Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jun 1908, p. 3

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. river. Actual construction work on this. townsite Velheard a lady say the other day that our last Ribbon Sale was the best ever offered in town, : . Don't belicve her until you investigafé: per sonally. We are going to have another Saturday Night At 7.30 O'clock RIBBONS, '3 Inches Wide, Stripes, Plaids and Plains, for 15c Per Taw ---- - -- CRUMLEY BROS. "SKEENA CITY TOWNSITE": The first important Pacific por t reached vy the "Grand Trunk Pacific Railway," located about 36 miles from the Pacific Termimus. The Skeena River on which this Townsite is located is noted for its fine quality of salmon. Several large capneries are located on this of the "Grand will be in progress in a few days. Lots on sale now cash, 'balance 6, 12, 18 months Trunk Pacific" ~~prices $150 and up---one-fourth with 6 per cent. Maps and full particulars can be scen at the office of Jd. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. WHAT | Mr. Dresser. ~ going away " without a new Suit Lf Whatever consideration has the greatest weight with you in buying Clothes, bring it in here and throw it into ow doples, we'll butweight it with value on our side svely time, Sw gi IF IT'S FIT: We at you to your hii and owy own. It's like a life insurance premiwmm, suit time Somes round ie lasly, We figure on selling you again. } : 3 best and IF ws STYLE : We offer you the bist Product "8t the style makers in the country. We know we' re right on style, youll say 0 yourselt, ' : IF IT'S QUALITY : In this store , offer you asthe | ---- All Wool Fabrics. We wouldn't 'anything elses ing, trimmings, finish ary beyond criticism. IF IT'S PRICE: See what's doing in Blue Serge Suits, the Smaztest Sunguer Suit, $10, $12, $13. 50, $15 and $16.50. Fa 5 A I TC th, LE. P. JENKINS CLOTHING co., Ha PRINCESS STREET. Sap but the The tailor- -- » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, p-- - 10. ANALYZE WHISKEY BEFORE ACTION BEGINS| AGAINST WALKERS. | LAKE | ONTARIO [ PARK ) TO NIGHT | HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE MONDAY, JUNE 29th f of I Amusements. i i 1% The Yankee Government After the Canadian Firm--Samples the Seized Booze Taken By | Food Inspector. Detroit, Mich., June 27 Another ! move in the case of the United States | gogtnment: against Hiram Walker & | gon ite Sons, iBnited, was made, Friday after-| GRIMM when an Lnited States Singing, and drug inspector obtained permis sion to enter the warehouse where $60,000 worth of Canadian Club whi: | key is stored for 'the purpose of taining a larger number of samples of | the whiskey, whh will porn | Singing the Latest I before proceed began for the of ligaar now being 2,000 Feet of New WM seizures in Detroit is t only action taken agains Walkers, ns a lafge quantity of liquor | -- was taken possession of by 1 nitesd | States authorities at Milsaukee a few Program: Sand 1 Entire Change PrEX Sketeh Artist, and Cartoomist HARRY THORNTON wal Academy, in Pianologue and SATCH! Black Face Talking and Dancing Comed- otures from the Lon Bown, food | of New York wit rated Songs ving Pictures. ns SAM CC, MANDELS be are vonliscat the had. The not the on made Steamers North King "AND Caspian --Commencing-- Saterday, June 27th Leave Swift's Wharf daily ex. Monday at 10.15 a.m., for Home at 4.15 days ago Robert the torney ding with local gove nt INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up 8v Reporters On Their Rounds. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Blair, Perth, aelebrated the fiftietht anniversary of their marriage Puesday Thé "First Sunday school Brophy's Point, Welsh, North Croshy, ninety six vears. Mrs of Kingston, is a wssistant in State herve 1] Aflen, special of the United general's office, is ery at confer ollicinls on Congregationnl held its picnic to-tlay church at is dead, Charles daugh John aged Densmore, ter John Flett, general organizer American Federation of Labor, has been in the city the past lew days went: to Brockville, to-day It ts feared that the wharf at Gana noque will way the of water; the supports and nearby sheds are cept for the | the 1,000 Islands. who | | pom. J. P. HANLEY, Agent. give winder pres wonk- endanger unre Sur © WOOD AND PEBBLES ening, ed, Miss Leah Fralick, bridesmaid at the marriage in June 24th, of Miss Inez Cowan, to J, Frederick Bonter, William Boater, Trenton | J. Pettit, B.A. of St Thomas | south Collegiate Institute staff, has resigned, | a heavy t to accept the position of senior his-| wood at depths of 560 and 585 fect. tory master in the Peterboro- Collegi- | The wood isin a fair state of preser ate lpstitute, He is a Queen's gradu- though" it has the appearance ate of having been charred by fire. With it Miss Lulu Carman, of ro was: the young woman drowned at he Clayton, N.Y Thursday evening along with Idward Wells, with whom was sailing. All worked at Fron Waldo G. Paine, who is custodian of Park. a 86.000 fund contributed by ness men of this city in the search for oil, says it is the hehef of pros pectors that the drill encounter ed what was once a forest, leveled the force o1 a mighty river in remote part, when the country tary to Spokané wus turned by a tremendous seismic disturbance. The drill which struck the wood recently droppedl fifty-eight feet in loss than three seconds and was followed by "a Posh of water These recent geological theory crust in this part bably to a depth of been built up through the BNCOPREINE eruptions of lava great fissures in the earth the thick covering of was laid the winds eruptions. Found Far Down in Old Mother Earth, Wash.,, June 3,000-i00t well for oil near Lenox, Wesh., thirty of Spokane, workmen operating dritl encountered pebbles and Kingston, was Picton, Laura | Spokane, | sinkmy a | farm of 27.--While on on a miles son of vation, Albany, N.Y. land the pebbles was a sabstance sembling becswax. The pieces will sont to the Washington State Colles at Pullman for examination. on whe tenae busi- NEWS OF DISTRICT. has In the tribu over The Tidings From Various Foints in Eastern Ontario. Mrs. Archibald Clarke has purchas od a house in West Napanee, and is moving in. Messys. Dafoe & Waller have pur- chased the stock 'of the Kathbun Co's lumber yard in Napatee. R. 4 "Daly, Napanee, has received the degree of master of arts from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadel: phia. ? J. H. Stoness has struck a' rich deposit of mica on 0. Traynor's farm, North and is developing the property. A. A. Bowen, Kemptville, has been appointed chief elevator inspector for the province of Ontario by the domin- lon vovernment John H. Lane, brother Lane, Picton, died at-his home gary, Alta., on 11th of May, sixty-nine years. He was a native Prince Edward. On Friday last, Thoebe Ann Me- Lean, a well-known lady of Napdnee, passe" gway, aged years. Deceased leaves one sister in Napanee! one brother. 'The remains were to Harrowsmith for interment. Daniel McGratton, Amherst land, spent a couple of weeks visiting Mrs. Robert Welsh, in Picton. Mrs. Mptifatton was born ninety years ago Christmas, 1998, and can still thread the finest needle and sew beautifully, | oomfirm the that the earth's of the country, pro 2,000 feet, discoveries has of from that ash the ages Croshy, i y ang basaltic by following of W, D. TO HOLD AQUATIC EVENTS. in Cal aged of On Dominion Day--The Pro- gramme Arranged The Kingston yacht club commiticé held a meeting fast ing to arrange for a seriek of aquatic events for Dominion day. MM | decided to have a handicap race sailing yachts over 5 windward leeward course and a for boats. J. H. Mabnee and James Con way were appointed a committee to arrange - a handichp for the motor t hoats A uinghy race will also be i held as well as racing and tilt ing events, and possibly swimming race Prizes will be for the different events and day's sport is expected, ailing © rai will start at 10 ¢ oli power hoat race at 10:15, andht dinghy race at 10:30, followed by, the events, a_i Battery Team Defaulted, The RG. H.A. baseball team default ed to the Young Irishmen, this afternoon there , was only ong Emeralds VE, regatiy everr sixty-one was for aru power and taken Mrs, race Is- as Canoe on ' a wn good Troubles Among The Bandsmen. Uttawa, June 27.~The military ar rest of seven bandsmen, a petition fox the resignation of the band master, police court case, a band turnout, which was a farce, the resignation of one of 'more of 'the band, the. threat ened resignation of over bali of the bandsmen and the possibility of a formation of an independent band are features of the troubles which been brewing for some time 3rd DLC.O.R. Regimental band, and which' now assumed a critical stage, and may require straightening out hy the mifitary department. 'lL he are taking these steps to rid selves of Bandmaster Hiscott, cawe here from London. a canos 80 the have Locomotive in the game, | Works, MAKING IMPROVEMENTS, Of Minor Nature to Tete de Ponti Barracks, Smith, architect, is superin repairs and improvements to I'ete de Pont Barracks' buildingw®™y, men them- | who HP { tending SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1908, EE CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion le. 8 word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter balf cent a word. Blipimum charge for one in sertion, 25¢. ; three inseryons, hy 2 DOCTOR'S Buward for ret BUCO LOST. Y MEDICINE urn Whig ing 10 MONEY AND BUSINESS. CASE ocr six, $1; one month, $3. OUR POLICIES WANTED-MALE, SALESMAN EXP ing Rubber Goods clear over Hu, Sirnight commission 062, New York. ~ WANTED-FEMALE, COOK, AT ROCKWOOD HOS Best of references required to the Bursar JENCED SELL to Hospitals Car with our lite only. Box 1,- ot Square, LIVERPOOL, Fire which perty new & Strange, Goon pital. Apply A ONE EXPERIENCED DINING girl and one kitchen girl ferences. Murray 1 Bar Opinacon Club, Chafley's 44 , ROOM SEWE ns --M AKE SANIT ARY at hone ; materials guroished per hundred. Particulars stemp- envelope. Dap 2840, Dearborn Co., Chicago LI LADY belts $15 ed Specialty WANTED--GENERAL. T FISHING roels, office, TACKLE, 2 STE EL ete. Apply Box | Ph RODS, Whig THE FORMER TO act as stableman, the latter as cook. Best of referenced required. Apply to Bursar, dlockwood Hospital. COMFORTABLE-PARLOR AND BED room by respectable wentletnon hoard with fan preferred Apply to Box ; > re Whig office. THE OPPORTUNITY 'TO FURNISH estiwates. on electric work. All kinde of work promptly done. ¥, J. Birch Electrician, 206 Wellingtop street, ASHES 0UT OF yards or cellars, og other baggage carted. Prices right. Apply to 8S, Lytle, General Carter, 35 Main St. A JOB CLEANING RISKS household eff ON CLs FIR® INSURANCE dwellings and companips SUrance assole $41,187.21 the Bolo have security the unlimited abliiry of ald the stockholders, insured rates. Before renewing old or giving business get COVER MO building and contents than aay olher company offers. Goodwin's Insurance Emporium, Marks JJONDON AND GLOBE Available In addition ¢ Hompany . Farm and at lowest rates from gents. "Phone, The least bother- some boarder you will ever have will come to you in answer to a Want Ad. ARCHITECTS. Examine them RE OF at fo city pro- possible Stran, B68, ss Prompt and liberal R. C, Dobbs & Co ce, Cor, ARTHUR ELLIS, Queen and Bagot streets. ARCHITEC T, OF. DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 81 Brock St. HENRY elo. 'Phone; r. SMITH, Anchor Buil divi, Market Squares ARC HITECT next, to Bibby" . Livery. FACHER, FOR S.8 ship of Pittsburgh, NO. 5, TOWN- Professional Cer- duties to chant"s Bank and Wellingto com POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MFERs corner Building, nn streets. 'Phe FOR SALE, A SECON] HAND BABY. GARRMAG ply Hs Office. : CARRIAGE, TWO McCann, 51 Hrock CANO Y TOP » ¥ » seats. Apply to street, rere eames ves ere TWO GOOD HOUSES Wellington street. Cunningham, NOS Apply 60 AND AJR, 63 QueAY A first LADY'S condition ' care Whig office RICYOLE, IN Apply iF. alass CHEAP, WELSH >» PONY wunted harness Sleigh and alk in good condition sent on application South Lenvastey BRASS child's Phot Apply Ont 2086 BAGOT ST CONVENIENTLY located and confortable solid brick house, savan rooms, moderna improves ments. ngpection may be arranged by telephone. J, Ma Phone, er 30 Y Register; includ and recd. on 2 P buggies and 1 trap, very siviish Parland, 339.341 NATIONAL fr charge sCoount Kevs al two-seated high Apply Jas. Me King street. Cush THE RIGHT TO and soil in CAnada tive practicak and quickest selling noveity sign' on the market Write to-day speefal ter Address Al Sigg Muncie, Indiana, Us. MANUFACTURE the most atirace Co., t } S. A. FOR THF MONTH OF JUNE offer the balgnce of stock, conshling of Buggies, Runahouts SNtanhaopes and Business Waggons, at » reduction of the regular selling price, from ten to twenty-five dollars, & you want to get a good rig at a low priee, ROW is your chance. James Laturnay The Carriage Maker, Princess Mt 1 WILL TO-LET. FURNISHED DWRLLING, storage for furniture, 51 Brock street; OR BOOMS, "a. McCann NOS. 77 and 79 all modern let May. ALFRED improvements Apply A. B, STREET, Possession Cunningham, SUMMER COTTAGH unfurnished on NB Rideau. - Apply to oJ URNISHED OR awrenee aod Mel ann, 51 Brock né, 213. tificate preferred mence August 175 Apply qualifications and salary expected y Eilis, Sec.-Treas., Pitislerry stating to s WM, ». ep Store, doorner streets 'Phone 608. SITUATIONS WANTED. E XPERI Y NURSE NEWLANDS, Fintranoe Princess on Bago ARCHITECT, secohd floor over Mahood's Dru and Bago t street, MARRIAGE LICENSES, | OFa | street | BRIC K HOUSH, modern gas for eooking, ply 419 Johnson 417 convenienees, new St JONINSON BT. redecora be a, plumbing. Ape [LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN BX. change Chambers, No, 118 Brock Sg Apply to Geo. Cliff, Real Fetale Broker, 95 Clarence street. MAT wants nursing by week or month. First-class references from the best medical doctors. Apply Nurse Atkios, 2s Montreal street. C, 8. KIRKPATRICK, Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St, THB ER oF SITUATIONS VACANT. WEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- PERSONAL. trade. Graduates earn twelve to oh de dollars week] Help secure positions. Will equip whops: Cou stant practice. Careful. instructions Few weeks complete gotirse. Jata- logue free. Write Moler Barber College, Toronto, _; | : HAIR, warts, etc. without soar. ence, Dr Nose, Thros Specialint EXCURSION T0 TORONTO Under Ladies' Ald of Queen St. Metho- dist Church, FRIDAY, July 10th, | via G.T.R. Un on ha Unitarian attempt religious though f to stir the mv religious in 1 1 tradn leaves Kingston, 8 $3.35; Napanee, 8.056 a.m. , and Belleville, $40 a.m a. fare , fare jown 85. Kingston tickets good to return on all} 18 found trains except No. 4 to July 138th ; anee and Belleville tickets good to 11th J uly nan 1s exer | onal perception | truth is the fa {| That he may | con, 0 union a 3 entirely MINING NOTICE, "= ire lig ious thoug h On June 30, Unitarian in his NORTHERN MINING CO vance from 10 cents to per share, The made in installing a working out | fit and a gang experienced | i 1908 the LARDER 'S shares GREAT LAKE | Address, Rev. ad- street, | 25 Sepits | fata ture, will Beacon progress alrea of miners and the already uncovered warrant Until then applications | will be at the | share, pr omising veins such | The instructions ir a raise. for shares taken present price of 10 cents a par value $1, non-assessable. fully paid.ug and l At their Great Northern Larder! eat Lake Mining Company, [Ea var LIMITED. Will Not Recommend Him. order to make them more habytgdie Only the most necessary things are Ottawa, June 25.-- Bones" Allen brought in by the pital lacrosse | being done, we the militia depariment team on the understanding that hel intends to spend as little as possible would be given another government [on these old buildings, the proposal Job, has been refused 5 recommend by being to erect a new barracks on the the liberal association. They refuse|fort site in ja couple offvenrs.: in futiire to ask a position \ for al Tete de Pont has been im had co man in the civil service because of his tion for w long time, and devoid' of ability in sport, all modern impwovements, even in the -{officers' departments. ; bo Baseball On Friday, Eastern League--Providence a8 Montreal, 0. Jere City, 5. Toronto, 1. Bafialo, 8; Newark, 6. Baltimore, 9: Rochester, 7. : American, Le Washington, § Boston, #, Philadelphia 6: New York, 4. Bt. Louis, 4; Detroit, 3 Cleydland, 4: Chicago, 2. ' Xntignal League-Chirago, 8: Cinein- nati, 5. New York, 2 Boston, 0. Pittshurg, 12. St. Lows, I Gohe To Episcopal Church. Rev. Pr. Charles J. Cameron, a Presbyterian minister, formerly pastor of West Green stroot church, at Nine teenth and Green sireets, Philadelphia, has entered the ministry of the Bpis- copal church. He is a Queen's gradu- ate and was formerly a teacher in the Kingston Collegiate institute, ' The Cheese Markets. Brantford, Ont'. June 26. ~Offered, 1.335: sold. 245 at He. Alexdndria, Out. June 26 Today 1,142 boxes white: sold at 12 1.26. Perth,' Ont, June 26.--1700 boxes boarded; sold at 12¢. . May Have A Line. Montreal, June 27 - Negotiations are Row in progiesy a Chambre de Copimeres for 'fhe' axtap- lishmént of a digect steamship ° -- between Marséiffes; France, and Can- ada. It 8 believed that considerabie business ould he done. How muoeh Life Crushed Out. Ottawa, June 27.-A pile of lumber teil on Frede ick Simpson af Mason's mill, Ottawa, on Saturday morn morning, and erushed out bis Life, He was Lom Signed STAN. WALKER, Presi-| dent, 404 McKinnon Building, Toronto, Ont. Now lying at K The sa veupel, of beam ¢ngine Register ayde---is about w heel j with iritish of |» the 4 This company has 560 acres what they believe will prove fore and | tor wr passenger and r S00 equiganent light plant TERMS OF to be paid at {balance is Wr cent notion of Inspection Pi Sr ger distriet. TAXES, 1908. Tay your Taxes on or before the 30th | June and save discount. Collection of Sina ned . Bon, all unpaid BUSINESS and INCOME | onto, Taxes will be , enforced . after JULY FIRST, interest The boat 0. V. BARTHLS, Fapmet price of $1 Cotlector. | 3 MOLES, Elmer J THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT to Nap-{ tion of mental ec ming arrive undersigned warerooms, Toronto, Claws Keclsons and steel aft, complete, SALE the time threw and six gronths, Ioterim lLiguwidators way be also procured Conditions of Sale will be sold subject BIRTH removed; perp Twenty Lake, and Skin 8 Bagot street. -- itarian. does the m merely oe church hape tL 1 1 that it hinking not the ympulsi may Hen least on r his in the t of chiel faculty earch ny at this « v result secondary Ls free t, amd belief, and think Lae will £. WW. 4 toston, Mass. ---- have om the offer for sale by . PUBLIC AUCTION We 11th, at 11 ngeton, Where d Stentwer | Wooden w and was hull 13 "or font arch in w bu 20%) It excursion richest gold-bearing rock in that during last season held Canadian for w, and has ow including "wl }pse ol sale th secured to the lAquidator. of the Sfhewmer may > R plication to E 85 Seott from 1,000 SUCKLING & CO, Auet of sue aAsson, at Court she thi ®t reat MARKS manently, years' experi Eye, ar, Blfmish REV. C. W. CASSON. A Challenge To Thinkers Wt do it we "1 Coal yortance '" that h exer ane for the PUBLIC AUCTION received | to llington | on SATUR- o'clock THE PASSENGER STEAMER |: " ARGYLE" Ey paseiel le ret 1800 Inland ada prod pn Bnd oensd tit aad electric rd cash and the with 8 eo satis be { Tor whom to an LTS, Band Pienie | Washburn, ton the steamer day. Recent visi Mrs, Brophy's Point, on July 1s Wolfe Islander #1 16 am, Br Faves foot of Mre might and 3.90 pon. 12 Knight, i Primgle's; J and Mrs, Lyon Clarenve Sg. teen years of age, i it did't Mave 30 fast §: Return Fare, 25¢ and 15¢, Bamuel Dempesy, at' Walter Toner's: Pell at Washburn Notes. June 24 ~Aduite a Under Auspicéis of Salvation Army to | attended the excnrsion to Jones Rideau hing o Mr Lore were © of Cal More Kingston, BE Kelly at W. at son's; Mry, Yhulay at WN, Woods's Jackson and Balls'; few Fally n Mont and abogie Mr Mr Patter DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI ure, goods, ete. Separate rooms and F own lock and key. G. Frost, torage Agent and Uarriages Paloter, 209 Queen St: 'Phone, 530, LARGE AND MEDIUM S1209 BRIGHT well ventilated roots, for the simn- mer in "The Residences, at Inters woe tion of West, Nari amd Clergy Ss 174 Barl street. Coal! Wood For the best quality get | Swift's Vessel arriving loads of freshly mined Order now for next winter. James Swift & Co { Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies | In Connection with New York Cen« tral & Hudson River R.R. | Leave Kingston daily, exeept Sunday 5.00 am. and 2.00 pon . leave Kinguton 4.30 p.n Leave Cape Vincent dail y. and 6.15 p.m Making direct Bunday, 7.30 a.m. and 10.50 au. mg connections dt J Vincent tq and from ail points in fare York State. Through slecper Uape Vine cent to Now York : Wook end ropnd trip rate Kingston te Watertown, good: going Saturday o unday, returning up to and include Monday, $1.66 FRONTENAC 4, PER CENT DEBENTURES. NDERS ADDRESSED Io reigned and marked Tender tu will Re rec a 85 tur the r . RUAY hase of wix debentures Bn 1909 1910 191 1912 1915 19186 5,572.00. 1¢ 19138... 5022.74; 19 Fach tender must duly 2nd, to which mnt fw added to date b a AL 18 Guote offer ay a ot] interes of delivery and cso far ks possibie debentures 00 ench t : Dated at Kingston this 24th day June, A.D. 1908, ' KIRKPATRICK, ROGERS & Ni¢ KLE, DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's use, in irregularitipe or supression, at all Droggiets, or by mail, 32, PR, LITTLE MEDICINE © 0., Toronto, Oni. "Notice of Removal, L. Sang, Laundry, has removed from 206 Barris St., Cor. Clergy ary of fo SAM EEE'S, 350 Johnson Bi Brock 2 x » - IR di de de % Ay

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