Che Daily British Whig 7" om ES YEAR 75--NO. 130. : ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1308: _LADT EDITION a p-- _-- -- -- EE PT HE NEWS. { with a view to guarding the northern . , TH OF THE entrance, thus bottling up the North "A Probabilities | The Very Latest Culled From All | Seu. y or Toronto, June -- a Over The World. ' ) 260 ttawa 2 & a aii Burned Himsell To Death, rm, ern ! wer] r --- we RA mo ng nase Columbus, Ohio, Juse 26.--Charles b Valley and Up . . ' ¥inc trop. senorts ard reported. i | Rench, aged forty-eight, for year: a Thi ih Pu f th L od i per St. Lawrence A Kingston Boy Wins the First. : ov mis.» wits dou This is the Purpose of the Leader of 2" |~Moderate west- Five Be orl Hod i 1 quicide, vesterday, by bufning. e hae ¢ Jr ' ] H i pens persons Nore Sifhd in Chicago, Re Jit wa He piled papers on erly winds, fine ONnors. boarding house. 871 the floor of hi room, applied a match ouse. i and moderatel | and then lay on the flapning pyre. His QR J warm. Sat fine oud warm, | { » national platiorm. 3 | Successtul Course of C F. Carson---The List of The shah of Persia has ordered that n ; CE ot Terms Have Been Reached in Regard to REE Ee EEE 0 | Government owner ship of railwe ays . dea a body was burned to a er -- p----y will not be a plank in the de mocratic | a grasp. a one house belonging to his enemies Graduates and Prizemen---Those al oe momparded each day.) Je SEA Election Bill---The House . - the Toronto brapch of the Canadian ! . Who Won the Commissions. Manufacturers Association. | SSE wa Proceedings. The Toronto Playgronnds Associa -- tion was organized at a meeting held in the city-Hall, Toronto, , { TN mn ¥ Our Own Corresponde r 'nil ith fal a . » Lite ol ree i s exeellency the yo ¢ : 3 tA rom ur n Correspondent gmmnge to enfl with alze stateme nds | a ¢ 0 In The result of the Royal Military Col-| Medals presented by his exeelloncy the George Swaddling, St. Thomas, who ar Re xr 3 Ottawa, June 26.--Jduly 18th is agamst himself, Mr. Turiff went on! lege examinations are as follows governor-general af Ons 5 fo ' I rave a hoy ten ce ls to steal val § . . 4 date . a I : ; Ww Gold medal, B.S M. Carson £ : 0 steal a Yalise ; Lio] [the date tentatively arranged by the to say that after Mr. Foster had] Diglouias Of Braduation. Silver medal. CHAAR Bristol from 2 idtel, wag sentenged to om : ; ve iid : government fat hegragatian There learned by his (Mr. Turifi's) evidence iH t S { d Diplomas of graduation with hon- Bronze medal, C.S.M. K. C. C. Tay Frank Jefferson, arrested at Cuel #1 it un tonuSslon the hefore the public accounts' committee | a S ur ay. | 4 . + a waelph £ bw Lt | > terms of which will shortly be made he had sent than out to the elector ors have wen awarded to the follow on a charge of pocket-picking, has pets ry rs 3 public and which will, it is expected,' ate. been identified as a notorious thie 3 A . 3 th be accepted by the general publi asi After Soe cross-fire with Mr Fas to BEM. C.F. Carson from the United States, 3 : fe peace with honor to each party {ter and a couple of rulings by Class prizes for highest marks in "i hua Joen. de fiyiteh Ato oe hats 3 3 bl Hon. Sidney Fisher further elabora-!' chair Mr. Turiff added that he had : % ; oF : ve Imperial Locomotive an chine | d ry © s civil service refo pS ERASE "pec ec | : os 35 Beistol, Hamifton. ec h Samm ict chu La pr Works are to be erected at Lachin ; y : vin - Fisher aL Ne th mero or Not b omic il CSM 6 A XK Spain Ottawa class, Cadet E. 0 Wheeler, Calgary sucht] fiohs oi 4 bug " wails af 15 p ™ ed the British system, departing from self in sym ath with. promis ' Seygt. 1. Bell-Irving, Vancouver, Ihe pair of binoeulars presented hy Seconds' "nt 2) i inert gi y art ae QR Al } % it only : when departure from. it was every cons ha ration of, rogues Setgt. A, V Tremaine; Halifax graduates of the college from 1880 to Thursdas or onsport, » on . 3 EN Lo Necessary by reatan of a difference of gn miluential deputation w) ich 8 8 Sergt. I. 0. R. Dozois, Granby. 4 he ay ng BE. iio hal { ok vd ; 5 conditions as between the old and the ed upon him this morning hwsking for | @ Sergt. H.-H. Donnclly. Kingston the cadet entering the militay profes- routed -- y of as " an oe nn, ae i i: Fy 3 4 3 new countries. ia subsidy of ¥3,200 per milt towards {8 SBergt. W. DD. Adams, Toronto sion making the highest ndmber of Wark x ' A oe 9 ules. in Net 18 ; g E I'he minister of finance, replying to the construction of the uttawa, Brock : Corpl Hl. 0, Lawson, Gananoque marks in military ao, won by had kiNed A 0 ti police how Le ; Sa © Fro Mr, Foster, stated that since the Ot-/ ville and St. Lawrence railway, a dis 8 Corp. J. A. Keeler, Victoria. B.C B.S.M. CF. Carson. ang iy : is Yi im hla : bok . 5g RE tawa mint had commenced operations tance of HfTy-six miles Mr Graham | 5 . Corpl. W. T. MacFarlane, St, Steph a the Te ~ _--n on Tae Oh dein 24 8 a 31 hh " January nd last there bad been thought an eolectric road would cost For Ladies and en. N.B --- Subject Prizes. rimer directors of the Ontario £ = 3. 5 struck silver coinage to a value of less to build than a steam railroad . : € stay y o 1 . 2: { i Corpl. C. J. Swift. Kington Subjoct prizes for the highest mark |Pank for 8 stay in proceedings for | : : : | (50 and brome coinage to wvalue| A charter for the kine was granted | @ Child ; I examingtion for discovery, | : . of 315,343. At the same rate the!twenty years ac ate How | I ren Compl! G. F. H. Hilliard, Lakefield. | in several subj ' . : | ! 3 ago to thy late Cadet F. E. Morrison, Montreal Military engineering, Sergt. D. Bell John Wogarth, formerly of Strat production of the year would be lohn F. Wood, and has been revived Cadet DW. B. Walker, Guelph Yivig. herd, oa arrested in Detroit on al MISS crtal DINK, LE BAGH Silver, $625,296, and bronze »i0 4x at frequent intervals ; We've divided then. 'into Cadet H. G. Cochrane, Sherbrooke Facties and reconnaissance, C.S.M [charge ol stealing engine helt , anil Miss Le Sage 4s an American who his amount 'required to supply thef{ It was thought that the Failway two lots, Que t ' IE. Bristol attempted to commit suicide in his[/95t won Wm England the Lewis Waller country 8 demands last year was :! would lor. The sword of honor prize for con : Re o¢ 5 R Carson, Kingston duct, discipline and drill was awarded C. Tayler, Vancouver, Que ISS, now in the imperial service, to |dramatie seholarship. na . pags through a great country, | Physics. C.8S.M, K. C. C av cell, 3 land 'last your © Tn en 8666, 102; bronze, vo», 562; but embracing -ugonguin, North Augusta Chemistry; C.8.M. K B - Frederick Elmes, Paris, Ont + ha pon in Dublin . could easily be met if the mint Burritt's Rapids, seth Gower "and L Ni Surveying. CSM. K ava taken his ten-year-old son to New [PY he wit of the French cons: rs 1 | wa 18 operated at full time. ! other places. If a subsidy was forth- |@ ot 0. Civil engineering; CSM : York to have him treated at the wah ton ¢ Son : 2 has "1 Mr. Tellier, North Grey, produced { coming the road would Ix constructed Tavior. Pastear, Institute. He was bitter by | Arderican stories. a : {petitions from 435 church organiza-! as there was ample British capital be Hats of Linen, Muslin, French, Sergt, L. 0. R. Dozois a dog recently, -- tions, Women's Christian. Temperance hind it. 8 Duck, Canvas, ete., in White Drills, exercises, ete, B.S.M. C. F The London Express annpunces that Campbell Bros'. unions, and other moral Monn asso- Hon. G. P. Graham, in reply said |g and Colors Regular Prices | Carson the pdmiralty has decided to organize For the nobby styles in straw hate. [Ciations in favor of the passage of. the road wa$ one of his own hobbies were 40c. to 76c. Sale Price Conduct, C.8M. A. H. Gibson new divisions of the fleet next venr, ------ the government hill to prohibit the although he had been of the oinian 10c. to 2Bc. Military administration and law [to ke stationed oF North SBeotland, Breakfast bacon. 15¢. Crawford's sale of cigarettes to youths under the that an electric road would meet Sergt. D. A. White ; age of cighteen years {case better than steam, and cost i Mathomatics and mechanics, Cadet I. G Parifi, liberal member for great deal less to build, He was alive 8 WS Lawrend. East Assinaboia, complnined of con- | to the resources "of the country and Lot No. 2 Geometrical and engineering draw servative "campaign material being [the business ta be done As to \ ing, Sergt, C. KE. Read. sent out in tens of thousands of | whe ther the cabinet: would be prepared Hats for Ladies' and Child- Artillery, Corgl. L. H. Watts, copies which contained a spedeh by | to recomme nd a subsidy he could not fj ren, both White and Colored, Military sketching, Cadet W. H. Wel ---- Hon. Mr. Foster, bristling from be- Jans, Rl in Straw, Duck, Pigue, ler. : Line, etc Regular Prices, bb Euglish, Cadet A. P. 0. Meredith. ¢ oe Ad ---- ersten 75¢. to $1.85. Sale Price, Freach, Cadet H. H. Lawson, 0 is ent 'hrough This COULD NOT FACE IT, NEARLY ( OVERCOME IN FIRE. 80e¢. Bit The Pundonald mounted patrol com- mi-- petition was won by first teani of C, Klupier Brothers Suicide i» {Has Narrow Escape When Home | Sales for Cash. No ap- company. os Sh : , "Man. - : Munich. Burns, § proval { a---- Munich, June 26.~Max add Theo-{ pill rg, 29 A Cups Awarded. dore Klogler, highly reputed patiners, Nie burg, Jute 26. Fire depttoy New Neckwear ; td a house a few 80 if here | 88 The challenge shield, presented by . Je igpos ny the firm of Kiopler Lyoth- | oceupied by tne 8 sa or ih of Not 1 New Wash Belts LIEUT«00L: B. T. TAYLOR. the minister of mtlitia for, revolver His Moustache Was B. Bar d OF. d Hi fers, "bankers, committed suicide, ves | Dempster. One of Rw : named I Commandant of the Royal Military | practice, was won by Sergt. L. 0. R ne 3 an is rm terday, despairing of their ability to | ham i oth wo d . tm n was | R New Ribbons od : ming Clothes on the e n «he 18 College. Dorois. meet heavy obligations. They lft do ® Ine, when ah Nannini ition mi-- oN Lh . . AY. ad . chanced to look up tt the house ane . I'he_ riding challenge cup, presented d B k C pl i ly cuments indicating al n uj ¢ and . . Commissions. VT A nT A an ac : ompiete Julen skies ing To ak Yaw Runes somjng out of erd of 2 New Silk Gloves The following cadets have been" re-| 8S M.G., A. R. Spain. Sk d t i )8 x * | gable near a chimney. She ran to the |S commended for commissions The tent Podge ou, presented by inne. . I jahntitution of AIO vf Rong and om of the women rushed a New Lace Hose BS. MCF. Carson, for Royal En. | Capt. E. C. Hamilton, was won by jenly withdrawn and also to unpre hpstairs in an attempt to fake out a lH gineers Cadet D. W. R. Walker. fitable speculation in real cstate trenk in whith were pe le pape ws New Lace Gloves CSM. G. A. R Spain, for Roval The Ontario government cups for Welland, Unt, June 26.- John H.» bad burns op the chest™and back, as Klojfers were supro od to he mil [Shs was Finn hack by she finme A 4 Field Artillery. the best shot in each class in the an- | Valley, formerly of Fonthill, and for if the current nad passed completely |Tion hire They wpro Cf Jo Ne Eland being nearly suffocdted fell down * | A | Honaires wy ween of high sobis a 3 Corpl: J. A. Keeler, for Royal Cana- | gual musketry course, were won ag | the last few weeks craneman on the through the man His woustache, | rank, Theodore had valu ble collco the stairs, injuring her back and For SATURDAY selling, at dian Eagineers follows : lst class, Sergt. W. T. Me | big hoist Lon the Ontario Steel andy which was long, was burned complete ti n of etures The u i on ors = shoulder. She was resourd. just is Sergt. A, V. Tremaine, for Royal Farlane; 2nd class, Sergt. D A. Iron Co., has had the rare experience [ly off, and his "hair badly burned | as led the a bourses owinel 4 gh time. Tn les than twenty minutes af Canadian Artillery. White; dvd class, Cadet E. 0. Wheel. [of stepping on a live wire with 12,-! well Ihere is a large burn on "thelors that many important Lan} by A ter the fire wa overed the house ---- fer. ' 0) voltage and lives to tell theifeot where whe current travelled u jinvolved in the Klo fers' losses rns a loa Annual Prizes. The Quebee government cups, for | tale A fuse had blown ouf in the! His clothes wer ripped to shreds] : : a : : | g ¥ The college prizes won during the [the three cadets making the highest | transforming room daring a storm,!and badly burned alse while the boot WERE onLY 145 Setback For Anti-Betting Law. year have been awarded as follows : [score at 200, 500 and 600 yards, at [apd being a handy wan Valley was] which made the contact was charred ' I New York, Jumé 206.---Justice Bisch i the punual rifle meeting, held on the [sent with the engineer to make the!and the other 'one shows the mark of | Rev. Mr Villiers Spoke in Old | off. in the supreme court, discharged : ' Melville Collin and Joseph Loews England. London, June 26.-At the ter | colonial missionary conference, in dis jCussing a pessimastin paper the | who were recently arrested at t Sheepshead Bav race track for allege of the anti-betting i | DAILY MEMORANDA. 19th June, were won as follows: Ist, | repairs. He was just patting on a] be Cool Hats Sergt. D. A. White; 2nd, Cadet, L. C. Jcoat when he stepped upon the wire The force of thy fall caused a deep Por hot. dayse : Gogdeve; did, 'Cadet T. D. J. Ring- {In an instant he was in a sheet of gash in the back of his head, which The best stoek at a . wood. flame and was thrown violently to the required sevéral stitches to close a aidran's Sate of Coats, $2.98 Satur The cups, presented by Lieut.-Col. | ground. It was found that the skin | Valley is sufiering intense agony, but | Excursion rates to WateMtown, to-mor- Wurtele, RO, for the best gymnast fof his left arm had been taken off as| Dr. Davis save that he may recover Villiers {3 tan : ow . in each clage, were won as follows : | completely as if skinned with a knife (he only thing that saved his life is | ? aera, a Ningston, Shad that | of the court of appeals botl mmit: | WALNRONAMEWTON .~ In Races and Band at Roller Rink to- Ist class, B.S M., C. F. Carson; 2nd | His entire back was skinned from the ¥the fact' that his clothes were damn] ™ 102 town. ol 20,000 prople only M5 | onts were ilk id Wednesda mn wight class, Corpl. J. C. Bell; 3rd class, | nd¢k to the loins, with two especial ly | and helped absorb the current " BO wording lo the religious stand Waldron's Sale of White Rlouses and Cadet A. B. MacEwen: sus, did not belong to some rel) stant District Attorm tate of religion in New Zealand, Rev, | Broo Ivn. said under a rect lecision MARRIED. gal an Bike " Bie Saturday. Cricket Field. 2] The intercompany gymnastic com a -- { Situs th Hpaming han Rev. F. J. Day, ity Angue ase * i 4 .- . superintendent of the immig grato d . wiition for the challenge cup, pre n ro ' : & Cou sented by Mii N A. W Ys . x M Latest HONORS: partment, strongly resented the act Cavert, Cloth afd Cream: Serge Loats, mg oo . oy wn of certain persons in the old RASS sn Kingst uw June 26th by "B"" $2.98, Waldrop * Sale C., was won by fompmny. Conferred t : : See Amusement Uolumn for the four ------ 5 By the King on Can-|land in endeavoring to make the ; How of the to Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude- c dant's Report. _adians. minion go repository for all the rascal | WERE DESTINED BY GOD TO ab (rs ras sed vightydous ville, 4 ommandant's Repo " DEAD MAN SAILS BACK | Loudon, Jute 26.1 he king's birth {ity in the mother country. He mn BE FRIENDS. eral 1 } 3 day. from | Coats up to $15, for $208, at Wal} Lieut-Col. Taylor, the command day honors include kaighthoods for {#d at the possibility of Canada adopt i devulitery residonde; Mes. Asiiey, rine Sale Baturdny vie Baliptjant.aeported as follows at the closing INTO PORT. Chief Justice W. C. Fiskoonbridge, of [ing some enteiotiny meas | - Bijou 'Theaire--""The Devil's Ballet ceremonies this afternoon : the king's sich.' Ontars nd. Chick : = " Ambassador Bryce Speaking -- Dancers or Flames from the Fit'; Stra h--"The bor of porte King A, taro, and nef - | J ROBERT J. REID "Fhe Tramp and the infernal Machine: | Btrengt © number of gentlemen { gig Son' a Lad of Seventeen |Justice H. T. Tascheream, of the Made Penitent By Spanking. ! About tHe Relations of Can- " "fs > Travelogue wiimgle you Hive Leet cadets on the strength in September, Steers the Boat i4. a Trane king's bench, Quebec, Both are made New York, June 26. There wasn't! ada and the United States The Leading Undertaker. Seen, ray Seng by John Rovertf 1907, was cighty-five. Two have been A Lively St knights bachelor. Sir Charles Fitz [a straight face in the Harlem Court Duluth. J i ednmia Bryes. an "Phone, 577. #227 Princess skresty » : withdrawn and 1 much egret 10, Shy yoy ory. patrick, chief justice of the supremo | vesterday after witnesses got throggh Snare] " p an Great Brit is : to Lr i sa at Britain to . Davis, ""Sungy 3 that one cadet died in May 'last, London, June 26.-- A weird sva|court of / the dominion. is made a | telling how _ ten wotten helped Mrs. | : : Gentleman Cadet George Wright Jack- story, strongly reminiscent of one of | member of the imperial privy council, | Herman Zeigler spank. Hes husband 1 nited States, in a speech at the t amp son, of the second class. he present Edgar Allan Poe's tales 'of mystery, | W. F. King, dominion astronomer, is | She was a a; widow previous to her Uommercial; Linh. bumyuet given Bers strength is, thiwefare, eighty wo. was reported from Plymouth, Jast { made a CM.Gg G. N. Babbit, New {rocent marriage to Zeigler. Her hus- in )ia honot ak Uniled Stat re hing 9% sé much appregiated ssn Nineteeh cadets leave the collage | night, Brunswick, John Frasen auditor-gene. {band had beaten her frequently, until! anate an the ah AD Be of good Teng this month and thirty-eight candi: The little fishing boat Fear, Not|ral, and A. C.D. Tavlor, journals' all of the no righbors knew of it. Three astined Wo have Aliighty.. o = dates have passed the entrance ex went out to the Eddystone whiting | clerk. have been pominated for the days ago her husband chased her | ens. Po aye Pata f a d Try Our Own " ie nitedd States rom Lasada, a amination out of a total of forty- unds, In her wete William Rowe, {imperial service order md the 0 Muffin Dishes, seven, who competed. os I Raed ahout uty and his : shied an aon en a nffe ed i. Lanada we have .many from. the "" " Entree Dishes, Conduct and discipline--The conduct | con lad of about seventeen. * wrth gr Eu . py ma ey + 5 | United States. It is my privilege to Special Blend Hambtany and discipline of the cadets have been | About four o'clock in the afterufion PLANS MATURING done ay i" i I to prevent any misunderetangings us h 4 : . or friction between Canads amgl the Sutte : t 4 . . i's & trength: Haake " Bullion Cups, Be eaminations-The results of the She ant tinal to Sutton harbor,{ pg, 'the' 'Amelioration: 'of - Con- 1 he coeasion came Monday night, { United States, " davon 8 gh maki Hf piety wmitable fo npers. © Price 85 Bomba chnmination Ba bom more sete | Pg, Cent ditions of Jews, Sn Loti ws ogein, baung ht) TN' ii mbar coud hang Sele Sump Fre 35 cnt } he. on 3 } » oR confide + h Biscuit dark, Jactory than either of the last two with 1i# arms folded, gazing out be Londen, June 26.---A special calle and, befare Zataler could. recover ors): more respect and confidence than | } ' . ¥ 4 despatch to" the Globe mays: At the % in that great and brilliant men, Mr Spoon pag. I Bilis and exercises--The normal Jind e on os ea aon Real" meeting, between King Fdwand purprise they Higped him and hid, Roosevelt, who is honored and esteem Olive . Standard has been, 1 consider, more was light, and she came along slowly, | and the cer, the Jewish Chronicle ki Eo gn Rhy 3 had ath ed in Great Britain as he 1s hbnored ' ] " Hundreds of others, all at" at: 1 [then maintained, Interest in nws- The Rehorsnen upon the pierhead hail- understangs the information wad con- | O° -™ *o hard that the, i esteemed here tractive peices, ketry has increased gnd several cadets ad ARE tro By Kew what ort of veyed that 'measures for fhe ameiors.- omen ound i mite. Smwanient to uring the. last four months four Importers Of Fina Grocerish, n ; are now becoming excellent shot. enteh they had aboard, hut received | tion of the conditions of the Jews in} nC WM BEET 8 Clair one of yo fies have, hogn sighed that see i : 3 y a them handed a piece of tough rubk . Changes in staff--Lieut. O. T. Mack- ho anewer. Neither of the figures stic- | Russia had b for some time in com- a Shr, whe a gh her | 3° stined to overcome difficulties that | A Heavy Ben tetics. lem, RO., joined fhe etafl in April | templution. "We belive" adds the hose. to Mrs. {may hereafter arise between the | ; ROBERTSON BROS. lng ps instructor in civil envineering. id inthe Yaak: : | Chronicle, "'that Premier Stolvpin is Prostrate husband ustily, theered On United States and Canada, 1 herd are], Chicago, dime 26.--deonin Moul This attracted some curiosity, and a ¥ by the other women. Zeigler told wont e vedfs old, was sends 1 regret very much that the Roval } je d upcn the active consideration ; « Ag "| Proofs of the. cqrdial relations that} Jughty-ohe years Okl, nee Military College is losing the i boat, went aloigside the little smack, |cRgagead upc aroe-mhich: will, probe: Magistrate Herrman that he wouldn't) eaist between th Count to the penitentisry for twenty yeas of Maj. Scott: RM.L.1 ho Then a startling discovery was made, | of such a measure, wi > Fle abuse his wife again. He was pa- n by Judge Windes, in the erie of oa ey has pied. T ! ou Rows was dead, and his son appear | bly. He h Pg Et ring roled on $300 hail to insure good be » > fourt. She was charged with havi Foe Byers Varig of Dwellings, consider the college very fortunate if | 7 9Uite Unconscious of his surround: | remission of 1 wig hagior. He got bail and left with No Lack Of Tron Ore. induced a fifteen-year-old girl to enter like a man in a trance. { the Jewish ¥aid settlement." his wife. . ins fade jt. secures the services of an instruc. ings. i Dulath, June 26 ~Acrording to the!s resort for women, in a candy tor as competent, ater on he able to explain the | C tice. investigations of Prof. Charle? K. Leith, tory. In the city. wu edge rm lana, ta Ret a mystery to same erent. He said. that | Prompt Canadian Jus : of the Umiversity of Wiseo N ! : An Influential Delegation ity of isqomsin, North) a his father. bove up the anchor, and | London, Ont, June 26. Samuel Me- ; 3.~The ki is America will never suffer for rn of Funny Animals, Turpentine Factory In B.C. then / dropped back into the sitting | Williams, a peddier, stole two bags of | 10 don, June 25. liet of Sent Sram ore Su "eh ut The HB teas - REAL ESTATE and IN- oo A s found, i . tish farmers who are going to the ai . { Sec ed at The Bijou in a traves SWIFT Yancotiver, June MWR. H. Fulton posture in which be was found, and! wool . Prof. Leith faren Ahat the : § SURANCE AGENCY. of Montreal, who is in the city, has bevir spoke or stiveed again. Failure | morning, Thu. Domirin in August, on_« seven ig meiy -r are : ph the Sore logue, Friday and Saturday, : + An GAge 3 ox in view the establishment of a turpen. {of the Beart's action, brought abeut | | gold Melntyre, of Fast Williame. At [wevks' tour, in response to the invite- me a consierable amt #1 roy | 25¢. Cooked H. 25¢ y TE MIRROR. Y, v i, ses{by heavy exertion in the excessive | tem o'clock he was led back from the tion of the Canadian covernment, is {0 Sa a in og am, : BRITISH .PLA Une factory on ancouver Island, se the Lake = hi ou A008. In hand-carved frame material § he heat. was the cause of death. { police court of Ailsa Cradg and sen- jon influential ome, indludins Sir J. ALS prior Fegan, to whiehi Cooked hams, Saturday ously, ire ancme ult 3 Sem Baby hered hers the @.P R. will dens When the son realized that his fath- | teneed fo three yours in pemitentiary. | Sinclair, cousin of tha Scottish sere 100,600.00 tons have been ssvigned by Crawford's reinges. to Oness AL Fig BL ) #¢ had expired. he shit he Toit Jike cnet ©) Ok -------------------- ary. £8 A Miniem., -------------------- tomo to the west const j long ihn dream ion and be can only remem- . : « . : Pitre gown rubber baby comfirte snd ther blankly steering the hopt for Ply.' Kinds {i Cooked hams, Saturday only, 25c.| Campoell Bros'. Straw Sailors. [nipples are sob! at Gibeon's Red Crong. » It's rare punguit flavor goiuldcad with ¢ £ "8. Special' values, "$1, $1.50, ¥2, Drag Stores, %