Ssh rE CHAR hg v " THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1908. & | 3 [THES P.M.EDITIONHT THE POLE COURT) == *== NINE MEN LYNCHED Buy at Carnoveky's on Saturday, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN | strawberries Se. and Joc. butter 22. |AS THE RESULT OF A RACE Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up dy] COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. Sunday Connections. WAR. Reporters On Their Rounds, "|! : : i sensrents \ : . A . For Cape Viaeent leave Kingston '| Cabmen's phone, 490. | Accused of Stealing $95.25 From! 3) am. and 4.30 po returning | Two White Men Killed By Negroes William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | An Arden Man--Was Employed { leave Cape Vincent 10.55 a.m. and 7 ~A Bunch of 'the Latter) ®) | received at McAuley's. "Fh 778. | Hy 50¢ v TOURISTS. The public st Bos and a its a: ' at > Local Hate. . p-m. 50c. return. Strung Up--The Fail Was | : stitute closed, to-day, for the swamer : we hours . re la = up at 1h At Mullin's. Rushed. i Wheni 4n Kingston you are . holidays. { police court this morning, in the hear dially 4nvited to inspect oun Miss O'Reilly, of Kingston, is the | 1g of a charge of theft, preferred play of Pur Garments and Fu guest . of Miss Macdonel), Chur , | against Mrs. Perron, employed as a Peltories. Our showing street, Toronto. > | chambermaid at an Untario street] Questionably the finest of 3 Four insane prisoners were removed | hotel. Harvey 'Thompson, a young House in Canada, in Rare {| from Stoney Mopntain penitentiary to | 808 who lives near Arden, some time Exclusive :(-- i] Kingston penitentiary to-day. 4 ago reporied the loss of 5.25 to y The orders of United States courts the police. He was a guest at the Russian Sables, do not run in Canada, and the in- hotel and left tie money in a purse The bi*vcle stolen from the veran- under his pillow. dah of Dr. Willwmseon, Brock street, Hudson Bay Sables, junction against the 1LO.F, is, there nd Thompson went into the box and]has been recovered. It was advertised Ermi fore, quite ultra vires. : } : : Russian Ermines, W. H. Godwin has settled the claim [gave his story. He told Crown At-[in the Whig as found, by a Glen: burnie party, and has lwen identified Chinchillas, 9 fof Mrs, Kyle, Wolfe Island, for 8300 | torney Whiting that he was ju Bang J | | Canadian Mipk, (o) | against the British Ameriea Insurance |*ton on June iad last, and stayed | The thief rode'it out of the city, and Silver and Gross Fox, ete. | company for loss of barn through fire at an Ontario street hotel. While | left it at 'a farm. ( there he lost the sum of 395.25, As from lightning. T i Rumor has it that Rev. P. L. Rich-| there was no lack gn the door, when To Be Here Monday. The evidence tended to show that al ardson, of Ottawa, son of Mrs. J, J |e went to bed, he placed his money] The city engineer has received word Plot was formed gt. the dance to kill} in his pursé, 'and placed the purse] that Mr. Kirby will be here from Ot dean. Richardson, Brock street, is to accept = a professor's chair in the Wesleyan | ¥nder his pitldsw. In the morning hel tawa next Monday, to take up the] °* aturday last aaron Johnson, aj 3 prominent farmer, was assassinated Theological College, Montreal left the money under his pitlow and] asphalt paving question. As the city ' | A complimentary farewell banquet | Went out. He had three $20 bills, | council meets on Manelay evening, it while seated at the dining table with was given at the Hotel Quinte, Bolle- | three $iv bills, a ¥5 bil and a 25¢.| will be able to deéide as to the pave his wife and child, the bullet being | ville, Thursiay night, to Col. M. J.| piece. He reported the loss to the! ment to be used. fired through a window. For thisy Hendrick, for about fifteen years Unit- | hotel proprietor, and the police were| | erime Perry Price, colored, was ar | od States consul at that port, who {afterwards notified. Will Go To England. rested, and confessed, implicating Ro-| has been moved to Moncton, N.B.| ™She roll of bills handed over to the Co . Cation. whi 'wen Lest honors bert Weight, a Jelutive of one of the] Howard Van Yant, eotsul of Kings |polich by the accused when she was in the Roval Military College graduat- het) eke Be alte mutder. Pn] ton, was present. suspected was produced. Thompson i ; Y yns . + 4 {ing class, will gé6 to Chatham, Eng. i ; ' . C3 A TRINI | Y OF Prevost, Brock street, bas a splendid | could not say for sure whether the; September, to 'take a two years' Johuson. Then followed the forming . : i / . .f assortment of nis furnishings and money was his, but the bills were oll course in the Royal Pngineers' Col of the mob last night, the overpower ! Keaily inde Slot ing gt low juice, Ihe | the same denomination as those be | jogo Be Sollee arise ing oN the guile at Ramphif and the ARGUMENTS order department is well assorted with | had. hin a Heutenancy in the Roval Engi- brn hing of the 3%, Colored men held] new goods. Kirst class value and fit] To A. B. Cunningham, who appeared neat or the murder Five were guaranteed. for the accused, witness said that he| hanged to the same tree, while an All D T T The Ottawa Journal is doing a [only had a couple of drinks before re- : other_attempted to escape and was! a o-morrow and - i Liberal assortment, highest little tactful twitting : "What "hme | tiring toed. He had a conversation A ow A Good 2 ves: dhett' lost shot to death. Later in the night] y P a morrow Night quality, lowest prices. become of the protests that were to | with the accused, but the latter de- a lew cays ago Ix» la Loos OSE William MeCoy, colored, was killed 1 ates to-date tt > be entered in Kingston and elsewhere | nied any knowledge of the woney. the rapelier ced from hin gusoline while standing at the gate, of the A the latest and mest up to date de 81gNs, This is why we list among our over loud allegations of conservative | Witness told her that if she gave it Jui just of Lr i ual, Siu or Johnson home and this morning the | good materials, proper shapes, new laces and patrons the welbto-do "and the corruption in the recent Ontario elec- | up he would give her half. jin H een oto Sealer hil neni bodies of two colored men were found | new embroideries, so that this sale gives vou humble in purse, ih | tions 7": There is two weeks yet fon| The wile of the proprietor of the Charles in Meompany with | ih the ereck bottom. Wright, who XC ional 1 ane r fi action and "Willie ean wait' 4s well | liote} gave evidence, Mrs. Perrog was | hi marniig bet By, 30 Samphny oe confessed to killing Johnson, and man! an exceptiona ¢ ance to secure really fine ¢| Warren Lockett, dived down, loundlp, jmplieatod, were taken to Beau-| Underwear at prices greatly below their value. 1SPOSe i - yo ™ harce Our fern dish assortment is good d posed to dg it. the chambermaid who had charge of} the propeller amd brought it up - Lhompeon's room. She did not sus-| i---------- this month. We sell one at $2.25, ------ | that is particularly good value, COSTLY MAST GREASE. pect the accused of stealing the mon Men re In K ston {ty is situated in a most remote part | o Mil Sfhers ranging ww 30-50, inh ov, and as 'Thompson had been around | . a ng " B : of the state with a lack of railroad 3 ine Sailors of British Bark Used town she thought that he had lost| There is a menagerie at The Sijou, | and telegraph dacuives. 4 Ambergris. | the money some other place. Witness! to-day and Saturday. The animals -- . "wg - San : Francisco Cal June 26s sar! that she had been informed that | SPo® n are hot the ordinary lions aud A Fatal Accident. : ' the accused had changed a $20 hilt] Vgers but queer ones that = you | Hamilton, Ont, June 26.--Arthur \ 18 tgowns Houston, Texas,, June 26.-Niw colored men have met death at the vieinity of! Choice farmers' butter, per Ib. 22 I 34 lbs. fancy mixed biscuits, p, 7 Ibs. broken sweet biscuits, 25¢. (hands of a mob in the Nice pineapples, lc. each. « | Hemphill, in Sabme county .- Ber Comer Johnson and Division av Soth races secured arms The or ete lynchings followed the killing of tw, Bicycle Recovered. white men. Two weeks ago Hugh Dean and several other white men visited a colored people's church and] school houge where 5 dance was in progress, probably in quest of liquor, it being the custom of colored folk to sell whiskey at such aBfirs. In the evening lean was killed and six col! ored men were held for the killing. | mont for safe keeping. Sabine coun-! | Greasing s i , y sing masts, ea boots and oil | ae: ( f ' {haven't seen. Good for voung and ol : ' have | wood fol wang and old Moar, a young farmer, who lived skins with ambergris, valued at ap-|at 8 docal dry goods store. Witness he, a avalon v wm | y Spangenberg proximately $400 a pound, sailors . had luteh toid at the store that ! guile. Jt cy fa ogue, _ entitled 1 } 1k ' the British bark Antiope wasted about | Perron had produced a ¥20 bill, but', ry i' The London Zon | 18st night. He was driving to his| id red 'ariety si ¢ ! JEWELLER, 220.000 worth of the pe \naware of | when questioned hy witness = she said | A Walk Thrpugh The London Zoo." |p ome in a waggon, loaded with pro-| FRE 1 BR In a great varie ty of de Signs and its value. It was not until vestorday | that this was not so. The accused | To Be Marri 3 Ie J duce, and one of the front wheels fell { 4 } makes, from the plain well finishe that John Mathieson, master of the [told witness that the money was her| RFTIE uly. off the axle. The waggon tilted, Mear | i! garment up to the most dainty lace A . ow ng A Issuer of Marriage vessel, loarned that he had Jot a for-jown. Witness said that some time] The marriage of Capt. Alexander {w,g thrown to the ground and the] tri ad Just a hi s : . tune slip through his fingers. A small] ogo. Mrs. - Perron had found some Adams, RE. general manager Egyp-Ihorses, becoming frightened, rool : rimmec . # ust a unt as to price : Licenses. . part of the "grease" had been saved | money in the hotel and had given it Yan Delta railway, graduate of the| way. One of the rear wheels possed | 1 50¢, oC, Boe, 99¢, $1.20 and this was identified by an Oakland { up. She had always found her hon- | Royal Muntary College, and a King-l over Moar who was rendered uncon a 1.25, 1.35, 1.49. 1.65.1 nr druggist as ambergris. est, and was one of the best workers Stonian, and Catharine M. ¥ox,| scious and taken to the city howital | {i / 3 : raid), Lat), aT Wy 1.49, The Antiope reached here from New- | she ever had in the hotel {daughter of the late C. E. Fox, mns-| pctors performed an operaticn o .l ii 2.00 up to 4.50. castle, Australia, a few days ago. On| Chief of Police Baillie told of Mrs. |r In equity, Vombay, and the Hon.|pim, hut the = unfortunate man died | Ml OY TN : the way up, in latitude twenty de-|Perton lifnding over 3103.25 to him. | Mrs. C. E. Fox, is announcal to take lout (wo €'cleck this morning. : { 'dH BX Your Choice To-morrow and he | § 7 18) To~morrow Night, grees south, a large quantity of | Mrs. Perron told witness that she' Place in London on July. 15th. "grease" waz seen floating on the sur- [was willing to give the money back | ---------------- Want Them To Race. bX face of the ocean, and, a calm pre-| to the man who lost it, but she was Arithmetic Answers. Detroit, Mich., June 26.--~The Toron { net guilty of stealing it. Entrance pupil, did you pass yourlto canoeists are anxious to have De- | . ' vailing, the man managed to seoop up Constable Arniel told of yu conversy-! arithmetic examination? Here are troit paddlers enter in the'r big re several bucketfuls of the stuff. Ottawa Free Press. she had the money, and that soue- | No. x. Press, and won by the To 3 7 - t £ ' : é het + " 8s, » ) we ront, Car : : the marriage of Miss Roberta Elim- | .ns must have put it in her trunk.| No. 2--41 gallons; 87.97.1117. Club, is one of the priss ore on 63 Pairs At convenience, economy and durability | beth Moreland, youngest daughter of | She further stated that hér watch gnd| No. 3-364.78, eompetition. This hy in for candy | 3 have LAAthing to do with seclection of Mr. and Mrs. C. Moreland, to Mel: | (one handkerchicls had been stolen! No. 48168. ap i Rophy or cag ¢ | a8 ou ove, And Sutars. And ease in ville Horsey, formerly of Kingston, {from her trunk. No. b6-$250. tha local paddler will m n - hy 1. ron ro star is i» . al . > wa & » axe an eto H § ommend Blue Flame and High Task wel "™" celebrated, very quietly, on Wed- | Constable Mullinger told of the pri-| No. 6--$1,0u. to bring it back to the city of the gh Tank we oud fern t the residence of } : aie showing for safely and comfort nesday afternoon, a te remdence ol} goner hringing the money over to the No, 7- $6,365.20, straits. Crews from Buffalo and fr. wn] A ro. show . the 'bride's parents in Maclaren police station. On this occasion she! Na. 5--820/ a number of Canadian cities already | Fr 75¢ to $8 00 street. Owing to the death of the denied taking the money. | ali bh are. antored: Tom Sof avumer on alta ving "only a immediate. relatives -- Stiiduded hp oxidense, wa] as Borst In Barber. Baseball On Thursd ( Lace and embroidery trimmed ve at our store. . gh tho Sais were present, The hou bail being fixed at $1,000, [ fishing party was proceeding the} Busters Langue Jars ( ay: + To. [JOT with plain hemstitched frill, ) harbor, they witnessed an wnpleasantdronto, 2. Rochester. 6. Baltimore § Many novel and effective designs at the following prices : Gasoline. Stoves ---- tion he had with the prisoner. She the answers to the questions which | gatta on July 4th. The handsome 'T, Ll po py a ' Married In Ottawa. told him that she didu't know that{you labored over yesterday morning : [coma cup, donated by Ahe Detroit Fre I--Part A, 526-527. B. 70684, i EE of : > 4 : and ferns, and pink and white roses "THE MOUSE-TRAP." sight. (Some men were engaged in| Montreal. 120 Providence 9 N wark --- | send ng adrift a dead horse, just|7: Buffalo. 5 | i . d ¢ The rol W. A Mitchol's Hardware. 2! soutto, The goog, mot) ¥ of the Firat Congregational Hisch. An Amusing Farce on St. James' | above Cataraqui bay. Those guilty of American League -Boston, 2: Wash-| » ' x assisted by the groom's brother, Rev, Lawn. She at held br broughts to justice ington, 1. Cleveland, 3. Chicago, 2.| 25¢, 3o¢, 45¢, 19¢, Hoe, 65¢, 69c, CABS ! Ms. Horsey, of the Second Congrega- A most amusing little farce, cleverly | & en Se Wo fit thing to beiNew York, 0-2. Philadelphia, 3-1. St | 75¢, 99¢ $1 25, 1.19 and i tional chuich, Fourth avenue. The [acted from beginning to end, held the tossed into the harbot at this or any | Louis, 4; Detroit, 1 (IC, + pat «=, 1.49 ana on up hoards, or rather the grass, in St. other time of vear The matter National League Philadelphia H+ to 2.925. James' rectory garden on Thursday should be 'looked into by the auth- yy n, 0. Boston, 14-4. New night. The ory of an imnocent hittie orities. 10.7 Chicago, 7: Cincinnati 0 satin, made in empire effect and tulle | Mouse was worked out hy Miss Mil- | TR burg, 4: St. louis, 3 i Your Choice To-morrow and one 9 0 veil worn over a wreath of orange dred MacMorine, "Mrs. Prettypet," al _ Devil's" Ballet Dancers. { - Hubert "Mr. Brief This is the title of a remarkable pic Killed A Corporal, He Says. | To-morrow Night, blossoms, carried 5 bouquet of white | Widow; Osborne, - OFFICE NO. 1. roses. Alter the ceremony a reception | Pag." an ardent lover, undaunted by twre shown at The Bijou, to-day and |, Missoula, Mont, June 26. James All orders promptly attended to! . hold the bride and groom leavs |several refusals, and Miss' Mabel Sel- | Saturday It is in colors, His sa- {Hays was locked up in fhe county) hy, Sridget,"" the maid, instructed to | tanic majesty is seen stivring up the | jit yesterday on a stat-ment he made | 20 PER GENT OFF . x EF The 0ld Stand and The Old Num: beide who was given away by her father, wore a beautiful Parisian gown of embroidered net over duchesse night or day. ing by the four o'clock train for New, ing | ; " " York, Lake Champlain, Albany and | #%k Mr. Brielbag to climb up the fire- | fire, and he conjures up troops of | that while a private in the British The Alpha And Omega. other points. The bride wore a very | ®5cape as the door to the drawing- | beautiful, splendidly costumed girls, | army he had murdered a corporal " Niondon Free Press. handsome travelling suit of golden | FOO must on no account be opened, Who perform dances and acrobatic | yamed Joseph Walsh at the St. fouls lest the monster, with the dreadiul feats. Each group is consumed by Jarracks, near Quebec, about «izht ML Sarvice reform in the mind of | brown voile over brown taffeta and | he | mountis fl { i ---- -- - a Service as at present consti- | blouse of Irish lace. and prett wagging tail might get in. again. 'The mounting Tames and another 18 {years ago. His mind is believed to be fled begins and sends in salary in- | brown mohair ret with hut ok lover's entrance by the window, his evolved to take its place. There is affected, to} 480 DAINTY WHITE UNDERSKIRTS . Ja and brown mull. panting declaration of afiection while also a comedy, an illustrated song yet on the sill, the bewildering inter, and travelogue, ruptions of further impassioned ap : we . peals by the widow, whose mind was Dinner For Major Scott. "SKEENA CITY TOWNSITE"" more on the peril than the pleader,! A pleasant dinner was given at the her violent hysterics and the lover's) Frontenac Club, last evening, by the Wabted Op EiquorEeiiiug Chiree i Plain or Hemstitched Frilled Skirts, Lace Broskvillo, June' Tit notice rel I'rimmed Skirts, Embroidery Trimmed Skirts, anxious to locate Robert Willis of | 69¢, 7c, 8c, 99c, $1.25, 1.39, 149, 1.75, 1.99, a Tuer mpuyum, thess "hatges 2.25, 2.50, 2.99, 3.50, 3.75 and on up to $5. Your The first important Pacific port reached by the "Grand Trunk i : : : : ; 9 {May 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Ho was to choice i eific Railway," 1 @ dl t a : pipe and match-box, were fanny | honor of one of their number, Major 3 # y ocated about 38 miles from the Pacific Termimus. enough, but when the trde nature of Scott, whose term at the college has have appeared for trial hore yesterday | 20 PER CEN T. OFF. Skeena Ri ownsit i i i iver on which this Townsite is located is noted for its the lady's terror dawnel upon the] expired, and who Raves shartly to re- | but he could not be served with gu | lity of salmon. Several large n p i : a hity al 1aige canneries ars lbcated on. this lawyer, and he leaped upon a chair] join his regiment, the Royal Marine |*ummons, the complainant lving Pre 3 vincial Inspect r Eyrst, F. Actual construction work of the "Grand Trunk Pacific" will |} Light Inf Ti in prog: in a few days. Lots on sale now--prices $150 and up |» ®2 €ven worse paroxysm of fear| ig miahtey. + The. toast to the i e-fourth cash, balance 6, 12, I8 months with 6 per cent than his lady-love, the audience be-| guest of the evening was proposed by | -- ------ 4 » hs 48 b . came hilarious, such scetion, of it, at] rol. Martin, and was drunk with en- Fine Crop Of Rye. | Maps and full particulars can be seen at the office of least, as was not shuddering in sym-|thusiasm. One of the RM.C. staff, | Stettler, Alta., June 26.--On Monday | a J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St, Kingston, Ont. athy with the miserable principals. | rol. Lancs, was assosiated ~ with [lust N. W. Harrington, twenty-two a valiant attempt to dry her eyes with staff of the Royal Military College, in » Homer, in dune time the widow for-| Major Scott fourteen years ago,]Wiiles southwest of here, 'commenced gives Mr. briefbag for being too un-|aboard H.M.S. Talbot, the former be- | harvest gperaticns by cotting a splan | \ perved to respond to her tragic ap-| ing instructor in French. did one hundred and ten acre crop of REINER Dio RRPRRER CRRRE! peal, 'wave me, ve me from the fall rye. The grain wat over thirty be re creature," the horrible beast is fright. A REMARKABLE AGE. inches high, and showédd a wilendid ni -- J 3 lened aday by Mr. Briefbag's cater heads t ee hrm = DY 8° Shirt Waists and E | wanling, and they make up in the Resident of Bedford Mills Passes 2000000csscscscccanssrensrscscsscresserces : WwW S - t 2 mom Tut. Aevide sg ny e204 Yeats. Horse Races At Brockville. p . 5 'mots : . : ry y 'asl 1 LItsS. 8 | wards home full of welded bliss. | od away at the home of her pon, neay i udp ll Juve teu dave horse How About New Sho ? \ ( All sorts of congratulations came] Bedford Mille, & pioneer, in the per auspiced of the Eastern Ontario ir . Do You Need Any ? * Ladies' Empress Oxfords, $2.50, 3.00 and 3 50. Rpo-- = [the way of the actors, as the whole yon of Mrs. Brady at the ripe old age | cuit. ( J 1st. the 2 2 § | thing was one of the smartest bits of of 104 years. She was a nabive of | Goes ill Hy I the 208 gl 3.49 Ladies' Tan and Chocolate Shoes, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and up. "his is the season of the year when the 2 cting seen here in many a day. Irdiand sad resided he place whet 3 30 Boys" Wash Suits and Blouse question , [ [ le even was soli between tame she died. Her husband peiecemend |W. 1 Cartons May Bar wil mui Children's White Canvas Shoes from $1.00 up. Children's Patent Slippers, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. [i "| her whic er. . up. 8 : ( pT Tr a ra] Thich She fmt, Children's Chocolate Slippers, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00. We've nade splendid provision for the eas Philp The smo wih | For Violating Fish An Game Act 23 3 : Ba | - 'ampbelliord, Jume 27.-Tr Boys' wants. red in the cemetery of the same place. | Dunn of Seymour and RK. X. Simpoon. Children's White Goods, all kinds, and cheaper here than elsewhere, gh fangs Jue of Clbise Wash Suis Mente Ta Town. [lHebn obs town, Son wilh fod Call and Examine. 40 10 years, "Animals You Have Never Seen," |Game and Fishery Inspector C. H. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE g Charge. i | travelogue, at The Bijou. ' SROORNONSOANTINNNNNNININNI000000000000000 ow a id ith t collar, for 4 i. e Sassen; of Javing fish in thelr pos 45¢c to $1.25. § |rancy, were each given tweniy days 25¢c. Cooked Ham, 25¢. aeghn 3 5 Bd hey @ jin ¥F bv Magistrate Farrell, Alex-| Cooked ham, 2c, Saturday, Craw- to come here with all their 3 andes Cotetn, was discharged. ns. it | fons. ; Killed In Chicago. 4 3 * 5 2 : appearance, two Belleville, June 26.-The remains aist Ideas d see how well I ve found asleep bw) Constables Dris- ) wers Lrought here of Harl nd Halley, t the Boy. _ Davies, in a at the AL t Mrs, ,joged nineteen, son of Mrs. John Hal . oh ley, of this ty, killed in Chicago by i train. The tbody gil § 200000 ccsccccccsnncceenssescsccee il G000000000000000000000000000000000000