Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1908, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1908. =) _ ------------ ---- M------------ "7 THES PMEDITIONAL THE DOG'S FAULT. EE WN DLLEGED BRIBER | Re | a CANINE DESTROYED A FINE{ Coimin's phose, 4. (HAS SURRENDERED. W A s| | FLOWER BED. loi an yr ger srtived home from | HIDING IN TORONTO. A TRINITY OF | Bibby 's straw hats An* Owner Had to Pay For the! 'The Mouse Toap : James' r Damare in the Police Court |! ory, Tharsday eveni dent Appears Unexpectedly in ARCUMENTS ro. A Warning For All Owners of | l/mm Swaine, piano tuner. el Court--Convicted Last Year. | Dogs. | receivid at MeAuley's. hone 77 A Scotch terrier dog, owned by Liberal assortment, Righes ecorge Wilkinson, was responsible for quality, lowest prices. a case that came before Magistrate e | Farrell, m police court, this mormag, | tive, and a former Kingstonian, is in b Ldward Suddard, livmg on Divisio, | the city visiting friends i | b street charged that the canine ls H Cunningham, piano tuner from | rendered himself. He was convi ted | Piatroyed his flower bed, while it was | Chiokering's. Leave "orders at Me. | last vear of cohspiracy to bribe, hay 2 iallowed $0 run at Imrge. Wilkinson | Auley's book store. {ihe admitted offering $70,000 to coun e |vlaimed that he locked the dog up All, and Mes Howard, of Cilmen fo secure the passage of the b after Suddard had complained avo it | Sherbrooke, Que., ve presented the | io » elit Y.W.C.A. with a 6 rebidencs for | ected road an shtrange into Pit P| Suddard told of the dog paving a their work, burg. - visit to bis flower wd on Sunda, al Mics Mary G. Hamilton, physical di hen summoned for senienve he ternoon last. 'the dog, he said, had rector of the Y.W.C.A., arrived from [filed 0 appear and bas since re wen a nlisance around las place for | her home in Fergus, to spend a Jow |Mained in hiding He is said to have b the pust two years. Fven before he | days. {been with Harry Bostaph in Toronto, | Flhad a flower bed, the animal came An engine =n the Hay Bf Quinte rail {Canada. Bostaph is waited by i around barking, and was a soiree of | way jumped the track at the foot offloval authorities for the part he is | jp igreat nuisance. He had asked Wil: | Brock street this morning, Sees loge to have played in the briber | kinson ta look afjer the dog, but had | rome delay in trafic. scheme and District Attorney Henry bi hee given no satisfaction Sunday Charles Hunter, chief agent for the L. Goehring is preparing to extradite JEWELLER, pl afternoon, the dog came to his flower | Standard Life Tosurange company, was him 3 ¢ = i Cameron, it is charged, offered a . * bed and destroyed some fing ge the t SIVSS and « Issuer of Marriage An royed some fine geru- |in the city on business and weit to bribe to Common Counciltuan W. A niums, and he considered that #4 was |Napanee, at-noon. Nore i on \ n i artin, who displayed willingnes to | Pittsburg Railway Company Presi- | i i i | (uite a number wene west, vester Pittsburg, June 24---Charles Sd lday, on the C.P.R.'s homeseckers ex-{Cometon. of Marietta, Ohio, presi { cursion. dent of the Pittsburg and Tube City 1 James McLaughlic a GTR. detee-jratlrond company, walked into the i Jerimiinal court, vesterday, just as ad {Jownment was being taken and sur EAL Tr This is why we list among our , patrons the welbto-do end the hgiutde in purse. Dur fern dish assortment i# good {franchise ordinance giving the pro this month. We sell oneat $2.25 that is particularly good value, with others ranging up to $8.50 El AIL EAA ALLLL ELS ¥ Le a v | i REPUTATION IN FURS Li 3 high time to take action. He placed A middle-aged man was arrested on | 1censes, bl the total damage at about 34. King street this afternoon for drunk-{8°eePt it and was in consequence sent | i ' - Are there no other dogs but mine lenness. He fell on the sidewalk and | © the Western penitentiary for al Pithat cause trouble ?' asked Mr. Wil- | had to be taken to the lock- up in ajttrm of three years Cameron, a Puls: admit of asx mich ducen Je kinson, ckb. president of the : Tube ( ity railroad, | tion as do jewels. Inferior skins was the centre light in the ccandal | | | | 5 "I'here are other dogs, but they d A Picton man, shipping cattle here and qualities can be 50 manipu- | x ud 5 : pping ante ' v ' v § aled as 10 imitate rare and cost- © | 2 not destroy the flowers." te day, was minus a cow when he whi h wrought up the Pittsusy coun- | iy kinds. The only safe way is 5 | Didn't our dogs engage in reached the cars. The polic ne CH 1or so many months to buy from a house of experience | pr ¥ gag y a police were : | 3 9 y | | | Paull ihe main thing Al anist ake in buying Fun rag store will be a source of constant worry fight ? asked to he the look-out for the | and reputation, whose judgment ¥ . : on ou Te is known to bg correct, and whose (J "They did fight, hut théy "can't pow, | missing animal, CLEVELAND 1S DEAD. | . standing in the community is be because mine ix locked up." The properly scheduled thunder : x . { < "3 < » > 0 OXOO i Gasoline Stoves 'Hie dog barks and makes just as | storm came last night, but the artil- He Passed Away at 8.40 O'Clock! In \ these 4 prices we have exec ptional yond question, = Wo guarantee you aheolutely . - . . again, AiArep een te LO of any much noise as mine," said Wilkinson. |lerv was not as heavy as the previous : To-Day. | value m the following White Dress Mate- form, All we ask is that you ' . Constable - Arniel said that he no- night. The rainfall was very heavy Princeton, N.t., June 2.--Former!| come and soe for yowrmell our If convenience, economy and durability |ticed the. dog te: wing up the flower [but it was neededd--cverv drop of it President Grover Cleveland died here rials : Standard of wualites and values, have anything to do with seclection of hed, and notified Wilkins son to keep Bibby's for swell outing shirts £1. [at 5:40 am. to-day. 'The following * lan OIL, STOVE, and comfort and ease in| the anime! away. Prevost, Brock street, has fendid | =tat mt signed | Drs Bryant KA FU H X i { » Bi » bas a splendic atemen Ine 'y rs. ryant, . - . JOHN Mc AY RI OUSE 7 [getting a meal. We would strongly re- Donald Me clntyre, who appeared on (assortment of gents' furnis hings and | Lockwood and Carnochan, was given White India Linen 149-155 Brock St , | comuiend Blue Flame and High Tank weljehalf of Mr Suddard, said that Wil | ready made clothing at low prices, The | out : are showing for safety and comfort, kinson should have stopped the dog | order department is well a@orted with | "Mr. Cleveland, for many years, has | | from going on the flower bed. {new goods. First elass value and fit | suffered from repeated attacks of gas | From 75¢ to $8.00 Magistrate Farrell said that Wilkin | guaranteed. tro-intestinal origin. Iso he had | son had a dog license, but that some! A. battervman named Hill, living on [long-standing organic disease of the | u . " Everything for summer comfort all to ction, must be taken when the ani-| Princess street, was arrested by thelheart and kidneys Heart faflure, White Persian Lawns OOO QO0OOO0OOHOCOGOOO be found at our store - mal became a nuisance to the neigh I military authorities on a charge of | complicated with pulmonary thrombo Bo Old Stand ad The Old Num- | ------ harhoaod He imposed a fine of { drunkenness, A guard from the hat-|is nd oedema, were the inanediate 1 cood values at 10¢, 15¢, w A Mitchell's Hardware aml costs, sand fing to be paid over tery went to his home and' put him [cause of death i > . * to Me ! s L Phone 49 0 - Suddard to pay for the dam- | unde r arrest. -- . . ET Wedding At Chippewa | Ww ito 3 3 > % OFFICE NO. 1 'MONEY Iu CANARIES A charge against a focal contractor, WHALES IN DEVIL LAKE. Chippewa, June 33.~At the Chitirch | hite Victoria Lawns % h . for violating a city by-law in having | of : ob' Wednesday, 1 | the Annupaiation, ~ p' or an orders promptly attended tol More graffable thas poultry. Eaperiesies uasecessry. used too narrow tires on his waggon, | Smith's Falls Hotelkeeper Caught June 17th, a very pretty wedding | 4 good values at 10¢, 15¢, 20¢, 20¢. wu advice free. Our new age bouk. ht Saetuyury. We night or day. | bout it ith book we send free. if you name this | was dismissed, as it was his first of-! Big Salmon. took place, when Miss Annie Burns, fan fr Feat BIL BREAD et mt ot cas | tence, and he has promised t t| i do } J B agasine." Send ogc gd « ce, sed tos SCO, ugh te f James Burns, was ser : fended if you buy irc from as. ings shipped anywhere : . | What is believgd to be the largest |*evond duughter of Ja ' av r 0 . : Heo is a wise man who knows wht a | Keddy po om a isd: any things right. Constable Arniel laid the salmon ever Th. fom lad Wie rg | United in marriage. to John Vincent We have many other qualities running up to Woman wants him to do without be COTTAM BIRD SEED fuloriantion | wos caught last week in Devil Lake, | Rowling, of Croghan, N.Y. Res 40¢ in each of the above mentioned, but at 10¢ ing told, 83 Bathurst St., London, e eity solicitor, Donald McIntyre, | { tributary of the Ridean chain, ako at |! ather Connolly officiating. At nine : -- : sag | 520d that he did not wish to press the { twenty miles" from Smith's Falls, hy |© Hock the bridal party entered the | 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, we have exceptional value, TOTTI y . | , hy | charge under the Circumstances, but Charles © Reilly, "propritor of hs | hurch and provecded to the altar to { stated that the le | § ' | ate ha 1 vignlance of the PC | Hot 1 Rideau, Smith's Falls. | the 'strain of the we hling march, | | | i 1 good values ag 10c¢, 15¢, 20¢, ¢ lice in secing that the by-law was not | | played by Mys, Connolly. "The bride | . I'he fish w y violdted was apprecinted. fish" weighed thirty-one pounds, | was forty-one inches long and measur. [with hite | {eed twenty- Hour inches around the body w 1 White hat prettily gttived in while silk, She was attended bx WAS AN ENJOYABLE AFFAIR. | It took over twnty-fixe minutes oil liss- Annie Dowling, sister of the | . . amined honing to revi oi Ca 3 jgroon, amd Miss Cassie Kelly who | Social Held Last Night at Princess H. Frost, proprietor of The FE wrinecr 1° re similarly attived, while the | Street Church. ns No New York, who wes one of |Sr00M was supported by his brother, | Owing to the precarious weather, the the party with Me. Reilly, lanjled o | Be srnard Dowling, and James Fur oe e , | y y ; 5 We Princess street lawn social. last eve ne | twenty pounder. The average weioht | long After the cere mony the ed hy ding party, accompanied by a pumber | ing, was held in the Sunday schoollof a Rideau Lake salmon is from | th 1e 4 rooms, of the church. Quite a goodly eight to ten pounds, tat Irie nds, drove to the home of tl | number assembled, and a very enjoy-| -------- bride § parents, where a sWmptuow i able time was spent. After ice cream] A Meeting Of Veterans. dinner was served, The bride received i - strawberries and cake had been freely | When the news that Major Bruce, > beautiful presents which testified | partaken of, an excellent programme Carruthers, AAG. for signalling, was {to the high esteem in which she was | was rendered Beside the music given | jy, Niagara camp there were 4 number Lg ld. A gold Jib was the gift of | by 'the church choir, some very beau- of men: browsed with the groom to the bride; to that of ; African san whe i / tiful selections were rendered by Mrs, hastened to shake him by the he bridesmaids, a shampock Ironth, | . ' | k Robinson and Miss Drury, with banjo [F {set with emeralds, and to the grooms on ¢ 8 i or they had been under or with him | ng » i Thursday Morning, 8. 30 0 C oC actcpabisnt. Rev it. B. Ne Hes {gig Hart's River, when "KE squadron] de ha . Te. anid. # . gave a s Bort ol excellent address, as "of the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles! the ir Trtre ho al a iit Al 8 hot | did also Mr. Robinson. Solos were | ae badly cut up and nearly all had! A thn Ra / ar -------- iy Ziven hy Misses Laidley and Drury, | 1 RE . . i fand will carry wath them the best | 2 Al d by un quartette composed of Ol) 0rS to show. 'here are many | {wishes of their many friends. | AR 1 nj timen hore wearing the African ribbon] J Misses Laidley and Wilder and Me Sars. ond none have fost the deep" Africe. ] { F. Gardiner and W. Mack. Several Tan, Major" Canrgthe I I My Wedded On Tuesday { = fine selections were also given bv a with the tron] ne e Phen Pleased! A very pretty but quiet event took | quartetie composed of Messrs. KF. Wil Lieut. Bruee's do ny Of pla ¢ on Tuesday morning, at 1:30] White; Plain or Lace Effects; ® son, W. Thompsan, F. Gardiner and o'clock, " when two well -kmown and g - Oa : W. Mack = ' popular ing Kingstonians, Miss 10¢c, 124c, 15¢, 20c, 25¢, 35¢, 45¢ up. young Misses Mary and™Lizzie Gardiner and | Gave Them Pleasure. ! Laura Parkin and Francis Angrove, Mrs. Henty Wilder were in charge of | Thanks are expressed to the mans ere ed in marriage. The cer ili : In Order to Reduce Our Stocks we are - réiraiion Tn SE em of the Kine Biward Thioos oo: [were united in mares by R TAN HOSIERY in both plain or fancy, the réfreshmen ts: je hind | many, which was performed by Rev i Fhe chaitman was Oliver Chown | their Kindness in inviting the inmate *IW..1H. Sparling, took place at ' : - xs y . adies' Sacrificing. who filled this position in a very able | Of Ue House of lulustry. to a fro tn | bids home nese ok P10, 0 in a great assortment, both ladies' and manner, and responded to. the call for [trrtainment. The show jut of was ex- [the relatives of both parties he children's stockings | 2 chairman's address in a few well | cellent ind the old folks enjoyed it cca The bride was attired {corated. with orange nlowsoms, carna . | to make the old people hap 9 The films for Wednesday and The brs in aid gunfile Lappy, 3 . crowd {0 and the eity { | and "The Foreman's Hated." "The hal 4 Jom the si ¥intont rr " oy ; LIGHT BLUE Pink, G Cl 5 75. 9 former is exceptionally, humorous, pnd | be : with them the best of wish Q JAG JUN Ink rey 1ampagne Regular $1.50, L i 2.00, incl a s the lie rous Saptari , 1 y t we! Guests Of Kingston {host of friends. A be rautiful collection | : : ' i - Pag hosen words of greeting and congrat | imum » the most of them hay {travelling suit of brown cloth wit | tions and ferns lox the geeasion 50¢ up. . 2.560. Watertown, N.¥., Standard of wedding guts were received, incl shades in summer stockings. ulation at the successful gathering. (Hot seen moving pictures before {hat to mutch. They were unattended BLACK COTTON and Lisle Thread C een . { management placed the best seats {The house was very beautifully de! . . - \ - ~ - {iret railway granted a free ride toad Mes. Angrove left co in s W it o cont of 8° highwayman. "The latter Oity Clerk Streeter, Watertown, . The King Edward. e |their disposal, and did all they could | Hosiery, 10c, 12i¢, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 35¢, ioc, Undershirts day will be "The Hedge hog Coat,' | the ranks with "Us Joe," in interest|{N y . Ing some very fine presents in has reevived a communication oh iver and patted chi nd popularity. A specially attractive from City Clerk W. W. Sands Kings. | 885%. silver and painted china. Colored Moreen . scone in it is the saving of a child's ton, asking that the officials of Water. | ET00™ Was pres nted with a | lif hy her pet, a French poodle dog, town and party become the guests of | "0™® [ugk by : he ope of . . which drags her out of her room, vn-| the mayor and common council of [OPCra house orchestra bar Undershirts der the ted in which is located a live! Kingston during the stay in that city, | Wil be at her hens on. Wellington | co" and seissing bomb. b The invitation will be accepted and js RE et to receive friends after uly | XN / J ) ith, | gr i i. Red, Grey and Na avy, reguy The Late Mrs. Yon Potter: other local officers ' Mi ---------- i ~ : lar #3.00 each, The death occurred, early Wednes ben Too Costly Altogether. | day morning, of Mrs. John Potter, 35 Road Rebuilding. It is not Nkely that Moorrs' old] James stroot, after an illness of four! The new macadam roadway along elevator will be used for grain stor | i | 5 Colored W ash months, of gangrene. The deceased | Park avenue is ahout completed, and {ape during the Cornwall canal block was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, sev- | the locality id immpgnsely improved by | nde, as it. is not in order for taking) . a ; enty-seven years ago, and came with{it. Road rebuilding will be continued {in grain off the boats To remove : her parents to Kingston when she was from West street along Bagot to Clar- | grain thers by cars is costly, a the i : 8 . ' i Underskirts two years old. Her maidey name was ence street. When that stretch of road | street railway company charges five i Jtet0s0ssnsccssesccsncncssssenessvenesrnenrd Bargains For This Week ~--AT THE -- LOCKETT SHOE STORE Ladies' Good ( Quality Patent 2 Eyelet Tie rp penn greatly appreciated hy the mayor and S---- p | p Mary Pattersiin. In 1851, che waslis finished, the people will be able to] dollars for hauling » catload of op ° 1 1 ix re worth married to John Potter, who died four judge of its merits. Five years henoe, | thousand bushels. That mesns hali al @ In Light M tu 8, years ago. Mrs, Potter was a member Kingston should have splendid roads. leent a bushel additional freight, or! © 1.50. to 2.50 each. of Zion Presbyterian church. She is -------- one-quarter of what it costs to ixing| @ Ee paw : survived by five sons and one dangh- Won Diplomas. grain lore from Fort Willi am, s ter, all resident ia Kingston. They The commencement concert of the ° are, Mrs. Northmore, and James A Toronts Conservatory of Music, on ® Rrutian, Abraham, Alexander, and Tuesday night at Massey Hall, Toron- At 11.50 o'clock this mofning, the : Andrew J. to, atiracted a large audience, Presi-| geemen were summoned to a batn, on » dent Falconer presentcd ihe Sinlotin. Johnson street, above Division sireet.| o Magnificent Sights. ' Miss May Hincdey got the $40 divlo-| oj .00 a small blaze had started from! @ Haven't you offen wanted to we the {me jn the vocal department, end Miss |p, waknown cause. The fire was ex. : Slipper or Street Shoe, light sole, regular vast and splendid buildings of Egypt | Paulus Sperling a $15 diploma in the tinguished with very little Jags. . v$2. Our price $1.65. that were erected by the old Pharoahs | thevey: + . 2 The barn which is owned by AX ° . - before Solomon built the temple: and * | Mayor MacFarlane, was undevscing! Ladies" Patent One Strap Slipper, nice * . * ® ® . . * ® » ® . ® * * * RB R0scrcansepresesnsesnncecesesesncsssee don't you want to see something of 4 some Topairs, and was unoctupied. shoe, now $1.50. the new Egypt of ' British rule * It 4 ; emma only costs Bc. to go to the Bijou and} B se Late Marine Noles. Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, Blucher cut, $1 and $1.25, see thie travel , ahd get a hundred Fp Ths steamers Regina; Rosedale smi Tr a ass 82,000 'rin fanadin nd down thin afietnoon, Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, Cuban heel, white, $1.50. utes. It's a= good as a 82.000 trip he £ F shroaid. I yon ean't travel you cer grain lagen, it ym _ Headquarters for Children's Shoes of all kinds. tainly ought to "travelogue." Also vi R : oH , o i Ovi pais and lustratod songs. LW : - whaduer Harn chard for Os P.8,--Buit Cases cheap and good. seveee Resesesesessntnsee 000000 u eRe Fie Cent Strawberries. : Used wo Xu® The Mayor of Madgeburg, De. Lens, w Thursday we will have 100 bas: has declined to allow the municipality -- to twenty-four boxes each, at 5 ; : to Molghle in salary, Not a magniiy- ba . Carnovsky' ead 3 ur v. es : ' 3 : ) | / ke i' i, Inte Saif compaction, tha : The quartedly board of andit will] ST boat from Cape Vincent did net reach | ® meek at the gourt house 'on July ' Shere muil two o'clock iernovm, '.

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