PAGE EIoHY. MOO 0 ol i | FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. LAKE VESSELS. | Selling Price on Thursday 11je. cheess whan colored Was | The Mooers Elevator is Ready to Receive Grain----The | Never So High As Now, That there are plenty this re : shown by board, with the ex eption of 65 boat coming in the by Bay View, was unemployed. Messrs, Kerr, Alexander, My wrph y 'We have wen come on board look- and «Gibson, These factories hourde ing for work at every port, a White--Glenburnie, 12; "Sunbury, 50: men this morning. | total, 62, | 1here are so many men to be Colored Battersea, 90: Excelsior, 50. [at present, that drunken: N Glenburnie, 48; Glenvale, 50. Howe Is- wlernted, Une grain vessel Yiand, 15; Latimer, 66. Mory Star, {ing in port this morning, eral of the crew, Of) Ontario, 40; Pine Hill, { Hill, 60 Bt. Lawrence, 60. Silver [drunk while the ve Springs, 3 Wolle Island. Me- i LColborne, Another Grath's, 60; Bay View, 65 Gilt Edge, jorew was given ¢ | BO; total, 930 ause he fell asleep while on duty ! - had yen mix. hours sleep, tin less than an hour after he ; PO NOT WANT HIGH RATES. duty, he was ! : 3 {little nap in a secluded part ) | Injunction to Stop Foresters' In-|vessel. fle told that when crease. tboat reached Kingston his 5 | A despatch to the Toronto Globe [would be no longer re quired. {irom Rochester says: "A temporary | man was taken on here, The Fron Thursday boarded 930 boxes of jand 62 boxes of white The closed | whale boxes offered board met ther alternoon, wax | cheese "he. opened at At bidding at 1c the. fast that every harbor, is visited Work 1s OOO OO OOOO OO oO oc sold | by to OO "sand msarine wes will no arrv: discharged they got Port | the f Le ihe MH sey Sand because ssel member of his walking was at oh He been found taking a quiet the the a A ol was new tf Secured A New Boat. time ago, the yacht ll See supreme | { some » Untario Insp Fhe Rideau river, and | msurance gave a After found days of uitable a lew Sin t 3 REPUTATION IN FURS Oo} Muaition was granted by Justice Pepton restraining the nile, h v pts 7g Meals visi thing ny A court of the Independent Order of For the Wrong store will be a sotirce | esters from increasing its insurange | was purchased by the overn Gf constant worry. Q | rates pending the action brought on ment for the use of Fishing : Sag aduit Sian rv uch decep- ©, that point by Henry J. Simmolink, of Phillips,sat Smith's Falls. ton } nierior. skins y ahd qualities can be so manip go [hi tis city. 'The matter of iperoasing was placed on the hed to_jmitate rare and cost- rates for in this frater- | upon its trial J dy Minds. The only sale way is 0 | i ° to buy from a house of experience | ua ofder was taken up at th fan jn an how nil reputation, whose judgment O | vention in Toronto last week. ~twhwi trial it was to be un known 40 be correct, and whose standing in the communiny js be Alfred Fond question, i B Wea guarantees you absolutely | Hoke against pdsreprescatation of any 3 flit] Game Warden {with Webster I vacht, Nanid, {in addition. On the superin | tendent Hunter for for the order the incregse efiect, to put their st them mn 1 All K ing 3325 OF, i We awl is that You 3 tai Sone and see for youtsell our 9 Inter-School Rifle Competition. d on AY, he ard of qualities and values, Q ol . a . ie ISheries « 'partment « Stand; y ali x @ 0 A rifle competition inaugurated | yi) arrive in Kingston. tind In Ar Q | this year by the commandant of the » hn JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE © Military: College, for the dif] Rony. with Mr. Hunter, will make the hret trip in the new hoa 8 § M0155 rock St. in Usngela Nix schools | pay | ew boat, to Smith's competition this | given below, of was toyval schools j entered for the | with the result | forent Jt Or It i Highest In A Century. an annual {hoped that this Pevent and that will be donated the are : nox ville, Hamilton, demy, Sehool, mouth County points; St. John's 13 points, will prove a challenge for encouraging Phe se hoofs in order Len Mighfie i School, | Coatiegok Aca had says he n high a the Kingst Capt K. ] a trophy | kn] & 3S Nek ¥ thas this season takmg the p I the heen soon " it captain nf when competition thas heen not . Bishop's College Séhool, oh fairs for 1534 ponds; 153 points; 164 points; Brockville, 125 points; Academy, N.S, School, Montre A TRINITY OF ARGUMENTS Liberal assortment, Quality, lowest prices. be wis fifteen, Witiy x th level is higher than it has been ir a century, safely this i , water Albans R Yar Que, haps that the ntrolled good order fromm at this { The Whig is informed | Mooers" elev { the Cereal company, is | for 3 | sels, ator, now o« highest ' mn Baseball On Wednesday. Kastern leagne 0-6: New ark, . 5-2. Providence, Qochester, 2. Bufliale, 5; Montreal, 1; City, 6. Our Sern dish assortment is good American league Now this month. We sell one at $2.25, adelphia, 6. Washington, that is partiowlarly good value, |= Cleveland, 6; hieago, with others ranging up to $6.50, | Detroit, 1. league-- Philadelphia, Pittsburg, 5: JEWELLER, Mssuer of Marriage Licenses. Yoronto, receIVIng grain cargoes VO§- This is why we list among our patrons the welbto-do and the humble in purse. to do so The elev in good and is prepadoed any other tune machinery are always tor leg Baltimore, 3, or working | hae Heneo is lots of storage room for gi land 6: Phil | ' Mere 0. Sy | coming to Kingston. 2 | Marine Paragraphs. Cine inact The steamer Louis. 1: Bos {from river points to-day. | H . The schooner Mary Ann Lydon elear-| {ed for Dswego to load coal for R.| | Crawford | The steamharge Robert MeDonald is | on "Jone | loading fel dspar at Richardson's Jersey ) York. amd bee, ~ am ke Louis, 7; I National | Brooklyn, 1. ti, 3. uhieago, ton, 0-1; New York, Mississquol was ' up) 4 A pretty wedding was solemniz d at} St. Charles' Church, Read, 2d, when Mics Annie Naphin, socehd| Charlotte. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Na-| The phin, was united in marriage t, Dan 'Hair: Ven to ol J. Culhane, Belleville, The bride|g,rqd the steambarge looked very charming in a dress of | cleared for Oswego. white point d'esyrit over white tai- { At Swift's Lhe steamer feta silk and . picture hat to down and up, to-day; schoongr mateh. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary iwatin, from Oswego. conl Naphin, sister of the bride, and wore | Bellevife morning a dainty dress of white Persian lawn! Rideau teimmicd with Valencienpes lace and! | morning. m ertion, John P. Culhane, Rochester o! The owners of Ths did honors for the groom. ! 1 li e "Blue Jay" corn and bunyon! plas. | madi no appheation {the dry doe) re. ters make hard roads easy Sold at u 1 ! a aes, hares i i Gibson's Red Cross drug store. and consequently it could not ie re | Phone | . 30. | fused thug Ihe steamer went to Ug fn dividends and. bond interest | densburg, where she can make_repairs Can-| to Oy do aying adian comwgrns in July will pay br ret Unit] St, a ng 5 enaire. Unite ates ves something aver $6,000,000, Dar A : out | and come back repairs in CABS . they return The Old Stand and The Old Num-| Phone 490 ho tout OFFICE RO. 1. i yl } All rders promptly attended to. nm T. Sutherland, who has bech Pp ply alten to identifipd with Clark-Hutchins night or day. pany since 1901 capacity, Ey . npn is to be congratulated on having « veloped a business on his territory to CITY _TOWNSITE" { the extent that an has had | ------ to he provided for that he might continue to the plans for further development still in close with the entire trade. } "Covering the Dominion of Canada | all of the large cities in the south, fram Baltimore, Md. Key West, Fla., it would appear to the layman that the possibilities of trade lin this vast territory, were lmitless, and so they are, but to those who know, it is a recognized fact, that in this particular territory there are some very natural obstacles to over come, but which, once removed, act as an aid, rather than otherwise, in tablishing proper relations between the parties at interest "It must, therefore, be especially gratifying to find, that hy concentra: ted effort and perseverance, a splendid development in this territory has been {made possible which should result very satisfactorily to all concerned. "With this assistance, James will be enabled ta continue the plan of de velopment which has already produced such good resalts. Mr. Sutherland is noted for his fund of rich Canadian wit and humor, and yet, serious when inoss is at hand. Wis friends (and has a host of them), will be pleased to learn of this resalt of ron- scientions effort on his part, and w sly him continued success." A Startling Statement. Ottawa Citizen. Canada 15 much more blessed with good watér 'supplies than old world Tountries, yet with their overerowded) populations dttention to the purity of the water supply gives London itself a position away ahead of Kingston on Lake Ontario. The latter cilydms a death rate from typhoid five times that of London. for] for Craw- Randall | Acacia cleared for R. John load coal Kingston, Roe steamer wore down, this morning; steamer Queen cleared for Ottawa this City of Montreal for the of | to make repairs, us no els must pay the for- {duty | making duty when ecigm port, It convenience, economy and durability anything to do with seclection of STOVE, and comfort and ease in a meal. We would strongly re | Blue Flame and High Tank we! showing for safety and comfort, nada from JAMES T. SUTHERLAND. | Develops His Business to a Great Extent. Shoe g for summer comfort all to Tegrity pr our store. ------------ 'A Mitchell's Hardware. the Boot and Recorder has mo con in a selling | | | 1 t ---------------- ---- "SKEENA The frst important Pacific por t rondhed by the «Grand Trunk ¢ Railway," located about 36 miles from the Pacific Termimus. River on which this Townsite is located is noted for its ainy of salmon. Several large canneries are located on this Actual construction work of the "Grand Trunk Pacific" will ® in pro in a few days. Lots on sale now--prices $150 and up y lourth cash, balance 6, 12, 18 months with 6 per cent. 'Maps and full particulars can be seen at the office of J, 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont. ------------ assistant him so par sue and touch and to PRERPRARFREERR ys' Shirt Waists Wash Suits. ew os 3 is the season of the year when the 'ash Suits and Blouse question 'made splendid provision for the wants. a large line of Choice Wash Suits 8 4 to 10 years, 90c to $3.00. , with and without collar, for 10to 1 years, to $1.25. al Mahar to here with all their and Waist Ideas and see how well s THE5P.M. EDITION MEN FIER WORK | WANT TO GET JOBS ON THE] grooer for Ht. Water | of men out of | had | ticket be | and | wint on | tor | f vacht | speed of fifteen | the pregent order it will he impossible! far use on the Rideau, and Fish and | traded it | | barrister | this city. | died in { ductor; F. { directed along the -- AND -- In Everybody's Mouth.' Wiarton creamery batter, Ask Take no other, Your Let It Rain. Apd as hard { Bro ambrellas Se values, 4 Campbell you dry , $1.25 jikes. keey ) as it will 50, Masonic Lodge At Arden. Willipm# Jackson, acting D.D.GM for thes Masonic 'district, accompaNied {bv a number of local M; insti tuted a lodge at Arden on Wedngsday | evening, | wl Scalp Diseases Cured. | Dandeufi, scarf and other scaly { eruptions of the scalp can be cured {and the hair and scalp be restored to [health and vigor by the br Daw son's Hair Restorer. hae to its natural color. 5p. each, at Wall's iad Tac (Ons, use of R.M.C. Closing. The following is the programme for | f the RMA exerci afternd 215 to drill; 2.36 to 3.15, to I45, inspection : , distribution of in | gymnasium, { : . . | They All Got Through. | that cadet, | » a4 recruit, wa | examinations Free Robert ( engineers Fri- | : | mntan- | es on closing on : 35, ymnasties; class | rizes [try 13.15 of stated only one unable ar 8 the Military | son of College ex-Mayor the roval | secured Com | Sion i -------- i The Invitation Accepted. Clerk Sams has re {ter from F. W. Streeter, Watertown, N.Y., gladly { invitation of the Kingston mayor be their on their visit to this afternoon, the Kingston born Watertown cited a let clerk of weeepting the i City and | o the | City | doth, | and edu-| akdermen to of Tuesday nk Hugo, Is mayor guests occasion on Fr cated, of Farewell to Major Scott. farewell dinner will giien i at the Frontenae Club to Ma Scott, professor military sur and superintendent otf drill , at the Koyal Miltary whose term Au-| gust. Major Scott was appointed on! | August 27th, 1903, He wil bis] iment, R. M. L.L A | eve be nin, | Joc of veying gyvmastics dj | Collage, expires in re,oun rey Elevator In Good Order. | | old | 'The Late Mrs. After long illpess { O' Rielly, Witham street, it on Wednesday. The was in Kingston, name being Mary Sullivan. band died many years ago two brothers, Hon. Michael M.D. and Witham H. Sullivan, and one son, Michael, oi Another Witham J. Toronto last March. | O'Rielly. My William | sen] t a o re cased lady her maiden Her hus-| Surviving | born nre = livan, son, Band ™ Macdonald Park. I By permission of Lieut Col, Kent | iand the oflicers of the 14th regime nt | the band will play the gramme, under the direction son H. Walker, bandmaster donald Park this evening at Two Soldiers Sweat. following of in pro Wat-| Mac-| 5 p.m ate! Sap and . Hail Waltz Don't le Cross' Zea ter. } HERZ i nt Jon Eixeerpts The Bohemian Girl Balle. | Hits Lamp € preentie Rewicks olorado M nhareke De. a Hd wo Step Medley In Harn Danes ills Regimental A Arch--G xd The King. | Stationary "Engineers. | A meting of Lodge dian Association of n was héld in their hall, Mont r. tostréet, last ovenipgy, for the ele¢ tion officers. Those chosen P. J, Milve, president; ham, vice-president; O, cording and financial secretary; T.| Turnbull, treasurer J. Bromly, Hornil rook, d:orleeper, delegate to at in Windsor, in organization is an edu | and all its efforts are lina of "learn more! | to earn more, " and] employers to meet on commen ground | acoking to cheapen the production of Save No. 27. of Cana={ Stationary Fagi-| s were James lick J« Hickey, re of con- | Pr. J. Milne was elected tend the ecogvention August. This cational order Ake engin ers | power, Christian Endeavor Officers. On Monday last the Young People's Society Christian, Fn deavor et Methodist election of offi evening of of Stree church held ite annual A good number were present and | elected © Honorary H. Sparling vieepresident, R. | Queen ers the following president, Rev. W dent, K. A. Ross; Gage; recording-secrotary, Miss F Ross; cortesponding seeretary, Miss | Adams: treasurer, Fenest Larris giohary convenor, BI. Gage: lookowt convener, Mise |. Drury; social con venar, Miss B. Dodds; prayer convénor, Mrs. K. Ross: literary eon venor, NH. Law: music convenor, Miss N. Ross; loeal union representative, Mist N. Cullen, tmmediately after the election, Rev W. H. Sparling instifled the officers Next Monday evening the society will hold its (nal meeting and social before breaking up for the summer months. It tools the blood and tones up the stomach, "Saline Laxative," soll at Gibson's Red. Uross drug store. Miss Margort Dealtry, eldest dangh- ter of Rev. F. Ddaliry and Mrs. Woods enck, Proekeillel hedame the ride of Rev. William Foniy, Kidd, MA, of Frankville, on' Widipetiday. 4 were presi mis meeting Restotes | | drog bo let. Jin fof the jand the [of j tanes he {wa new | | guarantead, ui} { ton, | coyntry-he | mostly | these Hecker, | 1 Milk. | honrs f It | cently of England, LCrenk | lowers, ir { their | brick | white tion vacated by Mr. Hunter, Tie Ws EPISODES |LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS | IN GENERAL | Occurrences In The City Interest Easily Réad And Re- membered. Cabmen's phone, 490. Wiliam Swaine, piano. tuner, Orders 1 at McAuley I'hone 778. t Lake il filled up with these days. 'The fishing very good, his 'morning was largely hen led. 'Lhe jhave very htt le to bring in, Fo dir, piano tuner | Chickering Leave orders at Auley's book store. The admiralty court will sit court 'hou thiz afternoon aft Hodgins presiding lost to the police nd reo 8, j = to { The jvery i ri Is Ww urists is 1o be market rot from Me at th The cow rejortad yesters was lo In the west en , and returned to the ay, own er 1 he Is will elose «whoo on police wilt not have any more trouble over truancy cases fa tmonths Remember the church, 'on evenmg, June fince. Admission 0c. Local musicians do not foreigners broug! play music at the Roval Military ¢ for Canadians to dance to ever, pay the piper {privileged to select him and also the the garden of Ladies church 26th. party Aid, grounds, Band in at auspices hike the i here to Col How being those who shall play. They feel as ti living. Take one of Liver Pills after eating dyspepsia and vigor gly The « the make one sugrh worth ter's Little will relieve diges aid ve to the Ar tion on tone system exeecdny instractive contr wrman in Canada nimber of Magazine. It i H Miller, MP generously ilastrat ginal found ir July Man's 7 from the Ni pen | Cr her well as itl od wi riicles appeari in ti Jule} in Dispensed the oda ter drug stom polishe lass Gibs Red fountain. ! Prevost, Brock street, has a splendid | assortment of gents' furnishings and | | ready-made clothing at low prices "The | jerder department is well assorted with | goods. First olass va and ! fit in at Cross ue ' noteworthy issue is the for Jul Spun GO { } zine he | g i he i i of thy best Charles 6 the my b. R nature-writer, has | ver offered his thousands of admirers | is followed bv a Western story inl new vein hy HH. Nor | entitled, "Node of the Arrow | "long short tale' of fashionable life in England, voung Ameriean figures promine "A Week-End,"" by Mrs arrison I one feels dull and spiritless, in the spring or early summer, they call it "Spring Fever." But there ia no fer er--usunlly. 1t the™ Rites effect winter | famous 1 awl a very Gearge | in whic hi ntly, | Hurton | A YK 18 of | The nerves are | Tiead, worn-out lie, life less, Ai ar bition. A few! Restorative will] and quick change all of | The Re ding you a dav or two in forty cipht t the remedy Drug- | is use is wabits famlt nerves * us without spirit doses of br whsolutely onr | 3 lar or Shoop' depres symtoms. of course won't health do sing storative to full will back yut enough to satisfy you tha that "dred rywhere are it reaching is Fists ove advising as a splendid and prompt | general t It more vim and more | spirit to the spoonful than anv other} kmewn ccnstitutional appetite, mie, gives tonic aids livers and th } days | all dwmlas nerve or a failing digestion, sla kidney and brinpy new life, and ambition Test it md be canvinecd. Sold hy sharpens fries ish streng a few MARRIED AT STONEY CREEK } | A Kingston Lady Weds An Eng-| lishman. ! A on the 20th dence of | when Miss Kingston, wedding took place at M Adie vd met 6.30 pm it the resi Mavell, Creed Rose ol Mhomas Cot were united ir Clark, « Stoghy Me hurth. The o was performed in «draw drapery of Tohage of a number of who ! mst, Rtaney tingtan, re- | mar | Rev, De 1 thowdist « rage hy MOBY the ym beneath 'a the weser Canadian friends attached residence becomingly their have Iw come nmch to them duri short Cana was mttived ir mull princess dress with _valenowennes hunch of real orange blossoms wl was lad into the room by host, | M. Mavell, After the ceremony party adjourned to the capacious ng room, rimmed | lace wearing al the the | din} lanch was | toasts were drunk to the | A considerable nuh- | gifts were restores] where a dainty served and bride and groom ber of appropriate upon the happy enuple by their friends from far and near. Mr. and] Mrs. Cottington took the 9.40 H.G. & RB. electrie car for Winona, where they | will in future reside. The bride wore | a travelling gown of hive cloth and a! Tuscan hat ed ¥ RESIGNED CLERKSHIP. Alfred Hunter, Clerk For Over | Twenty Years. Alired Hunter, for twenty veurs, chek of the Townsdbip of Portland, has resigned, and woyed from Har rowsmith to Belleville, where bm will reside. Mr. Hunter found that his mew duties as fish and game warden of this part of Ontarie, occupind =» much of his time, that he was foresd to give up his duties as chirk. His host of friends are wry sorry'to see him lave office, but at the same time wivh lam every success in his new position. Mr. Hemter has filled hia' duties well, and gave many years | of his lie for the welfare of the! township, Thomas A. Kerr of Harrowemith, | has heen anpointed to (ake the posi The man who talks Nike a book may ibe atid of plagiasivn, And | Vicinity~--Other Brief Items of farmers | Friday, | two | uniter y Bethel} | |! SPECIAL SALE ---- OE CORSETS To-Morrow, All Day, 9to 6 287 Pairs All Good Models. Sizes from 19 to 26. Some white, others dove shade pe As follows.:" 108 Pairs American Model . Corsets worth $1 for 59c Pair 81 Pairs American Model Cor- . sets worth 75¢ and 90c¢ for 49c Pair x - 25c¢ Pair 95 Pairs American Model Cor- sets worth 50c¢ for fitting makes and you will agree with These are all good when you see them us that tis is the best Corset Bargain you have seen in many days. WHITE GOODS FOR WASH SKIRTS AND SUITS White Satin Finished Drills, White Dock. White Indianhead. White P.K. : White Pure Linen Suitings. Prices range from 12l¢, 15¢, on up, different qualities material. White Waist Materials 9 - 18¢, 20¢ in cach 95 Jy 15¢, White Sheer Lawns, 15¢, 3C. ine White Checked Mulls, up. India Linens, 12}e, 15¢, 20¢, 25g up. Persian Lawns, 15¢, 20e, 25e¢, 30¢ up. , PETIT UDIOIIIIN ERE NO BRON OOOOORRRRROY How About New Shoes ? Do You Need Any ? Ladies' Empress Oxfords, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. Ladies! Tan and Chocolate Shoes, #1.50, 2.00 2.50 and up. Children's White Canvas Shoes from $1.00 up. Children's Patent Slippers, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. Children's Chocolate Slipper: . i and 2 A ppers, $1.00, 1.25, 1: Children's White Goods, all kinds, here than elsewhere. inds, and cheaper Call and Examine. oo ' |