a -- WILLIKN H. TAR LO Anty Drudge's Horrible Dream, Anty Drudge-- 'Mercy sakes! | 1 | | I'm glad there's no danger of that dream ever coming true, I dream- ed there was no such sozp as Fels-Naptha and I had to wash clothes in the old way of boiling in hot water with ordinary laundry soap and hard-rubbing, Nothing could be more awful." Fels-Naptha has, changed everything on washday, ( LE Instead of a hot fire, little or no fire, Instead of boiling, just a short soaking in cool or lukewarm water. Instead of steam and smell through the house, no steam nor odor at all. Instead of all day over the wash, a half day. Instead of hard-rubbing, only a little rubbing. Yes, Fels-Naptha has completel y changed washday! ' » Fels-Naptha is imitated but no: dupli- cated. You are sure of the genuine if yay insist on the red and green wrapper. apters ~ L Furnace properly and carefully installed. With great ease water fs placed in water. pan, dmfts opened and coal fire started. Fire soon 'burns up brightly, drafts are closed and check- draft opened. Immediately heat-power begins to penetrate dome and radiator surrounding: dome. The incoming cold air immediately receives the energy of this heat-power, and by natural law msosnds up the hot-air pipes, thence to rooms. No 88 escapes into cellar or rooms because there is an sutomatio gas damper providing for its escape Sup the chimney, u. In the morning a gentle rocking of the lever removes all ashes from grates. No dust in ador's face, for he first opened damper into pe leading from ash- pit, then direct draft at smoke-pipe entrance, and all dust passed up dust-pipe to dome, then out chimaey. Iv. No need to shovel any: ashes away, An nicely settled. in ash-pan ready to be guickly and easily removed from pit. On ing upstairs operator finds that he re- juires no whisking off, and his wife don't him for "making everything white." Vv. Operator is delighted. When asked the name of his furnace, he proudly said, SEND FOR BOOKLET. « McCLARY'S Toronto, Mentrel, Wiaipeg, Vancouver, 1. John, N.8., Hamilton, Caigery. LEMMON & SONS. ' THE DAILY BR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR U.S. PRESIDENCY. A Big Man Career For Big Tasks--His Was Judicial For | | | i { Years ; Then Called to Larger Sphere of Influence. | 1 | who would confess reed of an introduction to the personality and public services of William Howard Taft plete | in the new century The reader must be prepared te plead com- Ignorance American No man, with the possible excoption of President Roose velt, has been more conspicuously ol progress in | the public eye dpring the past hall de- {cade than the ex-secretary of wur | Tait is a big man physically, and he has been a man for big tasks. The intricate problems of the. establish. | ment pf civil government in the Phil ipraiay. the re-organization of the Up- ited States army; the unravelling of the tangle of Cuban afiairs; the dig- of the Panama canal, and now the presidency--all these the tactful Tait has faced with never a ripple of bis equanimity. The administration candidate president on the republican ticket 1908 is a native of Ohio, the which has succeeded Virginia as the "mother of presidents," The house in which he was born is still standing in the outskirts of the city of Cincinnati, but the school buildings where he re ging for in slate A : W. H. TAFT. went to the most structures ceived his education ere he Yale University have, for part, given way to new Although Will Taft he was not of the stick-in-the- house sort. He went in for athletics, in which his father encourdged him, and the -simae attributes which made him so suceessfiil in later vears in handling men were manifest in those early years, and won him the leader- ship of hiv juvenile play-fellows, who dubbed him "Lub'--just why not even Fait was over able t& explain. At college Taft made a very unusual record. He was an excellent "mixer" ~the best sort of hail-fellow-well-met who was at once the most democra- tic and most popular man in hi class,and at the same time he was an exceptionally industrious and wonsei- entious student. He put in the hard est kind of licks in study hours, and the résults showed in the fact that he was almost invariably at or near the head of his class. Secretary Taft has always been a very Joyal college man He is seldom absent from an alumni banquet, and many of his most inti- mate personal friends are men who were chums at Yale. His senti ment is reflected also in the keém in terest he now takes in the career of his eldest son, who is at present in col lege, Taft's whole career until a few years ago was judicial. His father before hun was a judge, and he had sooner graduated in law from Cinecin in 1880, than he was admitted to the bar of the supreme court in Ohio. The vear following he was appointed assistant prosecuting attorney, but resigned a year later to become collector of internal revenue in Ohio, under President Arthur Soon, however, he voluntarily gave up this post to retwrn to the practice of law, was a town boy, his no nati College MISS KZLEN TAFT. it which veeation his heart had been all along. By an odd coincidence it was Joseph B. Foraker, now Tait's bitterest op- ponent, who in 1387, while serving as governor, gave Tait his first big posi- tion--that of judge of the superior court * of Cincinnati. Taft resigned, three years later, to become solicitor general of the United States under appointment of President Harrison, This latter position he resigned in 1892 to become United States ciremit judge for the sixth judicial district, and four years later he became profes- sor and dean of the law department of the University of Cincinnati. The ning vear of the new ocen- tary fopnd Tait called to a larger sphere of infloenve, for it was in 1900 that President McKinley selected him for president of the United States Philippine Cox ance and Many persons are sce as gospel that Taft in the Philippines, notable and quite ignoring credita in the far east Talts bave always been a gularly united family, and with farge cobnection their almost contindously the that when they of the se other relatikes sin ily reunions, the families ers and ticularly of the Taft home is, of course, ROBERT A. TAFT. : only daughter, Miss Helen, who bears her mother's name, and is about seventeen years of age, Miss Taft is following in the footsteps of her pa- rents in winning honors as a stu- dent and she shares her mother's pas- sion for music. Next to the secre- tary, however, the best-known mem- ber of the Taft family is Master Char- lie, the ten-year-old son, who is nam- ed for his uncle, the wealthy citizen of Cincinnati, who has financed his brother's energetic canvass for the presidential nomination Charlie is almost as much of a globe-trotter as his father and speaks several Filiping dialects with the fluency of a mative Of the personality of Candidate Taft there can be naught but praise. He is one of the best-natured men in the world, and best of all his disposition is not a mere political ex- pedient--an aflected aligbility to dropped as soon as the votes safely captured. His under all circumstances .is that kindness of jeart and his broad: mindedness and degiocracy are, ine wise, contributory to his geniuses in winning and holding friends There may have been some mistakes made in the conduct of the Taft pre-con vention canvass, but most disinter- ested observers are willing to place the blame upon the secretary's assist- ant political manager, a man named Hitchcock, rather than upon the whole-souled "wheel-horse of the ad- UYCHARLIE TAFT. ministration," Rho is so amiable and diplomatic that it is doubtful if he would make a single enemy if he could give personal attention to de- tails. =WALDRON FAWCELT. IN CANADIAN HOMES. Pink Pills Are Bringing Health to Despondent People. There is not a nook pr corner in Canada, in the cities, towns, villages and farms where Dr, Williams' Fink ills have not been used, and irom one end of the country to the other they have brought lacs to breadwia- ners, their wives and familie; the splendid treasure of new health and new strength. You have only to asc your neighbors snd they can tell you of some nerve-shattered man, suner- ing women, ailing youth; or umbappy anaemic girl who owe present health and strength to Lr. Williams' Ping Pills. Ther wonderful success is due to the fact that Dr. William¢' Pink bills go right to the root of the di- sease 1n the blood, and by making the vital fluid rich and red, strength tn every organ and every nerve, thus wriving out discase and pain. Joseph Lacombe, Queles city, says: "To-day 1 weigh: about forty pounds more than 1 did a year ago, and am in every way mn much sounder health. For upwards of two years I had been studying herd to my examinations and my health Pr pletely piven way under the strain. I lost flesh rapidly, my appetites was gone and ny nerves wers greatly weakened. 1 was obliged to abandon my studies was in a state of complete exhaustion. I consulted a physician, but as I was daily growing weaker, 1 decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which I had often heard very highly spoken of. The beneficial effects were indeed remarkable for I bad not used more than a couple of boxes when I could i ITISH WEHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1908, 5 min TE ---------- interest--s, much so that | ustomed to state! von' his spurs" | the | judicial career; HIDDEN VEIN DISCOVERED weeded hist display of executive | %| Sensational Find Made at home has been | scene of fam-| embrace eretary's broth-| nsure a par-l disco. ery h } : . . {di very as Deen lively house full. The belje/ ; the! { places and WILL YIELD RIGHLY IN LA ROSE PROPERTY. This Mine After Two Years' Work in Close Proximity, Cobalt, Unt., June 21.--A wonderful made in the La latermediate level of thirty-five feet, twenty inches ig ronong parallel to the Rose mine at the jor at the depth { when a blind ven, | malin vein, wal encountered, | sunny | i { { and carries mass of wovalt and silver thousands of ounces oi It 8 a { silver to the ton. this discovery was made sixty feet southwest of the main shaft and fori feet north of old discovery shaft, sunk where Fred. La Rose made h.s orig. al discovery and which enabied him to do the staking that created the now celebrated mine that bears the black- smiths name and has made (opalt end the original staker famous. A recital of what has been done by way of development work in this ssc tion of the mine makes the discovery the more wonderful. lhe big La Koss ven has been drifted on fir over a thousand fect at tune upper level ang for almost that distance at the lower level. The Right of Way company bag also drifted on this vein and still, only seven feet distant and running parallel, a mammoth, massive, vein has been found as the result of a few hours' work. Hundreds of men have been workings during the past two years only a few feet distant and nearly $2,000,000 have | been taken out, by development work alone, on other veing while this has beem undisturbed. The beginning was months ago, when at a depth of thirty-five feet, drifting was done on the main vein, and ih the drift at the short distance above described a cross vein was en- countered. It was a narrow vein and no sensational values apparent, #o jt was marked on the map and the drift oh main vein continued, It occurred to Noah Timmins, the other day to have some work done on this narrow cross-vein, and thig had been done only seven feet eastward when the sensational discovery was be | made. are | whole instinct | perty and Professor Hidden was on the pro- he and others were taken of | down and shown the find. The profes sor declares it is an entirely new vein and a new discovery and is only an other proof of the wonderful richness of this section of the camp. When Prof. Miller and Brock made their examination of the $a Rose mipe and reported gre reserves of pear- ly $4,500,000, they were entirely ig ignorance (as every one else was) of the existence of this vein. DEATH FOR A SUSPECT. Assassin in Remorse Betrays Ac- complices. Rome, June 27.~1wenty members of the Sicilian Mafia death tribunal were arrested by the police, yesterday, at a seminary near Catanzaro, in the following circumstances : One ot the higher grade brethren, a certain Vincenzo Lolito, was sus pected of treachery. Since he was the sharer of many delicate secrets of the dread organization its death coun- cil terminated a three nights' debate of his case with the unanimous vote for his assassination. Alfonso Cam- panella, a youthful novice of seven teen, was chosen by lot to deal the death blow. Lest he should waver at the supreme moment, three associates were assigned him, one who was to deliver, him a dagger, and the other two to see that the vendetta was thoroughly well carried out and at the hour fixed by the tribunal. The quartette supped together, and toward midnight, while the compan- ions watched the development of the tragedy from a hiding place, young Campanella knocked at Polito's resi- dence, gave the watchword and bade him descend, as he had an official mandate to deliver him. Polite obey- ed, and after the couple had paced to and fro the garden walk in front of the villa Campanella swiftly buried his dagger in the reputed traitor's breast, and fled Before breathing his last Polito was able to indicate the assassin, who two days later gave himself up to Justice in a fit of remorse. A clever eross-examination drew from him the names of his three ac complices, who in their turn denounced the tribunal, with the result above deseribed. For Example, Aldermen. Vienna, June 27.--Prof. Berthold, of Vienna, declares that a maeh's intelli- gence, honesty and good nature are in proportion to his portliness. A man's {brain expands with his body, he says, so that a stout man is, as a more intelligent than a thin man Plague Of Rabbits. Liverpool, June 27.--Rabbite have increased so enormously in numbers in the northern portion of the Isle Man, that they constitute a menace to agriculture, and the House of Kevs, yesterday, passed a bill for the ex. termination of the pests, 500,000 Rats Killed In London. London, June 27.--The chairman of the port of London sanitary author ity stated at a dinner of the commit- toe, last night, that no fewer half a million of rats had stroyed since 1901. Woman Motor Cyclist. London, June 27.--Among the 136 members who started from Highgate, last night, in the sixth annual Lon- don-to-Edinburgh run of wl rule, of been de- Cycle Club was one woman, continued | Hind, of Coventry. World's Largest Hotel. Berlin, June 27.--The largest hotel slept, was destroyed hy fire on Sater This is the Maid of beautiful face i With wealth of hair and matchless Brace Complexion clear and without a fault ; Shes aregularuserof ABBEY SSALT. 'BLOOD DISEASES CURED E5"NO NAMES USED WITH. OUT WRITTEN CONSENT He was surprised at how the sores healed 1 took your Ngw Merion Trzarsesr for a serious blood disease with which ] had been inflicted for twelve years. I had consulted ascore of physicians, taken all kinds of blood medicine, visited Hot Springs and other mineral water resorts, but only got tem porary relief. They would help me for a time, but after discontinuing the medi cines the sympops would break out again running sofes, blotches, rheum , atic pains, looseness of whe hair, swelliogs of the glands, palms of the hands scalin; g, Mchiness of the skin, dyspeptic stomach, AFTER TREATMENT I had given up in despair when a friend advised me to consult you, as yeu had cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago I had po hope, but took his advice, In three weeks! time the sores commenced to heal yp and 1 became encouraged. | continued the New METHOD TREATMENT for four months and at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared. 1 was cured 7 years ago. and no signs of any disease since. My boy, three years old, is seund and healthy. I certainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You.can refer any person to ma privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish." W. HH We treat NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, VITAL WEAKNESS, BLOOD, SKIN and PRIVATE Diseases, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Men and Women Are you a victim® Have you lost hope? your blood heen diseased? Have you any weakness® Our New Mernon TueaTwesT will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for vou Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge Charges reasonable. Books Free-- "The Golden Mouitor," (Illustrated ) on Diseases Of Men NO NAMES USED. WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. £& BEFORE TREATMENT ete Are you intending to marcy' Mas '"Baby's Own" is the best product of scientific soap making. Fragrant--absolutely pure--economi- cal. No amount of care or expense is spared to make it as perfect as pos sible. Refined vegetable oils render it specially suitable for delicate skins. ' Natural flower perfumes (from Grasse France) give it a lasting yet delicate fragrance, Yet its cost to you is very small, Ask your dealer for "Baby's Own" Soap, because it is best for Baby and best for You. ALBERT. BOAPS, LTD, MFRS, MONTREAL, sa ttn Try "Albert Tale" Violet Scented Antiseptic, and than | FRER TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFERING FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. {am a woman, | know woman's sufferings, | have found the cure, 4 I will mail, free of any charge, my home treats meat with full instructions to sny sufferer from women's silments. | want to tell gil women about is Cire -- you, my reader, for yourself, your your mother, or your sister. § want to yourselves at home without FREE TO YOU--MY SISTER ow to cure the help of a doctor, en's suflerings. y We doctor. Phat my home Asal is a safe and sure cure for sUCOrThea or placement or Falling of ean, ainful Periods, or free to na self at home, easily, will that ®t cost you 8 complete trial ; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you about or less than (wo cents a uy. It will not interfere ith Jour work of sccupation, Mme your name and address, tell me how you suffer, if you wish, and I will send you the treatment for your case, entirely free, in plafa Rn by return mail. Iwill also send you of my -- WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL 8" with expla illustrations showing women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at and learn to think for bersell, can cost wh , old or young. To Mothers of which speedily and effectually cures a Painter or Irregular Menstruation I Young Ladies, Plumpness and Jetith always result from its use. you Hive, 1 can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly sufferer that this Treatment really cures all woman's diseases and makes # 6 your address, and the free ten days' treatment is Write to-day, as you may not see Lhis offer again. Address : Box M. 31, ~ » - - WINDSOR, Ont. teil an You Won't Mind Warm Weather if you eat Shredded Wheat, It does not clog the system or: tax the digestive machinery. Every particle of Shredded Wheat is easily. and quickly digested by the most delicate stomach Try it with fresh fruits for a week and note results. Sold by all grocers.