Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1908, p. 7

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TRAVELLING, KINGSTON ® PEMBROKE, RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Dominion Day Round Trip Tickets will be sold at SINGLE FARE Good going June 30th, and Good for returu til July 2nd, July 1st, 1908, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION To Manitoba, Saskatchewan " and Alberta. 28rd, July 18th in 60 days & VP, snd OQ. P, it. 'Phone, 50, Good to go June 21st, Aug. 4th, and Tickets good to return Full particulars at K R. Ticket Office, Ontario F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent, 7th, and BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Traln leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. daily (Sundays excepted, for 'f'w . Sydenhami Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north, 'To secure quick despatch to Bannock. burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments wia Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particn- lars, apply to KH, W, DICKSON, Agent, Phone, o. 8, SUMMER OUTINGS Lower St. Lawrence Gaspe Peninsular Maritime Provinces All reached by the INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Dining and Sleeping equipment), Fishing, Bathing, Boating, Shooting. "TOURS AFzcrtiont Car Write for HAUNTS, quoting al tours, and scriblug territory, TO SUMMER special rates for other pamplota de, re-- Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. = or General Passenger Department, MONGTON, N.B. CIS TREES JOMINION DAY, 1908 Round trip tickets will be soid at Single First-Class Fare Good going June 30th or before Tuesday and July Thursday, NEW ONE FAR IAN NORTHWEST Paul. and Wednesday, 1st, returning on July 2nd Sto the CANAD. Via Chicago and Se. 1st Claas $41. 05 05 20 £55.60 2nd Class Winnipeg, ' Man 21.00 Brandon, Man 4 Regina, Sask, Edmonton, Alba And proportionate rates to in the Canadian Northwest HOMBSEFKERS BXCURSIONS to the Canadian Northwest via Chicago and St. Paul, good going June 28rd July 7th and 21et, Aug. 4th and "18th. good to return within 60 days For pullman accommodation, tickets and any other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. Qusbee Steamship Company LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes all Twill * Screw Iron SS. *Campana" with Slectrie lights, electric bells and all mode mfor SA Ss FROM MONTREAL ON MON. | PAYS, at 4 pan. 29th Jape, 13th and STth July, 10th and 24th August, 7th and 21st September, for 'Pictou, N 8, calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Grand River, Sunuvergide, P 10.1 and Charlottetowh, PEL NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown and Halifax, 8.8. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec 35th July, 8th and 23nd August. rmuda cursions, $40 and upwards, by the Twin Screw SS. "Bermudian," 5.500 tons. Sailing | fortnightly from New York, from 2nd une to 5th October. Temperature coo li seldom rises above S80 degrees. The fnest trips of the Bsaith and comfort. . ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Shushes, and stater srogma RR Pat NCK. HANLEY! AT. or OC. 8. Ticket Agents, Ri Rone, Lake Ontarlo & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co, LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS. Str. NORTH KING. DR -- Ne Kin "10.13 am a Su for" Charlotta. ®.Y., She Loaves dad {Fi mr eo STE Moa for P. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 3 27 'BROCK ST. w of {| THURS. Breakay' NOW § AM WELL THANKS TO " FRUIT-A-TIVES " Eli, Manitoba. 1 wish to state, for the sake of others who may be sufferers like I was, that I suffered from severe indigestion and constipation for years and that there was also womb trouble with unpleasant pains in my back which made me miser- able, constantly, I tried physicians and took many remedies but I got no relief. I was induc ad to try *'Fruit-a-tives" and I can truly say this was the first medicine that ever did me any good. "Pruit-a- tives" quickly relieved the constipation and indigestion and completely cured ine of all symptoms of womb trouble. I cannot express too strongly my great gratitude to this medicine as [ am as well now in every way as ever I was, thanks to "'Fruit-a-tives". I can strongly recom- mend *' Pruit-a-tives", it is easy to take and the effect is always mild like fruit, (Sgd) Mrs. M. BREUAND, Many women suffer with what ihe doctors call ** Womb Trouble "-- ** Disgased Ovaries"--" Female Com- plaints' etc. -- when Constipation is causing all the pain. Cure the liver and make thie bowels move regularly with * Fruit-a-tives' and the 'Womb Trouble" will be cured at the same time. *' Pruit-a-tives** -- or ** Pruit Liver Tablets" are sold by dealers at soc a box | --6 for $2.50--or will be sent on receipt sof price. FPruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 4 | FRENGH FANS There is something new and dainty in our stock of Imported French Fans. ° especially your attention to with Silk Lace Hand-Painted, sells, at $4.75. Others with Cut-Steel and Lace range in price from $2 up to $10. call one and which Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers 100 Princess St., Kingston. ' GASOLINE 20c.! PER GALLON Put in your tank at our Dock, We always have in stock Sphrk A Coils, Spark Plugs, Columbia Dry Batter- ies, ste. . Repairs promptly attended 0. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. Home Grown Asparagus Dunbar's Cucumbers & Tomatoes Canadian Strawberries Table and Whipping Cream. ------------ A. GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. ALLAN 325 LINE Montreal to Liverpool Corniean sails June 26. July Virginian sails ... July 3. July 31. Tunisian sails July 10, Aug, 1, MONTREAL HAV RE AND 24 TG N Parisian sails Sardinian sails Rates of ton may HANLEY, KIRKPA'T Jr -- we JUNE" DT. Sept. 26. July 4. Aug G KL STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- MON. 730-015 a.m, 1.004.060 pm, 7.309.158 amy 1.004.000 pan. TS 15 em, 1.004.090 p.m. L 6. 30-.8.30 a.m. 1.30 pom. IT 30-015 am. 1.00--4.00 p.m. 00-910 a.m 9.15%12.90 a.m. 8.80+-11.30 a.m. §.00--5 ' 8.38--11.30 a.m. 8. 8.3011 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, NEWS FN NEIGHBORS { WHAT WHIG IG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELLUS. | The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Broken. Jun . 22. --~John ! has left for intends to spend Josephine MeCal- Yisiting friends Wolfe Mrs. Michael John Gemmill, seriously hurt, a block sleeve Miss York, is Murphy Island, taray, Lan week, auger it up places last § twisting arm ia three' Carleton Place Mrs. boring wupht his shirt net breaking has MN. J. Md nt Sunday n 'Qunn, Rockport Reports. June Mr. Rapid City, of his brother, last. Mrs. ( a few days at Miss Alice Fair vacation her Belleville. Mrs. ( A. Beaman daughter, Elingts returned at Claytong N.Y her Williams, afcompanying Dr. and Mrs. LeFefleur, New have arrived at their summer Wick-Wick Point. Mr. and Mry, Dickey spent Sunday at Mal John Fitzeimmons, attend Jl at Gananogue, is spending home. Mrs. Ly home at ann, with her of this plac mother, and Mrs Michigan, John Lorn her Rockport, 23 A. Carnegie were the guests Car ie, Sunday wall spending Gouverneur home is spending her at man m little home R. home and to father, them York, home, her Lint lorytown ing schoc man after at returned vacation Patterson ha a lev , NX. hi Saratoga weeks Shot A Bear. > Mis ot Mary Luke's her few Balfe Lombardy, June Palle, nwrse-in-training at hospital, Newburgh, N.Y home in South Elmsley, holiday Miss Gertrude « next we to resume her duties Luke's term being Master Vincent Ryan, Brooklyn, is here to spend the summer with his grandpurents, My Paul Ryan. A large yumben vicinity attended the Cele in Smitl Falls last Last week, on William farm miles from here what their a porcupine, but i WeeK her holiday vacation and Mrz from thi Pros. circa Saturday Lawson's a few Mr. Lawson's owner thought which, on investigation, proved to be bear. A rifle procured and the animal shot. rhed over 200 pounds, dogs treed was BOON It weig was Back To School. Chaliey"s June 22. mers with many are pleased resume her bier iliness. Mr. and Mrs. The steamer through here The statute Lhe far- were pleased of rain k he Locks, of this vicinity the recent' showpr friends of Miss M. E. Fleming to hear is able to school duties again after Born, on June 2st, to J. WW. Simmons, a son. Rideau Queen passed on her first trip to-day labor is being performed this week under the supervision of J Ww Simmons, Mr amd Mrs GG Whistler, Youngstown arrived, to lay, to spend the summer wnt the Opinicon Club House Lhe funeral of Mes. Brady was conducted at Philips ville yesterday the the this neighborhood Ww Murphy, Brewer's Mills; Miss Fowler Kingston Mills, spent few davs of last week with Miss M. E. Fleming family have sympathy of a Trevelyan Tidings. Trevelvan, ¥. Farmers are to a bo hbishop Gauthier June busy and everything points tiful harvest A re administered confirmation to a on the 15th and HOpressive ir num ber of children fivered a very Patrick Flood recent viness Mr her wk sermon has recovered from Miss Ethel Shea, B vilie, spent the past week at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. M. Leeder Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Leeder have tak on residence in their new honw is one of the finest in the cinity. L. P. Shortall, Brewer's Mil spent the weekend aot PP Messrs, F. Fodey. Outiet,, O'Grady, Warburton, with friends Misses Sara Fudson, Summit, NX... 5 acquaintances here, Arcus cent visitors were Mr. and DD. MeNamee and and Mrs. Frank Giffin, and Mrs M Hefferon Mrs. T. Ronen, Athens; Melcombe, up which Fload's M. J Sunda and Nel rengwing the re Mes. T and spent lie Mr Lansdowne; Mr and Mr. and John Lappan, Picnics Are Frequgat. I'raverse, June We on Friday night, though need a heavy rain for meadows much. Miss Valeria new organ. Mrs. Preston is seg ing her health under the care of Heaslip. Mrs. A. Bongard wheel; so has N. Farrington and | Minaker. Picnics gre quite frequent at the Point Mr. and Mrs. DD. Wood spent a duy recently at Manly Duet ta's. CU. Wilhams, Uressy, and Mrs Gallagher visited at Peter Bongard's on Sunday Some eattle patturing at the loint are dying off Earle Collier and Herb. Young are wel fish ing at the Point. A lot of boats are stationed at the Pointy Wesley What tam with motor the Anel H. Bongard with his motor Skipper; Ar thur Bougard with steamer Helena; M Spafford, with sail boat Mattie, H Thanipson with the Gamey; Mr Voree with/sailboat Urdnge and new motor the viixxx, also a few others, Fishing i= grand just now. Mrs. Deb by Wood 4s visiting at J. D. Collier's. had a we Point shower very Spafiord has a Li Dr bas a new is * To Wed Out West. Westbrook, Jume 2§. -- Everything looks prosperous since the list ram. James Ewing has returned to his home in Carleton Tlace, after huving spent a week in this vicinity. Mrs. M. J. Smith. Toronto, Miss Allen and Dr. PD. J. Smith, Napavee, and Miss Vao- luven, Coilies Bay, spent Tuesday G: Smith's. Rev. Father Hanley bad his brother, Dr. R. Hanley, were at D. Sheehan's on Tuesday. Miss Lizvie Smith, seriously ill, is improving. W. Shane and G. Gates have 1» home after a pleasant trip fo New Ontario. A popular young indy. of the vilkege will leave next yok for Cal a wealthy D. J. Cronk sors Moore, of their Mis Ww will wed Mrs, vere recent Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Chr stopher Spending thes Moscow, Death Of David Sears erary, June 23.--A sad at the Hotel Dieu, when David f of this § His bunal Rev church, after taken to la of his 1» ago. H and Cras large num! Arthur Ada H death 15th reside In oe on lhe r 1b away broug ht here | was conductes in the Metho remains were i beside which the or ther, n and placed lied but two large barn who Clow had a very I his mammoth of men are barn. Karl Lake and Ader visited at W. R nday. 'The continual sinning to the vicinity. Farmers are nsiderahle corn. Every iously looking fe the which supply the Ferguson has re late illness, as has Dennee. The dance » was attended by We welcome Rev. J for year. El Shepherd home again. The re of the late Mes. Smith, Lough- wel through here Sunday thos ears ben A an T. at work tell on crops roj putting 3 person 18 butcher J covers hee also Miss Arthar's very large crowd Roadhe back a at MLSE another mer 8 mains boro, pas on THE S SPORT REVIEW. pita Interesting News From the Var- ious Sporting Fields. Toft, the well-known ex-Toronto catcher, has been appomnted to Eastern League wmparing stall. Lncle Toby was the largest earner at Hamillon amoung the horses with $1,159 to las credit Ad $1,100; Please, and »i, 000 money . Cave mn pot £1,000 su gO Ta 3 Night Mast, A Melbourne match has arrang Lang, "1ommy ndicate n "hil tralia, lian week betwee Au Cam and champion pug the champién of , the furmg fleet 18 there. Foronto News ol Chaucer Montreal lacrosse lefeated th the the a coach prov vs elliott, team, Tec of umsehs on gr the game "Chaucer un figure in Toronto Associated Pre British Olympi entry Murathe an wie the et considered the oat the poses of the New entry had been woulgl be followed the withdrawal of all the CA candidates for the other games Pittsburg Dispateh : Hans Wagner ve in fast com- records, but n York for whith d that the refusy rave, tory ed. A during his twe years pany; has achieved many one that lost sight of until Jimmy" Long delved his dope book, was that Wagner has made nearly 2,000 base hits, lis record at present 1,999. No other player has made so many hits during in professional company. J. Sandilands, aged eighty-one years and now bowling his sixtieth succes- sive received a ovation on. the Nerth London green for his brilliant play throughout the Whitsantide tournament, Lon don paper. Starting at eleven o'clock the still bowling darkness the honors Veteran Sandilands, the Hutchison, B.C g , and despite his great age, plays a game . keenly watchiul, sourceful, and frequently smartly up in the follow of three Was mn career season, tremendous SAVS a k veteran was when to caused be divided a member of , Glas Tre ring bis wood of bowlers in nr generations this family THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. Tells About a Lot of Things Short Metre. Bibbyv's 81 fat in A shirts ul de outing : purse makes a g sl more than a si difterence See shirts le . 1250 they looking Bibby's special $1 try to what Some men when find for they are shirt gutd il a Red Cross In reanember writing a love letter that it A man sho may come home roost Bibby's Some haps how to swear Often a girl Kiss her doesn't that she will let Bibby's, the shirt \ r's population wihiug to the city directory, which will be issued shortly, is placed at 55,000 Try Bibhy's 2c. fancy The wise guy who itaow shell the little pea is under the HArst fo yell when stung A mans good reputation may be due to the fact that people are not on to £1 favorites babies cry they don't shirts are one asks why Per know it is because let a voung to let hin who will mar want know him ancouve ace hosiery vhirh 1s usually his eur "Ihspen od n polished glasses, "oda at Red t drug e for the Gibsan's . water stor Ever notice how many are in the shop windows that have no earthly use for ? Bibby's $1.50 pajamas are swell Probably from the viewpoint of the man in the moon a balloon doesn't come ap $6 his expeetations. "West India Tolley" for camper Put up in tin hoxes. Sold in King- ston at Gibson's Red Cross drag store Never eall an aggressive man a liar to his fae. Use a long-distance "phone and break the news to him gentiw Try Bibbv'e 81.50 pajama suit. A married woman's idea of a satis factory compromise isto have her hus- band agroe to do just what she wishes him to de. See Bibby 's srecial Sc. underwear, Huyler's and McConkey's high tiga candy sold mm Kingston only at Gib son's Red Cross drag store. Phone 230, re things « there you Kingston And Ottawa. Steamers of the Rideau Lakes Navi- gation company leava for Ottawa, Monday, Wedbesday, Thurgdsy and Saturday, at 6 am. man p---- Men's Fine Straw Sailors. Boe. uo. Fxtes special values, $1, $1.50, 82, at Campbell Bros', United | . tha ! {cle mis | ships od | the the | dave | 11 | 3 | | | | { Boy Had WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1908, GANANOQUE TIDINGS. $+ Hand Bone in Fractured. June 24 i steamer Wanderer } tar Oo . Bily-m mong Rig] tn! Any harsh physic-- any | last evening. | which | itting with a cigar in his | | * COW il | of | thur, | | Ithaca, ud hi There | The voung Britton had with it H scuffing schoo in his rig » Con bones" i schox wi wing st » Ero a meat 11s unle has rented tw Mooney & " opening now re cers, and purposes business. James Donevan, purchased a motor Potter, of Echo Donevan will now other boat strengthen Gananogu ing fleet, An English family consisting of Mr, and six children, time past on River street for Moutreal, whenee they shortly for their home Mr. Bartictt's health ing the or more Canada for some started to their passage hberal people The ternoon of the aminations from have entrgnee Victor lannely Lox be owhers wpndiy in motor 8 1 named Bartlett, My for left toda will ail | wland dur ie in and Jartiett | resihing in Es has failed he has has heen unable to work vear been He time provide and a fund the fam and it wn with | most ly was th money yv contributed 10 by towns terd the hold epartmenty ol closed ve high school to place for give the tir arrived Surrovn here whi to write exams. , h start who for wiisfget Rev. Jo 1st eph Cornell, three vears ha filled the pastorate o cireunt most ily in W tation ast compar tm 1t Cornell, Harrow Mrs. Car Maud Con and How til the finis} Freems mn morn Mi Charles ng daughter #4 two song, remain here wr hoo! ¢ Crouch; xaminations of Mr h ha 3ONS street they Princes wher ment The Tamily NY SUM Mer have taken residence miles west 18 expected Mr whoro juring in town. TO THE PUBL IC. | We Are Agents For Parisian Sage, | and We Know the Guarantee is | PAGE SEVEN. Constipation is Caused by Cathartics f the bowels aré calloused, take one Casca twice a day for a time. t you'll need them less and less, They will soon bring back the natural functions. Then you won't need them-at alk But when the bowels again need tems porary help, don't attack them in a way sure to cause constipation. that physic } 1 gripes--irritat es the bowels. i at That is how salts and cathartics get | Bu their effect. They act as pepper | acts in the nostr the juices to flow. But the bowel lining grows calldused unde irritation. The bowels then cease to supply own laxative. You need physic all | Cascarets are candy tablets. They are soM the bowels or harder | BY ail Sruggists, but sever in bulk. Be sure to the time. Asthe bowels grow harder | ret the genuipe. with CCC on Svery ta ' you need larger doses. 7 he box is marked like this: That is chronic constipation, ils -- causing Dw tikka the g) like the sk 1 constant That is how constipation is caused-- by the efforts of Nature to resist a harsh phy The way to cure it is to use a natural laxative--dainty and gentle, That's Cascarets, 'The vest-pocket box is 10 cents. The month-treatment hox 50 cents, 12.000,000 boxes sold annually, EE ee] AERO ttanestittatttetttttttatssssstttents WE'VE A GRIP ON THE SHOE TRADE. We le by Shoes here trade keep ers We hold our ageous to 1} Our Shoes are There is a difference betw Shoes that are trade wi A trade winning Shoe cheap Shoe that Trade Keepi for his good us, and Trade. If you money, come sold, J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes. tra for ce it make it advants uy are trade keepers and little un trade just Shoes are Shoes that give the buyer full valug look well, fit well, and wear well. We sell only Sl We stick to and tick to method we EEP OUR GRIP the Shoe is sa ti oney---a gives no sfaction t' once, them Standard by thi yes t pe le K on your Shoe Shoes are satisfaction for thing but g ea sure of w here n a large n the store want to vod SLAAAMLLANALAAAADAASALALAAAALLAAL 00004404000 0000000000 does VITIVIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIV III Iversen Genuine--G. W., Mahood Parisian Sage, the quick acting restorer h , 18 guarante ob I'o stop falling hair, I'o cura dandruff, To. cure itching of To put life nto faded harsh hair. tolt the scalp, hair, To make and urians. hair ney ba mast make the Ia grow, or hitful ab favor! m deliy hair dr and is a gr ire. heautitul ar 1 3e. a Mahood, or by from tnt lar 4 Co., Fort i you wish to be successful ats tend Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE school, Hookkeep ing, ty pewriting, tel and all commerei #] subjects thoroughly taught by competent experienced teachers, Day and night classes. Fnter at any time Rates very moderateg iPhone, 440, H. F. METCALFE, President. JE. CUNNINGHAM, {repand, Fri business shorthand, graphy, Secretary. CRESCENT WIRE WORKS qc. See our Garden Border, 10c. ft., also Manufacturers of | Fencing, Wireguards, Railings and Wire Goods of all kinds. and | Factory and Show Rooms, King St. West, Opposite Hospital. Telephone, 380. SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Ladies of Kingston : I have removed to the former | Board of Education rooms, Mon-| treal street, corner Princess. Re | member the place, J. ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. HIER IR], TE eS ALWAYS. 90h 1 a v AND COSTS - Sugar. D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON , Agents for Eastern Ontarle, a ---- ---- REFRIGERATORS! 14 REFRIGERA- the following Bar stock We have still in TORS which we now offer at gain Prices : > \ Regular Bargain Price 8.00... Galvanized lined 3 '" " Q 12.00 15.00 18.00.... 17.00 2300... 25.00... 30.00.. 12.00 11.10 13.60 18.10 20.00 24.00 Enamel lined "" Glass This Special Sale for Cash Only. ~-- McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 BROCK S'l FRESH STRAWBERRIES ARRIVING Dan t LATE VALENCIA ORANG Extra Choice Seedless vom R. H. TOYE, 302 King St The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co. Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows, Made entirely from Cahe Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence."

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