declined. Christine Barker, Picton, leit for a visit in Torento and market. At the latter place she be bridesmaid at an early July ding. Before returning home she will take an extended teip through the North-West, The death occurred, on Friday last. ol Uriah SBwardeleger, a veteran resi- dent of Mallorytown Landing. 'I'he deceased had attained the age of eighty-four years. The deceased spent nearly 'his whole life at that plaee His aged wife sorvives, also three children, Mes. John Brown, Mallory- town, Ambrose, at home, and James, of Brockville. Jeurnalistic Graves. The failure of the Now Orleans World emphasizes the fact that no really sdbcessful morning newspapers have been established in the United States within twenty-five years with the ex- ception of some of Hearst's ventures. The number of morning newspapers that have gone" to the wall has steadily ineregsed, including, such well mn has New will wed known Papers as the Chicago Chron idle, riwadelphis Times and Baltimore Hera! * Their Knowledge. "T's been 5 dimunh 1" recently converted brother, during an experience meeting in Ebenezer: chapel. ina Tor o dese many eras "years, knowed it 1" any i "Don't let dat molest yo", Brudder spoke up a sympathetioal inclined deacon, "De rest of us on it all de time." It is to be duck a i Bee Mibby's 81 tan nogligees, i WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1908. © ~ (UEBECS GREAT CELEBRATION of British, French and American Warships Ever Seen--Dedication Battle- field by the Prince of Wales | A Tent City With Modern Conven- iences to House the Visitors, NO REFORM IN PRISON. { Experience of a Visitor Toronto Ja ck Sentinel-He Frank ¥ipomd Barnabas" church, Tor from an experience of chaplain a¥ Toronto place an scarcely be regarded much as bn institution refarming criminals ¥ for makin this jail," he ' der the crowds i pazt yea a youthfn spend hours panionship with habitu ened eriminals What inevitably be the effect of seventeem or weigh compelled fo listen to and criminal bravado companions, or else their smeers 7" Rev. Mr. Vipond's rem tern for young offenders linement and the bareh, offender should be locked and kept there for say will dread this mor term with full opportu the others. | ym a s the strap; it 18 an ins ror, and not harmiul. takes this view, peisonment short, bidding. Woodst ew " to the ey : NE. 4 "that largest Review RO of several I auebe y June M4. --From Ju to the end of the people will be entért ed aty, a great hotel camp erected on the Quebec battlefields. Tents with new « | furnishings to hold twelve persons can be had for $150 for the twelie to Mold five or four exmiortahly, at 275; or to hold three (twa comior tably), at $60. Separate beds can be rented for { £1 '150 per day in largest tents, or § in th Meals in the thre, great seating 1,500 at once, at NM cents, aise supplied ab 25 cents. for 8 t t} month thou vouth oy bed an the tent acti ly if some of be subnected ' ny 8 dy is ashort his solitary "The con ny namibr of the 1 smaller sizes tents, Meals ung ne ays up i dining meet Special accommodation is laNes., All hotel will be furnished, great lavatory tents with the moss modern appliances, in Soli § water supply and. drainage -_ Applicagions {or ctommaonla tao Trinity Church, Farraday. | showid ade at Se to W I. The annoal picnie' on June 15th, was | Wiggs, vice-president Temted City Com voted a grand succes, a larger num Yhany who will be pleased t¢ ber being present than at last year's. | coo 1 pplication. forme ML The grocery and ice cream stand was | dammes to managed by Mr. and Mrs. C. RK. Mui-| eb, and Mrs, George Tayler, of Cod init. Th ici due wi| The Old Cab Stand With a New Number Hill. The ladies provided dinner al PHONE 600. tea, of the best order, In the after noon for races boys and girls were Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. usual Five are ejmppexd service too. isolated and Quebec, and those interested siven prizes, Miss Fly Leveridge, the efficient orgamist, was presented by Rev. J. W. and Mrs, Forster, with a silver cross. Mr. Forster was present with an address signed by fity one persons, members and friends, ex the esteem of the people of ed pressing EE -- D000 CCOTOV00COTOVDTOT 000000 Faraday He had fearlessly preached tha gospel, had shown unfail ng cour tesy and kindbess to and ereeds and had won their hearts. They pledged their best efforts to attain a parsonage and dreive-house at Coe Hill. Mr. Waterston, I'resbyterian stu Aent, made a humorous in broad Seoteh, which was preciated. all classes address much ap From Cobourg To Belleville, Belleville, Omnt., 'dune 24 At fn meeting of the Board of Fdueatioa James Collings, B.A. prigeipal - ( Lourg collegiate institute, was. ap pointed principal of the Belleville high school out of 'a list of fifty-six appl a splorymof $1 600 per num, Mr. Collings is am honor gra duate of Toronto University, is forty vears old, anid has heen principal of Napanee and Lindsay high schools Mr. Milburn, 4he former principal her for over twenty years, has resigned. 0 cants, at an Don't. Delay Curing Corns. What's the use ¥ Every corn vou have can in a few davs, be entirely removed with little trouble and sorengss by using Peck"s Corn Salve. In big boxed, 15c., at Wade's Drug Store. no tengler Cross sore Red "Foot powders," for feet, are sold at wioson's drug store, Leading citizens of Belleville will ten der a banquet to Colonel Hendrick U.S. consul here for many years," op the eve of lus departure for Moncton, N.B., where he has heen appointed con sul. OUR NATIONAL DANGER. -- Time to Cry a Halt Before plete Wreck Results. There gre thousands, both men and | women, who do pot take time to eat property. They rush through life as a result we have an age of indi tion, nervousness, irritability, sleepless nights and morose disposition. Our national danger is stomach weakness, due to the strenuous life. Mi-o-na tablets strengthen the walls of the stomach and stimulate secre tion of the digestive They make the comfortable aml cure indigestion, Sick headaches, skin and™coated tongue are a few the many gestion Com- wl The juices stomach palpitation, yellow of insli to distressing results of that Mi-o-na never fails cure, ' G, W. Mahood sell Wi-o-na boxes and guarantees to refund money if it does pot give complete tisfaction. She We: | We know other typewriters of all .- | kinds and we know that the L. C. " | Smith has every improvement and [every featare that any of them {has--AND MORE, We want to | place an L. C. Smith Bros.' Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX- PENSE, and have you compare it part for part, feature for feature, with any other typewriter. in ¥ We will let the typewriter speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated by the machine itself more comn- vincingly than we could tell it. #4 PRICE NAYS yo JAN. EE P. Walsh, Coal Dealer Then we want to leave the de- cision to you. Ii YOU want it then we will sell you one on favor- able TERMS, or if you already have a machine we will take that in part payment, THE (EST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. This is the way we sell typewrit- ers ; it is a good, fair, honest way. It has not a weak link in the chain of fairness. pm 1 FOV 0OVTOOOTTOT Scalded If your feet scald on hot d: Weather Shoes. For men we Oxfords, White Canvas Calf, all coolers for hot feet. in Women's Elk Sole Oxfords Feet " 1¥s you had better see our dot hale se Tan Leather, Patent and Velour com- A Shoe made for solid fort, the coolest shoe made, also the lightest, the price is only $3. Also many styles of White $1, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. Many lines of Canvas Shoe fords and Strap, 75e., 85¢., 90 Boys' Grey Canvas Bools, 6 51zes. DEPENDABLE = SHOES 000000000000 V0000000000000000000000VV TOV and Pearl Grey Canvas Shoes, in Lace Ox- s for little folks, $1 to $1.35. , 85¢. and 75¢., according to ] ye | : in the country -- for week evenings in end outings -- for hot town -- whenever you long for a cooling, refreshing drink that really quenches thirst--try "MONTSERRAT" Lime Fruit Juice A few drops of " Montserrat" make a glas and ripe Limes, healthful. s of water both satisfying It is the juice of Canadian Agents: 10 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. of Canada Limited. ---- will You Try An L. C. Smith Typewriter? Standard Visible We do not belong to any trust | and nobody dictates the PRICE | we sell at or HOW we shall sell. | That's OUR business. We sell our machine strictly on| its merit, { All the writing on the IL. Smith is always in sight, and direct in the line of vision The | WRITING LINE IS INDICATED, | and the PRINTING POINT IS | POINTED OUT so that the L. C. | Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM --a perfect VISIBLE typewriter. The typebar and hanger are the heart of a typewriter, that means they are the most vital part--a weak typebar means a weak type writer. Show us a typebar-bLear- ing that is narrow and has no wearing surface, and jit tells wus that under hard wear such a type- writer will not retain its align- ment, and sooner or later will get out of order. c.| On the L. C. Smith the bearing is wide and the bar heavy, and Then agam, with "the L. GC. Smith one machine is equipped to do all kinds of work--better writ- ing, invoicing, billing,' tabulating, figures, stencil cutting, without touching the ribbon and heavy manifolding anything that any typewriter can do the L. C. Smith will do--and more. You can lift the platen, or writ- ing cylinder, right out and put in another in a second. You can write in two colors, and you do not have to touch your ribbon from the time you put it in the machine till it is worn out. You can do all these things and many more, and do them better than you can with any other type- writer. . WILL YOU DO THIS? And remember THIS IS the ma- chine we want to place in v. ur oven 'or trial and examization will stand years and years of hard work, ' Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines. Rented and Repaired--all makes. =d. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA. LOCAL AGENTS: NEWMAN & SPRIGGSELECTRIC CO AT OUR EXPENSE. It doesn't cost you a penny to try it. Typewriters 79 Princess St, J Kingston,