»AGE FOUR He = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1908. ---- ---- TE ---- { these somewhat obstinate people hap- Jeliev ille Ontario, i ing at §i a year. To United States, charge! peoj ¥ 5 i - a . Storage 1 for has to be made Soe, for Daily! pen to be. 'The conquest of a . Five million acreé under crop, half | Truth plainly told is the only advertising we do. We keep faith with the { warm days is aiWays an easy Err rars AEE EAE | |THE WHIG, 75th YEAR| CLAMOU] R OF THE FILIPINOS : : : { 4, PAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308. | Seif-government is now demanded by: Sp bd 1 hat | 310 King street, Kimgwon, Ontario, at $6 per| the Filipinos; and it is variousl lana! of it in wheat, the promise of .the Feeli eeling fhe British I Foti te. LPd | neighbouring republic, but so far as Men; that is the cheerful budget from | ™ i + + die tf one . | {the istands some vears ago, 1 tb 3 $ $ Possibility ne has the right | i g an the! Jamilton Herald, kind of an ' Daily Whig. | destruction by Dewey of the Spanisk | While Booker T. Washington was T 8. 50 Outing Suits $ See Our Bathing Suits, $1, Straw Hats, 1. 00 . \ | year. d 4 o'clock p. | WEEKL BRITISH WHIG, 16 b- | garded by the Americans, who 1 pt Cold- | lished in parts on Munda and ' Sr] , : 3 Whose ward ! Cheering ( Outlyek, i ob Printing | implies serigus responsibilities. It bas Lest crop a the peo le, and 80 We grow and ToS Br, wid avid aa L op in history, present work for | 4 | been studied for some time by the 25,000 more men and 5,000 more wo- | 1 14he Filipinos 3 ; the Canadian west. - a f a is al Wikich Ss #0 'ploasint on thee Hi | EDW. |. B. FENSE, | e Filipino are cong erned it is still [FEAR 4 4444444444044 See Our Special 25¢. Black Cash- FEIXSFAI 2004544404944 i tor, | 5 complex problem. 'The seizure of A Lightsome Subject. | + : mere Hosiery. 3 4 ICE CREAM FREEZER | fleet which protected them, seemed talking to a Sunday school conven- re We want you to see the : $1.50, $1.75. This week we have marked 2 Thert fe" yesterday, about how his race | 4 Swell Suits we are selling at + + all our new $2, $1.75, $1.50 he life was being elevated down south, six |® this price. The materials are $| go Our 50¢. F ach Balbrige ¥: Straw Hats at one price, $1. 3 in one respect--thiey use ice and Methodist church conferences con: | began ® Hew exparicuis jn. the Le mhery a bis sate were being ele- = Hewson's All Wool Oxford + Tv Ee a Toe sibeigzan + + #alt for frecsiig. They differ * in {tinue to vondann the canteen at mili- | "America" and of the untutored race] vate another way--hy being hung op [3 Tweeds, Two-Piece Style, + nUeIWeAr: FEEL 4444044040440 4 THE BEER MUST GO foe a great event, and it was. i Wie method of using it and 1 tary camps. The church people seem | which occupies the Philippines. 8 tree by a lynching mob. 4 neatly cut and trimmed. $12 if ° { Jeu Creams Freezers are sll alike to exaggerate the evil that flows from Spain had done nothing towards {3 value, for $8.50. e Bibby's New Summer Collars, 2 PELL IP 0 4000444444 ithe sale of beer to members of the | Use Of The Paddle. * 3 for 25¢c. Soft Hats, $2.00 militia under military regulations. As [improving the condition of the Fili- | Montreal Herald. a matter of fact 'the sales seldom | pinos. They lived in ignorance, in; Recorder Weir is an advocate J ide There will be something do- ing in our Hat Department. amount to any large amount Young | servitude, in misery. 'They were sim | pasting for wife beaters. The {men who are sober in civil life are I= a gor ood one, and if there is to he |$ All Our Nobby $3.50, $3. $2.50 Soft Hats, in Pearls, Browns and Black marked to one price, $2. HEH 4444004400044 000 Boys' lls, at Bibby's, 25¢ rer : oye' veralls, at Eibby's SEEREEEIE IIE b bbe 4s Handsome Shirts, $1 The best yet. The very cream of the season's Shirt- ing, materials Cambrie, Madras, Percales, ete., in solid colors and stripes; cuffs attached or detached. B@pting and Outing Shirts . made with soft reversible Bibby's for Nobby Styles in collars, etc. A beauty for Summer Caps. See Our New Auto $1. Caps, 50¢., 75¢c., $1. ut details, ICE CHISELS, ICE PICKS, ICE SHAVES, tober, as a rule, und® canvas and in| { Ply held in check by force, and She an ol cial nk o ¢ : { leash being loosed b# Spain they be-| jok h span ter for Montreal Lhe 12. ICE TONGS uniform. The smallness of the cantee m | 'ea eg ¥ { job ought to go to some health | * ue ut sales, under ordinary circumstances { came turbelent and rebellious. re Amazon. A man could hardly he w " | however, is an indication that beer | taking over of the Philippines was a trusted to put the proper spirit into Be t e Me 2 ering a fine line Imight be dropped from the list o i the application, = of Wool orsted Suits, in [mig f costly proceeding on the part of the { Blu d Black, Singl ATP {things kept without serious protest --- e an ac ingle {The canteen idea would hardly have | United States. It was attempted at) d Humour, + and Double-Breasted Styles, In Ba : originated in Canada, in recent wonrs | once, with the steps which were ne-| T, Chisholm, M.P I$ beautifully tailored. A eee ee Bibby's $1 Soft Shirts are [$4444 4 4044440044440 44 favorites. or oy we, Bibby's for the best $1 Shirts in Canada. Wo would like the opportunity of showing thems te you. HEIST Sr rE Bibby's Boston Garters, 25c, PIPE 40] om o ® 4 here is ry one factory in this + Zuaranteed for $12.50, {at any rate. Montreal Gazette, jeewsary to introduce civilization -as | dominion that T k f wh * ) Before a milMary camp is organized | it is understood to-day. Many men | employees ars expected to go wat Sises A swell job 31 aoe Tuatie 24s Ll] J u ipplies are advertised for, and ar- of many ideas were drafted into this] at eleven o'clock in the morning and ROAR AaSaSCas: Rew H, BSW styies, tor 30; 2 iting made for all the require service, among them Mr. Taft, who is] work until three or four the next gs the] Morning, and that is this fae tory on [SEHR aes Bibby's for Men's .aiamas, BERS EV EL TENET ES TR Wasa Fy ony } i o Parliament hill, where we empty wind- $1.50, $1.75, $2 -- ziven 1s ample, sweet, and clean | preside ney. The methods he inaugura- bags and manufacture laws." . $15 00 Bl S ' 40, . That is as it should he. There is no [ied were the beginning of that pro-| D¢ J. ue uils i For So Wear provision for beer and spirits, and cess of _ self-education which is pre- Laurier Will Win Anyway. : At this price we show an 4 | Victoria Times. whatever 'is not covered by govery- liminary to self-government. "The peo- A \ elegantly tailored Suit of ment regulation, and found conducive {ple are learning, gradually, what the { public no #mporary aye the | T° Pure Botany Wool. This we Try us for Special Bargains, in (to the health of the soldier, should be term means, but it is a question | governments on the Sth of the port Hing the best $15 Hive Suit g Bummer Suits, $4.90 up. banished from the camp. There was| whether the time has come when es month, and if the dominion eloc- Is fenada, Summer Hats, 49¢. up. a time when rum was served on hoard can be trusted to carry out the work tions had Hoon held - He me ny MALALAMMAMMMASSAAS SAE] - Negligee Shirts, 49¢. up. the ironclad as regulatly as any oth- |p 1ocal development without the care | 0 and Quebec ir we - ; 5. 8c. #1. Baron Underwear, 25¢. up. fer supply. There was a time when| i their present supervisors. | Milieid i have been, suphorted FEEL Ere ok Yat 0 LEHR ed Fancy Socks, 15¢. up. british stupidity associated liquor] here was one break in the rela: Gouin, ney or -=D. Fancy Hosiery 3 Patent Leather Shoes, $2.98 up. | with the prowgss of the navy. That tions between the Filipinos and the A ---- $3.50 Trousers PECIALS-3 3 Tan Shoes, $3.90 up. time was long ago. 'As rum has been American people, and it came soon | TOWN OF GANANOQUE, J 3-8 3 Come in and secure a good [abolished from the battleship, beer | after the Philippines became a de- ne and 90c. values - - *50e, 3 . and 50c. values -- .40¢. $ 3 + ments of the men. The food they are | now the republican candidate for waa Bibby's $15 Grey Suits are masterpieces of tailors' art. E4444 444409494044: FEF 444 449404944044 FEPFFI EIEN i i i ! | | + + *, + + rs 4 l - + + | + + | + | + +> + + +> 4 +> +> +» + + We want you to see our 4+ new Fancy Worsted Trousers, 3 new styles, new patterns. + + + + 50¢. | Two Lansdowne Marriages--Move.- . Hd " : : ment of Ministers. the military camp. There is no ex- resisted the new authority, and it cost | Gananoque, June 26.--The resi ¥ e residence ISAAC ZACKS, cuse for their presence, and the moth something to put down the insarrec. | « of Mr. and Mrs, Wallis, of Lansdowne 71 Princess street. ers of the young men who join the tion. Since then there has been mark-| Village, was the scene of a Very pretty {and interesting | event, Wednesdav, iiss ee === militia have a right to cry out against ed progress in the science of govern | when. their daught Hi a] Walli or, on alls, LT ---------- A 1 them. : ment, but whether the demand of the | pin united "in marriage to James A Nn ee . local assembly cam be conceded is al Yee of Lansdowne township, a pro mez Ca The ystem © mying govern- pros The fee Hd te m ! ! gg very serious question. 'The F ilipinos | perous young farmer. he, ceremony ® ay ment officials is decidedly wrong. Tf y was performed hy Rev. T. Heeney are not to be compared with the Cu- sastor i ere ) € C . 8 o I ers | a Oils fuses were compullad to arcount for), Ci ritical intelligence and man- | thurch. alimer pr by terian Kingston's ony Strictly One Price Clothing | House. 3 choice. and whiskey should be abolished from pendency of the United States. They or 2 pair for Tbe . * Just arrived yesterday. . ui 1 > Something swell for $3.50. President Suspenders. 35¢. and 25¢. values - - -20¢. § gs .50. Guyot's French Suspenders. or 3 pairs for 50c. FEE ELH HE, Invisible Summer Brace. FPEPPPP4 4440000900404 THEE 4 444444 b ARICAEAAEE CJ their collections the case would pot ba | before immediate. relatives. Af bad. But when officials refuse tq [28°Ment, and yet the latter failed|ter a wwdding repost Mr, and Mrs SE -------- -- mR ------------ " y -- HO a. Ver ) "" a . Peck Jeft t . ie they 3 OC spend tl y Coal Oil say what their income is--wuspicion When all tao "soon they 'emayed ta in the west ¥ weir, honeymoon . . s a) } i : luly | direct their own affairs. Keeping in Ont. MN .t vide' a ict Humilton zg that the um is unduly . hrc nw 8 + or - Lubricating Oils Suggests . o view the Cuban experienge the Am-| 8 Presents were numer large. . , F Gasoline iv a------ ericans may well hesitate about grant-! Another pretty wedding also took You'll Need Them Now ; HAND-PICKED IMMIGRANTS, ing self-government to the Filipinos, | place at the home of Mrs. B, B. War- § We make a specialty of handling The America wople have entered | but it has been promised at the ear-| '®" lLausdowne, Wednesday morning, i ] ? all k h me nn peojy bh 8 ft bein the occas d k abyisating gil H Al: kinds. upon a new and important work. | iiest possible date, and the impatience of her gk i Mion _-- iy y | ) ces on application. ' i i - lof the affected people has to be cop Lovey, of i L L Fhey propose to study the immigra: Toronto. The: ceremony £ W. F. KELLY & CO. tion question in an original way, and | sidered, Naa performed before the immediate # to determine the value of ! foreign ana fe atives of the contracting parties, by EDITORIAL NOTES, tev. William Pearson, pastor of the Fanmulowng Methodist chiwch, assisted 5 : x by v William Warren, of Nebraska special committer have decided' to brother of the bride, The bride ao OO ! abroad, and to determine the charac |4roP the Hodging' charges. It is the Site nded by Miss Minnie Foley, while ; 3 % oy ; : thi Wo : i the groom's interests were { C AL, Iter and characteristics of those who, only thing they could do when Major ter by Io Ct e looked af : Wesley (3 Af : : ; y ovey, The sudden changes in Seathar { coming from Europe or Asia, become Hodgins dropped them, ter the ceremony, the bridal party sat Glght to suggest the wisdom : . . -- , putting Ag oes good coal. wi ® {lost as individuals in the life of the In Cleveland's death the United dot to an excellent repast, following A L p R well good Coal. It's the kind that nation. : which Mr. and Mrs. Covey loft for the . sends out the most heat, and States has lost one of its greatest west to' spend their hone « Ymoon the Pu thoy "ein" ana 31, nl th Kent Sort, should be | men, io ws a democrat who souk "Samuel Ne amp worn 1.. | ISOLD IN PACKAGES AND GANS. E Sthete 'iy "hone betior mined the "head of this new commission lead his 'purty, and he succeeded in | posed of his residence on King street, Same Price as the cheap Just what you want for the hot weather. What you require in Ox forda is comfort and style and these you have in lovictus Oxfords made by G. A, Slater. blood when mingled with that which 7: [is of their own race. The plan is to ® 1 study social ednditions at home: and The conservative members of the | For men in Patent Colt, $1.50 For men in Russian Tan Calf, $4. For men in Gun Metal Calf, $4 Ladies in Vici Kid Blucher, $3 50 fF without slate, at the very bottom 3 . a . prices. {tion and given publicity to his views. and kept it up. rl Aris no -- i Booth & Co. He has: taken: stack - of. the popula-1"" Fibre Association has | The steamer New'lsland Wandorer| [Ee We GILLETT COMPANY ad tion, flowing into the United States The Manilla Fibre Associa took I Phone 133. Foot of West St. 4 * : OR soinbine t ook out quite a large excursion par TORONTO. ONT. . in a year, and shown how the foreign. | admitted that it was in a combine to ty, last evening, for a search- Light eee) (Slee ¥ [ers marry (excepting the Chinese and | force up prices, and is subject to | ramble among the islands. i the Jews, and even they are not ex- | fines aggregating $15,000) But it can ee. % ig ge a C S U a A R ; ' » . a pastor ol race church arrived he Te, RS ' ceptiongl), and how there is' a mani- . yesterday, to enter upon his duties at { Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be HAVE YOUR fest improvement of the race as a | $1,000,000 annually. once. Rev. Mr. Tredennick. the new ) to your interest and profit to use "GRANULATED Pressing truths consequence. Indeed in no other coun- . om i on o | Pastor of Gananoque East circuit, ar the season being now on) BEST GRANULA which is the well. indows Decorated 1 0 0 Hon. Mr. Monteith will leave th rived to assume his pastorate. IVER | known . - vester- with try in the world is the re such an in- government, That has been settled. | day." P | fusion of new blood, and it makes Had he been a pronounced success, | Rev. William Timberlake vacated the - | G L A cC 1 E R for manhood, for physical betterment, which the Toronto News declared, ' a | parsonage, Svdenham street, for his : wessor, Rev, J, T Wednes Locke, of Evanston, HI, the price re - -- -- - -------------------- ee -------------- = | | | | { | 8 We deliver it to you clean and since he has already studied the ques- | two elections because he set 'the pace | during the past few days, to Miss A. adulterated kinds. | 3 | I | ! stand that, seeing that its profit was The only subet substiluie for Stelned Glass | for national vigour. To be sure thera = L000 CFT Sucoeset, Sih Pitcher, rable, Economical, by mw a difference in the quality of this him. That is a reasonable conclus- tage, mang a. Dupuis os { new blood. Coming from some parts jon. ; ily will spend a month. Mr. Timber ! a DAWSON of Europe it is impoverished and the | lake left for Montreal, yesterday. to Headache and relieveall the troubles tne | or to Dawson and Staley, #17 | enrichment of it comes from the Ame-| Mr. Northey, of Toronto, writes to [enter upon his pastorate in the Cen to » Lillous oun stat of the tho system, such a8 Redpath"s Granulated Sugar is the acme of sugar refining. Ask foes Afte? | your Grocer for and ses that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A. street, ? . « ; i i N He | tenary church. rican, the native of the il, the m the papers about his diaphones. Grade Planos at Living Prices. | -h ry a RA Pay i .. There | Miss Grace Henderson, the winfer EEE | Ewa, Jocal Wholesale Agent. Ww 0 i p i ; they are so costl . 0 loving Machi Grams bu, wi or wommn who has been bom into explains why they are so costly \ this district of the Montreal Heyald's | T-- = ---- ; and a full line of Musical | new conditions. is little demand for them, and a for- | f.0 trip up the Sagenay river, left, | on ents, "Music, ete. The investigation of the question | tune had to be spent before they coulj yesterday, to join the party in Mont at ~ t" Pure Liquid Paints will be exhaustive. It will lead to |be produced. He should have told all | real. Mrs. J.C. Cornell left, yester- Betune ha, Jot Carter's Litce Liver ve P00 are _ { SUI T S day, to join her husband at Harrow and pre- mw Indigo Worsted many discoveries, and will tend to | this to the Cassels commission. arin pre. oie guaranteed). -- smith. Mrs. Mullins, of Rome. N.Y. SEE ng omy ov hey ne T h atives Wood, froe | confirm some that have already been So » | 18 in town for a short visit with her ela, ry they dry quickly, with a bard made. In recent years the United | Rev: TR Neymour, late of She sister, Mrs, Francis Keyes, River hah ah if { Ron work Iryity under the | ' Yukon, now on his way to Yale Uni- front ' | h and © by anyone. n has sought to : a | Trouserings Regular $6 to $8 goods, for States government : i : : versity for a post-graduate course, is Vernon Parker, of New York city is exclude the sically undesirable . 5 : | "A. "S I RACHAN. th : ths g 1 i ie ua * the last to deseribe the Pringle state. ) spending a short vacation here with >: » Vagran nad criminal classes, Now ' i , N 6 Yugrant a ry : ments as a gross misrepresentation. | P1* parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Par The: avi . ker, King street. James Root, of Intent posed those | There is something The evidence is accumulating. Montreal, an old resident of the town. new and dainty in our spent a few divs this week the cuest stock of Imported a : i : : : ., jof his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Gilbert ! French Fans. tion. The selection will be carried out | thinks the Quebec bridge can be built Root, Broek street. John Kirke We especially call by methods the adoption of which by Canadians, with Canadian labour, | spending a short time in 'Cobalt, has { your attention to one will follow the expert study of alien and material, and in a better and [returned to town. Francis Brown, of fhe buna of 20 many lives © hat here ls where | { with Silk Lace and it will proceed to determine fhe fm- . | a his cod : > . Rochester, N. Y, s sperdi short | wemake our great boast. per bythe A i life. 1 1 a es is sperding a sh Ei | SLR TE RE EE Ll Eee EE HD SAR. | migrants whose contact with the Ame- rican means weal or woe to the na- Mr. Holgate, Canada's : expert, atest uy Beat Workmane phase of the subject, and to it will worked out the cost cannot be cal Mrs. Henry Br. Broek « pl ork street, fo taka, Ome or two i be brought the experience of doctors, | culated. tee - Fiey are strictly vegetable aod do met | Others with Cut-Steel teachers, philanthropists, immigration, Outing Hats. but by their gen us i | and Lace range in price 2%e. up at Campbell Dros." everywhere, or sent by mall from $2 up to $10. Tailor to Men of Fasbion. 179 WellingtonSt. agents and examiners, hospital super, "Baby's Own Tablets," soft sponges intendents and nurses, apd all 8pe- | and teething beads. Buv them at Gib- cialists who have bad to do in any | son's Rad Cross Drug Store. "Phone! Cooked ham, 23¢., Saturday. Craw : ' respect with the direction, treatment, | 230. } Ki near & d Estero and care of immigrants. " The work will be a stupendous one, WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. but it will be the greatest and most TR fal CN £0 Is the Result of Prolonged Study JAS. MULLEN. valuable of its kind, and will have 4 } J - ] . - $ : 8, ; and Deep Research. | its effect in the education of the world A 3 2 i a Marconi--the wirdess wisard--did not Granite and Marble Works on the question of citizenship. : ba 2 4 , | stumble accidentally upon the princi " -------------- : "i v 5 ? tes of his marvelous invention. - First w h 3 be : i Class ork Guaranteed The! government could not appoint Sy pall Ch, i rd i It was only by dee and prolonged Batisfaction Assured. oy : : \ oe { 5 study of ths cauge of certain known Lettering one to do Judge Cassels' work in the 5 3 i phenothena in nature that he was atl. ; i Cemeteries Neatly and Prompt |S 3 ' ; exchequer vourt, because the act that BR RN ) 4 to produce the startling effect. was relied upon was found to be in- : ¥ a : Many people, in spenking of hair ra * sufficient. It is wonderful how some p $ a) 3 2 ; £1 stores have A aT hunthiog them : 1 372 Princess St + a i altoge without rmination. } om things oo happen when there are so HLT. ; p | 4 Herpivide ix as different from other Table and Whipping Cream. Opposites ¥. M. ©. A. many lawyers around. y Pan, & » : a J) . {®vealled "hair restorers" and "'reme ; ap; 4 a : dies" as day is from night. ) A -- IF IT IS TO GET A SINK How will the coloured vote go in £55 5 : Sid ] ol It is gq scientific VE 4 "ay a ? : oR ¥ 4 2 preparatio " y the next presidential election ? That ) : f L od. for the sole purpose of ara A. GLO R S, Set up or a bath room enstalied. is the question that is bothering the y ol Real ei the scalp ifsolt t causes Hwn- Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts, I can do it in first-class style and Talt committee. The colured men are I hye 5 ; drafl and falling ha hg at the right price. Give naturally republican, but in recent " NG ; 5 Y Sold by leading irik. Semi 10. The Hers of dirt unity aia), lV stam JF COTO years the co vermment has been anta- = b de Co. P Detrois, Mich, Two a Bib tine often neglect their y own lnondry Phone gonining them, 5 wih 3 o ! and $1. G. Ww. Mahood, special agent. work. DAVID HALL,