THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1908. WORK FOR BLAGKS NEW ORDER OF THINGS IN SOUTH AFRICA. Improvement in Native Cultiva- tion--White Men Hired to Do Ploughing--Blacks Showing Eagerness to learn to Read and Write. Many 1 position and facts regarding the *xtraordi v of the wives of frans Cre 'THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION porta just | . EVERLASTING SHAVING COMFORT The 'NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE eoqumissioners sent These razors are tempered as hard as flint by our exclusive In one the become secret process of electricity, You can obtain one on 80 days trial from your dealer without obligation to purchase, gi ina issuexi by the Association ure Just Transvaal by the made bey reports are special out BESO ation, writer saves has a Commo for natives 'It quite Dra white men to plough land for The latter the r 80 much per acre ided advande is Fite of A. L. SBILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, New York, N.Y. among the natives as regards their For sale by McKeivey & Birch, °°-7!, BROCK STREET, | [iL i "iivation. hu former JINGSTON, ONT. years most of their land was tilled by r = women, who used the hoe, pra tically Reid & Charles = = at present it is ite OUNmOn ctice form pay noticeable the whereas the men Piva ting with drawn by either don woe rhs Xen or kevs. Another Ihe rapid strides the of the commissioners writes natives nre Women's White the i Women's White Canvas Oxford Leather Heel, $1.25. Canvas Oxford Leather Heel, $1.50. Women's White Canvas Oxford White Heel, $1.75. Women's White Canvas Oxford White Heel, $2.00. Women's White Canvas Pump White Heel, $1.75. Infants' White Canvas xford, size 4 to 7 7%, 80ec. hn Infants' White Canvas 1 Strap Ankle, size 4 to 74, 90c. Child's White Canvas Oxford, size 8 to 104, 90. ONLY iso REID & CHARLES |. Infaots', Child's and Misses' White Canvas 111 PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON. they mak owas civilization and ress they display i lenvoring to lear to late become very Y and write have of marked. 1 regret to have to say it, but it appears to me that the native children, as regards education, comparatively than the thildren of outlying n ef are advan rapidly the poorer whites in the dis tracts "From the na willingness stated conversation with Wl sate thew but, formerly report underground strongly ohject to they, without exee; that have hee gents h ahd look for will know and what Sandals } { tives, they in Fh recruit all I by to wk. as my not being as tion, they n cheates to suc an extent that 90c. to $1.50. Lhe by then they will have to ration prefer to go work they what do the remune will be.' ALWAYS, Gown Of Pale Blue Linen. EVERY WHERE IN CANADA, + ASK FOR Eddy's Matches Eddy's Matches have Hailed from Hull since 1851--and these 57 years of Constant Betterment have resulted in Eddy's Matches reaching a Height of Perfection attained by No Others. Sold and used everywhere in Canada. Kingston's Representative of Eddy's Wares ia J. A. HENDRY. "Sale of Buffets and China Cabinets This Week Solid Quarter Cut Oak, regu- lar price $30 for $20. 1 Burface Oak, regular price | $25 for $17. 1 Large Buffet, back, $30 for $25. Also a line of China Cabi- nets to match, $14 to $25, in solid Quarter Cut Oak. The above are snaps. It will pay you to see them. ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess Street. Ambulance ge Telephone, 577: 'The Fast Store Above Jho Opera Flouse. There has been no chocolate produced in any country equal to Sunbury, on Wednesday evening, Jung Cowan's | 17th, when their old daughter, May | belle Rosamond, was united in mar | riage tg Ernest Hutton, Pittsburg ap e uu a) The charming bride was very becom | of ingly attire n a beautiful dress very neatly trimmed ala picture carrying a bouguet of white hen depicts gn but little simple summor The drawing very effective the 3 mirrors in model being im pale blue linen Silk gingham or. chambray wotle i als up attractively after this skirt was a plain plaited fout-inch frock, 0 | sind very design model; i hie with a thg hem laid up in plats to give plenty filet luce was use and the model gown having the in pale thread A used band just bodice shoulders fullness Heavy d for the little open sleeves, the pattern of the blue, and the from the above WHE of white plastion auve lace embroidered linen bang! of n Land pink mauve line ol the nen Ihe down either tray also ALTOS was Of tucked was voke amd little were of le mauv used front pot | ted net. yoke Wedding At "Sunbury. A happy event occurred at the home of Mr..and Mrs, William Keeler, of cream silk, with lace, weafing white | hat and This is a confection every one should buy. She was escorted 1. brother™™ Frederick Keller, of Batter sea, to her place beside the groom. As the strains of the weddiag march played by Mrs. Merriman, of Batter were soothed into silence, Rev Mr. MelQuarrie, of Pittsburg, united the voung couple in the holy bonde. After the ceremony the large company of friends sat down with the bride aud groom to a feast of rare excel lence. The tables and dining-room were very artistically decorated with and evergreens and the samples of culinary. art the ample justice. As the ' urs crept on, Mrs. Huttoy appears Jressed in a natty outfit of navy blue velvet, trimmed with cream satin, covered with all-over lace, and bidding her parents and many friends adieu, she left with her husband carnations THE COWAN CO.. Limited TORONTO SE-- & OOOO Canadian Strawberries, Home Grown Hot-House Tomatoes, § California Cherries, Plums & Apricots ¢ A.dJ.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. Vee EEE SOee® COGOOOOT OOOO 00000 SS Ladies' and Children's Ss Footwear well as by taking a Miona tablet From the Best Factories in Canada. ipofore cach meal. This restores Ladies' White Oxfords, Cuban Heel, $1.50. strength to the stomach muscles anid * Ladies' White Oxfords Low Heels, $1.25 stimulates the pouring out of gastric Misses' and Children's Oxfords, Spring Heels, 90ec., $1.25. tjuices, then the food digests readily Ladies' Black Viei Kid Oxfords, $1.50. lard you legin to get the full benefit "4 + Sadie Golden Brown Viel Oxfords, Button or Lace, $2.50 | ° { what you eat. oh se Mi-o-na whenever you have sick Infants' and Nursery Sho es, 30¢. to $2. Boys' and Youths' Bals, $1.10 to $3. 3 hr heartburn, bad taste in the joyes, sleeplessness and many other A. E. HEROD, |&oosdi=iy ° % indigestion. son, OOOO OOOO OOTION leis 0 e)erel roses to many guests did wee sma' for - EAT WHAT YOU WANT But Find the Way to Digest What You Do Eat. The first thing to do in the case of indigestion or stomach weakness is to strengthen the muscular walls of the stomach and intestines #0 that they will care Tor "the food that is eaten. In no other way can this be done as me in Pittsburg. © and as of rice future bh a nur a wered on i th «hy NEWBURGH TIDINGS. What is Transpiring in the Smart Village. Jane The rau tights Newhpreh, 25 on Gnd was had n. The elec was one of the we Puke preaches Methodist ning next. Re mer pastor, leetur church on Thursday of lecture the Ho and rved a larger atte nee Miss Lim- bert, Oro visiting her sister, Miss Mabel Limbert Mrs. Young, Mont real, spent Spaday of last week with her sister, Mra Aviesworth, Miss Helen Wart: Colebrooke, spent Sunday with Helen Finkle A number from the ge took part in the progranene at the io cial at Switzerville, on Wednesday evening. Miss Mary Beeman, of the shoo! Toront arrived home Ihe entrance examinations examinatic to wre boing conducted here M. Denyes, C. H Neshit the The and d for the holidays Hinch, Toronto, at Dr. Be one of New Fuesday s fare hurch M. B «1 in' in thw on WARE Very des much Bo, i an, Mis villa cream so Normal this wm and the model schools this week, Mes Fdwards. and presiding exam public school Tuesday Sunday man's. Mrs burgh's aged residents and mother Peter | on Friday inst Deceased only a fe days, having church the Sunday previous eral service was condurted hots Saturday, by Gandier taking, Prince Edward county, Miss La Patterson is in ton General ering ted k ws for entrance srs. of DA ners being high clos Miss of last week on spent Fairbairn ith | ill | at | airbairn, died, Wins been I'he fun at the l R J in on intermen place Sunday King fre on rena ul Master Go Ning of wes Hospital th infe: eye rddor d on in aple doing nie time Storey eral Hospital, a ec for appendicitis, is ome in i Pe ane opera lv and a short Mi Miss Laura last eek Napanee as et « from Oshawa Shorev is ir pre examiners at examination A junior illage gon Saturday, iding from ithe valloped panes, last IS to 6, or Reports Shorts, of this grand game league Wagar, by a like that that Fride village, is putting first base for tom. Mr, lapworth v "this week, with her father, Res Chant, Mr Bell, Mrs. Ba , Hammel, Fuesday with Shorey. Lilian Caton Camden East, spent Sundav with Miss Florence Wilson. Miss Limbert the popular organist of the Methodist church, has tendered her resignation, to take effet August lst. During the time Miss Limbert has been organist here she has made a host of friends who will greatly her. She is an organist of first and gen eral satisfaction. COT something do sav up at Napanee and Stanley spent day nn spent Miss miss rank, gave Just A Few ot our Snaps. 31h. box tin sodas, 20c.; mixed Ibs. for ecumbers, ready We have a large quarts, SOc.; pints, ngs, 9 doz At market square, Weston"s cream al or fancy Heinz's large t hie table stock of seal T0¢, doz. Rub Hopkins 7058 biscuits, spiced cu 20¢ 25¢.; lor doz, ors, ber grocery, ns 'phone Just Like His Prayers. Victoria Colonist, While Mr. Lioyd-George for an hour or more notes whatever--he ahout halt a dozen of notepaper--Winston conle that he speech to the letter out the advice given occasion by Mark Twain, "You ought to know a know prayers Churchill, in fact, gard to his speeches has written one out six own hand in order thoroughly to memory. spenk can wilh scatcely aly jots down | on a sheet | n asf | has Aan usually phrases Churchill awed always learns important thus follows on one who speech Mr mn I" olen he in hu conunit at said as .you your 12 20 careiul that Lime to Flock Of Sheep Killed. in a confused partly buried in number forced than found Lying heap, many clay, and the entire into a space of no feet, 127 shee dead in a pasture at El Hall Essex, England. The mals, which belonged ta a pedigree re gistered flock, had ed dently been har ried into a corner of the meadow and worried until all were focated 1 ne to the the flock is very considerable more ten square were sett, dogs lass owner Rochetter Excursions, North King and fas pian, for Dominion and Fourth of July Tickets good going Jur 30th to July Jed for ret until July 6th, $3. J. P. Hanley, agent steamers day valid Fare, Potato Cure For Man Or Horse. Grate raw Irish potato, make tice, apply to relieve pain of inflam matory rheumatism, show inflamed eyes in man or horse, poison, bruises, burns, scalds, old sores; two or more poultices Try one on sore corn. Ons will allay pain in three hours. Potato sprouted and soft, of not much value, may be used. You can't tell what it will do. It must be testéd by you. Straw Hats. The Kind that please the hard to please. The new styles, 0c. up, Campheli: Hros; 15¢. Hams, Breabtast Bacon 15e. Saturday only, firest sugar cured hams or pieces breakisst bacon, 5c Crawford as. poul blindaes blood necrosis, poultion at LLL844000A80888804808880800080800000000800400 | S040 0400008 1 and Shoes that are tr Trade Keeping Shoes for his money, good Standard Shoes us, and by this Trade. to the money, come sold, ALAM AAALLLABAGELLAADLALE040040040000 0000000004 COV POP POPPIN PP PPP IVI VIVO I PIII VI YP CO PIII IY look w metho We hold our trade by force of merit. ageous to buy Shoes here. Our Shoes are trade keep ers. There is a difference betw een Shoes that ade w A trade winning Shoe is a cheap Shoe that gives no sa tisiaction it wins trade just once. are Shoes that give the buyer full value € fit well; and wear well. stick to them and people stick KEEP OUR GRIP We we If you want a large mea sure of store -w J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO., : The Home of Good Shoes. WE'VE A GRIP ON THE SHOE TRADE. We make it advant- are trade keepers AOL Se Shoe sold for a little money--a™ We sell only to on the Shoe satisfaction for your Shoe here nothing but good Shoes are < Ieee | REFRIGERATORS! We have TORS which wx gain Prices 2 Galvanized 1 1 1 1 Enamel 1 Gliss This Special Sale for Cash Only. still in 14 REFRIGERA- stock now offer at the following Bar lined "" "" " " " " lined " vin Price 6.10 7.00 9.060 12.00 Regular DBarg: S$ 8.00 $ 12.00., 15.00 18.00 3.60 18.40 20.00 24.00 McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 BROCK ST. ~--_ | TRY OUR STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE. ORANGE PIES FOR SATURDAY. ALSO PLUMS, PEACHES, AND APRICOTS. R. H. TOY E, 302 King St is a blend of Ontarso Fall Wheat Manitoba Spring Whest It is equally good for Bread and Pastry -- and best p for both. It's the choicest flour | that Canada's choicest wheats can yield. Try Beaver Flour and see Low much it improves everything you bake At your ir grocers priosson all kinds of Feegn, Coarse Big Sale Of Bananas. i Se, 10e., Be. doz, Edwards & Jeu mn. ' One way. to induce a little girl to keep hér'hahids clean is to give her a pretty ring' 'Hive syrup for the haby." "Phone Gibson's Red Cross rg Store, The young MD, doess's bry (0 cure mouth, coated tongue, spots before the I GW. Mahood gi ith 50e. ~~ "The House of Quality." 286 Princess 8t. 'box 'of Meena b gives wil Eeey Se. 'the money unless She remedy cures, his sweetheart of infatuation. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. ste., for sale Sale of Horses every Saturday. Royal AL mai LINE|: Montreal to avarpou 26. July 24 y 2 i 10 TO HAVRE LOKDON a. MONTREAL AND Far sian salis ~June 27. Sept. 24 Bardinma sails July 4. Aug. 15 Rates of passage ana full toforiea- thon may be obtained from J. P, HANLEY GTR, o g 5. REP, AFICK, Local 1_Agents. STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND 780-915 a.m. 1.00400 p.m T0918 a.m. 1.00400 © T800.15 nim. 140-4 (0 Breskey's ? $9.50 8.18. A. 15 a.m, THURS, i Ha 1.86 pn 1.004.060 p.m 10 arm. 1.004 00 p.m 12.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m KINGSTON -- 5.3h--11. 30 a. m. 3 0... 6 Oa. ™ 8.005, 50 p.m 80 nm. 3.00-5.30 p.m Su 9.45 aw. 1 15-5 pom. ¢ ! Sat Special trip to Simeeg tend Spoor's dock, at 3.6( ! Tune Tabla subieet to charge without | Imotice. ! Boat calls at aries Island going to 'ead from Kisgsto irwod Ee ARTI New Carriages, Cutters, Harness 5. PAGE SEVEN. TRAVELLING, KINGSTON @ PEMBROKE RAILWAY | IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Dominion Day Rousd Trip Tie s will be sold at SINGLE FARE no HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. July Tth, "in 60 days. and C, 'hone, F, CONWAY, Gen. Sg, Agent: BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train "leaves union station, On to Bann on Central To secure ck despatch burn, Maynooth, and Ontario, route your of Quinte Railway lars, apply 'Phone, No qh points shipos For fwiher part Lower St. Lawrenc Gaspe Peninsular Maritime Provinces§ All reached by the INTERCOLONIAL LAS 0 Pinning and Sleeping equipment), Fishing, Bathing, . Boating, Shooting. Write for TOURS TO BUMME {HAUNTS S quoting especial rates fo dpocial tours, and other paplets ribing territory, Pre---- Montreal City Office, 141 Bt. James Street. » |General Passenger Departmen MONGTON, N.B. HRY {Excellent | a i ta 2 RAILWAY SYSTEM Round trip tickets wi be id at { d going ind Wednesday 1st, returnifigs o y Rod Indi { $29 $24.00 *37.50 $7.55 il points Ste bicwge « Goted, 18th, tie chety HANL I Xa Agent, J. P. Cor. Sits Quebec Steamship Company LIMITE D. Riverd Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes HS. "Campana, *™ elocirie bells and ail Twin Ser with ew Irom ig ., ROM MONTR E AL ON MON. 1%th and ith NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC ttetown and Halifax, ot y maily Sth dod alling at Char Trinidad 4 Augst, Ber muds Summer Farcursions, $40 and {br the Twin Screw 8S Bermudian, 500 tons Salling fortnightly trom New York, from 2nd June 10 5th October. Temperature coded by me broczeg seidom rises shove BO degr The finest trips of the season r beaith and gomfort ARTHU % AMIN, Secretary, Gua, oF Pekin and staterooms nT IANLEY, or C. 8. KIN 7% %. Ticket Agents, Ringstan Omi. - ws fr uphardg, Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co. LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCH 1,000 ISLANDS. "# Mondays Spo SAME: S SWIPR v of « HANLEY, K, Ticket Aprnim Freight Ag KIRK ATI "JUST 1 if For the Breakisst os ia hot slios of "Mid Cur a | Beriecty ° ed | Brock etreet, Fresh Ey as MY hone 810, Eo wl Single First- Class Fare, | = to the CANAINE hicago anda RAE istreet, 4 pan. daily (Sundays wexcepied } tor Tweed, Sydenhami Napanee, Deser 4 mto, Banpoekburn and all points perth 4 to R, W, DICKSON, Agen 8 3 foto DOMINION DAY, 19081 Ko bot on b 4