ISaturday Morning 8.30 0'clock E PAGE SIX SACRIFICE SALE 'oN i We Can't Rely on "Cent."' Kingston Fant 'o in muchy div tor) to believe, 1 pronounciatl on of i --- wershotly's I jary. In CHET of les { bas reached er heat ¢ and societios HOW On .f hecome vi i problem, Three pronungiat land each has its supix which to he cen-tea nary," te 0 -- FOR ---- $2.98 Each. Fawn Covert Coats White Serge' Coats Children's Rain Coats These coats are the very newest styles for this summer's wear. They are man- ®¥ailored throughout, and some of them are Gil lined. Regular values up to $15.00 For $2.98 Each. At 25c. WHITE MUSLIN DRAWERS "Neatly trimmed with Embroidery, Inser- tion and Lace, ¥ 'hite Muslin Blouses. one seems "tex ceent on the {ag when referring {freshment; and indeed taries of these chiefly, who provounce | Un being asked for {such a prosunciation { ways, "Lord Grey," Lord | answer I hie j hes may the inv es : Now, {in my | must point | lords are not in | cographer upon wh | tunght to rely. | Dear old Noah Webst anybody sa; jalmost equally F Worcester, tea-nary. | tury | silent vipt. rome hat bizare | makers of the onsider | mentic ming | nowledges Wa vieldi tor that sir, while reverence out m favs | hie ter haug Hos coh I he Tats conte Lot ter-con-te Oty this one ONY j course } tionaty Jeu bs enough mt gt with whinlv veiled ( it other [area's ation | "Some ie, | tea-nery and | (%1€) reas Say jaceent in ths third syllable This new Fr the wsual uneintion decent of Fs last given by | the Century Lloving to jit ter-cont-e-nery { on the ont mn ter {ing Lt i n as ter-eent the the secon wre one Webster but be a little « but the hade leng ned i Now, si | this that while | the { the height of our pantaloons looking sionally doubt upon their | the English | { | | Da they | rung it {next | edy | hea we may wi for our our colla we nobility N EE WINDOW DISPLAY Waldron. ocean opine 1 AULT feel day { burn, " zg cold vy This ane | is is Is and fof throat | Bronchitis {Nothing ret it te anteed, cures qui trouble, not Catarrh Catarrhoze the or like dav, dolla smaller sizes 25 « | i | jd =| | | 2m tos te | secon that thd ih high | increased to" latter. has more University Tor: nto Vietoria.... Queens Trinity McMaster Melii'l s.. | Western | Ottawa... ue | British American! ... Manitoba following is a whing in high se 'We Are Offering You the best chance you ever had to make a bil saving on every purchase, S'nre the f deration their gradu tes are § been a record breaker and no wonder, for high-grade, hand-tailored clothing has Fer been offered at such low prices. : "you want a Hot Weather Suit ? See the Home Spuns we are selling at $8.45. Sanie are sold by all dealers at $12 e the Fine Grey Worsteds we sell at $10.75. are regular $15, and are being sold at $ 16 in the city by other dealass. the Fine Summer Trousers at $1.95." regular 25¢. qualities. Hose at 35¢. Former price Was 50c. y article in the store at sa'e prices, ons w which afternoon the Grey is these accord w ter-cen-teg-nat ipintanee, | | Harriers venerable Funk a: Standard unciation Wore Funk an with th can safely ar "Catarrhozone kly ol Queen ine! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE THE PEOPLE. DIVIDED]... oo THE PRONUNCIATION OF "TERCENTENARY." | the Nobility For the Correct Pronunciation ~The Proper Accent is on the hingete ided over wd winch i rt ter si Lh have difficult are riers, but most th AVE is 0 clock re 15 the vo gathering he reply id 1 i authe rity sur nobility two ith the have exi we rr ver he n har RE ht" Lone of en "Con tea nar witl to-« d Way dictionar ry up a-n thictignary intfon sounded | been red offered, | the | favor] gtroy gl ! in this way. | |. ers start | and liquids will be | | to no man} | le | { i PLAY ww GANANOQU Ee Will Play There ion Day. il n Do 1 The Vietori sred 1 chal Len A lively astern tee To Have Another Rave. Roney MN again at the evening. In the i. Roney was t that he wxti rage, and "an turn t Another Good Practice. good tarpout of t the boys pat hard out to win their ga July lst, and wi th dav, wits a swe players and the at gdod ones ina eoy rs alice on shape for it Sporting Notes. Murray, of the Fhila has made an offer Jake Gettman for felphiy Fo Int Manager Nationals, ronto for ter t Toronto Telegr wl for Scotland this week, ¥ aon t they but 15 Do sade. ram 3 Canadiar win many will if they educatic nena n well worth money spent King Kaward has promised to open|and gave it a thorough test, with the games on July 13th of the the Car the Olympie William Sherring, coach wmdian team, declares that sh climate will not affect ho all give exeetiont n Eng Li w win will an { of themselves, i! those | Birthday | tioen ttter case gives the pro- en-erry."" with of -sviiable nis the | Wag from al rely manners, the justifiod a litt ns coneprnin TEMERYTY on table rs, of with Are Your Nostrils Dry, Sore ? the « up the the renw soothes, Not to touch ule t a case as it ne 1 vimptom of won't i cure we colds i2¢ wd guar Me ealers sell Catarrhozone 1 1 rad mparative hoor and co proportion t VIC) as many 1805 111 A 19 6 0 0 1 n 1 0 0 Tod of Vietorin py need 1 | Allg Athletic Fi tioned the Hrock July 1st, wowir The Amateur deration « Canada has in road race lependent meet, am to with the ex » that competed in the Mont: road r teurs compete hi oe mn fall, Ottawa Press : i nent a a couple [he nlstand i ody SH 00 for Fre mmprover was the fence backed I'l must hay in was or comm us ary hadow the that it has atty Franpe to fore a plans land and vidensls paid trac known. Hackensehmidt, the "Russi Lion," fears that manent!s mmred his wy match with Frank Goteh for warld's championship in Chien ral avo The exact nat injury has not Been dete hut so far it has failed to res the do efforts They knee will be permanently erippl that Hack wil never again Ix to go on thé mat, George his knee m months his tors 1 he i d ane Qe Railway Earnings. R. traflic earnings for the decrease 32.000 over 1907. Trunk from Cc. P. thi week of week in Grand June ol same I'he rath 21st, ment Fa 6 7 5) > Nay une wy ste 15th mn proy Ww re earnings J show ared 1 an Cla viou Howing the 1907 al Sasa J, 1) ase While { rheumatism, tking a vapor bath John Gro hageagemasier ot Alt bly burned by the lamp exploding, TE. ACHING IN HIGH SCHOOLS, wtement showing the numier ginte institutes of Uptario ian has that in the Ta ates mm th condar of" 1900 204 152 I rinity ronto return with '| hams the Ca- icks, 'standard remedy for female of and has positively cured thousands of " | women who have been troubled with i,{ Why don't you try is? "Xperisi To the Ladies of Kingston : m | 25, 1908. A . Oo O000000T OO OOO 000000 Scalded Feet you had better / $ OF >O0000C FOOHOOQ000 0000 More preof thst Lydia E. Pink- | han' sVegetable Compound cures sick women. Miss M. R. Morin, 385 Ontario St. | Montreal, writes to Mrs. Pinkham : '1 was in very poor Lealth and doe- tored for months, receiving very little benefit. I had lost all ambition, was oervous, and subject to dizzy spells and painful periods each month, 'A friend suggested Lydia E. Pink- Vegetable Compound as the proper medicine for me. "1 procured a bottle of this remedy and began tak- ing. and before it was finished, I felt s0 much better that I continued its use 1i your feet scald on hat days see our «lot Weather Shoes. For men we have -- Oxfords, in White Canvas Tan Leather, Pategt and Velour f hot feet A yy Cali, all cqQolers Women's Elk Sole Oxfords. A Shoe made for solid com- fort, the coolest shoe made, also the lightest, the price is only $3. Also many styles of White and Pearl Grey Canvas Shoes, $1, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. little " folks, in Lace Ox- to $1.35. result I am to-day well and a much healthier girl than I was three years agor I have no more painful periods, dizziness or nervous troubles." t FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. | For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, made "I from roots and .herbs, has been she ills for $1 Many lines of Canvas Shoes fords and Strap, 75c., 8be¢., 90c,, OOOCO000: Boys' Grey Canvas Boots, 60c., 65¢. and 75¢., according to sizes. FOC ODOT OUOOTROTOOOO COICO TOTO SOOTOCOTOOOOOOTOTOTIOD FOOL > COQ ORO * DERENOABLE displacements, inflammation, uleera SHOES = tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing-down feeling, flatnleney,indiges- tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. O rOO-O0O00000 0000000000000 000000000 000 = Relriperalors Examine our line of Refrigerators before purchasing We have them rang ing in price from $7.50 to $35. [ELLIOTT BROS., 77 Princess St Will You Try An fi Q OOOO Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. | She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. SPECIAL NOTICE. I have removed to Board of Education rooms, treal street, corner Princess. member the place. J ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. the former Mon- | Re- The Old Cab Stand With a New Number PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- {ed to, day er night. | yaapeened = L. C. Smith Typewriter? The Standard Visible Writer Then agam, with the L. C. We know other typewriters of all] We do not belong to any trust | Smith one machine is equipped to do all kinds of work--better writ- | kinds and we know that the L. C. and nobody dictates the PRICE ing, inveicing, billing, tabulating, Smith has every improvement and | we sell at or HOW we shall sell | every feature that any of them | . | has--~AND MORE. We want to] That's OUR business. | figures, stencil cutting, without | place an L. C. Smith Bros.' Type- | We sell our machine strictl on] touching the ribbon and heavy writer in your office AT OUR EX- |; merit y. {manifolding anything that any PENSE, and have you compare it | typewriter can do the L. C. Smith | part for part, feature for feature,| All the writing on the L. C.|will do--and more. Smith is always in sight, and] | with any other typewriter. | a of vision. We will let the typewriter speak | WR Is INDICATED: | : Ltor itselt. All we say about it and |And the PRINTING - POINT IS | Pho oo Ag . Pg | claim for it will be demonstrated | POINTED OUT so that the L, C [dng evils » . Be al ~ put .a {by the machine itself more con-| Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM ry gt An, Tas ~--a perfect VISIBLE typewriter. write in two rolors, and you do | not have to touch your ribbon { vincingly than we coyld tell it. | The typebar and hanger are the | from the time you put it in the | | heart of a typewriter, that means | machine till it is worn out. they are the most vital part--a | weak typebar means a weak type- | writer. Show us a typebar-tear-| ing that is narrow and has no | wearing surface, and it tells us| that under hard wear such a type-| writer will not retain its aifgm- | ment, and sooner or later will get | out of order. Then we want to leave the de- | cision to you. If YOU want it | them we will sell you one on favor- {able TERMS, or if you already | have a machine we will take that | in part payment, | THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT | COST YOU A PENNY. | This is the wiy we sell typewrk- ers ; it is a good, fair, honest jway. It has not a weak link in {the chain of fairness, Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines, Typewriters Rented and Repaired--all makes. You can do all these things, and many more, and do them better than you can with any other type | writer. WILL YOU DO THIS? And remember THIS 1S the ma« On the L. Cx Smith the bearing | chine we want ts place in your is wide andthe bar heavy, And trial and examination will stand years and years of bard | AT OUR FXPENSE. It doesn't work, cost you a penny to try it. oo "ir . J. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA. i * 79 Princess st., Kingston, LOCAL AGENTS: C C0.