OA A Woman' S m0 | EXAMINE THEM Health SHAREHOLDERS WANT INFORMATION. Every woman may be affract- ive. Bright eyes, pink cheeks Officials of Defunct Bank Will Be and red lips are her nature- Examined For Discovery Py given right. A sallow skin, lack 288A! Finn Acting For: Com of animation, low spirits and ities of Shareholders, weak nerves may be avoided by | Toronto, June in sontection the use of Beecham's Pills, a With Ah \hitateued promwidings > remedy that well deserves the |i, io punk against the directors wl Souidence of SVeRY. Woman, $2,000,000 an appointment for the ex- in and again they have amination of the old officers of the proved to be invaluable at those {bank for discovery has been made for recurring times when so ma n this * 'morning, It may not go on, women feel debilitated and any framaver, an 8 stay of proceedings will thely applied for, and may be fer from nervousness, headache aad ini Mekong Movin, and depression. It is wonderful Sain & Strathy are acting in the mat- the way these pills assist Nature [ter for the committee of the share and relieve the suffering. Every woman who values holders, and the disclosures at the examination will determine their health and good looks should become a user of next course, It is said the actions will fikely pro- ceed. The claims are for ¥2.000, an Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St, Helens, or Z5. of the shareholders, KINGSTON MILLS PICNIC. Was " & Great Success--A Big Crowd Attended. The picnic held at Cunningham's Grove, Kingston Mids, cn Wednesday afternoon' and evening, by Rev. Fr Kingsley, in aid of the church of the Holy Name, Cushendall, was a great success, It was probably the best ver held in that parish. About |, 300 people Nere present. A fine sup- per was served by the ladies of the congregation. Though it was chiefly an Irish picnic the aid of the Scotch had to be secured, and several bag pipers were in evidence, -and William Craig, the laird o' Glenburnie, also took part in the musical proceedings In the evening dancing was held on a large platform in the grove, and music was furnished by O'Connor's ot chestra. Lhe steamers Wolle Islander and. Jiglewat. carried large crowds up the Rideau to 'Kingston Mills The Wolle Islander, which made her last trip home wt Il p.m. could not carry nearly all' we people who wanted to return on her, and there were many disappointed ones Some of these had to engage farméts to drive them back to the city. Mes, James held the . lucky gold watch, For selling tickets, Miss Annie Fowler, burg, won a diamond ring. A silk umbrella, presented by 8S. 8S. Corbett fora she most popular girl on the grotnds, was won by Miss Flossie Giraham, who also was second in the ticket -selling | contest. During the "gfternoon there were races and sports of all kinds. dividends unduly paid, ete., and if the actions were brought and succeeded they might avert a call on the shares Lancashire, England. Sold Everywhere in Canada and U, 8S. America. In boxes 25 cents. SHOE POLISH The Public knows better than to take any substi- tute for 2in1. The dealer knows better than to offer a substitute if he wants to retain his reputation. of Barriefield, that won the the most of Pitts- Barrett, ticket a LLL TPN | NEARING THE GOAL. ---- Battlefield's Fund Now Exceeds : $400,000. Ottawa, June 25.-The reports so far redoiged by the Dominion Central Battieficlls comnfittee show that the fund for the purchase of the historic grounds as a national park has now passed the #2100000 mark, and the committee has every expectation that the required sum of $500,000 will be realized during the course of the next couple of weeks. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even-numbered section of. Deo. minion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and %6, nol reserved, may be home steaded by any person "the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarté section, of 160 acres, more or Application for homestead entry must be made in person by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency. Entry hy proxy may, however, be made at an Agency-on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or ester of an intending homesteader. An application for eancellation must be mada in person. The applicant inust be eligible for homestend entry, DUTIES (1) At least six residence pon and cultivation land in each year during the three years. {2) A homwesteader may, sires, ties Great Run of Fish. Fish and Game Warden Hunter, who in the city, yesterday, stated the fishing this season is un good on the Rideau river He says that reports of big catches are coming in almost every day. At Newbore, six and eight pound bass are bein caught regularly. Last Thursday, on the Rideau, below Kemptville, three maskinonge, aver- aging over twenty-five pounds each, were landed. wns thyt usually months' of the ter of if he so de performs the required residence du- by living. on farming land owned solely by -hiny, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will pot meet this requirement. (3) It the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a' homestsader had Eat what sou like, but don't ower be manent residence on farnung land I ' fier tio faut k ned solely by him, not less than oxhiy eat. your digestion is laulty take a) ach in extentyyin the Viclity ¢ the! Day's Dyspepsia Cure and it will in omestend, or upon & homestead entered for by him in the Vicinity, such homes sure perfect, digestion of Four food slender may perform his own residence |afid restore your stomach to normal duties by living with the father (or|condition, mother). This preparation has digestive, ton 4 i he i ananhy Pp ie and Kesative properties. Fach bot Prec: ing para A 8 is defined as mean ™ ny not more thab' nine milesin a direct tle contains sixteen day 8' treatment. line, For sale only, at Wade's Drug Store. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL~Coal mining rights may be lensed for twenty-ono years at an annual rental 'of $1.00 an nore, Not more than 2,560 acres can be leased to one appli cant. Royally, five cents per ton. QUARTZ. --A person sightoey Lo ot age and over having has iscovery way locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1,600 feet. Foe $5.90, At ov #1004 must be expended on the claim each year, or paid to the mining Recorder. When $500. 00 has beeh expended or paid and other requirements De with the clajitg may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING OLAIMS generally, M0 feet square. Entry fee, $3.00, DREDGING, Two loases oa five miles . each of & river may be issued to one ap- licant for a term of 20 years. Reatal, 10.00 a mile: per annum. Royalty, 4 bee sont after the output excoeds "#10, : W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, i NuBo=lUnauthorized publication oo this advertisement will not be pa Eat It And Digest It. in the two Attacked By A Dog. There are some dogs abroad in the city that should be looked after. Yes terday afternoon, while Clark Wright, the license inspector, wh walking on upper Princess street, fe was attacked by a large ¢ouwse dog, and bitten on the leg. It turped out, luckily, that the wound was not a serious one. After His Missing Wad. Arthur Thompson, the Arden man, who lost 895 at a local hotel, arrived, here, to-day, and will endeavor to identify the money left at police head- quarters. A woman em mployed at the hotel is suspected of having stolen the money. Fell Into Deep Pit. . Belleville, Ont, June 206.--Robert Babcock, twenty-two years "old, om ployed at the Lehigh Cement Works, near this city, fell down a pit twendy- five foot deep and was nearly killed. His injuries are very serious. The Water Is Receding. The water continues to recede slow- ly, though many people do not no tice iti In the past two weeks it has gone down fully four inches. It will' be "the first of August, how ever, before if is at its normal height. 2 Why Buy Imported Mattresses ? When you can get better and cheaper goods from your own . dealer; made by the Kingston Matress Co. 110 Clergy St. Captured By Moors. thirty-two miles south-east of thie «city. The tribes- men demand a ransom for his release. 4 Ds cd John Comelius, dealer in wall paper and decorator, Belleville, bas as signed, . THE DAIL PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The Pecpls--What They Are Saying And Doing. Hanley, of New York, is' vis sing | relatives in the Col, Young and Peterboro, to-day Dr. Barber and party left, to-da; for Bob's Lake, on a fishing trip John Guirey and wife attended picnic at Mills last ing Miss Jennie Shaw, of N.Y., has been spending a few in, this city. John Shaw, of Philadelphia, the city on a visit Abraham Shaw. William O'Gorman, drug store, attended the Kingston Mills last evening. Miss Florence Denny, Earl street, left for Ottawa to-day, where she will visit friends for two weeks. Mrs. Li A. Boyle, Gananoque, been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. lan, 329 Prock street, for the few days. J. A. Limage and J. F. Gray are attending a convention of the repre- | sentatives of the London Life lngur- { ance company, being held at Ott wa this week, A. W. Beall, ate, c vily Col. Gordon went | fo the sangston even days 1s to hig brother pincic at] has! No- past | M.A. a Queen's dla: | was married in Sporonto, on June | 24th, to Margaret, eldest daughter of | J. R. Montgomery, Whithy | Miss Nellie Spooner, Colborne street, | is spending a few weeks in Peterboro, | James Carson, agel | years, is dead in Toronto. He was a brother of Mies Margaret Linn, of Kingston. | In addition to, securing the diploma | and highest standing with first-class | honors, primary examination, theory! department, Miss Pauline Sparling, at| the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, also passed well in her intermediate] vocal course. seventy-five | LIKELY TO RESIGN. Said That Several Cabinet Minis-| ters May Step Out. WAR HALDANEL London, June 25.--There a rugnor, last night, that the resigna tions of Lord Tweedmouth, president | of the council, and Lord Lorilliard | Reburn, high chancellor, were immin- ent, and that Mr. Haldane, secretary of war, and Winston Spencer Church- ill, president of the Board of Trade, would be appointed Jord chancellor and secretary of war respectively, FOUGHT IN THE CELLS, SECRETARY OF was Irishman and Englishman Had a Bout. is very seldom that an Irishman the worse of an argument, but was one that came out second with a little Englishman, at the this afternoon. Both men were gathered in by the police, this morning, che of drunk-| enness, and were placed i in the same cell. After dinner, rather after dinner time, as they were in such a condition as not to require any food they got into an argument as to the ¥ best country in the world old England the Englishman beaten." Ireland," eried frame of mind no good men It gets there best police station on a or any old | "She's "Tave me time," said got them all "Hurrah for an excited Paddy "You | in English are The two lively fight, and given a nice hlack Aruiel and Mullinger heard the and they separated the men, and put | each in a cell by himself The two muttered away at each other for some time afterwards mm aj was then engaged the Irishman eve. Constables | row, STREET MATTERS. A Dangerous Asphalt Walk to Be Removed. and a half miles of been laid =o far oon this Over walks have season The dilapidated asphalt walk Brock street, from Montreal to Clergy is to be torn up and replaced with concrete. This old walk has been very dangerous at some seasons of the year not being removed any too one crete on and soon The city engineer has received no fur- ther word from Mr. Kirby, of Otta- ws, 88 to when he would be here -to take up the road paving question, At first, Mr. Kirby approached the city. | Then his offer was turned down Now, after accepting it, the city has to run after him. is Fined By Magistrate. The adjourned case of Alfred Buck, charged with a breach of the city by- Jaw, in eretting a portico on the street line, on Union street, was dis- posed of, to-day, by Magistrate Far- vell. who imposed a fine of $3 and costs. The case was heard some few weeks ago. The Cornwall canal may be fixed in three weeks. | Rochester, | In | pe of the Red ( "ross | | considerable number of items, { the varsity | Pickering, {ning and totally burned out day, { ship. | dents of Baysfield, | which | the Shah of Persia, on Thursday, who was living at the | were | ble bad effect. | tinues to ¥ BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1908. THE NEWS OF WORLD .... | OCCURRENCES R RECOUNTED | Harrowswith, Jufie 24.--The court IN BRIEF IEF FORM.| lot revision for township of +ortiand, Iwas heid June 15h, at wn o clock | matters That Tateremt r body | with om og all prescst. The tollow my appeals were decided ~Notes From all Over--Little , =. pv sssment reduced $200, James of Everything Easily Read | iraay, confirmed; Abram Watson, re and Remembered, {duced 600; J. E. Freeman, reduced The funeral of the ate Grover Cleve N03 thomas Alton, contirmed; land oceurs on Friday, at Princeton. V'Loughlin, Confirmed; . 2 mon N.J., and will be strictly private. | reduced 700; Thomas U'Coracr, ! The Bank of Montreal has taken | duced lo $2000; Andrew Smith, over the Bank of St. Hyacinthe, { duced $500; Mrs. W t Il en > . firmed; J. J, O'Neil apd tion, the will guarantee the fumed. B. B. Day, in London there is an unconfirmed | Kutten, coutirmed, Dayid Walker, con report that George Hackenschmidt, the firmed, Mrs. D, Snider, reduc d $i5u; | wrestler, is dead at Aix La Chapelle, John W. Redmond, "confirmed; * Alfred France. {and John D, Redmond, reduecd $100.1 The Londen Daily Telegraph learns 1he roll was accepted. } that Holland has made a claim! Court adjourndd and council met at against Venezuela for redress for 'the one © clock, Minutes of previous meet- | seizure of a Dutch ship and mails, [ing adopted. Applications received The House of Commons passed a irom James McKim, H. A. Cook, Har Wednes- | YY Wright, Thomas A. Kerr and | in} lhomas Craig for office of township! Nova Seotia and Prince Edward ls- | ¢levk. Un motion of Messrs. Walker| land. { and Irish, resolved that 1 homas A. "We have one thousand laborers em- [ Ke. t lo appointed township clerx at] | ployed in development work," 'says J. la salary of $100 per year. Bylaw No. | Inglehart, chairman of the Temis- | #5 Was passed confirming the ap-| el and Northern Ontario railway | pointment. Un motion, Henderson. | commission. alker, all parties having fences or At New London, Conn., Yale wins | obstructions on road allowance Le | four-oared race and Har-| tWoen I and 2, and be | freshmen ecight-oared | tWeen lots 2 and 3 in said concession, | eight- -oared race | F® move them at onew Un motion, Yorke-irish, the resignation of H. J.| Snider, road commissioner, was ac- cepted, and road 'divisions No. 1 and| put under the sole supervision off iC. W. Martin. Accounts paid : Alexanden Mansen, | { |iob on Manson's bridge to be reps to township by county, $2; Mrs, Cl lernment of Jamaica has started a cru-| Wartman, rebate taxes, error, $3; C.| | sade to exterminate rats in Kingston | Martin, job on Frontenac road, $6.01; as a precaution against the disease | J. Walroth, shovelling snow, $5.60! On Tuesday night the old Friends' John Schauf, shovelling snow, $7.20: | | large meeting house at the east end of | W. R. Lee, shovelling snow, £10.40; | Ont., was struck by, light- {| William Goodberry, job on road, #4: A valu- [¢ burles Hicks, shovelling snow, : 85.60; | also consumed | William Shangraw, shovelling snow, | Latest from the Spanish! $17.60; Audrew Wallace, shovelling| steamer Laraghe, which sank, yester- | snow, #8; C. W. Martin, freight and | show that eighty-five persons are | srvices as road commissioner, £10; | the known rescued number Harrigan, shovelling snow, 513 The captain sank 'with his { 20. James Shangraw, shoveling | 812.80; Lewis Clow, ing court of revision, 85; B. Charlton, | ¢ job on road, 81; Stanley Babcock, 12} days shoveling sow, $9.70; Canadian | Road Machine company, srader and] and' tile i:oulds, $274; Mills armel] wife, charity, $5; James Yorke, work on Bell Rook bridge, seventy-five per | cent, to be paid by county, W. Jefirey, shovelling snow, $5. | liam Reynolds, ecdar for enlvert I'homas W. Watson, 84; Harvey Spider, divisions No. 1 A NEW CLERS/ A. Kerr Appointed Clerk of | Portland Township. an de- action reduced $000; day for harhors and rivers work concessions 9 vard wins the race. The Varsity comes off this alternoon. Mr. Bryan's total of instructed dele-| gates has now reached 6Y7, or wen} ty-five more than the necessary two-| thirds. 1his is according to the fig-| ures of his managers, : Two more fatal cases of plague have been Spor ged at Trinidad. The gov library was reports able missing, gixty-five. stow, | postage, attend- | Complaints have been made by resi Muskoka, that they are being boycotted by the Lake of | Bays and Lake Simcoe Navigation | company and the Huntsville and Lake | of Bays Railway company. Following 'the battle of Tuesday and] the intermittent fight of Wednesday, claimed a number of vietims, be gan ordering the execution of those | who have had a part in the uprising against him "Andrew Finnie, a pioneer of South Monaghan, has passed to his reward at the advanced age of ninety years He was one of the prominent farmers of South Monaghan, where he had re- sided for the past fifty-one years. The Grand Trunk Pacific railway has entered Moncton, N.B., quietly. 'the rails of the new Transcontinental rail- were run into Moncton on Wed- nesday, and now stretch within a few hundred yards of the 1.C.R. depot At Montreal on June 24tn, Dr Louis Demers, professor at Laval Uni- versity, died after an illness of three days. Prof. Demers was fifty-eight years of age. * Fire has broken out in the village of St. Laurent, a few miles north of Montreal, and the city brigade has asked to send assistance, which done. There is a large Ca tholie college, otherwise the | buildings are small. Sentences were meted out to prison ers in the court of king's bench, Mon- treal, the heaviest in the cases of four | men who got seven vears each. They wre © Henri Charlebois, and Raoul St Jean for shooting a Chinaman; Ed ward Bolduc, for manslaughter, and | Henri Cyr, for highway robbery, Alexander Groulx, Hull Que., arrested on a charge of forgery. was on thie point of marrying a St | | | | | Wil: 78¢.; shovelling snow, ray sheet road and 2, up to June 13th, $22.04; H. A, Cook, material for township use, 85; Harvey © Snider, vouchers and pay sheets up to Lith, 237.33, Council adiourned meet in Verona, third Monday August. June to | m | MANY FIRES way Caused in Forest By Carelessness of Campers. "Campers and tourists" is an an swer that comes readily to the lips of many [umbermen and timber limit owners phen asked as to how forest fires originate. Unfortunately the swer is often only too true The camper would certainly be cidedly © averse to burning over woodland which affords him tion, and pleasure. But to what a small give to a serious fire est, not with an de the recrea he fail cans may the for the regard his | matches and | latter, small Just h been has been rest realize rise and | necessary caution camp fires, and even his cigar for these they are may be blame for starting a serious tion as a fire of far Constant care, exercised who who should escape the forest tops boys' in hence does exercise to ends as} to conflagra larger propor eternal vig the has cause has not ?) from him i es as mud | { | | | | | } | tions lance | must be forest to les and o the wn by was | He | everyone girl i Louis ho- ! man offered to pay the | bill by a which was | The woman and her trousseaw | put out of the hotel, and the | man was discovered to be already married. He is remanded. Regarding - Mr. Sherman's condition Dr. Carter, of Cleveland, Ohio, the short time, attending physician, said to-day [it is thoroughly put Although there has been a variation| match, cigar end in the pulse action it has left no visi- | object should If Mr, Sherman con-|in the improve as he has during {extinguished ten hours he may be able|away Fires the hospital in week's | among leaves, | where they are likely to spread om ac { count of the inflammable { urroundings; build the if possible. or, if there | venient at least clear away the leaves { humus, ete., down to the mineral soil, | {if at all possible. Nor should use fires | the get ir tree | { (and t fire | to | soil" an en int tel. The hoard note, Campers themse! atly gist matter | general cautions be any larger should withe forged may gre a in this by observing a fev fires sho than nece leave ut making Camp not . for a {no one a hire sure that | A highte other never be th it should be before should out or n" burning | rown dowry th hly being thrown | woods: ou the past not be built to leave time. Vassily Rebikoff, a Russian inven- tor, arrived at New York, on Wednes- day from Europe. It is his intention to take his cockle shell eraft through the Whirlpool rapids below Niagara Falls. He asserts that with twelve t I horse power he can maintain a pend | built against large or hollow of thirty-one miles and hour and |in such Places it is hard to be make the journey up the Hudson from | {whet they are entirely extinguis New York to Albany jn four and one- {If the weather bali hours. confine the fire 8 down into the mineral soil 2 Only a few days ago, newspaper de- Declined The Offer. {spatches told of Bre in Montreal, June 25.--~At the annual | the Lake St. John region in OGuebee, | meeting of the sharvholders of the | destroying one village: these are sup Domin.on Iron and Steel company, | posed to have been started by eareless to-day, the stcosholders unanimously | fishermen who neglected to extinguish | declined to accept the offer of the | their camp fires Dominion Coal company for the sw. tlement of the dispute between the! The officers of the Cane lan Lamber- two companies with reference to the | {men's Association waited on the pre coal contract which is now before the | mier and minister of customs and ask courts. The directors were authorized (ed that a duty be imposed on womth to issue 85000000 of new common ern pine and hemlock imported into | end $30,000,000 of consolidated ponds Canada. The premier promised that to retire the present honds and pro. [the matter would be carefully consid | vide fcr the floating debt. It is urder- ered stood that no issues is contemplated! presently. The directors were re<lect-! Beware of 'Ointments For Catarrh ed. There was a lof of discussion on | That Contain Mercury. the coml dispute withithe nsclt as] As merciry will surely destroy the sense above stated, jot smell and compietely derange the The Dominion Stel company offer. | ach Dole System when entating a Through ed the coal company $1,500,000 cash, {never be Used Shoept on rescr pL and to have the steel compeny in fu- from reputable ture pay 81.50 for clack coul, aml oy $1.80 for run of the mine. a rotten wood or in places nature of the fue on a rock is no rock ¢ hres iw i logs is windy, it is well Jug right} | | in a hole, very =ArIOus May Be Reorganized. Ottawa, June 26.11 is said here |Catarch that the Morrisburg Tin Plate com- Spay will be reorganized, and that Ciftard Sifton, J. W. Woods and w Poupore, ex-M.P., have taken | interests in the enterprise A TET lncoo Wal] i Mrs} i rader, | re- | i J. Bolton, con-| sons, con- | L. H.{ | | " HIGH | With its topaz-like COFFEE clearness and aromatic fragrasc of Chase & Sanbora's Goff Coffee | hol oi out a promise of deliciousness that is more than fulfilled in the drinking. For unqualified perfection i ia coffee, be sure to order Chase & Sanbora's. 2 a Great Cut Price Sale of High Class Summer Waists. ONE-THIRD OFF -- 81. $1.34. -- 82, - $2.34 $2.67. $1.50 Waists, for -- - $2 Waists, for $3 Waists, for $3.50 Waists, for ««- $4 Waists, for sevceces The same reduction in all prices between those stsipd. Choice selected goods in Mull and Lawn, trimmed with Fm. broidery, Tucking and fine Val. Lace. The latest styles, Now is the 'time, to lay in a supply for the hot days. David M. Spence, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. $145.57; | B £2, V7 Th, ding off a Risk ' Hea Gas is liable to puff out of the front door of any furnace unprovided for gas escape. "Sunshine" Furnace has Automatic (vas Damper directly connected with smoke-pipe Gas promt sways damper sufficiently for it to escape up chimney (see illustration), but heat doesn't escape. What does as Damper mean to Furnace? "Sanshine" unyhine" Means protection to the furnace parts against evil effects of gas What does *'Sunshine" Gas Damper mean to "Sunshine" householder ? Means furnace cah be. operated without fear an to 'puffing' gas ; furnace can loft without doubt as to ere abouts of gas, ss 7, 20 mshine" Gas Damper mean to "Sunshine coal ace ount ? "of owner with "¢ wdinary furnace' fear having to "ke ep when there s two-thirds What does It means, , instea check- draft' indefinitely closed to *'let off ' gas parts of heat-energy to one part of gas passing up € himney all safety be opened, and coal saved for another day's duty. M<Clary's LEMMON & SONS DJ. Collis Browne's draft can with 4 Vancouver © St, Joho, N.B, Hamilton Calgary London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Je THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm 1a DIARRHOEA ....u. sweats (CHOLERA ... DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests thos: too often fatal disesses FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy knows for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually co's short all attacks of SPASMS Is the oaly palliative ia NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chlorodyne is a liguid taken ih drops. graduated according tu the malady It invariably relieves pain of whatever hind | creates a calm refreshing sie allass irritation of the wervowus systems when all other remedies ford. leaves no bud eects, and can b: taken when no other medicing can be tolerated INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNL. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by ali Chemists. Prices in Eagland : Uh. 29, 418. Sele Masufacterers: 1. 1. DAVENPORT, LONDON, The immense succqw of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. NB Every bottle of Gesnine Chlorodyne Sears on the stamp Copper, | Lead nf Zinc. your inquiries, aE WILLIAM Sa. s TORONTO, ONT "PIC METALS We are headquarters Canada Metal Co.,Ltd